Bug#362095: Grub menu.lst file having ! instead of /

Earl Sullaway esullaway at yahoo.com
Wed Apr 12 08:03:42 UTC 2006

Package: Grub
  Version: 0.97-5
  New install of 'etch', dowloaded netinstall image 4-11-06, with 2.6 kernel on a HP/Compaq DL360 with RAID array.
  After installation, the server would not boot correcly.
  the file '/boot/grub/menu.lst' had the following:
  The line(s) containg 'root=/dev/cciss!c0d0p1'
  I had to change it to 'root=/dev/cciss/c0d0p1' to get it to boot
  I had a similar issue with lilo on the same machine using sarge about 1 month ago, I am not certain the problem is with Grub or the 'debian installer'.

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