[Pkg-haskell-commits] r1039 - in /packages/haskell-hsql: ./ branches/ branches/upstream/ branches/upstream/current/ branches/upstream/current/Database/ branches/upstream/current/Database/HSQL/

arjan at users.alioth.debian.org arjan at users.alioth.debian.org
Sun Feb 3 18:25:38 UTC 2008

Author: arjan
Date: Sun Feb  3 18:25:38 2008
New Revision: 1039

URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-haskell/?sc=1&rev=1039
[svn-inject] Installing original source of haskell-hsql

    packages/haskell-hsql/branches/upstream/current/Database/HSQL.hsc   (with props)
    packages/haskell-hsql/branches/upstream/current/Database/HSQL/Types.hs   (with props)
    packages/haskell-hsql/branches/upstream/current/Setup.lhs   (with props)
    packages/haskell-hsql/branches/upstream/current/hsql.cabal   (with props)

Added: packages/haskell-hsql/branches/upstream/current/Database/HSQL.hsc
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-haskell/packages/haskell-hsql/branches/upstream/current/Database/HSQL.hsc?rev=1039&op=file
--- packages/haskell-hsql/branches/upstream/current/Database/HSQL.hsc (added)
+++ packages/haskell-hsql/branches/upstream/current/Database/HSQL.hsc Sun Feb  3 18:25:38 2008
@@ -1,0 +1,607 @@
+{-| Module      :  Database.HSQL.ODBC
+    Copyright   :  (c) Krasimir Angelov 2003
+    License     :  BSD-style
+    Maintainer  :  ka2_mail at yahoo.com
+    Stability   :  provisional
+    Portability :  portable
+    The module provides an abstract database interface
+module Database.HSQL
+	(
+	-- * Connect\/Disconnect
+	  Connection
+	, disconnect        -- :: Connection -> IO ()
+	-- * Command Execution Functions
+	-- | Once a connection to a database has been successfully established, 
+	-- the functions described here are used to perform SQL queries and commands.
+	, execute           -- :: Connection -> String -> IO ()
+	, Statement
+	, query             -- :: Connection -> String -> IO Statement
+	, closeStatement    -- :: Statement -> IO ()
+	, fetch             -- :: Statement -> IO Bool
+	-- * Retrieving Statement values and types
+	, FieldDef, SqlType(..), SqlBind, toSqlValue
+	, getFieldValue     -- :: SqlBind a => Statement -> String -> IO a
+	, getFieldValueMB
+	, getFieldValue'    -- :: SqlBind a => Statement -> String -> a -> IO a
+	, getFieldValueType -- :: Statement -> String -> (SqlType, Bool)
+	, getFieldsTypes    -- :: Statement -> [(String, SqlType, Bool)]
+	-- * Transactions
+	, inTransaction     -- :: Connection -> (Connection -> IO a) -> IO a
+	-- * SQL Exceptions handling
+	, SqlError(..)
+	, catchSql          -- :: IO a -> (SqlError -> IO a) -> IO a
+	, handleSql         -- :: (SqlError -> IO a) -> IO a -> IO a
+	, sqlExceptions     -- :: Exception -> Maybe SqlError
+	-- * Utilities
+	, forEachRow        -- :: (Statement -> s -> IO s) -- ^ an action
+	, forEachRow'       -- :: (Statement -> IO ()) -> Statement -> IO ()
+	, collectRows       -- :: (Statement -> IO a) -> Statement -> IO [a]
+	-- * Metadata
+	, tables            -- :: Connection -> IO [String]
+	, describe          -- :: Connection -> String -> IO [FieldDef]
+	-- * Extra types
+	, Point(..), Line(..), Path(..), Box(..), Circle(..), Polygon(..)
+	) where
+import Prelude hiding (catch)
+import Foreign
+import Foreign.C
+import Data.Int
+import Data.Char
+import Data.Dynamic
+import System.Time
+import System.IO.Unsafe(unsafePerformIO)
+import Control.Monad(when,unless,mplus)
+import Control.Exception (throwDyn, catchDyn, dynExceptions, Exception(..), finally, catch, throwIO)
+import Control.Concurrent.MVar
+import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP
+import Text.Read
+import Text.Read.Lex
+import Numeric
+import Database.HSQL.Types
+#include <time.h>
+-- routines for exception handling
+catchSql :: IO a -> (SqlError -> IO a) -> IO a
+catchSql = catchDyn
+handleSql :: (SqlError -> IO a) -> IO a -> IO a
+handleSql h f = catchDyn f h
+sqlExceptions :: Exception -> Maybe SqlError
+sqlExceptions e = dynExceptions e >>= fromDynamic
+checkHandle :: MVar Bool -> IO a -> IO a
+checkHandle ref action =
+	withMVar ref (\closed -> when closed (throwDyn SqlClosedHandle) >> action)
+closeHandle :: MVar Bool -> IO () -> IO ()
+closeHandle ref action =
+	modifyMVar_ ref (\closed -> unless closed action >> return True)
+-- Operations on the connection
+-- | Closes the connection. Performing 'disconnect' on a connection that has already been 
+-- closed has no effect. All other operations on a closed connection will fail.
+disconnect :: Connection -> IO ()
+disconnect conn = closeHandle (connClosed conn) (connDisconnect conn)
+-- | Submits a command to the database.
+execute :: Connection  -- ^ the database connection
+        -> String      -- ^ the text of SQL command
+        -> IO ()
+execute conn query = checkHandle (connClosed conn) (connExecute conn query)
+-- | Executes a query and returns a result set
+query :: Connection    -- ^ the database connection
+      -> String        -- ^ the text of SQL query
+      -> IO Statement  -- ^ the associated statement. Must be closed with 
+                       -- the 'closeStatement' function
+query conn query = checkHandle (connClosed conn) (connQuery conn query)
+-- | List all tables in the database.
+tables :: Connection   -- ^ Database connection
+       -> IO [String]  -- ^ The names of all tables in the database.
+tables conn = checkHandle (connClosed conn) (connTables conn)
+-- | List all columns in a table along with their types and @nullable@ flags
+describe :: Connection    -- ^ Database connection
+	 -> String        -- ^ Name of a database table
+	 -> IO [FieldDef] -- ^ The list of fields in the table
+describe conn table = checkHandle (connClosed conn) (connDescribe conn table)
+-- transactions
+-- | The 'inTransaction' function executes the specified action in transaction mode.
+-- If the action completes successfully then the transaction will be commited.
+-- If the action completes with an exception then the transaction will be rolled back
+-- and the exception will be throw again.
+inTransaction :: Connection
+              -> (Connection -> IO a)  -- ^ an action
+              -> IO a                  -- ^ the returned value is the result returned from action
+inTransaction conn action = do
+	checkHandle (connClosed conn) (connBeginTransaction conn)
+	r <- catch (action conn) (\err -> do
+			checkHandle (connClosed conn) (connRollbackTransaction conn)
+			throwIO err)
+	checkHandle (connClosed conn) (connCommitTransaction conn)
+	return r
+-- Operations on the statements
+-- | 'fetch' fetches the next rowset of data from the result set.
+-- The values from columns can be retrieved with 'getFieldValue' function.
+fetch :: Statement -> IO Bool
+fetch stmt = checkHandle (stmtClosed stmt) (stmtFetch stmt)
+-- | 'closeStatement' stops processing associated with a specific statement, closes any open cursors
+-- associated with the statement, discards pending results, and frees all resources associated with
+-- the statement. Performing 'closeStatement' on a statement that has already been 
+-- closed has no effect. All other operations on a closed statement will fail.
+closeStatement :: Statement -> IO ()
+closeStatement stmt = closeHandle (stmtClosed stmt) (stmtClose stmt)
+-- | Returns the type and the @nullable@ flag for field with specified name
+getFieldValueType :: Statement -> String -> (SqlType, Bool)
+getFieldValueType stmt name = (sqlType, nullable)
+	where
+		(sqlType,nullable,colNumber) = findFieldInfo name (stmtFields stmt) 0
+-- | Returns the list of fields with their types and @nullable@ flags
+getFieldsTypes :: Statement -> [(String, SqlType, Bool)]
+getFieldsTypes stmt = stmtFields stmt
+findFieldInfo :: String -> [FieldDef] -> Int -> (SqlType,Bool,Int)
+findFieldInfo name [] colNumber = throwDyn (SqlUnknownField name)
+findFieldInfo name (fieldDef@(name',sqlType,nullable):fields) colNumber
+	| name == name' = (sqlType,nullable,colNumber)
+	| otherwise     = findFieldInfo name fields $! (colNumber+1)
+-- binding
+foreign import ccall "stdlib.h atoi" c_atoi :: CString -> IO Int
+#ifdef mingw32_TARGET_OS
+foreign import ccall "stdlib.h _atoi64" c_atoi64 :: CString -> IO Int64
+foreign import ccall "stdlib.h strtoll" c_strtoll :: CString -> Ptr CString -> Int -> IO Int64
+instance SqlBind a => SqlBind (Maybe a) where
+  fromSqlCStringLen fieldDef cstr cstrLen
+    | cstr == nullPtr = return Nothing
+    | otherwise       = do v <- fromSqlCStringLen fieldDef cstr cstrLen
+                           return (Just v)
+  fromSqlValue tp s   = Just (fromSqlValue tp s)
+  toSqlValue (Just v) = toSqlValue v
+  toSqlValue Nothing  = "null"
+instance SqlBind Int where
+  fromSqlCStringLen (name,sqlType,_) cstr cstrLen
+    | cstr == nullPtr        = throwDyn (SqlFetchNull name)
+    | sqlType==SqlInteger || 
+      sqlType==SqlMedInt  ||
+      sqlType==SqlTinyInt ||
+      sqlType==SqlSmallInt||
+      sqlType==SqlBigInt     = c_atoi cstr
+    | otherwise              = throwDyn (SqlBadTypeCast name sqlType)
+  fromSqlValue SqlInteger  s = Just (read s)
+  fromSqlValue SqlMedInt   s = Just (read s)
+  fromSqlValue SqlTinyInt  s = Just (read s)
+  fromSqlValue SqlSmallInt s = Just (read s)
+  fromSqlValue SqlBigInt   s = Just (read s)
+  fromSqlValue SqlDouble   s = Just (truncate (read s :: Double))
+  fromSqlValue SqlText     s = Just (read s)
+  fromSqlValue _ _           = Nothing
+  toSqlValue s = show s
+instance SqlBind Int64 where
+  fromSqlCStringLen (name,sqlType,_) cstr cstrLen
+    | cstr == nullPtr        = throwDyn (SqlFetchNull name)
+    | sqlType==SqlInteger ||
+      sqlType==SqlMedInt  ||
+      sqlType==SqlTinyInt ||
+      sqlType==SqlSmallInt||
+      sqlType==SqlBigInt     =
+#ifdef mingw32_TARGET_OS
+	                       c_atoi64 cstr
+	                       c_strtoll cstr nullPtr 10
+    | otherwise              = throwDyn (SqlBadTypeCast name sqlType)
+  fromSqlValue SqlInteger s = Just (read s)
+  fromSqlValue SqlMedInt s   = Just (read s)
+  fromSqlValue SqlTinyInt s  = Just (read s)
+  fromSqlValue SqlSmallInt s = Just (read s)
+  fromSqlValue SqlBigInt s = Just (read s)
+  fromSqlValue SqlDouble s = Just (truncate (read s :: Double))
+  fromSqlValue SqlText   s = Just (read s)
+  fromSqlValue _ s = Nothing
+  toSqlValue val = show val
+instance SqlBind Integer where
+	fromSqlValue SqlInteger  s = Just (read s)
+	fromSqlValue SqlMedInt s   = Just (read s)
+	fromSqlValue SqlTinyInt s  = Just (read s)
+	fromSqlValue SqlSmallInt s = Just (read s)
+	fromSqlValue SqlBigInt   s = Just (read s)
+	fromSqlValue SqlDouble s = Just (truncate (read s :: Double))
+	fromSqlValue SqlText   s = Just (read s)
+	fromSqlValue _ _           = Nothing
+	toSqlValue s = show s
+instance SqlBind String where
+	fromSqlValue _ = Just
+	toSqlValue s = '\'' : foldr mapChar "'" s
+		where
+			mapChar '\\'   s = '\\':'\\':s
+			mapChar '\''   s = '\\':'\'':s
+			mapChar '\n'   s = '\\':'n' :s
+			mapChar '\r'   s = '\\':'r' :s
+			mapChar '\t'   s = '\\':'t' :s
+			mapChar '\NUL' s = '\\':'0' :s
+			mapChar c      s = c        :s
+instance SqlBind Bool where
+	fromSqlValue SqlBit s = Just (s == "t")
+	fromSqlValue _ _ = Nothing
+	toSqlValue True  = "'t'"
+	toSqlValue False = "'f'"
+instance SqlBind Double where
+	fromSqlValue (SqlDecimal _ _) s = Just (read s)
+	fromSqlValue (SqlNumeric _ _) s = Just (read s)
+	fromSqlValue SqlDouble  s = Just (read s)
+	fromSqlValue SqlReal s = Just (read s)
+	fromSqlValue SqlFloat s = Just (read s)
+	fromSqlValue SqlText   s = Just (read s)
+	fromSqlValue _ _ = Nothing
+	toSqlValue d = show d
+instance SqlBind Float where
+	fromSqlValue (SqlDecimal _ _) s = Just (read s)
+	fromSqlValue (SqlNumeric _ _) s = Just (read s)
+	fromSqlValue SqlDouble  s = Just (read s)
+	fromSqlValue SqlReal s = Just (read s)
+	fromSqlValue SqlFloat s = Just (read s)
+	fromSqlValue SqlText   s = Just (read s)
+	fromSqlValue _ _ = Nothing
+	toSqlValue d = show d
+mkClockTime :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> ClockTime
+mkClockTime year mon mday hour min sec tz =
+	unsafePerformIO $ do
+		allocaBytes (#const sizeof(struct tm)) $ \ p_tm -> do
+			(#poke struct tm,tm_sec  ) p_tm	(fromIntegral sec  :: CInt)
+			(#poke struct tm,tm_min  ) p_tm	(fromIntegral min  :: CInt)
+			(#poke struct tm,tm_hour ) p_tm	(fromIntegral hour :: CInt)
+			(#poke struct tm,tm_mday ) p_tm	(fromIntegral mday :: CInt)
+			(#poke struct tm,tm_mon  ) p_tm	(fromIntegral (mon-1) :: CInt)
+			(#poke struct tm,tm_year ) p_tm	(fromIntegral (year-1900) :: CInt)
+			(#poke struct tm,tm_isdst) p_tm	(-1 :: CInt)
+			t <- mktime p_tm
+#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 603
+			return (TOD (fromIntegral (fromEnum t) + fromIntegral (tz-currTZ)) 0)
+			return (TOD (fromIntegral t + fromIntegral (tz-currTZ)) 0)
+foreign import ccall unsafe mktime :: Ptr () -> IO CTime
+{-# NOINLINE currTZ #-}
+currTZ :: Int
+currTZ = ctTZ (unsafePerformIO (getClockTime >>= toCalendarTime))                  -- Hack
+parseTZ :: ReadP Int
+parseTZ =  (char '+' >> readDecP) `mplus` (char '-' >> fmap negate readDecP)
+f_read :: ReadP a -> String -> Maybe a
+f_read f s = case readP_to_S f s of {[(x,_)] -> Just x}
+readHMS :: ReadP (Int, Int, Int)
+readHMS = do
+	  hour  <- readDecP
+	  char ':'
+	  minutes <- readDecP
+	  char ':'
+	  seconds <- readDecP
+	  return (hour, minutes, seconds)
+readYMD :: ReadP (Int, Int, Int)
+readYMD = do
+	  year  <- readDecP
+	  char '-'
+	  month <- readDecP
+	  char '-'
+	  day   <- readDecP
+	  return (year, month, day)
+readDateTime :: ReadP (Int, Int, Int, Int, Int, Int)
+readDateTime = do
+	       (year, month, day) <- readYMD
+	       skipSpaces
+	       (hour, minutes, seconds) <- readHMS
+	       return (year, month, day, hour, minutes, seconds)
+instance SqlBind ClockTime where
+	fromSqlValue SqlTimeTZ s = f_read getTimeTZ s
+		where
+			getTimeTZ :: ReadP ClockTime
+			getTimeTZ = do
+				    (hour, minutes, seconds) <- readHMS
+				    (char '.' >> readDecP) `mplus` (return 0)
+				    tz <- parseTZ
+				    return (mkClockTime 1970 1 1 hour minutes seconds (tz*3600))
+	fromSqlValue SqlTime s = f_read getTime s
+		where
+			getTime :: ReadP ClockTime
+			getTime = do
+				  (hour, minutes, seconds) <- readHMS
+				  return (mkClockTime 1970 1 1 hour minutes seconds currTZ)
+	fromSqlValue SqlDate s = f_read getDate s
+		where
+			getDate :: ReadP ClockTime
+			getDate = do
+				  (year, month, day) <- readYMD
+				  return (mkClockTime year month day 0 0 0 currTZ)
+	fromSqlValue SqlDateTimeTZ s = f_read getDateTimeTZ s
+		where
+			getDateTimeTZ :: ReadP ClockTime
+			getDateTimeTZ = do
+				(year, month, day, hour, minutes, seconds) <- readDateTime
+				char '.' >> readDecP -- ) `mplus` (return 0)
+				tz    <- parseTZ
+				return (mkClockTime year month day hour minutes seconds (tz*3600))
+        -- The only driver which seems to report the type as SqlTimeStamp seems
+	-- to be the MySQL driver. MySQL (at least 4.1) uses the same format for datetime and 
+	-- timestamp columns.
+	-- Allow SqlText to support SQLite, which reports everything as SqlText
+        fromSqlValue t s | t == SqlDateTime || t == SqlTimeStamp || t == SqlText = f_read getDateTime s
+		where
+			getDateTime :: ReadP ClockTime
+			getDateTime = do
+				(year, month, day, hour, minutes, seconds) <- readDateTime
+				return (mkClockTime year month day hour minutes seconds currTZ)
+	fromSqlValue _ _ = Nothing
+	toSqlValue ct = '\'' : (shows (ctYear t) .
+                                score .
+                                shows (ctMonth t) .
+                                score .
+                                shows (ctDay t) .
+                                space .
+                                shows (ctHour t) .
+                                colon .
+                                shows (ctMin t) .
+                                colon .
+                                shows (ctSec t)) "'"
+                       where
+                         t = toUTCTime ct
+                         score = showChar '-'
+                         space = showChar ' '
+                         colon = showChar ':'
+data Point = Point Double Double deriving (Eq, Show)
+data Line   = Line Point Point deriving (Eq, Show)
+data Path  = OpenPath [Point] | ClosedPath [Point] deriving (Eq, Show)
+data Box   = Box Double Double Double Double deriving (Eq, Show)
+data Circle = Circle Point Double deriving (Eq, Show)
+data Polygon = Polygon [Point] deriving (Eq, Show)
+instance SqlBind Point where
+	fromSqlValue SqlPoint s = case read s of
+		(x,y) -> Just (Point x y)
+	fromSqlValue _ _ = Nothing
+	toSqlValue (Point x y) = '\'' : shows (x,y) "'"
+instance SqlBind Line where
+	fromSqlValue SqlLSeg s = case read s of
+		[(x1,y1),(x2,y2)] -> Just (Line (Point x1 y1) (Point x2 y2))
+	fromSqlValue _ _ = Nothing
+	toSqlValue (Line (Point x1 y1) (Point x2 y2)) = '\'' : shows [(x1,y1),(x2,y2)] "'"
+instance SqlBind Path where
+	fromSqlValue SqlPath ('(':s) = case read ("["++init s++"]") of   -- closed path
+		ps -> Just (ClosedPath (map  (\(x,y) -> Point x y) ps))
+	fromSqlValue SqlPath s = case read s of   -- closed path        -- open path
+		ps -> Just (OpenPath (map  (\(x,y) -> Point x y) ps))
+	fromSqlValue SqlLSeg s = case read s of
+		[(x1,y1),(x2,y2)] -> Just (OpenPath [(Point x1 y1),  (Point x2 y2)])
+	fromSqlValue SqlPoint s = case read s of
+		(x,y) -> Just (ClosedPath [Point x y])
+	fromSqlValue _ _ = Nothing
+	toSqlValue (OpenPath ps) = '\'' : shows ps "'"
+	toSqlValue (ClosedPath ps) = "'(" ++ init (tail (show ps)) ++ "')"
+instance SqlBind Box where
+	fromSqlValue SqlBox s = case read ("("++s++")") of
+		((x1,y1),(x2,y2)) -> Just (Box x1 y1 x2 y2)
+	fromSqlValue _ _ = Nothing
+	toSqlValue (Box x1 y1 x2 y2) = '\'' : shows ((x1,y1),(x2,y2)) "'"
+instance SqlBind Polygon where
+	fromSqlValue SqlPolygon s = case read ("["++init (tail s)++"]") of
+		ps -> Just (Polygon (map  (\(x,y) -> Point x y) ps))
+	fromSqlValue _ _ = Nothing
+	toSqlValue (Polygon ps) = "'(" ++ init (tail (show ps)) ++ "')"
+instance SqlBind Circle where
+	fromSqlValue SqlCircle s = case read ("("++init (tail s)++")") of
+		((x,y),r) -> Just (Circle (Point x y) r)
+	fromSqlValue _ _ = Nothing
+	toSqlValue (Circle (Point x y) r) = "'<" ++ show (x,y) ++ "," ++ show r ++ "'>"
+data INetAddr = INetAddr Int Int Int Int Int deriving (Eq,Show)
+instance SqlBind INetAddr where
+	fromSqlValue t s
+		| t == SqlINetAddr || t == SqlCIDRAddr =
+			case readNum s of
+				(x1,s) -> case readNum s of
+					(x2,s) -> case readNum s of
+						(x3,s) -> case readNum s of
+							(x4,s) -> case readNum s of
+								(mask,_) -> Just (INetAddr x1 x2 x3 x4 mask)
+		| otherwise = Nothing
+		where
+			readNum s = case readDec s of
+				[(x,'.':s)] -> (x,s)
+				[(x,'/':s)] -> (x,s)
+				[(x,"")]    -> (x,"")
+				_           -> (0,"")
+	toSqlValue (INetAddr x1 x2 x3 x4 mask) = '\'' :
+		(shows x1 .
+		 dot .
+		 shows x2.
+		 dot .
+		 shows x3 .
+		 dot .
+		 shows x4 .
+		 slash .
+		 shows mask) "'"
+		where
+			dot = showChar '.'
+			slash = showChar '/'
+data MacAddr = MacAddr Int Int Int Int Int Int deriving (Eq,Show)
+instance SqlBind MacAddr where
+	fromSqlValue SqlMacAddr s =
+		case readHex s of
+			[(x1,':':s)] -> case readHex s of
+				[(x2,':':s)] -> case readHex s of
+					[(x3,':':s)] -> case readHex s of
+						[(x4,':':s)] -> case readHex s of
+							[(x5,':':s)] -> case readHex s of
+								[(x6,_)] -> Just (MacAddr x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6)
+	fromSqlValue _ _ = Nothing
+	toSqlValue (MacAddr x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6) = '\'' :
+		(showHex x1 .
+		 colon .
+		 showHex x2 .
+		 colon .
+		 showHex x3 .
+		 colon .
+		 showHex x4 .
+		 colon .
+		 showHex x5 .
+		 colon .
+		 showHex x6) "'"
+		where
+			colon = showChar ':'
+			showHex = showIntAtBase 16 intToDigit
+-- | Retrieves the value of field with the specified name.
+getFieldValue :: SqlBind a => Statement
+                           -> String       -- ^ Field name
+                           -> IO a         -- ^ Field value
+getFieldValue stmt name = do
+  stmtGetCol stmt colNumber (name,sqlType,nullable) fromSqlCStringLen
+  where
+    (sqlType,nullable,colNumber) = findFieldInfo name (stmtFields stmt) 0
+{-# DEPRECATED getFieldValueMB "Use getFieldValue instead." #-}
+getFieldValueMB :: SqlBind a => Statement -> String -> IO (Maybe a)
+getFieldValueMB = getFieldValue
+-- | Retrieves the value of field with the specified name.
+-- If the field value is @null@ then the function will return the default value.
+getFieldValue' :: SqlBind a => Statement
+                            -> String     -- ^ Field name
+                            -> a          -- ^ Default field value
+                            -> IO a       -- ^ Field value
+getFieldValue' stmt name def = do
+  mb_v <- getFieldValue stmt name
+  return (case mb_v of { Nothing -> def; Just a -> a })
+-- helpers
+-- | The 'forEachRow' function iterates through the result set in 'Statement' and
+-- executes the given action for each row in the set. The function closes the 'Statement'
+-- after the last row processing or if the given action raises an exception.
+forEachRow :: (Statement -> s -> IO s) -- ^ an action
+           -> Statement                -- ^ the statement
+           -> s                        -- ^ initial state
+           -> IO s                     -- ^ final state
+forEachRow f stmt s = loop s `finally` closeStatement stmt
+    where
+        loop s = do
+	        success <- fetch stmt
+	        if success then f stmt s >>= loop else return s
+-- | The 'forEachRow\'' function is analogous to 'forEachRow' but doesn't provide state.
+-- The function closes the 'Statement' after the last row processing or if the given
+-- action raises an exception.
+forEachRow' :: (Statement -> IO ()) -> Statement -> IO ()
+forEachRow' f stmt = loop `finally` closeStatement stmt
+    where
+        loop = do
+	        success <- fetch stmt
+	        when success (f stmt >> loop)
+-- | The 'collectRows' function iterates through the result set in 'Statement' and
+-- executes the given action for each row in the set. The values returned from action
+-- are collected and returned as list. The function closes the 'Statement' after the
+-- last row processing or if the given action raises an exception.
+collectRows :: (Statement -> IO a) -> Statement -> IO [a]
+collectRows f stmt = loop `finally` closeStatement stmt
+	where
+		loop = do
+			success <- fetch stmt
+			if success
+				then do
+					x <- f stmt
+					xs <- loop
+					return (x:xs)
+				else return []

Propchange: packages/haskell-hsql/branches/upstream/current/Database/HSQL.hsc
    svn:executable = 

Added: packages/haskell-hsql/branches/upstream/current/Database/HSQL/Types.hs
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-haskell/packages/haskell-hsql/branches/upstream/current/Database/HSQL/Types.hs?rev=1039&op=file
--- packages/haskell-hsql/branches/upstream/current/Database/HSQL/Types.hs (added)
+++ packages/haskell-hsql/branches/upstream/current/Database/HSQL/Types.hs Sun Feb  3 18:25:38 2008
@@ -1,0 +1,153 @@
+-- #hide
+module Database.HSQL.Types where
+import Control.Concurrent.MVar
+import Control.Exception
+import Data.Dynamic
+import Foreign
+import Foreign.C
+type FieldDef = (String, SqlType, Bool)
+data SqlType
+	= SqlChar          Int               -- ODBC, MySQL, PostgreSQL
+	| SqlVarChar       Int               -- ODBC, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MSI
+	| SqlLongVarChar   Int               -- ODBC
+	| SqlText                            --     ,      , PostgreSQL, MSI
+	| SqlWChar         Int               -- ODBC
+	| SqlWVarChar      Int               -- ODBC
+	| SqlWLongVarChar  Int               -- ODBC
+	| SqlDecimal       Int Int           -- ODBC
+	| SqlNumeric       Int Int           -- ODBC, MySQL, PostgreSQL
+	| SqlSmallInt                        -- ODBC, MySQL, PostgreSQL
+	| SqlMedInt                          --     , MySQL,           
+	| SqlInteger                         -- ODBC, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MSI
+	| SqlReal                            -- ODBC, MySQL, PostgreSQL
+	| SqlFloat                           -- ODBC
+	| SqlDouble                          -- ODBC, MySQL, PostgreSQL
+	| SqlBit                             -- ODBC,      , PostgreSQL
+	| SqlTinyInt                         -- ODBC, MySQL, PostgreSQL
+	| SqlBigInt                          -- ODBC, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MSI
+	| SqlBinary        Int               -- ODBC,      , PostgreSQL
+	| SqlVarBinary     Int               -- ODBC,      , PostgreSQL
+	| SqlLongVarBinary Int               -- ODBC
+	| SqlDate                            -- ODBC, MySQL, PostgreSQL
+	| SqlTime                            -- ODBC, MySQL, PostgreSQL
+	| SqlTimeTZ                          --     ,      , PostgreSQL
+	| SqlAbsTime                         --     ,      , PostgreSQL
+	| SqlRelTime                         --     ,      , PostgreSQL
+	| SqlTimeInterval                    --     ,      , PostgreSQL
+	| SqlAbsTimeInterval                 --     ,      , PostgreSQL
+	| SqlTimeStamp                       -- ODBC, MySQL
+	| SqlDateTime                        --     , MySQL
+	| SqlDateTimeTZ                      --     , MySQL, PostgreSQL
+	| SqlYear                            --     , MySQL
+	| SqlSET                             --     , MySQL
+	| SqlENUM                            --     , MySQL
+	| SqlBLOB                            --     , MySQL,           , MSI
+	| SqlMoney                           --     ,      , PostgreSQL
+	| SqlINetAddr                        --     ,      , PostgreSQL
+	| SqlCIDRAddr                        --     ,      , PostgreSQL
+	| SqlMacAddr                         --     ,      , PostgreSQL
+	| SqlPoint                           --     ,      , PostgreSQL
+	| SqlLSeg                            --     ,      , PostgreSQL
+	| SqlPath                            --     ,      , PostgreSQL
+	| SqlBox                             --     ,      , PostgreSQL
+	| SqlPolygon                         --     ,      , PostgreSQL
+	| SqlLine                            --     ,      , PostgreSQL
+	| SqlCircle                          --     ,      , PostgreSQL
+	| SqlUnknown Int                     -- ^ HSQL returns @SqlUnknown tp@ for all
+	                                     -- columns for which it cannot determine
+	                                     -- the right type. The @tp@ here is the
+	                                     -- internal type code returned from the
+	                                     -- backend library
+	deriving (Eq, Show)
+data SqlError
+   = SqlError
+		{ seState       :: String
+		, seNativeError :: Int
+		, seErrorMsg    :: String
+		}
+   | SqlNoData
+   | SqlInvalidHandle
+   | SqlStillExecuting
+   | SqlNeedData
+   | SqlBadTypeCast
+   		{ seFieldName :: String
+   		, seFieldType :: SqlType
+   		}
+   | SqlFetchNull
+   		{ seFieldName :: String
+		}
+   | SqlUnknownField
+		{ seFieldName :: String
+		}
+   | SqlUnsupportedOperation
+   | SqlClosedHandle
+   deriving Typeable
+sqlErrorTc :: TyCon
+sqlErrorTc = mkTyCon "Database.HSQL.SqlError"
+#ifndef __GLASGOW_HASKELL__
+instance Typeable SqlError where
+	typeOf _ = mkAppTy sqlErrorTc []
+instance Show SqlError where
+	showsPrec _ (SqlError{seErrorMsg=msg}) = showString msg
+	showsPrec _ SqlNoData                  = showString "No data"
+	showsPrec _ SqlInvalidHandle           = showString "Invalid handle"
+	showsPrec _ SqlStillExecuting          = showString "Stlll executing"
+	showsPrec _ SqlNeedData                = showString "Need data"
+	showsPrec _ (SqlBadTypeCast name tp)   = showString ("The type of " ++ name ++ " field can't be converted to " ++ show tp ++ " type")
+	showsPrec _ (SqlFetchNull name)        = showString ("The value of " ++ name ++ " field is null")
+	showsPrec _ (SqlUnknownField name)     = showString ("Unknown field name: " ++ name)
+	showsPrec _ SqlUnsupportedOperation    = showString "Unsupported operation"
+	showsPrec _ SqlClosedHandle            = showString "The referenced handle is already closed"
+-- | A 'Connection' type represents a connection to a database, through which you can operate on the it.
+-- In order to create the connection you need to use the @connect@ function from the module for
+-- your prefered backend.
+data Connection
+  =  Connection
+		{ connDisconnect :: IO ()
+		, connExecute :: String -> IO ()
+		, connQuery :: String -> IO Statement
+		, connTables :: IO [String]
+		, connDescribe :: String -> IO [FieldDef]
+		, connBeginTransaction :: IO ()
+		, connCommitTransaction :: IO ()
+		, connRollbackTransaction :: IO ()
+		, connClosed :: MVar Bool
+		}
+-- | The 'Statement' type represents a result from the execution of given SQL query.
+data Statement
+  =  Statement
+		{ stmtConn   :: Connection
+		, stmtClose  :: IO ()
+		, stmtFetch  :: IO Bool
+		, stmtGetCol :: forall a . Int -> FieldDef -> (FieldDef -> CString -> Int -> IO a) -> IO a
+		, stmtFields :: [FieldDef]
+		, stmtClosed :: MVar Bool
+		}
+class SqlBind a where
+	-- This allows for faster conversion for eq. integral numeric types, etc.
+	-- Default version uses fromSqlValue.
+	fromSqlCStringLen :: FieldDef -> CString -> Int -> IO a
+	fromSqlCStringLen (name,sqlType,_) cstr cstrLen
+	  | cstr == nullPtr = throwDyn (SqlFetchNull name)
+	  | otherwise       = do 
+	      str <- peekCStringLen (cstr, cstrLen)
+	      case fromSqlValue sqlType str of
+	        Nothing -> throwDyn (SqlBadTypeCast name sqlType)
+	        Just v  -> return v
+	fromSqlValue :: SqlType -> String -> Maybe a
+	toSqlValue   :: a -> String

Propchange: packages/haskell-hsql/branches/upstream/current/Database/HSQL/Types.hs
    svn:executable = 

Added: packages/haskell-hsql/branches/upstream/current/Setup.lhs
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-haskell/packages/haskell-hsql/branches/upstream/current/Setup.lhs?rev=1039&op=file
--- packages/haskell-hsql/branches/upstream/current/Setup.lhs (added)
+++ packages/haskell-hsql/branches/upstream/current/Setup.lhs Sun Feb  3 18:25:38 2008
@@ -1,0 +1,7 @@
+import Distribution.Simple
+main = defaultMain

Propchange: packages/haskell-hsql/branches/upstream/current/Setup.lhs
    svn:executable = 

Added: packages/haskell-hsql/branches/upstream/current/hsql.cabal
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-haskell/packages/haskell-hsql/branches/upstream/current/hsql.cabal?rev=1039&op=file
--- packages/haskell-hsql/branches/upstream/current/hsql.cabal (added)
+++ packages/haskell-hsql/branches/upstream/current/hsql.cabal Sun Feb  3 18:25:38 2008
@@ -1,0 +1,11 @@
+name:		hsql
+version:	1.7
+license:	BSD3
+author:		Krasimir Angelov <ka2_mail at yahoo.com>
+category:	Database
+description:	Simple library for database access from Haskell.
+	Database.HSQL,
+	Database.HSQL.Types
+build-depends:	base
+extensions:     ForeignFunctionInterface, TypeSynonymInstances, CPP

Propchange: packages/haskell-hsql/branches/upstream/current/hsql.cabal
    svn:executable = 

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