[Pkg-haskell-commits] r1052 - in /packages/haskell-hsql-mysql: ./ branches/ branches/upstream/ branches/upstream/current/ branches/upstream/current/Database/ branches/upstream/current/Database/HSQL/

arjan at users.alioth.debian.org arjan at users.alioth.debian.org
Sun Feb 3 21:33:27 UTC 2008

Author: arjan
Date: Sun Feb  3 21:33:27 2008
New Revision: 1052

URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-haskell/?sc=1&rev=1052
[svn-inject] Installing original source of haskell-hsql-mysql

    packages/haskell-hsql-mysql/branches/upstream/current/Database/HSQL/HsMySQL.h   (with props)
    packages/haskell-hsql-mysql/branches/upstream/current/Database/HSQL/MySQL.hsc   (with props)
    packages/haskell-hsql-mysql/branches/upstream/current/Setup.lhs   (with props)
    packages/haskell-hsql-mysql/branches/upstream/current/hsql-mysql.cabal   (with props)

Added: packages/haskell-hsql-mysql/branches/upstream/current/Database/HSQL/HsMySQL.h
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-haskell/packages/haskell-hsql-mysql/branches/upstream/current/Database/HSQL/HsMySQL.h?rev=1052&op=file
--- packages/haskell-hsql-mysql/branches/upstream/current/Database/HSQL/HsMySQL.h (added)
+++ packages/haskell-hsql-mysql/branches/upstream/current/Database/HSQL/HsMySQL.h Sun Feb  3 21:33:27 2008
@@ -1,0 +1,16 @@
+#ifndef HsMySQL
+#define HsMySQL
+#ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
+#include <windows.h>
+#include <mysql.h>

Propchange: packages/haskell-hsql-mysql/branches/upstream/current/Database/HSQL/HsMySQL.h
    svn:executable = 

Added: packages/haskell-hsql-mysql/branches/upstream/current/Database/HSQL/MySQL.hsc
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-haskell/packages/haskell-hsql-mysql/branches/upstream/current/Database/HSQL/MySQL.hsc?rev=1052&op=file
--- packages/haskell-hsql-mysql/branches/upstream/current/Database/HSQL/MySQL.hsc (added)
+++ packages/haskell-hsql-mysql/branches/upstream/current/Database/HSQL/MySQL.hsc Sun Feb  3 21:33:27 2008
@@ -1,0 +1,223 @@
+{-| Module      :  Database.HSQL.MySQL
+    Copyright   :  (c) Krasimir Angelov 2003
+    License     :  BSD-style
+    Maintainer  :  ka2_mail at yahoo.com
+    Stability   :  provisional
+    Portability :  portable
+    The module provides interface to MySQL database
+module Database.HSQL.MySQL(connect, module Database.HSQL) where
+import Database.HSQL
+import Database.HSQL.Types
+import Data.Dynamic
+import Data.Bits
+import Data.Char
+import Foreign
+import Foreign.C
+import Control.Monad(when,unless)
+import Control.Exception (throwDyn, finally)
+import Control.Concurrent.MVar
+import System.Time
+import System.IO.Unsafe
+import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP
+import Text.Read
+#include <HsMySQL.h>
+type MYSQL = Ptr ()
+type MYSQL_RES = Ptr ()
+type MYSQL_FIELD = Ptr ()
+type MYSQL_ROW = Ptr CString
+type MYSQL_LENGTHS = Ptr CULong
+#ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
+#let CALLCONV = "stdcall"
+#let CALLCONV = "ccall"
+foreign import #{CALLCONV} "HsMySQL.h mysql_init" mysql_init :: MYSQL -> IO MYSQL
+foreign import #{CALLCONV} "HsMySQL.h mysql_real_connect" mysql_real_connect :: MYSQL -> CString -> CString -> CString -> CString -> CInt -> CString -> CInt -> IO MYSQL
+foreign import #{CALLCONV} "HsMySQL.h mysql_close" mysql_close :: MYSQL -> IO ()
+foreign import #{CALLCONV} "HsMySQL.h mysql_errno" mysql_errno :: MYSQL -> IO CInt
+foreign import #{CALLCONV} "HsMySQL.h mysql_error" mysql_error :: MYSQL -> IO CString
+foreign import #{CALLCONV} "HsMySQL.h mysql_query" mysql_query :: MYSQL -> CString -> IO CInt
+foreign import #{CALLCONV} "HsMySQL.h mysql_use_result" mysql_use_result :: MYSQL -> IO MYSQL_RES
+foreign import #{CALLCONV} "HsMySQL.h mysql_fetch_field" mysql_fetch_field :: MYSQL_RES -> IO MYSQL_FIELD
+foreign import #{CALLCONV} "HsMySQL.h mysql_free_result" mysql_free_result :: MYSQL_RES -> IO ()
+foreign import #{CALLCONV} "HsMySQL.h mysql_fetch_row" mysql_fetch_row :: MYSQL_RES -> IO MYSQL_ROW
+foreign import #{CALLCONV} "HsMySQL.h mysql_fetch_lengths" mysql_fetch_lengths :: MYSQL_RES -> IO MYSQL_LENGTHS
+foreign import #{CALLCONV} "HsMySQL.h mysql_list_tables" mysql_list_tables :: MYSQL -> CString -> IO MYSQL_RES
+foreign import #{CALLCONV} "HsMySQL.h mysql_list_fields" mysql_list_fields :: MYSQL -> CString -> CString -> IO MYSQL_RES
+foreign import #{CALLCONV} "HsMySQL.h mysql_next_result" mysql_next_result :: MYSQL -> IO CInt
+-- routines for handling exceptions
+handleSqlError :: MYSQL -> IO a
+handleSqlError pMYSQL = do
+	errno <- mysql_errno pMYSQL
+	errMsg <- mysql_error pMYSQL >>= peekCString
+	throwDyn (SqlError "" (fromIntegral errno) errMsg)
+-- Connect/Disconnect
+-- | Makes a new connection to the database server.
+connect :: String   -- ^ Server name
+        -> String   -- ^ Database name
+        -> String   -- ^ User identifier
+        -> String   -- ^ Authentication string (password)
+        -> IO Connection
+connect server database user authentication = do
+	pMYSQL <- mysql_init nullPtr
+	pServer <- newCString server
+	pDatabase <- newCString database
+	pUser <- newCString user
+	pAuthentication <- newCString authentication
+	res <- mysql_real_connect pMYSQL pServer pUser pAuthentication pDatabase 0 nullPtr (#const MYSQL_DEFAULT_CONNECT_FLAGS)
+	free pServer
+	free pDatabase
+	free pUser
+	free pAuthentication
+	when (res == nullPtr) (handleSqlError pMYSQL)
+	refFalse <- newMVar False
+	let connection = Connection
+		{ connDisconnect = mysql_close pMYSQL
+		, connExecute = execute pMYSQL
+		, connQuery = query connection pMYSQL
+		, connTables = tables connection pMYSQL
+		, connDescribe = describe connection pMYSQL
+		, connBeginTransaction = execute pMYSQL "begin"
+		, connCommitTransaction = execute pMYSQL "commit"
+		, connRollbackTransaction = execute pMYSQL "rollback"
+		, connClosed = refFalse
+		}
+	return connection
+	where
+		execute :: MYSQL -> String -> IO ()
+		execute pMYSQL query = do
+			res <- withCString query (mysql_query pMYSQL)
+			when (res /= 0) (handleSqlError pMYSQL)
+		withStatement :: Connection -> MYSQL -> MYSQL_RES -> IO Statement
+		withStatement conn pMYSQL pRes = do
+			currRow  <- newMVar (nullPtr, nullPtr)
+			refFalse <- newMVar False
+			if (pRes == nullPtr)
+			  then do
+				errno <- mysql_errno pMYSQL
+				when (errno /= 0) (handleSqlError pMYSQL)
+				return (Statement
+			              { stmtConn   = conn
+			              , stmtClose  = return ()
+			              , stmtFetch  = fetch pRes currRow
+			              , stmtGetCol = getColValue currRow
+			              , stmtFields = []
+			              , stmtClosed = refFalse
+			              })
+			  else do
+				fieldDefs <- getFieldDefs pRes
+				return (Statement
+			              { stmtConn   = conn
+			              , stmtClose  = mysql_free_result pRes
+			              , stmtFetch  = fetch pRes currRow
+			              , stmtGetCol = getColValue currRow
+			              , stmtFields = fieldDefs
+			              , stmtClosed = refFalse
+			              })
+			where
+				getFieldDefs pRes = do
+					pField <- mysql_fetch_field pRes
+					if pField == nullPtr
+					  then return []
+					  else do
+						name <- (#peek MYSQL_FIELD, name) pField >>= peekCString
+						dataType <-  (#peek MYSQL_FIELD, type) pField
+						columnSize <-  (#peek MYSQL_FIELD, length) pField
+						flags <-  (#peek MYSQL_FIELD, flags) pField
+						decimalDigits <-  (#peek MYSQL_FIELD, decimals) pField
+						let sqlType = mkSqlType dataType columnSize decimalDigits
+						defs <- getFieldDefs pRes
+						return ((name,sqlType,((flags :: Int) .&. (#const NOT_NULL_FLAG)) == 0):defs)
+				mkSqlType :: Int -> Int -> Int -> SqlType
+				mkSqlType (#const FIELD_TYPE_STRING)     size _	   = SqlChar size
+				mkSqlType (#const FIELD_TYPE_VAR_STRING) size _    = SqlVarChar size
+				mkSqlType (#const FIELD_TYPE_DECIMAL)    size prec = SqlNumeric size prec
+				mkSqlType (#const FIELD_TYPE_SHORT)      _    _    = SqlSmallInt
+				mkSqlType (#const FIELD_TYPE_INT24)      _    _    = SqlMedInt
+				mkSqlType (#const FIELD_TYPE_LONG)       _    _    = SqlInteger
+				mkSqlType (#const FIELD_TYPE_FLOAT)      _    _	   = SqlReal
+				mkSqlType (#const FIELD_TYPE_DOUBLE)     _    _    = SqlDouble
+				mkSqlType (#const FIELD_TYPE_TINY)       _    _    = SqlTinyInt
+				mkSqlType (#const FIELD_TYPE_LONGLONG)   _    _    = SqlBigInt
+				mkSqlType (#const FIELD_TYPE_DATE)       _    _    = SqlDate
+				mkSqlType (#const FIELD_TYPE_TIME)       _    _    = SqlTime
+				mkSqlType (#const FIELD_TYPE_TIMESTAMP)  _    _    = SqlTimeStamp
+				mkSqlType (#const FIELD_TYPE_DATETIME)   _    _    = SqlDateTime
+				mkSqlType (#const FIELD_TYPE_YEAR)       _    _    = SqlYear
+				mkSqlType (#const FIELD_TYPE_BLOB)       _    _    = SqlBLOB
+				mkSqlType (#const FIELD_TYPE_SET)        _    _    = SqlSET
+				mkSqlType (#const FIELD_TYPE_ENUM)       _    _    = SqlENUM
+				mkSqlType tp                             _    _    = SqlUnknown tp
+		query :: Connection -> MYSQL -> String -> IO Statement
+		query conn pMYSQL query = do
+			res <- withCString query (mysql_query pMYSQL)
+			when (res /= 0) (handleSqlError pMYSQL)
+			pRes <- getFirstResult pMYSQL
+			withStatement conn pMYSQL pRes
+			where
+			  getFirstResult :: MYSQL -> IO MYSQL_RES
+			  getFirstResult pMYSQL = do
+			    pRes <- mysql_use_result pMYSQL
+			    if pRes == nullPtr
+			      then do
+			        res <- mysql_next_result pMYSQL
+			        if res == 0
+			          then getFirstResult pMYSQL
+			          else return nullPtr
+			      else return pRes
+		fetch :: MYSQL_RES -> MVar (MYSQL_ROW, MYSQL_LENGTHS) -> IO Bool
+		fetch pRes currRow
+			| pRes == nullPtr = return False
+			| otherwise = modifyMVar currRow $ \(pRow, pLengths) -> do
+				pRow <- mysql_fetch_row pRes
+				pLengths <- mysql_fetch_lengths pRes
+				return ((pRow, pLengths), pRow /= nullPtr)
+		getColValue :: MVar (MYSQL_ROW, MYSQL_LENGTHS) -> Int -> FieldDef -> (FieldDef -> CString -> Int -> IO a) -> IO a
+		getColValue currRow colNumber fieldDef f = do
+			(row, lengths) <- readMVar currRow
+			pValue <- peekElemOff row colNumber
+			len <- fmap fromIntegral (peekElemOff lengths colNumber)
+			f fieldDef pValue len
+		tables :: Connection -> MYSQL -> IO [String]
+		tables conn pMYSQL = do
+			pRes <- mysql_list_tables pMYSQL nullPtr
+			stmt <- withStatement conn pMYSQL pRes
+			-- SQLTables returns:
+			-- Column name     #   Type
+			-- Tables_in_xx      0   VARCHAR
+			collectRows (\stmt -> do
+				mb_v <- stmtGetCol stmt 0 ("Tables", SqlVarChar 0, False) fromSqlCStringLen
+				return (case mb_v of { Nothing -> ""; Just a -> a })) stmt
+		describe :: Connection -> MYSQL -> String -> IO [FieldDef]
+		describe conn pMYSQL table = do
+			pRes <- withCString table (\table -> mysql_list_fields pMYSQL table nullPtr)
+			stmt <- withStatement conn pMYSQL pRes
+			return (getFieldsTypes stmt)

Propchange: packages/haskell-hsql-mysql/branches/upstream/current/Database/HSQL/MySQL.hsc
    svn:executable = 

Added: packages/haskell-hsql-mysql/branches/upstream/current/Setup.lhs
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-haskell/packages/haskell-hsql-mysql/branches/upstream/current/Setup.lhs?rev=1052&op=file
--- packages/haskell-hsql-mysql/branches/upstream/current/Setup.lhs (added)
+++ packages/haskell-hsql-mysql/branches/upstream/current/Setup.lhs Sun Feb  3 21:33:27 2008
@@ -1,0 +1,104 @@
+import Data.Maybe(fromMaybe)
+import Distribution.PackageDescription
+import Distribution.Setup
+import Distribution.Simple
+import Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo
+import Distribution.Simple.Utils(rawSystemVerbose)
+import System.Info
+import System.Exit
+import System.Directory
+import System.Process(runInteractiveProcess, waitForProcess)
+import System.IO(hClose, hGetContents, hPutStr, stderr)
+import Control.Monad(when)
+import Control.Exception(try)
+main = defaultMainWithHooks defaultUserHooks{preConf=preConf, postConf=postConf}
+  where
+    preConf ::  [String] -> ConfigFlags -> IO HookedBuildInfo
+    preConf args flags = do
+      try (removeFile "MySQL.buildinfo")
+      return emptyHookedBuildInfo
+    postConf :: [String] -> ConfigFlags -> PackageDescription -> LocalBuildInfo -> IO ExitCode
+    postConf args flags _ localbuildinfo = do
+      mb_bi <- mysqlConfigBuildInfo (configVerbose flags)
+      let default_binfo | os == "mingw32" = emptyBuildInfo{extraLibs=["libmySQL"], ccOptions=["-Dmingw32_HOST_OS"]}
+                        | otherwise       = emptyBuildInfo{extraLibs=["mysqlclient"]}
+      writeHookedBuildInfo "MySQL.buildinfo" (Just (fromMaybe default_binfo mb_bi),[])
+      return ExitSuccess
+The following code is derived from Distribution.Simple.Configure
+    :: String              -- ^ program name
+    -> Maybe FilePath      -- ^ optional explicit path
+    -> IO (Maybe FilePath)
+findProgram name Nothing = do
+  mb_path <- findExecutable name
+  case mb_path of
+    Nothing   -> message ("No " ++ name ++ " found")
+    Just path -> message ("Using " ++ name ++ ": " ++ path)
+  return mb_path
+findProgram name (Just path) = do
+  message ("Using " ++ name ++ ": " ++ path)
+  return (Just path)
+rawSystemGrabOutput :: Int -> FilePath -> [String] -> IO String
+rawSystemGrabOutput verbose path args = do
+  when (verbose > 0) $
+        putStrLn (path ++ concatMap (' ':) args)
+  (inp,out,err,pid) <- runInteractiveProcess path args Nothing Nothing
+  exitCode <- waitForProcess pid
+  if exitCode /= ExitSuccess
+    then do errMsg <- hGetContents err
+            hPutStr stderr errMsg
+            exitWith exitCode
+    else return ()
+  hClose inp
+  hClose err
+  hGetContents out
+message :: String -> IO ()
+message s = putStrLn $ "configure: " ++ s
+Populate BuildInfo using pkg-config tool.
+mysqlConfigBuildInfo :: Int -> IO (Maybe BuildInfo)
+mysqlConfigBuildInfo verbose = do
+  mb_mysql_config_path <- findProgram "mysql_config" Nothing
+  case mb_mysql_config_path of
+    Just mysql_config_path -> do
+       message ("configuring mysqlclient library") 
+       res <- rawSystemGrabOutput verbose mysql_config_path ["--libs"]
+       let (lib_dirs,libs,ld_opts) = splitLibsFlags (words res)
+       res <- rawSystemGrabOutput verbose mysql_config_path ["--include"]
+       let (inc_dirs,cc_opts) = splitCFlags (words res)
+       let bi = emptyBuildInfo{extraLibDirs=lib_dirs, extraLibs=libs, ldOptions=ld_opts, includeDirs=inc_dirs, ccOptions=cc_opts}
+       return (Just bi)
+    Nothing -> do
+       message ("The package will be built using default settings for mysqlclient library")
+       return Nothing
+  where
+    splitLibsFlags []         = ([],[],[])
+    splitLibsFlags (arg:args) =
+      case arg of
+        ('-':'L':lib_dir) -> let (lib_dirs,libs,ld_opts) = splitLibsFlags args
+                             in (lib_dir:lib_dirs,libs,ld_opts)
+        ('-':'l':lib) ->     let (lib_dirs,libs,ld_opts) = splitLibsFlags args
+                             in (lib_dirs,lib:libs,ld_opts)
+        ld_opt ->            let (lib_dirs,libs,ld_opts) = splitLibsFlags args
+                             in (lib_dirs,libs,ld_opt:ld_opts)
+    splitCFlags []         = ([],[])
+    splitCFlags (arg:args) =
+      case arg of
+        ('-':'I':inc_dir) -> let (inc_dirs,c_opts) = splitCFlags args
+                             in (inc_dir:inc_dirs,c_opts)
+        c_opt ->             let (inc_dirs,c_opts) = splitCFlags args
+                             in (inc_dirs,c_opt:c_opts)

Propchange: packages/haskell-hsql-mysql/branches/upstream/current/Setup.lhs
    svn:executable = 

Added: packages/haskell-hsql-mysql/branches/upstream/current/hsql-mysql.cabal
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-haskell/packages/haskell-hsql-mysql/branches/upstream/current/hsql-mysql.cabal?rev=1052&op=file
--- packages/haskell-hsql-mysql/branches/upstream/current/hsql-mysql.cabal (added)
+++ packages/haskell-hsql-mysql/branches/upstream/current/hsql-mysql.cabal Sun Feb  3 21:33:27 2008
@@ -1,0 +1,11 @@
+name:		 hsql-mysql
+version:	 1.7
+license:	 BSD3
+author:		 Krasimir Angelov <kr.angelov at gmail.com>
+category:	 Database
+description: 	 MySQL driver for HSQL.
+exposed-modules: Database.HSQL.MySQL
+build-depends: 	 base, hsql
+extensions:      ForeignFunctionInterface, CPP
+cc-options: -IDatabase/HSQL
+extra-source-files: Database/HSQL/HsMySQL.h

Propchange: packages/haskell-hsql-mysql/branches/upstream/current/hsql-mysql.cabal
    svn:executable = 

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