[pkg-horde] Bug#758814: Bug#758814: php-horde-editor: editor unusable due to broken symlink

Mathieu Parent math.parent at gmail.com
Thu Aug 21 21:21:45 UTC 2014

2014-08-21 17:56 GMT+02:00 Marc Dequènes (Duck) <duck at duckcorp.org>:

> Coin,

Coin ;-)

> This symlink is broken:
> /usr/share/horde/js/ckeditor/ckeditor_basic.js ->
> ../../../javascript/ckeditor/ckeditor_basic.js
> The ckeditor package only provides:
>   /usr/share/javascript/ckeditor/ckeditor.js

Thanks for your bug report.

Can you provide a patch?


Mathieu Parent

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