[Pkg-ia32-libs-maintainers] Bug#694758: ia32-libs: cannot upgrade

Ansgar Burchardt ansgar at debian.org
Fri Nov 30 10:20:15 UTC 2012


I could install ia32-libs{,-gtk} and nginx-full in parallel without

# dpkg -l ia32-libs ia32-libs-gtk nginx nginx-full
ii  ia32-libs           1:0.4          amd64
ii  ia32-libs-gtk       1:0.1          amd64
ii  nginx               1.2.4-2        all
ii  nginx-full          1.2.4-2        amd64

Maybe the switch from libgd2-noxpm to libgd2-xpm libgd2-xpm:i386 causes
this? In that case you should be able to install nginx-full again after
the upgrade.


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