[Pkg-ime-devel] ibus 1.5 transition

Osamu Aoki osamu at debian.org
Sat Sep 7 01:47:53 UTC 2013

On Sat, Sep 07, 2013 at 02:23:42AM +0800, Aron Xu wrote:
> I think python-ibus is still needed, 


But rewrite of trhem using GObject introspection (gi) is desiable.

> and as far as I know that gir
> does not handle multi-arch very well in some cases but I'm not very
> sure.

Well, GObject introspection is not multi-arch yet.

> If ABI isn't changed, then no binNMU is needed. binNMU can solve the
> problem when API is not changed but ABI is changed, it's just a
> rebuild with a bumped debian revision number.

Yes.  ABI is just added.  So we may have done as you say by tweaking SO
name.  But, since SO name changed, we need rebuild.  It is started.


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