[Pkg-ime-devel] Reset hime repo in Alioth for Debian packaging

Yao Wei mwei at lxde.org
Wed Jun 15 17:30:04 UTC 2016


I agree with the transition, as long as it doesn't take much efforts.

If we need to keep gbp repository, we could archive the gbp branches by
prefixing them with gbp.

Yao Wei
On Thu, Jun 16, 2016 at 01:13 ChangZhuo Chen (陳昌倬) <czchen at debian.org>

> Hi Yao, Shih-Yuan,
> [tl;dr] Is it okay or not to reset hime repo in Alioth to dpm-based
> format?
> I would like to change hime repo from gbp-based to dpm-based [git-dpm]
> so that we can manage patch inside git itself, which is important for
> hime because it needs big patches for its ad-hoc build system.
> However, I cannot convert the format to dpm-based in current git repo
> because it contains upstream commits, which dpm dislikes. So to use
> dpm-based format, we need to rebuild another repo from scratch.
> Since you two are the uploaders of hime, I would like to ask your
> opinion about this change.
> ex: The example of dpm-based repo is in [dpm-example] for your reference.
> [git-dpm] https://git-dpm.alioth.debian.org/
> [dpm-example] https://gitlab.com/czchen/debian-hime
> --
> ChangZhuo Chen (陳昌倬) <czchen at debian.org>
> Debian Developer (https://nm.debian.org/public/person/czchen)
> Key fingerprint = EC9F 905D 866D BE46 A896  C827 BE0C 9242 03F4 552D
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