[testng] annotated tag testng-5.13 created (now 320ec79)

Andrew Ross rockclimb-guest at alioth.debian.org
Mon Aug 12 21:41:20 UTC 2013

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

rockclimb-guest pushed a change to annotated tag testng-5.13
in repository testng.

        at  320ec79   (tag)
   tagging  5509258b702128296edf3b9ea47c1ef6b6f42fa3 (commit)
 tagged by  Cedric Beust
        on  Sat Jul 31 10:23:53 2010 -0700

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
[maven-release-plugin]  copy for tag testng-5.13

Bill.Michell (14):
      Add support for converting Java 1.4 Javadoc testng annotations to Java 5 annotations from the command line.
      Add support for parallel method selection to command line and to <testng> ant task
      Erroneously checked in due to Subversion inexperience!
      Allow ant task to take empty groups and excludedgroups properties, supressing the -groups flag from the testNG parameter list
      Add support for setting the default suite name and test name from the ant task and, by necessity, the command line.
      Update command line usage for TestNG
      Update CHANGES.txt to reflect my recent changes
      Change behaviour of test suite name and test name defaults in test annotations, so that if not explicitly specified, the test name will be set by the test runner.
      Restore ability for Ant task to override the Suite name and the Test name (without breaking its ability to pass suite definition files this time)
      Actually re-enable the ant tests from the master build.xml this time
      Update svn::ignore
      Add reference to AnnotationTransformer to the documentation-main page
      Fix build directory location for the tests of the ant task
      Correct javadoc @see references

Cedric Beust (106):
      Implementation of hierarchical XmlSuites (Nalin Makar).
      Updated changes.
      Fixed: Issue24 OOM errors in SuiteHTMLReporter (Nalin Makar)
      Added: -testnames (command line) and testnames (ant)
      Doc update
      Minor fix
      Multithreaded test bug fix
      Fixed multithreaded test bug.
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:cbeust/testng
      Added Reporter#clear
      Now passing XmlClass and XmlTest down to the interceptor
      Introduced ClassInfoMap.
      Interceptors now ready to be switched by XML
      XML now supports <test preserve-order='true/false'
      Updated the upload script
      Implement <test preserve-order="true/false">.
      Merge branch 'UploadBeta'
      Tests for <test preserve-order='true'
      Documented preserve-order
      Reporter#clear fix
      The same method invoked multiple times was reporting the same time stamp.
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:cbeust/testng
      Updated toXml() to include preserve-order
      Fixed the order test
      Added failing test for method ordering
      preserve-order now works on methods
      Bumped log level for PoolService to 3
      Added toXML() to XmlInclude
      Merge http://github.com/nullin/testng into Nalin3
      Refactored test
      Replaced @Test(sequential) with @Test(singleThreaded)
      Fixed: @DataProvider(parallel = true) was passing incorrect parameters with injection
      Minor testng.xml change
      Fixed: Identical configuration methods were not always invoked in the correct order in superclasses (Nalin Makar)
      Implemented @NoInjection
      Parameterizing the build better
      Moved things around to prepare for the Apache directory structure
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:cbeust/testng
      Fixed Javadocs build
      Moved src->src/java/main and test -> src/java/test
      Updated .classpath files
      Created src/test/resources
      Created src/test/resources, updated tests
      Moved testng*xml to src/test/resources
      More build adjustments
      Building into target/classes and target/test-classes
      Cleaned up src/test/java
      Distribution build fix
      Most distribution build fixes
      Added -methodselectors, tests and documentation.
      Moved fileToClass out of parameter parsing
      First steps toward new parameter parsing
      Converted command line parsing to JCommander.
      Better classpath for tests
      Removing JCommander from the build, using ivy to retrieve it.
      Doc link fix
      Build changes
      Maven poms
      Remove trace
      Test fix
      Removed trace
      Added a few things to pom.xml
      Merge branch 'master' of http://github.com/nullin/testng into nullin
      Minor change
      Better javadoc build
      Added snapshot repo profile
      Updated poms and build script
      Fixed testng.css problem (Nalin)
      Fixed parsing bug with -usedefaultlisteners
      Regression test for -usedefaultlisteners bug
      Added TestNG#addClassLoader (Jonathan Nekenyu)
      Build fix
      Now skipping the tests inside the pom.
      Updated build to include the JCommander classes in the jar
      Added usage()
      Fix NPE
      Build changes
      Implemented -methods
      Updated CHANGES
      Updated build with junit
      Maven updates
      Added methods to the ant task
      Minor fixes by Todd Quessenberry
      Changed the type of preserveOrder from boolean to string for future evolution
      Documented preserve-order
      Minor fix from Todd Quessenberry
      Doc update
      Updated to JCommander 1.3
      CSS update
      Updated build script
      Better quoting for EmailableReporter
      Suite timeout to 10mn
      Script update
      Set default time out to MAX
      Reverted Sample2
      Clarified that certain flags don't work in the presence of testng.xml
      CHANGES update
      Patch from Todd for failure policies
      Updated doc for 5.13
      Updated pom'scm to git
      [maven-release-plugin] prepare release testng-5.13

DanFabulich (12):
      Fixing copy & paste error in AnnotationHelper, in preparation for fixing TESTNG-303
      Fixing TESTNG-305 and TESTNG-306
      Improve error message when method exists but isn't in list of valid dependencies.
      Provide support for verifying configuration passes, failures, skips
      Fixed a bug in error message handling
      TESTNG-216 ignoreMissingDependencies
      TESTNG-225 alwaysRun=true ignores missing groups, halts the run on missing methods
      [TESTNG-326] Allow IObjectFactory to load from non-standard classloader
      [TESTNG-235] Generate a maven bundle during the TestNG build
      [TESTNG-343] Test class with @ObjectFactory doesn't get instantiated via the factory
      [TESTNG-326] Allow IObjectFactory to load from non-standard classloader (take 2)
      Updated for TESTNG-343 and TESTNG-326

bileblog (31):
      Added support for specifying multiple methods in different classes
      iws is personal workspace file
      Ignore IDEA iws files
      Updated to Spring 2.0.2
      Added setRollback() and put Spring setup methods in spring-init group
      More subclassing friendly
      Implemented object factory support
      Allow object factory to take in test context as parameter
      Initial xml reporter checkin
      Minor tweaks to output format: Show class name for methods, and change method name to signature where we're showing the full thing, and use ISO-8601 date format.
      Write suite file alongside results xml, and group methods by class
      Write suite file alongside results xml, and group methods by class
      Default package name <default>
      Make mozilla parser happy
      Undo last commit that messes up for non-maven users
      No need for cdata as util method already htmlencodes, some parsers have trouble with cdatas so this makes life a wee bit easier
      Initial commit of reports
      Added helper method to write to File
      Write xml output to its own xml subdir, to avoid mixing up with other reporter outputs
      Enable xml output by default
      Allow for report dir to be specified in url
      Encode filenames and switch default to per-suite, hope this doesn't upset cosmin
      Handle per-suite reports
      Quick access to newfangled reports
      Updated with IDEA blurbage
      Added xml report

cbeust (548):
      Initial import.
      Initial commit
      Initial commit
      Initial commit
      Initial commit
      Initial commit
      Initial commit
      Initial commit
      Initial commit
      Initial commit
      Initial commit
      Initial commit
      Initial commit
      Initial commit
      Initial commit
      Initial commit
      Initial commit
      Initial commit
      Initial commit
      Initial commit
      Initial commit
      Initial commit
      Wipe the directory so we can re-create it better
      Initial commit
      commit fed65953043268ac20f1e1369bcc59ccf01231db
      Initial commit
      commit 336f0ef401e9f564b8dc99d601ac80e8891ac2c1
      Share project 'TestNG Subversion' into 'https://testng.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/testng'
      Committing .classpath and .project to make future check outs easier.
      Delete  tmp directory
      Simpler version for dataprovider doc
      SVN glitch: resubmit this file
      Fixed: TESTNG-102 (Incorrect ordering of @BeforeMethod calls when a dependency is specified).
      Renamed project to "TestNG"
      Updated Javadocs
      Added: @Test(sequential = true)
      Updated CHANGES and version to 5.1beta
      Updated doc
      Minor fixes
      Doc update
      Javadoc update
      Minor fix
      Minor fixes
      Fixed sequential so it uses the common thread pool
      Documented testng.test.classpath
      Added -threadcount and threadcount to ant task
      Updated doc and command line usage with threadcount
      Throw proper exception when a DataProvider declares parameters
      Now creating other-jars/
      Added: JUnitConverter uses the new syntax
      Removed Javadocs from the repository
      Updated documentation to user prettyprint.js
      Doc update
      Added: Command line understands @ syntax
      Added: TestNGAntTask now uses the @ syntax to invoke TestNG
      Modified CHANGES.txt
      Documented the new @ command line parameter
      Fixed build break in other-jar target
      Patch to run <test> in parallel.  Disabled for now, next:  add XML support.
      Two new links to the Misc section
      Parallel test mode can now be specified from XML:  <suite parallel="tests">
      Fixed Misc test, updated documentation for the new parallel attribute
      Added  ParallelTestTest to testng.xml
      Removed superfluous setAllTestMethods.
      Put the timeout tests in their own directory
      Added EmailableReporter
      Added: "-usedefaultlisteners true/false" to command line and ant
      5.2 release
      Updated TODO and CHANGES
      Preparation work for nested testng.xml files
      Replaced "listener" with "listeners" in the ant task
      Implemented <suite-file>
      Modified summary section to display statistics as columns
      Provides css support for skipped tests (shades of gray)
      Don't NPE when testng.xml doesn't contain any <test>
      c: directory was created by the eclipse target.
      Preliminary work for annotation transformer
      Fixed the v4 tests to accomodate the AnnotationTransformer work.
      Basic transformer working for getTimeOut() and getInvocationCount()
      Small style fixes in EmailableReporter
      Fixed: AfterGroups were invoked out of order with invocationCount and DataProviders
      Fixed: Forgot to account for cases where both invocationCount and DataProviders are present
      Implemented Alexandru's design for annotation transformers for JDK5
      Annotation transformers for JDK14
      JDK 1.4 tests for annotation transformers (don't work because the finders are static)
      Annotation transformer can now be specified on the command line with -listener
      Removed generics from 1.4 code
      Implemented static data providers for JDK 1.4 (and test)
      Static data providers for JDK5 and test
      Documentation for static data providers
      Throw an exception if a static data provider is not static
      Added setters to ITest so that annotation transformers can now modify anything from the @Test annotation.
      Removed build/ from SVN
      Fix the build and tests
      Commented out the broken ant tests for now
      Enabled tests for annotation transformers on both JDK 1.4 and 5.
      Documentation for Annotation Transformers
      Fixed bug:  XML filesets couldn't contain spaces in their path names (ant task).  Now all filesets can (they all get surrounded with double quotes).
      Fixed: filesets in the ant task didn't work if the paths have spaces in them
      Updated doc for 5.3
      Fixed test-ant build
      Updated ant documentation for 5.3.
      Doc update
      Comment update
      Fixed a typing error that was not detected by generics
      Download page
      Fixed ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in the TextReporter, which happened when a Data Provider returns the wrong dimension for its parameters.
      Re-enable exceptions tests that were causing ExpectedExceptionsTest to fail
      5.4 release doc update
      Fixed: UseDefaultListeners in Ant Task does not work
      Shows the groups bug mentioned in the mailing-list
      Added: Test instances created by @Factory now run in multiple threads if parallel="methods"
      Fixed: Annotation Transformers now work on class-level annotations
      Updated CHANGES with my changes
      Tests returned from a @Factory are run in different threads if parallel="tests" or parallel="methods".
      Fixed: Wasn't parsing <selector-class-name> correctly
      Added: DataProvider can now take an ITestContext parameter
      Restored urchin info.
      XmlMethodSelector#includeMethod was always called before all the other selectors, because it was being invoked from setTestMethods().  Fixed this by deferring this code until includeMethod is really called by TestNG, this time respecting the priorities of the other method selectors
      Better formatting for the group view of the suite HTML reporter
      Added: Method selectors receive a Context and can stop the chain with setStopped()
      Fixed a few build things.
      Added urchin tracking info to downloads.
      Fixed: parallel="tests" didn't work as advertised
      Added a test in the "broken" group
      Fixed: @BeforeGroup methods were run twice with a @Test at class level
      Make the exceptions available in IHookable
      Fixed: @BeforeGroup methods were run twice when in a base class
      Build fix
      Update for 5.5
      Fixed JavaDoc for IHookable
      Added: ISuite now gives access to the current XmlSuite
      CHANGES and properties update
      Added: dataProvider to @Factory
      Fixed bug in @Factory(dataProvider)
      Fixed 1.4 tests (introduced but with latest @Factory(dataProvider) work.
      Implemented @testng.factory dataProvider=""
      Rolling back .classpath
      Cleaned up unused fields
      Fixed: @BeforeClass methods would incorrectly report cyclic graphs
      Added toString to MethodInstance for future work
      Added: Suite files that only contain other suites do not get reported
      Initial import.
      Cleaned up Jesse's new Maven doc
      Minor fixes to the Maven documentation
      Release 5.6
      Integrated retry analyzer
      Added RetryAnalyzer in the CHANGES file
      5.6 release
      Updated TODO with the merge proposal
      Fixed: -listener takes comma-separated classes
      Fixed documentation about <parameter>
      Added passing parameters to the ant team in the TODO
      Submitted by Jeremie:  the patch fixes a bug where when the test was not the last one when you had a dataprovider it would not update the result array correctly resulting in an infinite loop
      Patch over the patch, by Jeremie.
      Unicode patch submitted by Mark.
      Minor speed improvement: abort the graph sorting early if we don't have any methods.
      Added spring to the distribution.
      Updated TODO.
      Implemented -skipfailedinvocationcounts (also in ant and testng.xml).
      Tests for skipfailedinvocationcount
      Updating tests
      Updating tests
      Updating CHANGES/TODO
      Fixed: Don't run a @DataProvider method as a test when a class-level @Test is present
      Fixed the URL.
      Initial import.
      Initial import.
      commit 9d0b0924c87ca1224748d0d6825e9c946ffbe7f2
      Book plug
      commit 4e787e2cac0d043745879d699d13c1f042d410da
      Added: @BeforeMethods can now take a Method and ITestContext parameters (like @DataProvider)
      Initial import.
      commit c8e92c04c75b0c79c49aa43bead599ffa20cad2a
      commit 6fcb2386adf02a67f65df258951cd5e55ae39719
      Added: @BeforeMethod(firstTimeOnly) and @AfterMethod(lastTimeOnly)
      Added a section on class level annotations.
      Forgot these files.
      Doc update.
      Fixed bug:  if a @Test method declares an ITestContext parameter, that parameter gets passed twice.
      Added a test for ITestContext injection in @Test methods
      Initial import.
      Updated the IDEA doc
      Fixed: @AfterMethod(lastTimeOnly) didn't work properly with data providers
      Clean up and comments
      Added: @TestInstance on a data provider method parameter
      Better trace to keep track of which groups are added explicitly and implicitly.
      Forgot two files.
      commit 52f8a87bd8dc42c068ac217d6383856a34ba7239
      Minor doc fix.
      Updated the doc with Surefire 2.4 instructions.
      Implemented IMethodInterceptor.
      Documented IMethodInterceptor.
      Doc fixes.
      Forgot a few files.
      Introduced ITestNGListener to keep track of interfaces that can be passed as -listener.
      Implemented <listeners> in testng.xml
      Updated TestNG and its HTML version.
      Added section on listeners
      commit 9aef9be376ac12ac85d48f2dfe1aa383291b0439
      Updated CHANGES
      commit f837ee80e2a5df54a2c32c915d73973c0a775571
      Added test to make sure a data provider keeps going even if failures occur.
      Added: Methods that form a cycle are now shown when the cycle is detected
      Added book review.
      Fixed bug in DotTestListener.
      commit ef7979e38898fd674bede26455f75f154c016f8d
      commit 300c32b1e89e03f992a3e9c62ace22a5beb7bd38
      commit f82be06c4380fbf23638c8ec8a8bf404f6d7a9df
      commit 31e03ce20a0424e4501eddbf59aea166a72f3ca1
      TestPlan work
      Build fix
      commit 1565d9be831804cef83eaaa7acf4f783ef97798e
      commit 6025b4233c26afa74b55b3de8cb28fa80e672588
      commit 1ff8b3835d72abb32cbf22c99a5ed0efe22d488c
      Verbosity fix.
      TestNG-211: new Parser(inputStream) doesn't work (Dan Fabulich)
      Fixed: TestNG-214: SkipException and TimeBombSkipException should accept nested exceptions
      Added: TestNG-213: @Optional on a method parameter to allow optional @Parameters (Dan Fabulich)
      Updated doc and Javadoc
      Added doc on dependency injection
      TestNG-224: Fix for relative suite filenames in XML file
      TestNG-220: Ignore class definition/loader issues when scanning classpath for implicit classes
      Implementing @Priority with method interceptors
      Doc update
      Fixed logging
      Implemented class priorities
      commit d33755a423b38b81418c79da44578d95c3ee13c1
      Update script
      @Priority update
      Checking in the feature project.
      Checking in the update site
      Removed the SNAPSHOTs from pom.xml
      Forgot to commit these.
      commit 52b3c9275229e4dce85ace0e010e148eac1cabda
      Added examples/ to .classpath
      Added: -testjar supports jar file with no testng.xml file
      Doc udpates.
      commit f3016e497b27e52b4f4c6d8cf290a6484970694a
      Implementation of IInvokedMethodListener
      Jar tests (need more work)
      Made invoked listeners a list instead of a single.
      Added: @Test(invocationTimeOut), which lets you set a time out for the total time taken by invocationCount
      Updated doc
      commit c443cbfaf8b3168de964ad448e97cfff26274165
      First pass at configuration transformers.  Everything working, still need to
      commit e0d94c7896da2777a41a10ed3efcf5231e76f907
      Added @DataProvider transformer.
      Added @Factory transformer.
      Javadoc and doc for the new transformers.
      Fixed: DataProviders from @Factory-created tests were all invoked from the same instance
      Moved the IAnnotation classes to org.testng.annotations because they are now exposed by IAnnotationTransformer2
      Moved IAnnotationTransformer{2} to org.testng.
      Keeping this file for backward compatibility.
      Renamed facade interfaces to XXXAnnotation
      DTD now generated with DTDDoc.
      Removing some of the default values I added for DTDDoc, which caused a few tests to fail.
      Fixed: TESTNG-249: Overridden test methods were shadowing each other if specified with <include>
      Test update
      commit 9eb7728db0699c2f68bad83bb40cd51bc01e7ec1
      commit 4ad3ec5c73b1cd15be8207084d7f9d8f60b3043b
      commit 8d72ee52d49da784be8ebcddc5100c0a6f805eeb
      Added: @BeforeMethod can now declare Object[] as a parameter, which will be filled by the parameters of the test method
      Doc update.
      Fixed: TESTNG-195: @AfterMethod has no way of knowing if the current test failed
      commit 318a4e47ce813109c76fc8281c9db5f04448f3f1
      Expanded the test to cover @AfterMethod as well.
      Fixed: @BeforeTest failing in a base class would not cause subsequent test methods to be skipped
      Regression tests for the fix.
      commit ec199ce5ea28df318aeefbcf4aa463e42de410a1
      Fixed: time-outs were not working in <test> and <suite>
      Bug fix in time outs.
      commit d97cad54fdbd836db7749d6ed78464cb31ecacea
      Fixed: EmailableReporter only displayed the first group for each test method
      Fixed: Potential NPE in XmlTest#getVerbose (Ryan Morgan)
      Fixed: TESTNG-276: Thread safety problem in Reporter class
      Fix for http://jira.opensymphony.com/browse/TESTNG-254 from Mark.
      commit 851457a1842d237dc341c51573ea02dba102d962
      Fixed: TESTNG-285: @Test(sequential=true) works incorrectly for classes with inheritance
      commit 35371915823f78230cb7df20426ee8d4afb1e36d
      Fixed: TESTNG-297: TestNG seemingly never stops running while building failed test suite (Gregg Yost)
      Added: TESTNG-298: parallel="classes", which allows entire classes to be run in the same thread
      commit 1c5c9aa3c77fd37247b96b590e9cce94dba21d5e
      commit b8d6eb69f86ffa43a2fbe22c56c377ce91149acd
      commit bc102c8d3a74ed5fa1ab3e6cdb03445c243a5aca
      Fixed: TESTNG-296: Malformed jar URLs breaking -testJar
      Added: -testrunfactory on the command line and in the ant task (Vitalyi Pamajonkov)
      commit e38a74e953e8f99bde414fa41e2b2ad6ee3aac43
      Fixed: TestNG-228: Assert.assertEqualsNoOrder
      Fixed: testng-failed.xml was sometimes incorrectly generated (Borojevic)
      Fixed: @Parameters was not working correctly on @BeforeMethods with @DataProvider used on @Test methods
      Better assertNoEqual implementation
      Fixed: TESTNG-192: JUnit XML output includes wrong tests (Borojevic)
      commit b68cf6de8b961ff9b5258ca7defe795f77faa917
      Fixed: annotation transformers were not run when specified in testng.xml
      Testing email notifications.
      Testing direct email notifications.
      Fixed: testng-failed.xml didn't include the listeners
      Fixed: testng-failed.xml didn't include the listeners
      Fixed: -testJar command line parsing bug
      Added: New ant task boolean flag: delegateCommandSystemProperties (Justin)
      Doc update.
      Added: skipfailedinvocations under <suite> in testng-1.0.dtd (Gael Marziou
      Fixed: Set a generated suite to default to non-parallel (Mark Derricutt)
      Fixed: TESTNG-309 Illegal default value for attribute in DTD file
      Doc fix.
      Fixed: IInvokedMethodListener wasn't properly recognized from the command line (Leonardo Rafaeli)
      Easier version identification:
      commit 2cacd7579348b2a3f338df9b3a58e7b91e96af2a
      Examples didn't build from the zip file.
      Comment out broken test.
      More work with threaded data providers, all tests passing.
      Replaced all the asserts with Assert.assertTrue() so that Eclipse invocations don't produce false negatives when invoked without -ea.
      Added the parallel attribute to @DataProvider.
      Added data-provider-thread-count attribute to <suite>
      Tests for multithreaded data providers
      Doc update.
      Fixed: TestNG couldn't find Groovy files (Haw-Bin)
      Added: @DataProvider(parallel=true)
      Added: @Test(expectedExceptionsMessageRegExp = ".*foo.*"
      Fixed: testng-failed.xml now includes skipped tests
      Fixed: TESTNG-301: Need to include parameters in testNG report for test created by @Factory
      Fixed: TESTNG-291: Exceptions thrown by Iterable DataProviders are not caught, no failed test reported (Roberto Tyley)
      commit 62009f0ba50539b198d8fa87291bcc9906de28e9
      commit ce1ff2a5cb6a8aae0841d5ac6e50c8ffd0c23deb
      Added: @After methods can now be injected an ITestResult
      Added: ITestResult#getAttribute and ITestResult#setAttribute
      commit 6c366306cf7356d3fda2eac460295080244061d7
      Fixed: expectedExceptions=RuntimeException.class was not failing when no exception was throw
      Added: Methods that time out now display the stack trace showing where the time out occurred
      commit 572c7e6ad1da0add238e4c2cf18f761171653274
      commit a4acdd66d7e88ad573841a18cb945ff03f7a4ffa
      Added: @Before and @After methods can be injected with the current XmlTest
      commit fa41a3659b9566aff472a480b12bd78155594e5a
      Added: If both -testjar and an XML file are provided on the command line, the latter will be used
      commit 5452007a8301e716134b922017b89f80d9a4ebec
      Show the test name more prominently in the HTML reports.
      commit 198a2756a093ecd5f731ba8e456dd7b4362f57ce
      Added: Better display of the test name and method description in the default and Emailable report
      Sequence order mis-calculation: testing using suite in sequence for classes and same method names creates non-sequencial order
      Removed bogus imports.
      Fixed the JDK 1.4 build.
      Fixed: Various oversights in the DTD (Will McQueen)
      commit 18d27ed3c7882a8b76d97fc98b7ccbacf1f30a68
      commit e2287145ac414f345d6b883d8772f7fb463f7c44
      Fixed: xmlFileSet in ant was not working correctly (Sean Shou)
      Fixed: Dependent methods are now run closer to methods within their class
      Tests for the previous fix.
      commit f4d8b2754ced322882b5c70c119a0d1d57d1c964
      Fixed: Classes created by factories were not run in the order they were created
      One more link.
      Fixed: Display a better error message if the wrong exception is thrown with an expectedExceptions
      Fixed: @Test(dataProvider) was not working at the class level
      Version 5.10
      Test for the data provider fix.
      Added org.testng.collections
      Maps stuff
      commit f9660afeb61b2d1e5890efd086cb14620303f624
      commit 3a82ac1394d5f616b64d7c5db1c0a8ec96e10f0b
      Fixed: <classfilesetref> was not working properly in the ant task (Ed Randall)
      commit 6d300dca697213e66dc6fd74555b8e90509f7f41
      commit 442bac7467bcf0d4d9662a44de10a3c9bec81000
      commit 77ec73c07f960a8dff78a591691af142174279b3
      Throw when a factory throws.
      Fixed: threadPoolSize without invocationCount was causing reporters not to be invoked
      Two more links.
      Added: dataProviderThreadCount can be set from the command line and from ant (Adrian Grealish)
      Fixed: Inner test classes were not excluded properly (Carsten Gubernator)
      Added: Assert#assertEquals() methods for Sets and Maps
      Fixed: TESTNG-67: @Configuration/@Factory methods in base class being ignored
      Updated the documentation to SyntaxHighlighter.
      Ported to SyntaxHighlighter.
      commit c778badf231092c35fb74b25926ef4ed88edcb34
      commit 1be8e10ade76a2606a572f7f53f57cfadc4138aa
      Fixed: TESTNG-347 suite with parallel="tests" and test with parallel="classes" doesn't work correctly (Rob Allen)
      commit 15d8b698047921fe1149044965e3d2e13d3decc4
      Initial work on GroupThreadPoolExecutor.
      commit 84e73b0df44fe7431fc59df62401355566e19dc8
      commit 95dbd7ba8cbdab2df0c1f84945efb639e8b903d4
      Fixed the tests.
      Removed v4 tests.
      More graph work.
      Removing .classpath.
      commit 8a8090d541fe4bcaf2f58af5ee1ab3d2d5f74751
      Tests for DynamicGraph.
      Updated svn:ignore.
      Graph work.
      Graph work.
      Graph work.
      commit a9050507a122b81050bbcc2ffa2fcfb5b6ef03ea
      commit 688c8bb8f89826b978e4f04da88c68b1dd2f304f
      commit 68da99ba04f9e235e1d44ebed12b93182b572de3
      More multithreaded work.
      More multithreaded work.
      All tests passing, turning on the new flag.
      Added tests for the new functionality.
      commit 23b6ac96969305c0c72235d6d4a6e8c61dd2fe2b
      Fixed: @DataProvider and dependent methods were not skipping correctly (Francois Reynaud)
      commit a4e6892fbfa21c968737eaf4e4f1e4b0b7f9163e
      Fixed the Eclipse plug-in.
      Better TestResult#getName for the Eclipse plug-in.
      commit 6c8ca81bdb931a7dedab1d30b60fb7381ac3f868
      Better toString() overriding detection.
      Added comments to getFreeNodes().
      Fixed: packages=".*" wasn't working properly (sandopolus)
      Better graph tests.
      Better graph implementation.
      commit 81b9582101c1c347601618e6f0e63d3fda270022
      Fixed: @BeforeSuite/@AfterSuite would run multiple times when used in a @Factory
      .dot support.
      commit e7600490322b186042571fc3d8873eeeb6c2b433
      Fixed: dataProviderClass was not respecting inheritance (like most attributes still)
      Some refactoring, last commit before 5.11.
      Doc for 5.11
      commit 1315953d24b9c547bde04be2ecdbdc546985f2ef
      Fixed: The text reporter was no longer reporting stack traces for verbose >= 2
      commit e02a82be3cd1f43cb767fd87912ce2e713cb327e
      commit 3ee4638fcbe350a05a8c631e50ca89c316785bea
      commit a5fceea1b81b6c0393876c721d6a025d934e7805
      commit 1a7cabfe6fdcbecefc67ef97835f71305d9152e3
      Removed broken Maven links.
      Added: IInvokedMethodListener2 to have access to ITestContext in listeners (Karthik Krishnan)
      Fixed: The TextReporter reports skipped tests as PASSED (Ankur Agrawal)
      commit c319bb515fadc7d8d30a1e1bef56dee0350542ff
      commit 4aa07e20d845f5c9d4c57e45d4fd4dd1c5aa1cab
      Delete Javadoc support.
      Delete test-14/
      Updated build.
      commit c5af17793574a7f75bbca2a91915626b37b35fb8
      Removed 1.4 mentions from the doc.
      commit ee11a204c8072eb0448d45659dea72937e9987aa
      Fixed broken links.
      Added: New attribute invocationNumbers in <include>
      Added tests for the new failed reporter feature.
      Deleted v6 directory.
      Maps.newHashMap() everywhere.
      commit 0a050892401fb27d1c7629e37fe9c8796ea5a349
      commit ed0917f31f0b66158bc786cd018fd95175f76f29
      Deleted reports/
      Update Eclipse doc and fixed Maven typo.
      commit 14fd847224bd94122e6ef8366c048d7c00bec437
      commit 33772963471d0d452c045b05f3bd7cd03b572838
      Added: Priorities: @Test(priority = -1)
      Minor fixes.
      commit 1b6ecd5ea1356a89e123c25942b8642c07623569
      Fixed build and cleaned up the javadoc target.
      Added: TestNG#setObjectFactory(IObjectFactory)
      commit 419f6684f19ddb90db5b71cdd2ed835ed2f10495
      commit 8f8e0c6c64e97bbba47324b4a34dc5a6c92699f9
      commit 6bb8186dfcf2d0cd7a49b1ca748ae451496affda
      Upload beta script.
      Fixed factory interleaving bug.
      Fixed: @Before methods run from factories were not properly interleaved
      Fixed: @Before methods run from factories were not properly interleaved
      Test for interleaving factories.
      Clarified @BeforeTest and @AfterTest.
      Added: Injection now works for data providers
      commit 1e15cc3fecfaea9149afe8124d2fd95f4356c193
      - Added Guice
      More Guice work.
      commit 1d25666eb1a1c0db8db32dd487efaaf9ffcab8d9
      commit f3a5b1ba7e7bb435204c96c69c8a16a4c36eb804
      commit e56abad2d7daf09e5083d5261d43be2ee9f95cff
      Added: testng-results.xml now includes test duration in the <suite> tag (Cosmin Marginean)
      commit 416a6c67159550d4b5d47033f132e51cecff053c
      Fixed typo ("occured") and remoted unnecessary field+method.
      Added: IAttributes#getAttributeNames and IAttributes#removeAttribute
      Added test for new IAttributes methods.
      commit a26e157925819e1014c8905b9854725b7db1662e
      commit a5d062fd72fc1c476d276fe2e30a52e1bb499d77
      Renamed invocationNumbers to invocation-numbers in the XML file.
      Fixed web DTD.
      @Verify / @Verifier
      Added tests for @Listeners.
      Javadoc and doc for @Listeners.
      commit 452d91b8d74b5bb31e255042e35077616817d362
      5.12 work.
      Pass system properties to the ant task.
      Added: Passing command line properties via the ant task (Todd Wells)
      commit 0813ae8ef5d616fc528f3f59cc3a180d765c34fd
      Fixed: @Listeners wasn't working properly with ITestListener
      Fixed: Test priorities were not working properly in non-parallel mode
      Fixed: @Listeners now works on base classes as well
      Initial pass at implementing ITestNGListenerFactory.
      Forgot to add.
      Maven work.
      commit 923e3d1e6963c1c0947488db6d4cfdfe074572b9
      commit 289692572cbd08ea53066a6b0c650cb0b5f2ecbd
      ITestNGListenerFactory now uses the same instance as its tests.
      Signing the bundle.
      5.12.1 and updated the pom for Guice.
      commit 9193a0279c54390883b2c568d54837c89683a2a7
      Updated doc to 5.12.1.
      Removed unnecessary trace.
      Fixed: Exceptions thrown by IInvokedMethodListeners were not caught (Nalin Makar)
      Fixed examples build.
      Removing unused jar files.
      commit 7c5b419bc8c0b606b58242e5731c867c215c9419
      Fixed: TestNG#setTestClasses was not resetting m_suites
      Added: New ant task tag:  propertyset (Todd Wells)
      Fixed: Configuration methosd couldn't depend on an abstract method (Nalin Makar)
      Build updates.
      Removed tabs.
      Ivy support.
      Removed tabs.
      Ivy support.
      Removed lib directory (now used by ivy and no longer necessary).
      Now jars with and without guice/bsh.
      These jar files are now handled by ivy.
      Forgot version in junit jar.
      commit 4b9a29d815dabb296634c0b711de02fefa3a84e8
      commit b1b8a6055d924add069bbb0971283b9b2ff9a2e7
      Updated the ant documentation with propertyset (Todd Wells).
      Removed dead code.
      commit 0d25f545035a797ace277cf3c65484073c14ad76
      Minor refactoring.
      Removed tabs.
      commit 405ecc25459a0a14666ffcf32771ab474ff6438c
      Added sourcetitle CSS tag.
      Added sequentialOnInstances attriute under the experimental flag.
      Fixed: TESTNG-387 TestNG not reruning test method with the right data set from Data Provider (François Reynaud)
      Fixed: NPE with @Optional null parameters (Yves Dessertine)
      Tests for the @Optional NPE fix.
      More robuts thread testing.
      Minor fix.
      Maven doc update.
      Added Cobertura article.
      Fixed: XML test results contained skipfailedinvocationCounts instead of skipfailedinvocationcounts
      Test fix.
      commit 51cf883a378bf98a300db44e0dea2664f7be2c90
      Switched exception and instance in the reports.
      Fixed: onTestSuccess() was called after @AfterMethod instead of after the test method (test: test.listener.ListenerTest)
      commit 721fb91c18e0a3c5d6ab49f66e42943747a9b7dd
      Fixed: TestNG was hanging if no test methods were found
      Clarified a method name.
      commit ce14bbc09430877c385a546f1079cf3dc3b98244
      Fixed: <suite> and <test> time outs were hardcoded, they now honor their time-out attribute
      Fixed: Time outs specified in XML were not honored for <suite parallel="tests">
      commit 8222e20ef9db6d0df3a49591be71cd854a523084

cosminaru (28):
      Fixed XML serialization bug. Uniform XML strucuture. Added parameters to test-method element.
      Updated XML structure. Fixed file referencing bug.
      Added method description attr to report
      Added package and class attributes to test-method element of XMLReporter
      Compilation break fix
      Added back class tag
      Modified <class> element attributes
      Added first draft of reporter output to XML report
      Extended reporters configuration
      Re-added XMLReporter
      commit 11dc1a8ad785385d53677c875ab74d0084e991b2
      Refactored naming
      Added depends-on-methods and depends-on-groups attributes to test-method in XML report
      Added documentation for nested <reporter> element.
      Added XML reporter documentation
      Added CDATA to stacktrace output
      Added CDATA to <message>
      Updated XMLReporter docs
      Added usage help string for -reporter
      Added CDATA for log messages in the reporter output
      Added basic escaping for XML report (currently only for the test method parameters and reporter outpu)
      Fixed CDATA escaping by splitting into several CDATA nodes whenever ]]> is found.
      Fixed JDK1.4 compatibility issue in XMLStringBuffer
      Fixed HTML escaping when rendering stacktrace in XML reporter - this is not neede since the stacktrace is rendered in a CDATA section
      Sorting the testng-results.xml output by timestamp (contribution of Daniel Rudman)
      Fix for XMLUtils to also escape XML attribute values
      Fixed compilation error
      Updated changelog.

cosminaru at gmail.com (1):
      Add duration attributes in testng-results.xml, for both suite and testcase.

cquezel (27):
      Fixed a logging message bug where the wrong level was displayed in log output. Added stricter log4testng.properties file parsing. Added Javadoc and unit tests
      Added Javadoc
      Added log4testng warning when specified source path does not exist
      Removed duplicate entry for tutorial
      Container class specific to JDK15
      Container class specific to JDK14
      Factored out common code to JDK14 and JDK5+
      Factored out common code to JDK14 and JDK5+
      commit 441d7f8c29a526a7b797d8675af6ce4fc30add91
      Replaced dynamic initialization of TestNG jar by static initialization.
      Initialize default annotation type earlier now that we statically know which version of TestNG is executing. Javadoc
      Added Javadoc and logging
      Added support for spaces in filenames, Javadoc and logging
      Added AnnotationType enum and factored out common code. Deprecated the setTarget method in favor of setDefaultAnnotations
      commit 9c31a4fd12b4373f26e06e1cf98fd7cdbdc5567c
      Deprecated XmlTest.setClassNames
      Added platform specific end of line
      commit 4bda521651b47de38839bd049be7580fad88a9ac
      Added Logging
      Fixed a typo error (was isJdk142 instead of isJdk14)
      Fixed missing index in debug code

gkorland (35):
      General codding improvments
      replcae Integer.valuteOf() back to new Integer() to support JDK1.4
      small memory improvement, changing new Boolean() to Boolean.valueOf() &  Boolean.FALSE
      Issue 5:
      Issue 5:
      Issue 5:
      Issue 5:
      Issue 5:
      Issue 5:
      Issue 5:
      Issue 5:
      Small memory improvements
      Small memory improvements
      arrange jini classpath
      arrange jini classpath and build.xml
      Wrap the XMLSuite with SuiteEntry
      small memory improvement, changing new Boolean() to Boolean.valueOf() &
      Issue 5:
      Issue 5:
      Issue 5:
      Issue 5:
      Issue 5:
      Issue 5:
      Issue 5:
      Issue 5:
      Issue 5:
      Issue 5:
      Issue 5:
      Issue 5:
      Issue 5:
      Issue 5:
      Issue 5:
      Issue 5:
      Issue 5:
      Issue 5:

jkuhnert (6):
      -) Fixes TESTNG-149. Applied patch from Marcel May that brings the current maven pom.xml file up to date with the proper dependencies.
      -) Added new ITestNGConfiguration interface which will hopefully start to turn into the replacement reference for the constants defined in TestNGCommandLineArgs. A default implementation based on parsing a Map object was created - MapConfigurationParser. References to Map objects probably need to come out of the interface but still need to see how this is to be done.
      -) Added new archetype section to cover Martin Gildays new maven2 archetype stuff.
      -) Added sample dependency and took out some of the unneccessary sample as per Erez Nahirs suggestions.
      -) Removed - no longer needed. Patches are all up to date now.
      -) Re-suppressed output directory creation via the m_useDefaultListeners parameter.

mendelson.paul (13):
      Fixed HTML problem in detail section with a parameterized method that generated Reporter output.
      Added row striping to parameters table.
      Created setOnHaltTarget(String) to allow users to define a target within the ant project that will get execute if and only if this task halts the current target.
      Moved validation of m_onHaltTarget into validateOptions().
      Flipped order of getThrowable() and setThrowable(...) to make the javadoc match the code.
      Added reporting of a test results throwable in detail section.
      Display # of lines not shown in stack trace
      Fixed problem where exception display block was inside of Reporter.log display block.
      Fixed unclosed table in summary report.
      Generates multiple permutations of TestNG output to see how things look in EmailableReporter.
      Modified stack trace display to truncate stack trace to test method
      Created enhanced Assertion tool for File centric assertions.
      Fixed problem in which current method was not being reset for IHookable tests

nalin.makar at gmail.com (6):
      Adding test classes to test overridden abstract configuration methods
      Fixed ClassHelper.extraMethods
      Trivial fixes: TESTNG-241 (log message at Info), Issue2 (throw SAXException and not NPE for invalid testng xml)
      Fixed: Show correct number of pass/failed numbers for tests using @DataProvider
      Issue78 NPE with non-public class. Now throws TestNG exception
      Fixed: Issue4 assertEquals for primitive arrays, Issue34 assertNull javadoc updated

nullin (17):
      Fixed: Issue24 OOM errors in SuiteHTMLReporter
      Merge remote branch 'upstream/master'
      Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/cbeust/testng
      Initialize all Suite/Test runners at beginning to catch configuration issues right at start
      Initialize all Suite/Test runners at beginning to catch configuration issues right at start
      Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/cbeust/testng
      Ignore files generated during build/testing
      Ignore files generated during build/testing
      Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/cbeust/testng
      Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/cbeust/testng
      Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/cbeust/testng
      Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/cbeust/testng
      Fixed: If inherited configuration methods had defined deps, they could be invoked in incorrect order
      1. ClassHelper.getAvailableMethod: No need to look at methods from Object class
      Fixed: If inherited configuration methods had defined deps, they could be invoked in incorrect order
      Fix another issue in setting up method dependency. For @BeforeXXX annotations, methods in derived class should depend on all methods in base class and not just any one. vice versa for @AfterXXX annotations also.
      Ability to configure failure policy by Todd Quessenberry

the.mindstorm (200):
      editted on purpose
      Share project 'tralala' into 'https://testng.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/tralala'
      removed testng not-needed dir
      tools.jar is needed for compilation (define variable TOOLS15_LIB to point to it)
      Fix TESNTG-81
      test-output, z_build, *.launch added to ignore list
      test for TESTNG-93
      output dirs added to ignore list
      support added for specifying test only classpath through sysproperty "testng.test.classpath"
      removed test.output.OutputTest (Regression2) from suite def (missing class)
      build and test-output dirs added to ignore list
      added class to method reports (otherwise was quite hard to read it)
      improved reports (also fix for TESTNG-7)
      synched exception printstacktrace (they were breaking the output)
      fix for TESTNG-59 and TESTNG-93
      quick hack to fix TESTNG-40
      Eclipse project renamed to TestNG1.5
      fix for TESTNG-56 (invocation of @Before/AfterClass methods)
      testng-1.0.dtd added to ignore list
      Fix for TESTNG-37 (pass null to parameter from suite definition)
      updated ChangeLog
      updated TestNG version to 5.1
      fixed a possible synch problem with the invocation of @BeforeClass
      a quick fix for the SuiteRunner: unique and ordered @Before/AfterSuite
      improved package filtering when testng.test.classpath is used
      test-output-tests dir added to ignore list
      small optimization in TestNGClassFinder.isTestNGClass
      Fix for TESTNG-101
      added new feature to Eclipse plugin: TESTNG-97 (double click top stack to raise comparison)
      a hack for TESTNG-40 (far from being fixed)
      improved support for TESTNG-40
      applyed patch for NPE (submitted by Dustim)
      File creating logs moved to level 3
      small fixes
      removed catch block from SuiteWorker
      fixed build to correctly run JDK1.4 tests with JDK5 version
      small reporting improvements
      fixed problem running JDK1.4 tests with JDK5 distro
      completely refactored support for running JUnit tests
      updated ChangeLog
      Fix for success on 0 test run (http://forums.opensymphony.com/thread.jspa?threadID=41213)
      Fixed bug TESTNG-106 (Failed "@BeforeSuite" method just skipps the last test in xml-file)
      order of source dirs
      include resources dir in the distro zip
      classfileset is automatically appending a selector for **/*.class files
      must be Serializable to work with distributed tests
      replaced  BufferedWriter.append method (JDK5) only
      fixed JDK5 API issue
      regrouped tests (JUnit)
      JDK1.4 concurrency jar upgraded to backport 2.2
      refactored TestNG main (contained dependency order between the setters)
      small changes to allow usage of usedefaultlisteners from Eclipse plugin
      FIX for TESTNG-109: SKIPPED test method with an expected exception is shown as FAILED
      updated with latest features/fixes
      concurrency aware
      fix for invocationCount and threadPoolSize usage scenarios
      fixed invocations of Before/AfterClass for parallel scenario with invocationCount and threadPoolSize
      formatting and small fixes
      avoid adding an empty sequential worker (it may trigger @BeforeClass invocations)
      removed old/not used JUnit behavior
      concurrency fixes for Before/AfterGroups
      possible fix needed
      all JUnit dependencies are now on org.testng.junit package and dynamically loaded
      reverted classpath
      fixed some small problems with the doc about the annotations
      small fix when passing an IAnnotationTransformer
      Annotation finders are not accessed anymore staticaly
      fixed bug regarding passing -usedefaultlisteners to JVM and not to TestNG
      testng-failed.xml is generated only if failures/skipped exist
      latest fixes
      fixed one TODO from Claude
      fixed formatting
      added dumpEnv and dumpSys Ant task properties
      some threading functionality extracted in ThreadUtil to be reused for parallel invocations
      RemoteTestNG main entry point for wiring TestNG extensions added to core
      attempt to fix a possible NPE
      small fix for synchronization of parallel execution
      fixed log message with null value
      removed a left-over sysout
      clarifying that the testng-sourcedir-override.properties must follow the syntax of normal properties files
      improved behavior in scanning sources: only the requested sources (and their super hierarchy) is scanned now
      fixed an ArrayIndexOutOfBounds
      fixed small issue
      small code formattings fixes
      improved summary index.html report (acc. http://groups.google.com/group/testng-users/browse_thread/thread/1c44f7baf1cb513d/9f4523c0f54efed2#9f4523c0f54efed2)
      Command line option/Ant task attribute "target" deprecated for "annotations" javadoc|jdk
      - fixed TestNG console help
      updated ChangeLog with latest fixes and additions
      fixed possible synch problem when parsing sources
      fixed problem when TestNG reports no test run (for JUnit only tests)
      InterruptedException removed from the IExecutor interface
      fixed formattings
      parallel attribute must not appear if empty or null in toXml
      super classes must not be listed in testng-failures.xml
      + @Before/@AfterMethod can declare a java.lang.reflect.Method parameter to be informed about the @Test method
      r255 at thor:  alex | 2006-10-25 03:52:23 +0300
      prepare for 5.3 release
      Added: support for remote protocol to pass parameter information
      updated build version 5.3.1
      r998 at thor:  alex | 2006-10-31 19:30:39 +0200
      r1002 at thor:  alex | 2006-11-01 20:27:19 +0200
      r1010 at thor:  alex | 2006-11-02 14:36:20 +0200
      r1025 at thor:  alex | 2006-11-04 20:06:34 +0200
      r1030 at thor:  alex | 2006-11-12 02:53:30 +0200
      r1047 at thor:  alex | 2006-11-17 19:37:32 +0200
      r1079 at thor:  alex | 2006-11-23 10:57:22 +0200
      r1080 at thor:  alex | 2006-11-23 12:06:54 +0200
      r1084 at thor:  alex | 2006-11-23 12:44:51 +0200
      r1092 at thor:  alex | 2006-11-25 05:10:09 +0200
      Fixed possible NPE when the @DataProvider name is the method name itself
      r1219 at thor:  alex | 2006-12-08 19:07:20 +0200
      r1221 at thor:  alex | 2006-12-10 05:36:26 +0200
      r1238 at thor:  alex | 2006-12-13 05:06:18 +0200
      r1240 at thor:  alex | 2006-12-13 06:07:32 +0200
      r1241 at thor:  alex | 2006-12-13 06:28:42 +0200
      r1242 at thor:  alex | 2006-12-13 06:34:12 +0200
      Fixed tests not running on JDK6
      Fixed: TESTNG-107 don't create an output directory if "outputDirectory" is null
      r1267 at thor:  alex | 2006-12-14 21:02:57 +0200
      r1269 at thor:  alex | 2006-12-15 00:02:18 +0200
      r1286 at thor:  alex | 2006-12-19 18:11:30 +0200
      A set of small fixes and additions
      r1297 at thor:  alex | 2006-12-19 22:12:09 +0200
      r1299 at thor:  alex | 2006-12-20 05:21:21 +0200
      r1300 at thor:  alex | 2006-12-20 06:05:39 +0200
      r1301 at thor:  alex | 2006-12-20 06:06:19 +0200
      r1302 at thor:  alex | 2006-12-20 14:00:10 +0200
      r1307 at thor:  alex | 2006-12-20 14:25:42 +0200
      code cleanup
      Clean separation between @Test invocation events and @Configuration invocation events (see also TESTNG-111)
      r1356 at thor:  alex | 2006-12-22 06:03:45 +0200
      Allow JDK6 for buld process
      r1372 at thor:  alex | 2006-12-25 16:23:16 +0200
      r1379 at thor:  alex | 2006-12-27 15:13:03 +0200
      r1386 at thor:  alex | 2006-12-29 04:12:20 +0200
      r1388 at thor:  alex | 2006-12-30 03:49:11 +0200
      r1400 at thor:  alex | 2007-01-07 19:15:44 +0200
      r1402 at thor:  alex | 2007-01-08 22:18:37 +0200
      r1403 at thor:  alex | 2007-01-08 22:19:38 +0200
      small changes in EmailableReport according to changes in the listeners
      r11624 at thor:  alex | 2007-01-18  E. Europe Standard Time
      r11680 at thor:  alex | 2007-02-06  E. Europe Standard Time
      r11681 at thor:  alex | 2007-02-06  E. Europe Standard Time
      r11684 at thor:  alex | 2007-02-10  E. Europe Standard Time
      r11686 at thor:  alex | 2007-02-13  E. Europe Standard Time
      r11688 at thor:  alex | 2007-02-13  E. Europe Standard Time
      r11692 at thor:  alex | 2007-02-16  E. Europe Standard Time
      r11698 at thor:  alex | 2007-02-18  E. Europe Standard Time
      r11700 at thor:  alex | 2007-02-18  E. Europe Standard Time
      r11746 at thor:  alex | 2007-02-20  E. Europe Standard Time
      r11748 at thor:  alex | 2007-02-20  E. Europe Standard Time
      r11750 at thor:  alex | 2007-02-20  E. Europe Standard Time
      r11755 at thor:  alex | 2007-02-21  E. Europe Standard Time
      r11757 at thor:  alex | 2007-02-22  E. Europe Standard Time
      r11761 at thor:  alex | 2007-02-22  E. Europe Standard Time
      r11762 at thor:  alex | 2007-02-22  E. Europe Standard Time
      r12180 at thor:  alex | 2007-02-28  E. Europe Standard Time
      r12184 at thor:  alex | 2007-03-07  E. Europe Standard Time
      <test>s can now be disabled at xml level using <test enabled="false">
      a quick fix for previous commit
      fixed NPEs in Assert
      removed not used method
      added support for SkipException and TimeBombedException
      added support for SkipException and TimeBombedException
      + a quick fix to TimeBombedSkipException
      renamed TimeBombedSkipException to TimebombSkipException
      Concurrency bug fix in ResultMap
      strprotocol hangs when sending method param infor that contains \n, \r messages
      Added: support in strprotocol for passing the ITest.getTestName() information
      removed a dummy console message
      temp commit for case sensitive renaming
      TimebombSkipException renamed to TimeBombSkipException
      Fixed: TESTNG-152
      removed an empty folder
      reverted configuration changes
      reverted configuration changes
      small refactorings (removing compilation warnings)
      a fix for AnnotationConverter (an ArrayIndexOutOfBounds)
      reverted changes to this file as line numbers are important in AnnotationTestConverter
      fix error message for command line IObjectFactory
      XML output files are written using Utils.writeUtf8File
      TESTNG-155 (missing opening <run>)
      TESTNG-159 Add syntax to allow searching for tests in package and sub-packages
      added support for retry analyzer (submitted by Jeremy)
      added support for retry analyzer (submitted by Jeremy)
      fixed reporting task to ignore the XmlReporter output when processing
      + Improve the interleaving behavior
      Fix: TESTNG-169
      small fixes in the report
      unnecessary empty output dirs were created
      added top dir to the archive all distro
      FIXED: Suite level threadCount value was ignored
      add timeout to @Before/@After
      removed JDK5  only API usage
      + added support for reading Parameters from Sys ENV
      changed abstract class WARN logging to 5
      some NPE protection
      name attribute on <test> is required
      fixed classpath
      Added: antlib.xml to allow autodiscovery of Ant task definition


No new revisions were added by this update.

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