Bug#418962: tomcat5.5: Should not use relative symlinks

Mike Young debian at elyoung.com
Sat Apr 14 01:25:16 UTC 2007

severity 418962 minor

Please excuse the initial severity of this bug. I have discovered that 
the reason the tomcat install hosed my CATALINA_BASE was due to a user 
(who used to have sudo permissions and now has a very nasty MOTD) who 
seemed to be hitting bug 402603 and trying everything to get tomcat started.

I've tracked dome some errant modifications (involving symlinking 
between /var/lib/tomcat5.5 and my CATALINA_BASE /srv/tomcat and I have 
reinstalled tomcat with success.

Please accept my apology for that stupid user error.

The issue with symlinks still stands though, albeit a very minor issue now.

Also, I am curious as to whether the changes made to /var/lib/tomcat 
should in fact be made to CATALINA_BASE or whether we should recommend 
that certain parts of CATALINA_BASE be pointed at their /var/lib/tomcat 
equivalents? after fixing the symlink error above, I am concerned that 
security patches and or updates might not make it to my system because 
of my choice to host the server under the /srv/ mount.


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