[Pkg-javascript-commits] [dojo] annotated tag 1.8.11 created (now ffc2e23)

David Prévot taffit at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Mar 24 04:28:33 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

taffit pushed a change to annotated tag 1.8.11
in repository dojo.

        at  ffc2e23   (tag)
   tagging  9a7be1d2993b04f19416a345d6dde229bff7e280 (commit)
  replaces  1.8.10
 tagged by  Dylan Schiemann
        on  Sun Mar 20 08:18:58 2016 -0700

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
Release 1.8.11

Benjamin Santalucia (2):
      fixes #17117, handle falsy response.data in dojo/request/xhr
      refs #18155, fix aspect nextId when running multiple versions of Dojo in the same app

Bill Keese (3):
      Add dj_trident CSS flag.  Fixes #17927.
      Cache results of _getGregorianBundle(), fixes #18629
      Fix scrollIntoView() regressions on IE8 in quirks/RTL mode.

Bryan Forbes (1):
      refs #18438, Loader only strips strict-mode directive with double quotes

Clément Mathieu (3):
      Check for legacy module in i18n sync require. Fixes #18448.
      Nls bundles lacking _localized property are not improved while preloading anymore. Previously the code was setting _localized to {}, lying about the absence of better bundles. Fixes #18556.
      Fixes #18497, Reverse the order of locales merging during layer preload.

Colin Snover (2):
      Updating source version to 1.8.11-pre
      Reapply a48e75ef40f902e00641e4215f562a461528cceb which was nuked by 33e4435e30d59f339af3bcce6d84fbc0aa3bd6c6

Dylan Schiemann (10):
      fixes #18614, decimal places for PKR currency
      fixes #18197, IE9 console quirks
      fixes #16111, fx IE type check to avoid sporadic bug
      fixes #18321, better test for nextElementSibling
      fixes #18321, corrected check for nextElementSibling
      fixes #18321, so sorry
      refs #18783
      fixes #16248, fixes #16617, add catch statements for IE8/IE9 brittleness
      fixes #18784, update syntax of license in package.json
      Updating metadata for 1.8.11

Ed Hager (1):
      Remove dojo.hasClass from dom-class documentation, refs #17468

Kenneth G. Franqueiro (1):
      Fix #18637: Prevent aspect.before/after errors after removing handles

Mel Woodgett (1):
      refs #8606, typo in Store.QueryOptions

Swizard (1):
      refs #18432, fix request/iframe xml handling in Firefox

dylans (4):
      refs #18640, add repository field to package.json to make npm not complain
      fixes #17020, fix detection for activex and file protocol for request/xhr
      fixes #15156, dojo/store/DataStore was not setting implicit idProperty
      fixes #15973, Incorrect array key in xhrDummyMethod.php


This annotated tag includes the following new commits:

       new  7633019   Updating source version to 1.8.11-pre
       new  b9a16bc   Check for legacy module in i18n sync require. Fixes #18448.
       new  3da223a   refs #8606, typo in Store.QueryOptions
       new  129fcff   Add dj_trident CSS flag.  Fixes #17927.
       new  2afe859   Nls bundles lacking _localized property are not improved while preloading anymore. Previously the code was setting _localized to {}, lying about the absence of better bundles. Fixes #18556.
       new  a69ef2b   fixes #17117, handle falsy response.data in dojo/request/xhr
       new  d702821   Fix #18637: Prevent aspect.before/after errors after removing handles
       new  3dc17a4   Cache results of _getGregorianBundle(), fixes #18629
       new  2872e60   Fixes #18497, Reverse the order of locales merging during layer preload.
       new  34ee9a5   refs #18640, add repository field to package.json to make npm not complain
       new  f96c273   Reapply a48e75ef40f902e00641e4215f562a461528cceb which was nuked by 33e4435e30d59f339af3bcce6d84fbc0aa3bd6c6
       new  e04f560   refs #18438, Loader only strips strict-mode directive with double quotes
       new  efab207   refs #18155, fix aspect nextId when running multiple versions of Dojo in the same app
       new  033f824   Fix scrollIntoView() regressions on IE8 in quirks/RTL mode.
       new  1f5cb5f   Remove dojo.hasClass from dom-class documentation, refs #17468
       new  890a02e   fixes #17020, fix detection for activex and file protocol for request/xhr
       new  5ce9e1f   fixes #15156, dojo/store/DataStore was not setting implicit idProperty
       new  c3c3705   fixes #15973, Incorrect array key in xhrDummyMethod.php
       new  7cdc002   fixes #18614, decimal places for PKR currency
       new  f034ea2   refs #18432, fix request/iframe xml handling in Firefox
       new  2bb4e5b   fixes #18197, IE9 console quirks
       new  baaf751   fixes #16111, fx IE type check to avoid sporadic bug
       new  9fb8c11   fixes #18321, better test for nextElementSibling
       new  bd9240b   fixes #18321, corrected check for nextElementSibling
       new  33e5c64   fixes #18321, so sorry
       new  1963b2c   refs #18783
       new  16686d6   fixes #16248, fixes #16617, add catch statements for IE8/IE9 brittleness
       new  277e4d2   fixes #18784, update syntax of license in package.json
       new  9a7be1d   Updating metadata for 1.8.11

The 29 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-javascript/dojo.git

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