[Pkg-javascript-devel] apache2.4

Jean-Michel Vourgère jmv_deb at nirgal.com
Sun Jul 21 22:39:18 UTC 2013

On Saturday 20 July 2013 09:52:18 Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
> > Marcelo Jorge Vieira is now reviewing a full bunch of patches I 
> > suggest https://github.com/nirgal/javascript-common
> Please beware that use of less free services like Github may discourage 
> some collaboration.  I recommend to move Debian work to Alioth instead.

These changes will be commited to Alioth *if* they are approved by a regular
javascript-common maintainer.

> > That issue must be solved now!
> (...) only the severe parts of that bug needs addressing urgently 
> - i.e. the reasons listed at http://bugs.debian.org/474913#42 for 
> relaxing the Apache clone of the bug.

I suppose you mean severity can be lower when issues that caused the severity
to be raised to serious in the first place are adressed:

I agree for the _first one_ and my proposal addresses it. I hope to go ahead
soon, despite the fact that my hacks are really ugly :(
Regarding the _second one_, there are applications broken by having /javascript
in and others broken by not having it. So I'd discard that as a RC.

*apache2.4 transition bug has been closed* a few minutes ago and migration to
testing is approching fast now!
Last packages still not supporting apache2.4 needs urgent work.
You can expect many bug reports otherwise.

Moreover, Ubuntu will freeze automatic Debian imports in 3 days.

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