[Pkg-javascript-devel] Bug#860634: reproducible here

Paolo Greppi paolo.greppi at libpf.com
Fri Apr 21 07:33:25 UTC 2017

This is easy to reproduce on stretch from the root of a source package against the currently installed package.

Just make sure the tmp directory created during the build process is not present:
  make -f debian/rules clean

or just:
  rm -rf tmp

then run the tests in the local environment (that's the easiest path as per https://ci.debian.net/doc/file.MAINTAINERS.html):
  adt-run --output-dir /tmp/output-dir ./ --- null

The reason for the failure is that when tests are run during the build process, they are run via the debian/rules override_dh_clean which does:
  rm -rf tmp
  mkdir -p tmp
  grunt copy

whereas when they are run by adt-run and hence by debci the tests run as declared in debian/tests/control per DEP-8 spec, i.e. by running nodeunit straight.

Interestingly this package has no Testsuite: autopkgtest or XS-Testsuite: autopkgtest entries in the source stanza in debian/control, but debci runs the tests anyway.

A fix is to make both tests run via the supplied ./debian/tests/run_tests script.

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