[Pkg-javascript-devel] Bug#965353: Bug#965353: Bug#965353: Bug#965353: node-babel7 FTBFS: babel-plugin-dynamic-import-node/src/index.js: isArray is not defined

Nicolas Mora nicolas at babelouest.org
Sun Jul 26 21:12:32 BST 2020

I'm not sure yet if this would fix the bug but in all the build log
errors, I see that the file /usr/share/nodejs/lodash/_baseOrderBy.js is
always the source of the error.

The file _baseOrderBy.js in the package seems buggy for an unresolved reson.

File in node-lodash unstable package:
4.17.19+dfsg-1 _baseOrderBy.js https://paste.debian.net/1157886/

File in node-lodash bullseye package
4.17.15+dfsg-2 _baseOrderBy.js https://paste.debian.net/1157887/

In the unstable version, the call to isArray line 24 is the root of errors.

Also, I see that the upstream version 4.17.19 isn't tagged as latest
release, 4.17.16 is, maybe it's worth a try to package 4.17.16 instead?


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