Bug#771126: libav/tests/lena.pnm: also not mentioned in debian/copyright

Niels Thykier niels at thykier.net
Fri Nov 28 06:34:28 UTC 2014

Control: tags -1 -wheezy-ignore

On 2014-11-27 23:23, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
> Quoting Niels Thykier (2014-11-27 22:14:25)
>> [...]
> In prior similar bugreport <https://bugs.debian.org/760171#10> - 
> referenced from <https://bugs.debian.org/771191#10> - distribution is 
> documented as permitted only "for research and education" which I 
> interpret as unacceptable for Debian.
> [...]
>  - Jonas

Ack, removing the -ignore tag then.  That does not sound like something
we can distribute as we also distribute to other uses.

Once this have been resolved in unstable, please file both an unblock
request for it and a p-u request for getting it fixed in stable.  Please
also be advised that snapshots.d.o may also be distributing copies of
this file unknowingly.  Please inform them of the affected versions, so
they can remove them.


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