Bug#796238: libavcodec56: video players seg fault when using libavcodec for decoding video

Andreas Cadhalpun andreas.cadhalpun at googlemail.com
Sat Aug 22 13:32:45 UTC 2015

On 22.08.2015 15:12, Fabian Greffrath wrote:
> Am Samstag, den 22.08.2015, 14:38 +0200 schrieb Andreas Cadhalpun:
>> I don't see a point in doing this, when such mixtures just work.
> To preserve relevance of our bug reports.

Maybe you have a point there, but I don't think it will change much
in that respect.

> What e.g. if dmo's packages introduce a bug that our version doesn't have?

Such a bug report would just get closed, which is probably less
maintenance burden than adapting the dependencies.

We can discuss this again, once such a bug has been filed.
(Currently, that's not possible, because the package names are different.)

Best regards,

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