Bug#856122: calf-plugins: UI not loaded in ardour (works in the standelone app)

Klaumi Klingsporn klaumikli at gmx.de
Sun Mar 19 16:28:20 UTC 2017

Am / On Sun, 19 Mar 2017 13:37:00 +0100
schrieb / wrote Klaumi Klingsporn <klaumikli at gmx.de>:

> I can NOT confirm this.
> I just tried calf-reverb with ardour-5.5 from the
> debian-testing-package, with the ardour-5.5-binaries from ardour.org
> and with a self-packaged ardour-4.7 (which I normally use because of
> ardour-bug 0007022 in the 5.x-series), and in all versions of
> ardour the plugin and its GUI just works fine.

O.K., now me too!

I just downloaded Ardour-5.8 and opened the test-session created with
Ardour-5.5. There is a calf-reverb inserted pre-fader in a track,
which I cannot access anymore. It is not shown in the mixer strip
anymore and I cannot recall its GUI, but it *is* inserted and works,
as I can hear! I can also manipulate the automation of the reverb in
the tracks automation bar. When I try to delete all inserts from the
track (I can not select the non-visible reverb itself, but it's the
only insert) nothing happens.

But this only happens with Ardour-5.8! When I reopen the session with
Ardour-5.5 all works as expected: The plugin appears in the
mixer-strip and its GUI as well after a double-click.

So I think it's more an Ardour-bug than a calf-bug and may be related
to the modified version of some libraries the Ardour-builds use: 

BTW: At least Ardour-bug 0007022 seems to be fixed in Ardour-5.8!
So, it would be nice to have this version in Debian nevertheless. Who
really needs plugins ;-)


Klaus-Michael Klingsporn 
mail: klaumikli at gmx.de
web: www.klaumikli.de

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