[debian-mysql] Bug#512309: Bug#512309: debian-sys-maint has insufficient permissions on MySQL 5.0

Thomas Gelf thomas at gelf.net
Mon Feb 2 12:37:23 UTC 2009

One more note: everything has been fine with Debian Sarge, this
issue has been introduced with Etch - as probably no one thought
at updating post-install scripts according to new permissions
available with MySQL 5. Given permissions equal "ALL PRIVILEGES"
on MySQL 4 - on MySQL 5 they don't.

It would be great if the original behaviour could be restored
with Lenny. debian-sys-maint is really useful for many scripting
tasks - people using it for scripted tasks like "create databases,
users and permissions" shouldn't be forced to create one more super

Best regards,
Thomas Gelf

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