[pkg-nvidia-devel] Bug#541681: nvidia: 800x600 uses too high a refresh rate for LCD monitors

Andreas Beckmann debian at abeckmann.de
Sat May 15 16:36:18 UTC 2010

On Sunday, 23. August 2009 16:15:20 Steve Cotton wrote:
> Transferring to the nvidia-glx package, I think they're the best
> people to decide what to do with the bug.  The documentation for
> Stefano is seeing this with (I assume) the Debianized package.
> I'm happy to add debug too, but my own system is running a
> straight-from-Nvidia driver (version 180.51).

Is this problem still present with the current versions of X.Org and the 
NVIDIA driver? 195.36.24-1 entered testing yesterday.


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