[pkg-nvidia-devel] [patch 195xx] [16/k] let nvidia-glx recommend nvidia-vdpau-driver

Andreas Beckmann debian at abeckmann.de
Mon May 17 09:49:41 UTC 2010


if nvidia-glx recommends nvidia-vdpau-driver, this will make the
nvidia-libvdpau* transition more easy because nvidia-vdpau-driver is
less likely to get removed. I tested the transition in a chroot with
nvidia-glx, nvidia-vdpau-driver, nvidia-libvdpau1, nvidia-libvdpau-dev
installed and afterwards I had libvdpau1 instead of nvidia-libvdpau1
installed while nvidia-vdpau-dev got removed.

I didn't add an alternative as in
  Recommends: nvidia-vdpau-driver | nvidia-vdpau-driver-ia32 [amd64]
because a setup with nvidia-vdpau-driver-ia32 only would be quite exotic
and has probably not been tested so far.

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