Bug#761360: GNOME fix

Jason Rhinelander jagerman at jagerman.com
Wed Apr 1 15:27:45 UTC 2015

This is a NVIDIA driver bug, but it is only something that NVIDIA claims 
will be fixed at some indeterminate future date.  In the meantime, 
upstream gnome has applied a workaround (to 3.16.1, I think, but didn't 
make it into 3.16.0) for this, referenced in 
https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=739178 that basically forces 
a refresh of background instances during resume.

The two patches attached to that bug report apply to mutter (the 
"meta-background" patch) and gnome-shell (the "Refresh all background" 
patch), and apply cleanly to the 3.14 versions of those packages 
currently in testing.

I applied the patches, rebuilt mutter and gnome-shell, and the problem 
is gone: suspend and resume now work without any lock and desktop 
background garbling.

Jason Rhinelander

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