[Pkg-octave-commit] [matlab2tikz] 01/15: Updated version 1.1.0 from 'upstream/1.1.0'

Sébastien Villemot sebastien at debian.org
Wed Jan 4 16:18:54 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

sebastien pushed a commit to branch master
in repository matlab2tikz.

commit 47a7c6322af6205fe781cf15019e7d6626d0d7a7
Merge: c7d16e0 585abbb
Author: Sébastien Villemot <sebastien at debian.org>
Date:   Wed Jan 4 15:10:46 2017 +0100

    Updated version 1.1.0 from 'upstream/1.1.0'
    with Debian dir 4f842e76935a30ae41842c04425f51f7633ee551

 .gitignore                                  |   21 +-
 .travis.yml                                 |   10 +-
 AUTHORS.md                                  |   57 +-
 CHANGELOG.md                                |   56 +
 CONTRIBUTING.md                             |   66 +
 LICENSE.md                                  |    2 +-
 README.md                                   |   17 +-
 logos/matlab2tikz.svg                       |   54 +-
 matlab2tikz.sublime-project                 |   49 +
 runtests.sh                                 |   86 +
 src/cleanfigure.m                           | 1713 +++++++---
 src/dev/formatWhitespace.m                  |   87 +
 src/figure2dot.m                            |  264 +-
 src/m2tInputParser.m                        |   27 +-
 src/matlab2tikz.m                           | 4554 +++++++++++++++------------
 src/private/errorUnknownEnvironment.m       |    5 +
 src/private/getEnvironment.m                |   25 +
 src/private/guitypes.m                      |   13 +
 src/private/isVersionBelow.m                |   13 +
 src/private/m2tUpdater.m                    |  362 ++-
 src/private/m2tstrjoin.m                    |   35 +
 src/private/versionArray.m                  |   18 +
 src/private/versionString.m                 |    9 +
 test/README.md                              |   52 +-
 test/codeReport.m                           |   18 +-
 test/compareTimings.m                       |  256 ++
 test/data/.gitignore                        |    7 -
 test/examples/example_bar_plot.m            |   53 +
 test/examples/example_quivers.m             |   80 +
 test/makeLatexReport.m                      |  183 +-
 test/makeTapReport.m                        |   74 +
 test/makeTravisReport.m                     |  345 +-
 test/output/.gitignore                      |    4 +
 test/private/OSVersion.m                    |   28 +-
 test/private/StreamMaker.m                  |   74 +
 test/private/VersionControlIdentifier.m     |    1 +
 test/private/calculateMD5Hash.m             |   25 +-
 test/private/cleanFiles.m                   |    2 +
 test/private/countNumberOfErrors.m          |   14 +-
 test/private/emptyStatus.m                  |   35 +-
 test/private/execute_save_stage.m           |    6 +-
 test/private/execute_tikz_stage.m           |   21 +-
 test/private/execute_type_stage.m           |    5 +-
 test/private/getEnvironment.m               |   34 +-
 test/private/hasTestFailed.m                |   13 +
 test/private/initializeGlobalState.m        |   99 +
 test/private/initializeWorkingDirectory.m   |   23 -
 test/private/m2troot.m                      |   30 +
 test/private/m2tstrjoin.m                   |    8 +
 test/private/restoreGlobalState.m           |   11 +
 test/private/splitPassFailSkippedTests.m    |   10 +
 test/private/testMatlab2tikz.m              |   41 +-
 test/runMatlab2TikzTests.m                  |    8 +-
 test/saveHashTable.m                        |  163 +-
 test/suites/ACID.MATLAB.8.3.md5             |  202 +-
 test/suites/ACID.MATLAB.8.4.md5             |  202 +-
 test/suites/ACID.Octave.3.8.0.md5           |  163 +-
 test/suites/ACID.m                          |  496 ++-
 test/suites/private/getEnvironment.m        |   34 +-
 test/suites/private/herrorbar.m             |   24 +-
 test/template/.gitignore                    |    6 +
 test/{tex => template}/Makefile             |   14 +-
 test/template/data/.gitignore               |    8 +
 test/{ => template}/data/converted/Makefile |    2 +-
 test/{ => template}/data/reference/Makefile |    0
 test/testGraphical.m                        |   12 +-
 test/testHeadless.m                         |    6 +-
 test/tex/.gitignore                         |    4 -
 68 files changed, 6823 insertions(+), 3616 deletions(-)

Alioth's /home/groups/pkg-octave/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-octave/matlab2tikz.git

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