[Pkg-openldap-devel] Bug#725091: Bug#725091: slapd with memory leak in active sync

Thomas Sesselmann thomas.sesselmann at uni-jena.de
Tue Oct 15 14:30:38 UTC 2013

Hi Ryan,

Am 11.10.2013 00:44, schrieb Ryan Tandy:> Hi Thomas,
> Sorry it took me so long to get back to you.
> I think the problem is that your slapd.conf uses LDAP Sync replication
> and not delta-syncrepl. I missed that at first because you have an
> accesslog database configured, so I assumed you were using
> delta-syncrepl, but your syncrepl consumers are actually not
> configured for it.

we try to configure Delta-syncrepl and run in next issue :(

The slapd on the slaves crashes immediately after modifying a group
on memberof overlay. I can try to start in debug mode an the slave
crashes after the next entry:

ldap-slave# slapd -u openldap -g openldap -F /etc/ldap/slapd.d -d -1
525d3d02 => access_allowed: search access to "cn=smtp,ou=local,ou=groups,dc=uni-jena,dc=de" "objectClass" requested
525d3d02 <= root access granted
525d3d02 => access_allowed: search access granted by manage(=mwrscxd)
525d3d02 <= test_filter 6
525d3d02 send_ldap_result: conn=-1 op=0 p=3
525d3d02 send_ldap_result: err=0 matched="" text=""
525d3d02 ==> unique_modify <cn=smtp,ou=local,ou=groups,dc=uni-jena,dc=de>
525d3d02 unique_modify: administrative bypass, skipping
525d3d02 => bdb_entry_get: ndn: "cn=smtp,ou=local,ou=groups,dc=uni-jena,dc=de"
525d3d02 => bdb_entry_get: oc: "(null)", at: "(null)"
525d3d02 bdb_dn2entry("cn=smtp,ou=local,ou=groups,dc=uni-jena,dc=de")
525d3d02 => bdb_entry_get: found entry: "cn=smtp,ou=local,ou=groups,dc=uni-jena,dc=de"
525d3d02 bdb_entry_get: rc=0
525d3d02 hdb_modify: cn=smtp,ou=local,ou=groups,dc=uni-jena,dc=de
525d3d02 bdb_dn2entry("cn=smtp,ou=local,ou=groups,dc=uni-jena,dc=de")
525d3d02 bdb_modify_internal: 0x00000056: cn=smtp,ou=local,ou=groups,dc=uni-jena,dc=de
525d3d02 <= acl_access_allowed: granted to database root
525d3d02 bdb_modify_internal: softdel member
525d3d02 dnMatch 1
525d3d02 dnMatch 1536
525d3d02 dnMatch 1536
525d3d02 dnMatch 1536
525d3d02 dnMatch 1536
525d3d02 dnMatch 1536
525d3d02 dnMatch 0
525d3d02 bdb_modify_internal: replace entryCSN
525d3d02 bdb_modify_internal: replace modifiersName
525d3d02 bdb_modify_internal: replace modifyTimestamp
525d3d02 => key_change(DELETE,56)
525d3d02 bdb_idl_delete_key: 56
525d3d02 <= key_change 0
525d3d02 => key_change(ADD,56)
525d3d02 bdb_idl_insert_key: 56
525d3d02 <= key_change 0
525d3d02 => entry_encode(0x00000056):
525d3d02 <= entry_encode(0x00000056):
525d3d02 hdb_modify: updated id=00000056 dn="cn=smtp,ou=local,ou=groups,dc=uni-jena,dc=de"
525d3d02 send_ldap_result: conn=-1 op=0 p=3
525d3d02 send_ldap_result: err=0 matched="" text=""
slapd: ../../../../../servers/slapd/overlays/memberof.c:1465: memberof_res_modify: Assertion `0' failed.

Sounds like ITS#7487 (http://www.openldap.org/its/index.cgi/Software%20Bugs?id=7487;page=6)

best regards


Thomas Sesselmann, Dipl.-Inf.
Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
Am Johannisfriedhof 2
D-07743 Jena
Tel.: 03641/9-40530
Fax.: 03641/9-40630

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