[Pkg-openssl-devel] Bug#578376: openssl: OpenSSL 1.0.0 is out

José Miguel Parrella Romero bureado at debian.org
Mon Apr 19 16:28:46 UTC 2010

Ondřej Surý escribió:
> OpenSSL 1.0.0 is out, so this is just friendly reminder to get this packaged, so we will be API/ABI compatible with Fedora and others, and also as a placeholder for discussion, if there is a need.

I've been using a self-compiled OpenSSL 1.0.0 for my OpenTSA project
(tsa.g33k.com.ve) using a Debian 5.0.3 chroot. I use sid for my main
system and I'd be willing to test a package in experimental.

Keep up the good work,

José Miguel Parrella Romero (bureado.com.ve)          PGP: 0×88D4B7DF
Debian Developer                                Caracas, VE/Quito, EC

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