[Pkg-openssl-devel] Bug#871987: openssl breaks dovecot

James Cloos cloos at jhcloos.com
Thu Aug 24 20:18:07 UTC 2017

>>>>> "CC" == Carlos Carvalho <carlos at fisica.ufpr.br> writes:

CC> Reverting the upgrade is messy (I run unstable). I tried to compile the
CC> packages removing the disable-tls1 disable-tls1_1 in CONFARGS but the build
CC> failed in the tests with

You can grab the deb files for version 1.1.0f-3 of openssl, libssl1.1,
libssl-dev and libssl-doc from any debian mirror.  Eg, files like:


and use dpkg to install them.

Then run:

  :; apt-mark hold openssl libssl1.1 libssl-dev libssl-doc

to prevent them from upgrading past 1.1.0f-3.

I had to do that on my MXs, main web site and outgoing smtp machines.

James Cloos <cloos at jhcloos.com>         OpenPGP: 0x997A9F17ED7DAEA6

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