r3084 - in /packages/libmasonx-interp-withcallbacks-perl/branches/upstream/current: Build.PL Changes MANIFEST META.yml Makefile.PL README lib/MasonX/Interp/WithCallbacks.pm t/05object.t t/09cgi.t t/htdocs/alt.mc

gregoa-guest at users.alioth.debian.org gregoa-guest at users.alioth.debian.org
Sat Jun 17 15:33:46 UTC 2006

Author: gregoa-guest
Date: Sat Jun 17 15:33:44 2006
New Revision: 3084

URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-perl/?sc=1&rev=3084
Load /tmp/tmp.PwSkTg6227/libmasonx-interp-withcallbacks-perl-1.15 into


Modified: packages/libmasonx-interp-withcallbacks-perl/branches/upstream/current/Build.PL
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-perl/packages/libmasonx-interp-withcallbacks-perl/branches/upstream/current/Build.PL?rev=3084&op=diff
--- packages/libmasonx-interp-withcallbacks-perl/branches/upstream/current/Build.PL (original)
+++ packages/libmasonx-interp-withcallbacks-perl/branches/upstream/current/Build.PL Sat Jun 17 15:33:44 2006
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
         'HTML::Mason'             => '1.23',
         'Test::Simple'            => '0.17',
         'Class::Container'        => '0.09',
-        'Params::CallbackRequest' => '1.11',
+        'Params::CallbackRequest' => '1.15',
     build_requires     => {
         'Test::Simple' => '0.17'

Modified: packages/libmasonx-interp-withcallbacks-perl/branches/upstream/current/Changes
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-perl/packages/libmasonx-interp-withcallbacks-perl/branches/upstream/current/Changes?rev=3084&op=diff
--- packages/libmasonx-interp-withcallbacks-perl/branches/upstream/current/Changes (original)
+++ packages/libmasonx-interp-withcallbacks-perl/branches/upstream/current/Changes Sat Jun 17 15:33:44 2006
@@ -1,4 +1,17 @@
 Revision history for Perl extension MasonX::Interp::WithCallbacks.
+1.15  2006-05-26T23:02:03
+      - Added missing t/htdocs/alt.mc to MANIFEST and therefore to the
+        distribution. D'oh!
+1.14  2006-05-26T22:55:15
+      - Now passing the the interp object to callbacks via the new 'requster'
+        parameter the request() method of Params::CallbacRequest, introduced
+        in version 1.15 of that module.
+      - Added the comp_path() accessor. This so that callbacks can change it
+        if they want, by calling $cb->requester->comp_path($comp_path).
+      - Fixed CGI redirect tests to be compliant with the new "302 Found"
+        header created by CGI.pm. It used to be "302 Moved".
 1.13  2004-11-19T02:37:50
       - Makefile.PL no longer requires Apache::TestMB, since it may not

Modified: packages/libmasonx-interp-withcallbacks-perl/branches/upstream/current/MANIFEST
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-perl/packages/libmasonx-interp-withcallbacks-perl/branches/upstream/current/MANIFEST?rev=3084&op=diff
--- packages/libmasonx-interp-withcallbacks-perl/branches/upstream/current/MANIFEST (original)
+++ packages/libmasonx-interp-withcallbacks-perl/branches/upstream/current/MANIFEST Sat Jun 17 15:33:44 2006
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@

Modified: packages/libmasonx-interp-withcallbacks-perl/branches/upstream/current/META.yml
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-perl/packages/libmasonx-interp-withcallbacks-perl/branches/upstream/current/META.yml?rev=3084&op=diff
--- packages/libmasonx-interp-withcallbacks-perl/branches/upstream/current/META.yml (original)
+++ packages/libmasonx-interp-withcallbacks-perl/branches/upstream/current/META.yml Sat Jun 17 15:33:44 2006
@@ -1,22 +1,26 @@
---- #YAML:1.0
 name: MasonX-Interp-WithCallbacks
-version: 1.13
+version: 1.15
-  - David Wheeler <david at kineticode.com>
-abstract: |-
-  Mason callback support via Params::CallbackRequest.
+  - 'David Wheeler <david at kineticode.com>'
+abstract: Mason callback support via Params::CallbackRequest.
 license: perl
+  license: http://dev.perl.org/licenses/
   Class::Container: 0.09
   HTML::Mason: 1.23
-  Params::CallbackRequest: 1.11
+  Params::CallbackRequest: 1.15
+  Test::Simple: 0.17
   Test::Simple: 0.17
   Apache::TestMB: 0
-  Test::Simple: 0.17
     file: lib/MasonX/Interp/WithCallbacks.pm
-    version: 1.13
-generated_by: Module::Build version 0.2604
+    version: 1.15
+generated_by: Module::Build version 0.2801
+  url: http://module-build.sourceforge.net/META-spec-v1.2.html
+  version: 1.2

Modified: packages/libmasonx-interp-withcallbacks-perl/branches/upstream/current/Makefile.PL
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-perl/packages/libmasonx-interp-withcallbacks-perl/branches/upstream/current/Makefile.PL?rev=3084&op=diff
--- packages/libmasonx-interp-withcallbacks-perl/branches/upstream/current/Makefile.PL (original)
+++ packages/libmasonx-interp-withcallbacks-perl/branches/upstream/current/Makefile.PL Sat Jun 17 15:33:44 2006
@@ -17,15 +17,15 @@
       # Save this 'cause CPAN will chdir all over the place.
       my $cwd = Cwd::cwd();
-      my $makefile = File::Spec->rel2abs($0);
-      CPAN::Shell->install('Module::Build::Compat')
-	or die " *** Cannot install without Module::Build.  Exiting ...\n";
+      CPAN::Shell->install('Module::Build::Compat');
+      CPAN::Shell->expand("Module", "Module::Build::Compat")->uptodate
+	or die "Couldn't install Module::Build, giving up.\n";
       chdir $cwd or die "Cannot chdir() back to $cwd: $!";
     eval "use Module::Build::Compat 0.02; 1" or die $@;
-    use lib '_build/lib';
     Module::Build::Compat->run_build_pl(args => \@ARGV);
     require Apache::TestMB;
     Module::Build::Compat->write_makefile(build_class => 'Apache::TestMB');

Modified: packages/libmasonx-interp-withcallbacks-perl/branches/upstream/current/README
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-perl/packages/libmasonx-interp-withcallbacks-perl/branches/upstream/current/README?rev=3084&op=diff
--- packages/libmasonx-interp-withcallbacks-perl/branches/upstream/current/README (original)
+++ packages/libmasonx-interp-withcallbacks-perl/branches/upstream/current/README Sat Jun 17 15:33:44 2006
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-MasonX/Interp/WithCallbacks version 1.13
+MasonX/Interp/WithCallbacks version 1.15
 MasonX::Interp::WithCallbacks subclasses HTML::Mason::Interp in order to
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
-Copyright (C) 2003-2004 David Wheeler
+Copyright (C) 2003-2006 David Wheeler
 This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 it under the same terms as Perl itself. 

Modified: packages/libmasonx-interp-withcallbacks-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/MasonX/Interp/WithCallbacks.pm
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-perl/packages/libmasonx-interp-withcallbacks-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/MasonX/Interp/WithCallbacks.pm?rev=3084&op=diff
--- packages/libmasonx-interp-withcallbacks-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/MasonX/Interp/WithCallbacks.pm (original)
+++ packages/libmasonx-interp-withcallbacks-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/MasonX/Interp/WithCallbacks.pm Sat Jun 17 15:33:44 2006
@@ -8,13 +8,16 @@
 use vars qw($VERSION @ISA);
 @ISA = qw(HTML::Mason::Interp);
-$VERSION = '1.13';
+$VERSION = '1.15';
   ( on_fail => sub { HTML::Mason::Exception::Params->throw( join '', @_ ) } );
-use HTML::Mason::MethodMaker( read_only => [qw(cb_request)] );
+use HTML::Mason::MethodMaker(
+    read_only  => [qw(cb_request)],
+    read_write => [qw(comp_path)],
 # We'll use this code reference to eval arguments passed in via httpd.conf
 # PerlSetVar directives.
@@ -105,6 +108,7 @@
     my ($self, %p) = @_;
     # We have to grab the parameters and copy them into a hash.
     my %params = @{$p{args}};
+    $self->{comp_path} = $p{comp};
     # Grab the apache request object, if it exists.
     my $apache_req = $p{apache_req}
@@ -112,20 +116,24 @@
       || $self->delayed_object_params('request', 'cgi_request');
     # Execute the callbacks.
-    my $ret =  $self->{cb_request}->request(\%params, $apache_req ?
-                                            (apache_req => $apache_req) :
-                                            ());
+    my $ret =  $self->{cb_request}->request(
+        \%params,
+        requester => $self,
+        $apache_req ? ( apache_req => $apache_req ) : (),
+    );
     # Abort the request if that's what the callbacks want.
     unless (ref $ret) {
-        HTML::Mason::Exception::Abort->throw
-          ( error         => 'Callback->abort was called',
-            aborted_value => $ret );
+        HTML::Mason::Exception::Abort->throw(
+            error         => 'Callback->abort was called',
+            aborted_value => $ret,
+        );
     # Copy the parameters back -- too much copying!
     $p{args} = [%params];
+    $p{comp} = $self->{comp_path};
     # Get the request, copy the notes, and continue.
     my $req = $self->SUPER::make_request(%p);
@@ -811,12 +819,45 @@
 Params::CallbackRequest constructor and deleted from the
 MasonX::Interp::WithCallbacks object. MasonX::Interp::WithCallbacks then
 contains a Params::CallbackRequest object that it uses to handle the execution
-of all callbacks for each request. Thus MasonX::Interp::WithCallbacks adds a
-single accessor, C<cb_request()>, to return the Params::CallbackRequest
+of all callbacks for each request.
+=head3 cb_request
   my $interp = MasonX::Interp::WithCallbacks->new;
   my $cb_request = $interp->cb_request;
+Returns the Params::CallbackRequest object in use during the execution of
+=head3 comp_path
+  my $comp_path = $interp->comp_path;
+  $interp->comp_path($comp_path);
+Returns the component path resolved by Mason during the execution of
+C<handle_request()>. The cool thing is that it can be changed during the
+execution of callback methods:
+  sub change_path :Callback {
+      my $cb = shift;
+      my $interp = $cb->requester;
+      $inpter->comp_path($some_other_path);
+  }
+In this example, we have overridden the component path determined by the
+Mason resolver in favor of an alternate component, which will be executed,
+=head2 Requester
+The MasonX::Interp::WithCallbacks object is available in all callback methods
+via the C<requester()> accessor:
+  sub access_interp :Callback {
+      my $cb = shift;
+      my $interp = $cb->requester;
+      # ...
+  }
 =head2 Notes
@@ -860,7 +901,7 @@
-Copyright 2003-2004 by David Wheeler
+Copyright 2003-2006 by David Wheeler
 This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
 the same terms as Perl itself.

Modified: packages/libmasonx-interp-withcallbacks-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/05object.t
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-perl/packages/libmasonx-interp-withcallbacks-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/05object.t?rev=3084&op=diff
--- packages/libmasonx-interp-withcallbacks-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/05object.t (original)
+++ packages/libmasonx-interp-withcallbacks-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/05object.t Sat Jun 17 15:33:44 2006
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 #!perl -w
-# $Id: 05object.t 682 2004-09-28 05:59:10Z theory $
+# $Id: 05object.t 2866 2006-05-26 22:54:37Z theory $
 use strict;
 use FindBin qw($Bin);
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
       unless eval { require Attribute::Handlers }
       and eval { require Class::ISA };
-    plan tests => 130;
+    plan tests => 136;
@@ -130,6 +130,17 @@
     } else {
         $params->{obj} = $self;
+sub isa_interp : Callback {
+    my $self      = shift;
+    main::isa_ok $self->requester, 'MasonX::Interp::WithCallbacks',
+        'the requester object';
+sub change_comp : Callback {
+    my $self = shift;
+    $self->requester->comp_path($self->value);
@@ -348,6 +359,18 @@
     # Check priority 0 sticks.
     $interp->exec($comp, "$key|highest_cb" => undef);
     $outbuf = '';
+    ##########################################################################
+    # Requester should be WithCallbacks object.
+    $interp->exec($comp, "$key|isa_interp_cb" => 1);
+    $outbuf = '';
+    ##########################################################################
+    # Changing the comp path should change the executed component.
+    $interp->exec($comp, "$key|change_comp_cb" => '/alt.mc');
+    is $outbuf, 'This is the alt component.',
+        'The alt component should have executed';
+    $outbuf = '';

Modified: packages/libmasonx-interp-withcallbacks-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/09cgi.t
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-perl/packages/libmasonx-interp-withcallbacks-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/09cgi.t?rev=3084&op=diff
--- packages/libmasonx-interp-withcallbacks-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/09cgi.t (original)
+++ packages/libmasonx-interp-withcallbacks-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/09cgi.t Sat Jun 17 15:33:44 2006
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 #!perl -w
-# $Id: 09cgi.t 682 2004-09-28 05:59:10Z theory $
+# $Id: 09cgi.t 2865 2006-05-26 22:35:27Z theory $
 use strict;
 use FindBin qw($Bin);
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@
 ok( $cgih->handle_request, "Handle redirection request" );
 is( $outbuf, '', "Check redirection result" );
 ok( my $out = $stdout->read, "Get contents of STDOUT" );
-like( $out, qr/Status: 302 Moved/, "Check Status header" );
+like( $out, qr/Status: 302 (?:Moved|Found)/, "Check Status header" );
 like( $out, qr/Location: $url/, "Check Location header" );
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@
 ok( $cgih->handle_request, "Handle redirect w/o abort" );
 ok( my $res = $stdout->read, "Get response headers" );
-like( $res, qr/Status: 302 Moved/, "Check for Status header" );
+like( $res, qr/Status: 302 (?:Moved|Found)/, "Check for Status header" );
 like( $res, qr/Location: $url/, "Check for Location header" );
 like( $res, qr/Age: 42/, "Check for age header" );

Added: packages/libmasonx-interp-withcallbacks-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/htdocs/alt.mc
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-perl/packages/libmasonx-interp-withcallbacks-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/htdocs/alt.mc?rev=3084&op=file
--- packages/libmasonx-interp-withcallbacks-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/htdocs/alt.mc (added)
+++ packages/libmasonx-interp-withcallbacks-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/htdocs/alt.mc Sat Jun 17 15:33:44 2006
@@ -1,0 +1,1 @@
+% $m->print('This is the alt component.');

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