r23204 - in /scripts: KGB/ KGB/KGB KGB/KGB_sendcommit KGB/kgb.conf KGB/post-commit takeover-for-pkg-perl.sh

dmn at users.alioth.debian.org dmn at users.alioth.debian.org
Mon Jul 14 19:54:54 UTC 2008

Author: dmn
Date: Mon Jul 14 19:54:52 2008
New Revision: 23204

URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/?sc=1&rev=23204
Imported KGB dump from Tincho

    scripts/KGB/KGB   (with props)
    scripts/KGB/KGB_sendcommit   (with props)
    scripts/KGB/post-commit   (with props)

Added: scripts/KGB/KGB
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/scripts/KGB/KGB?rev=23204&op=file
--- scripts/KGB/KGB (added)
+++ scripts/KGB/KGB Mon Jul 14 19:54:52 2008
@@ -1,0 +1,238 @@
+# vim: ts=4:sw=4:et:ai:sts=4
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use POE;
+use POE::Component::Server::SOAP;
+use POE::Component::IRC::State;
+use POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::Connector;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use List::Util qw(max);
+use YAML ();
+my $conf = YAML::LoadFile("kgb.conf") or die "Error loading config";
+die "Invalid config key: soap" unless(ref $conf->{soap}
+        and ref $conf->{soap} eq "HASH"); 
+die "Invalid config key: repositories" unless(ref $conf->{repositories}
+        and ref $conf->{repositories} eq "HASH"); 
+die "Invalid config key: networks" unless(ref $conf->{networks}
+        and ref $conf->{networks} eq "HASH"); 
+die "Invalid config key: channels" unless(ref $conf->{channels}
+        and ref $conf->{channels} eq "ARRAY"); 
+$conf->{soap}{service_name} ||= "KGB";
+$conf->{soap}{server_port}  ||= 9999;
+$conf->{soap}{server_addr}  ||= "";
+foreach(keys %{$conf->{networks}}) {
+    $conf->{networks}{$_}{nick}     ||= "KGB";
+    $conf->{networks}{$_}{ircname}  ||= "KGB bot";
+    $conf->{networks}{$_}{username} ||= "kgb";
+    $conf->{networks}{$_}{port}     ||= 6667;
+    die "Missing server name in network $_\n" unless(
+        $conf->{networks}{$_}{server});
+foreach(@{$conf->{channels}}) {
+    die "Missing channel name at channel\n" unless($_->{name});
+    die "Invalid network at channel ".$_->{name}."\n" unless($_->{network}
+            and $conf->{networks}{$_->{network}});
+    push @{$conf->{networks}{$_->{network}}{channels}}, $_->{name};
+    die "Invalid repos key at channel ".$_->{name}."\n" unless(ref $_->{repos}
+        and ref $_->{repos} eq "ARRAY");
+    warn "Channel ".$_->{name}." doesn't listen on any repository\n" unless(
+        @{$_->{repos}});
+    foreach my $repo (@{$_->{repos}}) {
+        die "Invalid repository $repo at channel ".$_->{name}."\n" unless(
+            $conf->{repositories}{$repo});
+        push @{$conf->{repositories}{$repo}{channels}}, $_->{name};
+    }
+my %chanidx = map ({ $conf->{channels}[$_]{name} => $conf->{channels}[$_] }
+    0..$#{$conf->{channels}});
+$conf->{chanidx} = \%chanidx;
+    ALIAS   => "SOAPServer",
+    ADDRESS => $conf->{soap}{server_addr},
+    PORT    => $conf->{soap}{server_port},
+foreach(keys %{$conf->{networks}}) {
+    POE::Component::IRC::State->spawn(
+        Alias       => "irc_$_",
+        Nick        => $conf->{networks}{$_}{nick},
+        Ircname     => $conf->{networks}{$_}{ircname},
+        Username    => $conf->{networks}{$_}{user},
+        Password    => $conf->{networks}{$_}{password}
+    );
+    inline_states => {
+        _start          => \&setup_service,
+        _stop           => \&shutdown_service,
+        soap_commit     => \&do_commit,
+        soap_dump       => \&do_dump,
+        irc_registered  => \&irc_registered,
+        irc_001         => \&irc_001,
+        irc_public      => \&irc_public,
+        _default        => \&irc_default,
+        sighandler      => \&sighandler,
+    },
+exit 0;
+sub setup_service {
+    my $kernel = $_[KERNEL];
+    my $session = $_[SESSION];
+    my $heap = $_[HEAP];
+    $kernel->sig( INT => 'sighandler' );
+    $kernel->sig( TERM => 'sighandler' );
+    $kernel->alias_set($conf->{soap}{service_name});
+    $kernel->post(SOAPServer => 'ADDMETHOD',
+        $conf->{soap}{service_name}, 'soap_commit',
+        $conf->{soap}{service_name}, 'commit',
+    );
+    $kernel->signal($kernel => 'POCOIRC_REGISTER', $session->ID(), 'all');
+    $heap->{connector} = POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::Connector->new();
+    warn("Listening on http://", $conf->{soap}{server_addr}, ":",
+        $conf->{soap}{server_port}, "?session=", $conf->{soap}{service_name},
+        "\n");
+    undef;
+sub irc_registered {
+    my ($kernel, $heap, $sender, $irc_object) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP, SENDER, ARG0];
+    my $alias = $irc_object->session_alias();
+    $alias =~ s/^irc_//;
+    $irc_object->plugin_add('Connector' => $heap->{connector});
+    $kernel->post($sender => connect => {
+            Server      => $conf->{networks}{$alias}{server},
+            Port        => $conf->{networks}{$alias}{port},
+        });
+    undef;
+sub shutdown_service {
+    my $kernel = $_[KERNEL];
+    my $session = $_[SESSION]->ID();
+    warn "_stop \@session $session\n";
+    $kernel->post(SOAPServer => 'DELSERVICE', $conf->{soap}{service_name});
+sub sighandler {
+    my($kernel, $sig) = ($_[KERNEL], $_[ARG0]);
+    warn "Deadly signal $sig received, exiting...\n";
+    $kernel->sig_handled();
+    $kernel->signal($kernel => 'POCOIRC_SHUTDOWN', "KGB going to drink vodka");
+    $kernel->post(SOAPServer => 'STOPLISTEN');
+    my $heap = $_[HEAP];
+    delete $heap->{$_} foreach(keys %$heap);
+    undef;
+sub do_commit {
+    my $kernel = $_[KERNEL];
+    my $response = $_[ARG0];
+    my $params = $response->soapbody;
+    warn("commit: " . YAML::Dump($params));
+    unless(ref $params and ref $params eq "HASH"
+            and $params->{Array} and ref $params->{Array}
+            and ref $params->{Array} eq "ARRAY"
+            and scalar @{$params->{Array}} == 6) {
+        $kernel->post(SOAPServer => 'FAULT', $response, 'Client.Arguments',
+            'commit(string repo_id, string password, int rev, ' .
+            'string[] paths, string log, string author)');
+        warn("Invalid call\n");
+        return;
+    }
+    my($repo_id, $passwd, $rev, $paths, $log, $author) = @{$params->{Array}};
+    unless($conf->{repositories}{$repo_id}) {
+        $kernel->post(SOAPServer => 'FAULT', $response, 'Client.Arguments',
+            "Repository $repo_id is unknown");
+        warn("Unknown repository\n");
+        return
+    }
+    if($conf->{repositories}{$repo_id}{password} and
+        $conf->{repositories}{$repo_id}{password} ne $passwd) {
+        $kernel->post(SOAPServer => 'FAULT', $response, 'Client.Arguments',
+            "Invalid password for repository $repo_id");
+        warn("Invalid password\n");
+        return
+    }
+    my @log = split(/\n+/, $log);
+    my @string = ("\002$repo_id\017: \00303$author\017 * r\002$rev\017 " .
+        "(files: \00310@$paths\017) $log[0]");
+    foreach(1..$#log) {
+        push @string, "\002$repo_id\017: $log[$_]";
+    }
+    my @tmp;
+    # Standard says 512 (minus \r\n), anyway that's further trimmed when
+    # resending to clients because of prefix.
+    # Let's trim on 400, to be safe
+    my $MAGIC_MAX_LINE = (400 - length("PRIVMSG ") - 
+        max(map(length, @{$conf->{repositories}{$repo_id}{channels}})) -
+        length(" :"));
+    while($_ = shift @string) {
+        if(length($_) > $MAGIC_MAX_LINE) {
+            push @tmp, substr($_, 0, $MAGIC_MAX_LINE);
+            unshift @string, "\002$repo_id\017: " . substr($_, $MAGIC_MAX_LINE);
+        } else {
+            push @tmp, $_;
+        }
+    }
+    @string = @tmp;
+    foreach my $chan (@{$conf->{repositories}{$repo_id}{channels}}) {
+        my $alias = "irc_" . $conf->{chanidx}{$chan}{network};
+        $kernel->post($alias => privmsg => $chan => $_) foreach(@string);
+        print "$alias/$chan > $_\n" foreach(@string);
+    }
+    $response->content( "OK" );
+    $kernel->post( SOAPServer => 'DONE', $response );
+sub irc_default {
+    my ($event, $args) = @_[ ARG0 .. $#_ ];
+    my $out = "$event ";
+    foreach (@$args) {
+        if(ref($_) eq 'ARRAY') {
+            $out .= "[" . join (", ", @$_) . "] ";
+        } elsif(ref($_) eq 'HASH') {
+            $out .= "{" . join (", ", %$_) . "} ";
+        } elsif(defined $_) {
+            $out .= "'$_' ";
+        } else {
+            $out .= "undef ";
+        }
+    }
+    print "$out\n";
+    return 0;
+sub irc_public {
+    my ($kernel, $heap, $who, $where, $what) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP, ARG0, ARG1,
+    ARG2];
+    my $nick = (split /!/, $who)[0];
+    my $chan = $where->[0];
+    print($chan . ':<' . $nick . '> ' . $what . "\n");
+    undef;
+sub irc_001 {
+    my ($kernel, $sender) = @_[KERNEL, SENDER];
+    my $poco_object = $sender->get_heap();
+    my $alias = $poco_object->session_alias();
+    $alias =~ s/^irc_//;
+    # Get the component's object at any time by accessing the heap of
+    # the SENDER
+    print "Connected to $alias (", $poco_object->server_name(), ")\n";
+    my $channels = $conf->{networks}{$alias}{channels};
+    if($channels) {
+        print "Joining @$channels...\n";
+        # In any irc_* events SENDER will be the PoCo-IRC session
+        $kernel->post( $sender => join => $_ ) for @$channels;
+    }
+    undef;

Propchange: scripts/KGB/KGB
    svn:executable = *

Added: scripts/KGB/KGB_sendcommit
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/scripts/KGB/KGB_sendcommit?rev=23204&op=file
--- scripts/KGB/KGB_sendcommit (added)
+++ scripts/KGB/KGB_sendcommit Mon Jul 14 19:54:52 2008
@@ -1,0 +1,60 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use SVN::Fs;
+use SVN::Repos;
+use SVN::Core;
+use SOAP::Lite;
+use utf8;
+#my $pool = SVN::Pool->new_default;
+my $uri = "http://asterix.decidir.net:9999/";
+my $proxy = "http://asterix.decidir.net:9999/?session=KGB";
+my($repoid, $path, $rev) = @ARGV;
+die "$0 repoid path [revision]\n" unless($repoid and $path);
+my $repo = SVN::Repos::open($path);
+my $fs = $repo->fs or die $!;
+$rev ||= $fs->youngest_rev;
+my $log = $fs->revision_prop($rev, "svn:log");
+my $aut = $fs->revision_prop($rev, "svn:author");
+my $root = $fs->revision_root($rev);
+my $changed = $root->paths_changed();
+my @changed;
+foreach(keys %$changed) {
+	my $k = $changed->{$_}->change_kind();
+	if($k == $SVN::Fs::PathChange::modify) {
+		$k = "M";
+	} elsif($k == $SVN::Fs::PathChange::add) {
+		$k = "A";
+	} elsif($k == $SVN::Fs::PathChange::delete) {
+		$k = "D";
+	}
+	my $pm = $changed->{$_}->prop_mod() ? "+" : " ";
+	my $tm = $changed->{$_}->text_mod() ? "+" : " ";
+	push @changed, "($k$tm$pm) $_";
+#utf8::encode($_) foreach(@changed);
+my $s = SOAP::Lite->new(uri => $uri, proxy => $proxy);
+$s->on_fault(sub {
+		my($soap, $res) = @_;
+		die "SOAP fault: ", ref $res ? $res->faultdetail :
+		$soap->transport->status, "\n";
+	});
+my $res = $s->commit([
+		$repoid, undef, SOAP::Data->type(int => $rev),
+		[ map({SOAP::Data->type(string => $_)} @changed) ],
+		SOAP::Data->type(string => $log),
+		SOAP::Data->type(string => $aut)]);
+#print $res->result(), "\n";

Propchange: scripts/KGB/KGB_sendcommit
    svn:executable = *

Added: scripts/KGB/kgb.conf
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/scripts/KGB/kgb.conf?rev=23204&op=file
--- scripts/KGB/kgb.conf (added)
+++ scripts/KGB/kgb.conf Mon Jul 14 19:54:52 2008
@@ -1,0 +1,21 @@
+# vim: filetype=yaml
+  server_addr:
+  server_port: 9999
+  service_name: KGB
+  foo: {}               # just a name to identify it
+  freenode:
+    nick: KGB
+    ircname: KGB bot
+    username: kgb
+    password: ~
+    server: irc.freenode.net
+    port: 6667
+  - name: '#foo'
+    network: freenode
+    repos:
+      - foo

Added: scripts/KGB/post-commit
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/scripts/KGB/post-commit?rev=23204&op=file
--- scripts/KGB/post-commit (added)
+++ scripts/KGB/post-commit Mon Jul 14 19:54:52 2008
@@ -1,0 +1,55 @@
+# The post-commit hook is invoked after a commit.  Subversion runs
+# this hook by invoking a program (script, executable, binary, etc.)
+# named 'post-commit' (for which this file is a template) with the 
+# following ordered arguments:
+#   [1] REPOS-PATH   (the path to this repository)
+#   [2] REV          (the number of the revision just committed)
+# The default working directory for the invocation is undefined, so
+# the program should set one explicitly if it cares.
+# Because the commit has already completed and cannot be undone,
+# the exit code of the hook program is ignored.  The hook program
+# can use the 'svnlook' utility to help it examine the
+# newly-committed tree.
+# On a Unix system, the normal procedure is to have 'post-commit'
+# invoke other programs to do the real work, though it may do the
+# work itself too.
+# Note that 'post-commit' must be executable by the user(s) who will
+# invoke it (typically the user httpd runs as), and that user must
+# have filesystem-level permission to access the repository.
+# On a Windows system, you should name the hook program
+# 'post-commit.bat' or 'post-commit.exe',
+# but the basic idea is the same.
+# The hook program typically does not inherit the environment of
+# its parent process.  For example, a common problem is for the
+# PATH environment variable to not be set to its usual value, so
+# that subprograms fail to launch unless invoked via absolute path.
+# If you're having unexpected problems with a hook program, the
+# culprit may be unusual (or missing) environment variables.
+# Here is an example hook script, for a Unix /bin/sh interpreter.
+# For more examples and pre-written hooks, see those in
+# the Subversion repository at
+# http://svn.collab.net/repos/svn/trunk/tools/hook-scripts/ and
+# http://svn.collab.net/repos/svn/trunk/contrib/hook-scripts/
+#/usr/share/subversion/hook-scripts/commit-email.pl "$REPOS" "$REV" commit-watchers at example.org
+REPO_ID="`echo "$REPOS" | sed 's/-/_/g; s#^.*\(/var/lib\|/srv\)/svn/\(decidir/\)*\(.\+\)$#\3#; s#/*$##'`"
+"$BOT" "$REPO_ID" "$REPOS" "$REV"

Propchange: scripts/KGB/post-commit
    svn:executable = *

Modified: scripts/takeover-for-pkg-perl.sh
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/scripts/takeover-for-pkg-perl.sh?rev=23204&op=diff
--- scripts/takeover-for-pkg-perl.sh (original)
+++ scripts/takeover-for-pkg-perl.sh Mon Jul 14 19:54:52 2008
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
     -s URL      SVN trunk URL (default $SVN)
     -m URL      URL to a message in which the previous maintainer requests the
+    -a #        RFA bug number (conflicts with -m)
     -h          show this text
 <package> is the source package name that we take over of. You may list more
@@ -23,16 +24,23 @@
-while getopts t:s:m:h o; do
+while getopts t:s:m:a:h o; do
     case $o in
         h) usage;;
         m) MAIL=$OPTARG;;
         t) TRUNK=$OPTARG;;
         s) SVN=$OPTARG;;
+        a) RFA=$OPTARG;;
 shift `expr $OPTIND - 1`
+if [ -n "$RFA" ] && [ -n "$MAIL" ]; then
+    echo "-m and -a cannot be given at the same time"
+    exit 1
 [ -n "$TRUNK" ] || usage
@@ -57,6 +65,9 @@
     if [ -n "$MAIL" ]; then
         TXT="$TXT on maintainer's request ($MAIL)"
+    if [ -n "$RFA" ]; then
+        TXT="$TXT; Closes: #$RFA -- RFA"
+    fi
     dch -i -c $TRUNK/$1/debian/changelog "$TXT"

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