[SCM] librdf-trine-perl Debian packaging annotated tag, rdf-trine-0.124, created. rdf-trine-0.124

Gregory Todd Williams greg at evilfunhouse.com
Fri Jun 7 14:21:14 UTC 2013

The annotated tag, rdf-trine-0.124 has been created
        at  614a01e1969102e708c02d16b24b50e5ef00c434 (tag)
   tagging  249c9c49cd276719347cd76cb6b5d6ff09c3a21c (commit)
  replaces  rdf-query-2.202
 tagged by  Gregory Todd Williams
        on  Mon Jun 21 19:37:58 2010 -0400

- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------
RDF::Trine 0.124.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (Darwin)


Gregory Todd Williams (121):
      - Removed code related to the RDF::Query::Model bridge classes.
      - Removed all bridge classes (RDF::Query::Model::*).
      - Renamed RDF::Query::Plan::ComputedTriple to RDF::Query::Plan::ComputedStatement.
      - Updated RDF::Trine::Model to throw an error if not passed a store object.
      - Fixed bug in RDF::Trine::Store subclasses registering their class names in %STORE_CLASSES.
      - Updated RDF::Trine::Parser::parse_url_into_model to fall back on file extension heuristics if the media-type based parse fails.
      - Added default indent in RDF::Query::Algebra::Aggregate::sse.
      - Fixed logging key in RDF::Query::Plan.
      Merge commit '22fc966f70e' into dev
      Merge branch 'dev' into feature-rdfquery-remove-bridge
      - Added stub code in RDF::Query::Plan for optimizing COUNT(*) queries over simple BGPs.
      - Removed RDF::Core as a prerequisite and from old comments/documentation.
      - Updated doap.rdf to reflect current version.
      - Removed RDF::Core as a prerequisite in META.yml.
      - Made HAVING evaluation into a normal Filter that occurs before projection, after variable extension.
      - Added new RDF::Query::Plan::Iterator class.
      - Renamed sse name of RDF::Query::Plan::Iterator objects.
      - Fixed bug in handling of quads in RDF::Trine::Model::get_pattern and RDF::Trine::Store::get_pattern.
      - Updated RDF::Query::Plan::BasicGraphPattern to work with the current codebase.
      Merge branch 'feature-rdfquery-remove-bridge' into dev
      - Removed unused RDF::Query::aggregate method.
      - Removed tests for and references to net filter function/JavaScript code.
      - Added initial support for LOAD and CLEAR GRAPH update operations.
      - Added ability to access the number of rows returned from RDF::Trine::Iterator::Bindings::as_string.
      - Fixed bug in RDF::Trine::Store::Memory::_get_statements_quad that would infinite loop after removing statements.
      - Changed test data in t/iterator-thaw.t.
      - Added support for INSERT DATA update operation.
      - bin/rqsh.pl now always adds queries to term history, even duplicates.
      - Added support for INSERT WHERE updates.
      - bin/rqsh.pl now prints the number of statements when dumping the store.
      - Added support for WITH clause in INSERT WHERE updates.
      - Added support for DELETE DATA updates.
      - Added as_sparql implementations for INSERT WHERE and DELETE WHERE forms.
      - Added support for DELETE WHERE updates.
      - Added as_hash method to Query, Algebra, and Node classes.
      - bin/rqsh.pl now catches execution errors.
      - Added support for STRDT, STRLANG, IRI, and URI functions.
      - Added xsd to list of built-in prefixes in RDF::Query::Util.
      - Added support for IF function.
      - Added support for UNDEF in SPARQL 1.1 federation BINDINGS clauses.
      - Added ability to serialize algebra and plan in bin/deparse.pl.
      - Fixed whitespace formatting in RDF::Query::as_sparql.
      - Fixed bug in t/filters.t.
      - Silenced noisy debugging in RDF::Query::Parser::SPARQL11.
      - bin/deparse.pl now catches parsing errors and prints stacktrace.
      - Fixed as_sparql serialization for project/extend expressions.
      - Fixed as_sparql serialization for new SPARQL functions STRDT, STRLANG, IRI, URI, and BNODE.
      - Added BNODE function.
      - Updated RDF::Query::Algebra::Filter::as_sparql to always use parens around the filter.
      - Updated RDF::Query::get_function to accept resource objects.
      - Updated RDF::Query::Plan::Extend to discard rows that cause an evaluation error.
      - Added support for IN and NOT IN infix operators.
      - Removed extra whitespace from RDF::Query::Algebra::GroupGraphPattern::as_sparql serialization.
      - Added initial support for SPARQL 1.1 MINUS graph patterns.
      - Added initial support for parsing SPARQL 1.1 property paths.
      - Added implementation for bounded- and fixed-length SPARQL 1.1 property paths.
      - Fixed bug in bounded-length property paths of length 3 or more.
      - Updated SPARQL 1.1 parser to allow property paths in [...] blank nodes.
      - Better error messages for unimplemented unbounded property paths.
      - Added support for GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT) aggregate.
      - Renamed RDF::Query::Algebra::Path::fixed_length to bounded_length.
      - Added support for multi-argument GROUP_CONCAT aggregates.
      - Added support for parsing parameterized options to aggregates (SEPERATOR for GROUP_CONCAT).
      - Removed SPARQLP parser and use.
      - RDF::Trine::Iterator::Bindings::as_string now returns unescaped strings.
      - Removed SPARUL parser.
      - Reorganized code in RDF::Query::Parser::SPARQL11.
      - Made SPARQL 1.1 the default parser in RDF::Query.
      - Updated RDF::Endpoint to use SPARQL 1.1 parser.
      - Added support for SPARQL 1.1 Update multi-statement handling.
      - Added support for SPARQL 1.1 DELETE/INSERT combo operation.
      - Updated t/dawg-eval.t to use new bridge-less API.
      - Improved handling of quads in RDF::Query::Plan::BasicGraphPattern.
      - Updated SPARQL 1.1 parser to allow Quad GGPs (triples and GRAPH patterns) in INSERT and DELETE ops.
      - Fixed bug in parsing complex SPARQL 1.1 property paths.
      - Added RDF::Trine::Model::Dataset for constructing views over a model (including default graph renaming and unions).
      - Updated SPARQL 1.1 parser to allow bracketted expression in GROUP BY clauses.
      - Added ability to use bin/rqsh.pl with SQLite-based persistent stores.
      - Fixed SPARQL 1.1 parser to not require trailing whitespace when using a LIMIT clause.
      - Added initial support for unbounded-length SPARQL 1.1 property paths.
      - Updated test count in t/model-dataset.t.
      - Added support for named graphs in RDF::Trine::Model::Dataset.
      - RDF::Query no longer loads URIs in FROM and FROM NAMED clauses with SPARQL 1.1 (now the default).
      - Added new RDF::Query::Algebra::Dataset for mid-execution dataset changes.
      - Fixed RDF::Trine::Iterator::Bindings::as_string to respect $max_result_size argument.
      - Updated POD tests to not use taint mode (and synced between R::T and R::Q).
      - Updated parser, algebra, and planning to support SPARQL 1.1 negated property path classes.
      - Updated perlrdf/TODO.
      - Implemented filter-form of NOT EXISTS.
      - Removed tests using NOT EXISTS graph pattern.
      - Removed now unused RDF::Query::Algebra::Dataset.
      - Added debugging to RDF::Query::var_or_expr_value.
      - Updated perlrdf/TODO.
      - Added new RDF-Endpoint-Plack package space.
      - Updated RDF::Trine::Store::DBI and RDF::Trine::Store::Memory to not return the default (nil) context from get_contexts.
      - Added RDF::Trine::Model->dataset_model method.
      - Removed extraneous POD resulting from a copy-past in RDF::Trine::Iterator::Bindings.
      - Updated t/dawg-eval.t to use the load_data flag when constructing the query object.
      - Renamed variables in RDF::Query::VariableBindings->join.
      - Updated RDF::Query::Plan::Update to use the new RDF::Trine::Model->dataset_model method.
      - Added debugging to join plan classes.
      - Added ability for RDF::Query::Plan::Iterator to fire a callback when execute() is called.
      - Updated SPARQL parsers to only promote triples to quads in a GRAPH context when the graph is a resource (not a variable).
      - Removed unused code.
      - Added RDF::Trine::Iterator->count method.
      - Added POD to RDF::Trine::Iterator->count method.
      - Updated docs for 0.124_01 beta release.
      - Updated MANIFEST, SIGNATURE and VERSION for 0.124_01 beta release.
      - Updated POD in RDF::Trine::Model::Dataset.
      - Fixed tests related to get_contexts calls in t/parser-trig.t, t/store-context.t, and t/store.t.
      - Updated SIGNATURE for 0.124_01 beta release.
      - Added default implementation of RDF::Trine::Serializer::serialize_iterator_to_file.
      - Updated SIGNATURE, VERSION, and docs for 0.124_02 beta release.
      - Added ability for RDF::Trine::Store::Memory to load RDF files by URI in _new_with_string.
      - Updated SIGNATURE, VERSION, and docs for 0.124_03 beta release.
      - Silenced uninitialized warning in RDF::Trine::Store::Memory.
      - Updated quality value heuristics in RDF::Trine::Serializer::negotiate.
      - Silenced HTTP::Negotiate debugging.
      - Updated SIGNATURE, VERSION, and docs for 0.124_04 beta release.
      - Updated VERSION, SIGNATURE and docs for 0.124 release.
      Merge branch 'rdf-trine-0.124'

Kjetil Kjernsmo (3):
      Add failing TODO test
      Add private method to use config string for hexastore
      Refactor tests


librdf-trine-perl Debian packaging

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