MIME::Lite seems to have broken my application

Peter Mogensen apm at mutex.dk
Fri Sep 16 20:44:44 UTC 2005


I think I have the signs of a bug somewhere. I'm building a mod_per2
application and lately the apache2 process has started to sigfault. I'm
not sure when it started, but it _might_ have something to do with the
recent apache update.

I've isolated the problem to the 3 small files included.
If I use MIME::Lite it apache will segfault on the first or second
request. (Also if I run /usr/sbin/apache2 -X )
If I don't use MIME::Lite, everything works.

My system is kernel (custom compiled)
The rest is standard Sarge:
ii  apache2        2.0.54-5
ii  apache2-common 2.0.54-5
ii  apache2-mpm-pr 2.0.54-5
ii  apache2-utils  2.0.54-5
ii  libapache2-mod 1.999.21-1
ii  libmime-lite-p 3.01-4
ii  libmodule-buil 0.26-1
ii  libperl5.6     5.6.1-8.3
ii  libperl5.8     5.8.4-8
ii  perl           5.8.4-8

I hope this is useful.

Peter Mogensen
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# This is an -*- apache -*- conf file ...(or template)

<VirtualHost *>
        ServerName debugtest
        DocumentRoot /home/apm/debugtest

#        <IfDefine PERLDB>
#            PerlRequire /home/apm/debugtest/db.pl
#            <Location />
#                PerlFixupHandler Apache::DB
#            </Location>
#        </IfDefine>

        PerlModule Apache2

        PerlPostConfigRequire /home/apm/debugtest/startup.pl

        <Location ~ "^/mp/$" >
            SetHandler perl-script
            PerlResponseHandler MP

        ErrorLog /home/apm/debugtest/log/error
        CustomLog /home/apm/debugtest/log/access combined


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