Bug#442710: (Fwd) Re: [rt.cpan.org #29395] t/check020 fails

gregor herrmann gregor+debian at comodo.priv.at
Mon Sep 17 07:20:54 UTC 2007

Here's the answer from the upstream author:

----- Forwarded message from Bryan Baldus <eijabb at cpan.org> -----

From: Bryan Baldus <eijabb at cpan.org>
To: gregor+debian at comodo.priv.at;
Subject: Re: [rt.cpan.org #29395] t/check020 fails
Date: Sun, 16 Sep 2007 16:35:58 -0500

Thank you for writing. I was aware of the problems introduced with the 
release of the new Business::ISBN module. The latest version of MARC::Lint 
is maintained at: <http://marcpm.cvs.sourceforge.net/marcpm/marc-lint/>. I 
have modified the code to workaround the changes in Business::ISBN, 
attempting to maintain compatibility for those with pre-2.0 and versions 
2.02_02+. I'll look at the code in the patch you submitted and consider 
revising MARC::Lint accordingly (your patch is certainly much simpler than 
my workarounds, but I would like to maintain compatibility with pre-2.0 
Business::ISBN, at least for the moment). I have not released a CPAN update 
yet, anticipating any responses on the SourceForge update. I try to post 
mention of updates on the Perl4Lib discussion list.

Thank you for your assistance,

Bryan Baldus
bryan.baldus at quality-books.com
eijabb at cpan.org

[.. full quote of my report ..]

----- End forwarded message -----

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