Bug#603737: www-myspace-perl 0.92 unusable; not suitable for squeeze

gregor herrmann gregoa at debian.org
Tue Nov 16 22:14:00 UTC 2010

retitle 603737 libwww-myspace-perl: b0rked after MySpace changes in November 2010

On Tue, 16 Nov 2010 20:50:42 +0000, Steven Chamberlain wrote:

[Full quote for the release team.]

> I'm a contributor to the CPAN WWW::Myspace module.  As of November
> 2010, the MySpace website has changed quite substantially, to the
> point where all versions of this module are broken, including the
> current release (0.92).  It's certainly not possible to log in now,
> and there's no guarantee at this point that anything else is working
> properly.

Ouch, that's nasty.
Thanks for letting us know!
> It's unlikely to work again without some extensive changes and a new
> release, and I can't imagine if or when that might be.
> Therefore, I kindly suggest that this package is removed from
> testing, so that it is not released with Squeeze.

Dear release team, could you please remove libwww-myspace-perl from

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