Bug#718266: libmodule-cpanfile-perl: invalid libcpan-meta-perl versioned dependency

Niko Tyni ntyni at debian.org
Mon Jul 29 13:46:47 UTC 2013

Package: libmodule-cpanfile-perl
Version: 0.9036-1

This package build-depends and depends on

 libcpan-meta-perl (>= 2.12091) | perl (>= 5.17.1)

but libcpan-meta-perl Debian versions have had six digits the whole time:
even oldstable has 2.101670-1, which erroneously satisfies the above
constraint (due to differences in CPAN and Debian version ordering.)

 # dpkg --compare-versions 2.101670-1 gt 2.12091 && echo broken

I expect the related lintian overrides in debian/*.lintian-overrides
can and should be removed after this is fixed.  However, this part of
lintian has had recent changes so let me know if something went wrong
(see #708178 and #710919).
Niko Tyni   ntyni at debian.org

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