Bug#736972: libconfig-model-dpkg-perl: Exit status of 'cme check dpkg' command.

Oleg Gashev oleg at gashev.net
Tue Feb 4 20:02:08 UTC 2014

On 02/04/2014 06:56 PM, Dominique Dumont wrote:
> On Tuesday 28 January 2014 15:38:31 Oleg Gashev wrote:
>> to automate packages inspection it'd be helpful if 'cmd check dpkg' command
>> return proper exit status. So if successful (cme return zero warnings and
>> errors) the exit status should be 0, if not successful (warnings or error
>> more than zero) than exit status should be 1.
> It may be helpful to be able to distinguish between warnings and errors.
> So how about, cme returns:
> - 0 if no errors and no warnings
> - 1 if warnings
> - 2 if errors (configuration)
> - 3 for other errors (bad option, model error or whatever)
> Does that make sense ?
> All the best

Yes, it's ok.

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