Processed: Re: Bug#807251: libdebug-client-perl: FTBFS: tests hang with current Term::ReadLine::Gnu

Debian Bug Tracking System owner at
Sun Dec 6 19:12:16 UTC 2015

Processing commands for control at

> clone 807251 -1
Bug #807251 [libdebug-client-perl] libdebug-client-perl: FTBFS: tests hang with current Term::ReadLine::Gnu
Bug 807251 cloned as bug 807253
> retitle -1 libterm-readline-gnu-perl: breaks remote perl debugging (perl -d with RemotePort)
Bug #807253 [libdebug-client-perl] libdebug-client-perl: FTBFS: tests hang with current Term::ReadLine::Gnu
Changed Bug title to 'libterm-readline-gnu-perl: breaks remote perl debugging (perl -d with RemotePort)' from 'libdebug-client-perl: FTBFS: tests hang with current Term::ReadLine::Gnu'
> reassign -1 libterm-readline-gnu-perl 1.28-1
Bug #807253 [libdebug-client-perl] libterm-readline-gnu-perl: breaks remote perl debugging (perl -d with RemotePort)
Bug reassigned from package 'libdebug-client-perl' to 'libterm-readline-gnu-perl'.
No longer marked as found in versions libdebug-client-perl/0.29-2.
Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #807253 to the same values previously set
Bug #807253 [libterm-readline-gnu-perl] libterm-readline-gnu-perl: breaks remote perl debugging (perl -d with RemotePort)
Marked as found in versions libterm-readline-gnu-perl/1.28-1.
> severity -1 important
Bug #807253 [libterm-readline-gnu-perl] libterm-readline-gnu-perl: breaks remote perl debugging (perl -d with RemotePort)
Severity set to 'important' from 'serious'
> affects -1 perl libdebug-client-perl
Bug #807253 [libterm-readline-gnu-perl] libterm-readline-gnu-perl: breaks remote perl debugging (perl -d with RemotePort)
Added indication that 807253 affects perl and libdebug-client-perl
> block 807251 with -1
Bug #807251 [libdebug-client-perl] libdebug-client-perl: FTBFS: tests hang with current Term::ReadLine::Gnu
807251 was not blocked by any bugs.
807251 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 807251: 807253
> thanks
Stopping processing here.

Please contact me if you need assistance.
Debian Bug Tracking System
Contact owner at with problems

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