Bug#830844: Pending fixes for bugs in the libauthen-krb5-perl package

Sergio Gelato Sergio.Gelato at astro.su.se
Tue Jul 12 09:51:20 UTC 2016

> https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/pkg-perl/packages/libauthen-krb5-perl.git/commit/?id=3558a41

You may have missed a documentation reference in Krb5.pm:
=item get_krbhst(realm)

Returns a list of the Kerberos servers from the specified realm.
which raises the issue of how much Perl code out there may call
Authen::Krb5::get_krbhst($realm) .

As far as my own needs are concerned it's OK to drop this function,
but it is an API change and may deserve a bump in the module's version number.

Alternatively, one could lift the implementation of krb5_get_krbhst (in terms
of profile_get_values, which is a public interface) from older libkrb5, or
provide a new one if there are licensing issues. Of course this is more
work and best left to upstream.

As a stop-gap, maybe one could keep Authen::Krb5::get_krbhst but with a
dummy implementation that always returns undef?

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