[Pkg-phototools-devel] Welcome!

Cyril Brulebois cyril.brulebois at enst-bretagne.fr
Tue Dec 18 23:39:09 UTC 2007


so here we go, the pkg-phototools project has been created on alioth,
for which everyone of us is an administrator. I also requested the
creation of the pkg-phototools directory on git.debian.org, which has
been done some hours ago.


I also started a tiny website[1] (also hosted on git.debian.org, under
pkg-phototools/website.git), which gets updated on push operations using
the hooks/post-receive script, as documented on that website. Beware,
that script is mostly: “trash everything from htdocs/, fetch all files
from git” (using git-archive).

I didn't tweak the configuration of either the project or of the list,
since after a quick look the defaults sounded quite sane, but everyone
is welcome to propose improvements.

About the list administration, I was thinking about storing the password
under pkg-phototools' HOME on alioth, so that everyone within the group
can easily access it when needed. Thoughts?

Also, some directories on alioth:
 - /home/groups/pkg-phototools is the group's HOME. htdocs/ there is the
 - /org/git.debian.org/git/pkg-phototools is our git directory, with
   only bare repositories inside. To create a new git repository there,
   see the homepage[1], it has a link to Alioth/Git on wiki.d.o, which
   contains instructions about how to do so.

 1. http://pkg-phototools.alioth.debian.org/


I've started to work on hugin 0.7~beta4, in the “experimental” branch
for now. It looks quite correct to me for now, but I'll be waiting a
bit before any upload, see below.

qtpfsgui has been accepted, and seems to build fine on every arch it was
tried. I'll probably play with it a bit more during the next days. I'm
not sure whether to move the maintenance to the team right now, or
whether I should wait a bit so that it has a chance to migrate to
testing first (I'll probably do the latter). I'm mailing upstream about
our packaging/contact mail.

libpuzzle is also on its way, although Emmanuel had some comments after
my initial packaging. I've poked a bit upstream about the php/ being not
cleaned correctly, and I'll probably fix that with cp/rm/mv, since those
php thingies look as insane to him as they look to me. I'm also mailing
him about the contact mail.

I'm planning to have a look at libpano13 but didn't do much work on it
at the moment. I'm not sure who is responsible for this, but I've been
getting quite bad results with hugin (0.7) and libpano12, maybe that'll
improve with libpano13… I've got to learn more about hugin & libpano
anyway, before bugging upstream.


Cyril Brulebois

PS: Florent, I didn't subscribe you, since you're using different
	addresses for your debian packages and when replying, so I'm letting
	you choose. Let us know when you're on-list.
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