[Pkg-puppet-devel] [SCM] Puppet packaging for Debian branch, upstream, updated. 2.6.5rc1-120-g2247c80

Matt Robinson matt at puppetlabs.com
Mon Feb 7 06:42:07 UTC 2011

The following commit has been merged in the upstream branch:
commit fd73874147a1aaa3a047f904a0bc1ae67780a2e4
Author: Matt Robinson <matt at puppetlabs.com>
Date:   Tue Feb 1 15:30:28 2011 -0800

    (#6107) Fix an error when auditing a file with empty content
    The manifest:
    file { "/tmp/foo" :
      ensure => present,
      audit => content,
    produced the error:
    err: /Stage[main]//File[/tmp/foo]/ensure: change from absent to present
    failed: Could not retrieve content for from filebucket: private method `sub' called for nil:NilClass at
    This was due to logic in content assuming that if you didn't specify
    content while you were auditing it you must have specified a source.
    The code paths in the file type badly need a cleanup so that these sorts
    of errors aren't so difficult to track down and things are easier to
    Paired-with: Daniel Pittman

diff --git a/lib/puppet/type/file/content.rb b/lib/puppet/type/file/content.rb
index 04b917a..cf924f3 100755
--- a/lib/puppet/type/file/content.rb
+++ b/lib/puppet/type/file/content.rb
@@ -167,6 +167,8 @@ module Puppet
     def each_chunk_from(source_or_content)
       if source_or_content.is_a?(String)
         yield source_or_content
+      elsif source_or_content.nil? && resource.parameter(:ensure) && [:present, :file].include?(resource.parameter(:ensure).value)
+        yield ''
       elsif source_or_content.nil?
         yield read_file_from_filebucket
       elsif self.class.standalone?
diff --git a/spec/unit/type/file/content_spec.rb b/spec/unit/type/file/content_spec.rb
index 3ec57f0..9178c94 100755
--- a/spec/unit/type/file/content_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/unit/type/file/content_spec.rb
@@ -461,5 +461,54 @@ describe content do
     describe "from a filebucket" do
+    # These are testing the implementation rather than the desired behaviour; while that bites, there are a whole
+    # pile of other methods in the File type that depend on intimate details of this implementation and vice-versa.
+    # If these blow up, you are gonna have to review the callers to make sure they don't explode! --daniel 2011-02-01
+    describe "each_chunk_from should work" do
+      before do
+        @content = content.new(:resource => @resource)
+      end
+      it "when content is a string" do
+        @content.each_chunk_from('i_am_a_string') { |chunk| chunk.should == 'i_am_a_string' }
+      end
+      it "when no content, source, but ensure present" do
+        @resource[:ensure] = :present
+        @content.each_chunk_from(nil) { |chunk| chunk.should == '' }
+      end
+      it "when no content, source, but ensure file" do
+        @resource[:ensure] = :file
+        @content.each_chunk_from(nil) { |chunk| chunk.should == '' }
+      end
+      it "when no content or source" do
+        @content.expects(:read_file_from_filebucket).once.returns('im_a_filebucket')
+        @content.each_chunk_from(nil) { |chunk| chunk.should == 'im_a_filebucket' }
+      end
+      it "when running as puppet apply" do
+        @content.class.expects(:standalone?).returns true
+        source_or_content = stubs('source_or_content')
+        source_or_content.expects(:content).once.returns :whoo
+        @content.each_chunk_from(source_or_content) { |chunk| chunk.should == :whoo }
+      end
+      it "when running from source with a local file" do
+        source_or_content = stubs('source_or_content')
+        source_or_content.expects(:local?).returns true
+        @content.expects(:chunk_file_from_disk).with(source_or_content).once.yields 'woot'
+        @content.each_chunk_from(source_or_content) { |chunk| chunk.should == 'woot' }
+      end
+      it "when running from source with a remote file" do
+        source_or_content = stubs('source_or_content')
+        source_or_content.expects(:local?).returns false
+        @content.expects(:chunk_file_from_source).with(source_or_content).once.yields 'woot'
+        @content.each_chunk_from(source_or_content) { |chunk| chunk.should == 'woot' }
+      end
+    end
diff --git a/spec/unit/type/file_spec.rb b/spec/unit/type/file_spec.rb
index db0fa9f..d5cde5f 100755
--- a/spec/unit/type/file_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/unit/type/file_spec.rb
@@ -1095,5 +1095,17 @@ describe Puppet::Type.type(:file) do
       transaction.report.resource_statuses["File[#{@path}]"].failed.should == false
       File.exists?(@path).should == true
+    it "should not log errors if creating a new file with ensure present and no content" do
+      File.exists?(@path).should == false
+      file = Puppet::Type::File.new(:name => @path, :audit => "content", :ensure => "present")
+      catalog = Puppet::Resource::Catalog.new
+      catalog.add_resource(file)
+      Puppet::Util::Storage.stubs(:store) # to prevent the catalog from trying to write state.yaml
+      catalog.apply
+      @logs.reject {|l| l.level == :notice }.should be_empty
+    end

Puppet packaging for Debian

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