MoarVM 2015.06

Daniel Dehennin daniel.dehennin at
Sun Jun 21 14:16:47 UTC 2015

Dominique Dumont <dod at> writes:

> In my opinion, the changelog is aimed for the user: it should contain only 
> relevant info for him. I think a user will see the git id as noise.

I understand this point of vue, as a user of other project I like to
have them, but I may not be just a user.

> So, yes, I would prefer that the changelog does not contain git artifacts, but 
> I let you the choice as you are the main person working on moar.

I think we should have a common style across perl6 project, other
project does not include them, so I'll clean the debian/changelog.

Does it hurt if I remove them for 2015.04-1 too?


Daniel Dehennin
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