[Pkg-rust-maintainers] Bug#942487: rust-web-sys: Provides header is more than 256K long and it breaks reprepro...

Raphael Hertzog hertzog at debian.org
Thu Oct 17 08:39:07 BST 2019

On Thu, 17 Oct 2019, Raphaël Hertzog wrote:
> For this reason, I'm going to NMU the package and disable/reduce the Provides
> field until you find a reasonable solution.

Uploaded rust-web-sys_0.3.28-1.1_source.changes. It's still 150K but
should make reprepro happy.

I believe it's unreasonable to hardcode so many "interfaces" in the
provides field, in particular when you represent each interface with 4
different versioned variants.

Will all the package really have an auto-generated Depends line listing
all those interfaces ?

FWIW, IRC discussion on #debian-devel concurred that it was really not reasonable.

And as a data point:
09:30 <ansgar> Longest Provides currently in unstable/amd64: 277987 librust-web-sys;  59926 librust-winapi;  7505 oca-addons-account;  3357 librust-x11+default-dev;  3280 librust-slog+default-dev
09:31 <ansgar> So at least it's only very few packages that have this problem.

But from the top 5, 4 are rust packages. And this one is like 40 times
bigger than the next non-rust package with a big provides line...

Raphaël Hertzog ◈ Debian Developer

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