[Pkg-rust-maintainers] Bug#942487: Bug#942487: rust-web-sys: Provides header is more than 256K long and it breaks reprepro...

Ximin Luo infinity0 at debian.org
Fri Oct 18 12:32:00 BST 2019

> Hi,
> Ximin Luo:
>> Who is using reprepro to archive Debian Rust packages? That's the
>> first time I've heard of this.
> I'm happy to document one specific example, in the hope that it helps
> this discussion adopt a user-centric approach :)

Users do not care about "Provides" lines (as long as everything else works), but volunteer workers do care about not having to perform 20x the amount of manual labour in order to achieve the same end result.

More generally I think we should stop throwing around the religious term "user-centric" to rhetorically virtue-signal during debates, it cheapens the meaning of the phrase and does not contribute much to the discussion.

> Tails is taking snapshots of the Debian archive 4 times a day, [..]
> This includes Rust packages and therefore, we're affected by this bug.

I'll take a look at reprepro in the next 2-3 weeks; arbitrary limits like 256K should be pretty easy to fix (have you tried simply configuring the BDB limits?). In the meantime we can also easily temporarily patch away the features for web-sys right now, since it looks like nothing uses them yet. (`aptitude search '~Dlibrust-web-sys'` shows no other packages.)

A systematic change for debcargo to avoid this approach entirely is not feasible however, from a technical or worker-centric perspective.


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