[Pkg-rust-maintainers] Bug#1022198: rust-rustyline: please upgrade to v9

Peter Green plugwash at debian.org
Sat Oct 22 04:49:40 BST 2022

 > Please upgrade to newer upstream release v9, needed by projects I am preparing for Debian.

I have prepared an upload of rustyline 9.1.2. However there is one wrinkle
before I upload.

The new version of rustyline depends on version 3 of fd-lock and debian has
version 2. I could possibly patch the dependency but I'd rather not do that if I
can avoid it. So I looked at updading rust-fd-lock in debian.

rust-fd-lock has no reverse dependencies, but it's first (and only) upload was
only 7 months ago. So I would like to give dkg a heads-up in case a major
version bump interferes with his plans.

I also notice that jgorzen has been working on fd-lock 3 packaging in
debcargo-conf, however he has packaged 3.0.6 which depends on rustix which is
not yet in Debian (currently waiting in new).

So my plan would be

upload fd-lock 3.0.2 and rustyline 9.1.2 now

upload fd-lock 3.0.6 if/when rustix passes NEW

jgorzen, dkg do you have any objections to this plan?

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