[Pkg-rust-maintainers] Illegal hardware instruction

James Fisher jamesobfisher at gmail.com
Tue Sep 1 12:49:12 UTC 2015


I've been attempting to get Rust up and running on an old i586 laptop.

i586 is a superset of i386 but a subset of x86_64 and I understand that
i586 is not supported by Rust officially but that i386 binaries should be

I've tried the stable and nightly binaries of Rust (which are downloaded
and installed as i686).  I've also installed tried the i386 binaries
installed from Debian Unstable repos.

In all cases, when I try to compile some rust eg the hello world example;
rustc fails with an error 'illegal hardware instruction'.

I suspect I may need to compile Rust from source myself, setting the right
CFLAGS for my target architecture.  However I'm not sure where to start.
I've managed to cross compile C code on my amd64 that runs on the i586 by
simply building with -m32 however I'm sure building Rust is not that simple.

Can anyone help me debug the Debian Rust packages or help me set up a
toolchain for cross compiling i586 packages?

Kind regards, James
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