[Pkg-rust-maintainers] Bug#786836: packaging not yet ready for mass/stable usage

Sylvestre Ledru sylvestre at debian.org
Sun Dec 13 23:19:44 UTC 2015

Le 10/12/2015 15:57, Luca Bruno a écrit :
> [dropping the BTS]
> On Thursday 10 December 2015 12:22:25 Sylvestre Ledru wrote:
>> I am working on the packaging of 1.5. I will close the bug as part of
>> the upload.
> Even better :)
> We were talking about this today in IRC, and we think you'll probably get 
> stuck on https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/29490
>> I will also replace the hash of the package by the version as discussed
>> a couple months ago.
> After last mail from Angus, I got convinced that at this moment there is no 
> gain in doing that.
> My only point was to keep the same binary-pkg name to skip multiple NEW trips 
> for alpha/beta/stable, but it is not really feasible.
> The other feature is only cosmetic, but given that this package will never be 
> installed manually, it is quite a marginal point.
> I'm not sure what other thinks, but given that both ways have disadvantages:
>  * hashes are hard to read and to correlate with real version
>  * versions do not match with the real content of the package / soname 
> I'd personally stay with hashes in binary package names. This at least stays 
> as close as possible to usual .so policy in Debian.
Oups, I had uploaded rust 1.5 at this time  with the change (or missed
your email).

Sorry about that :/

I hope upstream will improve the way soname are managed.


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