[Pkg-samba-maint] [samba] 01/03: Merge tag 'debian/2%4.0.13+dfsg-1' into wheezy-backports

Ivo De Decker idd-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Tue Dec 17 21:50:05 UTC 2013

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

idd-guest pushed a commit to branch wheezy-backports
in repository samba.

commit 1aa1b46b6af3233e31f9480169950a0e093db4da
Merge: 80a717f 0524d38
Author: Ivo De Decker <ivo.dedecker at ugent.be>
Date:   Sun Dec 15 23:36:52 2013 +0100

    Merge tag 'debian/2%4.0.13+dfsg-1' into wheezy-backports
    samba Debian release 2:4.0.13+dfsg-1

 .bzrignore                                         |      1 -
 .gitignore                                         |    133 -
 .testr.conf                                        |      4 +
 BUILD_SYSTEMS.txt                                  |     96 +
 MAINTAINERS.txt                                    |     14 +-
 Makefile                                           |     79 +
 Manifest                                           |     78 -
 README                                             |     47 +-
 README.Coding                                      |     10 +-
 README.packaging4                                  |     13 +
 Roadmap                                            |     20 +-
 VERSION                                            |     16 +-
 WHATSNEW.txt                                       |   2779 +-
 auth/auth_sam_reply.c                              |    127 +-
 auth/auth_sam_reply.h                              |      7 +
 auth/common_auth.h                                 |     72 +
 auth/credentials/credentials.c                     |   1025 +
 auth/credentials/credentials.h                     |    337 +
 auth/credentials/credentials_krb5.c                |    938 +
 auth/credentials/credentials_krb5.h                |     41 +
 auth/credentials/credentials_ntlm.c                |    254 +
 auth/credentials/credentials_samba3.c              |     49 +
 auth/credentials/credentials_secrets.c             |    380 +
 auth/credentials/pycredentials.c                   |    492 +
 auth/credentials/pycredentials.h                   |     36 +
 auth/credentials/samba-credentials.pc.in           |     11 +
 auth/credentials/tests/bind.py                     |    154 +
 {source4/auth => auth}/credentials/tests/simple.c  |      0
 auth/credentials/wscript_build                     |     32 +
 auth/gensec/gensec.c                               |    589 +
 auth/gensec/gensec.h                               |    360 +
 {source4/auth => auth}/gensec/gensec.pc.in         |      0
 auth/gensec/gensec_start.c                         |    931 +
 auth/gensec/gensec_util.c                          |    226 +
 auth/gensec/spnego.c                               |   1411 +
 auth/gensec/wscript_build                          |     18 +
 auth/kerberos/gssapi_pac.c                         |    334 +
 auth/kerberos/kerberos_pac.c                       |    442 +
 auth/kerberos/pac_utils.h                          |     71 +
 auth/kerberos/wscript_build                        |      4 +
 auth/ntlmssp/gensec_ntlmssp.c                      |    232 +
 auth/ntlmssp/gensec_ntlmssp_server.c               |    219 +
 auth/ntlmssp/ntlmssp.c                             |    220 +
 auth/ntlmssp/ntlmssp.h                             |    134 +
 auth/ntlmssp/ntlmssp_client.c                      |    428 +
 auth/ntlmssp/ntlmssp_ndr.c                         |    133 +
 {libcli/auth => auth/ntlmssp}/ntlmssp_ndr.h        |      0
 auth/ntlmssp/ntlmssp_private.h                     |    196 +
 auth/ntlmssp/ntlmssp_server.c                      |    661 +
 auth/ntlmssp/ntlmssp_sign.c                        |    706 +
 auth/ntlmssp/ntlmssp_util.c                        |    144 +
 auth/ntlmssp/wscript_build                         |     18 +
 auth/wscript_build                                 |     15 +-
 buildtools/README                                  |     12 +
 buildtools/bin/README                              |     16 -
 buildtools/bin/waf                                 |     78 +-
 buildtools/bin/waf-svn                             |    Bin 109281 -> 0 bytes
 buildtools/compare_config_h3-exceptions.grep       |     10 +
 buildtools/compare_config_h3.sh                    |     14 +-
 buildtools/mktowscript/mklist.txt                  |     86 -
 buildtools/mktowscript/mktowscript.pl              |    451 -
 buildtools/mktowscript/rebuild_all.sh              |     37 -
 buildtools/scripts/Makefile.waf                    |      2 +-
 buildtools/scripts/abi_gen.sh                      |      2 +-
 buildtools/testwaf.sh                              |      4 +-
 buildtools/update-waf.sh                           |     13 +
 buildtools/wafadmin/3rdparty/ParallelDebug.py      |    299 +
 buildtools/wafadmin/3rdparty/batched_cc.py         |    183 +
 buildtools/wafadmin/3rdparty/boost.py              |    343 +
 buildtools/wafadmin/3rdparty/fluid.py              |     27 +
 .../{wafsamba => wafadmin/3rdparty}/gccdeps.py     |      0
 buildtools/wafadmin/3rdparty/go.py                 |    111 +
 buildtools/wafadmin/3rdparty/lru_cache.py          |     97 +
 buildtools/wafadmin/3rdparty/paranoid.py           |     35 +
 buildtools/wafadmin/3rdparty/swig.py               |    190 +
 buildtools/wafadmin/3rdparty/valadoc.py            |    113 +
 buildtools/wafadmin/Build.py                       |   1033 +
 buildtools/wafadmin/Configure.py                   |    444 +
 buildtools/wafadmin/Constants.py                   |     76 +
 buildtools/wafadmin/Environment.py                 |    210 +
 buildtools/wafadmin/Logs.py                        |    134 +
 buildtools/wafadmin/Node.py                        |    695 +
 buildtools/wafadmin/Options.py                     |    288 +
 buildtools/wafadmin/Runner.py                      |    236 +
 buildtools/wafadmin/Scripting.py                   |    586 +
 buildtools/wafadmin/Task.py                        |   1200 +
 buildtools/wafadmin/TaskGen.py                     |    612 +
 buildtools/wafadmin/Tools/__init__.py              |      4 +
 buildtools/wafadmin/Tools/ar.py                    |     36 +
 buildtools/wafadmin/Tools/bison.py                 |     38 +
 buildtools/wafadmin/Tools/cc.py                    |    100 +
 buildtools/wafadmin/Tools/ccroot.py                |    629 +
 buildtools/wafadmin/Tools/compiler_cc.py           |     67 +
 buildtools/wafadmin/Tools/compiler_cxx.py          |     62 +
 buildtools/wafadmin/Tools/compiler_d.py            |     33 +
 buildtools/wafadmin/Tools/config_c.py              |    736 +
 buildtools/wafadmin/Tools/cs.py                    |     68 +
 buildtools/wafadmin/Tools/cxx.py                   |    104 +
 buildtools/wafadmin/Tools/d.py                     |    535 +
 buildtools/wafadmin/Tools/dbus.py                  |     34 +
 buildtools/wafadmin/Tools/dmd.py                   |     64 +
 buildtools/wafadmin/Tools/flex.py                  |     25 +
 buildtools/wafadmin/Tools/gas.py                   |     38 +
 buildtools/wafadmin/Tools/gcc.py                   |    135 +
 buildtools/wafadmin/Tools/gdc.py                   |     52 +
 buildtools/wafadmin/Tools/glib2.py                 |    164 +
 buildtools/wafadmin/Tools/gnome.py                 |    223 +
 buildtools/wafadmin/Tools/gnu_dirs.py              |    111 +
 buildtools/wafadmin/Tools/gob2.py                  |     18 +
 buildtools/wafadmin/Tools/gxx.py                   |    133 +
 buildtools/wafadmin/Tools/icc.py                   |     37 +
 buildtools/wafadmin/Tools/icpc.py                  |     35 +
 buildtools/wafadmin/Tools/intltool.py              |    139 +
 buildtools/wafadmin/Tools/javaw.py                 |    255 +
 buildtools/wafadmin/Tools/kde4.py                  |     74 +
 buildtools/wafadmin/Tools/libtool.py               |    330 +
 buildtools/wafadmin/Tools/lua.py                   |     25 +
 buildtools/wafadmin/Tools/misc.py                  |    430 +
 buildtools/wafadmin/Tools/msvc.py                  |    797 +
 buildtools/wafadmin/Tools/nasm.py                  |     49 +
 buildtools/wafadmin/Tools/ocaml.py                 |    298 +
 buildtools/wafadmin/Tools/osx.py                   |    188 +
 buildtools/wafadmin/Tools/perl.py                  |    109 +
 buildtools/wafadmin/Tools/preproc.py               |    839 +
 buildtools/wafadmin/Tools/python.py                |    415 +
 buildtools/wafadmin/Tools/qt4.py                   |    505 +
 buildtools/wafadmin/Tools/ruby.py                  |    120 +
 buildtools/wafadmin/Tools/suncc.py                 |     76 +
 buildtools/wafadmin/Tools/suncxx.py                |     75 +
 buildtools/wafadmin/Tools/tex.py                   |    251 +
 buildtools/wafadmin/Tools/unittestw.py             |    310 +
 buildtools/wafadmin/Tools/vala.py                  |    308 +
 buildtools/wafadmin/Tools/winres.py                |     45 +
 buildtools/wafadmin/Tools/xlc.py                   |     78 +
 buildtools/wafadmin/Tools/xlcxx.py                 |     78 +
 buildtools/wafadmin/Utils.py                       |    726 +
 buildtools/wafadmin/__init__.py                    |      3 +
 buildtools/wafadmin/ansiterm.py                    |    236 +
 buildtools/wafadmin/pproc.py                       |    620 +
 buildtools/wafadmin/py3kfixes.py                   |    130 +
 .../wafsamba/__init__.py                           |      0
 buildtools/wafsamba/configure_file.py              |     44 +
 buildtools/wafsamba/gccdeps.py                     |    183 +-
 buildtools/wafsamba/generic_cc.py                  |     68 +-
 buildtools/wafsamba/irixcc.py                      |     98 +-
 buildtools/wafsamba/nothreads.py                   |    365 +-
 buildtools/wafsamba/pkgconfig.py                   |      1 +
 buildtools/wafsamba/samba3.py                      |     78 +-
 buildtools/wafsamba/samba_abi.py                   |     58 +-
 buildtools/wafsamba/samba_autoconf.py              |    113 +-
 buildtools/wafsamba/samba_bundled.py               |     90 +-
 buildtools/wafsamba/samba_conftests.py             |     97 +-
 buildtools/wafsamba/samba_deps.py                  |     35 +-
 buildtools/wafsamba/samba_dist.py                  |     86 +-
 buildtools/wafsamba/samba_headers.py               |      1 -
 buildtools/wafsamba/samba_install.py               |      9 +-
 buildtools/wafsamba/samba_optimisation.py          |    156 +-
 buildtools/wafsamba/samba_patterns.py              |    179 +-
 buildtools/wafsamba/samba_pidl.py                  |     36 +-
 buildtools/wafsamba/samba_python.py                |     41 +-
 buildtools/wafsamba/samba_utils.py                 |     66 +-
 buildtools/wafsamba/samba_version.py               |     70 +-
 buildtools/wafsamba/samba_wildcard.py              |    211 +-
 buildtools/wafsamba/stale_files.py                 |     21 +-
 buildtools/wafsamba/symbols.py                     |    236 +-
 buildtools/wafsamba/tests/__init__.py              |     35 +
 buildtools/wafsamba/tests/test_abi.py              |    120 +
 buildtools/wafsamba/tests/test_bundled.py          |     27 +
 buildtools/wafsamba/tests/test_utils.py            |     76 +
 buildtools/wafsamba/tru64cc.py                     |     96 +-
 buildtools/wafsamba/wafsamba.py                    |    154 +-
 buildtools/wafsamba/wscript                        |     55 +-
 callcatcher-exceptions.grep                        |     22 +
 configure                                          |     14 +
 source3/configure.developer => configure.developer |      0
 ctdb/include/ctdb.h                                |   1186 +
 ctdb/include/ctdb_client.h                         |    630 +
 ctdb/include/ctdb_private.h                        |   1502 +
 ctdb/include/ctdb_protocol.h                       |    741 +
 ctdb/include/ctdb_typesafe_cb.h                    |    177 +
 debian/NEWS                                        |     15 +
 debian/README.Debian                               |     32 +
 debian/README.build                                |    397 -
 debian/README.source                               |     12 +-
 debian/TODO                                        |     35 +
 debian/addshare.py                                 |     46 +
 debian/autodeps.py                                 |    163 +
 debian/bin/cups-config                             |      6 +
 debian/bin/xsltproc                                |     19 +
 debian/build-orig.sh                               |     37 +
 debian/bzr-builddeb.conf                           |      2 +
 debian/changelog                                   |   1142 +
 debian/clean                                       |      5 -
 debian/config.cache                                |    215 -
 debian/control                                     |    487 +-
 debian/copyright                                   |    176 +-
 debian/dfsg-clean.sh                               |     21 +
 debian/dirs                                        |      5 +
 .../Samba4-HOWTO/history.xml => debian/diversions  |      0
 debian/gbp.conf                                    |      6 +-
 debian/get_source_changedate.pl                    |     21 +
 debian/libnss-winbind.install                      |      1 +
 debian/libnss-winbind.lintian-overrides            |      5 +
 debian/libpam-smbpass.preinst                      |     51 +
 debian/libpam-winbind.install                      |      3 +-
 debian/libparse-pidl-perl.install                  |      5 +
 debian/library-equivalents                         |     11 +
 debian/libsamba-heimdal.install                    |     23 +
 debian/libsmbclient-dev.install                    |      3 +-
 debian/libsmbclient.install                        |      2 +-
 Read-Manifest-Now => debian/libsmbclient.manpages  |      0
 debian/libsmbclient.symbols                        |    346 +-
 debian/libsmbsharemodes-dev.install                |      3 +
 debian/libsmbsharemodes0.install                   |      1 +
 debian/libwbclient-dev.install                     |      2 +-
 debian/libwbclient0.install                        |      3 +-
 debian/libwbclient0.symbols                        |    149 +-
 debian/make_shlibs                                 |     58 +
 debian/merge_shlibs.pl                             |     33 +
 ...-Allow-OS-vendor-to-assert-that-getpass-i.patch |     57 +
 debian/patches/05_share_ldb_module                 |     22 +
 debian/patches/07_private_lib                      |     18 +
 debian/patches/25_heimdal_api_changes              |     50 +
 debian/patches/26_heimdal_compat                   |     46 +
 debian/patches/VERSION.patch                       |     14 +-
 debian/patches/add-so-version-to-private-libraries |     21 +
 debian/patches/autoconf.patch                      |     81 -
 .../bug_221618_precise-64bit-prototype.patch       |     10 +-
 ...4104_mention-kerberos-in-smbspool-manpage.patch |     34 -
 ...m_7499-nss_wins-dont-clobber-daemons-logs.patch |     14 +-
 ...04768_upstream_7826_drop-using-samba-link.patch |     21 -
 ...ug_604768_upstream_7826_fix-WHATSNEW-link.patch |     18 -
 .../do-not-install-smbclient4-and-nmbclient4       |     28 +
 debian/patches/documentation.patch                 |    302 -
 debian/patches/documentation2.patch                |    314 -
 debian/patches/dont-build-VFS-examples.patch       |     29 -
 debian/patches/fhs-filespaths.patch                |    109 -
 debian/patches/installswat.sh.patch                |     23 -
 debian/patches/libutil_drop_AI_ADDRCONFIG.patch    |     54 -
 debian/patches/only_export_public_symbols.patch    |     21 -
 debian/patches/series                              |     31 +-
 debian/patches/shadow_copy2_backport.patch         |   2101 -
 debian/patches/smbclient-pager.patch               |      8 +-
 debian/patches/smbtar-bashism.patch                |     19 -
 debian/patches/smbtorture-manpage.patch            |     94 -
 debian/patches/undefined-symbols.patch             |     22 -
 debian/patches/usershare.patch                     |     18 +-
 debian/patches/waf-as-source.patch                 |  18534 ---
 debian/patches/waf_smbpasswd_location              |     17 +
 debian/po/POTFILES.in                              |      1 +
 debian/po/ar.po                                    |    285 +-
 debian/po/ast.po                                   |    210 +-
 debian/po/be.po                                    |    210 +-
 debian/po/bg.po                                    |    295 +-
 debian/po/bn.po                                    |    209 +-
 debian/po/bs.po                                    |    250 +-
 debian/po/ca.po                                    |    292 +-
 debian/po/cs.po                                    |    304 +-
 debian/po/da.po                                    |    186 +-
 debian/po/de.po                                    |    302 +-
 debian/po/dz.po                                    |    265 +-
 debian/po/el.po                                    |    285 +-
 debian/po/eo.po                                    |    240 +-
 debian/po/es.po                                    |    340 +-
 debian/po/et.po                                    |    262 +-
 debian/po/eu.po                                    |    329 +-
 debian/po/fi.po                                    |    275 +-
 debian/po/fr.po                                    |    285 +-
 debian/po/gl.po                                    |    317 +-
 debian/po/gu.po                                    |    263 +-
 debian/po/he.po                                    |    172 +-
 debian/po/hu.po                                    |    266 +-
 debian/po/id.po                                    |    274 +-
 debian/po/it.po                                    |    271 +-
 debian/po/ja.po                                    |    168 +-
 debian/po/ka.po                                    |    208 +-
 debian/po/km.po                                    |    282 +-
 debian/po/ko.po                                    |    259 +-
 debian/po/ku.po                                    |    223 +-
 debian/po/lt.po                                    |    275 +-
 debian/po/ml.po                                    |    271 +-
 debian/po/mr.po                                    |    264 +-
 debian/po/nb.po                                    |    291 +-
 debian/po/ne.po                                    |    262 +-
 debian/po/nl.po                                    |    254 +-
 debian/po/nn.po                                    |    265 +-
 debian/po/pl.po                                    |    254 +-
 debian/po/pt.po                                    |    312 +-
 debian/po/pt_BR.po                                 |    310 +-
 debian/po/ro.po                                    |    240 +-
 debian/po/ru.po                                    |    256 +-
 debian/po/sk.po                                    |    253 +-
 debian/po/sl.po                                    |    265 +-
 debian/po/sq.po                                    |    267 +-
 debian/po/sv.po                                    |    251 +-
 debian/po/ta.po                                    |    253 +-
 debian/po/templates.pot                            |    158 +-
 debian/po/th.po                                    |    295 +-
 debian/po/tl.po                                    |    274 +-
 debian/po/tr.po                                    |    329 +-
 debian/po/vi.po                                    |    256 +-
 debian/po/wo.po                                    |    268 +-
 debian/po/zh_CN.po                                 |    257 +-
 debian/po/zh_TW.po                                 |    275 +-
 debian/python-samba.install                        |      1 +
 debian/registry-tools.install                      |      8 +
 debian/registry-tools.lintian-overrides            |      1 +
 debian/rules                                       |    218 +-
 debian/samba-ad-dc.config                          |     69 +
 debian/samba-ad-dc.postinst                        |     67 +
 debian/samba-ad-dc.postrm                          |     12 +
 debian/samba-ad-dc.templates                       |     54 +
 debian/samba-ad-dc.upstart                         |     16 +
 debian/samba-common-bin.dirs                       |      3 +
 debian/samba-common-bin.install                    |     20 +-
 debian/samba-common-bin.postinst                   |     17 +-
 debian/samba-common-bin.prerm                      |     10 +-
 debian/samba-common.config                         |     15 -
 debian/samba-common.install                        |     12 +-
 debian/samba-common.postinst                       |      9 -
 debian/samba-common.templates                      |     12 -
 debian/samba-dev.install                           |    147 +
 debian/samba-doc-pdf.doc-base.samba-by-example     |      8 -
 .../samba-doc-pdf.doc-base.samba-developers-guide  |     13 -
 debian/samba-doc-pdf.doc-base.samba-howto          |      7 -
 debian/samba-doc-pdf.docs                          |      3 -
 debian/samba-doc.doc-base.samba-by-example         |      9 -
 debian/samba-doc.doc-base.samba-developers-guide   |     14 -
 debian/samba-doc.doc-base.samba-howto              |      8 -
 debian/samba-doc.docs                              |      1 -
 debian/samba-doc.install                           |      1 +
 debian/samba-dsdb-modules.install                  |      3 +
 debian/samba-libs.install                          |    142 +
 debian/samba-libs.lintian-overrides                |      4 +
 debian/samba-libs.preinst                          |     56 +
 debian/samba-testsuite.install                     |     12 +
 debian/samba-testsuite.lintian-overrides           |      2 +
 debian/samba-tools.install                         |     10 -
 debian/samba-tools.manpages                        |      1 -
 debian/samba.dirs                                  |      2 +
 debian/samba.docs                                  |      1 -
 debian/samba.init                                  |     18 +-
 debian/samba.install                               |     30 +-
 debian/samba.lintian-overrides                     |      6 +
 debian/samba.nmbd.init                             |      4 +
 debian/samba.postinst                              |     37 +-
 debian/samba.postrm                                |     18 +-
 debian/samba.prerm                                 |      8 +-
 debian/samba.samba-ad-dc.init                      |    101 +
 debian/samba.smbd.init                             |      4 +
 debian/samba.upstart.in                            |     16 +
 debian/samba4.dirs                                 |      2 +
 debian/setoption.py                                |     47 +
 debian/smb.conf                                    |    115 +-
 debian/smbclient.install                           |     18 +-
 debian/source/lintian-overrides                    |      5 +
 debian/swat.dirs                                   |      2 -
 debian/swat.install                                |      7 -
 debian/swat.links                                  |      4 -
 debian/swat.postinst                               |     14 -
 debian/swat.postrm                                 |     24 -
 debian/tests/control                               |      2 +
 debian/tests/python-smoke                          |      2 +
 debian/watch                                       |      6 +-
 debian/winbind.init                                |      5 +
 debian/winbind.install                             |     24 +-
 debian/winbind.links                               |      3 -
 debian/winbind.lintian-overrides                   |      3 +
 dfs_server/dfs_server_ad.c                         |    898 +
 dfs_server/dfs_server_ad.h                         |     23 +
 dfs_server/wscript_build                           |      7 +
 docs-xml/Makefile                                  |    111 +-
 docs-xml/Makefile.settings.in                      |      4 +-
 docs-xml/Samba3-ByExample/SBE-2000UserNetwork.xml  |      1 -
 .../Samba3-ByExample/SBE-AddingUNIXClients.xml     |      4 -
 docs-xml/Samba3-ByExample/SBE-UpgradingSamba.xml   |     62 -
 docs-xml/Samba3-HOWTO/TOSHARG-BDC.xml              |    179 +-
 docs-xml/Samba3-HOWTO/TOSHARG-Bugs.xml             |     11 +-
 docs-xml/Samba3-HOWTO/TOSHARG-CUPS-printing.xml    |     83 +-
 docs-xml/Samba3-HOWTO/TOSHARG-Compiling.xml        |    274 +-
 docs-xml/Samba3-HOWTO/TOSHARG-Diagnosis.xml        |     40 +-
 docs-xml/Samba3-HOWTO/TOSHARG-DomainMember.xml     |    158 +-
 docs-xml/Samba3-HOWTO/TOSHARG-FastStart.xml        |     26 +-
 docs-xml/Samba3-HOWTO/TOSHARG-HighAvailability.xml |    500 -
 docs-xml/Samba3-HOWTO/TOSHARG-IDMAP.xml            |      2 -
 docs-xml/Samba3-HOWTO/TOSHARG-Install.xml          |     20 +-
 docs-xml/Samba3-HOWTO/TOSHARG-Other-Clients.xml    |    351 -
 docs-xml/Samba3-HOWTO/TOSHARG-PDC.xml              |    389 +-
 docs-xml/Samba3-HOWTO/TOSHARG-Passdb.xml           |     75 +-
 docs-xml/Samba3-HOWTO/TOSHARG-Portability.xml      |    270 -
 docs-xml/Samba3-HOWTO/TOSHARG-Printing.xml         |     60 +-
 docs-xml/Samba3-HOWTO/TOSHARG-Problems.xml         |      4 -
 .../Samba3-HOWTO/TOSHARG-RightsAndPriviliges.xml   |     10 +-
 docs-xml/Samba3-HOWTO/TOSHARG-ServerType.xml       |    272 +-
 docs-xml/Samba3-HOWTO/TOSHARG-Speed.xml            |    327 -
 docs-xml/Samba3-HOWTO/TOSHARG-StandAloneServer.xml |      1 -
 docs-xml/Samba3-HOWTO/TOSHARG-VFS.xml              |      3 +-
 docs-xml/Samba3-HOWTO/TOSHARG-upgrading-to-3.0.xml |    967 -
 docs-xml/Samba3-HOWTO/index.xml                    |     10 -
 docs-xml/Samba3-HOWTO/manpages.xml                 |    120 +-
 docs-xml/Samba4-HOWTO/ad-dc.xml                    |      4 -
 docs-xml/Samba4-HOWTO/ad-member.xml                |      4 -
 docs-xml/Samba4-HOWTO/auth.xml                     |      4 -
 docs-xml/Samba4-HOWTO/cifsfs.xml                   |      4 -
 docs-xml/Samba4-HOWTO/compiling.xml                |     24 -
 docs-xml/Samba4-HOWTO/config.xml                   |      5 -
 docs-xml/Samba4-HOWTO/domain-bdc.xml               |      4 -
 docs-xml/Samba4-HOWTO/domain-member.xml            |      3 -
 docs-xml/Samba4-HOWTO/domain-pdc.xml               |      4 -
 docs-xml/Samba4-HOWTO/gui-clients.xml              |      4 -
 docs-xml/Samba4-HOWTO/index.xml                    |    137 -
 docs-xml/Samba4-HOWTO/ldb.xml                      |      4 -
 docs-xml/Samba4-HOWTO/printing.xml                 |     11 -
 docs-xml/Samba4-HOWTO/protocol.xml                 |    204 -
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 examples/LDAP/samba.ldif                           |      9 +-
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 examples/LDAP/samba.schema.at.IBM-DS               |      4 +
 examples/LDAP/samba.schema.oc.IBM-DS               |      2 +-
 examples/VFS/Makefile.in                           |     33 +-
 examples/VFS/README                                |      2 +-
 examples/VFS/autogen.sh                            |      5 +-
 examples/VFS/configure                             |      3 -
 examples/VFS/configure.in                          |      3 -
 examples/VFS/shadow_copy_test.c                    |      7 +-
 examples/VFS/skel_opaque.c                         |    508 +-
 examples/VFS/skel_transparent.c                    |    629 +-
 examples/VFS/wscript_build                         |     25 +
 examples/auth/auth_skel.c                          |     30 +-
 examples/auth/wscript_build                        |      9 +
 ...-the-question-section-in-update-responses.patch |     29 -
 ...t-a-valgrind-uninitialised-memory-warning.patch |     34 -
 .../0003-don-t-compress-TSIG-names.patch           |     58 -
 ...api-initialisation-fails-then-heck-for-th.patch |     94 -
 ...sn-t-return-valid-GSSAPI-sequence-numbers.patch |     30 -
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 examples/libsmbclient/smbwrapper/README            |     40 -
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 examples/pdb/wscript_build                         |     10 +
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 examples/printing/smbprint                         |    176 -
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 .../vfs/media_harmony/trigger_avid_update.py       |    103 +
 examples/smb.conf.default                          |      2 +-
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 lib/ccan/tlist/test/compile_fail-tlist_tail.c      |     31 +
 lib/ccan/tlist/test/compile_fail-tlist_top.c       |     31 +
 lib/ccan/tlist/test/run.c                          |    147 +
 lib/ccan/tlist/tlist.h                             |    265 +
 lib/ccan/typesafe_cb/LICENSE                       |    508 +
 lib/ccan/typesafe_cb/_info                         |    151 +
 .../typesafe_cb/test/compile_fail-cast_if_any.c    |     42 +
 .../test/compile_fail-cast_if_type-promotable.c    |     23 +
 .../typesafe_cb/test/compile_fail-cast_if_type.c   |     25 +
 .../test/compile_fail-typesafe_cb-int.c            |     27 +
 .../typesafe_cb/test/compile_fail-typesafe_cb.c    |     34 +
 .../test/compile_fail-typesafe_cb_cast-multi.c     |     43 +
 .../test/compile_fail-typesafe_cb_cast.c           |     25 +
 .../test/compile_fail-typesafe_cb_exact.c          |     33 +
 .../test/compile_fail-typesafe_cb_postargs.c       |     27 +
 .../test/compile_fail-typesafe_cb_preargs.c        |     28 +
 lib/ccan/typesafe_cb/test/compile_ok-cast_if_any.c |     41 +
 .../typesafe_cb/test/compile_ok-typesafe_cb-NULL.c |     17 +
 .../test/compile_ok-typesafe_cb-const.c            |     50 +
 .../test/compile_ok-typesafe_cb-undefined.c        |     49 +
 .../typesafe_cb/test/compile_ok-typesafe_cb-vars.c |     52 +
 .../test/compile_ok-typesafe_cb-volatile.c         |     47 +
 .../typesafe_cb/test/compile_ok-typesafe_cb_cast.c |     41 +
 .../test/compile_ok-typesafe_cb_def-const.c        |     46 +
 lib/ccan/typesafe_cb/test/run.c                    |    109 +
 lib/ccan/typesafe_cb/typesafe_cb.h                 |    134 +
 lib/ccan/wscript                                   |    189 +
 lib/compression/mszip.c                            |    676 -
 lib/compression/mszip.h                            |     33 -
 lib/compression/testsuite.c                        |      1 -
 lib/crypto/aes_ccm_128.c                           |    170 +
 lib/crypto/aes_ccm_128.h                           |     54 +
 lib/crypto/aes_cmac_128.c                          |    184 +
 lib/crypto/aes_cmac_128.h                          |     41 +
 lib/crypto/aes_cmac_128_test.c                     |     92 +
 lib/crypto/crypto.h                                |      2 +
 lib/crypto/hmacmd5.c                               |      4 +-
 lib/crypto/hmacmd5.h                               |      2 +-
 lib/crypto/hmacmd5test.c                           |      3 +-
 lib/crypto/hmacsha256.c                            |     22 +-
 lib/crypto/hmacsha256.h                            |      2 +-
 lib/crypto/md4test.c                               |      3 +-
 lib/crypto/md5.h                                   |     36 +-
 lib/crypto/md5test.c                               |      6 +-
 lib/crypto/sha256.c                                |      8 +-
 lib/crypto/sha256.h                                |      6 +-
 lib/crypto/wscript_build                           |     18 +-
 lib/crypto/wscript_configure                       |      4 +
 lib/dbwrap/dbwrap.c                                |    486 +
 lib/dbwrap/dbwrap.h                                |    166 +
 lib/dbwrap/dbwrap_cache.c                          |    219 +
 lib/dbwrap/dbwrap_cache.h                          |     32 +
 lib/dbwrap/dbwrap_file.c                           |    420 +
 lib/dbwrap/dbwrap_file.h                           |     36 +
 lib/dbwrap/dbwrap_local_open.c                     |     72 +
 lib/dbwrap/dbwrap_private.h                        |     77 +
 lib/dbwrap/dbwrap_rbt.c                            |    514 +
 lib/dbwrap/dbwrap_rbt.h                            |     29 +
 lib/dbwrap/dbwrap_tdb.c                            |    486 +
 lib/dbwrap/dbwrap_tdb.h                            |     35 +
 lib/dbwrap/dbwrap_util.c                           |    580 +
 lib/dbwrap/wscript_build                           |     12 +
 lib/dnspython/ChangeLog                            |     71 +
 lib/dnspython/Makefile                             |      2 +-
 lib/dnspython/README                               |     42 +-
 lib/dnspython/dns/__init__.py                      |      3 +-
 lib/dnspython/dns/dnssec.py                        |      6 +-
 lib/dnspython/dns/e164.py                          |      2 +-
 lib/dnspython/dns/edns.py                          |      2 +-
 lib/dnspython/dns/entropy.py                       |      2 +-
 lib/dnspython/dns/exception.py                     |      2 +-
 lib/dnspython/dns/flags.py                         |      2 +-
 lib/dnspython/dns/hash.py                          |      2 +-
 lib/dnspython/dns/inet.py                          |      2 +-
 lib/dnspython/dns/ipv4.py                          |     42 +-
 lib/dnspython/dns/ipv6.py                          |     10 +-
 lib/dnspython/dns/message.py                       |      5 +-
 lib/dnspython/dns/name.py                          |      6 +-
 lib/dnspython/dns/namedict.py                      |      2 +-
 lib/dnspython/dns/node.py                          |      2 +-
 lib/dnspython/dns/opcode.py                        |      2 +-
 lib/dnspython/dns/query.py                         |      2 +-
 lib/dnspython/dns/rcode.py                         |      2 +-
 lib/dnspython/dns/rdata.py                         |     24 +-
 lib/dnspython/dns/rdataclass.py                    |      4 +-
 lib/dnspython/dns/rdataset.py                      |      2 +-
 lib/dnspython/dns/rdatatype.py                     |      2 +-
 lib/dnspython/dns/rdtypes/ANY/AFSDB.py             |      2 +-
 lib/dnspython/dns/rdtypes/ANY/CERT.py              |      6 +-
 lib/dnspython/dns/rdtypes/ANY/CNAME.py             |      2 +-
 lib/dnspython/dns/rdtypes/ANY/DLV.py               |      2 +-
 lib/dnspython/dns/rdtypes/ANY/DNAME.py             |      2 +-
 lib/dnspython/dns/rdtypes/ANY/DNSKEY.py            |     79 +-
 lib/dnspython/dns/rdtypes/ANY/DS.py                |      2 +-
 lib/dnspython/dns/rdtypes/ANY/GPOS.py              |     18 +-
 lib/dnspython/dns/rdtypes/ANY/HINFO.py             |     14 +-
 lib/dnspython/dns/rdtypes/ANY/HIP.py               |      6 +-
 lib/dnspython/dns/rdtypes/ANY/ISDN.py              |      6 +-
 lib/dnspython/dns/rdtypes/ANY/KEY.py               |     20 -
 lib/dnspython/dns/rdtypes/ANY/LOC.py               |      2 +-
 lib/dnspython/dns/rdtypes/ANY/MX.py                |      2 +-
 lib/dnspython/dns/rdtypes/ANY/NS.py                |      2 +-
 lib/dnspython/dns/rdtypes/ANY/NSEC.py              |     21 +-
 lib/dnspython/dns/rdtypes/ANY/NSEC3.py             |     10 +-
 lib/dnspython/dns/rdtypes/ANY/NSEC3PARAM.py        |      4 +-
 lib/dnspython/dns/rdtypes/ANY/NXT.py               |     99 -
 lib/dnspython/dns/rdtypes/ANY/PTR.py               |      2 +-
 lib/dnspython/dns/rdtypes/ANY/RP.py                |      2 +-
 lib/dnspython/dns/rdtypes/ANY/RRSIG.py             |    143 +-
 lib/dnspython/dns/rdtypes/ANY/RT.py                |      2 +-
 lib/dnspython/dns/rdtypes/ANY/SIG.py               |     26 -
 lib/dnspython/dns/rdtypes/ANY/SOA.py               |      8 +-
 lib/dnspython/dns/rdtypes/ANY/SPF.py               |      2 +-
 lib/dnspython/dns/rdtypes/ANY/SSHFP.py             |     12 +-
 lib/dnspython/dns/rdtypes/ANY/TXT.py               |      2 +-
 lib/dnspython/dns/rdtypes/ANY/X25.py               |     12 +-
 lib/dnspython/dns/rdtypes/ANY/__init__.py          |      5 +-
 lib/dnspython/dns/rdtypes/IN/A.py                  |      2 +-
 lib/dnspython/dns/rdtypes/IN/AAAA.py               |      2 +-
 lib/dnspython/dns/rdtypes/IN/APL.py                |      4 +-
 lib/dnspython/dns/rdtypes/IN/DHCID.py              |      4 +-
 lib/dnspython/dns/rdtypes/IN/IPSECKEY.py           |      4 +-
 lib/dnspython/dns/rdtypes/IN/KX.py                 |      2 +-
 lib/dnspython/dns/rdtypes/IN/NAPTR.py              |     12 +-
 lib/dnspython/dns/rdtypes/IN/NSAP.py               |      4 +-
 lib/dnspython/dns/rdtypes/IN/NSAP_PTR.py           |      2 +-
 lib/dnspython/dns/rdtypes/IN/PX.py                 |     10 +-
 lib/dnspython/dns/rdtypes/IN/SRV.py                |      2 +-
 lib/dnspython/dns/rdtypes/IN/WKS.py                |      4 +-
 lib/dnspython/dns/rdtypes/IN/__init__.py           |      2 +-
 lib/dnspython/dns/rdtypes/__init__.py              |      4 +-
 lib/dnspython/dns/rdtypes/dsbase.py                |      4 +-
 lib/dnspython/dns/rdtypes/keybase.py               |    149 -
 lib/dnspython/dns/rdtypes/mxbase.py                |      2 +-
 lib/dnspython/dns/rdtypes/nsbase.py                |      2 +-
 lib/dnspython/dns/rdtypes/sigbase.py               |    168 -
 lib/dnspython/dns/rdtypes/txtbase.py               |      4 +-
 lib/dnspython/dns/renderer.py                      |      5 +-
 lib/dnspython/dns/resolver.py                      |    412 +-
 lib/dnspython/dns/reversename.py                   |      2 +-
 lib/dnspython/dns/rrset.py                         |      2 +-
 lib/dnspython/dns/set.py                           |      2 +-
 lib/dnspython/dns/tokenizer.py                     |      2 +-
 lib/dnspython/dns/tsig.py                          |      2 +-
 lib/dnspython/dns/tsigkeyring.py                   |      2 +-
 lib/dnspython/dns/ttl.py                           |      2 +-
 lib/dnspython/dns/update.py                        |      2 +-
 lib/dnspython/dns/version.py                       |      6 +-
 lib/dnspython/dns/wiredata.py                      |     59 +
 lib/dnspython/dns/zone.py                          |      2 +-
 lib/dnspython/examples/xfr.py                      |      6 +-
 lib/dnspython/setup.py                             |     17 +-
 lib/dnspython/tests/Makefile                       |      2 +-
 lib/dnspython/tests/bugs.py                        |      2 +-
 lib/dnspython/tests/dnssec.py                      |      2 +-
 lib/dnspython/tests/example                        |     41 +-
 lib/dnspython/tests/example1.good                  |      9 +-
 lib/dnspython/tests/example2.good                  |      9 +-
 lib/dnspython/tests/flags.py                       |      2 +-
 lib/dnspython/tests/message.py                     |      2 +-
 lib/dnspython/tests/name.py                        |      6 +-
 lib/dnspython/tests/namedict.py                    |      2 +-
 lib/dnspython/tests/ntoaaton.py                    |     99 +-
 lib/dnspython/tests/rdtypeandclass.py              |      2 +-
 lib/dnspython/tests/resolver.py                    |      2 +-
 lib/dnspython/tests/rrset.py                       |      2 +-
 lib/dnspython/tests/set.py                         |      2 +-
 lib/dnspython/tests/tokenizer.py                   |      2 +-
 lib/dnspython/tests/update.py                      |      2 +-
 lib/dnspython/tests/zone.py                        |      2 +-
 lib/dnspython/util/copyrights                      |    197 +-
 lib/iniparser/src/wscript                          |     21 +
 lib/iniparser/src/wscript_build                    |      7 -
 lib/krb5_wrap/enctype_convert.c                    |    104 +
 lib/krb5_wrap/gss_samba.c                          |     51 +
 lib/krb5_wrap/gss_samba.h                          |     36 +
 lib/krb5_wrap/keytab_util.c                        |    258 +
 lib/krb5_wrap/krb5_samba.c                         |   2354 +
 lib/krb5_wrap/krb5_samba.h                         |    313 +
 lib/krb5_wrap/wscript_build                        |     11 +
 {source4/lib => lib}/ldb-samba/README              |      0
 {source4/lib => lib}/ldb-samba/ldb_ildap.c         |      0
 lib/ldb-samba/ldb_wrap.c                           |    370 +
 lib/ldb-samba/ldb_wrap.h                           |     70 +
 lib/ldb-samba/ldif_handlers.c                      |   1590 +
 lib/ldb-samba/ldif_handlers.h                      |     27 +
 lib/ldb-samba/pyldb.c                              |    270 +
 lib/ldb-samba/samba_extensions.c                   |    119 +
 lib/ldb-samba/wscript_build                        |     42 +
 {source4/lib => lib}/ldb/ABI/ldb-0.9.10.sigs       |      0
 {source4/lib => lib}/ldb/ABI/ldb-0.9.12.sigs       |      0
 {source4/lib => lib}/ldb/ABI/ldb-0.9.15.sigs       |      0
 {source4/lib => lib}/ldb/ABI/ldb-0.9.16.sigs       |      0
 {source4/lib => lib}/ldb/ABI/ldb-0.9.17.sigs       |      0
 {source4/lib => lib}/ldb/ABI/ldb-0.9.18.sigs       |      0
 {source4/lib => lib}/ldb/ABI/ldb-0.9.19.sigs       |      0
 {source4/lib => lib}/ldb/ABI/ldb-0.9.20.sigs       |      0
 {source4/lib => lib}/ldb/ABI/ldb-0.9.22.sigs       |      0
 {source4/lib => lib}/ldb/ABI/ldb-0.9.23.sigs       |      0
 {source4/lib => lib}/ldb/ABI/ldb-0.9.24.sigs       |      0
 {source4/lib => lib}/ldb/ABI/ldb-1.0.0.sigs        |      0
 {source4/lib => lib}/ldb/ABI/ldb-1.0.1.sigs        |      0
 {source4/lib => lib}/ldb/ABI/ldb-1.0.2.sigs        |      0
 lib/ldb/ABI/ldb-1.1.0.sigs                         |    253 +
 lib/ldb/ABI/ldb-1.1.1.sigs                         |    254 +
 lib/ldb/ABI/ldb-1.1.10.sigs                        |    259 +
 lib/ldb/ABI/ldb-1.1.11.sigs                        |    259 +
 lib/ldb/ABI/ldb-1.1.12.sigs                        |    260 +
 lib/ldb/ABI/ldb-1.1.13.sigs                        |    260 +
 lib/ldb/ABI/ldb-1.1.14.sigs                        |    262 +
 lib/ldb/ABI/ldb-1.1.15.sigs                        |    262 +
 lib/ldb/ABI/ldb-1.1.16.sigs                        |    262 +
 lib/ldb/ABI/ldb-1.1.2.sigs                         |    256 +
 lib/ldb/ABI/ldb-1.1.3.sigs                         |    256 +
 lib/ldb/ABI/ldb-1.1.4.sigs                         |    256 +
 lib/ldb/ABI/ldb-1.1.5.sigs                         |    257 +
 lib/ldb/ABI/ldb-1.1.6.sigs                         |    258 +
 lib/ldb/ABI/ldb-1.1.7.sigs                         |    258 +
 lib/ldb/ABI/ldb-1.1.8.sigs                         |    258 +
 lib/ldb/ABI/ldb-1.1.9.sigs                         |    258 +
 {source4/lib => lib}/ldb/ABI/ldb-ildap-0.9.12.sigs |      0
 .../lib => lib}/ldb/ABI/ldb-samba4-0.9.10.sigs     |      0
 .../lib => lib}/ldb/ABI/ldb-samba4-0.9.11.sigs     |      0
 lib/ldb/ABI/pyldb-util-1.1.10.sigs                 |      2 +
 lib/ldb/ABI/pyldb-util-1.1.11.sigs                 |      2 +
 lib/ldb/ABI/pyldb-util-1.1.12.sigs                 |      2 +
 lib/ldb/ABI/pyldb-util-1.1.13.sigs                 |      2 +
 lib/ldb/ABI/pyldb-util-1.1.14.sigs                 |      2 +
 lib/ldb/ABI/pyldb-util-1.1.15.sigs                 |      2 +
 lib/ldb/ABI/pyldb-util-1.1.16.sigs                 |      2 +
 lib/ldb/ABI/pyldb-util-1.1.2.sigs                  |      2 +
 lib/ldb/ABI/pyldb-util-1.1.3.sigs                  |      2 +
 lib/ldb/ABI/pyldb-util-1.1.4.sigs                  |      2 +
 lib/ldb/ABI/pyldb-util-1.1.5.sigs                  |      2 +
 lib/ldb/ABI/pyldb-util-1.1.6.sigs                  |      2 +
 lib/ldb/ABI/pyldb-util-1.1.7.sigs                  |      2 +
 lib/ldb/ABI/pyldb-util-1.1.8.sigs                  |      2 +
 lib/ldb/ABI/pyldb-util-1.1.9.sigs                  |      2 +
 {source4/lib => lib}/ldb/Doxyfile                  |      0
 lib/ldb/Makefile                                   |     51 +
 {source4/lib => lib}/ldb/README_gcov.txt           |      0
 lib/ldb/common/attrib_handlers.c                   |    524 +
 lib/ldb/common/ldb.c                               |   1989 +
 {source4/lib => lib}/ldb/common/ldb_attributes.c   |      0
 lib/ldb/common/ldb_controls.c                      |   1111 +
 lib/ldb/common/ldb_debug.c                         |    150 +
 lib/ldb/common/ldb_dn.c                            |   2157 +
 lib/ldb/common/ldb_ldif.c                          |   1068 +
 lib/ldb/common/ldb_match.c                         |    591 +
 lib/ldb/common/ldb_modules.c                       |   1159 +
 lib/ldb/common/ldb_msg.c                           |   1228 +
 {source4/lib => lib}/ldb/common/ldb_options.c      |      0
 lib/ldb/common/ldb_pack.c                          |    287 +
 lib/ldb/common/ldb_parse.c                         |    974 +
 {source4/lib => lib}/ldb/common/ldb_utf8.c         |      0
 {source4/lib => lib}/ldb/common/qsort.c            |      0
 lib/ldb/configure                                  |     21 +
 {source4/lib => lib}/ldb/docs/builddocs.sh         |      0
 {source4/lib => lib}/ldb/docs/design.txt           |      0
 {source4/lib => lib}/ldb/docs/installdocs.sh       |      0
 {source4/lib => lib}/ldb/examples.dox              |      0
 {source4/lib => lib}/ldb/examples/ldbreader.c      |      0
 {source4/lib => lib}/ldb/examples/ldifreader.c     |      0
 {source4/lib => lib}/ldb/include/dlinklist.h       |      0
 lib/ldb/include/ldb.h                              |   2272 +
 {source4/lib => lib}/ldb/include/ldb_errors.h      |      0
 lib/ldb/include/ldb_handlers.h                     |     45 +
 lib/ldb/include/ldb_module.h                       |    372 +
 lib/ldb/include/ldb_private.h                      |    208 +
 {source4/lib => lib}/ldb/ldb.pc.in                 |      0
 {source4/lib => lib}/ldb/ldb_ldap/ldb_ldap.c       |      0
 {source4/lib => lib}/ldb/ldb_map/ldb_map.c         |      0
 {source4/lib => lib}/ldb/ldb_map/ldb_map.h         |      0
 lib/ldb/ldb_map/ldb_map_inbound.c                  |    837 +
 .../lib => lib}/ldb/ldb_map/ldb_map_outbound.c     |      0
 {source4/lib => lib}/ldb/ldb_map/ldb_map_private.h |      0
 {source4/lib => lib}/ldb/ldb_sqlite3/README        |      0
 {source4/lib => lib}/ldb/ldb_sqlite3/base160.c     |      0
 lib/ldb/ldb_sqlite3/ldb_sqlite3.c                  |   1940 +
 {source4/lib => lib}/ldb/ldb_sqlite3/schema        |      0
 {source4/lib => lib}/ldb/ldb_sqlite3/trees.ps      |      0
 lib/ldb/ldb_tdb/ldb_cache.c                        |    504 +
 lib/ldb/ldb_tdb/ldb_index.c                        |   1609 +
 lib/ldb/ldb_tdb/ldb_search.c                       |    641 +
 lib/ldb/ldb_tdb/ldb_tdb.c                          |   1593 +
 lib/ldb/ldb_tdb/ldb_tdb.h                          |    122 +
 lib/ldb/ldb_tdb/ldb_tdb_wrap.c                     |    144 +
 {source4/lib => lib}/ldb/mainpage.dox              |      0
 lib/ldb/man/ldb.3.xml                              |    265 +
 lib/ldb/man/ldbadd.1.xml                           |    108 +
 lib/ldb/man/ldbdel.1.xml                           |    108 +
 lib/ldb/man/ldbedit.1.xml                          |    203 +
 lib/ldb/man/ldbmodify.1.xml                        |     96 +
 lib/ldb/man/ldbrename.1.xml                        |    110 +
 lib/ldb/man/ldbsearch.1.xml                        |    122 +
 {source4/lib => lib}/ldb/modules/asq.c             |      0
 {source4/lib => lib}/ldb/modules/paged_results.c   |      0
 {source4/lib => lib}/ldb/modules/paged_searches.c  |      0
 {source4/lib => lib}/ldb/modules/rdn_name.c        |      0
 {source4/lib => lib}/ldb/modules/skel.c            |      0
 {source4/lib => lib}/ldb/modules/sort.c            |      0
 {source4/lib => lib}/ldb/nssldb/README.txt         |      0
 {source4/lib => lib}/ldb/nssldb/ldb-grp.c          |      0
 {source4/lib => lib}/ldb/nssldb/ldb-nss.c          |      0
 {source4/lib => lib}/ldb/nssldb/ldb-nss.h          |      0
 {source4/lib => lib}/ldb/nssldb/ldb-pwd.c          |      0
 {source4/lib => lib}/ldb/pyldb-util.pc.in          |      0
 lib/ldb/pyldb.c                                    |   3462 +
 lib/ldb/pyldb.h                                    |    101 +
 lib/ldb/pyldb_util.c                               |    119 +
 lib/ldb/tests/init.ldif                            |     41 +
 {source4/lib => lib}/ldb/tests/init_slapd.sh       |      0
 {source4/lib => lib}/ldb/tests/kill_slapd.sh       |      0
 {source4/lib => lib}/ldb/tests/ldapi_url.sh        |      0
 {source4/lib => lib}/ldb/tests/photo.ldif          |      0
 lib/ldb/tests/python/api.py                        |    773 +
 {source4/lib => lib}/ldb/tests/samba4.png          |    Bin
 {source4/lib => lib}/ldb/tests/sample_module.c     |      0
 .../ldb/tests/schema-tests/schema-add-test.ldif    |      0
 .../ldb/tests/schema-tests/schema-mod-test-1.ldif  |      0
 .../ldb/tests/schema-tests/schema-mod-test-2.ldif  |      0
 .../ldb/tests/schema-tests/schema-mod-test-3.ldif  |      0
 .../ldb/tests/schema-tests/schema-mod-test-4.ldif  |      0
 .../ldb/tests/schema-tests/schema-mod-test-5.ldif  |      0
 .../lib => lib}/ldb/tests/schema-tests/schema.ldif |      0
 {source4/lib => lib}/ldb/tests/slapd.conf          |      0
 {source4/lib => lib}/ldb/tests/start_slapd.sh      |      0
 {source4/lib => lib}/ldb/tests/test-attribs.ldif   |      0
 {source4/lib => lib}/ldb/tests/test-config.ldif    |      0
 {source4/lib => lib}/ldb/tests/test-controls.sh    |      0
 .../lib => lib}/ldb/tests/test-default-config.ldif |      0
 lib/ldb/tests/test-dup-2.ldif                      |      6 +
 lib/ldb/tests/test-dup.ldif                        |     13 +
 lib/ldb/tests/test-extended.sh                     |     69 +
 lib/ldb/tests/test-generic.sh                      |    154 +
 {source4/lib => lib}/ldb/tests/test-index.ldif     |      0
 {source4/lib => lib}/ldb/tests/test-ldap.sh        |      0
 lib/ldb/tests/test-modify-modrdn.ldif              |     12 +
 lib/ldb/tests/test-modify-unmet-2.ldif             |      7 +
 lib/ldb/tests/test-modify-unmet.ldif               |     15 +
 {source4/lib => lib}/ldb/tests/test-modify.ldif    |      0
 {source4/lib => lib}/ldb/tests/test-schema.sh      |      0
 {source4/lib => lib}/ldb/tests/test-soloading.sh   |      0
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 lib/ntdb/ntdb.c                                    |    602 +
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 lib/ntdb/ntdb.pc.in                                |     11 +
 lib/ntdb/open.c                                    |    911 +
 lib/ntdb/private.h                                 |    672 +
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 lib/replace/build_macros.m4                        |     14 -
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 lib/replace/config.sub                             |   1686 -
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 lib/tevent/script/mksyms.awk                       |     76 -
 lib/tevent/script/mksyms.sh                        |     45 -
 lib/tevent/testsuite.c                             |    719 +-
 lib/tevent/tevent.c                                |     75 +-
 lib/tevent/tevent.h                                |    235 +-
 lib/tevent/tevent.py                               |     29 +
 lib/tevent/tevent_debug.c                          |     23 +
 lib/tevent/tevent_epoll.c                          |    634 +-
 lib/tevent/tevent_internal.h                       |     36 +
 lib/tevent/tevent_poll.c                           |    640 +-
 lib/tevent/tevent_queue.c                          |     99 +-
 lib/tevent/tevent_req.c                            |     19 +-
 lib/tevent/tevent_select.c                         |     29 +-
 lib/tevent/tevent_signal.c                         |     44 +-
 lib/tevent/tevent_standard.c                       |    616 +-
 lib/tevent/tevent_timed.c                          |    117 +-
 lib/tevent/tevent_util.c                           |     17 +
 lib/tevent/tevent_util.h                           |      1 +
 lib/tevent/wscript                                 |     47 +-
 lib/torture/torture.c                              |      7 +-
 lib/torture/torture.h                              |     10 +
 lib/tsocket/tsocket_bsd.c                          |     35 +-
 lib/tsocket/tsocket_guide.txt                      |     53 +-
 lib/tsocket/tsocket_helpers.c                      |     85 +-
 lib/uid_wrapper/config.m4                          |      5 +-
 lib/uid_wrapper/uid_wrapper.c                      |    118 +-
 lib/uid_wrapper/uid_wrapper.h                      |     48 +-
 lib/uid_wrapper/wscript_build                      |      2 +-
 lib/update-external.sh                             |      5 +
 lib/util/asn1.c                                    |      6 +-
 lib/util/attr.h                                    |      9 +-
 lib/util/base64.c                                  |    150 +
 lib/util/become_daemon.c                           |     27 +-
 lib/util/bitmap.c                                  |    137 +
 lib/util/bitmap.h                                  |     32 +
 lib/util/blocking.c                                |     18 +
 lib/util/byteorder.h                               |     52 +-
 lib/util/charset/charcnv.c                         |    234 -
 lib/util/charset/charset.h                         |    223 +-
 lib/util/charset/charset_macosxfs.c                |    601 +
 lib/util/charset/charset_proto.h                   |     36 +
 lib/util/charset/codepoints.c                      |    117 +-
 lib/util/charset/convert_string.c                  |    544 +
 lib/util/charset/iconv.c                           |    262 +-
 lib/util/charset/pull_push.c                       |    150 +
 lib/util/charset/tests/charset.c                   |     18 +-
 lib/util/charset/tests/convert_string.c            |   1745 +
 lib/util/charset/tests/iconv.c                     |     32 +-
 lib/util/charset/util_str.c                        |    557 +
 lib/util/charset/util_unistr.c                     |    699 +-
 lib/util/charset/util_unistr_w.c                   |    251 +
 lib/util/charset/weird.c                           |    135 +
 lib/util/charset/wscript_build                     |     17 +-
 lib/util/charset/wscript_configure                 |     11 +-
 lib/util/data_blob.h                               |      2 +-
 lib/util/debug.c                                   |    137 +-
 lib/util/debug.h                                   |     15 +-
 lib/util/debug_s3.c                                |      2 +-
 lib/util/dprintf.c                                 |     78 +-
 lib/util/fault.c                                   |    251 +-
 lib/util/fsusage.c                                 |      7 +-
 lib/util/genrand.c                                 |    143 +-
 lib/util/modules.c                                 |    237 +
 lib/util/ms_fnmatch.c                              |      7 +-
 lib/util/params.c                                  |      2 +-
 lib/util/parmlist.c                                |      2 +
 lib/util/parmlist.h                                |      1 +
 lib/util/pidfile.c                                 |    155 +
 lib/util/pidfile.h                                 |     27 +
 lib/util/rfc1738.c                                 |      2 +-
 lib/util/samba_modules.h                           |     60 +
 lib/util/samba_util.h                              |    930 +
 lib/util/select.c                                  |    108 -
 lib/util/select.h                                  |      2 -
 lib/util/server_id.c                               |    138 +
 lib/util/setid.c                                   |    291 +
 lib/util/setid.h                                   |     43 +
 lib/util/string_wrappers.h                         |    100 +
 lib/util/substitute.c                              |     55 +-
 lib/util/system.c                                  |    130 +-
 lib/util/talloc_stack.c                            |     68 +-
 lib/util/talloc_stack.h                            |     17 +-
 lib/util/tdb_wrap.c                                |    194 -
 lib/util/tdb_wrap.h                                |     42 -
 lib/util/tests/asn1_tests.c                        |     94 +
 lib/util/tests/genrand.c                           |      5 +-
 lib/util/tests/str.c                               |     10 +-
 lib/util/tests/time.c                              |     18 -
 lib/util/tevent_ntstatus.c                         |     12 +
 lib/util/tevent_ntstatus.h                         |      4 +
 lib/util/tevent_werror.c                           |     13 +
 lib/util/tevent_werror.h                           |      3 +
 lib/util/time.c                                    |    141 +-
 lib/util/time.h                                    |    101 +-
 lib/util/unix_privs.c                              |     14 +-
 lib/util/util.c                                    |    337 +-
 lib/util/util.h                                    |    890 -
 lib/util/util_file.c                               |     25 +-
 lib/util/util_getent.c                             |    283 -
 lib/util/util_net.c                                |    270 +-
 lib/util/util_net.h                                |      4 +
 lib/util/util_ntdb.c                               |    346 +
 lib/util/util_ntdb.h                               |    135 +
 lib/util/util_paths.c                              |     63 +
 lib/util/util_process.c                            |     34 +
 lib/util/util_process.h                            |     35 +
 lib/util/util_pw.c                                 |     47 +-
 lib/util/util_pw.h                                 |      7 -
 lib/util/util_runcmd.c                             |     64 +-
 lib/util/util_str.c                                |    193 +-
 lib/util/util_str_common.c                         |    155 +
 lib/util/util_strlist.c                            |     26 +
 lib/util/util_tdb.c                                |    169 +-
 lib/util/util_tdb.h                                |     41 +-
 lib/util/wrap_xattr.c                              |    120 -
 lib/util/wrap_xattr.h                              |     33 -
 lib/util/wscript                                   |      3 +
 lib/util/wscript_build                             |    111 +-
 lib/util/wscript_configure                         |     33 +-
 lib/util/xfile.c                                   |      7 +-
 lib/wscript_build                                  |      2 +-
 lib/zlib/wscript                                   |      5 +-
 libcli/auth/credentials.c                          |    186 +-
 libcli/auth/credentials.h                          |      2 -
 libcli/auth/msrpc_parse.c                          |     14 +-
 libcli/auth/ntlm_check.c                           |      3 +-
 libcli/auth/ntlmssp.c                              |    134 -
 libcli/auth/ntlmssp.h                              |    171 -
 libcli/auth/ntlmssp_ndr.c                          |    133 -
 libcli/auth/ntlmssp_private.h                      |     57 -
 libcli/auth/ntlmssp_server.c                       |    582 -
 libcli/auth/ntlmssp_sign.c                         |    694 -
 libcli/auth/proto.h                                |      6 +-
 libcli/auth/schannel_proto.h                       |      3 +-
 libcli/auth/schannel_sign.c                        |    189 +-
 libcli/auth/schannel_state.h                       |      6 +-
 libcli/auth/schannel_state_tdb.c                   |     23 +-
 libcli/auth/smbencrypt.c                           |     67 +-
 libcli/auth/wscript_build                          |     15 +-
 libcli/cldap/cldap.c                               |    199 +-
 libcli/cldap/cldap.h                               |      4 +-
 libcli/cldap/wscript_build                         |     11 +-
 libcli/dns/dns.c                                   |    180 +
 libcli/dns/dns.h                                   |     68 +
 libcli/dns/dns_hosts_file.c                        |    415 +
 libcli/dns/libdns.h                                |     53 +
 libcli/dns/wscript_build                           |      9 +
 libcli/drsuapi/repl_decrypt.c                      |      4 +-
 libcli/echo/echo.c                                 |     15 +-
 libcli/echo/tests/echo.c                           |      6 +-
 libcli/echo/tests/wscript_build                    |      2 +-
 libcli/echo/wscript_build                          |      2 +-
 libcli/ldap/ldap_message.c                         |     45 +-
 libcli/ldap/ldap_message.h                         |      4 -
 libcli/ldap/ldap_ndr.c                             |      4 -
 libcli/ldap/wscript_build                          |     20 +-
 libcli/lsarpc/util_lsarpc.c                        |    359 +
 libcli/lsarpc/util_lsarpc.h                        |     37 +
 libcli/lsarpc/wscript_build                        |      5 +
 libcli/named_pipe_auth/npa_tstream.c               |      4 +-
 libcli/named_pipe_auth/wscript_build               |      9 +-
 libcli/nbt/dns_hosts_file.c                        |    307 -
 libcli/nbt/libnbt.h                                |      2 -
 libcli/nbt/man/nmblookup.1.xml                     |    213 -
 libcli/nbt/man/nmblookup4.1.xml                    |    213 +
 libcli/nbt/namerefresh.c                           |      2 +-
 libcli/nbt/nameregister.c                          |      4 +-
 libcli/nbt/nbtname.c                               |    179 -
 libcli/nbt/nbtsocket.c                             |     48 +-
 libcli/nbt/pynbt.c                                 |      2 +-
 libcli/nbt/tools/nmblookup.c                       |      6 +-
 libcli/nbt/wscript_build                           |     31 +-
 libcli/netlogon/ndr_netlogon.c                     |    212 -
 libcli/netlogon/ndr_netlogon_proto.h               |     24 -
 libcli/netlogon/netlogon.h                         |     14 -
 libcli/netlogon/wscript_build                      |      7 +-
 libcli/registry/wscript_build                      |      5 +-
 libcli/security/access_check.c                     |    366 +-
 libcli/security/access_check.h                     |     19 +-
 libcli/security/create_descriptor.c                |     56 +-
 libcli/security/dom_sid.c                          |      3 +-
 libcli/security/dom_sid.h                          |      3 +-
 libcli/security/object_tree.c                      |     93 +-
 libcli/security/pysecurity.c                       |      8 +-
 libcli/security/secdesc.c                          |    770 +
 libcli/security/secdesc.h                          |    124 +
 libcli/security/security.h                         |     10 +
 libcli/security/session.h                          |     11 +-
 libcli/security/util_sid.c                         |     22 +-
 libcli/security/wscript_build                      |     15 +-
 libcli/smb/read_smb.c                              |    112 +
 libcli/smb/read_smb.h                              |     33 +
 libcli/smb/smb1cli_trans.c                         |    909 +
 libcli/smb/smb2_constants.h                        |     79 +-
 libcli/smb/smb2_create_blob.c                      |      6 +-
 libcli/smb/smb2_signing.c                          |    351 +
 libcli/smb/smb2_signing.h                          |     50 +
 libcli/smb/smb2cli_close.c                         |    134 +
 libcli/smb/smb2cli_create.c                        |    279 +
 libcli/smb/smb2cli_flush.c                         |    131 +
 libcli/smb/smb2cli_ioctl.c                         |    359 +
 libcli/smb/smb2cli_query_directory.c               |    208 +
 libcli/smb/smb2cli_query_info.c                    |    250 +
 libcli/smb/smb2cli_read.c                          |    186 +
 libcli/smb/smb2cli_session.c                       |    331 +
 libcli/smb/smb2cli_set_info.c                      |    181 +
 libcli/smb/smb2cli_write.c                         |    161 +
 libcli/smb/smbXcli_base.c                          |   4949 +
 libcli/smb/smbXcli_base.h                          |    571 +
 libcli/smb/smb_common.h                            |      8 +-
 libcli/smb/smb_constants.h                         |    436 +
 libcli/smb/smb_seal.c                              |    220 +
 libcli/smb/smb_seal.h                              |     37 +
 libcli/smb/smb_signing.c                           |    503 +
 libcli/smb/smb_signing.h                           |     57 +
 libcli/smb/smb_unix_ext.h                          |    456 +
 libcli/smb/smb_util.h                              |     27 +
 libcli/smb/util.c                                  |    177 +
 libcli/smb/wscript                                 |     45 +
 libcli/smb/wscript_build                           |      9 -
 libcli/util/errmap_unix.c                          |    157 +
 libcli/util/error.h                                |     15 +-
 libcli/util/errormap.c                             |   1246 +
 libcli/util/nterr.c                                |    974 +
 libcli/util/ntstatus.h                             |     33 +-
 libcli/util/tstream.c                              |      7 +-
 libcli/util/werror.h                               |     41 +-
 libcli/util/wscript_build                          |     11 +
 libds/common/flags.h                               |     35 +-
 libds/common/roles.h                               |     81 +
 libds/common/wscript_build                         |      9 +-
 libgpo/gpext/gpext.c                               |     25 +-
 libgpo/gpo.h                                       |      4 -
 libgpo/gpo_fetch.c                                 |     50 +-
 libgpo/gpo_ini.c                                   |      4 +-
 libgpo/gpo_ldap.c                                  |     11 +-
 libgpo/gpo_sec.c                                   |     10 +-
 libgpo/gpo_util.c                                  |     14 -
 libgpo/wscript_build                               |      2 +-
 librpc/ABI/ndr-0.0.1.sigs                          |    245 +
 librpc/build_idl.sh                                |     18 +-
 librpc/idl/auth.idl                                |     60 +-
 librpc/idl/dfsblobs.idl                            |     17 +-
 librpc/idl/dns.idl                                 |    112 +-
 librpc/idl/dnsp.idl                                |    133 +-
 librpc/idl/dnsserver.idl                           |   1521 +-
 librpc/idl/drsblobs.idl                            |     20 +
 librpc/idl/drsuapi.idl                             |     12 +-
 librpc/idl/eventlog6.idl                           |      2 +-
 librpc/idl/frsrpc.idl                              |      4 +-
 librpc/idl/fsrvp.idl                               |    113 +
 librpc/idl/idl_types.h                             |      6 +
 librpc/idl/idmap.idl                               |      2 +-
 librpc/idl/ioctl.idl                               |     90 +
 librpc/idl/krb5pac.idl                             |     24 +-
 librpc/idl/lsa.idl                                 |      4 +-
 librpc/idl/misc.idl                                |     40 +
 librpc/idl/nbt.idl                                 |     17 +-
 librpc/idl/netlogon.idl                            |     15 +-
 librpc/idl/notify.idl                              |     97 +
 librpc/idl/samr.idl                                |      7 -
 librpc/idl/schannel.idl                            |      4 +-
 librpc/idl/security.idl                            |     29 +-
 librpc/idl/server_id.idl                           |     36 +
 librpc/idl/smb_acl.idl                             |     78 +
 librpc/idl/svcctl.idl                              |     33 -
 librpc/idl/wscript_build                           |     11 +-
 librpc/ndr.pc.in                                   |      2 +-
 librpc/ndr/libndr.h                                |     87 +-
 librpc/ndr/ndr.c                                   |     18 +-
 librpc/ndr/ndr_auth.c                              |     44 +
 librpc/ndr/ndr_auth.h                              |     32 +
 librpc/ndr/ndr_basic.c                             |    121 +
 librpc/ndr/ndr_dns.c                               |      8 +-
 librpc/ndr/ndr_dnsp.c                              |     72 +-
 librpc/ndr/ndr_dnsserver.c                         |    100 +
 librpc/ndr/ndr_dnsserver.h                         |     25 +
 librpc/ndr/ndr_drsblobs.c                          |     10 +-
 librpc/ndr/ndr_drsuapi.c                           |      6 +-
 librpc/ndr/ndr_nbt.c                               |    447 +
 librpc/ndr/ndr_nbt.h                               |     52 +
 librpc/ndr/ndr_ntprinting.c                        |      2 +
 librpc/ndr/ndr_sec_helper.c                        |      6 +-
 librpc/ndr/ndr_spoolss_buf.c                       |      3 -
 librpc/ndr/ndr_string.c                            |    291 +-
 librpc/ndr/ndr_wmi.c                               |      1 +
 librpc/ndr/ndr_wmi.h                               |     24 +
 librpc/ndr/util.c                                  |     31 +
 librpc/ndr/uuid.c                                  |     61 +-
 librpc/ndr_nbt.pc.in                               |     11 +
 librpc/rpc/binding.c                               |     13 +-
 librpc/rpc/binding_handle.c                        |      4 +-
 librpc/rpc/dcerpc_util.c                           |     16 +-
 librpc/rpc/rpc_common.h                            |      6 +
 librpc/tools/ndrdump.1.xml                         |      3 +
 librpc/tools/ndrdump.c                             |     13 +-
 librpc/wscript_build                               |    787 +-
 merged-branches.txt                                |      6 -
 nsswitch/libwbclient/ABI/wbclient-0.10.sigs        |     76 +
 nsswitch/libwbclient/ABI/wbclient-0.11.sigs        |     76 +
 nsswitch/libwbclient/ABI/wbclient-0.9.sigs         |     75 +
 nsswitch/libwbclient/tests/wbclient.c              |    156 +-
 nsswitch/libwbclient/wbc_idmap.c                   |      8 +-
 nsswitch/libwbclient/wbc_pam.c                     |     43 +-
 nsswitch/libwbclient/wbc_sid.c                     |      9 +-
 nsswitch/libwbclient/wbc_util.c                    |     16 +-
 nsswitch/libwbclient/wbclient.h                    |     65 +-
 nsswitch/libwbclient/wbclient.pc.in                |     11 +
 nsswitch/libwbclient/wscript                       |     45 +
 nsswitch/libwbclient/wscript_build                 |      8 -
 nsswitch/nsstest.c                                 |     10 +-
 nsswitch/pam_winbind.c                             |     47 +-
 nsswitch/tests/test_rfc2307_mapping.sh             |    181 +
 nsswitch/tests/test_wbinfo.sh                      |      6 +-
 nsswitch/wb_common.c                               |     24 +-
 nsswitch/wbinfo.c                                  |     50 +-
 nsswitch/winbind_nss_config.h                      |      8 +-
 nsswitch/winbind_nss_linux.c                       |      2 +-
 nsswitch/winbind_nss_solaris.c                     |      6 +
 nsswitch/winbind_nss_solaris.h                     |      1 +
 nsswitch/winbind_struct_protocol.h                 |     15 +-
 nsswitch/wins.c                                    |     29 +-
 nsswitch/wscript_build                             |     85 +-
 nsswitch/wscript_configure                         |     16 +
 packaging/NetworkManager/30-winbind-systemd        |     20 +
 packaging/NetworkManager/README                    |      6 +
 packaging/RHEL-CTDB/configure.rpm                  |     23 +-
 packaging/RHEL-CTDB/makerpms.sh                    |     22 +-
 packaging/RHEL-CTDB/makespec.sh                    |     17 +-
 packaging/RHEL-CTDB/samba.spec                     |    688 -
 packaging/RHEL-CTDB/samba.spec.tmpl                |    222 +-
 packaging/RHEL-CTDB/setup/smbprint                 |     84 -
 packaging/RHEL/makerpms.sh                         |     81 -
 packaging/RHEL/samba.spec                          |    507 -
 packaging/RHEL/samba.spec.tmpl                     |      2 +-
 packaging/RHEL/setup/smbprint                      |     84 -
 packaging/SGI/idb.pl                               |      5 -
 packaging/SGI/mkman                                |      3 -
 packaging/SGI/smb.conf                             |      3 -
 packaging/Solaris/README                           |     10 +-
 packaging/Solaris/makepkg.sh                       |     24 +-
 packaging/printing/README                          |      3 +
 packaging/printing/smbprint                        |     84 +
 packaging/systemd/README                           |     14 +
 packaging/systemd/samba.conf.tmp                   |      1 +
 packaging/systemd/samba.service                    |     14 +
 packaging/systemd/samba.sysconfig                  |      4 +
 packaging4/Fedora/cplusplus-headers.patch          |     32 -
 packaging4/Fedora/samba4.init                      |    113 -
 packaging4/Fedora/samba4.log                       |      7 -
 packaging4/Fedora/samba4.spec                      |    373 -
 packaging4/Fedora/samba4.sysconfig                 |      2 -
 packaging4/README.Debian                           |      2 -
 pidl/lib/Parse/Pidl/NDR.pm                         |      3 +
 pidl/lib/Parse/Pidl/Samba3/ServerNDR.pm            |      2 +-
 pidl/lib/Parse/Pidl/Samba4/NDR/Parser.pm           |     96 +-
 pidl/lib/Parse/Pidl/Samba4/NDR/Server.pm           |     11 +-
 pidl/lib/Parse/Pidl/Samba4/Python.pm               |     80 +-
 pidl/lib/Parse/Pidl/Typelist.pm                    |      1 +
 pidl/lib/Parse/Pidl/Wireshark/NDR.pm               |    150 +-
 pidl/tests/samba-ndr.pl                            |      6 +-
 pidl/tests/typelist.pl                             |      4 +-
 pidl/wscript                                       |      2 +-
 prog_guide4.txt                                    |    777 +
 python/examples/dnsserver.py                       |     89 +
 .../python => python}/examples/netbios.py          |      0
 .../scripting/python => python}/examples/samr.py   |      0
 .../scripting/python => python}/examples/winreg.py |      0
 python/modules.c                                   |     63 +
 {source4/scripting/python => python}/modules.h     |      0
 python/pyglue.c                                    |    289 +
 python/samba/__init__.py                           |    363 +
 python/samba/common.py                             |     99 +
 python/samba/dbchecker.py                          |   1085 +
 python/samba/descriptor.py                         |    581 +
 python/samba/drs_utils.py                          |    255 +
 python/samba/getopt.py                             |    251 +
 python/samba/hostconfig.py                         |     81 +
 python/samba/idmap.py                              |     98 +
 python/samba/join.py                               |   1217 +
 python/samba/kcc_utils.py                          |   2182 +
 python/samba/ms_display_specifiers.py              |    187 +
 python/samba/ms_schema.py                          |    290 +
 python/samba/ndr.py                                |     50 +
 python/samba/netcmd/__init__.py                    |    231 +
 python/samba/netcmd/common.py                      |     71 +
 python/samba/netcmd/dbcheck.py                     |    146 +
 python/samba/netcmd/delegation.py                  |    263 +
 python/samba/netcmd/dns.py                         |   1198 +
 python/samba/netcmd/domain.py                      |   1344 +
 python/samba/netcmd/drs.py                         |    511 +
 python/samba/netcmd/dsacl.py                       |    182 +
 python/samba/netcmd/fsmo.py                        |    277 +
 python/samba/netcmd/gpo.py                         |   1177 +
 python/samba/netcmd/group.py                       |    376 +
 python/samba/netcmd/ldapcmp.py                     |    964 +
 python/samba/netcmd/main.py                        |     70 +
 python/samba/netcmd/ntacl.py                       |    256 +
 python/samba/netcmd/processes.py                   |     78 +
 python/samba/netcmd/rodc.py                        |    108 +
 python/samba/netcmd/sites.py                       |    105 +
 python/samba/netcmd/spn.py                         |    205 +
 python/samba/netcmd/testparm.py                    |    209 +
 python/samba/netcmd/time.py                        |     59 +
 python/samba/netcmd/user.py                        |    570 +
 python/samba/netcmd/vampire.py                     |     55 +
 python/samba/ntacls.py                             |    240 +
 python/samba/provision/__init__.py                 |   2269 +
 python/samba/provision/backend.py                  |    840 +
 python/samba/provision/common.py                   |     82 +
 python/samba/provision/sambadns.py                 |   1140 +
 python/samba/samba3/__init__.py                    |    408 +
 python/samba/samdb.py                              |    862 +
 python/samba/schema.py                             |    204 +
 python/samba/sd_utils.py                           |     80 +
 python/samba/sites.py                              |    125 +
 python/samba/tdb_util.py                           |     41 +
 python/samba/tests/__init__.py                     |    237 +
 python/samba/tests/auth.py                         |     31 +
 python/samba/tests/blackbox/__init__.py            |     17 +
 python/samba/tests/blackbox/ndrdump.py             |     49 +
 python/samba/tests/blackbox/samba_tool_drs.py      |     97 +
 python/samba/tests/common.py                       |     40 +
 python/samba/tests/core.py                         |     63 +
 python/samba/tests/credentials.py                  |     98 +
 python/samba/tests/dcerpc/__init__.py              |     20 +
 python/samba/tests/dcerpc/bare.py                  |     51 +
 python/samba/tests/dcerpc/dnsserver.py             |    241 +
 python/samba/tests/dcerpc/misc.py                  |     62 +
 python/samba/tests/dcerpc/registry.py              |     51 +
 python/samba/tests/dcerpc/rpc_talloc.py            |     84 +
 python/samba/tests/dcerpc/rpcecho.py               |     71 +
 python/samba/tests/dcerpc/sam.py                   |     50 +
 python/samba/tests/dcerpc/srvsvc.py                |     68 +
 python/samba/tests/dcerpc/testrpc.py               |    141 +
 python/samba/tests/dcerpc/unix.py                  |     49 +
 python/samba/tests/dns.py                          |    808 +
 python/samba/tests/docs.py                         |    127 +
 python/samba/tests/dsdb.py                         |    130 +
 python/samba/tests/gensec.py                       |    146 +
 python/samba/tests/getopt.py                       |     55 +
 python/samba/tests/hostconfig.py                   |     74 +
 python/samba/tests/libsmb_samba_internal.py        |     78 +
 python/samba/tests/messaging.py                    |     67 +
 python/samba/tests/netcmd.py                       |     90 +
 python/samba/tests/ntacls.py                       |     83 +
 python/samba/tests/param.py                        |     57 +
 python/samba/tests/policy.py                       |     34 +
 python/samba/tests/posixacl.py                     |    787 +
 python/samba/tests/provision.py                    |    200 +
 python/samba/tests/registry.py                     |     60 +
 python/samba/tests/samba3.py                       |    219 +
 python/samba/tests/samba3sam.py                    |   1125 +
 python/samba/tests/samba_tool/__init__.py          |     15 +
 python/samba/tests/samba_tool/base.py              |    108 +
 python/samba/tests/samba_tool/gpo.py               |     79 +
 python/samba/tests/samba_tool/group.py             |    169 +
 python/samba/tests/samba_tool/ntacl.py             |    135 +
 python/samba/tests/samba_tool/processes.py         |     35 +
 python/samba/tests/samba_tool/timecmd.py           |     43 +
 python/samba/tests/samba_tool/user.py              |    237 +
 python/samba/tests/samdb.py                        |     96 +
 python/samba/tests/security.py                     |    143 +
 python/samba/tests/source.py                       |    264 +
 python/samba/tests/strings.py                      |    103 +
 python/samba/tests/unicodenames.py                 |     29 +
 python/samba/tests/upgrade.py                      |     40 +
 python/samba/tests/upgradeprovision.py             |    156 +
 python/samba/tests/upgradeprovisionneeddc.py       |    179 +
 python/samba/tests/xattr.py                        |    126 +
 python/samba/upgrade.py                            |    935 +
 python/samba/upgradehelpers.py                     |    798 +
 python/samba/web_server/__init__.py                |     51 +
 python/samba/xattr.py                              |     61 +
 .../python => python}/samba_external/README        |      0
 {source4/scripting/python => python}/uuidmodule.c  |      0
 python/wscript_build                               |     39 +
 release-scripts/build-docs                         |      3 +-
 release-scripts/build-htmlman-git                  |      2 +-
 release-scripts/build-htmlman-nogit                |      2 +-
 release-scripts/build-manpages-git                 |      8 +-
 release-scripts/build-manpages-nogit               |      8 +-
 release-scripts/create-tarball                     |      8 +-
 script/autobuild.py                                |    295 +-
 script/commit_mark.sh                              |     10 +-
 script/land-remote.py                              |    113 -
 script/land.py                                     |    741 -
 script/librelease.sh                               |     56 +-
 script/mkparamdefs.pl                              |    206 +
 script/mks3param.pl                                |    186 +
 script/random-sleep.sh                             |     21 +
 selftest/README                                    |     35 +-
 Read-Manifest-Now => selftest/__init__.py          |      0
 selftest/client.py                                 |     80 +
 selftest/filter-subunit                            |     43 +-
 selftest/flapping                                  |     27 +
 selftest/gdb_backtrace                             |     36 +-
 selftest/knownfail                                 |    245 +
 selftest/quick                                     |     37 +
 selftest/run.py                                    |    134 +
 selftest/selftest.pl                               |    328 +-
 selftest/selftest.pl.1                             |     78 +
 selftest/selftest.py                               |    527 +
 selftest/selftesthelpers.py                        |    141 +-
 selftest/skip                                      |    110 +
 {source4/selftest => selftest}/slow                |      0
 selftest/socket_wrapper.py                         |     61 +
 selftest/subunithelper.py                          |     81 +-
 selftest/target/Kvm.pm                             |    162 -
 selftest/target/Samba.pm                           |    204 +
 selftest/target/Samba3.pm                          |    657 +-
 selftest/target/Samba4.pm                          |   1059 +-
 selftest/target/Template.pm                        |     47 -
 selftest/target/Windows.pm                         |     40 -
 selftest/target/__init__.py                        |    165 +
 selftest/target/samba.py                           |    155 +
 selftest/test_samba4.pl                            |     21 -
 selftest/testlist.py                               |    168 +
 selftest/tests.py                                  |     55 +
 selftest/tests/__init__.py                         |     32 +
 selftest/tests/test_run.py                         |    187 +
 selftest/tests/test_samba.py                       |    116 +
 selftest/tests/test_socket_wrapper.py              |     36 +
 selftest/tests/test_target.py                      |    129 +
 selftest/tests/test_testlist.py                    |    148 +
 selftest/wscript                                   |    244 +
 source3/.clang_complete                            |     24 +-
 source3/Makefile-smbtorture                        |     24 +
 source3/Makefile-smbtorture4                       |     23 -
 source3/Makefile.in                                |   1527 +-
 source3/VERSION                                    |    105 -
 source3/auth/auth.c                                |    149 +-
 source3/auth/auth_builtin.c                        |     67 +-
 source3/auth/auth_compat.c                         |    138 -
 source3/auth/auth_domain.c                         |     95 +-
 source3/auth/auth_generic.c                        |    351 +
 source3/auth/auth_netlogond.c                      |    448 -
 source3/auth/auth_ntlmssp.c                        |    248 +-
 source3/auth/auth_sam.c                            |      4 +-
 source3/auth/auth_samba4.c                         |    283 +
 source3/auth/auth_script.c                         |     57 +-
 source3/auth/auth_server.c                         |    487 -
 source3/auth/auth_unix.c                           |     17 +-
 source3/auth/auth_util.c                           |    785 +-
 source3/auth/auth_wbc.c                            |      2 +-
 source3/auth/auth_winbind.c                        |      2 +-
 source3/auth/check_samsec.c                        |      6 +-
 source3/auth/pampass.c                             |     14 +-
 source3/auth/pass_check.c                          |     28 +-
 source3/auth/proto.h                               |    163 +-
 source3/auth/server_info.c                         |     80 +-
 source3/auth/server_info_sam.c                     |     11 +-
 source3/auth/token_util.c                          |    224 +-
 source3/auth/user_info.c                           |      5 +
 source3/auth/user_krb5.c                           |     43 +-
 source3/auth/user_util.c                           |      8 +-
 source3/auth/wscript_build                         |     61 +-
 source3/autoconf/lib/param/README                  |      3 +
 source3/autoconf/lib/param/param_global.h          |    276 +
 source3/autoconf/lib/param/param_local.h           |    142 +
 source3/autoconf/lib/param/param_proto.h           |   1044 +
 source3/autoconf/lib/param/s3_param.h              |    399 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/README             |      7 +
 source3/{ => autoconf}/librpc/gen_ndr/atsvc.h      |      0
 source3/{ => autoconf}/librpc/gen_ndr/audiosrv.h   |      0
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/auth.h             |     87 +
 source3/{ => autoconf}/librpc/gen_ndr/backupkey.h  |      0
 source3/{ => autoconf}/librpc/gen_ndr/browser.h    |      0
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/com_dcom.h         |    350 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/com_wmi.h          |    352 +
 source3/{ => autoconf}/librpc/gen_ndr/dbgidl.h     |      0
 source3/{ => autoconf}/librpc/gen_ndr/dcerpc.h     |      0
 source3/{ => autoconf}/librpc/gen_ndr/dcom.h       |      0
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/dcom_p.c           |    947 +
 source3/{ => autoconf}/librpc/gen_ndr/dfs.h        |      0
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/dfsblobs.h         |    130 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/dns.h              |    360 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/dnsp.h             |    376 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/dnsserver.h        |   1251 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/drsblobs.h         |    661 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/drsuapi.h          |   2100 +
 source3/{ => autoconf}/librpc/gen_ndr/dsbackup.h   |      0
 source3/{ => autoconf}/librpc/gen_ndr/dssetup.h    |      0
 source3/{ => autoconf}/librpc/gen_ndr/echo.h       |      0
 source3/{ => autoconf}/librpc/gen_ndr/efs.h        |      0
 source3/{ => autoconf}/librpc/gen_ndr/epmapper.h   |      0
 source3/{ => autoconf}/librpc/gen_ndr/eventlog.h   |      0
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/eventlog6.h        |    607 +
 source3/{ => autoconf}/librpc/gen_ndr/file_id.h    |      0
 source3/{ => autoconf}/librpc/gen_ndr/frsapi.h     |      0
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/frsrpc.h           |    555 +
 source3/{ => autoconf}/librpc/gen_ndr/frstrans.h   |      0
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/fsrvp.h            |    225 +
 source3/{ => autoconf}/librpc/gen_ndr/idmap.h      |      0
 .../{ => autoconf}/librpc/gen_ndr/initshutdown.h   |      0
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ioctl.h            |     96 +
 source3/{ => autoconf}/librpc/gen_ndr/keysvc.h     |      0
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/krb5pac.h          |    176 +
 .../{ => autoconf}/librpc/gen_ndr/libnet_join.h    |      0
 source3/{ => autoconf}/librpc/gen_ndr/libnetapi.h  |      0
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/lsa.h              |   1905 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/messaging.h        |    158 +
 source3/{ => autoconf}/librpc/gen_ndr/mgmt.h       |      0
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/misc.h             |    149 +
 source3/{ => autoconf}/librpc/gen_ndr/msgsvc.h     |      0
 .../librpc/gen_ndr/named_pipe_auth.h               |      0
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/nbt.h              |    728 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_atsvc.c        |    950 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_atsvc.h        |     41 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_atsvc_c.c      |    898 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_atsvc_c.h      |    100 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_atsvc_s.c      |    285 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_audiosrv.c     |    791 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_audiosrv.h     |     60 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_audiosrv_c.c   |     10 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_audiosrv_c.h   |      8 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_audiosrv_s.c   |    549 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_auth.c         |    867 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_auth.h         |     32 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_auth_c.c       |     10 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_auth_c.h       |      6 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_auth_s.c       |      5 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_backupkey.c    |    799 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_backupkey.h    |     49 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_backupkey_c.c  |    243 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_backupkey_c.h  |     36 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_backupkey_s.c  |    213 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_browser.c      |   1102 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_browser.h      |     55 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_browser_c.c    |    233 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_browser_c.h    |     30 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_browser_s.c    |    477 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_dbgidl.c       |     91 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_dbgidl.h       |     18 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_dbgidl_c.c     |    196 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_dbgidl_c.h     |     22 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_dbgidl_s.c     |    213 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_dcerpc.c       |   3284 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_dcerpc.h       |    139 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_dcerpc_c.c     |     10 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_dcerpc_c.h     |      6 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_dcerpc_s.c     |      5 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_dcom.c         |   3799 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_dcom.h         |    237 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_dcom_c.c       |   6290 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_dcom_c.h       |    728 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_dcom_s.c       |    681 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_dfs.c          |   6261 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_dfs.h          |    132 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_dfs_c.c        |   3546 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_dfs_c.h        |    394 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_dfs_s.c        |    741 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_dfsblobs.c     |   1366 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_dfsblobs.h     |     38 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_dfsblobs_c.c   |    214 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_dfsblobs_c.h   |     26 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_dfsblobs_s.c   |    213 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_dns.c          |   1329 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_dns.h          |     74 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_dns_c.c        |    200 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_dns_c.h        |     24 +
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 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_dnsp.c         |   1644 +
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 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_dnsp_s.c       |    237 +
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 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_dnsserver.h    |    125 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_dnsserver_c.c  |   2360 +
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 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_dnsserver_s.c  |    429 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_drsblobs.c     |   5758 +
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 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_drsuapi.c      |  17114 +++
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_drsuapi.h      |    316 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_drsuapi_c.c    |   4230 +
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 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_drsuapi_s.c    |    789 +
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 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_file_id_s.c    |      5 +
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 .../autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_libnet_join_c.h    |      6 +
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 .../autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_oxidresolver_s.c   |    333 +
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 .../autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_policyagent_c.c    |     10 +
 .../autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_policyagent_c.h    |      8 +
 .../autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_policyagent_s.c    |    213 +
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 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_preg.h         |     28 +
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 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_printcap_s.c   |      5 +
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 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_rap_s.c        |      5 +
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 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_remact_s.c     |    213 +
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 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_rot_c.h        |    146 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_rot_s.c        |    357 +
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 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_samr.h         |    350 +
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 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_samr_s.c       |   1821 +
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 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_scerpc.h       |     18 +
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 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_scerpc_c.h     |     24 +
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 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_security_s.c   |      5 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_server_id.c    |     49 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_server_id.h    |     13 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_server_id_c.c  |     10 +
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 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_server_id_s.c  |      5 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_smbXsrv.c      |   2798 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_smbXsrv.h      |     82 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_smbXsrv_c.c    |   1530 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_smbXsrv_c.h    |    136 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_smb_acl.c      |    383 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_smb_acl.h      |     18 +
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 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_smb_acl_c.h    |      6 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_smb_acl_s.c    |      5 +
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 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_spoolss_s.c    |   2829 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_srvsvc.c       |  21129 +++
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_srvsvc.h       |    322 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_srvsvc_c.c     |   9433 ++
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_srvsvc_c.h     |   1036 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_srvsvc_s.c     |   1485 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_svcctl.c       |   7664 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_svcctl.h       |    186 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_svcctl_c.c     |   9008 ++
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_svcctl_c.h     |   1032 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_svcctl_s.c     |   1245 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_trkwks.c       |     94 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_trkwks.h       |     18 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_trkwks_c.c     |    208 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_trkwks_c.h     |     24 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_trkwks_s.c     |    213 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_unixinfo.c     |    563 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_unixinfo.h     |     31 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_unixinfo_c.c   |   1112 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_unixinfo_c.h   |    110 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_unixinfo_s.c   |    309 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_w32time.c      |    204 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_w32time.h      |     24 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_w32time_c.c    |     10 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_w32time_c.h    |      8 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_w32time_s.c    |    261 +
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 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_wbint.h        |     98 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_wbint_c.c      |   4537 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_wbint_c.h      |    434 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_winreg.c       |   5308 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_winreg.h       |    171 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_winreg_c.c     |   8101 ++
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_winreg_c.h     |    868 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_winreg_s.c     |   1053 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_wkssvc.c       |  11504 ++
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_wkssvc.h       |    175 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_wkssvc_c.c     |   6889 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_wkssvc_c.h     |    770 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_wkssvc_s.c     |    933 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_wmi.c          |   7365 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_wmi.h          |    267 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_wmi_c.c        |  11757 ++
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_wmi_c.h        |   1376 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_wmi_s.c        |      3 +
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 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_wzcsvc_s.c     |    621 +
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 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_xattr.h        |     54 +
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 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_xattr_s.c      |    213 +
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 source3/{ => autoconf}/librpc/gen_ndr/ntsvcs.h     |      0
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/open_files.h       |     94 +
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 .../{ => autoconf}/librpc/gen_ndr/oxidresolver.h   |      0
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 .../{ => autoconf}/librpc/gen_ndr/policyagent.h    |      0
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 source3/{ => autoconf}/librpc/gen_ndr/printcap.h   |      0
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/py_atsvc.c         |    782 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/py_audiosrv.c      |     76 +
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 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/py_backupkey.c     |   1475 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/py_browser.c       |    503 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/py_dbgidl.c        |     98 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/py_dcerpc.c        |   6880 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/py_dcom.c          |   2272 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/py_dfs.c           |   4902 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/py_dfsblobs.c      |   1411 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/py_dns.c           |   2914 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/py_dnsp.c          |   2492 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/py_dnsserver.c     |  15776 +++
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/py_drsblobs.c      |   9704 ++
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/py_drsuapi.c       |  21084 +++
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/py_dsbackup.c      |    114 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/py_dssetup.c       |    574 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/py_echo.c          |   1274 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/py_efs.c           |    945 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/py_epmapper.c      |   2477 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/py_eventlog.c      |   3105 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/py_eventlog6.c     |   3009 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/py_file_id.c       |    211 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/py_frsapi.c        |    620 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/py_frsrpc.c        |   2952 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/py_frstrans.c      |   2133 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/py_fsrvp.c         |    828 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/py_idmap.c         |    376 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/py_initshutdown.c  |    274 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/py_ioctl.c         |   2030 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/py_keysvc.c        |    103 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/py_krb5pac.c       |   2284 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/py_lsa.c           |  11678 ++
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/py_mgmt.c          |    497 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/py_misc.c          |    822 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/py_msgsvc.c        |    113 +
 .../autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/py_named_pipe_auth.c   |    865 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/py_nbt.c           |   7435 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/py_netlogon.c      |  18822 +++
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/py_notify.c        |   1406 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/py_ntlmssp.c       |   3678 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/py_ntprinting.c    |   2281 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/py_ntsvcs.c        |    617 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/py_orpc.c          |   2402 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/py_oxidresolver.c  |    501 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/py_policyagent.c   |     76 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/py_preg.c          |    823 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/py_printcap.c      |    358 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/py_rap.c           |   8066 ++
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/py_remact.c        |    269 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/py_rot.c           |    339 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/py_samr.c          |  12254 ++
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/py_scerpc.c        |    103 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/py_schannel.c      |   1411 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/py_security.c      |   2282 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/py_server_id.c     |    223 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/py_smb_acl.c       |    434 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/py_spoolss.c       |  33176 +++++
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 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/py_svcctl.c        |   4508 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/py_trkwks.c        |    103 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/py_unixinfo.c      |    407 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/py_w32time.c       |     76 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/py_winreg.c        |   3122 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/py_wkssvc.c        |   9427 ++
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/py_wmi.c           |   4494 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/py_wzcsvc.c        |    472 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/py_xattr.c         |   2389 +
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 source3/{ => autoconf}/librpc/gen_ndr/remact.h     |      0
 source3/{ => autoconf}/librpc/gen_ndr/rot.h        |      0
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/samr.h             |   1922 +
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 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/schannel.h         |    120 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/secrets.h          |     32 +
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 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/server_id.h        |     23 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/smbXsrv.h          |    293 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/smb_acl.h          |     69 +
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 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_atsvc.c        |    349 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_atsvc.h        |     12 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_audiosrv.c     |   1140 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_audiosrv.h     |     23 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_auth.c         |     30 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_auth.h         |      8 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_backupkey.c    |    117 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_backupkey.h    |      9 +
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 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_browser.h      |     20 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_dbgidl.c       |    104 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_dbgidl.h       |      9 +
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 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_dcerpc.h       |      8 +
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 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_dcom.h         |    127 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_dfs.c          |   1760 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_dfs.h          |     31 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_dfsblobs.c     |    111 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_dfsblobs.h     |      9 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_dns.c          |    104 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_dns.h          |      9 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_dnsp.c         |    178 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_dnsp.h         |     10 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_dnsserver.c    |    848 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_dnsserver.h    |     18 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_drsblobs.c     |   1140 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_drsblobs.h     |     23 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_drsuapi.c      |   2033 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_drsuapi.h      |     33 +
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 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_dsbackup.h     |     32 +
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 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_dssetup.h      |     19 +
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 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_echo.h         |     18 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_efs.c          |   1089 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_efs.h          |     22 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_epmapper.c     |    652 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_epmapper.h     |     16 +
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 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_eventlog.h     |     33 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_eventlog6.c    |   2544 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_eventlog6.h    |     37 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_file_id.c      |     30 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_file_id.h      |      8 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_frsapi.c       |    890 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_frsapi.h       |     19 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_frsrpc.c       |    846 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_frsrpc.h       |     19 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_frstrans.c     |   1386 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_frstrans.h     |     25 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_fsrvp.c        |   1052 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_fsrvp.h        |     21 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_idmap.c        |     30 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_idmap.h        |      8 +
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 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_ioctl.c        |     30 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_ioctl.h        |      8 +
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 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_keysvc.h       |      9 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_krb5pac.c      |    400 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_krb5pac.h      |     13 +
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 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_libnet_join.h  |      8 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_libnetapi.c    |   4330 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_libnetapi.h    |     61 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_lsa.c          |   6404 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_lsa.h          |     90 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_messaging.c    |     30 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_messaging.h    |      8 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_mgmt.c         |    428 +
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 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_misc.h         |      8 +
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 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_msgsvc.h       |     20 +
 .../autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_named_pipe_auth.c  |     30 +
 .../autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_named_pipe_auth.h  |      8 +
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 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_nbt.h          |      9 +
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 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_open_files.h   |      8 +
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 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_orpc.h         |      8 +
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 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_oxidresolver.h |     14 +
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 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_perfcount.h    |      8 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_policyagent.c  |    104 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_policyagent.h  |      9 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_preg.c         |    104 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_preg.h         |      9 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_printcap.c     |     30 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_printcap.h     |      8 +
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 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_rap.h          |     33 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_remact.c       |    159 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_remact.h       |      9 +
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 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_rot.h          |     15 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_samr.c         |   5488 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_samr.h         |     76 +
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 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_scerpc.h       |      9 +
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 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_schannel.h     |      8 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_secrets.c      |     30 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_secrets.h      |      8 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_security.c     |     30 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_security.h     |      8 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_server_id.c    |     30 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_server_id.h    |      8 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_smbXsrv.c      |    622 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_smbXsrv.h      |     16 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_smb_acl.c      |     30 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_smb_acl.h      |      8 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_spoolss.c      |   8658 ++
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_spoolss.h      |    118 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_srvsvc.c       |   4202 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_srvsvc.h       |     62 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_svcctl.c       |   3621 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_svcctl.h       |     52 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_trkwks.c       |    104 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_trkwks.h       |      9 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_unixinfo.c     |    436 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_unixinfo.h     |     13 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_w32time.c      |    252 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_w32time.h      |     11 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_wbint.c        |   1733 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_wbint.h        |     26 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_winreg.c       |   2871 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_winreg.h       |     44 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_wkssvc.c       |   2418 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_wkssvc.h       |     39 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_wmi.c          |   4471 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_wmi.h          |    115 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_wzcsvc.c       |   1362 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_wzcsvc.h       |     26 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_xattr.c        |    104 +
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/srv_xattr.h        |      9 +
 source3/{ => autoconf}/librpc/gen_ndr/srvsvc.h     |      0
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/svcctl.h           |    947 +
 source3/{ => autoconf}/librpc/gen_ndr/trkwks.h     |      0
 source3/{ => autoconf}/librpc/gen_ndr/unixinfo.h   |      0
 source3/{ => autoconf}/librpc/gen_ndr/w32time.h    |      0
 source3/autoconf/librpc/gen_ndr/wbint.h            |    320 +
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 source3/{ => autoconf}/librpc/gen_ndr/wkssvc.h     |      0
 source3/{ => autoconf}/librpc/gen_ndr/wmi.h        |      0
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 source3/{ => autoconf}/librpc/gen_ndr/xattr.h      |      0
 source3/autoconf/source3/param/README              |      3 +
 source3/autoconf/source3/param/param_global.h      |    275 +
 source3/autogen-waf.sh                             |     27 -
 source3/autogen.sh                                 |     35 +-
 source3/build/charset.py                           |     10 -
 source3/build/dynconfig.py                         |     72 -
 source3/build/wscript                              |     60 -
 source3/client/client.c                            |    877 +-
 source3/client/clitar.c                            |    106 +-
 source3/client/dnsbrowse.c                         |      2 +-
 source3/client/smbspool.c                          |     10 +-
 source3/configure                                  |   9023 +-
 source3/configure.developer                        |      1 +
 source3/configure.in                               |   1996 +-
 source3/dynconfig.c                                |     86 -
 source3/exports/modules-darwin.syms                |      2 +-
 source3/groupdb/mapping.c                          |    281 +-
 source3/groupdb/mapping.h                          |      2 +-
 source3/groupdb/mapping_tdb.c                      |    250 +-
 source3/groupdb/mapping_tdb.h                      |     30 +
 source3/groupdb/proto.h                            |    102 -
 source3/include/ads.h                              |     14 +-
 source3/include/adt_tree.h                         |      2 +-
 source3/include/async_smb.h                        |     41 +-
 source3/include/auth.h                             |     63 +-
 source3/include/auth_generic.h                     |     50 +
 source3/include/auth_info.h                        |     72 +
 source3/include/autoconf/README                    |      5 +
 source3/include/autoconf/config.h.in               |   3406 +
 source3/include/autoconf/ldb_version.h             |      4 +
 source3/include/autoconf/version.h                 |     18 +
 source3/include/client.h                           |     88 +-
 source3/include/config.h.in                        |   3540 -
 source3/include/ctdb_packet.h                      |     85 +
 source3/include/ctdb_srvids.h                      |     40 +
 source3/include/ctdbd_conn.h                       |     37 +-
 source3/include/dbwrap.h                           |    146 -
 source3/include/dynconfig.h                        |    100 -
 source3/include/event.h                            |     10 +-
 source3/include/fake_file.h                        |      2 +-
 source3/include/g_lock.h                           |     15 +-
 source3/include/includes.h                         |    191 +-
 source3/include/interfaces.h                       |     49 -
 source3/include/krb5_protos.h                      |    177 -
 source3/include/libsmb_internal.h                  |     21 +-
 source3/include/libsmbclient.h                     |      8 +
 source3/include/local.h                            |     57 +-
 source3/include/locking.h                          |     10 +-
 source3/include/mapping.h                          |     33 -
 source3/include/memcache.h                         |      4 -
 source3/include/messages.h                         |     25 +-
 source3/include/module.h                           |     28 -
 source3/include/nameserv.h                         |      9 +
 source3/include/nt_printing.h                      |     28 +-
 source3/include/ntdomain.h                         |    192 +-
 source3/include/ntioctl.h                          |    106 +-
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 {lib/replace => source3/m4}/autoconf-2.60.m4       |      0
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 source3/modules/CP850.c                            |    121 -
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 source3/rpcclient/rpcclient.h                      |      2 +-
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 source3/script/tests/gdb_backtrace                 |     87 -
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 .../script/tests/test_net_registry_roundtrip.sh    |     46 +-
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 source3/script/wscript_build                       |      7 +
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 source3/selftest/ktest-krb5_ccache-3               |    Bin 0 -> 6031 bytes
 source3/selftest/ktest-secrets.tdb                 |    Bin 0 -> 45056 bytes
 source3/selftest/s3-selftest.sh                    |     16 +-
 source3/selftest/skip                              |     24 -
 source3/selftest/slow                              |      1 -
 source3/selftest/tests.py                          |    433 +-
 source3/selftest/wscript                           |    198 -
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 source3/services/svc_winreg_glue.h                 |     12 +-
 source3/services/svc_wins.c                        |      2 +-
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 source3/smbd/close.c                               |    372 +-
 source3/smbd/conn.c                                |    514 +-
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 source3/smbd/utmp.c                                |     58 +-
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 source3/stf/unicodenames.py                        |     31 -
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 source3/torture/vfstest.h                          |     13 +-
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 .../dsdb/samdb/ldb_modules/partition_metadata.c    |    475 +
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 source4/dynconfig/dynconfig.h                      |     62 -
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 source4/echo_server/wscript_build                  |      3 +-
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 source4/ldap_server/devdocs/Index                  |     34 -
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 source4/ntp_signd/wscript_build                    |      1 +
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 source4/ntptr/wscript_build                        |      6 +-
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 source4/ntvfs/common/opendb.h                      |      1 -
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 source4/ntvfs/ntvfs.h                              |     76 +-
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 source4/param/pyparam_util.c                       |      8 +-
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 source4/param/secrets.h                            |      9 +-
 source4/param/share.c                              |      1 +
 source4/param/share_classic.c                      |     31 +-
 source4/param/share_ldb.c                          |      4 +-
 source4/param/tests/loadparm.c                     |    102 +
 source4/param/util.c                               |    322 -
 source4/param/wscript_build                        |     21 +-
 source4/partition-upgrade.txt                      |     21 -
 source4/rpc_server/backupkey/dcesrv_backupkey.c    |     12 +-
 source4/rpc_server/common/loadparm.c               |     45 +
 source4/rpc_server/common/server_info.c            |     22 +-
 source4/rpc_server/common/share_info.c             |      1 +
 source4/rpc_server/dcerpc_server.c                 |     96 +-
 source4/rpc_server/dcerpc_server.h                 |     16 +-
 source4/rpc_server/dcerpc_server.pc.in             |      1 +
 source4/rpc_server/dcesrv_auth.c                   |     11 +-
 source4/rpc_server/dnsserver/dcerpc_dnsserver.c    |   2313 +
 source4/rpc_server/dnsserver/dnsdata.c             |   1002 +
 source4/rpc_server/dnsserver/dnsdb.c               |    968 +
 source4/rpc_server/dnsserver/dnsserver.h           |    259 +
 source4/rpc_server/dnsserver/dnsutils.c            |    342 +
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 source4/rpc_server/drsuapi/dcesrv_drsuapi.c        |     26 +-
 source4/rpc_server/drsuapi/drsutil.c               |      1 +
 source4/rpc_server/drsuapi/getncchanges.c          |    692 +-
 source4/rpc_server/drsuapi/updaterefs.c            |     21 +-
 source4/rpc_server/drsuapi/writespn.c              |      6 +-
 source4/rpc_server/echo/rpc_echo.c                 |      2 +-
 source4/rpc_server/epmapper/rpc_epmapper.c         |      4 +-
 source4/rpc_server/handles.c                       |      2 +-
 source4/rpc_server/lsa/dcesrv_lsa.c                |    163 +-
 source4/rpc_server/lsa/lsa_init.c                  |     10 +
 source4/rpc_server/lsa/lsa_lookup.c                |    241 +-
 source4/rpc_server/netlogon/dcerpc_netlogon.c      |    191 +-
 source4/rpc_server/remote/dcesrv_remote.c          |      1 +
 source4/rpc_server/samr/dcesrv_samr.c              |     57 +-
 source4/rpc_server/samr/samr_password.c            |    128 +-
 source4/rpc_server/service_rpc.c                   |      2 +
 source4/rpc_server/spoolss/dcesrv_spoolss.c        |      2 +-
 source4/rpc_server/srvsvc/srvsvc_ntvfs.c           |      1 +
 source4/rpc_server/winreg/rpc_winreg.c             |      2 +-
 source4/rpc_server/wscript_build                   |     40 +-
 source4/samba_tool/gpo.c                           |    609 -
 source4/samba_tool/password.c                      |    174 -
 source4/samba_tool/samba_tool.c                    |    385 -
 source4/samba_tool/samba_tool.h                    |     39 -
 source4/samba_tool/vampire.c                       |    130 -
 source4/samba_tool/wscript_build                   |      8 -
 source4/script/mkproto.pl                          |     54 +-
 source4/script/mkrelease.sh                        |     20 -
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 source4/scripting/bin/findprovisionusnranges       |     80 +
 source4/scripting/bin/minschema                    |      1 -
 source4/scripting/bin/mymachinepw                  |      4 +-
 source4/scripting/bin/rebuildextendeddn            |    127 +-
 source4/scripting/bin/renamedc                     |    200 +
 source4/scripting/bin/rpcclient                    |     90 +-
 source4/scripting/bin/samba-tool                   |     50 +
 source4/scripting/bin/samba3dump                   |     93 +-
 source4/scripting/bin/samba_backup                 |     12 +-
 source4/scripting/bin/samba_dnsupdate              |    208 +-
 source4/scripting/bin/samba_kcc                    |   2434 +
 source4/scripting/bin/samba_spnupdate              |     45 +-
 source4/scripting/bin/samba_upgradedns             |    501 +
 source4/scripting/bin/samba_upgradeprovision       |   1830 +
 source4/scripting/bin/setup_dns.sh                 |      2 +-
 source4/scripting/bin/smbstatus                    |     84 +-
 source4/scripting/bin/subunitrun                   |     48 +-
 source4/scripting/bin/testparm                     |    219 -
 source4/scripting/bin/upgradeprovision             |   1829 -
 source4/scripting/bin/wscript_build                |      5 +
 source4/scripting/devel/addlotscontacts            |     96 +
 source4/scripting/devel/chgtdcpass                 |      3 +-
 source4/scripting/devel/crackname                  |     78 +
 source4/scripting/devel/createtrust                |    137 +
 source4/scripting/devel/demodirsync.py             |    156 +
 source4/scripting/devel/drs/vampire_ad.sh          |      2 +-
 source4/scripting/devel/getncchanges               |      7 +-
 source4/scripting/devel/repl_cleartext_pwd.py      |    409 +
 source4/scripting/devel/selftest-vars.sh           |     27 +-
 source4/scripting/python/modules.c                 |     63 -
 source4/scripting/python/pyglue.c                  |    219 -
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 source4/scripting/python/samba/drs_utils.py        |    173 -
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 source4/scripting/python/samba/hostconfig.py       |     83 -
 source4/scripting/python/samba/idmap.py            |    103 -
 source4/scripting/python/samba/join.py             |    582 -
 .../python/samba/ms_display_specifiers.py          |    189 -
 source4/scripting/python/samba/ms_schema.py        |    279 -
 source4/scripting/python/samba/ndr.py              |     49 -
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 .../scripting/python/samba/netcmd/domainlevel.py   |    247 -
 source4/scripting/python/samba/netcmd/drs.py       |    477 -
 source4/scripting/python/samba/netcmd/dsacl.py     |    182 -
 .../scripting/python/samba/netcmd/enableaccount.py |     60 -
 source4/scripting/python/samba/netcmd/export.py    |     56 -
 source4/scripting/python/samba/netcmd/fsmo.py      |    197 -
 source4/scripting/python/samba/netcmd/gpo.py       |    245 -
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 source4/scripting/python/samba/netcmd/join.py      |     78 -
 source4/scripting/python/samba/netcmd/ldapcmp.py   |    949 -
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 source4/scripting/python/samba/netcmd/newuser.py   |     97 -
 source4/scripting/python/samba/netcmd/ntacl.py     |    119 -
 .../scripting/python/samba/netcmd/pwsettings.py    |    197 -
 source4/scripting/python/samba/netcmd/rodc.py      |    115 -
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 .../scripting/python/samba/netcmd/setpassword.py   |     80 -
 source4/scripting/python/samba/netcmd/spn.py       |    217 -
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 .../scripting/python/samba/provision/__init__.py   |   1929 -
 .../scripting/python/samba/provision/backend.py    |    772 -
 source4/scripting/python/samba/samba3.py           |    790 -
 source4/scripting/python/samba/samdb.py            |    713 -
 source4/scripting/python/samba/schema.py           |    204 -
 source4/scripting/python/samba/sd_utils.py         |     79 -
 source4/scripting/python/samba/tests/__init__.py   |    228 -
 source4/scripting/python/samba/tests/auth.py       |     33 -
 .../python/samba/tests/blackbox/__init__.py        |      1 -
 .../python/samba/tests/blackbox/ndrdump.py         |     36 -
 .../python/samba/tests/blackbox/samba_tool_drs.py  |    100 -
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 .../scripting/python/samba/tests/credentials.py    |    100 -
 .../python/samba/tests/dcerpc/__init__.py          |     21 -
 .../scripting/python/samba/tests/dcerpc/bare.py    |     52 -
 .../scripting/python/samba/tests/dcerpc/misc.py    |     64 -
 .../python/samba/tests/dcerpc/registry.py          |     53 -
 .../python/samba/tests/dcerpc/rpc_talloc.py        |     70 -
 .../scripting/python/samba/tests/dcerpc/rpcecho.py |     73 -
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 .../scripting/python/samba/tests/dcerpc/testrpc.py |    130 -
 .../scripting/python/samba/tests/dcerpc/unix.py    |     51 -
 source4/scripting/python/samba/tests/dsdb.py       |    135 -
 source4/scripting/python/samba/tests/gensec.py     |     90 -
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 .../python/samba/tests/upgradeprovision.py         |    139 -
 .../python/samba/tests/upgradeprovisionneeddc.py   |    180 -
 source4/scripting/python/samba/tests/xattr.py      |    105 -
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 source4/scripting/python/samba/upgradehelpers.py   |    953 -
 .../scripting/python/samba/web_server/__init__.py  |     52 -
 source4/scripting/python/wscript_build             |     39 -
 source4/scripting/wscript_build                    |     17 +-
 source4/selftest/knownfail                         |     85 -
 source4/selftest/provisions/undump.sh              |     37 +
 source4/selftest/quick                             |     36 -
 source4/selftest/skip                              |     86 -
 source4/selftest/tests.py                          |    439 +-
 source4/selftest/wscript                           |    201 -
 source4/setup/dns_update_list                      |     45 +-
 source4/setup/named.conf                           |      2 +-
 source4/setup/named.conf.dlz                       |     19 +
 source4/setup/named.txt                            |     71 +-
 source4/setup/phpldapadmin-config.php              |     28 -
 source4/setup/provision                            |    259 -
 source4/setup/provision.ldif                       |      5 +
 source4/setup/provision.smb.conf.dc                |     16 -
 source4/setup/provision.smb.conf.member            |      8 -
 source4/setup/provision.smb.conf.standalone        |      8 -
 source4/setup/provision_basedn_modify.ldif         |      6 -
 source4/setup/provision_basedn_options.ldif        |      2 +
 source4/setup/provision_computers_add.ldif         |      1 +
 source4/setup/provision_configuration.ldif         |     11 +-
 source4/setup/provision_configuration_modify.ldif  |      6 +
 source4/setup/provision_dns_accounts_add.ldif      |     12 +
 source4/setup/provision_dns_add.ldif               |    107 -
 source4/setup/provision_dns_add_samba.ldif         |     16 +
 source4/setup/provision_dnszones_add.ldif          |     79 +
 source4/setup/provision_dnszones_modify.ldif       |     36 +
 source4/setup/provision_dnszones_partitions.ldif   |     18 +
 source4/setup/provision_init.ldif                  |      3 +
 source4/setup/provision_rootdse_modify.ldif        |      2 +
 source4/setup/provision_self_join.ldif             |     40 +-
 source4/setup/provision_self_join_config.ldif      |     33 +
 source4/setup/provision_self_join_modify.ldif      |     30 +-
 .../setup/provision_self_join_modify_config.ldif   |     14 +
 source4/setup/provision_users.ldif                 |    136 -
 source4/setup/provision_users_add.ldif             |      1 +
 source4/setup/provision_well_known_sec_princ.ldif  |    137 +
 source4/setup/schema_samba4.ldif                   |     16 +
 source4/setup/secrets_dns.ldif                     |      3 +-
 source4/setup/spn_update_list                      |     10 +-
 source4/setup/tests/blackbox_group.sh              |     12 +-
 source4/setup/tests/blackbox_newuser.sh            |     22 +-
 source4/setup/tests/blackbox_provision-backend.sh  |     10 +-
 source4/setup/tests/blackbox_provision.sh          |     18 +-
 source4/setup/tests/blackbox_s3upgrade.sh          |     99 +
 source4/setup/tests/blackbox_setpassword.sh        |     10 +-
 source4/setup/tests/blackbox_upgradeprovision.sh   |     46 +-
 source4/setup/upgrade_from_s3                      |     78 -
 source4/setup/wscript_build                        |      7 +-
 source4/setup/ypServ30.ldif                        |    507 +
 source4/smb_server/blob.c                          |      2 +-
 source4/smb_server/service_smb.c                   |     24 +-
 source4/smb_server/session.c                       |     12 +-
 source4/smb_server/smb/negprot.c                   |     28 +-
 source4/smb_server/smb/receive.c                   |     24 +-
 source4/smb_server/smb/reply.c                     |     25 +-
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 source4/smb_server/smb/signing.c                   |     49 +-
 source4/smb_server/smb/trans2.c                    |    855 +-
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 source4/smb_server/smb2/receive.c                  |     69 +-
 source4/smb_server/smb2/sesssetup.c                |     27 +-
 source4/smb_server/smb2/smb2_server.h              |      2 +
 source4/smb_server/smb2/tcon.c                     |      9 -
 source4/smb_server/smb2/wscript_build              |      3 +-
 source4/smb_server/smb_samba3.c                    |    170 -
 source4/smb_server/smb_server.c                    |      4 +-
 source4/smb_server/smb_server.h                    |      6 +-
 source4/smb_server/wscript_build                   |     14 +-
 source4/smbd/pidfile.c                             |    125 -
 source4/smbd/process_model.c                       |      3 +-
 source4/smbd/process_onefork.c                     |     15 +-
 source4/smbd/process_prefork.c                     |     19 +-
 source4/smbd/process_single.c                      |     34 +-
 source4/smbd/process_standard.c                    |     21 +-
 source4/smbd/process_thread.c                      |      4 +-
 source4/smbd/samba.8.xml                           |    178 -
 source4/smbd/server.c                              |     87 +-
 source4/smbd/service_named_pipe.c                  |      6 +-
 source4/smbd/service_stream.c                      |     64 +-
 source4/smbd/service_stream.h                      |      4 +-
 source4/smbd/service_task.c                        |     14 +-
 source4/smbd/service_task.h                        |      4 +-
 source4/smbd/wscript_build                         |     34 +-
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 source4/torture/auth/pac.c                         |     37 +-
 source4/torture/auth/smbencrypt.c                  |     70 +
 source4/torture/basic/aliases.c                    |      1 +
 source4/torture/basic/attr.c                       |      3 +-
 source4/torture/basic/base.c                       |     47 +-
 source4/torture/basic/charset.c                    |      3 +-
 source4/torture/basic/delaywrite.c                 |     89 +-
 source4/torture/basic/delete.c                     |    851 +-
 source4/torture/basic/denytest.c                   |     32 +-
 source4/torture/basic/dir.c                        |      1 +
 source4/torture/basic/disconnect.c                 |     17 +-
 source4/torture/basic/locking.c                    |     20 +-
 source4/torture/basic/mangle_test.c                |      5 +-
 source4/torture/basic/misc.c                       |      7 +-
 source4/torture/basic/properties.c                 |      1 +
 source4/torture/basic/rename.c                     |      1 +
 source4/torture/basic/scanner.c                    |      1 +
 source4/torture/basic/secleak.c                    |      1 +
 source4/torture/basic/unlink.c                     |      1 +
 source4/torture/basic/utable.c                     |     27 +-
 source4/torture/dfs/domaindfs.c                    |    142 +-
 source4/torture/dns/dlz_bind9.c                    |    230 +
 source4/torture/dns/internal_dns.c                 |    190 +
 source4/torture/dns/wscript_build                  |     19 +
 source4/torture/drs/drs_util.c                     |     51 +-
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 source4/torture/drs/python/getnc_exop.py           |    146 +
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 source4/torture/drs/unit/schemainfo_tests.c        |      2 +
 source4/torture/drs/wscript_build                  |      2 +-
 source4/torture/gentest.c                          |     37 +-
 source4/torture/ldap/basic.c                       |    114 +-
 source4/torture/ldap/cldap.c                       |    112 +-
 source4/torture/ldap/cldapbench.c                  |     12 +-
 source4/torture/ldap/schema.c                      |      4 +-
 source4/torture/libnet/libnet_BecomeDC.c           |     15 +-
 source4/torture/libnet/libnet_share.c              |      1 +
 source4/torture/libnet/userinfo.c                  |      4 +-
 source4/torture/libnet/userman.c                   |      6 +-
 source4/torture/libnetapi/libnetapi.c              |     33 +-
 source4/torture/libnetapi/wscript_build            |      3 +-
 source4/torture/libsmbclient/wscript_build         |      5 +-
 source4/torture/local/dbspeed.c                    |     10 +-
 source4/torture/local/local.c                      |      7 +
 source4/torture/local/torture.c                    |      1 +
 source4/torture/local/wscript_build                |      3 +-
 source4/torture/locktest.c                         |      4 +-
 source4/torture/man/gentest.1.xml                  |      3 +
 source4/torture/man/locktest.1.xml                 |      3 +
 source4/torture/man/masktest.1.xml                 |      3 +
 source4/torture/man/smbtorture.1.xml               |      3 +
 source4/torture/masktest.c                         |     14 +-
 source4/torture/nbench/nbench.c                    |      2 +-
 source4/torture/nbench/nbio.c                      |      2 +-
 source4/torture/nbt/browse.c                       |     54 -
 source4/torture/nbt/dgram.c                        |     72 +-
 source4/torture/nbt/nbt.c                          |      4 +-
 source4/torture/nbt/query.c                        |      4 +-
 source4/torture/nbt/register.c                     |      8 +-
 source4/torture/nbt/wins.c                         |      8 +-
 source4/torture/nbt/winsbench.c                    |      8 +-
 source4/torture/nbt/winsreplication.c              |    164 +-
 source4/torture/ndr/atsvc.c                        |      1 +
 source4/torture/ndr/backupkey.c                    |      1 +
 source4/torture/ndr/dfs.c                          |      1 +
 source4/torture/ndr/dfsblob.c                      |      9 +-
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 source4/torture/ndr/drsuapi.c                      |      1 +
 source4/torture/ndr/epmap.c                        |      1 +
 source4/torture/ndr/lsa.c                          |      1 +
 source4/torture/ndr/nbt.c                          |    134 +-
 source4/torture/ndr/ndr.c                          |     53 +-
 source4/torture/ndr/ndr.h                          |     25 +-
 source4/torture/ndr/netlogon.c                     |      1 +
 source4/torture/ndr/ntlmssp.c                      |     10 +-
 source4/torture/ndr/samr.c                         |      1 +
 source4/torture/ndr/spoolss.c                      |    184 +
 source4/torture/ndr/string.c                       |    198 +
 source4/torture/ndr/winreg.c                       |      1 +
 source4/torture/ntp/ntp_signd.c                    |      2 +-
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 source4/torture/raw/chkpath.c                      |     12 +-
 source4/torture/raw/close.c                        |      1 +
 source4/torture/raw/composite.c                    |    238 +-
 source4/torture/raw/context.c                      |    333 +-
 source4/torture/raw/eas.c                          |    123 +-
 source4/torture/raw/ioctl.c                        |      7 +-
 source4/torture/raw/lock.c                         |     71 +-
 source4/torture/raw/lockbench.c                    |     41 +-
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 source4/torture/raw/mkdir.c                        |      5 +-
 source4/torture/raw/mux.c                          |      5 +-
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 source4/torture/raw/open.c                         |     83 +-
 source4/torture/raw/openbench.c                    |     40 +-
 source4/torture/raw/oplock.c                       |    102 +-
 source4/torture/raw/pingpong.c                     |      1 +
 source4/torture/raw/qfileinfo.c                    |      5 +-
 source4/torture/raw/qfsinfo.c                      |      2 +
 source4/torture/raw/raw.c                          |     22 +-
 source4/torture/raw/read.c                         |     39 +-
 source4/torture/raw/rename.c                       |     17 +-
 source4/torture/raw/samba3hide.c                   |     54 +-
 source4/torture/raw/samba3misc.c                   |    477 +-
 source4/torture/raw/search.c                       |     29 +-
 source4/torture/raw/seek.c                         |      1 +
 source4/torture/raw/session.c                      |    435 +
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 source4/torture/raw/streams.c                      |    337 +-
 source4/torture/raw/tconrate.c                     |      1 +
 source4/torture/raw/unlink.c                       |     17 +-
 source4/torture/raw/write.c                        |      1 +
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 source4/torture/rpc/forest_trust.c                 |    175 +-
 source4/torture/rpc/fsrvp.c                        |    571 +
 source4/torture/rpc/handles.c                      |     16 +-
 source4/torture/rpc/lsa.c                          |    929 +-
 source4/torture/rpc/lsa_lookup.c                   |     16 +
 source4/torture/rpc/netlogon.c                     |    520 +-
 source4/torture/rpc/remote_pac.c                   |    398 +-
 source4/torture/rpc/rpc.c                          |      8 +-
 source4/torture/rpc/samba3rpc.c                    |   1378 +-
 source4/torture/rpc/samlogon.c                     |    281 +-
 source4/torture/rpc/samr.c                         |    171 +-
 source4/torture/rpc/samr_priv.c                    |    580 +
 source4/torture/rpc/samsync.c                      |     11 +-
 source4/torture/rpc/schannel.c                     |    309 +-
 source4/torture/rpc/spoolss.c                      |     23 +-
 source4/torture/rpc/spoolss_notify.c               |     35 +-
 source4/torture/rpc/testjoin.c                     |    104 +-
 source4/torture/rpc/winreg.c                       |      3 +-
 source4/torture/smb2/acls.c                        |     12 +-
 source4/torture/smb2/compound.c                    |    312 +-
 source4/torture/smb2/connect.c                     |      2 +-
 source4/torture/smb2/create.c                      |      5 +-
 source4/torture/smb2/durable_open.c                |   1471 +-
 source4/torture/smb2/durable_v2_open.c             |    740 +
 source4/torture/smb2/getinfo.c                     |     94 +-
 source4/torture/smb2/ioctl.c                       |    599 +
 source4/torture/smb2/lease.c                       |    280 +-
 source4/torture/smb2/lock.c                        |     76 +-
 source4/torture/smb2/notify.c                      |     40 +-
 source4/torture/smb2/oplock.c                      |     66 +-
 source4/torture/smb2/read.c                        |      9 +
 source4/torture/smb2/rename.c                      |    971 +
 source4/torture/smb2/scan.c                        |     53 +-
 source4/torture/smb2/session.c                     |    988 +
 source4/torture/smb2/setinfo.c                     |    125 +-
 source4/torture/smb2/smb2.c                        |     45 +-
 source4/torture/smb2/streams.c                     |     31 +-
 source4/torture/smb2/util.c                        |    272 +-
 source4/torture/smb2/wscript_build                 |      7 +-
 source4/torture/smbiconv.c                         |    236 -
 source4/torture/smbtorture.c                       |      8 +-
 source4/torture/tests/test_gentest.sh              |      4 +-
 source4/torture/tests/test_locktest.sh             |      4 +-
 source4/torture/tests/test_masktest.sh             |      4 +-
 source4/torture/torture.c                          |     17 +-
 source4/torture/unix/unix_info2.c                  |      5 +-
 source4/torture/unix/whoami.c                      |    166 +-
 source4/torture/util.h                             |      1 -
 source4/torture/util_smb.c                         |    102 +-
 source4/torture/winbind/struct_based.c             |      2 +-
 source4/torture/winbind/winbind.c                  |    234 +
 source4/torture/wscript_build                      |     31 +-
 source4/utils/man/ntlm_auth.1.xml                  |    266 -
 source4/utils/man/ntlm_auth4.1.xml                 |    269 +
 source4/utils/man/oLschema2ldif.1.xml              |      3 +
 source4/utils/ntlm_auth.c                          |     51 +-
 source4/utils/oLschema2ldif.c                      |     24 +-
 source4/utils/tests/test_demote.sh                 |     38 +
 source4/utils/tests/test_nmblookup.sh              |      6 +-
 source4/utils/tests/test_samba_tool.sh             |     21 +-
 source4/utils/tests/test_smbclient.sh              |     34 +
 source4/utils/wscript_build                        |     14 +-
 source4/web_server/web_server.c                    |     48 +-
 source4/web_server/web_server.h                    |      1 +
 source4/web_server/wscript_build                   |      2 +
 source4/web_server/wsgi.c                          |      2 +-
 source4/winbind/idmap.c                            |    157 +-
 source4/winbind/idmap.h                            |      1 +
 source4/winbind/wb_async_helpers.c                 |     28 +-
 source4/winbind/wb_async_helpers.h                 |      2 +
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 source4/winbind/wb_cmd_getgrnam.c                  |     12 +-
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 source4/winbind/wb_cmd_getpwuid.c                  |      9 +-
 source4/winbind/wb_cmd_list_trustdom.c             |      4 -
 source4/winbind/wb_dom_info.c                      |     21 +
 source4/winbind/wb_init_domain.c                   |     81 +-
 source4/winbind/wb_irpc.c                          |     50 +-
 source4/winbind/wb_pam_auth.c                      |     27 +-
 source4/winbind/wb_sam_logon.c                     |    220 +-
 source4/winbind/wb_samba3_cmd.c                    |    102 +-
 source4/winbind/wb_samba3_protocol.c               |     54 +-
 source4/winbind/wb_server.c                        |     61 +-
 source4/winbind/wb_server.h                        |     14 +-
 source4/winbind/wb_sid2domain.c                    |    258 +-
 source4/winbind/wb_sid2gid.c                       |      4 +-
 source4/winbind/wb_sid2uid.c                       |      4 +-
 source4/winbind/wb_sids2xids.c                     |      5 +-
 source4/winbind/wb_update_rodc_dns.c               |    206 +-
 source4/winbind/wb_utils.c                         |      3 +
 source4/winbind/wscript_build                      |      4 -
 source4/wrepl_server/wrepl_in_connection.c         |     11 +-
 source4/wrepl_server/wrepl_out_helpers.c           |      2 +-
 source4/wrepl_server/wrepl_periodic.c              |      2 +-
 source4/wrepl_server/wrepl_scavenging.c            |      2 +-
 source4/wrepl_server/wrepl_server.c                |     10 +-
 source4/wscript_build                              |     12 +
 swat/help/welcome.html                             |      3 -
 swat/lang/ja/help/welcome.html                     |      3 -
 .../lang}/ru/help/welcome-no-samba-doc.html        |      0
 swat/lang/ru/help/welcome.html                     |     65 +
 {source3/po => swat/lang}/ru/images/globals.gif    |    Bin
 {source3/po => swat/lang}/ru/images/home.gif       |    Bin
 {source3/po => swat/lang}/ru/images/passwd.gif     |    Bin
 {source3/po => swat/lang}/ru/images/printers.gif   |    Bin
 {source3/po => swat/lang}/ru/images/shares.gif     |    Bin
 {source3/po => swat/lang}/ru/images/status.gif     |    Bin
 {source3/po => swat/lang}/ru/images/viewconfig.gif |    Bin
 {source3/po => swat/lang}/ru/images/wizard.gif     |    Bin
 {source3/po => swat/lang}/ru/include/header.html   |      0
 swat/lang/tr/help/welcome.html                     |      3 -
 testdata/samba3/smb.conf                           |      1 +
 testdata/samba3/wins.dat2                          |     23 +
 testprogs/blackbox/bogus.sh                        |     28 +
 testprogs/blackbox/dbcheck-oldrelease.sh           |    123 +
 testprogs/blackbox/dbcheck.sh                      |     37 +
 testprogs/blackbox/nsstest.sh                      |     22 +
 testprogs/blackbox/renamedc.sh                     |     42 +
 testprogs/blackbox/subunit.sh                      |     10 +
 testprogs/blackbox/test_chgdcpass.sh               |     12 +-
 testprogs/blackbox/test_export_keytab.sh           |     32 +-
 testprogs/blackbox/test_kinit.sh                   |     69 +-
 testprogs/blackbox/test_ktpass.sh                  |     10 +-
 testprogs/blackbox/test_ldb.sh                     |     20 +-
 testprogs/blackbox/test_passwords.sh               |    105 +-
 testprogs/blackbox/test_pdbtest.sh                 |    101 +
 testprogs/blackbox/test_pkinit.sh                  |     24 +-
 testprogs/blackbox/test_samba_upgradedns.sh        |     37 +
 testprogs/blackbox/upgradeprovision-oldrelease.sh  |    222 +
 tests/fcntl_lock.c                                 |     19 +-
 tests/fcntl_lock64.c                               |     96 -
 tests/summary.c                                    |     11 +-
 tests/sysquotas.c                                  |     90 +
 testsuite/README                                   |      4 -
 testsuite/build_farm/runlist                       |      2 +-
 testsuite/build_farm/torture-OPLOCK3.test          |      2 -
 testsuite/config/unix.exp                          |     26 -
 testsuite/headers/wscript_build                    |      5 +
 testsuite/lib/compile.exp                          |     78 -
 testsuite/lib/default-nt-names.exp                 |     20 -
 testsuite/lib/env-single.exp                       |     36 -
 testsuite/lib/nsswitch-config.exp                  |     21 -
 testsuite/lib/smbclient.exp                        |     54 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/Makefile                |    854 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/chmod/chmod_1.c         |     59 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/chown/chown_1.c         |     59 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/close/close_1.c         |     59 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/close/close_2.c         |     57 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/closedir/closedir_1.c   |     65 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/closedir/closedir_2.c   |     61 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/closedir/closedir_3.c   |     63 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/closedir/closedir_4.c   |     59 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/creat/creat_1.c         |     60 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/creat/creat_2.c         |     63 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/creat/creat_3.c         |     56 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/fstat/fstat_1.c         |     62 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/fstat/fstat_2.c         |     58 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/fstat/fstat_3.c         |     69 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/fstat/fstat_4.c         |     69 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/fstat/fstat_5.c         |     77 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/fstat/fstat_6.c         |     80 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/getdents/getdents_1.c   |     72 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/getdents/getdents_2.c   |     67 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/getdents/getdents_3.c   |    155 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/getdents/getdents_4.c   |    101 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/getdents/getdents_5.c   |    106 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/init/init_1.c           |     18 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/init/init_2.c           |     23 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/init/init_3.c           |     58 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/init/init_4.c           |     18 -
 .../src/list_print_jobs/list_print_jobs_1.c        |    109 -
 .../src/list_print_jobs/list_print_jobs_2.c        |    105 -
 .../src/list_print_jobs/list_print_jobs_3.c        |    103 -
 .../src/list_print_jobs/list_print_jobs_4.c        |     99 -
 .../src/list_print_jobs/list_print_jobs_5.c        |    101 -
 .../src/list_print_jobs/list_print_jobs_6.c        |    110 -
 .../src/list_print_jobs/list_print_jobs_7.c        |    106 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/lseek/lseek_1.c         |     61 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/lseek/lseek_2.c         |     57 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/lseek/lseek_3.c         |     80 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/lseek/lseek_4.c         |     80 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/lseek/lseek_5.c         |     80 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/lseek/lseek_6.c         |     75 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/lseek/lseek_7.c         |     80 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/lseek/lseek_8.c         |     75 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/lseekdir/lseekdir_1.c   |    102 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/lseekdir/lseekdir_2.c   |     95 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/lseekdir/lseekdir_3.c   |     67 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/lseekdir/lseekdir_4.c   |     61 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/lseekdir/lseekdir_5.c   |    119 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/lseekdir/lseekdir_6.c   |    126 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/mkdir/mkdir_1.c         |     60 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/mkdir/mkdir_2.c         |     56 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/mkdir/mkdir_3.c         |     58 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/mkdir/mkdir_4.c         |     62 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/open/open_1.c           |     60 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/open/open_2.c           |     56 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/open/open_3.c           |     60 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/open/open_4.c           |     63 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/open/open_5.c           |     58 -
 .../src/open_print_job/open_print_job_1.c          |     60 -
 .../src/open_print_job/open_print_job_2.c          |     56 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/opendir/opendir_1.c     |     62 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/opendir/opendir_2.c     |     55 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/opendir/opendir_3.c     |     65 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/opendir/opendir_4.c     |     61 -
 .../libsmbclient/src/print_file/print_file_1.c     |     76 -
 .../libsmbclient/src/print_file/print_file_2.c     |     72 -
 .../libsmbclient/src/print_file/print_file_3.c     |     59 -
 .../libsmbclient/src/print_file/print_file_4.c     |     55 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/read/read_1.c           |     83 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/read/read_10.c          |     68 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/read/read_11.c          |     83 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/read/read_12.c          |     87 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/read/read_13.c          |     91 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/read/read_2.c           |     76 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/read/read_3.c           |     83 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/read/read_4.c           |     77 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/read/read_5.c           |     83 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/read/read_6.c           |     77 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/read/read_7.c           |     60 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/read/read_8.c           |     56 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/read/read_9.c           |     70 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/readdir/readdir_1.c     |    107 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/readdir/readdir_2.c     |    102 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/readdir/readdir_3.c     |     71 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/readdir/readdir_4.c     |     67 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/readdir/readdir_5.c     |    155 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/rename/rename_1.c       |     57 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/rename/rename_10.c      |     64 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/rename/rename_11.c      |     63 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/rename/rename_12.c      |     58 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/rename/rename_13.c      |     63 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/rename/rename_14.c      |     58 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/rename/rename_2.c       |     54 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/rename/rename_3.c       |     56 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/rename/rename_4.c       |     55 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/rename/rename_5.c       |     59 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/rename/rename_6.c       |     57 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/rename/rename_7.c       |     66 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/rename/rename_8.c       |     68 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/rename/rename_9.c       |     68 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/rmdir/rmdir_1.c         |     59 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/rmdir/rmdir_2.c         |     55 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/rmdir/rmdir_3.c         |     61 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/rmdir/rmdir_4.c         |     57 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/rmdir/rmdir_5.c         |     63 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/rmdir/rmdir_6.c         |     59 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/stat/stat_1.c           |     62 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/stat/stat_2.c           |     58 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/stat/stat_3.c           |     66 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/stat/stat_4.c           |     62 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/stat/stat_5.c           |     77 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/stat/stat_6.c           |     80 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/stat/stat_k.c           |     91 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/telldir/telldir_1.c     |    102 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/telldir/telldir_2.c     |     95 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/telldir/telldir_3.c     |     67 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/telldir/telldir_4.c     |     61 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/telldir/telldir_5.c     |    124 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/unlink/unlink_1.c       |     61 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/unlink/unlink_10.c      |     62 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/unlink/unlink_11.c      |     66 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/unlink/unlink_12.c      |     65 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/unlink/unlink_2.c       |     61 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/unlink/unlink_3.c       |     57 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/unlink/unlink_4.c       |     64 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/unlink/unlink_5.c       |     62 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/unlink/unlink_6.c       |     58 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/unlink/unlink_7.c       |     62 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/unlink/unlink_8.c       |     55 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/unlink/unlink_9.c       |     57 -
 .../src/unlink_print_job/unlink_print_job_1.c      |    107 -
 .../src/unlink_print_job/unlink_print_job_2.c      |    102 -
 .../src/unlink_print_job/unlink_print_job_3.c      |    106 -
 .../src/unlink_print_job/unlink_print_job_4.c      |    101 -
 .../src/unlink_print_job/unlink_print_job_5.c      |    141 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/write/write_1.c         |     77 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/write/write_10.c        |     70 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/write/write_11.c        |     83 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/write/write_12.c        |     83 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/write/write_13.c        |     87 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/write/write_2.c         |     71 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/write/write_3.c         |     79 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/write/write_4.c         |     74 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/write/write_5.c         |     79 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/write/write_6.c         |     74 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/write/write_7.c         |     60 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/write/write_8.c         |     56 -
 testsuite/libsmbclient/src/write/write_9.c         |     72 -
 testsuite/printing/Makefile.psec                   |     22 -
 testsuite/printing/psec.c                          |    438 -
 testsuite/server/ipc.exp                           |     44 -
 testsuite/server/masktest.exp                      |     57 -
 testsuite/server/rename.exp                        |     59 -
 testsuite/server/xfer.exp                          |     48 -
 testsuite/smbd/sec_ctx1.c                          |      4 +-
 testsuite/smbd/sec_ctx_nonroot.c                   |      4 +-
 upgrading-samba4.txt                               |     28 +
 wintest/conf/abartlet.conf                         |     54 +-
 wintest/conf/bbaumbach.conf                        |     97 +
 wintest/test-s3.py                                 |     37 +-
 wintest/test-s4-howto.py                           |    134 +-
 wintest/wintest.py                                 |    152 +-
 wscript                                            |    194 +-
 wscript_build                                      |     73 +-
 wscript_build_embedded_heimdal                     |      5 +
 wscript_build_system_heimdal                       |      5 +
 wscript_build_system_mitkrb5                       |      4 +
 wscript_configure_system_mitkrb5                   |    257 +
 6586 files changed, 1331236 insertions(+), 1402010 deletions(-)

diff --cc debian/changelog
index ea93d12,daa33a2..acea17a
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@@ -1,9 -1,1145 +1,1151 @@@
+ samba (2:4.0.13+dfsg-1) unstable; urgency=high
+   [ Steve Langasek ]
+   * Move update-alternatives upgrade removal handling to the postinst, where
+     it belongs.  Closes: #730090.
+   * Really remove all references to encrypted passwords: the
+     samba-common.config script still included references, which could cause
+     upgrade failures in some cases.  Closes: #729167.
+   [ Ivo De Decker ]
+   * New upstream security release. Fixes:
+     - CVE-2013-4408: DCE-RPC fragment length field is incorrectly checked
+     - CVE-2012-6150: pam_winbind login without require_membership_of
+                      restrictions
+   * Add empty prerm scripts for samba and samba-common-bin.prerm, to allow
+     upgrades from earlier versions with broken prerm script (bug introduced in
+     2:4.0.10+dfsg-3)
+   * Don't fail in postinst when removing old alternatives fails.
+   [ Jelmer Vernooij ]
+   * Fix invocations of 'update-alternatives --remove-all'. Closes: #731192
+  -- Ivo De Decker <ivo.dedecker at ugent.be>  Mon, 09 Dec 2013 18:34:07 +0100
+ samba (2:4.0.12+dfsg-1) unstable; urgency=low
+   [ Ivo De Decker ]
+   * New upstream release.
+   [ Debconf translations ]
+   * Thai (Theppitak Karoonboonyanan).  Closes: #728525
+   * Norwegian Bokmål (Bjørn Steensrud).  Closes: #729070
+   * German (Holger Wansing).  Closes: #729210
+   [ Jelmer Vernooij ]
+   * Add 26_heimdal_compat: Fix compatibility with newer versions of
+     Heimdal.
+  -- Ivo De Decker <ivo.dedecker at ugent.be>  Sun, 24 Nov 2013 07:48:20 +0100
+ samba (2:4.0.11+dfsg-1) unstable; urgency=high
+   * New upstream security release. Fixes:
+     - CVE-2013-4475: ACLs are not checked on opening an alternate data stream
+                      on a file or directory
+     - CVE-2013-4476: Private key in key.pem world readable
+   * Move world-readable private key file on upgrade to allow
+     auto-regeneration.
+   * Add check in samba-ad-dc init script for wrong permission on private key
+     file that would prevent samba to start.
+   * Update samba-libs.lintian-overrides for moved libtorture0.
+  -- Ivo De Decker <ivo.dedecker at ugent.be>  Mon, 11 Nov 2013 15:42:40 +0100
+ samba (2:4.0.10+dfsg-4) unstable; urgency=low
+   [ Christian Perrier ]
+   * Mark one debconf string as non-translatable
+   [ Debconf translations ]
+   * French updated (Christian Perrier).
+   * Swedish (Martin Bagge / brother).  Closes: #727186
+   * Hebrew (Omer Zak).
+   * Japanese (Kenshi Muto).  Closes: #727218
+   * Indonesian (Al Qalit).  Closes: #727543
+   * Russian (Yuri Kozlov).  Closes: #727612
+   * Esperanto (Felipe Castro).  Closes: #727619
+   * Polish (Michał Kułach).  Closes: #727646
+   * Danish (Joe Hansen).  Closes: #727764
+   * Czech (Miroslav Kure).  Closes: #728100
+   * Basque (Iñaki Larrañaga Murgoitio).  Closes: #728315
+   [ Jelmer Vernooij ]
+   * Move libtorture0 to samba-testsuite to reduce size of samba-libs and
+     prevent dependency on libsubunit0.
+   [ Ivo De Decker ]
+   * Handle move of tdb files to private dir in samba-libs.preinst.
+     Closes: #726472
+   * Also do the tdb move in libpam-smbpass.preinst, to avoid breaking the pam
+     module if the upgrade fails.
+  -- Ivo De Decker <ivo.dedecker at ugent.be>  Sat, 02 Nov 2013 11:27:25 +0100
+ samba (2:4.0.10+dfsg-3) unstable; urgency=low
+   [ Ivo De Decker ]
+   * Remove Sesse from uploaders. Thanks for your work on samba4.
+   * Include /etc/pam.d/samba in samba-common. It got lost somewhere in the
+     samba4 merge. Closes: #726183
+   * Remove unused alternatives links on upgrade in samba-common-bin.prerm.
+   * Add support for 'status' in samba-ad-dc init script.
+   * Fix umask in make_shlibs to avoid lintian error
+     control-file-has-bad-permissions.
+   * Enable verbose build log.
+   * Run xsltproc under faketime to get the same date for manpages on different
+     architectures in Multi-Arch: same packages. Closes: #726314
+   * Restore build-dep on libcups2-dev, which got lost in the samba4 merge.
+     This should restore the cups printing functionality. Closes: #726726
+   * Add wrapper for cups-config to filter out
+     -L/usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}, to work around build-failure.
+   * Also add other build-deps which were present in samba 2:3.6.19-1.
+   * if the same tdb file is present in /var/lib/samba and
+     /var/lib/samba/private, abort the upgrade to work around #726472 for now.
+   * Document swat removal. Closes: #726751
+   [ Steve Langasek ]
+   * Don't fail on errors from testparm in the samba init script.
+     Closes: #726326
+   * debian/patches/bug_221618_precise-64bit-prototype.patch: adjust the LFS
+     handling to work independently of header include order.  Closes: #727065.
+  -- Ivo De Decker <ivo.dedecker at ugent.be>  Tue, 22 Oct 2013 08:10:31 +0200
+ samba (2:4.0.10+dfsg-2) unstable; urgency=low
+   * First upload the unified samba 4.x package to unstable.
+     Thanks to everyone who worked on these packages all these years.
+   * Remove Noël from uploaders. Thanks for your work on the samba packages
+   * Add myself to uploaders.
+  -- Ivo De Decker <ivo.dedecker at ugent.be>  Sat, 12 Oct 2013 11:05:55 +0200
+ samba (2:4.0.10+dfsg-1) experimental; urgency=low
+   * Team upload.
+   [ Ivo De Decker ]
+   * Update vcs urls to point to samba instead of samba4.
+   * New upstream release.
+   * Limit build-dep on libaio-dev to linux architectures.
+   * Merge init script changes from 3.6 packages.
+   [ Steve Langasek ]
+   * Don't put useless symlinks to nss modules in the libnss-winbind package.
+   * Add lintian overrides for another set of wrong lintian errors for the
+     NSS modules.
+  -- Ivo De Decker <ivo.dedecker at ugent.be>  Thu, 10 Oct 2013 21:56:08 +0200
+ samba (2:4.0.9+dfsg-1) experimental; urgency=low
+   * Team upload.
+   [ Steve Langasek ]
+   * The samba-ad-dc upstart job should be installed unconditionally, not just
+     in Ubuntu.
+   * Don't exclude our private libraries from the shlibs generation.
+   * Port debian/autodeps.py to python3 and build-depend on python3 so we can
+     invoke it correctly from debian/rules.
+   [ Jelmer Vernooij ]
+   * Bump standards version to 3.9.4 (no changes).
+   * Suggest libwireshark-dev for libparse-pidl-perl, as it is necessary
+     to build wireshark dissectors generated by pidl.
+   * samba-ad-dc: Drop suggests for removed packages swat2 and samba-gtk.
+   * samba: Remove inetd servers from suggests; inetd support was dropped
+     in 3.6.16-1.
+   * Fix database errors during upgrade. Closes: #700768
+   * Integrate libraries in samba-libs
+   [ Ivo De Decker ]
+   * New upstream release.
+   * Merge contents of samba-ad-dc into samba.
+   * Remove systemd support for now, as it is broken. Closes: #719477
+   * Add lintian override for samba-libs: package-name-doesnt-match-sonames.
+   * Add missing depends for dev packages.
+   * Generate correct shlibs for both public and private libs.
+   [ Jeroen Dekkers ]
+   * Drop 10_messaging_subsystem patch.
+   * Add patch to not install smbclient4 and nmblookup4 and remove
+     samba4-clients binary package.
+  -- Ivo De Decker <ivo.dedecker at ugent.be>  Sun, 22 Sep 2013 17:19:44 +0200
+ samba (2:4.0.8+dfsg-1) experimental; urgency=low
+   [ Christian Perrier ]
+   * Remove all mention of "Samba 4" and "experimental version of Samba"
+     in packages' description.  Samba version 4 is now production-ready.
+   [ Andrew Bartlett ]
+   * Update build-dependencies on Samba libraries using autodeps.py
+   * New upstream security release. Closes: #718781
+     Fixes CVE-2013-4124: Denial of service - CPU loop and memory allocation
+   [ Ivo De Decker ]
+   * New upstream release
+   * refresh patches for new upstream version
+   * remove patches integrated upstream
+   * Update build-dependencies for new upstream version
+   * Add replaces for python-samba for packages that take over files from it.
+     Closes: #719212 
+  -- Ivo De Decker <ivo.dedecker at ugent.be>  Sun, 11 Aug 2013 23:45:16 +0200
+ samba (2:4.0.6+dfsg-1) experimental; urgency=low
+   * Team upload.
+   [ Andrew Bartlett ]
+   * Converted to full AD DC package on the basis of the 3.6 package
+     - Samba now can be an Active Directory Domain controller
+     - The samba4-* packages are replaced by this package.
+     - This package now uses the s3fs file server by default, not the ntvfs
+       file server used in the samba4 packages.
+   * Provides a new library based package
+     - Upstream's new build system uses libraries extensively, so new
+       packages reflect that.
+     - This provides the libraries that Openchange and other projects depend on
+   * Move binary files out of /var/lib/samba to /var/lib/samba/private,
+     where they belong according to upstream Samba:
+     - schannel_store.tdb
+     - idmap2.tdb
+     - passdb.tdb
+     - secrets.tdb
+   * Remove most of the samba4 references, except for binaries ending in 4
+   * Removed debconf support for encrypted passwords
+   * Samba 3.x users upgrading can either upgrade to an AD DC or continue
+     using Samba without major changes.
+   [ Christian Perrier ]
+   * Move libnss_winbind.so.2 and libnss_wins.so.2 to /lib as in 3.6.*
+   * Use the same set of configure arguments than 3.6.15 (except those
+     eventually specific to version 4 and above)
+   * Add libctdb-dev to build dependencies as we're building with cluster
+     support just like 3.6 packages
+   * Re-introduce mksmbpasswd for compatibility with 3.* packages
+   [ Ivo De Decker ]
+   * Specify all paths using configure options, so that we can finally get rid
+     of the fhs patch. Closes: #705449
+   [ Steve Langasek ]
+   * Make samba-common Conflicts: swat, which is now obsolete and no longer
+     built from samba 4.0; the old versions of swat in the archive are
+     incompatible with smb.conf from samba 4.0, so force them off the system
+     to avoid configuration corruption.
+  -- Ivo De Decker <ivo.dedecker at ugent.be>  Thu, 20 Jun 2013 21:51:49 +0200
+ samba4 (4.0.3+dfsg1-0.1) experimental; urgency=low
+   [ Andrew Bartlett ]
+   * Non-maintainer upload.
+   * New upstream relese: 4.0.3
+    + Fixes CVE-2013-0172 Samba 4.0.0 as an AD DC may provide authenticated users
+      with write access to LDAP directory objects
+    + Fixes many other ACL related issues in the AD DC
+    + Drop 08_waf_python_config as it is now upstream.
+   * Fix the forced use of NTVFS by setting the required options in the smb.conf
+     at configure time.
+   * Add depenencies to ensure python-samba requires exactly this binary version
+     of our core libraries. Closes: #700348
+  -- Andrew Bartlett <abartlet at samba.org>  Sat, 16 Feb 2013 17:06:34 +0100
+ samba4 (4.0.0+dfsg1-1) experimental; urgency=low
+   [ Martin Pitt ]
+   * debian/tests/control: Fix dependency: python-samba4 does not exist, it's
+     python-samba. Closes: #695854
+   [ Jelmer Vernooij ]
+   * New upstream release: 4.0.0!
+    + Add 08_waf_python_config to cope with python-config no longer
+      being a script.
+   * Add 25_heimdal_api_changes, to update Samba to work with the
+     current Heimdal in Sid. Patch from
+     Samuel Cabrero Alamán <scabrero at zentyal.com>. Closes: #686227
+   * Add 11_force_ntvfs: Force the use of NTVFS, until the version of smbd in
+     the archive is new enough. Closes: #694697
+   * Drop dependency on libsmbclient; instead, build private copy.
+  -- Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at debian.org>  Thu, 13 Dec 2012 16:27:20 +0100
+ samba4 (4.0.0~rc6+dfsg1-1) experimental; urgency=low
+   * New upstream release.
+    + Drop 08_heimdal_config_h and 11_system_heimdal, now applied upstream.
+  -- Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at debian.org>  Tue, 04 Dec 2012 14:39:40 +0100
+ samba4 (4.0.0~rc5+dfsg1-1) experimental; urgency=low
+   * New upstream release.
+   * Add autopkgtest header. Closes: #692671
+   * Use Multi-Arch for winbind4.
+  -- Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at debian.org>  Thu, 08 Nov 2012 15:13:43 +0100
+ samba4 (4.0.0~rc4+dfsg1-1) experimental; urgency=low
+   * New upstream release.
+    + Bump minimum ldb version to 1.1.13.
+   * Switch to Git as VCS.
+   * Remove DM-Upload-Allowed field.
+   * Depend on heimdal-multidev rather than heimdal-dev.
+    + Add 11_system_heimdal to support building with system heimdal.
+  -- Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at debian.org>  Sun, 28 Oct 2012 16:21:43 +0100
+ samba4 (4.0.0~rc3+dfsg1-1) experimental; urgency=low
+   * New upstream release.
+  -- Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at debian.org>  Tue, 16 Oct 2012 14:53:19 +0200
+ samba4 (4.0.0~rc2+dfsg1-2) experimental; urgency=low
+   * Depend on at least ldb 1.1.12. Closes: #689594
+   * Suggest ntp daemon for ntpsignd integration.
+   * Support specifying 'none' as server role to disable provision.
+     Closes: #690138
+   * Prompt user for administrator password. Closes: #690139
+   * Bump debconf level of server role to 'high'.
+  -- Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at debian.org>  Thu, 04 Oct 2012 13:22:40 +0200
+ samba4 (4.0.0~rc2+dfsg1-1) experimental; urgency=low
+   * New upstream release.
+  -- Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at debian.org>  Tue, 25 Sep 2012 03:34:08 +0200
+ samba4 (4.0.0~beta2+dfsg1-3) unstable; urgency=low
+   * Fix setup when no domain is set. Closes: #681048
+  -- Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at debian.org>  Sun, 05 Aug 2012 16:52:02 +0200
+ samba4 (4.0.0~beta2+dfsg1-2) unstable; urgency=low
+   * Use ntvfs while debian ships an old version of Samba 3. Closes: #679678
+   * Don't attempt to add shares to the configuration if it doesn't
+     exist. Closes: #681050
+  -- Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at debian.org>  Tue, 10 Jul 2012 11:52:44 +0200
+ samba4 (4.0.0~beta2+dfsg1-1) unstable; urgency=low
+   * New upstream release.
+   * Update Slovak translation. Thanks Ivan Masár. Closes: #677906
+   * Add build dependency on libacl1-dev.
+  -- Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at debian.org>  Mon, 18 Jun 2012 00:49:12 +0200
+ samba4 (4.0.0~beta1+dfsg1-3) unstable; urgency=high
+   * Prevent adding share with invalid name when used in domain controller mode.
+  -- Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at debian.org>  Sun, 17 Jun 2012 17:00:00 +0200
+ samba4 (4.0.0~beta1+dfsg1-2) unstable; urgency=low
+   * Create leading directories in addshare script. Closes: #677643
+   * Use attr/attributes.h on GNU/kFreeBSD. Fixes finding of ATTR_ROOT.
+  -- Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at debian.org>  Sat, 16 Jun 2012 01:42:10 +0200
+ samba4 (4.0.0~beta1+dfsg1-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+   * New upstream release.
+   * Add 08_heimdal_config_h: Fixes compatibility with newer versions of
+     Heimdal. Closes: #674918
+   * Use standard spelling of domain controller in debconf templates.
+     Closes: #670413
+   * Switch to debhelper 9.
+   * samba4-clients: Drop conflicts with smbclient; upstream has renamed
+     the Samba4-specific smbclient and nmblookup binaries.
+  -- Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at debian.org>  Wed, 30 May 2012 18:42:06 +0200
+ samba4 (4.0.0~alpha20+dfsg1-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+   * New upstream release.
+    + No longer installs libkdc-policy.so. LP: #887537
+  -- Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at debian.org>  Tue, 01 May 2012 15:02:19 +0200
+ samba4 (4.0.0~alpha19+dfsg1-7) unstable; urgency=low
+   * Only update smb.conf if it exists. Closes: #670560
+   * Automatically add shares required for active directory controllers if they
+     don't exist. Closes: #670558
+  -- Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at debian.org>  Thu, 26 Apr 2012 19:59:26 +0200
+ samba4 (4.0.0~alpha19+dfsg1-6) unstable; urgency=low
+   * Rebuild against ldb 1.1.6.
+  -- Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at debian.org>  Fri, 20 Apr 2012 12:47:15 +0200
+ samba4 (4.0.0~alpha19+dfsg1-5) unstable; urgency=low
+   * Use dbcheck when upgrading from recent versions of Samba4, as it's
+     both more reliable and quicker than upgradeprovision.
+   * Move samba-dsdb-modules from Recommends to Depends, as LDAP server
+     support has been dropped. Closes: #669331
+  -- Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at debian.org>  Thu, 19 Apr 2012 17:33:33 +0200
+ samba4 (4.0.0~alpha19+dfsg1-4) unstable; urgency=low
+   * Fix pattern matching line in setoption.py. Thanks Hleb Valoshka.
+     Closes: #669015
+   * setoption.py: Preserve mode on smb.conf file.
+  -- Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at debian.org>  Mon, 16 Apr 2012 17:33:07 +0200
+ samba4 (4.0.0~alpha19+dfsg1-3) unstable; urgency=low
+   * Convert setoption.pl to Python to avoid dependency on perl-modules.
+     Closes: #668800
+  -- Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at debian.org>  Sun, 15 Apr 2012 15:50:57 +0200
+ samba4 (4.0.0~alpha19+dfsg1-2) unstable; urgency=low
+   * Correctly import server role and realm from existing smb.conf file.
+     LP: #936891 LP: #832465 Closes: #659775
+   * Force correct realm during upgradeprovision. LP: #728864
+  -- Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at debian.org>  Fri, 13 Apr 2012 16:47:37 +0200
+ samba4 (4.0.0~alpha19+dfsg1-1) unstable; urgency=low
+   * New upstream release.
+    + Drop patches applied upstream: 06_upgradedns, 08_smb2_deps.
+    + Cope with missing sysvol folders during provision upgrade. LP: #930370
+    + Depend on tdb 1.2.10.
+    + Depend on ldb 1.1.5.
+    + Fixes CVE-2012-1182: PIDL based autogenerated code allows overwriting
+      beyond of allocated array.
+   * Fix replaces: samba-common field in samba4-common-bin.
+   * Update Catalan debconf translation. Thanks, Jordi Mallach.
+     Closes: #663737
+  -- Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at debian.org>  Wed, 11 Apr 2012 16:58:39 +0200
+ samba4 (4.0.0~alpha18.dfsg1-4) unstable; urgency=low
+   * Add patch 08_smb2_deps: Remove (unnecessary) dependencies on various
+     private Samba 3 libraries, for which proper package Depends: lines were
+     missing.  Closes: #665295
+   * Add dependency on tdb-tools. This will be removed once upstream
+     removes the use of tdbbackup in provision. Closes: #664658
+  -- Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at debian.org>  Wed, 28 Mar 2012 16:20:21 +0200
+ samba4 (4.0.0~alpha18.dfsg1-3) unstable; urgency=low
+   * Fix compatibility with newer versions of Heimdal. Fixes FTBFS.
+     Closes: #664820
+  -- Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at debian.org>  Wed, 21 Mar 2012 14:11:29 +0100
+ samba4 (4.0.0~alpha18.dfsg1-2) unstable; urgency=low
+   * Add Replaces: python-samba to libsmbclient-raw0 as some
+     private libraries have moved. Thanks Axel Beckert. Closes: #663641
+  -- Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at debian.org>  Tue, 13 Mar 2012 16:39:12 +0100
+ samba4 (4.0.0~alpha18.dfsg1-1) unstable; urgency=low
+   [ Jelmer Vernooij ]
+   * New upstream release.
+    + Depend on newer versions of ldb.
+    + Depend on tevent >= 0.9.15.
+    + Sanitizes NetBIOS names. LP: #938592
+    + Re-adds support for 'security = domain' parsing. LP: #916556
+   * Fix typo in recommendations of samba4: samba4-dsdb-modules ->
+     samba-dsdb-modules.
+   * Recommend attr package for Samba4.
+   * Create util.h -> samba_util.h symlink for backwards compatibility.
+   * Add dependency on libbsd-dev, used for strlcat and strlcpy.
+   * Extracts waf source code. Closes: #654500
+   [ Debconf translations ]
+   * Russian (Yuri Kozlov).  Closes: #651583
+   * Portuguese (Miguel Figueiredo).  Closes: #653557
+   * German (Holger Wansing).  Closes: #653714
+   * Norwegian Bokmål (Bjørn Steensrud).  Closes: #654284
+   * Spanish (Javier Fernández-Sanguino).  Closes: #656403
+   * Danish (Joe Hansen).  Closes: #656785
+   * Dutch (Jeroen Schot).  Closes: #657469
+   * Hebrew (Omer Zak).
+   * Polish (Michał Kułach).  Closes: #659570
+   * Czech (Miroslav Kure).  Closes: #659573
+   * Turkish (İsmail BAYDAN).  Closes: #659575
+   * Japanese (Kenshi Muto).  Closes: #659978
+   * Esperanto (Felipe Castro)
+   [ Jelmer Vernooij ]
+   * Rename upgradedns to less generic samba_upgradedns.
+   * Bump standards version to 3.9.3 (no changes).
+   * Use DEP-5 for copyright file.
+   * Indonesian (Mahyuddin Susanto).  Closes: #660031
+   * Italian (Luca Monducci).  Closes: #660150
+   * Use samba-tool to retrieve configuration options from debconf.
+     LP: #936891, Closes: #659775
+   * Add really basic autopkgtest test.
+   * Fix bundled libraries for samba.samba3 python module. LP: #889869
+  -- Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at debian.org>  Mon, 12 Mar 2012 19:01:00 +0100
+ samba4 (4.0.0~alpha17.dfsg2-1) unstable; urgency=low
+   * Remove more non-free IETF files. Closes: #547280
+   * Rebuild for newer version of ldb.
+  -- Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at debian.org>  Sat, 03 Dec 2011 01:41:49 +0100
+ samba4 (4.0.0~alpha17.dfsg1-3) unstable; urgency=low
+   * Install libmemcache.so, libutil_str.so and various other private libraries
+     required by the samba3 module in python-samba. LP: #889864, LP: #889869
+  -- Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at debian.org>  Sun, 13 Nov 2011 17:03:29 +0100
+ samba4 (4.0.0~alpha17.dfsg1-2) unstable; urgency=low
+   * Include upstart file to eliminate delta with Ubuntu.
+  -- Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at debian.org>  Fri, 11 Nov 2011 16:13:58 +0100
+ samba4 (4.0.0~alpha17.dfsg1-1) unstable; urgency=low
+   * Strip non-free IETF RFC files. Closes: #547280
+   * Rebuild against newer ldb. Closes: #648326
+   * Updated Swedish debconf translation. Thanks Martin Bagge.
+     Closes: #644942
+   * Updated French debconf translation. Thanks Christian Perrier.
+     Closes: #644465
+  -- Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at debian.org>  Fri, 11 Nov 2011 03:16:37 +0100
+ samba4 (4.0.0~alpha17-3) unstable; urgency=low
+   * Upload to unstable. Closes: #642905
+   * Use default python version rather than 2.7.
+  -- Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at debian.org>  Tue, 27 Sep 2011 00:11:31 +0200
+ samba4 (4.0.0~alpha17-2) experimental; urgency=low
+   * In -dev package dependencies, depend on a specific version of other
+     Samba dev packages.
+  -- Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at debian.org>  Sat, 24 Sep 2011 23:10:30 +0200
+ samba4 (4.0.0~alpha17-1) experimental; urgency=low
+   * New upstream release.
+   * Add libsmbclient-{raw0,dev} packages, required for winexe.
+   * Add libsamba-credentials0 and libsamba-credentials-dev packages for
+     new public library for credentials management.
+  -- Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at debian.org>  Sun, 18 Sep 2011 15:14:42 +0200
+ samba4 (4.0.0~alpha17~git20110807.dfsg1-1) experimental; urgency=low
+   * New upstream snapshot.
+   * Depend on newer version of ldb. Closes: #636961
+   * Update Indonesian Debconf translation. Thanks Mahyuddin Susanto.
+     Closes: #608552
+   * Preserve server role set in smb.conf. LP: #815586
+  -- Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at debian.org>  Sun, 07 Aug 2011 23:37:37 +0200
+ samba4 (4.0.0~alpha17~git20110801.dfsg1-1) experimental; urgency=low
+   * Improve outdated package descriptions. Closes: #486370
+   * New upstream release.
+   * Bump standards version to 3.9.2 (no changes).
+   * Add new libsamdb-dev package, required by openchange which relies on the
+     samdb.pc file.
+    + No header files are shipped yet, but an upstream fix is pending.
+   * Recommend bind9utils in samba4 package.
+   * Remove complex dependency loop between library packages. Closes: #598842
+    + Disable currently unfinished ldb share module.
+    + Split dcerpc server libraries out into libdcerpc-server{0,-dev} to
+      cut dependency loop.
+    + New samba-dsdb-modules package with all DSDB related LDB modules.
+   * Move libwinbind-client library to libgensec0. Closes: #623327
+   * Add support for multi-arch.
+   * Switch to new style debhelper.
+   * Fix symbolic link for ldb modules. Closes: #632974
+  -- Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at debian.org>  Sun, 31 Jul 2011 20:16:03 +0200
+ samba4 (4.0.0~alpha15.dfsg1-1) experimental; urgency=low
+   * New upstream snapshot.
+  -- Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at debian.org>  Fri, 22 Apr 2011 02:57:04 +0200
+ samba4 (4.0.0~alpha15~git20110410.dfsg1-1) experimental; urgency=low
+   * New upstream snapshot.
+    + Drop patch now applied upstream: 02_backupkey_private.diff
+   * Switch to dh_python2. Closes: #617059
+  -- Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at debian.org>  Sat, 05 Mar 2011 14:44:25 +0100
+ samba4 (4.0.0~alpha15~git20110224.dfsg1-2) experimental; urgency=low
+   * Depend on newer version of Heimdal which exposes more hx509 symbols.
+     Fixes FTBFS.
+   * Tighten libldb1 dependency for LDB modules.
+   * Depend on newer version of pyldb.  Closes: #615631
+  -- Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at debian.org>  Mon, 28 Feb 2011 03:52:35 +0100
+ samba4 (4.0.0~alpha15~git20110224.dfsg1-1) experimental; urgency=low
+   * New upstream release.
+    + Avoids unnecessary setlocale call to "C". LP: #519025, #519025
+   * Fix dependency on newer version of ldb. Closes: #614466
+   * Add missing dependency on python-samba, required for testparm. LP: #641082
+   * Use libwbclient. LP: #714344, Closes: #611214
+   * Make sure /var/run/samba exists. LP: #646037
+  -- Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at debian.org>  Wed, 23 Feb 2011 00:35:59 +0100
+ samba4 (4.0.0~alpha15~git20110124.dfsg1-2) experimental; urgency=low
+   * Build-depend on newer version of heimdal-multidev with fixed kdc.h.
+   * Build-depend on versioned libkdc2-heimdal which includes kdc_log. Closes: #611112
+  -- Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at debian.org>  Tue, 25 Jan 2011 09:22:16 -0800
+ samba4 (4.0.0~alpha15~git20110124.dfsg1-1) experimental; urgency=low
+   * New upstream snapshot.
+    + Removes unresolved symbols from libraries.
+      Closes: #596690, #599075, #602855.  LP: #658116, #592882, #646042
+   * Add dependency on comerr-dev.
+   * Update Spanish Debconf translation. Thanks Ricardo Fraile. Closes: #596075
+   * Update Danish debconf translation. Thanks Joe Dalton. Closes:
+     #598779
+   * Re-remove non-free IETF RFCs, add test to prevent future regression.
+     Closes: #547280
+   * Depend on libreadline-dev rather than libreadline5-dev. Closes: #553846
+   * Upgrade provision data between releases. Closes: #600117
+  -- Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at debian.org>  Fri, 15 Oct 2010 01:32:48 +0200
+ samba4 (4.0.0~alpha14~bzr13684.dfsg1-1) unstable; urgency=low
+   * New upstream snapshot.
+    + Depend on libsubunit-dev.
+   * Support talloc 2.0.1.
+   * Update dependency for ldb to be >= 0.9.14. Closes: #596745
+   * Support parallel builds.
+  -- Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at debian.org>  Tue, 28 Sep 2010 09:46:54 +0200
+ samba4 (4.0.0~alpha13+git+bzr12785.dfsg1-1) experimental; urgency=low
+   * Install provision scripts to /usr/share/samba/setup.
+   * Move nsstest from samba4 to winbind4.
+   * Support building against tdb 1.2.1.
+  -- Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at debian.org>  Fri, 10 Sep 2010 17:45:20 +0200
+ samba4 (4.0.0~alpha13+git+bzr12687.dfsg1-1) experimental; urgency=low
+   * New upstream snapshot.
+   * Mark as compatible with older versions of tdb (>= 1.2.2).
+  -- Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at debian.org>  Wed, 08 Sep 2010 03:30:03 +0200
+ samba4 (4.0.0~alpha13+git+bzr12670.dfsg1-1) experimental; urgency=low
+   * Add missing dependency on pkg-config.
+   * Require subunit >= 0.0.6, older versions have a broken tap2subunit.
+   * Debconf translations:
+     - Swedish (Martin Bagge).  Closes: #586819
+   * New upstream snapshot.
+     - Fixes symbols for LDB modules. Closes: #594763, #594771, #594773.
+   * Require tdb 1.2.3. Closes: #595644
+  -- Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at debian.org>  Sun, 05 Sep 2010 17:34:46 +0200
+ samba4 (4.0.0~alpha13+git+bzr12292.dfsg1-1) experimental; urgency=low
+   * New upstream snapshot.
+    + Fixes provision to be able to find the data path again.
+   * Depend on libreadline-dev rather than libreadline5-dev. Closes: #553846
+   * Suggest swat2.
+   * Migrate to Bazaar.
+   * Bump standards version to 3.9.1 (no changes).
+  -- Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at debian.org>  Sun, 22 Aug 2010 02:38:51 +0200
+ samba4 (4.0.0~alpha13+git20100618.dfsg1-1) experimental; urgency=low
+   [ Jelmer Vernooij ]
+   * New upstream snapshot. Closes: #578009, #577880
+    + Add dependency on python-dnspython.
+    + Removes last Python string exception. Closes: #585327
+    + Installs all display specifiers. Closes: #548911
+   [ Christian Perrier ]
+   * Debconf translations:
+     - Swedish (Martin Bagge).  Closes: #552734
+     - Russian (Yuri Kozlov).  Closes: #563346
+     - Spanish (Omar Campagne).  Closes: #579099
+  -- Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at debian.org>  Sun, 28 Feb 2010 02:33:37 +0100
+ samba4 (4.0.0~alpha8+git20100227.dfsg1-1) experimental; urgency=low
+   * Fix sections of libndr-standard0 and libndr0.
+   * New upstream snapshot.
+  -- Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at debian.org>  Mon, 22 Feb 2010 11:19:07 +0100
+ samba4 (4.0.0~alpha8+git20100222.dfsg1-1) experimental; urgency=low
+   [ Christian Perrier ]
+   * Change "Provides:" in init script to avoid conflicting Provides
+     with samba. Closes: #547209
+   * Swedish debconf translation (Martin Bagge).  Closes: #552734
+   [ Jelmer Vernooij ]
+   * Depend on specific version of libldb. Closes: #562389
+   * Build against system Heimdal and remove the copy of Heimdal from the 
+     Samba 4 source tree, since it contains non-free IETF RFC/I-D.
+     Closes: #547280
+   * Bump standards version to 3.8.4.
+   * Switch to dpkg-source 3.0 (quilt) format
+  -- Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at debian.org>  Wed, 03 Feb 2010 15:17:20 +0100
+ samba4 (4.0.0~alpha8+git20090912-1) unstable; urgency=low
+   * Upload to unstable.
+   * Fix nmblookup.1.gz filename for alternatives.
+   * New upstream snapshot.
+    + Add new binary packages libndr-standard0 and libndr-standard-dev.
+   * Bump standards version to 3.8.3.
+   * Remove unused patch system.
+  -- Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at debian.org>  Sat, 12 Sep 2009 13:28:33 +0200
+ samba4 (4.0.0~alpha8+git20090718-1) experimental; urgency=low
+   * New upstream snapshot.
+   * The server package now suggests a version of bind9 that supports 
+     update-policy.
+  -- Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at debian.org>  Sat, 18 Jul 2009 17:34:30 +0200
+ samba4 (4.0.0~alpha8~git20090620-1) experimental; urgency=low
+   * Support building against Python2.6.
+   * Add missing dependency on tdb >= 1.1.3. (Closes: #517171)
+   * Add missing dependencies on tdb-dev and libtalloc-dev to
+     libldb-samba4-dev. (Closes: #525885)
+   * Use newer version of tevent. (Closes: #531480, #533457, #533455)
+   * New upstream snapshot.
+   * Bump standards version to 3.8.2.
+   * Reorganization to let Samba 3 and Samba 4 co-exist on the same system:
+    + Depend on samba-common for smb.conf, /etc/samba/gdbcommands,
+      /usr/share/samba/{panic-action,*.dat}.
+    + Rename samba4-common to samba4-common-bin.
+   * samba4-testsuite now recommends subunit, since it can output subunit
+     streams.
+   * Document license for Active Directory schemas.
+   * Fix init script to run samba rather than smbd. (Closes: #522646)
+   * Removed libldb-samba4-{dev,0}, now using libldb{-dev,0} since there
+     are no longer any differences.
+  -- Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at debian.org>  Thu, 18 Jun 2009 00:19:44 +0200
+ samba4 (4.0.0~alpha7~20090225-1) experimental; urgency=low
+   * Build-depend on pkg-config, as we no longer seem to pull that in 
+     through any other dependencies. (Closes: #516882)
+  -- Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at debian.org>  Wed, 25 Feb 2009 04:04:36 +0100
+ samba4 (4.0.0~alpha7~20090223-1) experimental; urgency=low
+   * Add build dependency on libpopt-dev, so the system libpopt is always used 
+     rather than the one included by Samba.
+   * Use the alternatives system for the smbstatus, nmblookup, net and testparm 
+     binaries as well as various data files.
+   * Make the samba4 and samba4-testsuite packages conflict with 
+     samba-tools. (Closes: #506236)
+   * Build against external libtevent.
+  -- Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at debian.org>  Sat, 21 Feb 2009 17:46:41 +0100
+ samba4 (4.0.0~alpha6-1) experimental; urgency=low
+   * New upstream release.
+  -- Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at debian.org>  Tue, 20 Jan 2009 02:59:15 +0100
+ samba4 (4.0.0~alpha5+20090105-1) experimental; urgency=low
+   * New upstream snapshot.
+  -- Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at debian.org>  Mon, 05 Jan 2009 21:08:53 +0100
+ samba4 (4.0.0~alpha5+20081126-1) experimental; urgency=low
+   * New upstream snapshot.
+  -- Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at samba.org>  Wed, 26 Nov 2008 03:48:41 +0100
+ samba4 (4.0.0~alpha5+20081101-1) experimental; urgency=low
+   * New upstream snapshot.
+  -- Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at samba.org>  Sat, 01 Nov 2008 14:40:09 +0100
+ samba4 (4.0.0~alpha5+20081031-1) experimental; urgency=low
+   * New upstream snapshot.
+  -- Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at samba.org>  Fri, 31 Oct 2008 00:10:41 +0100
+ samba4 (4.0.0~alpha5+20081014-1) experimental; urgency=low
+   * Fix typo in description. (Closes: 500811)
+   * New upstream snapshot.
+  -- Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at samba.org>  Thu, 09 Oct 2008 18:41:59 +0200
+ samba4 (4.0.0~alpha5+20080930-1) experimental; urgency=low
+   * New upstream snapshot.
+  -- Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at samba.org>  Tue, 30 Sep 2008 16:19:22 +0200
+ samba4 (4.0.0~alpha5+20080825-1) experimental; urgency=low
+   * Add watch file.
+   * Use policy-compliant sysconfdir and localstatedir. (Closes: #495944)
+  -- Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at samba.org>  Mon, 25 Aug 2008 17:42:44 +0200
+ samba4 (4.0.0~alpha4~20080727-1) experimental; urgency=low
+   [ Steve Langasek ]
+   * Add missing dependency on libparse-yapp-perl to libparse-pidl-perl.
+   [ Jelmer Vernooij ]
+   * Make samba4-common conflict with samba-common. (Closes: #492088)
+   * New Slovak translation. (Closes: #487889)
+   * New Thai translation from Theppitak Karoonboonyanan. (Closes: #486614)
+   * New Vietnamese translation from Clytie Siddall. (Closes: #486618)
+   * New Bulgarian translation from Damyan Ivanov. (Closes: #486626)
+   * New Japanese translation from Kenshi Muto. (Closes: #486648)
+   * New Galician translation from Jacobo Tarrio. (Closes: #486701)
+   * New Turkish translation from Mehmet TURKER. (Closes: #487244)
+   * New Czech translation from Miroslav Kure. (Closes: #487265)
+   * New Arabic translation from Ossama Khayat. (Closes: #487322)
+   * New German translation from Holger Wansing. (Closes: #487542)
+   * New Italian translation from Luca Monducci. (Closes: #487720)
+   * New Portugese translation from the Portuguese Translation Team. 
+     (Closes: #487753)
+   * New Korean translation from Sunjae Park. (Closes: #487894)
+   * New Lithuanian translation from Gintautas Miliauskas. (Closes: #487895)
+   * New Romanian translation from Eddy Petrișor. (Closes: #488874)
+  -- Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at samba.org>  Sun, 27 Jul 2008 15:38:41 +0200
+ samba4 (4.0.0~alpha4~20080617-1) experimental; urgency=low
+   * Fixed maintainer email address.
+   * New upstream snapshot.
+   * Remove dependency on unpackaged libevents in ldb pkg-config file.
+  -- Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at samba.org>  Mon, 16 Jun 2008 21:29:43 +0200
+ samba4 (4.0.0~alpha4~20080616-1) experimental; urgency=low
+   * Fix dependency of libsamba-hostconfig-dev on libsamba-hostconfig0.
+   * Fix dependency of libldb-samba4-dev on libldb-samba4-0.
+   * Remove tdb binaries as they're already packaged elsewhere. 
+     (Closes: #485619, #486270)
+   * New upstream snapshot.
+   * New French translation from Christian Perrier. (Closes: #486072)
+  -- Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at samba.org>  Sat, 14 Jun 2008 20:39:13 +0200
+ samba4 (4.0.0~alpha4~20080522-1) experimental; urgency=low
+   * New upstream snapshot. (Closes: #478328)
+  -- Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at samba.org>  Thu, 22 May 2008 02:25:05 +0200
+ samba4 (4.0.0~alpha4~20080403-1) experimental; urgency=low
+   * Rename source package to samba4.
+  -- Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at samba.org>  Mon, 28 Jan 2008 17:23:58 +0100
+ samba (4.0.0~alpha3~20080120-1) experimental; urgency=low
+   * New upstream snapshot.
+  -- Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at samba.org>  Sat, 19 Jan 2008 22:34:08 +0100
+ samba (4.0.0~alpha2~svn26294-1) experimental; urgency=low
+   * New upstream snapshot.
+   * Set Vcs-Svn field.
+  -- Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at samba.org>  Sat, 19 Jan 2008 22:32:28 +0100
+ samba (4.0.0~~tp5-1) experimental; urgency=low
+   * New upstream release.
+   * Set homepage field.
+  -- Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at samba.org>  Sun, 25 Nov 2007 16:28:02 +0000
+ samba (4.0.0~~svn22819-1) experimental; urgency=low
+   * New upstream snapshot.
+  -- Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at samba.org>  Wed, 09 May 2007 15:28:50 +0200
+ samba (4.0.0~~svn19515-1) experimental; urgency=low
+   * New upstream versions (svn snapshots of r19515).
+  -- Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at samba.org>  Mon, 30 Oct 2006 16:45:36 +0100
+ samba (3.9.1+4.0.0tp2-1) experimental; urgency=low
+   * New upstream version (tech preview 2).
+   [ Jelmer Vernooij ]
+   * Remove setntacl utility (it doesn't do anything).
+   * Include oLschema2ldif.1 in the ldb-tools package.
+   * Enable shared library building.
+   * Put ldb, tdb, gtksamba, talloc and gensec libraries into seperate binary packages.
+   * Pass fewer options for paths to configure
+   * Adapt to new paths from upstream
+  -- Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at samba.org>  Thu, 23 Mar 2006 01:13:32 +0100
+ samba (3.9.1+4.0.0tp1-1) experimental; urgency=low
+   * New upstream version (tech preview 1).
+   [ Steinar H. Gunderson ]
+   * Forward-port panic-action script from the Samba 3 packaging.
+     * Patch the smb.conf provisioning template (only used by swat in the
+       Debian packaging) to use the panic-action script by default.
+     * Patch the samba-common postinst to generate smb.conf files with the
+       same setting.
+   * Include ntlm_auth.1 and smbd.8 man pages in the samba package.
+   * Make the samba dependency on samba-common versioned.
+   * Install /usr/bin/setntacl manually; the upstream install target doesn't
+     seem to do it anymore.
+   * Ask for the realm (and give it to the upgrade script) when upgrading from
+     Samba 3; it can't be easily autodetected. (Note that upgrade still seems
+     to be broken for now.)
+   [ Jelmer Vernooij ]
+   * Remove gwsam utility.
+   * Include gwcrontab.1 and gepdump.1 man pages in the samba-gtk-frontends
+     package.
+   * Remove ldbtest utility from ldb-tools package.
+  -- Steinar H. Gunderson <sesse at debian.org>  Tue, 24 Jan 2006 16:01:59 +0100
+ samba4 (3.9.0-SVN-build-6710-1) unstable; urgency=low
+   * Newer upstream version
+  -- Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at samba.org>  Thu, 12 May 2005 14:04:05 +0200
+ samba4 (3.9.0-SVN-build-655-1) unstable; urgency=low
+   * Initial release.
+  -- Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at samba.org>  Thu, 13 May 2004 01:38:41 +0200
+ samba (3.9.0+SVN12946-1) experimental; urgency=low
+   * New upstream version.
+     * Fix upgrades from Samba 3 giving too few parameters to provision().
+       (Closes: #348079)
+   * Add sections to binary packages to match the archive:
+     * libparse-pidl-perl: perl
+     * samba-dev: devel
+     * samba-gtk-frontends: x11
+   * Adjust our export procedure we get the Subversion revision number in
+     include/version.h (and thus in the build itself), and document how in
+     README.building.
+   * Remove "reload" option from the init script, since Samba 4 doesn't
+     understand SIGHUP yet.
+  -- Steinar H. Gunderson <sesse at debian.org>  Sun, 15 Jan 2006 13:43:43 +0100
+ samba (3.9.0+SVN12856-1) experimental; urgency=low
+   * New upstream version.
+   * Move testparm from samba into samba-common.
+     * Make samba-common Architecture: any.
+     * Make samba-common replace/conflict samba (<= 3.9.0+SVN12739-1).
+   * Make samba-clients depend on samba-common.
+   * Make samba-common depend on debconf.
+   * Replace debconf dependencies with ${misc:Depends}, to automatically
+     get the debconf-2.0 alternative right.
+   * Include the newuser binary in samba-server package.
+   * Add missing Build-Depends on: libgnutls-dev, libreadline5-dev,
+     libpam0g-dev. All were causing silent build failures (ie. the package
+     was simply built without the features).
+   * Remove Build-Depends on libldap-dev.
+   * Include NEWS file.
+  -- Steinar H. Gunderson <sesse at debian.org>  Wed, 11 Jan 2006 22:08:32 +0100
+ samba (3.9.0+SVN12739-1) experimental; urgency=low
+   * Move /usr/lib/samba/setup from samba-common to samba.
+     * Make samba replace samba-common (<= 3.9.0+SVN12726-1)
+   * Add a missing db_stop in samba.postinst, probably causing problems
+     starting the daemon in some cases.
+   * Add orphan files from /usr/bin (and relevant manpages) into their
+     correct packages:
+     * ldb-tools: ldbrename, ldbtest, oLschema2ldif.
+     * samba: ntlm_auth.
+     * samba-clients: getntacl.
+     * samba-gtk-frontends: gwcrontab.
+     * winregistry-tools: winreg.
+     * samba3dump and tdbtorture remain orphans.
+   * Add new executable /usr/bin/testparm to samba package.
+     * Add /var/lib/samba directory to samba package; it's needed by
+       testparm.
+   * Rewrite configuration/bootstrapping to be able to install the client
+     only and still get a usable smb.conf. The basic idea is:
+     * samba-common looks for an smb.conf. If there is none, it asks for
+       realm and domain and generates a skeleton smb.conf.
+     * If samba notices an upgrade from Samba 3, it asks whether the user
+       wants to upgrade. If not, it leaves everything alone (and broken).
+     * Otherwise, samba asks whether the user wants to set up a PDC. If yes,
+       it adds "server role = pdc" to smb.conf and provisions the server.
+   * Removed unused file samba.conffiles.
+   * Run dh_installdebconf on architecture-independent packages as well, now
+     that samba-common has a config script.
+   * Let samba-clients conflict/replace samba-common (<< 3.9.0), as they share
+     /usr/bin/net.
+  -- Steinar H. Gunderson <sesse at debian.org>  Fri,  6 Jan 2006 14:25:50 +0100
+ samba (3.9.0+SVN12726-1) experimental; urgency=low
+   * First upload to Debian main.
+   * Package renaming to get more in line with Samba 3 packaging:
+     * Rename samba-server package to just samba, for consistency with the
+       Samba 3 packaging.
+       * Rename samba.samba.init to samba.init, now that the init script and the
+         server package are called the same.
+     * Rename samba-swat to swat, and add a dependency from swat to samba.
+   * debian/rules changes:
+     * Change SOURCEPATH to reflect that we now have the packaging in debian/,
+       not packaging/debian/. This will have to be reverted whenever upstream
+       syncs with us.
+     * Removed debmake comment, it's hardly relevant any more.
+     * Removed comment that there aren't any architecture-independent packages
+       (because there are).
+     * Remove redundant "package=samba" variable.
+     * Do "make pch ; make all" instead of "make proto ; -make pch ; make all";
+       some build system bug prevents us from just doing "make pch all", but
+       since we're more or less guaranteed a recent gcc version, the pch target
+       shouldn't fail, so we won't allow it to.
+     * Remove autogen.sh call from configure; it should be done in the
+       upstream tarball, not in maintainer scripts.
+   * debian/control changes:
+     * Copied Uploaders: line from Samba 3 packaging, adding myself.
+     * Rename samba-client package to samba-clients.
+     * Make samba-clients Replaces/Conflicts smbclient.
+     * Build-depend on docbook-xml, not just docbook-xsl -- the documentation
+       needs data from both to build.
+     * Move the samba binary package to the top, so it's the one receiving
+       the README.* files, among others.
+   * Maintainer script changes:
+     * Attempt to upgrade from Samba 3 if that's what the user tries to do.
+       * Copy upgrade script into /usr/lib/samba/setup.
+       * Check for upgrade from << 3.9.0 in config, and ask the user for upgrade
+         if relevant.
+       * Check for upgrade from << 3.9.0 in postinst, and upgrade if the user
+         wished to.
+     * Only provision in samba.postinst if we're doing a fresh install.
+     * Support purging properly in postrm, both for samba and samba-common
+       (adapted from the Samba 3 packaging).
+     * Don't ask about an administrator password -- just let the provisioning
+       scripts make up a random one.
+       * Updated README.Debian to show the user how to change the password.
+       * Make samba recommend ldb-tools.
+     * Install README.building along with all the other documentation.
+     * Don't try to ask about the "done" question, which we nuked in a previous
+       release.
+   * Updated debian/copyright.
+     * Added Samba copyright holders.
+     * Noted that talloc, ldb and tdb are under the LGPL.
+     * Added copyright holders and licensing for the packaging itself.
+   * Remove a few unused files in the packaging.
+   * Change debhelper compatibility level to 5.
+     * Update versioned depends accordingly.
+   * Don't give --pidfile to start-stop-daemon when stopping -- current
+     versions of Samba 4 won't die when the parent is killed.
+   * Updated README.debian somewhat, and renamed to use a capital D.
+   * Rewritten README.building, to reflect the magic that has to be done
+     with the package in another repository.
+   * Update po/POTFILES.in to reflect name change (from samba4-server ->
+     samba-server -> samba).
+  -- Steinar H. Gunderson <sesse at debian.org>  Thu,  5 Jan 2006 21:27:13 +0100
+ samba (3.9.0+SVN12395-1) unstable; urgency=low
+   * New snapshot, drop 4 suffix
+  -- Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at samba.org>  Tue, 20 Dec 2005 13:38:26 +0100
+ samba4 (3.9.0+SVN12312-1) unstable; urgency=low
+   * New upstream snapshot.
+  -- Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at samba.org>  Mon, 27 Jun 2005 11:25:57 +0200
 +samba (2:3.6.19-1~bpo70+1) wheezy-backports; urgency=low
 +  * Rebuild for wheezy-backports.
 + -- Ivo De Decker <ivo.dedecker at ugent.be>  Sun, 06 Oct 2013 17:33:48 +0200
  samba (2:3.6.19-1) unstable; urgency=low
    * Team upload.

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-samba/samba.git

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