[Pkg-shadow-devel] Solution to translate shadow documentation

Tomasz Kłoczko kloczek@zie.pg.gda.pl
Wed, 23 Mar 2005 13:19:10 +0100 (CET)

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On Wed, 23 Mar 2005, Martin Quinson wrote:
> Sure, that's just what Christian proposed. Why is he wrong?

To Christian: sorry .. my mistake (tooday I have very hard day in work=20

> > I'm not perform yet some experiments but probably for generate .po file=
> > from XML rerfentry can be used plain gettext because xgettext can handl=
> > XLM files (I don't know now is it can handle refentry).
> Were did you get this information from? From the info xgettext, the list =
> supported format are:=20
> -L NAME'
> --language=3DNAME'
>      Specifies the language of the input files.  The supported languages
>      are `C', `C++', `ObjectiveC', `PO', `Python', `Lisp', `EmacsLisp',
>      `librep', `Smalltalk', `Java', `JavaProperties', `C#', `awk',
>      `YCP', `Tcl', `Perl', `PHP', `GCC-source', `NXStringTable', `RST',
>      `Glade'.
> (xgettext (GNU gettext-tools) 0.14.1)

Glade files this XML files so some startup framework for sucking
phrases without additional tools from XML files exist in xgettext.

BTW: finish this for allow xgettext for fully operate on XML refentry
and/or book will allow simplify for example translate all docbook LDP
documentation. Few projects have now man pages in XML primary format=20
(IIRC: gnupg, mc and few other).

*Ludzie nie maj=B1 problem=F3w, tylko sobie sami je stwarzaj=B1*
Tomasz K=B3oczko, sys adm @zie.pg.gda.pl|*e-mail: kloczek@rudy.mif.pg.gda.p=