[Pkg-shadow-devel] [PATCH] man pages: dont muck around with config.xml

Mike Frysinger vapier at gentoo.org
Thu Aug 27 10:54:04 UTC 2009

Screwing with config.xml like this causes massive breakage in parallel
builds and forcing an already slow generation step to run with one job
makes it so much slower.

I don't really know what the purpose of this code was originally, but
removing the moving of config.xml doesn't prevent generation of man pages
on my system ...

Signed-off-by: Mike Frysinger <vapier at gentoo.org>
 man/generate_translations.mak |    8 ++++----
 1 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/man/generate_translations.mak b/man/generate_translations.mak
index 95256f1..0127233 100644
--- a/man/generate_translations.mak
+++ b/man/generate_translations.mak
@@ -2,11 +2,11 @@ LANG=$(notdir $(CURDIR))
 %.xml: ../%.xml ../po/$(LANG).po
-	[ ! -f ../config.xml ] || mv ../config.xml ../config.xml.bak
 	xml2po --expand-all-entities -l $(LANG) -p ../po/$(LANG).po -o $@ ../$@
-	sed -i 's:\(^<refentry .*\)>:\1 lang="$(LANG)">:' $@
-	[ ! -f ../config.xml.bak ] || mv ../config.xml.bak ../config.xml
-	sed -i 's/config SYSTEM "config.xml">/config SYSTEM "config.xml">\%config;/' $@
+	sed -i \
+		-e 's:\(^<refentry .*\)>:\1 lang="$(LANG)">:' \
+		-e '/config SYSTEM "config.xml">/s/$$/\%config;/' \
+		$@
 	@echo you need to run configure with --enable-man to generate man pages

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