[Pkg-utopia-maintainers] Bug#644912: works for getaddrinfo but not if AF_INET6 specified

chrysn chrysn at fsfe.org
Sat Jan 3 11:34:28 UTC 2015


i've tested the patch on 0.10-6, it applies with small offsets, and
things work as described in the patch mail.

with explicitly specified AF instead of looking through the list to
find the v6 addresses, however, the interface index is zero as before
the patch:

$ python -c 'import socket; print socket.getaddrinfo("hephaistos.local", None)'
[(10, 1, 6, '', ('fe80::800:27ff:fe00:0%vboxnet0', 0, 0, 8)),
(10, 2, 17, '', ('fe80::800:27ff:fe00:0%vboxnet0', 0, 0, 8)),
(10, 3, 0, '', ('fe80::800:27ff:fe00:0%vboxnet0', 0, 0, 8)),
(2, 1, 6, '', ('', 0)),
(2, 2, 17, '', ('', 0)),
(2, 3, 0, '', ('', 0))]
$ python -c 'import socket; print socket.getaddrinfo("hephaistos.local", None, socket.AF_INET6)'
[(10, 1, 6, '', ('fe80::800:27ff:fe00:0', 0, 0, 0)),
(10, 2, 17, '', ('fe80::800:27ff:fe00:0', 0, 0, 0)),
(10, 3, 0, '', ('fe80::800:27ff:fe00:0', 0, 0, 0))]

my testing may be faulty due to any stale caches -- i've installed the
patched version using dpkg and restarted avahi-daemon, anything else i
should have flushed?

best regards

Ceterum censeo https://bugs.debian.org/466014 esse resolvendum.
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