r743 - in /trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7: autoload/ debian/ doc/ html/ plugin/ syntax/

zack at users.alioth.debian.org zack at users.alioth.debian.org
Tue Aug 22 18:25:29 UTC 2006

Author: zack
Date: Tue Aug 22 18:24:29 2006
New Revision: 743

URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-vim/?sc=1&rev=743
updated several plugins


Added: trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/autoload/Align.vim
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-vim/trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/autoload/Align.vim?rev=743&op=file
--- trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/autoload/Align.vim (added)
+++ trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/autoload/Align.vim Tue Aug 22 18:24:29 2006
@@ -1,0 +1,876 @@
+" Align: tool to align multiple fields based on one or more separators
+"   Author:		Charles E. Campbell, Jr.
+"   Date:		Feb 23, 2006
+"   Version:	29d	ASTRO-ONLY
+" GetLatestVimScripts: 294 1 :AutoInstall: Align.vim
+" GetLatestVimScripts: 1066 1 cecutil.vim
+" Copyright:    Copyright (C) 1999-2005 Charles E. Campbell, Jr. {{{1
+"               Permission is hereby granted to use and distribute this code,
+"               with or without modifications, provided that this copyright
+"               notice is copied with it. Like anything else that's free,
+"               Align.vim is provided *as is* and comes with no warranty
+"               of any kind, either expressed or implied. By using this
+"               plugin, you agree that in no event will the copyright
+"               holder be liable for any damages resulting from the use
+"               of this software.
+"   Usage: Functions {{{1
+"   AlignCtrl(style,..list..)
+"        "default" : Sets AlignCtrl to its default values and clears stack
+"                    AlignCtrl "Ilp1P1=<" '='
+"         Separators
+"              "=" : all alignment demarcation patterns (separators) are
+"                    equivalent and simultaneously active.  The list of
+"                    separators is composed of such patterns
+"                    (regular expressions, actually).
+"              "C" : cycle through alignment demarcation patterns
+"              "<" : separators aligned to left   if of differing lengths
+"              ">" : separators aligned to right  if of differing lengths
+"              "|" : separators aligned to center if of differing lengths
+"         Alignment/Justification
+"              "l" : left justify  (no list needed)
+"              "r" : right justify (no list needed)
+"              "c" : center        (no list needed)
+"                    Justification styles are cylic: ie. "lcr" would
+"                    mean first field is left-justifed,
+"                        second field is centered,
+"                        third  field is right-justified,
+"                        fourth field is left-justified, etc.
+"              "-" : skip this separator+ws+field
+"              "+" : repeat last alignment/justification indefinitely
+"              ":" : no more alignment/justifcation
+"         Map Support
+"              "m" : next call to Align will AlignPop at end.
+"                    AlignCtrl will AlignPush first.
+"         Padding
+"              "p" : current argument supplies pre-field-padding parameter;
+"                    ie. that many blanks will be applied before
+"                    the field separator. ex. call AlignCtrl("p2").
+"                    Can have 0-9 spaces.  Will be cycled through.
+"              "P" : current argument supplies post-field-padding parameter;
+"                    ie. that many blanks will be applied after
+"                    the field separator. ex. call AlignCtrl("P3")
+"                    Can have 0-9 spaces.  Will be cycled through.
+"         Initial White Space
+"              "I" : preserve first line's leading whitespace and re-use
+"                    subsequently
+"              "W" : preserve leading whitespace on every line
+"              "w" : don't preserve leading whitespace
+"         Selection Patterns
+"              "g" : restrict alignment to pattern
+"              "v" : restrict alignment to not-pattern
+"              If no arguments are supplied, AlignCtrl() will list
+"              current settings.
+"   [range]Align(..list..)
+"              Takes a range and performs the specified alignment on the
+"              text.  The range may be :line1,line2 etc, or visually selected.
+"              The list is a list of patterns; the current s:AlignCtrl
+"              will be used ('=' or 'C').
+"   Usage: Commands	{{{1
+"   AlignCtrl                : lists current alignment settings
+"   AlignCtrl style ..list.. : set alignment separators
+"   AlignCtrl {gv} pattern   : apply alignment only to lines which match (g)
+"                              or don't match (v) the given pattern
+"   [range]Align ..list..    : applies Align() over the specified range
+"                              The range may be specified via
+"                              visual-selection as well as the usual
+"                              [range] specification.  The ..list..
+"                              is a list of alignment separators.
+" Romans 1:16,17a : For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is {{{1
+" the power of God for salvation for everyone who believes; for the Jew first,
+" and also for the Greek.  For in it is revealed God's righteousness from
+" faith to faith.
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" Load Once: {{{1
+if exists("g:loaded_align") || &cp
+ finish
+let g:loaded_align = "v29d"
+let s:keepcpo      = &cpo
+set cpo&vim
+" debugging support
+"if !exists("g:loaded_Decho") "Decho
+" runtime plugin/Decho.vim
+"endif	" Decho
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" AlignCtrl: enter alignment patterns here {{{1
+"   Styles   =  all alignment-break patterns are equivalent
+"            C  cycle through alignment-break pattern(s)
+"            l  left-justified alignment
+"            r  right-justified alignment
+"            c  center alignment
+"            -  skip separator, treat as part of field
+"            :  treat rest of line as field
+"            +  repeat previous [lrc] style
+"            <  left justify separators
+"            >  right justify separators
+"            |  center separators
+"   Builds   =  s:AlignPat  s:AlignCtrl  s:AlignPatQty
+"            C  s:AlignPat  s:AlignCtrl  s:AlignPatQty
+"            p  s:AlignPrePad
+"            P  s:AlignPostPad
+"            w  s:AlignLeadKeep
+"            W  s:AlignLeadKeep
+"            I  s:AlignLeadKeep
+"            l  s:AlignStyle
+"            r  s:AlignStyle
+"            -  s:AlignStyle
+"            +  s:AlignStyle
+"            :  s:AlignStyle
+"            c  s:AlignStyle
+"            g  s:AlignGPat
+"            v  s:AlignVPat
+"            <  s:AlignSep
+"            >  s:AlignSep
+"            |  s:AlignSep
+fun! Align#AlignCtrl(...)
+"  call Dfunc("AlignCtrl()")
+  " save options that will be changed
+  let keep_search = @/
+  let keep_ic     = &ic
+  " turn ignorecase off
+  set noic
+  " clear visual mode so that old visual-mode selections don't
+  " get applied to new invocations of Align().
+  if v:version < 602
+   if !exists("s:Align_gavemsg")
+	let s:Align_gavemsg= 1
+    echomsg "Align needs at least Vim version 6.2 to clear visual-mode selection"
+   endif
+  else
+   let clearvmode= visualmode(1)
+  endif
+  if a:0 > 0
+   let style = a:1
+   " Check for bad separator patterns (zero-length matches)
+   " (but zero-length patterns for g/v is ok)
+   if style !~# '[gv]'
+    let ipat= 2
+    while ipat <= a:0
+     if "" =~ a:{ipat}
+      echoerr "AlignCtrl: separator<".a:{ipat}."> matches zero-length string"
+	  let &ic= keep_ic
+"      call Dret("AlignCtrl")
+      return
+     endif
+     let ipat= ipat + 1
+    endwhile
+   endif
+  endif
+"  call Decho("AlignCtrl() a:0=".a:0)
+  if !exists("s:AlignStyle")
+   let s:AlignStyle= "l"
+  endif
+  if !exists("s:AlignPrePad")
+   let s:AlignPrePad= 0
+  endif
+  if !exists("s:AlignPostPad")
+   let s:AlignPostPad= 0
+  endif
+  if !exists("s:AlignLeadKeep")
+   let s:AlignLeadKeep= 'w'
+  endif
+  if a:0 == 0
+   " ----------------------
+   " List current selection
+   " ----------------------
+   echo "AlignCtrl<".s:AlignCtrl."> qty=".s:AlignPatQty." AlignStyle<".s:AlignStyle."> Padding<".s:AlignPrePad."|".s:AlignPostPad."> LeadingWS=".s:AlignLeadKeep." AlignSep=".s:AlignSep
+"   call Decho("AlignCtrl<".s:AlignCtrl."> qty=".s:AlignPatQty." AlignStyle<".s:AlignStyle."> Padding<".s:AlignPrePad."|".s:AlignPostPad."> LeadingWS=".s:AlignLeadKeep." AlignSep=".s:AlignSep)
+   if      exists("s:AlignGPat") && !exists("s:AlignVPat")
+	echo "AlignGPat<".s:AlignGPat.">"
+   elseif !exists("s:AlignGPat") &&  exists("s:AlignVPat")
+	echo "AlignVPat<".s:AlignVPat.">"
+   elseif exists("s:AlignGPat") &&  exists("s:AlignVPat")
+	echo "AlignGPat<".s:AlignGPat."> AlignVPat<".s:AlignVPat.">"
+   endif
+   let ipat= 1
+   while ipat <= s:AlignPatQty
+	echo "Pat".ipat."<".s:AlignPat_{ipat}.">"
+"	call Decho("Pat".ipat."<".s:AlignPat_{ipat}.">")
+	let ipat= ipat + 1
+   endwhile
+  else
+   " ----------------------------------
+   " Process alignment control settings
+   " ----------------------------------
+"   call Decho("style<".style.">")
+   if style ==? "default"
+     " Default:  preserve initial leading whitespace, left-justified,
+     "           alignment on '=', one space padding on both sides
+	 if exists("s:AlignCtrlStackQty")
+	  " clear AlignCtrl stack
+      while s:AlignCtrlStackQty > 0
+	   call AlignPop()
+	  endwhile
+	  unlet s:AlignCtrlStackQty
+	 endif
+	 " Set AlignCtrl to its default value
+     call Align#AlignCtrl("Ilp1P1=<",'=')
+	 call Align#AlignCtrl("g")
+	 call Align#AlignCtrl("v")
+	 let &ic= keep_ic
+	 let @/ = keep_search
+"     call Dret("AlignCtrl")
+	 return
+   endif
+   if style =~# 'm'
+	" map support: Do an AlignPush now and the next call to Align()
+	"              will do an AlignPop at exit
+	call Align#AlignPush()
+	let s:DoAlignPop= 1
+   endif
+   " = : record a list of alignment patterns that are equivalent
+   if style =~# "="
+"    call Decho("AlignCtrl: record list of alignment patterns")
+    let s:AlignCtrl  = '='
+	if a:0 >= 2
+     let s:AlignPatQty= 1
+     let s:AlignPat_1 = a:2
+     let ipat         = 3
+     while ipat <= a:0
+      let s:AlignPat_1 = s:AlignPat_1.'\|'.a:{ipat}
+      let ipat         = ipat + 1
+     endwhile
+     let s:AlignPat_1= '\('.s:AlignPat_1.'\)'
+"     call Decho("AlignCtrl<".s:AlignCtrl."> AlignPat<".s:AlignPat_1.">")
+	endif
+    "c : cycle through alignment pattern(s)
+   elseif style =~# 'C'
+"    call Decho("AlignCtrl: cycle through alignment pattern(s)")
+    let s:AlignCtrl  = 'C'
+	if a:0 >= 2
+     let s:AlignPatQty= a:0 - 1
+     let ipat         = 1
+     while ipat < a:0
+      let s:AlignPat_{ipat}= a:{ipat+1}
+"     call Decho("AlignCtrl<".s:AlignCtrl."> AlignQty=".s:AlignPatQty." AlignPat_".ipat."<".s:AlignPat_{ipat}.">")
+      let ipat= ipat + 1
+     endwhile
+	endif
+   endif
+   if style =~# 'p'
+    let s:AlignPrePad= substitute(style,'^.*p\(\d\+\).*$','\1','')
+    if s:AlignPrePad == ""
+     echoerr "AlignCtrl: 'p' needs to be followed by a numeric argument'
+     let @/ = keep_search
+	 let &ic= keep_ic
+"     call Dret("AlignCtrl")
+     return
+	endif
+   endif
+   if style =~# 'P'
+    let s:AlignPostPad= substitute(style,'^.*P\(\d\+\).*$','\1','')
+    if s:AlignPostPad == ""
+     echoerr "AlignCtrl: 'P' needs to be followed by a numeric argument'
+     let @/ = keep_search
+	 let &ic= keep_ic
+"     call Dret("AlignCtrl")
+     return
+	endif
+   endif
+   if     style =~# 'w'
+	let s:AlignLeadKeep= 'w'
+   elseif style =~# 'W'
+	let s:AlignLeadKeep= 'W'
+   elseif style =~# 'I'
+	let s:AlignLeadKeep= 'I'
+   endif
+   if style =~# 'g'
+	" first list item is a "g" selector pattern
+	if a:0 < 2
+	 if exists("s:AlignGPat")
+	  unlet s:AlignGPat
+"	  call Decho("unlet s:AlignGPat")
+	 endif
+	else
+	 let s:AlignGPat= a:2
+"	 call Decho("s:AlignGPat<".s:AlignGPat.">")
+	endif
+   elseif style =~# 'v'
+	" first list item is a "v" selector pattern
+	if a:0 < 2
+	 if exists("s:AlignVPat")
+	  unlet s:AlignVPat
+"	  call Decho("unlet s:AlignVPat")
+	 endif
+	else
+	 let s:AlignVPat= a:2
+"	 call Decho("s:AlignVPat<".s:AlignVPat.">")
+	endif
+   endif
+    "[-lrc+:] : set up s:AlignStyle
+   if style =~# '[-lrc+:]'
+    let s:AlignStyle= substitute(style,'[^-lrc:+]','','g')
+"   call Decho("AlignStyle<".s:AlignStyle.">")
+   endif
+   "[<>|] : set up s:AlignSep
+   if style =~# '[<>|]'
+	let s:AlignSep= substitute(style,'[^<>|]','','g')
+"	call Decho("AlignSep ".s:AlignSep)
+   endif
+  endif
+  " sanity
+  if !exists("s:AlignCtrl")
+   let s:AlignCtrl= '='
+  endif
+  " restore search and options
+  let @/ = keep_search
+  let &ic= keep_ic
+"  call Dret("AlignCtrl")
+  return s:AlignCtrl.'p'.s:AlignPrePad.'P'.s:AlignPostPad.s:AlignLeadKeep.s:AlignStyle
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" MakeSpace: returns a string with spacecnt blanks {{{1
+fun! s:MakeSpace(spacecnt)
+"  call Dfunc("MakeSpace(spacecnt=".a:spacecnt.")")
+  let str      = ""
+  let spacecnt = a:spacecnt
+  while spacecnt > 0
+   let str      = str . " "
+   let spacecnt = spacecnt - 1
+  endwhile
+"  call Dret("MakeSpace <".str.">")
+  return str
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" Align: align selected text based on alignment pattern(s) {{{1
+fun! Align#Align(...) range
+"  call Dfunc("Align()")
+  " Check for bad separator patterns (zero-length matches)
+  let ipat= 1
+  while ipat <= a:0
+   if "" =~ a:{ipat}
+	echoerr "Align: separator<".a:{ipat}."> matches zero-length string"
+"    call Dret("Align")
+	return
+   endif
+   let ipat= ipat + 1
+  endwhile
+  " record current search pattern for subsequent restoration
+  let keep_search= @/
+  let keep_ic    = &ic
+  let keep_report= &report
+  set noic report=10000
+  " Align will accept a list of separator regexps
+  if a:0 > 0
+"   call Decho("a:0=".a:0.": accepting list of separator regexp")
+   if s:AlignCtrl =~# "="
+"    call Decho("AlignCtrl: record list of alignment patterns")
+    let s:AlignCtrl  = '='
+    let s:AlignPat_1 = a:1
+    let s:AlignPatQty= 1
+    let ipat         = 2
+    while ipat <= a:0
+     let s:AlignPat_1 = s:AlignPat_1.'\|'.a:{ipat}
+     let ipat         = ipat + 1
+    endwhile
+    let s:AlignPat_1= '\('.s:AlignPat_1.'\)'
+"    call Decho("AlignCtrl<".s:AlignCtrl."> AlignPat<".s:AlignPat_1.">")
+    "c : cycle through alignment pattern(s)
+   elseif s:AlignCtrl =~# 'C'
+"    call Decho("AlignCtrl: cycle through alignment pattern(s)")
+    let s:AlignCtrl  = 'C'
+    let s:AlignPatQty= a:0
+    let ipat         = 1
+    while ipat <= a:0
+     let s:AlignPat_{ipat}= a:{ipat}
+"     call Decho("AlignCtrl<".s:AlignCtrl."> AlignQty=".s:AlignPatQty." AlignPat_".ipat."<".s:AlignPat_{ipat}.">")
+     let ipat= ipat + 1
+    endwhile
+   endif
+  endif
+  " Initialize so that begline<endline and begcol<endcol.
+  " Ragged right: check if the column associated with '< or '>
+  "               is greater than the line's string length -> ragged right.
+  " Have to be careful about visualmode() -- it returns the last visual
+  " mode used whether or not it was used currently.
+  let begcol   = virtcol("'<")-1
+  let endcol   = virtcol("'>")-1
+  if begcol > endcol
+   let begcol  = virtcol("'>")-1
+   let endcol  = virtcol("'<")-1
+  endif
+  let begline  = a:firstline
+  let endline  = a:lastline
+  if begline > endline
+   let begline = a:lastline
+   let endline = a:firstline
+  endif
+  let fieldcnt = 0
+  if (begline == line("'>") && endline == line("'<")) || (begline == line("'<") && endline == line("'>"))
+   let vmode= visualmode()
+   if vmode == "\<c-v>"
+    let ragged   = ( col("'>") > strlen(getline("'>")) || col("'<") > strlen(getline("'<")) )
+   else
+	let ragged= 1
+   endif
+  else
+   let ragged= 1
+  endif
+  if ragged
+   let begcol= 0
+  endif
+"  call Decho("Align() lines[".begline.",".endline."] col[".begcol.",".endcol."] ragged=".ragged." AlignCtrl<".s:AlignCtrl.">")
+  " Keep user options
+  let etkeep   = &et
+  let pastekeep= &paste
+  set et paste
+  " convert selected range of lines to use spaces instead of tabs
+  " but if first line's initial white spaces are to be retained
+  " then use 'em
+  if begcol <= 0 && s:AlignLeadKeep == 'I'
+   " retain first leading whitespace for all subsequent lines
+   let bgntxt= substitute(getline(begline),'^\(\s*\).\{-}$','\1','')
+"   call Decho("retaining 1st leading whitespace: bgntxt<".bgntxt.">")
+   set noet
+  endif
+  exe begline.",".endline."ret"
+  " Execute two passes
+  " First  pass: collect alignment data (max field sizes)
+  " Second pass: perform alignment
+  let pass= 1
+  while pass <= 2
+"   call Decho(" ")
+"   call Decho("---- Pass ".pass.": ----")
+   let line= begline
+   while line <= endline
+    " Process each line
+    let txt = getline(line)
+"    call Decho(" ")
+"    call Decho("Line ".line." <".txt.">")
+    " AlignGPat support: allows a selector pattern (akin to g/selector/cmd )
+    if exists("s:AlignGPat")
+"	 call Decho("AlignGPat<".s:AlignGPat.">")
+	 if match(txt,s:AlignGPat) == -1
+"	  call Decho("skipping")
+	  let line= line + 1
+	  continue
+	 endif
+    endif
+    " AlignVPat support: allows a selector pattern (akin to v/selector/cmd )
+    if exists("s:AlignVPat")
+"	 call Decho("AlignGPat<".s:AlignGPat.">")
+	 if match(txt,s:AlignVPat) != -1
+"	  call Decho("skipping")
+	  let line= line + 1
+	  continue
+	 endif
+    endif
+	" Always skip blank lines
+	if match(txt,'^\s*$') != -1
+"	  call Decho("skipping")
+	 let line= line + 1
+	 continue
+	endif
+    " Extract visual-block selected text (init bgntxt, endtxt)
+    let txtlen= strlen(txt)
+    if begcol > 0
+	 " Record text to left of selected area
+     let bgntxt= strpart(txt,0,begcol)
+"	  call Decho("record text to left: bgntxt<".bgntxt.">")
+    elseif s:AlignLeadKeep == 'W'
+	 let bgntxt= substitute(txt,'^\(\s*\).\{-}$','\1','')
+"	  call Decho("retaining all leading ws: bgntxt<".bgntxt.">")
+    elseif s:AlignLeadKeep == 'w' || !exists("bgntxt")
+	 " No beginning text
+	 let bgntxt= ""
+"	  call Decho("no beginning text")
+    endif
+    if ragged
+	 let endtxt= ""
+    else
+     " Elide any text lying outside selected columnar region
+     let endtxt= strpart(txt,endcol+1,txtlen-endcol)
+     let txt   = strpart(txt,begcol,endcol-begcol+1)
+    endif
+"    call Decho(" ")
+"    call Decho("bgntxt<".bgntxt.">")
+"    call Decho("   txt<". txt  .">")
+"    call Decho("endtxt<".endtxt.">")
+    " Initialize for both passes
+    let seppat      = s:AlignPat_{1}
+    let ifield      = 1
+    let ipat        = 1
+    let bgnfield    = 0
+    let endfield    = 0
+    let alignstyle  = s:AlignStyle
+    let doend       = 1
+	let newtxt      = ""
+    let alignprepad = s:AlignPrePad
+    let alignpostpad= s:AlignPostPad
+	let alignsep    = s:AlignSep
+	let alignophold = " "
+	let alignop     = "l"
+"	call Decho("initial alignstyle<".alignstyle."> seppat<".seppat.">")
+    " Process each field on the line
+    while doend > 0
+	  " C-style: cycle through pattern(s)
+     if s:AlignCtrl == 'C' && doend == 1
+	  let seppat   = s:AlignPat_{ipat}
+"	  call Decho("processing field: AlignCtrl=".s:AlignCtrl." ipat=".ipat." seppat<".seppat.">")
+	  let ipat     = ipat + 1
+	  if ipat > s:AlignPatQty
+	   let ipat = 1
+	  endif
+     endif
+	 " cyclic alignment/justification operator handling
+	 let alignophold  = alignop
+	 let alignop      = strpart(alignstyle,0,1)
+	 if alignop == '+' || doend == 2
+	  let alignop= alignophold
+	 else
+	  let alignstyle   = strpart(alignstyle,1).strpart(alignstyle,0,1)
+	  let alignopnxt   = strpart(alignstyle,0,1)
+	  if alignop == ':'
+	   let seppat  = '$'
+	   let doend   = 2
+"	   call Decho("alignop<:> case: setting seppat<$> doend==2")
+	  endif
+	 endif
+	 " cylic separator alignment specification handling
+	 let alignsepop= strpart(alignsep,0,1)
+	 let alignsep  = strpart(alignsep,1).alignsepop
+	 " mark end-of-field and the subsequent end-of-separator.
+	 " Extend field if alignop is '-'
+     let endfield = match(txt,seppat,bgnfield)
+	 let sepfield = matchend(txt,seppat,bgnfield)
+     let skipfield= sepfield
+"	 call Decho("endfield=match(txt<".txt.">,seppat<".seppat.">,bgnfield=".bgnfield.")=".endfield)
+	 while alignop == '-' && endfield != -1
+	  let endfield  = match(txt,seppat,skipfield)
+	  let sepfield  = matchend(txt,seppat,skipfield)
+	  let skipfield = sepfield
+	  let alignop   = strpart(alignstyle,0,1)
+	  let alignstyle= strpart(alignstyle,1).strpart(alignstyle,0,1)
+"	  call Decho("extend field: endfield<".strpart(txt,bgnfield,endfield-bgnfield)."> alignop<".alignop."> alignstyle<".alignstyle.">")
+	 endwhile
+	 let seplen= sepfield - endfield
+"	 call Decho("seplen=[sepfield=".sepfield."] - [endfield=".endfield."]=".seplen)
+	 if endfield != -1
+	  if pass == 1
+	   " ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+	   " Pass 1: Update FieldSize to max
+"	   call Decho("before lead/trail remove: field<".strpart(txt,bgnfield,endfield-bgnfield).">")
+	   let field      = substitute(strpart(txt,bgnfield,endfield-bgnfield),'^\s*\(.\{-}\)\s*$','\1','')
+       if s:AlignLeadKeep == 'W'
+	    let field = bgntxt.field
+	    let bgntxt= ""
+	   endif
+	   let fieldlen   = strlen(field)
+	   let sFieldSize = "FieldSize_".ifield
+	   if !exists(sFieldSize)
+	    let FieldSize_{ifield}= fieldlen
+"	    call Decho(" set FieldSize_{".ifield."}=".FieldSize_{ifield}." <".field.">")
+	   elseif fieldlen > FieldSize_{ifield}
+	    let FieldSize_{ifield}= fieldlen
+"	    call Decho("oset FieldSize_{".ifield."}=".FieldSize_{ifield}." <".field.">")
+	   endif
+	   let sSepSize= "SepSize_".ifield
+	   if !exists(sSepSize)
+		let SepSize_{ifield}= seplen
+"	    call Decho(" set SepSize_{".ifield."}=".SepSize_{ifield}." <".field.">")
+	   elseif seplen > SepSize_{ifield}
+		let SepSize_{ifield}= seplen
+"	    call Decho("oset SepSize_{".ifield."}=".SepSize_{ifield}." <".field.">")
+	   endif
+	  else
+	   " ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+	   " Pass 2: Perform Alignment
+	   let prepad       = strpart(alignprepad,0,1)
+	   let postpad      = strpart(alignpostpad,0,1)
+	   let alignprepad  = strpart(alignprepad,1).strpart(alignprepad,0,1)
+	   let alignpostpad = strpart(alignpostpad,1).strpart(alignpostpad,0,1)
+	   let field        = substitute(strpart(txt,bgnfield,endfield-bgnfield),'^\s*\(.\{-}\)\s*$','\1','')
+       if s:AlignLeadKeep == 'W'
+	    let field = bgntxt.field
+	    let bgntxt= ""
+	   endif
+	   if doend == 2
+		let prepad = 0
+		let postpad= 0
+	   endif
+	   let fieldlen   = strlen(field)
+	   let sep        = s:MakeSpace(prepad).strpart(txt,endfield,sepfield-endfield).s:MakeSpace(postpad)
+	   if seplen < SepSize_{ifield}
+		if alignsepop == "<"
+		 " left-justify separators
+		 let sep       = sep.s:MakeSpace(SepSize_{ifield}-seplen)
+		elseif alignsepop == ">"
+		 " right-justify separators
+		 let sep       = s:MakeSpace(SepSize_{ifield}-seplen).sep
+		else
+		 " center-justify separators
+		 let sepleft   = (SepSize_{ifield} - seplen)/2
+		 let sepright  = SepSize_{ifield} - seplen - sepleft
+		 let sep       = s:MakeSpace(sepleft).sep.s:MakeSpace(sepright)
+		endif
+	   endif
+	   let spaces     = FieldSize_{ifield} - fieldlen
+"	   call Decho("Field #".ifield."<".field."> spaces=".spaces." be[".bgnfield.",".endfield."] pad=".prepad.','.postpad." FS_".ifield."<".FieldSize_{ifield}."> sep<".sep."> ragged=".ragged." doend=".doend." alignop<".alignop.">")
+	    " Perform alignment according to alignment style justification
+	   if spaces > 0
+	    if     alignop == 'c'
+		 " center the field
+	     let spaceleft = spaces/2
+	     let spaceright= FieldSize_{ifield} - spaceleft - fieldlen
+	     let newtxt    = newtxt.s:MakeSpace(spaceleft).field.s:MakeSpace(spaceright).sep
+	    elseif alignop == 'r'
+		 " right justify the field
+	     let newtxt= newtxt.s:MakeSpace(spaces).field.sep
+	    elseif ragged && doend == 2
+		 " left justify rightmost field (no trailing blanks needed)
+	     let newtxt= newtxt.field
+		else
+		 " left justfiy the field
+	     let newtxt= newtxt.field.s:MakeSpace(spaces).sep
+	    endif
+	   elseif ragged && doend == 2
+		" field at maximum field size and no trailing blanks needed
+	    let newtxt= newtxt.field
+	   else
+		" field is at maximum field size already
+	    let newtxt= newtxt.field.sep
+	   endif
+"	   call Decho("newtxt<".newtxt.">")
+	  endif	" pass 1/2
+	  " bgnfield indexes to end of separator at right of current field
+	  " Update field counter
+	  let bgnfield= sepfield
+      let ifield  = ifield + 1
+	  if doend == 2
+	   let doend= 0
+	  endif
+	   " handle end-of-text as end-of-field
+	 elseif doend == 1
+	  let seppat  = '$'
+	  let doend   = 2
+	 else
+	  let doend   = 0
+	 endif		" endfield != -1
+    endwhile	" doend loop (as well as regularly separated fields)
+	if pass == 2
+	 " Write altered line to buffer
+"     call Decho("bgntxt<".bgntxt."> line=".line)
+"     call Decho("newtxt<".newtxt.">")
+"     call Decho("endtxt<".endtxt.">")
+     let junk = cursor(line,1)
+	 exe "norm! 0DA".bgntxt.newtxt.endtxt."\<Esc>"
+	endif
+    let line = line + 1
+   endwhile	" line loop
+   let pass= pass + 1
+  endwhile	" pass loop
+  " Restore user options
+  let &et    = etkeep
+  let &paste = pastekeep
+  if exists("s:DoAlignPop")
+   " AlignCtrl Map support
+   call Align#AlignPop()
+   unlet s:DoAlignPop
+  endif
+  " restore current search pattern
+  let @/      = keep_search
+  let &ic     = keep_ic
+  let &report = keep_report
+"  call Dret("Align")
+  return
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" AlignPush: this command/function pushes an alignment control string onto a stack {{{1
+fun! Align#AlignPush()
+"  call Dfunc("AlignPush()")
+  " initialize the stack
+  if !exists("s:AlignCtrlStackQty")
+   let s:AlignCtrlStackQty= 1
+  else
+   let s:AlignCtrlStackQty= s:AlignCtrlStackQty + 1
+  endif
+  " construct an AlignCtrlStack entry
+  let s:AlignCtrlStack_{s:AlignCtrlStackQty}= s:AlignCtrl.'p'.s:AlignPrePad.'P'.s:AlignPostPad.s:AlignLeadKeep.s:AlignStyle.s:AlignSep
+"  call Decho("AlignPush: AlignCtrlStack_".s:AlignCtrlStackQty."<".s:AlignCtrlStack_{s:AlignCtrlStackQty}.">")
+  " push [GV] patterns onto their own stack
+  if exists("s:AlignGPat")
+   let s:AlignGPat_{s:AlignCtrlStackQty}= s:AlignGPat
+  else
+   let s:AlignGPat_{s:AlignCtrlStackQty}=  ""
+  endif
+  if exists("s:AlignVPat")
+   let s:AlignVPat_{s:AlignCtrlStackQty}= s:AlignVPat
+  else
+   let s:AlignVPat_{s:AlignCtrlStackQty}=  ""
+  endif
+"  call Dret("AlignPush")
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" AlignPop: this command/function pops an alignment pattern from a stack {{1
+"           and into the AlignCtrl variables.
+fun! Align#AlignPop()
+"  call Dfunc("AlignPop()")
+  " sanity checks
+  if !exists("s:AlignCtrlStackQty")
+   echoerr "AlignPush needs to be used prior to AlignPop"
+"   call Dret("AlignPop")
+   return ""
+  endif
+  if s:AlignCtrlStackQty <= 0
+   unlet s:AlignCtrlStackQty
+   echoerr "AlignPush needs to be used prior to AlignPop"
+"   call Dret("AlignPop")
+   return ""
+  endif
+  " pop top of AlignCtrlStack and pass value to AlignCtrl
+  let retval=s:AlignCtrlStack_{s:AlignCtrlStackQty}
+  unlet s:AlignCtrlStack_{s:AlignCtrlStackQty}
+  call Align#AlignCtrl(retval)
+  " pop G pattern stack
+  if s:AlignGPat_{s:AlignCtrlStackQty} != ""
+   call Align#AlignCtrl('g',s:AlignGPat_{s:AlignCtrlStackQty})
+  else
+   call Align#AlignCtrl('g')
+  endif
+  unlet s:AlignGPat_{s:AlignCtrlStackQty}
+  " pop V pattern stack
+  if s:AlignVPat_{s:AlignCtrlStackQty} != ""
+   call Align#AlignCtrl('v',s:AlignVPat_{s:AlignCtrlStackQty})
+  else
+   call Align#AlignCtrl('v')
+  endif
+  unlet s:AlignVPat_{s:AlignCtrlStackQty}
+  let s:AlignCtrlStackQty= s:AlignCtrlStackQty - 1
+"  call Dret("AlignPop : AlignCtrlStack_".s:AlignCtrlStackQty+1."<".retval.">")
+  return retval
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" AlignReplaceQuotedSpaces: {{{1
+fun! Align#AlignReplaceQuotedSpaces() 
+"  call Dfunc("AlignReplaceQuotedSpaces()")
+  let l:line          = getline(line("."))
+  let l:linelen       = strlen(l:line)
+  let l:startingPos   = 0
+  let l:startQuotePos = 0
+  let l:endQuotePos   = 0
+  let l:spacePos      = 0
+  let l:quoteRe       = '\\\@<!"'
+"  "call Decho("in replace spaces.  line=" . line('.'))
+  while (1)
+    let l:startQuotePos = match(l:line, l:quoteRe, l:startingPos)
+    if (l:startQuotePos < 0) 
+"      "call Decho("No more quotes to the end of line")
+      break
+    endif
+    let l:endQuotePos = match(l:line, l:quoteRe, l:startQuotePos + 1)
+    if (l:endQuotePos < 0)
+"      "call Decho("Mismatched quotes")
+      break
+    endif
+    let l:spaceReplaceRe = '^.\{' . (l:startQuotePos + 1) . '}.\{-}\zs\s\ze.*.\{' . (linelen - l:endQuotePos) . '}$'
+"    "call Decho('spaceReplaceRe="' . l:spaceReplaceRe . '"')
+    let l:newStr = substitute(l:line, l:spaceReplaceRe, '%', '')
+    while (l:newStr != l:line)
+"      "call Decho('newstr="' . l:newStr . '"')
+      let l:line = l:newStr
+      let l:newStr = substitute(l:line, l:spaceReplaceRe, '%', '')
+    endwhile
+    let l:startingPos = l:endQuotePos + 1
+  endwhile
+  call setline(line('.'), l:line)
+"  call Dret("AlignReplaceQuotedSpaces")
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" Set up default values: {{{1
+call Align#AlignCtrl("default")
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+"  Restore: {{{1
+let &cpo= s:keepcpo
+unlet s:keepcpo
+" vim: ts=4 fdm=marker

Added: trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/debian/README.Debian-source
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-vim/trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/debian/README.Debian-source?rev=743&op=file
--- trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/debian/README.Debian-source (added)
+++ trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/debian/README.Debian-source Tue Aug 22 18:24:29 2006
@@ -1,0 +1,28 @@
+The above Perl scripts is used to manage the collection of scripts
+contained in the debian vim-scripts package.
+The script relies on the status file debian/vim-scripts.status which
+lists the add-ons shipped in this package with several meta information
+(author, URL, license, ...). Read it, the format is intuitive.
+The script's usage, as reported by a simple invocation with no
+arguments, is as follows:
+  Usage: debian/vim-scripts.pl { doc | update | test } [ name ...  ]
+	 debian/vim-scripts.pl copyright > debian/copyright
+When invoked with "doc" it will generate a brief HTML documentation of
+the scripts shipped in this package. The generated documentation is
+shipped in the debian package, but not automatically generated at build
+time. Do it.
+When invoked with "update" it will check if newer version of the shipped
+scripts are available on the vim.org website. The output will give you
+the URLs where to download the new scripts.
+ -- Stefano Zacchiroli <zack at debian.org>  Tue, 22 Aug 2006 17:45:54 +0200

Modified: trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/debian/changelog
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-vim/trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/debian/changelog?rev=743&op=diff
--- trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/debian/changelog (original)
+++ trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/debian/changelog Tue Aug 22 18:24:29 2006
@@ -4,6 +4,16 @@
     - set debhelper and dpatch as Build-Depends instead of
       Build-Depends-Indep (as required by policy)
     - bumped standards version to 3.7.2 (no changes needed)
+  * debian/README.Debian-source
+    - added this file, containing a description of the usage of
+      debian/vim-scripts.pl
+  * scripts adds/removals/upgrades:
+    - upgraded scripts:
+      | plugin/{a,bufexplorer,taglist,calendar,AlignPlugin,cvsmenu}.vim
+      | plugin/{cvscommand,svncommand}.vim (now both integrated in a
+        single plugin: plugin/vcscommand.vim
+    - removed scripts:
+      | plugin/svncommand.vim (now integrated into plugin/vcscommand.vim)
  -- Stefano Zacchiroli <zack at debian.org>  Fri, 16 Jun 2006 09:58:56 +0200

Modified: trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/debian/docs
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-vim/trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/debian/docs?rev=743&op=diff
--- trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/debian/docs (original)
+++ trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/debian/docs Tue Aug 22 18:24:29 2006
@@ -1,1 +1,2 @@

Modified: trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/debian/vim-scripts.status
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-vim/trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/debian/vim-scripts.status?rev=743&op=diff
--- trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/debian/vim-scripts.status (original)
+++ trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/debian/vim-scripts.status Tue Aug 22 18:24:29 2006
@@ -89,14 +89,14 @@
 version:     2.3
 extras:	     doc/winmanager.txt, plugin/winfileexplorer.vim, plugin/wintagexplorer.vim
-script_name: plugin/Align.vim
+script_name: plugin/AlignPlugin.vim
 script_url:  http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=294
 author:      Charles Campbell
 author_url:  http://www.vim.org/account/profile.php?user_id=96
 email:       drchip at campbellfamily.biz
 license:     GNU GPL, see /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-2
 version:     28/33
-extras:	     doc/Align.txt, plugin/AlignMaps.vim, plugin/cecutil.vim
+extras:	     doc/Align.txt, plugin/AlignMaps.vim, plugin/cecutil.vim, autoload/Align.vim
 script_name: plugin/cvsmenu.vim
 script_url:  http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=1245
@@ -106,23 +106,14 @@
 license:     GNU LGPL, see /usr/share/common-licenses/LGPL-2
 version:     1.121
-script_name: plugin/cvscommand.vim
+script_name: plugin/vcscommand.vim
 script_url:  http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=90
 author:      Robert Hiestand
 author_url:  http://www.vim.org/account/profile.php?user_id=241
 email:       bob.hiestand at gmail.com
 license:     public domain
-version:     1.71
-extras:	     doc/cvscommand.txt, syntax/CVSAnnotate.vim
-script_name: plugin/svncommand.vim
-script_url:  http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=922
-author:      Adam Lazur
-author_url:  http://www.vim.org/account/profile.php?user_id=1129
-email:       adam at lazur.org
-license:     public domain
-version:     1.67.3
-extras:	     syntax/svn.vim, syntax/svnlog.vim
+version:     Beta8
+extras:	     doc/vcscommand.txt, plugin/vcscvs.vim, plugin/vcssvn.vim, syntax/CVSAnnotate.vim, syntax/SVNAnnotate.vim, plugin/vcscommit.vim
 script_name: plugin/utl.vim
 script_url:  http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=293

Modified: trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/doc/Align.txt
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-vim/trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/doc/Align.txt?rev=743&op=diff
--- trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/doc/Align.txt (original)
+++ trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/doc/Align.txt Tue Aug 22 18:24:29 2006
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-*align.txt*	The Alignment Tool			Oct 12, 2005
+*align.txt*	The Alignment Tool			Mar 20, 2006
 Author:  Charles E. Campbell, Jr.  <NdrOchip at ScampbellPfamily.AbizM>
 	  (remove NOSPAM from Campbell's email first)
-Copyright: (c) 2004-2005 by Charles E. Campbell, Jr.	*Align-copyright*
+Copyright: (c) 2004-2006 by Charles E. Campbell, Jr.	*Align-copyright*
            The VIM LICENSE applies to Align.vim, AlignMaps.vim, and Align.txt
            (see |copyright|) except use "Align and AlignMaps" instead of "Vim"
 	   No warranty, express or implied.  Use At-Your-Own-Risk.
@@ -47,7 +47,6 @@
 	4. Alignment Tool History...: |align-history|
 2. Align Manual			*alignman* *alignmanual* *align-manual*
 	To Enable: put <Align.vim> and <AlignMaps.vim> into your .vim/plugin
@@ -63,7 +62,7 @@
  ||             |    +-------------------------------------------------------+|
  ||             |    |  may be called as a command or as a function:         ||
  ||             |    |  :AlignCtrl =lp0P0W & \\                              ||
- ||             |    |  :call AlignCtrl('=lp0P0W','&','\\')                  ||
+ ||             |    |  :call Align#AlignCtrl('=lp0P0W','&','\\')            ||
  ||             |    |                                                       ||
  ||             |    +-------------------------------------------------------++
  ||   1st arg   |  = | =  all separator patterns are equivalent and are      ||
@@ -121,12 +120,11 @@
  ||             |  as a command or as a function.                            ||
  ||             |   :[range]Align                                            ||
  ||             |   :[range]Align [list of separators]                       ||
- ||             |   :[range]call Align()                                     ||
- ||             |   :[range]call Align("list","of","separators",...)         ||
+ ||             |   :[range]call Align#Align()                               ||
+ ||             |   :[range]call Align#Align("list","of","separators",...)   ||
 3. Alignment Usage				*alignusage* *align-usage*
         The <Align.vim> script includes two primary commands and two
@@ -1120,10 +1118,12 @@
 	  <TR><TD> ...field three... </TD><TD> ...field four... </TD></TR>
-4. Alignment Tool History					*align-history*
+4. Alignment Tool History				*align-history*
+	29 : Jan 18, 2006 * cecutil updated to use keepjumps
+	     Feb 23, 2006 * Align now converted to vim 7.0 style using
+	                    auto-loading functions.
 	28 : Aug 17, 2005 * report option workaround
 	     Oct 24, 2005 * AlignCtrl l:  wasn't behaving as expected; fixed
 	27 : Apr 15, 2005 : cpo workaround
@@ -1174,6 +1174,8 @@
 	 9 : Jun 25, 2002 : implemented cyclic padding
 ALIGNMENT MAP HISTORY					*alignmap-history*
+	34  : Feb 23, 2006 : * AlignMaps now converted to vim 7.0 style using
+	                       auto-loading functions.
 	33  : Oct 12, 2005 : * \ts, now uses P1 in its AlignCtrl call
 	32  : Jun 28, 2005 : * s:WrapperStart() changed to AlignWrapperStart()
 			       s:WrapperEnd() changed to AlignWrapperEnd()
@@ -1225,4 +1227,4 @@
 	                   :   various bugfixes to \afnc, \T=, etc

Modified: trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/doc/bufexplorer.txt
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-vim/trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/doc/bufexplorer.txt?rev=743&op=diff
--- trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/doc/bufexplorer.txt (original)
+++ trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/doc/bufexplorer.txt Tue Aug 22 18:24:29 2006
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-*bufexplorer.txt*              Buffer Explorer       Last Change: 18 Nov 2005
+*bufexplorer.txt*              Buffer Explorer       Last Change: 10 Mar 2006
 Buffer Explorer                                *buffer-explorer* *bufexplorer*
-                                Version 7.0.6
+                                Version 7.0.11
 Plugin for easily exploring (or browsing) open buffers
@@ -33,12 +33,14 @@
  <cr> or       Opens the buffer that is under the cursor into the current
  <leftmouse>   window.
+ S             Opens the buffer that is under the cursor into a newly split
+               window.
  d             Deletes the buffer from the list that is under the cursor.
  o             Toggles open mode. Only available in 'split mode'.
  p             Toggles the showing of a split filename/pathname.
  q             Quit exploring.
  s             Selects the order the buffers are listed in. Either by their
-               name, by their number or by most recently used.
+               name, by their number or by most recently used (MRU).
  t             Toggles split type. Only available in 'split mode'.
  r             Reverses the order the buffers are listed in.
  ?             Displays help information.
@@ -131,6 +133,21 @@
 CHANGE LOG                                              *bufexplorer-changelog*
+7.0.11 - Fixed a couple of highlighting bugs, reported by David Eggum. He also
+         changed passive voice to active on a couple of warning messages.
+7.0.10 - Fixed bug report by Xiangjiang Ma. If the 'ssl' option is set,
+         the slash character used when displaying the path was incorrect.
+7.0.9  - Martin Grenfell found and eliminated an annoying bug in the
+         bufexplorer/winmanager integration. The bug was were an
+         annoying message would be displayed when a window was split or
+         a new file was opened in a new window. Thanks Martin!
+7.0.8  - Thanks to Mike Li for catching a bug in the WinManager integration.
+         The bug was related to the incorrect displaying of the buffer
+         explorer's window title.
+7.0.7  - Thanks to Jeremy Cowgar for adding a new enhancement. This
+         enhancement allows the user to press 'S', that is capital S, which
+         will open the buffer under the cursor in a newly created split
+         window.
 7.0.6  - Thanks to Larry Zhang for finding a bug in the "split" buffer code.
          If you force set g:bufExplorerSplitType='v' in your vimrc, and if you
          tried to do a \bs to split the bufexplorer window, it would always
@@ -244,7 +261,7 @@
 TODO                                                         *bufexplorer-todo*
-Improve performance even more.
+Sort by extension.
 CREDITS                                                   *bufexplorer-credits*
@@ -253,8 +270,8 @@
 Credit must go out to Bram Moolenaar and all the Vim developers for
 making the world's best editor (IMHO). I also want to thank everyone who
-help and gave me suggestions. I wouldn't want to leave anyone out so I
+helped and gave me suggestions. I wouldn't want to leave anyone out so I
 won't list names.

Modified: trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/doc/taglist.txt
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-vim/trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/doc/taglist.txt?rev=743&op=diff
--- trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/doc/taglist.txt (original)
+++ trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/doc/taglist.txt Tue Aug 22 18:24:29 2006
@@ -2,14 +2,14 @@
 Author: Yegappan Lakshmanan  (yegappan AT yahoo DOT com)
 For Vim version 6.0 and above
-Last change: 2005 August 1
+Last change: 2006 April 12
 1. Overview 					|taglist-intro|
 2. Taglist on the internet			|taglist-internet|
-3. Requirements					|taglist-requirement|
+3. Requirements					|taglist-requirements|
 4. Installation 				|taglist-install|
 5. Usage 					|taglist-using|
-6. Configuration 				|taglist-configure|
+6. Options 					|taglist-options|
 7. Commands 					|taglist-commands|
 8. Global functions 				|taglist-functions|
 9. Extending 					|taglist-extend|
@@ -24,9 +24,10 @@
 allows you to efficiently browse through source code files for different
 programming languages. The "Tag List" plugin provides the following features:
-    * Displays the tags (functions, classes, structures, variables, etc) 
+    * Displays the tags (functions, classes, structures, variables, etc.) 
       defined in a file in a vertically or horizontally split Vim window.
-    * Groups the tags by their type and displays them in a foldable tree.
+    * In GUI Vim, optionally displays the tags in the Tags drop-down menu and
+      in the popup menu.
     * Automatically updates the taglist window as you switch between
       files/buffers. As you open new files, the tags defined in the new files
       are added to the existing file list and the tags defined in all the
@@ -34,23 +35,22 @@
     * When a tag name is selected from the taglist window, positions the
       cursor at the definition of the tag in the source file.
     * Automatically highlights the current tag name.
-    * In GUI Vim, optionally displays the tags in the Tags drop-down menu and
-      in the popup menu.
+    * Groups the tags by their type and displays them in a foldable tree.
     * Can display the prototype and scope of a tag.
     * Can optionally display the tag prototype instead of the tag name in the
       taglist window.
-    * The tag list can be sorted either by name or by line number.
+    * The tag list can be sorted either by name or by chronological order.
     * Supports the following language files: Assembly, ASP, Awk, Beta, C,
       C++, C#, Cobol, Eiffel, Erlang, Fortran, HTML, Java, Javascript, Lisp,
       Lua, Make, Pascal, Perl, PHP, Python, Rexx, Ruby, Scheme, Shell, Slang,
       SML, Sql, TCL, Verilog, Vim and Yacc.
     * Can be easily extended to support new languages. Support for
       existing languages can be modified easily.
-    * Provides commands to get the name and prototype of the current tag.
     * Provides functions to display the current tag name in the Vim status
       line or the window title bar.
-    * The list of tags displayed in the taglist window can be saved and
+    * The list of tags and files in the taglist can be saved and
       restored across Vim sessions.
+    * Provides commands to get the name and prototype of the current tag.
     * Runs in both console/terminal and GUI versions of Vim.
     * Works with the winmanager plugin. Using the winmanager plugin, you
       can use Vim plugins like the file explorer, buffer explorer and the
@@ -61,18 +61,18 @@
 2. Taglist on the internet~
-You can visit the taglist plugin home page for more information: >
+The home page of the taglist plugin is at:
-You can subscribe to the taglist mailing list to post your questions
-or suggestions for improvement or bug reports. Visit the following
-page for subscribing to the mailing list: >
-	http://groups.yahoo.com/group/taglist/
+You can subscribe to the taglist mailing list to post your questions or
+suggestions for improvement or to send bug reports. Visit the following page
+for subscribing to the mailing list:
+	http://groups.yahoo.com/group/taglist
-						*taglist-requirement*
+						*taglist-requirements*
 3. Requirements~
 The taglist plugin will work on all the platforms where the exuberant ctags
@@ -82,20 +82,21 @@
 The taglist plugin will work with Vim version 6.0 and above.
 The taglist plugin relies on the exuberant ctags utility to dynamically
-generate the tag listing. You can download the exuberant ctags utility from >
+generate the tag listing. You can download the exuberant ctags utility from
 The exuberant ctags utility must be installed in your system to use this
 plugin. You should use exuberant ctags version 5.0 and above. This plugin
 doesn't use or create a tags file and there is no need to create a tags file
 to use this plugin. The taglist plugin will not work with the GNU ctags or the
-Unix ctags utility.
+Unix ctags utility. The exuberant ctags utility is shipped with most of the
+Linux distributions.
 This plugin relies on the Vim "filetype" detection mechanism to determine the
 type of the current file. You have to turn on the Vim filetype detection by
-adding the following line to your .vimrc file: >
+adding the following line to your .vimrc file:
 	filetype on
 The taglist plugin will not work if you run Vim in the restricted mode (using
@@ -117,20 +118,20 @@
 	plugin/taglist.vim - main taglist plugin file
 	doc/taglist.txt    - documentation (help) file
-   Refer to the |add-plugin|, |add-global-plugin| and |runtimepath| Vim
+   Refer to the |add-plugin|, |add-global-plugin| and |'runtimepath'| Vim
    help pages for more details about installing Vim plugins.
-2. Change to the $HOME/.vim/doc or $HOME/vimfiles/doc or $VIM/doc/vimfiles
+2. Change to the $HOME/.vim/doc or $HOME/vimfiles/doc or $VIM/vimfiles/doc
    directory, start Vim and run the ":helptags ." command to process the
    taglist help file. Without this step, you cannot jump to the taglist help
 3. If the exuberant ctags utility is not present in your PATH, then set the
-   Tlist_Ctags_Cmd variable to point to the location of the exuberant ctags
+   'Tlist_Ctags_Cmd' variable to point to the location of the exuberant ctags
    utility (not to the directory) in the .vimrc file.
 4. If you are running a terminal/console version of Vim and the terminal
    doesn't support changing the window width then set the
    'Tlist_Inc_Winwidth' variable to 0 in the .vimrc file.
 5. Restart Vim.
-6. You can now use the ":Tlist" command to open/close the taglist
+6. You can now use the ":TlistToggle" command to open/close the taglist
    window. You can use the ":help taglist" command to get more information
    about using the taglist plugin.
@@ -139,109 +140,221 @@
 5. Usage~
 Opening the taglist window~
-You can open the taglist window using the ":Tlist" command. This command will
-open or close (toggle) the taglist window. You can map a key to invoke this
-command. For example, the following command creates a normal mode mapping for
-the <F8> key to open or close the taglist window. >
-	:nnoremap <silent> <F8> :Tlist<CR>
-Add the above mapping to your ~/.vimrc file. You can also open the taglist
-window on startup using the following command line: >
-	$ vim +Tlist
-When the taglist window is opened for the first time, all the files in the
-buffer list are processed and the tags for those files are displayed. If you
-close the taglist window, the tags information displayed in the taglist window
-will not be lost. The next time you open the taglist window in the same Vim
-session, the stored tags information will be displayed.
+You can open the taglist window using the ":TlistOpen" or the ":TlistToggle"
+commands. The ":TlistOpen" command opens the taglist window and jumps to it.
+The ":TlistToggle" command opens or closes (toggle) the taglist window and the
+cursor remains in the current window. If the 'Tlist_GainFocus_On_ToggleOpen'
+variable is set to 1, then the ":TlistToggle" command opens the taglist window
+and moves the cursor to the taglist window.
+You can map a key to invoke these commands. For example, the following command
+creates a normal mode mapping for the <F8> key to toggle the taglist window.
+	nnoremap <silent> <F8> :TlistToggle<CR>
+Add the above mapping to your ~/.vimrc file.
+To automatically open the taglist window on Vim startup, set the
+'Tlist_Auto_Open' variable to 1.  You can also open the taglist window on
+startup using the following command line:
+	$ vim +TlistOpen
 Closing the taglist window~
 You can close the taglist window from the taglist window by pressing 'q' or
-using the Vim ":q" command. You can also use any of the Vim window commands
-to close the taglist window. Invoking the ":Tlist" command when the taglist
-window is opened, will close the taglist window. You can also close the
-taglist window by invoking the ":TlistClose" command.
-Taglist window contents~
-As you switch between source files, the taglist window will be automatically
-updated with the tags defined in the current source file. The tag names will
-grouped by their type (variable, function, class, etc). For tags with scope
-information (like class members, structures inside structures, etc), the scope
-information will be displayed in square brackets "[]" after the tagname.
-Opening and closing the tag and file tree~
-The tag names will be  displayed as a foldable tree using the Vim folding
-support. You can collapse the tree using the '-' key or using the Vim zc
-fold command. You can open the tree using the '+' key or using the Vim zo
-fold command. You can open all the folds using the '*' key or using the Vim
-zR fold command. You can also use the mouse to open/close the folds. You
-can close all the folds using the '=' key.
+using the Vim ":q" command. You can also use any of the Vim window commands to
+close the taglist window. Invoking the ":TlistToggle" command when the taglist
+window is opened, closes the taglist window. You can also use the
+":TlistClose" command to close the taglist window.
+To automatically close the taglist window when a tag or file is selected, you
+can set the 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' variable to 1.  To exit Vim when only the
+taglist window is present, set the 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' variable to 1.
 Jumping to a tag or a file~
-You can select a tag either by pressing the <Enter> key or by double clicking
-the tag name using the mouse. You can jump to a tag using a single mouse click
-by setting the 'Tlist_Use_SingleClick' variable. You can press the 'o' key to
-jump to the tag in a new window. You can press the 'p' key to jump to the tag
-but still keep the cursor in the taglist window itself.
-You can open a file by pressing <Enter> key or by double clicking the file
+You can select a tag in the taglist window either by pressing the <Enter> key
+or by double clicking the tag name using the mouse. To jump to a tag on a
+single mouse click set the 'Tlist_Use_SingleClick' variable to 1. To jump to
+the tag in a new window, press the 'o' key. You can press the 'p' key to jump
+to the tag but still keep the cursor in the taglist window itself (preview).
+You can open a file by pressing the <Enter> key or by double clicking the file
 name using the mouse.
 In the taglist window, you can use the [[ or <Backspace> key to jump to the
 beginning of the previous file. You can use the ]] or <Tab> key to jump to the
-beginning of the next file.
-Syncing the taglist window~
-The taglist plugin will automatically highlight the name of the current tag.
-The tag name will be highlighted after |updatetime| milliseconds. The default
-value for this Vim option is 4 seconds. To avoid unexpected problems, you
-should not set the |updatetime| option to very low values. You can also use
-the ":TlistSync" command to force the highlighting of the current tag.
+beginning of the next file. When you reach the first or last file, the search
+wraps around and the jumps to the next/previous file.
+Highlighting the current tag~
+The taglist plugin automatically highlights the name of the current tag in the
+taglist window. The Vim |CursorHold| autocmd event is used for this. If the
+current tag name is not visible in the taglist window, then the taglist window
+contents are scrolled to make that tag name visible. You can also use the
+":TlistHighlightTag" command to force the highlighting of the current tag.
+The tag name is highlighted if no activity is performed for |'updatetime'|
+milliseconds. The default value for this Vim option is 4 seconds. To avoid
+unexpected problems, you should not set the |'updatetime'| option to a very
+low value.
+To disable the automatic highlighting of the current tag name in the taglist
+window, set the 'Tlist_Auto_Highlight_Tag' variable to zero.
+When entering a Vim buffer/window, the taglist plugin automatically highlights
+the current tag in that buffer/window.  If you like to disable the automatic
+highlighting of the current tag when entering a buffer, set the
+'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' variable to zero.
+Adding files to the taglist~
+When the taglist window is opened, all the files in the Vim buffer list are
+processed and the supported files are added to the taglist.  When you edit a
+file in Vim, the taglist plugin automatically processes this file and adds it
+to the taglist. If you close the taglist window, the tag information in the
+taglist is retained.
+To process files even when the taglist window is not open, set the
+'Tlist_Process_File_Always' variable to 1.
+You can manually add multiple files to the taglist without opening them using
+the ":TlistAddFiles" and the ":TlistAddFilesRecursive" commands.
+For example, to add all the C files in the /my/project/dir directory to the
+taglist, you can use the following command:
+	:TlistAddFiles /my/project/dir/*.c
+Note that when adding several files with a large number of tags or a large
+number of files, it will take several seconds to several minutes for the
+taglist plugin to process all the files. You should not interrupt the taglist
+plugin by pressing <CTRL-C>.
+You can recursively add multiple files from a directory tree using the
+":TlistAddFilesRecursive" command:
+	:TlistAddFilesRecursive /my/project/dir *.c
+This command takes two arguments. The first argument specifies the directory
+from which to recursively add the files. The second optional argument
+specifies the wildcard matching pattern for selecting the files to add. The
+default pattern is * and all the files are added.
+Displaying tags for only one file~
+The taglist window displays the tags for all the files in the Vim buffer list
+and all the manually added files. To display the tags for only the current
+active buffer, set the 'Tlist_Show_One_File' variable to 1.
+Removing files from the taglist~
+You can remove a file from the taglist window, by pressing the 'd' key when the
+cursor is on one of the tags listed for the file in the taglist window. The
+removed file will no longer be displayed in the taglist window in the current
+Vim session. To again display the tags for the file, open the file in a Vim
+window and then use the ":TlistUpdate" command or use ":TlistAddFiles" command
+to add the file to the taglist.
+When a buffer is removed from the Vim buffer list using the ":bdelete" or
+the ":bwipe" command, the taglist is updated to remove the stored information
+for this buffer.
+Updating the tags displayed for a file~
+The taglist plugin keeps track of the modification time of a file. When the
+modification time changes (the file is modified), the taglist plugin
+automatically updates the tags listed for that file. The modification time of
+a file is checked when you enter a window containing that file or when you
+load that file.
+You can also update or refresh the tags displayed for a file by pressing the
+"u" key in the taglist window. If an existing file is modified, after the file
+is saved, the taglist plugin automatically updates the tags displayed for the
+You can also use the ":TlistUpdate" command to update the tags for the current
+buffer after you made some changes to it. You should save the modified buffer
+before you update the taglist window. Otherwise the listed tags will not
+include the new tags created in the buffer. 
+If you have deleted the tags displayed for a file in the taglist window using
+the 'd' key, you can again display the tags for that file using the
+":TlistUpdate" command.
+Controlling the taglist updates~
+To disable the automatic processing of new files or modified files, you can
+set the 'Tlist_Auto_Update' variable to zero. When this variable is set to
+zero, the taglist is updated only when you use the ":TlistUpdate" command or
+the ":TlistAddFiles" or the ":TlistAddFilesRecursive" commands. You can use
+this option to control which files are added to the taglist.
+You can use the ":TlistLock" command to lock the taglist contents. After this
+command is executed, new files are not automatically added to the taglist.
+When the taglist is locked, you can use the ":TlistUpdate" command to add the
+current file or the ":TlistAddFiles" or ":TlistAddFilesRecursive" commands to
+add new files to the taglist.  To unlock the taglist, use the ":TlistUnlock"
 Displaying the tag prototype~
-If you place the cursor on a tag name in the taglist window, then the tag
-prototype will be displayed at the Vim status line after |updatetime|
-milliseconds. The default value for the |updatetime| Vim option is 4
-seconds. You can also press the space bar to display the prototype of the
-tag under the cursor in the taglist window.
+To display the prototype of the tag under the cursor in the taglist window,
+press the space bar. If you place the cursor on a tag name in the taglist
+window, then the tag prototype is displayed at the Vim status line after
+|'updatetime'| milliseconds. The default value for the |'updatetime'| Vim
+option is 4 seconds.
+You can get the name and prototype of a tag without opening the taglist window
+and the taglist menu using the ":TlistShowTag" and the ":TlistShowPrototype"
+commands. To use these commands without the taglist window, set the
+'Tlist_Process_File_Always' variable to 1.
+You can use the ":TlistShowTag" command to display the name of the tag at or
+before the specified line number in the specified file.  If the file name and
+line number are not supplied, then this command will display the name of the
+current tag. For example,
+	:TlistShowTag
+	:TlistShowTag myfile.java 100
 You can use the ":TlistShowPrototype" command to display the prototype of the
-tag at or below the specified line number. For example, >
+tag at or before the specified line number in the specified file.  If the file
+name and the line number are not supplied, then this command will display the
+prototype of the current tag.  For example,
+	:TlistShowPrototype
 	:TlistShowPrototype myfile.c 50
-If the file name and line number are not supplied, then this command will
-display the prototype of the current tag.
-You can use the ":TlistShowTag" command to display the name of the tag at or
-below the specified line number. For example,
-	:TlistShowTag myfile.java 100
-If the file name and line number are not supplied, then this command will
-display the name of the current tag.
-The above two commands will work even when the taglist window is closed. To
-use this command on newly opened files without the taglist window and the
-taglist menu, you should set the Tlist_Process_File_Always variable to 1.
+Taglist window contents~
+The tag names are grouped by their type (variable, function, class, etc.). For
+tags with scope information (like class members, structures inside structures,
+etc.), the scope information is displayed in square brackets "[]" after the tag
+The contents of the taglist buffer/window are managed by the taglist plugin.
+The |'filetype'| for the taglist buffer is set to 'taglist'.  The Vim
+|'modifiable'| option is turned off for the taglist buffer. You should not
+manually edit the taglist buffer, by setting the |'modifiable'| flag. If you
+manually edit the taglist buffer contents, then the taglist plugin will be out
+of sync with the taglist buffer contents and the plugin will no longer work
+correctly. To redisplay the taglist buffer contents again, close the taglist
+window and reopen it.
+Opening and closing the tag and file tree~
+In the taglist window, the tag names are displayed as a foldable tree using
+the Vim folding support. You can collapse the tree using the '-' key or using
+the Vim |zc| fold command. You can open the tree using the '+' key or using
+the Vim |zo| fold command. You can open all the folds using the '*' key or
+using the Vim |zR| fold command. You can also use the mouse to open/close the
+folds. You can close all the folds using the '=' key. You should not manually
+create or delete the folds in the taglist window.
+To automatically close the fold for the inactive files/buffers and open only
+the fold for the current buffer in the taglist window, set the
+'Tlist_File_Fold_Auto_Close' variable to 1.
 Sorting the tags for a file~
-The tags displayed in the taglist window can be sorted either by name of by
-their chronological order. The default sorting order is by the order in which
-the tags appear in the file. You can change the default sort order by setting
-the Tlist_Sort_Type variable. You can sort the tags by their name by pressing
-the "s" key in the taglist window. You can again sort the tags by their
-chronological order using the "s" key. Each file in the taglist window can be
-sorted using different order.
-Removing the tags listed for a file from the taglist window~
-You can remove the tags displayed for a file, by pressing the 'd' key when the
-cursor is on one of the tags listed for the file in the taglist window. The
-removed file is no longer displayed in the taglist window. To again display
-the tags for the file, open the file in a Vim window and then use the
-:TlistUpdate command.
+The tags displayed in the taglist window can be sorted either by their name or
+by their chronological order. The default sorting method is by the order in
+which the tags appear in a file. You can change the default sort method by
+setting the 'Tlist_Sort_Type' variable to either "name" or "order". You can
+sort the tags by their name by pressing the "s" key in the taglist window. You
+can again sort the tags by their chronological order using the "s" key. Each
+file in the taglist window can be sorted using different order.
 Zooming in and out of the taglist window~
 You can press the 'x' key in the taglist window to maximize the taglist
@@ -249,78 +362,35 @@
 width/height without closing the other existing windows. You can again press
 'x' to restore the taglist window to the default width/height.
-Updating the tags displayed for a file~
-The taglist plugin keeps track of the modification time of a file. When the
-modification time changes (the file is modified), the taglist plugin will
-automatically update the tags listed for that file. The modification time is
-checked when you enter a window containing the file or when you load the file.
-You can also update or refresh the tags displayed for a file by pressing the
-"u" key in the taglist window. If an existing file is modified, after the file
-is saved, the taglist plugin will automatically update the tags displayed for
-the file.
-You can also use the ":TlistUpdate" command to update the tags for the current
-buffer after you made some changes to it. You should save the modified buffer
-before you update the taglist window. Otherwise the listed tags will not
-include the new tags created in the buffer. 
-If you have deleted the tags displayed for a file in the taglist window using
-the 'd' key, you can again display the tags for that file using the
-':TlistUpdate' command.
-Adding multiples files to the taglist window~
-You can add the tags defined in a file(s) without opening it using the
-":TlistAddFiles" command. For example, to add the tags defined in all
-the C files in a directory, you can use the following command:
-    :TlistAddFiles my/project/dir/*.c
-Note that if you try to add several files with a large number of tags or a
-large number of files, then it will take several seconds to minutes for the
-taglist plugin to process all the files.
-Modifying the contents of the taglist buffer/window~
-The contents of the taglist buffer/window are managed by the taglist plugin.
-The Vim 'modifiable' option is turned off for the taglist buffer. You should
-not manually edit the taglist buffer, by setting the 'modifiable' flag. If you
-manually edit the taglist buffer contents, then the taglist plugin will be out
-of sync with the taglist buffer contents and the plugin will no longer work
-correctly. To redisplay the taglist buffer contents again, you can close the
-taglist window and reopen it.
 Taglist Session~
-A taglist session refers to the group of files and their tags displayed in the
-taglist window in a Vim session.
+A taglist session refers to the group of files and their tags stored in the
+taglist in a Vim session.
 You can save and restore a taglist session (and all the displayed tags) using
-the :TlistSessionSave and :TlistSessionLoad commands.
-To save all the tags displayed in the taglist window to a file, use the
-:TlistSessionSave command and specify the filename: >
+the ":TlistSessionSave" and ":TlistSessionLoad" commands.
+To save the information about the tags and files in the taglist to a file, use
+the ":TlistSessionSave" command and specify the filename:
 	:TlistSessionSave <file name>
-To load the saved taglist session, use the TlistSessionLoad command: >
+To load a saved taglist session, use the ":TlistSessionLoad" command: >
 	:TlistSessionLoad <file name>
-Information about the tags displayed for the files in the taglist window will
-be stored in the taglist session file. This will be used to restore the
-taglist window state later. When you load a taglist session file, the tags
-stored in the file will be added to the tags already displayed in the taglist
+When you load a taglist session file, the tags stored in the file will be
+added to the tags already stored in the taglist.
 The taglist session feature can be used to save the tags for large files or a
 group of frequently used files (like a project). By using the taglist session
 file, you can minimize the amount to time it takes to load/refresh the taglist
-window for multiple files.
+for multiple files.
 You can create more than one taglist session file for multiple groups of
-Displaying tag name in the Vim status line or the window title bar~
+Displaying the tag name in the Vim status line or the window title bar~
 You can use the Tlist_Get_Tagname_By_Line() function provided by the taglist
 plugin to display the current tag name in the Vim status line or the window
 title bar. Similarly, you can use the Tlist_Get_Tag_Prototype_By_Line()
@@ -341,7 +411,7 @@
 processed by the taglist plugin. For this, you have to either set the
 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' variable to 1 or open the taglist window or use
 the taglist menu. For more information about configuring the Vim status line,
-refer to the documentation for the |'statusline'| option.
+refer to the documentation for the Vim |'statusline'| option.
 Changing the taglist window highlighting~
 The following Vim highlight groups are defined and used to highlight the
@@ -350,22 +420,43 @@
     TagListTagName  - Used for tag names
     TagListTagScope - Used for tag scope
     TagListTitle    - Used for tag titles
-    TagListComment  - Used for comments in the taglist window
+    TagListComment  - Used for comments
     TagListFileName - Used for filenames
 By default, these highlight groups are linked to the standard Vim highlight
-groups. If you want to change these highlight groups, you can prefix 'My'
-to the above highlight group names and define them in your .vimrc file. The
-taglist plugin will use the defined highlight groups instead of the default
-groups. For example, to change the highlighting used for tag names, you can
-use: >
-	:highlight MyTagListTagName guifg=cyan
-Getting help~
-You can press the "?" key in the taglist window to display the help
-information about using the taglist window. If you again press the '?' key,
-the help information will be removed from the taglist window.
+groups. If you want to change the colors used for these highlight groups, you
+can define them in your .vimrc or .gvimrc files.  For example, to change the
+highlighting used for tag names, you can use:
+	:highlight TagListTagName guifg=DarkGreen ctermfg=DarkGreen
+Controlling the taglist window~
+To use a horizontally split taglist window, instead of a vertically split
+window, set the 'Tlist_Use_Horiz_Window' variable to 1.
+To use a vertically split taglist window on the rightmost side of the Vim
+window, set the 'Tlist_Use_Right_Window' variable to 1.
+You can specify the width of the vertically split taglist window, by setting
+the 'Tlist_WinWidth' variable.  You can specify the height of the horizontally
+split taglist window, by setting the 'Tlist_WinHeight' variable.
+When opening a vertically split taglist window, the Vim window width is
+increased to accommodate the new taglist window. When the taglist window is
+closed, the Vim window is reduced. To disable this, set the
+'Tlist_Inc_Winwidth' variable to zero.
+To reduce the number of empty lines in the taglist window, set the
+'Tlist_Compact_Format' variable to 1.
+To not display the Vim fold column in the taglist window, set the
+'Tlist_Enable_Fold_Column' variable to zero.
+To display the tag prototypes instead of the tag names in the taglist window,
+set the 'Tlist_Display_Prototype' variable to 1.
+To not display the scope of the tags next to the tag names, set the
+'Tlist_Display_Tag_Scope' variable to zero.
 Taglist window key list~
@@ -381,6 +472,9 @@
   p             Display the tag definition in the file window and
                 keep the cursor in the taglist window itself.
   <Space>       Display the prototype of the tag under the cursor.
+  		For file names, display the full path to the file,
+		file type and the number of tags. For tag types, display the
+		tag type and the number of tags.
   u             Update the tags listed in the taglist window
   s             Change the sort order of the tags (by name or by order)
   d             Remove the tags for the file under the cursor
@@ -394,7 +488,7 @@
   ]]		Jump to the beginning of the next file
   <Tab>		Jump to the beginning of the next file
   q             Close the taglist window
-  ?             Display help
+  <F1>          Display help
 The above keys will work in both the normal mode and the insert mode.
@@ -413,16 +507,16 @@
 updated to display the tags defined in the current file/buffer.
 The tags are grouped by their type (variables, functions, classes, methods,
-etc) and displayed as a separate sub-menu for each type.
+etc.) and displayed as a separate sub-menu for each type.
 If the number of items in a tag type submenu exceeds the value specified by
-the Tlist_Max_Submenu_Items variable, then the submenu will be split into
-multiple submenus. The default setting for Tlist_Max_Submenu_Items is 25. The
-first and last tag names in the submenu are used to form the submenu name. The
-menu items are prefixed by alpha-numeric characters for easy selection by
+the 'Tlist_Max_Submenu_Items' variable, then the submenu will be split into
+multiple submenus. The default setting for 'Tlist_Max_Submenu_Items' is 25.
+The first and last tag names in the submenu are used to form the submenu name.
+The menu items are prefixed by alpha-numeric characters for easy selection by
-If the popup menu support is enabled (the 'mousemodel' option contains
+If the popup menu support is enabled (the |'mousemodel'| option contains
 "popup"), then the tags menu is added to the popup menu. You can access
 the popup menu by right clicking on the GUI window.
@@ -443,86 +537,129 @@
 	let winManagerWindowLayout = 'FileExplorer|TagList'
+Getting help~
+If you have installed the taglist help file (this file), then you can use the
+Vim ":help taglist-<keyword>" command to get help on the various taglist
+You can press the <F1> key in the taglist window to display the help
+information about using the taglist window. If you again press the <F1> key,
+the help information is removed from the taglist window.
 Debugging the taglist plugin~
 You can use the ":TlistDebug" command to enable logging of the debug messages
 from the taglist plugin. To display the logged debug messages, you can use the
 ":TlistMessages" command. To disable the logging of the debug messages, use
-the ":TlistUndebug" command. The debug messages are stored in a script-local
-variable by the taglist plugin. To minimize memory usage, only the last 3000
+the ":TlistUndebug" command.
+You can specify a file name to the ":TlistDebug" command to log the debug
+messages to a file. Otherwise, the debug messages are stored in a script-local
+variable. In the later case, to minimize memory usage, only the last 3000
 characters from the debug messages are stored.
-						*taglist-configure*
-6. Configuration~
+						*taglist-options*
+6. Options~
 A number of Vim variables control the behavior of the taglist plugin. These
 variables are initialized to a default value. By changing these variables you
 can change the behavior of the taglist plugin. You need to change these
 settings only if you want to change the behavior of the taglist plugin. You
-should use the |let| command in your .vimrc file to change the setting of any
+should use the |:let| command in your .vimrc file to change the setting of any
 of these variables. 
 The configurable taglist variables are listed below. For a detailed
 description of these variables refer to the text below this table.
-|'Tlist_Auto_Highlight_Tag'|	Highlight the current tag in the taglist.
+|'Tlist_Auto_Highlight_Tag'|	Automatically highlight the current tag in the
+				taglist.
 |'Tlist_Auto_Open'|		Open the taglist window when Vim starts.
+|'Tlist_Auto_Update'|		Automatically update the taglist to include
+				newly edited files.
+|'Tlist_Close_On_Select'|	Close the taglist window when a file or tag is
+				selected.
 |'Tlist_Compact_Format'|	Remove extra information and blank lines from
        				the taglist window.
 |'Tlist_Ctags_Cmd'|		Specifies the path to the ctags utility.
-|'Tlist_Display_Prototype'|	Show prototypes, not just tags.
+|'Tlist_Display_Prototype'|	Show prototypes and not tags in the taglist
+				window.
 |'Tlist_Display_Tag_Scope'|	Show tag scope next to the tag name.
-|'Tlist_Enable_Fold_Column'|	Show the fold indicator column.
-|'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow'|	Close VIM if the taglist is the only window.
-|'Tlist_File_Fold_Auto_Close'|	Close tag folds for all buffers not shown.
-|'Tlist_Inc_Winwidth'|		Expand the current window to accommodate the
-       				taglist window.
+|'Tlist_Enable_Fold_Column'|	Show the fold indicator column in the taglist
+				window.
+|'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow'|	Close Vim if the taglist is the only window.
+|'Tlist_File_Fold_Auto_Close'|	Close tag folds for inactive buffers.
+				Jump to taglist window on open.
+				On entering a buffer, automatically highlight
+				the current tag.
+|'Tlist_Inc_Winwidth'|		Increase the Vim window width to accommodate
+				the taglist window.
 |'Tlist_Max_Submenu_Items'|	Maximum number of items in a tags sub-menu.
 |'Tlist_Max_Tag_Length'|	Maximum tag length used in a tag menu entry.
-|'Tlist_Process_File_Always'|	Process tags for files when the taglist window 
-				is closed.
+|'Tlist_Process_File_Always'|	Process files even when the taglist window is
+				closed.
 |'Tlist_Show_Menu'|		Display the tags menu.
 |'Tlist_Show_One_File'|		Show tags for the current buffer only.
 |'Tlist_Sort_Type'|		Sort method used for arranging the tags.
 |'Tlist_Use_Horiz_Window'|	Use a horizontally split window for the
 				taglist window.
-|'Tlist_Use_Right_Window'|	Put the taglist window on the right side.
+|'Tlist_Use_Right_Window'|	Place the taglist window on the right side.
 |'Tlist_Use_SingleClick'|	Single click on a tag jumps to it.
 |'Tlist_WinHeight'|		Horizontally split taglist window height.
 |'Tlist_WinWidth'|		Vertically split taglist window width.
-By default, the taglist plugin will highlight the current tag in the taglist
-window. If you want to disable the highlighting of the current tag, then you
-can set the Tlist_Auto_Highlight_Tag variable to zero. Note that even though
-the current tag highlighting is disabled, the tags for a new file will still
-be added to the taglist window.
+The taglist plugin will automatically highlight the current tag in the taglist
+window. If you want to disable this, then you can set the
+Tlist_Auto_Highlight_Tag variable to zero. Note that even though the current
+tag highlighting is disabled, the tags for a new file will still be added to
+the taglist window.
 	let Tlist_Auto_Highlight_Tag = 0
-You can still use the ':TlistSync' command to highlight the current tag.
+You can still use the ":TlistHighlightTag" command to highlight the current
 To automatically open the taglist window, when you start Vim, you can set the
-'Tlist_Auto_Open' variable to 1. By default, this variable is set to 0 and the
-taglist window will not be opened automatically on Vim startup. >
+'Tlist_Auto_Open' variable to 1. By default, this variable is set to zero and
+the taglist window will not be opened automatically on Vim startup.
 	let Tlist_Auto_Open = 1
 The taglist window is opened only when a supported type of file is opened on
 Vim startup. For example, if you open text files, then the taglist window will
 not be opened.
+						*'Tlist_Auto_Update'*
+When a new file is edited, the tags defined in the file are automatically
+processed and added to the taglist. To stop adding new files to the taglist,
+set the 'Tlist_Auto_Update' variable to zero. By default, this variable is set
+to 1.
+	let Tlist_Auto_Update = 0
+						*'Tlist_Close_On_Select'*
+If you want to close the taglist window when a file or tag is selected, then
+set the 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' variable to 1. By default, this variable is
+set zero and when you select a tag or file from the taglist window, the window
+will not be closed.
+	let Tlist_Close_On_Select = 1
 By default, empty lines are used to separate different tag types displayed for
 a file and the tags displayed for different files in the taglist window. If
 you want to display as many tags as possible in the taglist window, you can
-set the Tlist_Compact_Format variable to one to get a compact display. >
+set the 'Tlist_Compact_Format' variable to 1 to get a compact display.
 	let Tlist_Compact_Format = 1
@@ -532,7 +669,7 @@
 the PATH environment variable, then there is no need to set this variable.
 The exuberant ctags tool can be installed under different names.  When the
-taglist plugin starts up, if the Tlist_Ctags_Cmd variable is not set, it
+taglist plugin starts up, if the 'Tlist_Ctags_Cmd' variable is not set, it
 checks for the names exuberant-ctags, ctags, ctags.exe and tags in the PATH
 environment variable.  If any one of the named executable is found, then the
 Tlist_Ctags_Cmd variable is set to that name.
@@ -552,36 +689,36 @@
 By default, only the tag name will be displayed in the taglist window. If you
 like to see tag prototypes instead of names, set the 'Tlist_Display_Prototype'
-variable to 1. By default, this variable is set to 0 and only tag names will
-be displayed. >
+variable to 1. By default, this variable is set to zero and only tag names
+will be displayed.
 	let Tlist_Display_Prototype = 1
 By default, the scope of a tag (like a C++ class) will be displayed in
 square brackets next to the tag name. If you don't want the tag scopes
-to be displayed, then set the 'Tlist_Display_Tag_Scope' to 0. By default,
-this variable is set to 1 and the tag scopes will be displayed. >
+to be displayed, then set the 'Tlist_Display_Tag_Scope' to zero. By default,
+this variable is set to 1 and the tag scopes will be displayed.
 	let Tlist_Display_Tag_Scope = 0
 By default, the Vim fold column is enabled and displayed in the taglist
 window. If you wish to disable this (for example, when you are working with a
-narrow Vim window or terminal), you can set the Tlist_Enable_Fold_Column
-variable to 0.
+narrow Vim window or terminal), you can set the 'Tlist_Enable_Fold_Column'
+variable to zero.
 	let Tlist_Enable_Fold_Column = 1
 If you want to exit Vim if only the taglist window is currently opened, then
-set the Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow variable to one. By default, this variable is
+set the 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' variable to 1. By default, this variable is
 set to zero and the Vim instance will not be closed if only the taglist window
-is present. >
+is present.
 	let Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow = 1
@@ -596,31 +733,53 @@
 	let Tlist_File_Fold_Auto_Close = 1
+					    *'Tlist_GainFocus_On_ToggleOpen'*
+When the taglist window is opened using the ':TlistToggle' command, this
+option controls whether the cursor is moved to the taglist window or remains
+in the current window. By default, this option is set to 0 and the cursor
+remains in the current window. When this variable is set to 1, the cursor
+moves to the taglist window after opening the taglist window.
+	let Tlist_GainFocus_On_ToggleOpen = 1
+					    *'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter'*
+When you enter a Vim buffer/window, the current tag in that buffer/window is
+automatically highlighted in the taglist window. If the current tag name is
+not visible in the taglist window, then the taglist window contents are
+scrolled to make that tag name visible. If you like to disable the automatic
+highlighting of the current tag when entering a buffer, you can set the
+'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' variable to zero. The default setting for
+this variable is 1.
+	let Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter = 0
 By default, when the width of the window is less than 100 and a new taglist
 window is opened vertically, then the window width will be increased by the
-value set in the Tlist_WinWidth variable to accommodate the new window. The
+value set in the 'Tlist_WinWidth' variable to accommodate the new window. The
 value of this variable is used only if you are using a vertically split
 taglist window.
 If your terminal doesn't support changing the window width from Vim (older
 version of xterm running in a Unix system) or if you see any weird problems in
 the screen due to the change in the window width or if you prefer not to
-adjust the window width then set the 'Tlist_Inc_Winwidth' variable to 0.
+adjust the window width then set the 'Tlist_Inc_Winwidth' variable to zero.
 CAUTION: If you are using the MS-Windows version of Vim in a MS-DOS command
-window then you must set this variable to 0, otherwise the system may hang due
-to a Vim limitation (explained in :help win32-problems) >
+window then you must set this variable to zero, otherwise the system may hang
+due to a Vim limitation (explained in :help win32-problems)
 	let Tlist_Inc_Winwidth = 0
 If a file contains too many tags of a particular type (function, variable,
-class, etc.), greater than that specified by the Tlist_Max_Submenu_Items
+class, etc.), greater than that specified by the 'Tlist_Max_Submenu_Items'
 variable, then the menu for that tag type will be split into multiple
-sub-menus. The default setting for the Tlist_Max_Submenu_Items variable is 25.
-This can be changed by setting the Tlist_Max_Submenu_Items variable:
+sub-menus. The default setting for the 'Tlist_Max_Submenu_Items' variable is
+25.  This can be changed by setting the 'Tlist_Max_Submenu_Items' variable:
 	let Tlist_Max_Submenu_Items = 20
@@ -629,9 +788,10 @@
-Only the first Tlist_Max_Tag_Length characters from the tag names will be used
-to form the tag type submenu name. Change the Tlist_Max_Tag_Length setting if
-you want to include more or less characters:
+Only the first 'Tlist_Max_Tag_Length' characters from the tag names will be
+used to form the tag type submenu name. The default value for this variable is
+10.  Change the 'Tlist_Max_Tag_Length' setting if you want to include more or
+less characters:
 	let Tlist_Max_Tag_Length = 10
@@ -642,20 +802,20 @@
 taglist menu is enabled. When the taglist window is closed, the taglist plugin
 will stop processing the tags for newly opened files.
-You can set the Tlist_Process_File_Always variable to 1 to generate the list
+You can set the 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' variable to 1 to generate the list
 of tags for new files even when the taglist window is closed and the taglist
 menu is disabled.
 	let Tlist_Process_File_Always = 1
-You should set this variable to 1, if you want to use the :TlistShowTag and
-:TlistShowPrototype commands without the taglist window and the taglist menu.
+To use the ":TlistShowTag" and the ":TlistShowPrototype" commands without the
+taglist window and the taglist menu, you should set this variable to 1.
 When using GUI Vim, you can display the tags defined in the current file in a
 menu named "Tags". By default, this feature is turned off. To turn on this
-feature, set the Tlist_Show_Menu variable to one:
+feature, set the 'Tlist_Show_Menu' variable to 1:
 	let Tlist_Show_Menu = 1
@@ -678,8 +838,8 @@
 default, the tag names will be listed by the order in which they are defined
 in the file. You can change the sort type (from name to order or from order to
 name) by pressing the "s" key in the taglist window. You can also change the
-default sort order by setting 'Tlist_Sort_Type' to "name" or "order": >
+default sort order by setting 'Tlist_Sort_Type' to "name" or "order":
 	let Tlist_Sort_Type = "name"
@@ -690,60 +850,60 @@
 command window, then you should use a horizontally split window instead of a
 vertically split window. Also, if you are using an older version of xterm in a
 Unix system that doesn't support changing the xterm window width, you should
-use a horizontally split window. >
+use a horizontally split window.
 	let Tlist_Use_Horiz_Window = 1
 By default, the vertically split taglist window will appear on the left hand
 side. If you prefer to open the window on the right hand side, you can set the
-'Tlist_Use_Right_Window' variable to one: >
+'Tlist_Use_Right_Window' variable to 1:
 	let Tlist_Use_Right_Window = 1
 By default, when you double click on the tag name using the left mouse 
 button, the cursor will be positioned at the definition of the tag. You 
-can set the Tlist_Use_SingleClick variable to 1 to jump to a tag when
+can set the 'Tlist_Use_SingleClick' variable to 1 to jump to a tag when
 you single click on the tag name using the mouse. By default this variable
-is set to zero. >
+is set to zero.
 	let Tlist_Use_SingleClick = 1
-Due to a bug in Vim, if you set Tlist_Use_SingleClick to one and try to resize
-the taglist window using the mouse, then Vim will crash. The fix for this bug
-will be available in Vim 6.3 and above. In the meantime, instead of resizing
-the taglist window using the mouse, you can use normal Vim window resizing
-commands to resize the taglist window.
+Due to a bug in Vim, if you set 'Tlist_Use_SingleClick' to 1 and try to resize
+the taglist window using the mouse, then Vim will crash. This problem is fixed
+in Vim 6.3 and above. In the meantime, instead of resizing the taglist window
+using the mouse, you can use normal Vim window resizing commands to resize the
+taglist window.
 The default height of the horizontally split taglist window is 10. This can be
-changed by modifying the 'Tlist_WinHeight' variable: >
+changed by modifying the 'Tlist_WinHeight' variable:
 	let Tlist_WinHeight = 20
-The 'winfixheight' option is set for the the taglist window, to maintain the
+The |'winfixheight'| option is set for the taglist window, to maintain the
 height of the taglist window, when new Vim windows are opened and existing
 windows are closed.
 The default width of the vertically split taglist window is 30. This can be
-changed by modifying the 'Tlist_WinWidth' variable: >
+changed by modifying the 'Tlist_WinWidth' variable:
 	let Tlist_WinWidth = 20
-Note that the value of the |winwidth| option setting determines the minimum
+Note that the value of the |'winwidth'| option setting determines the minimum
 width of the current window. If you set the 'Tlist_WinWidth' variable to a
-value less than that of the |winwidth| option setting, then Vim will use the
-value of the |winwidth| option.
+value less than that of the |'winwidth'| option setting, then Vim will use the
+value of the |'winwidth'| option.
 When new Vim windows are opened and existing windows are closed, the taglist
 plugin will try to maintain the width of the taglist window to the size
-specified by the Tlist_WinWidth variable.
+specified by the 'Tlist_WinWidth' variable.
@@ -751,68 +911,107 @@
 The taglist plugin provides the following ex-mode commands:
-|:Tlist|		Open or close (toggle) the taglist window.
-|:TlistAddFiles|	Add multiple files to the taglist window.
+|:TlistAddFiles|	Add multiple files to the taglist.
+			Add files recursively to the taglist.
 |:TlistClose|		Close the taglist window.
 |:TlistDebug|		Start logging of taglist debug messages.
+|:TlistLock|		Stop adding new files to the taglist.
 |:TlistMessages|	Display the logged taglist plugin debug messages.
-|:TlistSessionSave|	Save the information about files and tags displayed
-			in the taglist window to a session file.
+|:TlistOpen|		Open and jump to the taglist window.
+|:TlistSessionSave|	Save the information about files and tags in the
+			taglist to a session file.
 |:TlistSessionLoad|	Load the information about files and tags stored
-			in a session file to the taglist window.
-|:TlistShowPrototype|	Display the prototype of the tag at or above the
+			in a session file to taglist.
+|:TlistShowPrototype|	Display the prototype of the tag at or before the
 		    	specified line number.
-|:TlistShowTag|		Display the name of the tag defined at or above the
-		    	specified line number.
-|:TlistSync|		Highlight the current tag in the taglist window.
+|:TlistShowTag|		Display the name of the tag defined at or before the
+			specified line number.
+|:TlistHighlightTag|	Highlight the current tag in the taglist window.
+|:TlistToggle|		Open or close (toggle) the taglist window.
 |:TlistUndebug|		Stop logging of taglist debug messages.
+|:TlistUnlock|		Start adding new files to the taglist.
 |:TlistUpdate|		Update the tags for the current buffer.
-						*:Tlist*
-:Tlist		Open or close (toggle) the taglist window. Opens the taglist
-		window, if the window is not opened currently. Closes the
-		taglist window, if the taglist window is already opened. When
-		the taglist window is opened for the first time, all the files
-		in the buffer list are processed and the tags are displayed in
-		the taglist window.
 :TlistAddFiles {file(s)} [file(s) ...]
-		Process the tags defined in the specified file(s) and add them
-		to the taglist window. The files will not be edited and will
-		not be added to the Vim buffer list. You can specify
-		filenames using patterns.
+		Add one or more specified files to the taglist. You can
+		specify multiple filenames using wildcards. To specify a
+		file name with space character, you should escape the space
+		character with a backslash.
+		Examples:
+		    :TlistAddFiles *.c *.cpp
+		    :TlistAddFiles file1.html file2.html
+		If you specify a large number of files, then it will take some
+		time for the taglist plugin to process all of them. The
+		specified files will not be edited in a Vim window and will
+		not be added to the Vim buffer list.
+						*:TlistAddFilesRecursive*
+:TlistAddFilesRecursive {directory} [ {pattern} ]
+		Add files matching {pattern} recursively from the specified
+		{directory} to the taglist. If {pattern} is not specified,
+		then '*' is assumed. To specify the current directory, use "."
+		for {directory}. To specify a directory name with space
+		character, you should escape the space character with a
+		backslash.
+		Examples:
+		    :TlistAddFilesRecursive myproject *.java
+		    :TlistAddFilesRecursive smallproject
+		If large number of files are present in the specified
+		directory tree, then it will take some time for the taglist
+		plugin to process all of them.
 :TlistClose	Close the taglist window. This command can be used from any
 		one of the Vim windows.
+:TlistDebug [filename]
 		Start logging of debug messages from the taglist plugin.
-		The debug messages are stored in a script local variable by
-		the taglist plugin.
+		If {filename} is specified, then the debug messages are stored
+		in the specified file. Otherwise, the debug messages are
+		stored in a script local variable. If the file {filename} is
+		already present, then it is overwritten.
+						*:TlistLock*
+		Lock the taglist and don't process new files. After this
+		command is executed, newly edited files will not be added to
+		the taglist.
 		Display the logged debug messages from the taglist plugin.
+		This command works only when logging to a script-local
+		variable.
+						*:TlistOpen*
+:TlistOpen	Open and jump to the taglist window. Creates the taglist
+		window, if the window is not opened currently. After executing
+		this command, the cursor is moved to the taglist window.  When
+		the taglist window is opened for the first time, all the files
+		in the buffer list are processed and the tags defined in them
+		are displayed in the taglist window.
 :TlistSessionSave {filename}
-		Save the information about files and tags displayed in the
-		taglist window to the specified file. This command can be used
-		to save and restore the taglist window contents across Vim
-		sessions.
+		Saves the information about files and tags in the taglist to
+		the specified file. This command can be used to save and
+		restore the taglist contents across Vim sessions.
 :TlistSessionLoad {filename}
 		Load the information about files and tags stored in the
-		specified session file and update the taglist window with
-		the tags stored in the session file.
+		specified session file to the taglist.
 :TlistShowPrototype [filename] [linenumber]
-		Display the prototype of the tag at or below the specified
+		Display the prototype of the tag at or before the specified
 		line number. If the file name and the line number are not
 		specified, then the current file name and line number are
 		used. A tag spans multiple lines starting from the line where
@@ -822,31 +1021,46 @@
 :TlistShowTag [filename] [linenumber]
-		Display the name of the tag defined at or below the specified
+		Display the name of the tag defined at or before the specified
 		line number. If the file name and the line number are not
 		specified, then the current file name and line number are
 		used. A tag spans multiple lines starting from the line where
 		it is defined to the line before the next tag. This command
 		displays the tag name for any line number in this range. 
-						*:TlistSync*
-:TlistSync	Highlight the current tag in the taglist window. By default,
+						*:TlistHighlightTag*
+		Highlight the current tag in the taglist window. By default,
 		the taglist plugin periodically updates the taglist window to
 		highlight the current tag. This command can be used to force
 		the taglist plugin to highlight the current tag.
+						*:TlistToggle*
+:TlistToggle	Open or close (toggle) the taglist window. Opens the taglist
+		window, if the window is not opened currently. Closes the
+		taglist window, if the taglist window is already opened. When
+		the taglist window is opened for the first time, all the files
+		in the buffer list are processed and the tags are displayed in
+		the taglist window. After executing this command, the cursor
+		is not moved from the current window to the taglist window.
 		Stop logging of debug messages from the taglist plugin.
+						*:TlistUnlock*
+		Unlock the taglist and start processing newly edited files.
-:TlistUpdate	Update the tags displayed for the current buffer. This
-		command can be used to force an update of the tags for the
-		current file/buffer. As the taglist plugin uses the file saved
-		in the disk (instead of the file displayed in a Vim buffer),
-		you should save the modified buffer before you update the
-		taglist window. Otherwise the listed tags will not include the
-		new tags created in the buffer.
+:TlistUpdate	Update the tags information for the current buffer. This
+		command can be used to re-process the current file/buffer and
+		get the tags information. As the taglist plugin uses the file
+		saved in the disk (instead of the file displayed in a Vim
+		buffer), you should save a modified buffer before you update
+		the taglist. Otherwise the listed tags will not include the
+		new tags created in the buffer. You can use this command even
+		when the taglist window is not opened.
@@ -858,13 +1072,13 @@
 |Tlist_Update_File_Tags()|		Update the tags for the specified file
 |Tlist_Get_Tag_Prototype_By_Line()|	Return the prototype of the tag at or
-				    	below the specified line number in the
+				    	before the specified line number in the
 				    	specified file.
-|Tlist_Get_Tagname_By_Line()|		Return the name of the tag at or below
-				    	the specified line number in the
-				    	specified file.
-|Tlist_Set_App()|			Set the name of the app controlling
-				    	the taglist window.
+|Tlist_Get_Tagname_By_Line()|		Return the name of the tag at or
+					before the specified line number in
+					the specified file.
+|Tlist_Set_App()|			Set the name of the application
+					controlling the taglist window.
 Tlist_Update_File_Tags({filename}, {filetype})
@@ -875,14 +1089,14 @@
 Tlist_Get_Tag_Prototype_By_Line([{filename}, {linenumber}])
-		Return the prototype of the tag at or below the specified
+		Return the prototype of the tag at or before the specified
 		line number in the specified file. If the filename and line
 		number are not specified, then the current buffer name and the
 		current line number are used.
 Tlist_Get_Tagname_By_Line([{filename}, {linenumber}])
-		Return the name of the tag at or below the specified line
+		Return the name of the tag at or before the specified line
 		number in the specified file. If the filename and line number
 		are not specified, then the current buffer name and the
 		current line number are used.
@@ -933,8 +1147,8 @@
 For example, to modify the support for the perl language files, you have to
 set the tlist_perl_settings variable.
-The format of the value set in the tlist_xxx_settings variable is >
+The format of the value set in the tlist_xxx_settings variable is
 The different fields in the value are separated by the ';' character.
@@ -954,8 +1168,8 @@
 be set to 'functions'. This field can be set to any text string name.
 For example, to list only the classes and functions defined in a C++
-language file, add the following lines to your .vimrc file >
+language file, add the following lines to your .vimrc file
 	let tlist_cpp_settings = 'c++;c:class;f:function'
 In the above setting, 'cpp' is the Vim filetype name and 'c++' is the name
@@ -965,8 +1179,8 @@
 in the taglist window.
 For example, to display only functions defined in a C file and to use "My
-Functions" as the title for the function tags, use >
+Functions" as the title for the function tags, use
 	let tlist_c_settings = 'c;f:My Functions'
 When you set the tlist_xxx_settings variable, you will override the default
@@ -996,20 +1210,34 @@
 Q. The taglist plugin doesn't work. The taglist window is empty and the tags
    defined in a file are not displayed. 
 A. Are you using Vim version 6.0 and above? The taglist plugin relies on the
-   features supported by Vim version 6.0 and above. 
+   features supported by Vim version 6.0 and above. You can use the following
+   command to get the Vim version:
+	$ vim --version
    Are you using exuberant ctags version 5.0 and above? The taglist plugin
    relies on the features supported by exuberant ctags and will not work with
-   GNU ctags or the Unix ctags utility. 
+   GNU ctags or the Unix ctags utility. You can use the following command to
+   determine whether the ctags installed in your system is exuberant ctags:
+	$ ctags --version
    Did you turn on the Vim filetype detection? The taglist plugin relies on
    the filetype detected by Vim and passes the filetype to the exuberant ctags
-   utility to parse the tags. Add the following line to the .vimrc or _vimrc
-   file to enable Vim filetype detection: >
+   utility to parse the tags. Check the output of the following Vim command:
+	:filetype
+   To turn on the filetype detection, add the following line to the .vimrc or
+   _vimrc file:
 	filetype on
    Is your version of Vim compiled with the support for the system() function?
+   The following Vim command should display 1:
+	:echo exists('*system')
    In some Linux distributions (particularly Suse Linux), the default Vim
    installation is built without the support for the system() function. The
    taglist plugin uses the system() function to invoke the exuberant ctags
@@ -1017,8 +1245,8 @@
    system() function. If you use the default build options, the system()
    function will be supported. 
-   Do you have the |shellslash| option set? You can try disabling the
-   |shellslash| option. When the taglist plugin invokes the exuberant ctags
+   Do you have the |'shellslash'| option set? You can try disabling the
+   |'shellslash'| option. When the taglist plugin invokes the exuberant ctags
    utility with the path to the file, if the incorrect slashes are used, then
    you will see errors. 
@@ -1033,9 +1261,9 @@
    Run the following command from the shell and see whether you see
    your tags in the output from exuberant ctags:
-	ctags  -f - --format=2 --excmd=pattern --fields=nks <filename>
+	ctags -f - --format=2 --excmd=pattern --fields=nks <filename>
    If you see your tags in the output from the above command, then the
    exuberant ctags utility is properly parsing your file.
@@ -1051,13 +1279,19 @@
    name. For example, if the temporary directory name is "C:\Documents and
    Settings\xyz\Local Settings\Temp", then try setting the TEMP variable to
    the following:
 	set TEMP=C:\DOCUMEN~1\xyz\LOCALS~1\Temp
    If exuberant ctags is installed in a directory with space characters in the
    name, then try adding the directory to the PATH environment variable or try
-   copying the exuberant ctags to a path without space characters in the name.
+   setting the 'Tlist_Ctags_Cmd' variable to the shortest path name to ctags
+   or try copying the exuberant ctags to a path without space characters in
+   the name. For example, if exuberant ctags is installed in the directory
+   "C:\Program Files\Ctags", then try setting the 'Tlist_Ctags_Cmd' variable
+   as below:
+	let Tlist_Ctags_Cmd='C:\Progra~1\Ctags\ctags.exe'
 Q. When I try to open the taglist window, I am seeing the following error
    message. How do I fix this problem?
@@ -1069,7 +1303,7 @@
    You will see an error message similar to the one shown above, if you try
    use a non-exuberant ctags program with Vim. To fix this problem, either add
    the exuberant ctags tool location to the PATH environment variable or set
-   the Tlist_Ctags_Cmd variable.
+   the 'Tlist_Ctags_Cmd' variable.
 Q. A file has more than one tag with the same name. When I select a tag name
    from the taglist window, the cursor is positioned at the incorrect tag
@@ -1089,7 +1323,7 @@
 Q. I have created a ctags file using the exuberant ctags utility for my source
    tree. How do I configure the taglist plugin to use this tags file? 
-A. The taglist plugin doesn't a tags file stored in disk. For every opened
+A. The taglist plugin doesn't use a tags file stored in disk. For every opened
    file, the taglist plugin invokes the exuberant ctags utility to get the
    list of tags dynamically. The Vim system() function is used to invoke
    exuberant ctags and get the ctags output. This function internally uses a
@@ -1097,17 +1331,17 @@
    from the command is read. So you will never see the file that contains the
    output of exuberant ctags.
-Q. When I set the |updatetime| option to a low value (less than 1000) and if I
-   keep pressing a key with the taglist window open, the current buffer
+Q. When I set the |'updatetime'| option to a low value (less than 1000) and if
+   I keep pressing a key with the taglist window open, the current buffer
    contents are changed. Why is this?
 A. The taglist plugin uses the |CursorHold| autocmd to highlight the current
-   tag. The CursorHold autocmd triggers for every 'updatetime' milliseconds.
-   If the 'updatetime' option is set to a low value, then the CursorHold
+   tag. The CursorHold autocmd triggers for every |'updatetime'| milliseconds.
+   If the |'updatetime'| option is set to a low value, then the CursorHold
    autocmd will be triggered frequently. As the taglist plugin changes
    the focus to the taglist window to highlight the current tag, this could
    interfere with the key movement resulting in changing the contents of
    the current buffer. The workaround for this problem is to not set the
-   'updatetime' option to a low value.
+   |'updatetime'| option to a low value.
@@ -1118,12 +1352,9 @@
 2. Support for displaying tags in a modified (not-yet-saved) file. 
 3. Automatically open the taglist window only for selected filetypes.
    For other filetypes, close the taglist window. 
-4. Taglist plugin doesn't work properly with the Vim session support.
-   When a session with taglist window is saved and restored, the plugin
-   doesn't update the window. 
-5. When using the shell from the MKS toolkit, the taglist plugin 
+4. When using the shell from the MKS toolkit, the taglist plugin 
    doesn't work.
-6. The taglist plugin doesn't work with files edited remotely using the
+5. The taglist plugin doesn't work with files edited remotely using the
    netrw plugin. The exuberant ctags utility cannot process files over
    scp/rcp/ftp, etc.

Added: trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/doc/vcscommand.txt
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-vim/trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/doc/vcscommand.txt?rev=743&op=file
--- trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/doc/vcscommand.txt (added)
+++ trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/doc/vcscommand.txt Tue Aug 22 18:24:29 2006
@@ -1,0 +1,653 @@
+*vcscommand.txt*	vcscommand
+TODO:  Change installation
+For instructions on installing this file, type
+	:help add-local-help
+inside Vim.
+Author:  Bob Hiestand <bob.hiestand at gmail.com>
+Credits:  Benji Fisher's excellent MatchIt documentation
+1. Contents						*vcscommand-contents*
+	Installation		: |vcscommand-install|
+	vcscommand Intro	: |vcscommand|
+	vcscommand Manual	: |vcscommand-manual|
+	Customization		: |vcscommand-customize|
+	SSH "integration"	: |vcscommand-ssh|
+	Bugs			: |vcscommand-bugs|
+2. vcscommand Installation				*vcscommand-install*
+The vcscommand plugin comprises two files, vcscommand.vim and vcscommand.txt
+(this file).  In order to install the plugin, place the vcscommand.vim file
+into a plugin' directory in your runtime path (please see |add-global-plugin|
+and |'runtimepath'|.
+vcscommand may be customized by setting variables, creating maps, and
+specifying event handlers.  Please see |vcscommand-customize| for more
+This help file can be included in the VIM help system by copying it into a
+'doc' directory in your runtime path and then executing the |:helptags|
+command, specifying the full path of the 'doc' directory.  Please see
+|add-local-help| for more details.
+3. vcscommand Intro					*vcscommand*
+							*vcscommand-intro*
+The vcscommand plugin provides global ex commands for manipulating
+version-controlled source files, currently those controlled either by CVS or
+Subversion.  In general, each command operates on the current buffer and
+accomplishes a separate source control function, such as update, commit, log,
+and others (please see |vcscommand-commands| for a list of all available
+commands).  The results of each operation are displayed in a scratch buffer.
+Several buffer variables are defined for those scratch buffers (please see
+The notion of "current file" means either the current buffer, or, in the case
+of a directory buffer (such as Explorer or netrw buffers), the directory (and
+all subdirectories) represented by the the buffer.
+For convenience, any vcscommand invoked on a vcscommand scratch buffer acts as
+though it was invoked on the original file and splits the screen so that the
+output appears in a new window.
+Many of the commands accept revisions as arguments.  By default, most operate
+on the most recent revision on the current branch if no revision is specified.
+Each vcscommand is mapped to a key sequence starting with the <Leader>
+keystroke.  The default mappings may be overridden by supplying different
+mappings before the plugin is loaded, such as in the vimrc, in the standard
+fashion for plugin mappings.  For examples, please see
+The vcscommand plugin may be configured in several ways.  For more details,
+please see |vcscommand-customize|.
+4. vcscommand Manual					*vcscommand-manual*
+4.1 vcscommand commands					*vcscommand-commands*
+vcscommand defines the following commands:
+The following commands are specific to CVS files:
+The following commands are specific to SVN files:
+:VCSAdd							*:VCSAdd*
+This command adds the current file to source control.  Please note, this does
+not commit the newly-added file.
+:VCSAnnotate						*:VCSAnnotate*
+This command displays the current file with each line annotated with the
+version in which it was most recently changed.  If an argument is given, the
+argument is used as a revision number to display.  If not given an argument,
+it uses the most recent version of the file (on the current branch, if under
+CVS control).  Additionally, if the current buffer is a VCSAnnotate buffer
+already, the version number on the current line is used.
+The filetype of the vcscommand scratch buffer is set to either 'CVSAnnotate'
+or 'SVNAnnotate' as appropriate, to take advantage of the bundled syntax
+:VCSCommit[!]						*:VCSCommit*
+This command commits changes to the current file to source control.
+If called with arguments, the arguments are the log message.
+If '!' is used, an empty log message is committed.
+If called with no arguments, this is a two-step command.  The first step opens
+a buffer to accept a log message.  When that buffer is written, it is
+automatically closed and the file is committed using the information from that
+log message.  The commit can be abandoned if the log message buffer is deleted
+or wiped before being written.
+Alternatively, the mapping that is used to invoke :VCSCommit (by default
+<Leader>cc) can be used in the log message buffer to immediately commit.  This
+is useful if the |VCSCommandCommitOnWrite| variable is set to 0 to disable the
+normal commit-on-write behavior.
+:VCSDiff						*:VCSDiff*
+With no arguments, this displays the differences between the current file and
+its parent version under source control in a new scratch buffer.
+With one argument, the diff is performed on the current file against the
+specified revision.
+With two arguments, the diff is performed between the specified revisions of
+the current file.
+For CVS, this command uses the |VCSCommandCVSDiffOpt| variable to specify diff
+options.  If that variable does not exist, a plugin-specific default is used.
+If you wish to have no options, then set it to the empty string.
+:VCSGotoOriginal					*:VCSGotoOriginal*
+This command jumps to the source buffer if the current buffer is a VCS scratch
+Like ":VCSGotoOriginal" but also executes :bufwipeout on all VCS scrach
+buffers associated with the original file.
+:VCSLock						*:VCSLock*
+This command locks the current file in order to prevent other users from
+concurrently modifying it.  The exact semantics of this command depend on the
+underlying VCS.  This does nothing in CVS.
+:VCSLog							*:VCSLog*
+Displays the version history of the current file in a new scratch buffer.  Any
+options are taken as revision parameters to be passed through to the
+underlying VCS.
+:VCSRevert						*:VCSRevert*
+This command replaces the current file with the most recent version from the
+repository in order to wipe out any undesired changes.
+:VCSReview						*:VCSReview*
+Displays a particular version of the current file in a new scratch buffer.  If
+no argument is given, the most recent version of the file on the current
+branch is retrieved.
+:VCSStatus						*:VCSStatus*
+Displays versioning information about the current file in a new scratch
+:VCSUnlock						*:VCSUnlock*
+Unlocks the current file in order to allow other users from concurrently
+modifying it.  The exact semantics of this command depend on the underlying
+:VCSUpdate						*:VCSUpdate*
+Updates the current file with any relevant changes from the repository.  This
+intentionally does not automatically reload the current buffer, though vim
+should prompt the user to do so if the underlying file is altered by this
+:VCSVimDiff						*:VCSVimDiff*
+Uses vimdiff to display differences between versions of the current file.
+If no revision is specified, the most recent version of the file on the
+current branch is used.  With one argument, that argument is used as the
+revision as above.  With two arguments, the differences between the two
+revisions is displayed using vimdiff.
+With either zero or one argument, the original buffer is used to perform the
+vimdiff.  When the scratch buffer is closed, the original buffer will be
+returned to normal mode.
+Once vimdiff mode is started using the above methods, additional vimdiff
+buffers may be added by passing a single version argument to the command.
+There may be up to 4 vimdiff buffers total.
+Using the 2-argument form of the command resets the vimdiff to only those 2
+versions.  Additionally, invoking the command on a different file will close
+the previous vimdiff buffers.
+:CVSEdit						*:CVSEdit*
+This command performs "cvs edit" on the current file.  Yes, the output buffer
+in this case is almost completely useless.
+:CVSEditors						*:CVSEditors*
+This command performs "cvs edit" on the current file.
+:CVSUnedit						*:CVSUnedit*
+Performs "cvs unedit" on the current file.  Again, yes, the output buffer here
+is basically useless.
+:CVSWatch						*:CVSWatch*
+This command takes an argument which must be one of [on|off|add|remove].  The
+command performs "cvs watch" with the given argument on the current file.
+:CVSWatchAdd						*:CVSWatchAdd*
+This command is an alias for ":CVSWatch add"
+:CVSWatchOn						*:CVSWatchOn*
+This command is an alias for ":CVSWatch on"
+:CVSWatchOff						*:CVSWatchOff*
+This command is an alias for ":CVSWatch off"
+:CVSWatchRemove						*:CVSWatchRemove*
+This command is an alias for ":CVSWatch remove"
+:CVSWatchers						*:CVSWatchers*
+This command performs "cvs watchers" on the current file.
+:SVNInfo						*:SVNInfo*
+This command performs "svn info" on the current file.
+4.2 Mappings						*vcscommand-mappings*
+By default, a mapping is defined for each command.  These mappings execute the
+default (no-argument) form of each command.
+<Leader>ca VCSAdd
+<Leader>cn VCSAnnotate
+<Leader>cc VCSCommit
+<Leader>cd VCSDiff
+<Leader>cg VCSGotoOriginal
+<Leader>cG VCSGotoOriginal!
+<Leader>cl VCSLog
+<Leader>cr VCSReview
+<Leader>cs VCSStatus
+<Leader>cu VCSUpdate
+<Leader>cv VCSVimDiff
+Only for CVS buffers:
+<Leader>ce CVSEdit
+<Leader>ci CVSEditors
+<Leader>ct CVSUnedit
+<Leader>cwv CVSWatchers
+<Leader>cwa CVSWatchAdd
+<Leader>cwn CVSWatchOn
+<Leader>cwf CVSWatchOff
+<Leader>cwf CVSWatchRemove
+Only for SVN buffers:
+<Leader>ci SVNInfo
+						*vcscommand-mappings-override*
+The default mappings can be overriden by user-provided instead by mapping to
+<Plug>CommandName.  This is especially useful when these mappings collide with
+other existing mappings (vim will warn of this during plugin initialization,
+but will not clobber the existing mappings).
+For instance, to override the default mapping for :VCSAdd to set it to '\add',
+add the following to the vimrc:
+nmap \add <Plug>VCSAdd
+4.3 Automatic buffer variables			*vcscommand-buffer-variables*
+Several buffer variables are defined in each vcscommand result buffer.	These
+may be useful for additional customization in callbacks defined in the event
+handlers (please see |vcscommand-events|).
+The following variables are automatically defined:
+b:VCSCommandOriginalBuffer			*b:VCSCommandOriginalBuffer*
+This variable is set to the buffer number of the source file.
+b:VCSCommandCommand				*b:VCSCommandCommand*
+This variable is set to the name of the vcscommand that created the result
+b:VCSCommandSourceFile				*b:VCSCommandSourceFile*
+This variable is set to the name of the original file under source control.
+b:VCSCommandVCSType				*b:VCSCommandVCSType*
+This variable is set to the type of the source control.  This variable is also
+set on the original file itself.
+5. Configuration and customization			*vcscommand-customize*
+							*vcscommand-config*
+The vcscommand plugin can be configured in two ways:  by setting configuration
+variables (see |vcscommand-options|) or by defining vcscommand event handlers
+(see |vcscommand-events|).  Additionally, the vcscommand plugin supports a
+customized status line (see |vcscommand-statusline| and
+5.1 vcscommand configuration variables			*vcscommand-options*
+Several variables affect the plugin's behavior.  These variables are checked
+at time of execution, and may be defined at the window, buffer, or global
+level and are checked in that order of precedence.
+The following variables are available:
+VCSCommandCommitOnWrite				*VCSCommandCommitOnWrite*
+This variable, if set to a non-zero value, causes the pending commit
+to take place immediately as soon as the log message buffer is written.
+If set to zero, only the VCSCommit mapping will cause the pending commit to
+occur.	If not set, it defaults to 1.
+VCSCommandCVSExec				*VCSCommandCVSExec*
+This variable controls the executable used for all CVS commands  If not set,
+it defaults to "cvs".
+VCSCommandDeleteOnHide				*VCSCommandDeleteOnHide*
+This variable, if set to a non-zero value, causes the temporary result buffers
+to automatically delete themselves when hidden.
+VCSCommandCVSDiffOpt				*VCSCommandDiffOpt*
+This variable, if set, determines the options passed to the diff command of
+CVS.  If not set, it defaults to 'u'.
+VCSCommandDiffSplit				*VCSCommandDiffSplit*
+This variable overrides the |VCSCommandSplit| variable, but only for buffers
+created with |:VCSVimDiff|.
+VCSCommandEdit					*VCSCommandEdit*
+This variable controls whether the original buffer is replaced ('edit') or
+split ('split').  If not set, it defaults to 'split'.
+VCSCommandEnableBufferSetup			*VCSCommandEnableBufferSetup*
+This variable, if set to a non-zero value, activates VCS buffer management
+mode see (|vcscommand-buffer-management|).  This mode means that the
+'VCSCommandBufferInfo' variable is filled with version information if the file
+is VCS-controlled.  This is useful for displaying version information in the
+status bar.
+VCSCommandSplit					*VCSCommandSplit*
+This variable controls the orientation of the various window splits that
+may occur.
+If set to 'horizontal', the resulting windows will be on stacked on top of
+one another.  If set to 'vertical', the resulting windows will be
+side-by-side.  If not set, it defaults to 'horizontal' for all but
+VCSVimDiff windows.
+VCSCommandSVNExec				*VCSCommandSVNExec*
+This variable controls the executable used for all SVN commands  If not set,
+it defaults to "svn".
+5.2 VCSCommand events				*vcscommand-events*
+For additional customization, vcscommand can trigger user-defined events.
+Event handlers are provided by defining User event autocommands (see
+|autocommand|, |User|) in the vcscommand group with patterns matching the
+event name.
+For instance, the following could be added to the vimrc to provide a 'q'
+mapping to quit a vcscommand scratch buffer:
+augroup VCSCommand
+  au User VCSBufferCreated silent! nmap <unique> <buffer> q: bwipeout<cr>
+augroup END
+The following hooks are available:
+VCSBufferCreated		This event is fired just after a vcscommand
+                                result buffer is created and populated.  It is
+                                executed within the context of the vcscommand
+                                buffer.  The vcscommand buffer variables may
+                                be useful for handlers of this event (please
+                                see |vcscommand-buffer-variables|).
+VCSBufferSetup			This event is fired just after vcscommand buffer
+                                setup occurs, if enabled.
+VCSPluginInit			This event is fired when the vcscommand plugin
+				first loads.
+VCSPluginFinish			This event is fired just after the vcscommand
+				plugin loads.
+VCSVimDiffFinish		This event is fired just after the VCSVimDiff
+				command executes to allow customization of,
+				for instance, window placement and focus.
+Additionally, there is another hook which is used internally to handle loading
+the multiple scripts in order.  This hook should probably not be used by an
+end user without a good idea of how it works.  Among other things, any events
+associated with this hook are cleared after they are executed (during
+vcscommand.vim script initialization).
+VCSLoadExtensions		This event is fired just before the
+                                VCSPluginFinish.  It is used internally to
+                                execute any commands from the VCS
+                                implementation plugins that needs to be
+                                deferred until the primary plugin is
+                                initialized.
+5.3 vcscommand buffer naming				*vcscommand-naming*
+vcscommand result buffers use the following naming convention:
+[{VCS type} {VCS command} {Source file name}]
+If additional buffers are created that would otherwise conflict, a
+distinguishing number is added:
+[{VCS type} {VCS command} {Source file name}] (1,2, etc)
+5.4 vcscommand status line support			*vcscommand-statusline*
+It is intended that the user will customize the |'statusline'| option to
+include vcscommand result buffer attributes.  A sample function that may be
+used in the |'statusline'| option is provided by the plugin,
+VCSCommandGetStatusLine().  In order to use that function in the status line, do
+something like the following:
+set statusline=%<%f\ %{VCSCommandGetStatusLine()}\ %h%m%r%=%l,%c%V\ %P
+of which %{VCSCommandGetStatusLine()} is the relevant portion.
+The sample VCSCommandGetStatusLine() function handles both vcscommand result
+buffers and VCS-managed files if vcscommand buffer management is enabled
+(please see |vcscommand-buffer-management|).
+5.5 vcscommand buffer management		*vcscommand-buffer-management*
+The vcscommand plugin can operate in buffer management mode, which means that
+it attempts to set a buffer variable ('VCSCommandBufferInfo') upon entry into
+a buffer.  This is rather slow because it means that the VCS will be invoked
+at each entry into a buffer (during the |BufEnter| autocommand).
+This mode is disabled by default.  In order to enable it, set the
+|VCSCommandEnableBufferSetup| variable to a true (non-zero) value.  Enabling
+this mode simply provides the buffer variable mentioned above.  The user must
+explicitly include information from the variable in the |'statusline'| option
+if they are to appear in the status line (but see |vcscommand-statusline| for
+a simple way to do that).
+The 'VCSCommandBufferInfo' variable is a list which contains, in order, the
+revision of the current file, the latest revision of the file in the
+repository, and (for CVS) the name of the branch.  If those values cannot be
+determined, the list is a single element:  'Unknown'.
+6. SSH "integration"					*vcscommand-ssh*
+The following instructions are intended for use in integrating the
+vcscommand.vim plugin with an SSH-based CVS environment.
+Familiarity with SSH and CVS are assumed.
+These instructions assume that the intent is to have a message box pop up in
+order to allow the user to enter a passphrase.  If, instead, the user is
+comfortable using certificate-based authentication, then only instructions
+6.1.1 and 6.1.2 (and optionally 6.1.4) need to be followed; ssh should then
+work transparently.
+6.1 Environment settings				*vcscommand-ssh-env*
+6.1.1 CVSROOT should be set to something like:
+	:ext:user at host:/path_to_repository
+6.1.2 CVS_RSH should be set to:
+	ssh
+	Together, those settings tell CVS to use ssh as the transport when
+	performing CVS calls.
+6.1.3 SSH_ASKPASS should be set to the password-dialog program.  In my case,
+	running gnome, it's set to:
+	/usr/libexec/openssh/gnome-ssh-askpass
+	This tells SSH how to get passwords if no input is available.
+6.1.4 OPTIONAL.  You may need to set SSH_SERVER to the location of the cvs
+	executable on the remote (server) machine.
+6.2 CVS wrapper program				*vcscommand-ssh-wrapper*
+Now you need to convince SSH to use the password-dialog program.  This means
+you need to execute SSH (and therefore CVS) without standard input.  The
+following script is a simple perl wrapper that dissasociates the CVS command
+from the current terminal.  Specific steps to do this may vary from system to
+system; the following example works for me on linux.
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+use strict;
+use POSIX qw(setsid);
+open STDIN, '/dev/null';
+fork and do {wait; exit;};
+exec('cvs', @ARGV);
+6.3 Configuring vcscommand.vim			*vcscommand-ssh-config*
+At this point, you should be able to use your wrapper script to invoke CVS with
+various commands, and get the password dialog.  All that's left is to make CVS
+use your newly-created wrapper script.
+6.3.1 Tell vcscommand.vim what CVS executable to use.  The easiest way to do this
+	is globally, by putting the following in your .vimrc:
+	let VCSCommandCVSExec=/path/to/cvs/wrapper/script
+6.4 Where to go from here			*vcscommand-ssh-other*
+The script given above works even when non-SSH CVS connections are used,
+except possibly when interactively entering the message for CVS commit log
+(depending on the editor you use... VIM works fine).  Since the vcscommand.vim
+plugin handles that message without a terminal, the wrapper script can be used
+all the time.
+This allows mixed-mode operation, where some work is done with SSH-based CVS
+repositories, and others with pserver or local access.
+It is possible, though beyond the scope of the plugin, to dynamically set the
+CVS executable based on the CVSROOT for the file being edited.  The user
+events provided (such as VCSBufferCreated and VCSBufferSetup) can be used to
+set a buffer-local value (b:VCSCommandCVSExec) to override the CVS executable
+on a file-by-file basis.  Alternatively, much the same can be done (less
+automatically) by the various project-oriented plugins out there.
+It is highly recommended for ease-of-use that certificates with no passphrase
+or ssh-agent are employed so that the user is not given the password prompt
+too often.
+9. Tips							*vcscommand-tips*
+9.1 Split window annotation, by Michael Anderson
+:nmap <Leader>cN :vs<CR><C-w>h<Leader>cn:vertical res 40<CR>
+                 \ggdddd:set scb<CR>:set nowrap<CR><C-w>lgg:set scb<CR>
+                 \:set nowrap<CR>
+This splits the buffer vertically, puts an annotation on the left (minus the
+header) with the width set to 40. An editable/normal copy is placed on the
+right.  The two versions are scroll locked so they  move as one. and wrapping
+is turned off so that the lines line up correctly. The advantages are...
+1) You get a versioning on the right.
+2) You can still edit your own code.
+3) Your own code still has syntax highlighting.
+Note, this only works if the 'VCSCommandEdit' option is set to 'edit'.
+Additionally, this is intended for use with unedited files, as otherwise the
+annotated copy from the repository will be out-of-sync with respect to the
+edited version.
+8. Known bugs						*vcscommand-bugs*
+Please let me know if you run across any.
+CVSUnedit may, if a file is changed from the repository, provide prompt text
+to determine whether the changes should be thrown away.  Currently, that text
+shows up in the CVS result buffer as information; there is no way for the user
+to actually respond to the prompt and the CVS unedit command does nothing.  If
+this really bothers anyone, please let me know.
+VCSVimDiff, when using the original (real) source buffer as one of the diff
+buffers, uses some hacks to try to restore the state of the original buffer
+when the scratch buffer containing the other version is destroyed.  There may
+still be bugs in here, depending on many configuration details.

Modified: trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/html/ftplugin_po.vim.html
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-vim/trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/html/ftplugin_po.vim.html?rev=743&op=diff
--- trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/html/ftplugin_po.vim.html (original)
+++ trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/html/ftplugin_po.vim.html Tue Aug 22 18:24:29 2006
@@ -153,8 +153,8 @@
   <td class="lightbg"><b>&nbsp;script karma&nbsp;</b></td>
-    Rating <b>54/17</b>,
-    Downloaded by 587  </td>
+    Rating <b>100/36</b>,
+    Downloaded by 999  </td>
@@ -248,11 +248,27 @@
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Modified: trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/html/ftplugin_xml.vim.html
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-vim/trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/html/ftplugin_xml.vim.html?rev=743&op=diff
--- trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/html/ftplugin_xml.vim.html (original)
+++ trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/html/ftplugin_xml.vim.html Tue Aug 22 18:24:29 2006
@@ -153,8 +153,8 @@
   <td class="lightbg"><b>&nbsp;script karma&nbsp;</b></td>
-    Rating <b>528/197</b>,
-    Downloaded by 8198  </td>
+    Rating <b>747/281</b>,
+    Downloaded by 12379  </td>
@@ -167,10 +167,10 @@
 <tr><td class="prompt">description</td></tr>
-<tr><td>This script provides some convenience when editing XML (and some SGML including
<br>HTML) formated documents. It allows you to jump to the beginning or end of the
<br>tag block your cursor is in. '%' will jump between '&lt;' and '&gt;' within the tag
<br>your cursor is in. When in insert mode and you finish a tag (pressing '&gt;') the
<br>tag will be completed. If you press '&gt;' twice it will complete the tag and
<br>place the cursor in the middle of the tags on it's own line.</td></tr>
+<tr><td>This script provides some convenience when editing XML (and some SGML including
<br>HTML) formated documents. It allows you to jump to the beginning or end of the
<br>tag block your cursor is in. '%' will jump between '&lt;' and '&gt;' within the tag
<br>your cursor is in. When in insert mode and you finish a tag (pressing '&gt;') the
<br>tag will be completed. If you press '&gt;' twice it will complete the tag and
<br>place the cursor in the middle of the tags on it's own line.
<br>For the latest development snapshot visit
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a target="_blank" href="http://tritarget.com/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/xmledit/ftplugin/xml.vim">http://tritarget.com/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/xmledit/ftplugin/xml.vim</A></td></tr>
 <tr><td class="prompt">install details</td></tr>
-<tr><td>This new version has the documentation coupled with the script. You only need one file xml.vim.
<br>Place this file in your ftplugin directory (i.e. '~/.vim/ftplugin/xml.vim) Type :help ftplugins for more information on installation.
<br>The documentation will install automatically the first time the plugin is ran.
<br>The html.vim script that came with the old tarball is now in the documentation as an example. to use it just copy/paste it into the file html.vim. See :help xml-plugin-html after the documentation installs.
<br>ChangeLog and older versions availiable on request.</td></tr>
+<tr><td>This new version has the documentation coupled with the script. You only need one file xml.vim.
<br>Place this file in your ftplugin directory (i.e. '~/.vim/ftplugin/xml.vim) Type :help ftplugins for more information on installation.
<br>The documentation will install automatically the first time the plugin is ran. *NOTE* the first time the plugin is ran is NOT the first time VIM is ran. Because this is a file plugin you have to open an XML document to execute the script. So open a new test.xml file at first.
<br>The html.vim script that came with the old tarball is now in the documentation as an example. to use it just copy/paste it into the file html.vim. See :help xml-plugin-html after the documentation installs.
<br>ChangeLog and older versions availiable on request.</td></tr>
@@ -204,12 +204,20 @@
     <th valign="top">release notes</th>
-        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=3030">xml.vim</a></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.20</b></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2004-05-17</i></td>
+        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=4280">xml.vim</a></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.29</b></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2005-05-14</i></td>
     <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
     <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=667">Devin Weaver</a></i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">New package is self contained. Documentation installs automatically.</td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Fixed some documentation. Added &lt;a&gt; tag to html example.
<br>Added Visual select tag mapping. Cosmetics</td>
+        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=3030">xml.vim</a></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.20</b></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2004-05-17</i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=667">Devin Weaver</a></i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">New package is self contained. Documentation installs automatically.</td>
 <!-- finish off the framework -->
@@ -240,11 +248,27 @@
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Modified: trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/html/games_VimSokoban_sokoban.vim.html
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-vim/trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/html/games_VimSokoban_sokoban.vim.html?rev=743&op=diff
--- trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/html/games_VimSokoban_sokoban.vim.html (original)
+++ trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/html/games_VimSokoban_sokoban.vim.html Tue Aug 22 18:24:29 2006
@@ -153,8 +153,8 @@
   <td class="lightbg"><b>&nbsp;script karma&nbsp;</b></td>
-    Rating <b>453/124</b>,
-    Downloaded by 3142  </td>
+    Rating <b>497/137</b>,
+    Downloaded by 4061  </td>
@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@
 <tr><td class="prompt">description</td></tr>
-<tr><td>The goal of VimSokoban is to push all the packages ($) into the&nbsp;&nbsp;home area (.) of each level using hjkl keys or the arrow keys. 
<br>The arrow keys move the player (X) in the&nbsp;&nbsp;corresponding direction, pushing a package if it is in the way and there is a clear 
<br>space on the other side.
<br>Use the 
<br>:Sokoban&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; - or -&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;:Sokoban &lt;level num&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; (no split window)
<br>:SokobanH&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; - or -&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;:SokobanH &lt;level num&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp; (horizontal split window)
<br>:SokobanV&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; - or -&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;:SokobanV &lt;level num&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp; (vertical split window)
<br>commands to start the game
<br>h or &lt;Left&gt; - move the man left
<br>j or &lt;Down&gt; - move the man down
<br>k or &lt;Up&gt; - move the man up
<br>l or &lt;Right&gt; - move the man right
<br>r - restart level
<br>n - next level
<br>p - previous level
<br>u - undo move
<br>Levels came from the xsokoban distribution which is in the public domain.
<br> <a target="_blank" href="http://xsokoban.lcs.mit.edu/xsokoban.html">http://xsokoban.lcs.mit.edu/xsokoban.html</A>
<br>Take a look at VIM Tetris (<a href="/scripts/script.php?script_id=172">vimscript#172</a>) too....the game which started the VIM Game revolution :) </td></tr>
+<tr><td>The goal of VimSokoban is to push all the packages ($) into the&nbsp;&nbsp;home area (.) of each level using hjkl keys or the arrow keys. 
<br>The arrow keys move the player (X) in the&nbsp;&nbsp;corresponding direction, pushing a package if it is in the way and there is a clear 
<br>space on the other side.
<br>Use the 
<br>:Sokoban&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; - or -&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;:Sokoban &lt;level num&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; (no split window)
<br>:SokobanH&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; - or -&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;:SokobanH &lt;level num&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp; (horizontal split window)
<br>:SokobanV&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; - or -&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;:SokobanV &lt;level num&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp; (vertical split window)
<br>commands to start the game
<br>h or &lt;Left&gt; - move the man left
<br>j or &lt;Down&gt; - move the man down
<br>k or &lt;Up&gt; - move the man up
<br>l or &lt;Right&gt; - move the man right
<br>r - restart level
<br>n - next level
<br>p - previous level
<br>u - undo move
<br>Levels came from the xsokoban distribution which is in the public domain.
<br> <a target="_blank" href="http://www.cs.cornell.edu/andru/xsokoban.html">http://www.cs.cornell.edu/andru/xsokoban.html</A>
<br>Take a look at VIM Tetris (<a href="/scripts/script.php?script_id=172">vimscript#172</a>) too....the game which started the VIM Game revolution :) </td></tr>
 <tr><td class="prompt">install details</td></tr>
 <tr><td>Run `tar -zxf VimSokoban.tar.gz`, this will unpack the installation into the VimSokoban directory. Contained in that directory 
<br>are the levels and the sokoban.vim script. Simply add sokoban.vim to your favorite vim plugin directory or source it directly.&nbsp;&nbsp;
<br>The directory containing the levels is found as follows, 
<br>1) if g:SokobanLevelDirectory is set that directory is used
<br>2) if $VIMSOKOBANDIR is set that directory is used
<br>3) if $HOME/VimSokoban exists it is used
<br>4) on WINDOWS, if c:\\VimSokoban exists it is used
<br>5) if a VimSokoban directory exists below the directory where the script lives exists it is used. (this means that if sokoban.vim 
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;is in your plugin directory you can put the levels into a directory called VimSokoban in your plugin directory)
<br>6) Finally, the directory where the script lives is considered. (this means that if you have the levels and the sokoban.vim 
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;script in the same directory it should be able to find the levels)
<br>(when setting g:SokobanLevelDirectory or $VIMSOKOBANDIR make sure that it contains a trailing / or \ (unix/windows). 
<br>You will need a VIM window which is 80 characters wide and about 35 lines. </td></tr>
@@ -280,11 +280,27 @@
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Modified: trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/html/games_tetris.vim.html
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-vim/trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/html/games_tetris.vim.html?rev=743&op=diff
--- trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/html/games_tetris.vim.html (original)
+++ trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/html/games_tetris.vim.html Tue Aug 22 18:24:29 2006
@@ -153,8 +153,8 @@
   <td class="lightbg"><b>&nbsp;script karma&nbsp;</b></td>
-    Rating <b>488/172</b>,
-    Downloaded by 7416  </td>
+    Rating <b>590/216</b>,
+    Downloaded by 10308  </td>
@@ -280,11 +280,27 @@
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Modified: trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/html/index.html
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-vim/trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/html/index.html?rev=743&op=diff
--- trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/html/index.html (original)
+++ trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/html/index.html Tue Aug 22 18:24:29 2006
@@ -13,19 +13,19 @@
    <li><a href="games_tetris.vim.html">games/tetris.vim.html</a></li>
    <li><a href="macros_closetag.vim.html">macros/closetag.vim.html</a></li>
    <li><a href="plugin_Align.vim.html">plugin/Align.vim.html</a></li>
+   <li><a href="plugin_AlignPlugin.vim.html">plugin/AlignPlugin.vim.html</a></li>
    <li><a href="plugin_EnhancedCommentify.vim.html">plugin/EnhancedCommentify.vim.html</a></li>
    <li><a href="plugin_a.vim.html">plugin/a.vim.html</a></li>
    <li><a href="plugin_bufexplorer.vim.html">plugin/bufexplorer.vim.html</a></li>
    <li><a href="plugin_calendar.vim.html">plugin/calendar.vim.html</a></li>
-   <li><a href="plugin_cvscommand.vim.html">plugin/cvscommand.vim.html</a></li>
    <li><a href="plugin_cvsmenu.vim.html">plugin/cvsmenu.vim.html</a></li>
    <li><a href="plugin_gnupg.vim.html">plugin/gnupg.vim.html</a></li>
    <li><a href="plugin_info.vim.html">plugin/info.vim.html</a></li>
    <li><a href="plugin_minibufexpl.vim.html">plugin/minibufexpl.vim.html</a></li>
-   <li><a href="plugin_svncommand.vim.html">plugin/svncommand.vim.html</a></li>
    <li><a href="plugin_taglist.vim.html">plugin/taglist.vim.html</a></li>
    <li><a href="plugin_themes.vim.html">plugin/themes.vim.html</a></li>
    <li><a href="plugin_utl.vim.html">plugin/utl.vim.html</a></li>
+   <li><a href="plugin_vcscommand.vim.html">plugin/vcscommand.vim.html</a></li>
    <li><a href="plugin_vimspell.vim.html">plugin/vimspell.vim.html</a></li>
    <li><a href="plugin_whatdomain.vim.html">plugin/whatdomain.vim.html</a></li>
    <li><a href="plugin_winmanager.vim.html">plugin/winmanager.vim.html</a></li>

Modified: trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/html/macros_closetag.vim.html
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-vim/trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/html/macros_closetag.vim.html?rev=743&op=diff
--- trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/html/macros_closetag.vim.html (original)
+++ trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/html/macros_closetag.vim.html Tue Aug 22 18:24:29 2006
@@ -153,8 +153,8 @@
   <td class="lightbg"><b>&nbsp;script karma&nbsp;</b></td>
-    Rating <b>362/124</b>,
-    Downloaded by 4304  </td>
+    Rating <b>498/175</b>,
+    Downloaded by 6168  </td>
@@ -204,20 +204,28 @@
     <th valign="top">release notes</th>
-        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=18">closetag.vim</a></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>0.9</b></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2001-06-08</i></td>
+        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=4318">closetag.vim</a></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>0.9.1</b></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2005-05-24</i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=43">Steven Mueller</a></i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Bugfix release: Changed function names to be script-local to avoid conflicts with other scripts' stack implementations.
+        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=18">closetag.vim</a></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>0.9</b></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2001-06-08</i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>5.7</td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=43">Steven Mueller</a></i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Added synID()-based comment awareness:
<br>Comment checking is now handled by vim's internal syntax checking.&nbsp;&nbsp;Closing tags outside comments only matches non-commented tags.&nbsp;&nbsp;Closing tags in comments matches only tags within comments, skipping blocks of normal code (wee!).&nbsp;&nbsp;Can be really slow if syn sync minlines is large.&nbsp;&nbsp;Set the b:closetag_disable_synID variable to disable comment contexts if it's too slow.
<br>Normal mode closetag now uses &lt;C-R&gt; in insert mode rather than p in normal mode:&nbsp;&nbsp;Tag closing no longer clobbers the unnamed register, and (for vim 6.0) Doesn't modify the undo buffer when no change was made.&nbsp;&nbsp;Made closetag_html_style variable buffer-local.&nbsp;&nbsp;Improved documentation (hopefully).
<br>Configuration Variables rundown:
<br>- b:unaryTagsStack&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Buffer local string containing a whitespace seperated list of element names that should be ignored while finding matching closetags.&nbsp;&nbsp;Checking is done according to the current setting of the ignorecase option.
<br>- b:closetag_html_style&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Define this (as with let b:closetag_html_style=1) and source the script again to set the unaryTagsStack to its default value for html.
<br>- b:closetag_disable_synID&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Define this to disable comment checking if tag closing is too slow.
+        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=15">closetag.vim</a></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>0.8</b></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2001-06-05</i></td>
     <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>5.7</td>
     <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=43">Steven Mueller</a></i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Added synID()-based comment awareness:
<br>Comment checking is now handled by vim's internal syntax checking.&nbsp;&nbsp;Closing tags outside comments only matches non-commented tags.&nbsp;&nbsp;Closing tags in comments matches only tags within comments, skipping blocks of normal code (wee!).&nbsp;&nbsp;Can be really slow if syn sync minlines is large.&nbsp;&nbsp;Set the b:closetag_disable_synID variable to disable comment contexts if it's too slow.
<br>Normal mode closetag now uses &lt;C-R&gt; in insert mode rather than p in normal mode:&nbsp;&nbsp;Tag closing no longer clobbers the unnamed register, and (for vim 6.0) Doesn't modify the undo buffer when no change was made.&nbsp;&nbsp;Made closetag_html_style variable buffer-local.&nbsp;&nbsp;Improved documentation (hopefully).
<br>Configuration Variables rundown:
<br>- b:unaryTagsStack&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Buffer local string containing a whitespace seperated list of element names that should be ignored while finding matching closetags.&nbsp;&nbsp;Checking is done according to the current setting of the ignorecase option.
<br>- b:closetag_html_style&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Define this (as with let b:closetag_html_style=1) and source the script again to set the unaryTagsStack to its default value for html.
<br>- b:closetag_disable_synID&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Define this to disable comment checking if tag closing is too slow.
-        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=15">closetag.vim</a></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>0.8</b></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2001-06-05</i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>5.7</td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=43">Steven Mueller</a></i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Initial upload</td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Initial upload</td>
 <!-- finish off the framework -->
@@ -248,11 +256,27 @@
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Added: trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/html/plugin_AlignPlugin.vim.html
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-vim/trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/html/plugin_AlignPlugin.vim.html?rev=743&op=file
--- trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/html/plugin_AlignPlugin.vim.html (added)
+++ trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/html/plugin_AlignPlugin.vim.html Tue Aug 22 18:24:29 2006
@@ -1,0 +1,301 @@
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+<span class="txth1">Align : Provides commands and maps to help produce aligned text, eqns, declarations, etc</span> 
+<!-- karma table -->
+<table cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" border="1" bordercolor="#000066">
+  <td class="lightbg"><b>&nbsp;script karma&nbsp;</b></td>
+  <td>
+    Rating <b>708/221</b>,
+    Downloaded by 6361  </td>
+<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
+<tr><td class="prompt">created by</td></tr>
+<tr><td><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=96">Charles Campbell</a></td></tr>
+<tr><td class="prompt">script type</td></tr>
+<tr><td class="prompt">description</td></tr>
+<tr><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; (ALIGN/ALIGNMAPS NEEDS VIM 7.0 AS OF V29/34)
<br>Align and AlignMaps lets you align statements on their equal signs, make comment boxes, align comments, align declarations, etc.&nbsp;&nbsp;There are two basic commands provided by this package:
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;AlignCtrl options sep1 sep2 sep3 ...
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[range]Align sep1 sep2 sep3 ...
<br>The &quot;sep#&quot; are regular expressions which describe separators that delineate fields; Align will line up the separators. The range may be any Vim range, _including_ visual-blocks.&nbsp;&nbsp;Align works on lines of the form:
<br>(ws==whitespace, sep==separator, field==text)
<br>Note that white-space (ws) surrounding separators is ignored.
<br>The Align package includes:
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;Align : the basic alignment command
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;AlignCtrl : provides options for the next call to :Align
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;AlignMaps : many three or four key maps which support aligning C/C++ style declarations, ()?..:.., expressions, C/C++ comments, numbers, C preprocessor definitions, tables based on tabs or spaces, and more.
<br>In addition, AutoAlign (<a href="/scripts/script.php?script_id=884">vimscript#884</a>) uses the Align function to align =s as you type.
<br>Align handles alignment on multiple separators, not just the first one, and the separators may be the same across the line or different.&nbsp;&nbsp;With AlignCtrl one may specify that separators are cylic (re-used sequentially) or equivalent (all separators are simultaneously active).
<br>There are several options to help with deciding what to do with initial white space.&nbsp;&nbsp; By default Align re-uses the first line's initial white space, but one may use AlignCtrl to retain or remove each line's initial white space.
<br>The &lt;Align.vim&gt; and &lt;AlignMaps.vim&gt; files are plugins and require vim 6.1 or higher.
<br>:5,10Align =
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Align on '=' signs
<br>:'&lt;,'&gt;Align = + - \* /
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Align on any of the five separator characters shown.
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Note that visual block mode was used to fire off Align.
<br>:AlignCtrl =lp1P1I
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;which means:
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;= all separators are equivalent
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;l fields will be left-justified
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;p1 pad one space before each separator
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;P1 pad one space after each separator
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I&nbsp;&nbsp;preserve and apply the first line's leading white space to all
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Align'd lines
<br>:help align
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Gives help for Align
<br>Alignment control allows for left or right justification or centering of fields, cyclic (sequentially active) or equivalent (simultaneously active) regular expressions to specify field separators, initial white space control, optional visual-block use (ie. apply Alignment only within a block), user-specified white-space padding about separators, and multiple separators.
<br>AlignMaps.vim provides a number of maps which make using this package easy.&nbsp;&nbsp;They typically either apply to the range 'a,. (from mark a to current line) or use the visual-selection (V, v, or ctrl-v selected):
<br>	\t=&nbsp;&nbsp;: align assignments (don't count logic, like == or !=)
<br>	\t,&nbsp;&nbsp;: align on commas
<br>	\t|&nbsp;&nbsp;: align on vertical bars (|)
<br>	\tsp : align on whitespace
<br>	\tt&nbsp;&nbsp;: align LaTeX tabular tables
<br>AlignMaps also provides some internally complex maps for aligning C declarations, Ansi C function arguments, html tables, LaTeX tabulars, and trailing comments:
<br>	\acom : align comments
<br>	\adec : align C declarations (one variable per line)
<br>	\afnc : align ansi-style C function input arguments
<br>	\Htd&nbsp;&nbsp;: align html tables
<br>To see some examples of this, check out
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a target="_blank" href="http://mysite.verizon.net/astronaut/vim/align.html#Examples">http://mysite.verizon.net/astronaut/vim/align.html#Examples</A>
<br>(the proportional fonts used by most browsers in showing you this page preclude showing the examples here). The help for Align and AlignCtrl also contains many examples.
<br>Sometimes one wants to align only a subset of text in a range, based on patterns or column extents.&nbsp;&nbsp;Align supports both types of restrictions!
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Visual-block selection may be used to restrict Align to operate only
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;within that visual block.
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;AlignCtrl supports &quot;g&quot; and &quot;v&quot; patterns that restrict Align to
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;operate on lines which match (or don't match, respectively) those
<br>There's a number of new AlignCtrl options:
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;- allows one to skip a separator (treat it as part of a field)
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;+ repeat the last lrc justification (ex. lr+ == lrrrrrr... )
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;: treat the rest of the line as a field; acts as a modifier
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to the last lrc. 
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&lt; left-justify the separator
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; right-justify the separator
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;| center the separator
<br>These are, except for the &quot;:&quot;, cyclic parameters.&nbsp;&nbsp;In other words, &gt;&lt; is equivalent to &gt;&lt;&gt;&lt;&gt;&lt;&gt;&lt;... .&nbsp;&nbsp;Thus separators can be of differing lengths (ex.&nbsp;&nbsp;-\+ as a separator pattern can match -, --, ---, etc and the separators will be left/right/center justified as you wish).
<br>To get automatic, as-you-type, aligning of = in the C, vimL, and other languages, check out <a href="/scripts/script.php?script_id=884">vimscript#884</a> for several ftplugins (which use Align).
<br>Alternative Aligners:
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Gergely Kontra's <a href="/scripts/script.php?script_id=176">vimscript#176</a>
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Johannes Zellner's <a target="_blank" href="http://www.zellner.org/vim/autoload/">http://www.zellner.org/vim/autoload/</A>
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Mohsin Ahmed's <a href="/tips/tip.php?tip_id=570">vimtip#570</a>
<br>Thank you for rating Align!
<br>Use <a href="/tips/tip.php?tip_id=139">vimtip#139</a> for discussion and comments.&nbsp;&nbsp;Please use email for bugs.&nbsp;&nbsp;Enjoy!
+<tr><td class="prompt">install details</td></tr>
+<tr><td>Align is now distributed as a vimball!&nbsp;&nbsp;(see :help vimball)
<br>vim Align.vba.gz
<br>:so %
<br>(you need vim 7.0)
<br>(vimball is a 7.0 plugin that comes with vim; it also is available as <a href="/scripts/script.php?script_id=1502">vimscript#1502</a>)
+<!-- rating table -->
+<form name="rating">
+<input type="hidden" name="script_id" value="294">
+<table cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" border="1" bordercolor="#000066">
+  <td class="lightbg"><b>rate this script</b></td>
+  <td valign="middle">
+    <input type="radio" name="rating" value="life_changing">Life Changing
+    <input type="radio" name="rating" value="helpful">Helpful
+    <input type="radio" name="rating" value="unfulfilling">Unfulfilling&nbsp;
+    <input type="submit" value="rate">
+  </td>
+<span class="txth2">script versions</span> (<a href="add_script_version.php?script_id=294">upload new version</a>)
+Click on the package to download.
+<table cellspacing="2" cellpadding="4" border="0" width="100%">
+<tr class='tableheader'>
+        <th valign="top">package</th>
+    <th valign="top">script version</th>
+    <th valign="top">date</th>
+    <th valign="top">Vim version</th>
+    <th valign="top">user</th>
+    <th valign="top">release notes</th>
+        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=5608">Align.vba.gz</a></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>29/34</b></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2006-04-25</i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>7.0</td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=96">Charles Campbell</a></i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Align and AlignMaps now use vim 7.0 style autoloading (quicker startup, loads only when used)
<br>cecutil updated to use keepjumps
<br>Now being distributed as a vimball - simply :so % it after decompressing it to install
+        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=4788">Align.tar.gz</a></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>28/33</b></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2005-11-21</i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=96">Charles Campbell</a></i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">bugfix: (Align) Align now works around the report option setting.
<br>bugfix: (Align) AlignCtrl l: wasn't behaving as expected; fixed!
<br>bugfix: (AlignMap) \ts, now uses P1 in its AlignCtrl call
+        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=4421">Align.tar.gz</a></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>27/32</b></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2005-07-12</i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=96">Charles Campbell</a></i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Align v27 : cpo and ignorecase workarounds
<br>AlignMaps v32: s:WrapperStart() -&gt; AlignWrapperStart(), s:WrapperEnd() -&gt; AlignWrapperEnd()
<br> These changes let the wrappers be used outside of AlignMaps.vim (customized map support)
+        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=4167">Align.tar.gz</a></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>27/31</b></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2005-04-15</i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=96">Charles Campbell</a></i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Align: GetLatestVimScripts/AutoInstall supported
<br>AlignMaps: new map: \\adcom (align declaration-style comments), \\a, now wors across multiple lines with different types, cecutil.vim now used, more number alignment maps (\\aenum, \\aunum)
+<!-- finish off the framework -->
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Modified: trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/html/plugin_EnhancedCommentify.vim.html
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-vim/trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/html/plugin_EnhancedCommentify.vim.html?rev=743&op=diff
--- trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/html/plugin_EnhancedCommentify.vim.html (original)
+++ trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/html/plugin_EnhancedCommentify.vim.html Tue Aug 22 18:24:29 2006
@@ -153,8 +153,8 @@
   <td class="lightbg"><b>&nbsp;script karma&nbsp;</b></td>
-    Rating <b>386/133</b>,
-    Downloaded by 6885  </td>
+    Rating <b>639/211</b>,
+    Downloaded by 9505  </td>
@@ -256,11 +256,27 @@
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Modified: trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/html/plugin_a.vim.html
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-vim/trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/html/plugin_a.vim.html?rev=743&op=diff
--- trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/html/plugin_a.vim.html (original)
+++ trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/html/plugin_a.vim.html Tue Aug 22 18:24:29 2006
@@ -153,8 +153,8 @@
   <td class="lightbg"><b>&nbsp;script karma&nbsp;</b></td>
-    Rating <b>1234/389</b>,
-    Downloaded by 7181  </td>
+    Rating <b>1533/481</b>,
+    Downloaded by 10837  </td>
@@ -167,10 +167,10 @@
 <tr><td class="prompt">description</td></tr>
-<tr><td>A few of quick commands to swtich between source files and header files quickly.
<br>:A switches to the header file corresponding to the current file being edited (or vise versa)
<br>:AS splits and switches
<br>:AV vertical splits and switches
<br>E.g. if you are editing foo.c and need to edit foo.h simply execute :A and you will be editting foo.h, to switch back to foo.c execute :A again. 
<br>Can be configured to support a variety of languages. Builtin support for C, C++ and ADA95</td></tr>
+<tr><td>A few of quick commands to swtich between source files and header files quickly.
<br>:A switches to the header file corresponding to the current file being edited (or vise versa)
<br>:AS splits and switches
<br>:AV vertical splits and switches
<br>:AT new tab and switches
<br>:AN cycles through matches
<br>E.g. if you are editing foo.c and need to edit foo.h simply execute :A and you will be editting foo.h, to switch back to foo.c execute :A again. 
<br>Can be configured to support a variety of languages. Builtin support for C, C++ and ADA95</td></tr>
 <tr><td class="prompt">install details</td></tr>
-<tr><td>Drop a.vim into your favorite plugin directory or source the script from your .vimrc file</td></tr>
+<tr><td>Drop a.vim into your favorite plugin directory or source the script from your .vimrc file
<br>Drop alternate.txt into you doc directory and run helptags</td></tr>
@@ -204,196 +204,220 @@
     <th valign="top">release notes</th>
-        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=4154">a.vim</a></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>2.12</b></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2005-04-12</i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=49">Mike Sharpe</a></i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Added alternate mappings for OCaml. Nothing more. No reason to upgrade...unless you use OCaml.</td>
-        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=3563">a.vim</a></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>2.11a</b></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2004-10-19</i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=49">Mike Sharpe</a></i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Fix a minor bug when adding alternate extensions. Thanks ilya.</td>
-        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=3479">a.vim</a></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>2.11</b></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2004-09-24</i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=49">Mike Sharpe</a></i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Fix some bugs which have recently crept in. I gave this some regression testing...so I hope all are fixed now. Mot notably, vim foo/a.c would not alternate to foo/a.h. Not sure how that broke...but it is fixed now. Other features still appear to work. Let me know if there are issues.</td>
-        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=3455">a.vim</a></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>2.10</b></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2004-09-15</i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=49">Mike Sharpe</a></i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Added a new variable (g:alternateNoDefaultAlternate) which can be set in the .vimrc/_vimrc file to prevent a.vim from creating new files. This is useful when it is not desired to have a.vim to alternate to the default alternation for a particular extension. E.g. if a.c is being editted and a.h does not exist anywhere and :A is done then if g:alternateNoDefaultAlternate is non-zero a.h will not be created. By default the value of g:alternateNoDefaultAlternate is 0 to maintain existing behaviour.</td>
-        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=3439">a.vim</a></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>2.9</b></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2004-09-10</i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=49">Mike Sharpe</a></i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Allow the extension of a file to be more than the text after the last dot. E.g. adding settings like
<br>let g:alternateExtensions_{'aspx'} = &quot;aspx.cs,aspx.CS&quot;
<br>let g:alternateExtensions_{'aspx.cs'} = &quot;aspx,ASPX&quot;
<br>will allow a.vim to alternate between foo.aspx and foo.aspx.cs and vice versa. Previous versions would not accept .aspx.cs as an exstension. This version is ok with that.</td>
-        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=3200">a.vim</a></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>2.8</b></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2004-07-01</i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=49">Mike Sharpe</a></i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">[CORRECTION]More enhancements from Bindu Wavell. A new search path type 
<br>of &quot;reg:&quot; wasadded. This version allows alternation of files based on regxes. E.g.
<br>&quot;reg:/inc/src/g/&quot; will replace every instance of 'inc' with 'src' in the source
<br>file path. This is useful for alternating between /some/path/inc/project/foo.h
<br>to /some/path/src/project/foo.c. Similarly &quot;reg:/src/inc/g/&quot; is the opposite
<br>alternation. See the comments for ExpandAlternatePath() for more information.
<br>Soon I will produce some formal documentation for this...until then the script
<br>is reasonably well commented.</td>
-        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=3028">a.vim</a></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>2.7</b></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2004-05-16</i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=49">Mike Sharpe</a></i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Reworked all the logic for finding alternate files. The files in memory are prefered to files on disk now too. When there are multiple matches for a file found the file in memory is favour, files in the current directory are favoured over files on the path. Hopefully this fixes the inconsistencies in previous versions. Hopefully everything still works too.</td>
-        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=2833">a.vim</a></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>2.6a</b></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2004-03-14</i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=49">Mike Sharpe</a></i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Remove reference to Decho which was accidentally left in after previous debuging. Sorry all.</td>
-        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=2830">a.vim</a></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>2.6</b></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2004-03-13</i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=49">Mike Sharpe</a></i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Implemented a fix from Matt Perry, vi test.cc junktest.h and the :A would alternate to junktest.h and not test.h. Also some minor clean up of the directory search code. 
-        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=2669">a.vim</a></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>2.5</b></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2004-01-20</i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=49">Mike Sharpe</a></i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Fixed an inconsistency. In 2.4 :A would always switch to the alternate file, regardless of whether unsaved changes were in the current file. In some cases it was possible to lose changes. This update changes :A back to 2.3 behaviour, but with a nicer error message, and provides support for a :A! command which will force the switch. This seems more consistent with the builtin vim/vi commands. Please let me know if there are any problems. </td>
-        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=2010">a.vim</a></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>2.4</b></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2003-05-21</i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=49">Mike Sharpe</a></i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Fix error which occured when alternating from a file which had not been saved.</td>
-        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=1240">a.vim</a></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>2.3</b></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2002-09-24</i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=49">Mike Sharpe</a></i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Added support provided by Bindu Wavell to search for the alternate file across directories.</td>
-        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=657">a.vim</a></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>2.2</b></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2002-03-06</i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=49">Mike Sharpe</a></i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">minor clean up. Remove repeated code used to 
<br>setup the default alternate file mappings. No changes in functionality. No reason to upgrade.</td>
-        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=531">a.vim</a></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>2.1</b></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2002-02-02</i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=49">Mike Sharpe</a></i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">simplified the config using vim's curly brace variables. Should behave the same way version 2.0X behaves....no huge reason to upgrade.</td>
-        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=518">a.vim</a></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>2.0.1</b></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2002-01-29</i></td>
+        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=5698">a.vim</a></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>2.14</b></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2006-05-14</i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>7.0</td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=49">Mike Sharpe</a></i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Added new :AN command which cycles through all matches after switching to a new file. E.g. vi a.c, :A switches to a.h, :AN might switch to a.hpp if a.h and a.hpp exist. Will only likely be an issue in a big project with with same named source/header files around the place. Will likely only be an issue if you are using the search path and regex features of a.vim.</td>
+        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=5697">alternate.txt</a></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>2.14 doc</b></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2006-05-14</i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>7.0</td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=49">Mike Sharpe</a></i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Documentation for a.vim v2.14. Drop it in your doc directory and run helptags.</td>
+        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=5653">a.vim</a></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>2.13</b></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2006-05-07</i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>7.0</td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=49">Mike Sharpe</a></i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Added new &quot;AT&quot; command which finds the alternate file and opens in a new tab. Similarly to the &quot;A&quot; and &quot;AS&quot; commands, if the buffer is already open it simply switches to that buffer in the corresponding tab/window. This script will only work with VIM7 from this version forward.</td>
+        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=4154">a.vim</a></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>2.12</b></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2005-04-12</i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=49">Mike Sharpe</a></i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Added alternate mappings for OCaml. Nothing more. No reason to upgrade...unless you use OCaml.</td>
+        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=3563">a.vim</a></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>2.11a</b></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2004-10-19</i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=49">Mike Sharpe</a></i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Fix a minor bug when adding alternate extensions. Thanks ilya.</td>
+        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=3479">a.vim</a></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>2.11</b></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2004-09-24</i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=49">Mike Sharpe</a></i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Fix some bugs which have recently crept in. I gave this some regression testing...so I hope all are fixed now. Mot notably, vim foo/a.c would not alternate to foo/a.h. Not sure how that broke...but it is fixed now. Other features still appear to work. Let me know if there are issues.</td>
+        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=3455">a.vim</a></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>2.10</b></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2004-09-15</i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=49">Mike Sharpe</a></i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Added a new variable (g:alternateNoDefaultAlternate) which can be set in the .vimrc/_vimrc file to prevent a.vim from creating new files. This is useful when it is not desired to have a.vim to alternate to the default alternation for a particular extension. E.g. if a.c is being editted and a.h does not exist anywhere and :A is done then if g:alternateNoDefaultAlternate is non-zero a.h will not be created. By default the value of g:alternateNoDefaultAlternate is 0 to maintain existing behaviour.</td>
+        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=3439">a.vim</a></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>2.9</b></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2004-09-10</i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=49">Mike Sharpe</a></i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Allow the extension of a file to be more than the text after the last dot. E.g. adding settings like
<br>let g:alternateExtensions_{'aspx'} = &quot;aspx.cs,aspx.CS&quot;
<br>let g:alternateExtensions_{'aspx.cs'} = &quot;aspx,ASPX&quot;
<br>will allow a.vim to alternate between foo.aspx and foo.aspx.cs and vice versa. Previous versions would not accept .aspx.cs as an exstension. This version is ok with that.</td>
+        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=3200">a.vim</a></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>2.8</b></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2004-07-01</i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=49">Mike Sharpe</a></i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">[CORRECTION]More enhancements from Bindu Wavell. A new search path type 
<br>of &quot;reg:&quot; wasadded. This version allows alternation of files based on regxes. E.g.
<br>&quot;reg:/inc/src/g/&quot; will replace every instance of 'inc' with 'src' in the source
<br>file path. This is useful for alternating between /some/path/inc/project/foo.h
<br>to /some/path/src/project/foo.c. Similarly &quot;reg:/src/inc/g/&quot; is the opposite
<br>alternation. See the comments for ExpandAlternatePath() for more information.
<br>Soon I will produce some formal documentation for this...until then the script
<br>is reasonably well commented.</td>
+        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=3028">a.vim</a></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>2.7</b></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2004-05-16</i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=49">Mike Sharpe</a></i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Reworked all the logic for finding alternate files. The files in memory are prefered to files on disk now too. When there are multiple matches for a file found the file in memory is favour, files in the current directory are favoured over files on the path. Hopefully this fixes the inconsistencies in previous versions. Hopefully everything still works too.</td>
+        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=2833">a.vim</a></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>2.6a</b></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2004-03-14</i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=49">Mike Sharpe</a></i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Remove reference to Decho which was accidentally left in after previous debuging. Sorry all.</td>
+        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=2830">a.vim</a></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>2.6</b></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2004-03-13</i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=49">Mike Sharpe</a></i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Implemented a fix from Matt Perry, vi test.cc junktest.h and the :A would alternate to junktest.h and not test.h. Also some minor clean up of the directory search code. 
+        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=2669">a.vim</a></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>2.5</b></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2004-01-20</i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=49">Mike Sharpe</a></i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Fixed an inconsistency. In 2.4 :A would always switch to the alternate file, regardless of whether unsaved changes were in the current file. In some cases it was possible to lose changes. This update changes :A back to 2.3 behaviour, but with a nicer error message, and provides support for a :A! command which will force the switch. This seems more consistent with the builtin vim/vi commands. Please let me know if there are any problems. </td>
+        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=2010">a.vim</a></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>2.4</b></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2003-05-21</i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=49">Mike Sharpe</a></i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Fix error which occured when alternating from a file which had not been saved.</td>
+        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=1240">a.vim</a></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>2.3</b></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2002-09-24</i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=49">Mike Sharpe</a></i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Added support provided by Bindu Wavell to search for the alternate file across directories.</td>
+        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=657">a.vim</a></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>2.2</b></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2002-03-06</i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=49">Mike Sharpe</a></i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">minor clean up. Remove repeated code used to 
<br>setup the default alternate file mappings. No changes in functionality. No reason to upgrade.</td>
+        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=531">a.vim</a></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>2.1</b></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2002-02-02</i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=49">Mike Sharpe</a></i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">simplified the config using vim's curly brace variables. Should behave the same way version 2.0X behaves....no huge reason to upgrade.</td>
+        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=518">a.vim</a></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>2.0.1</b></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2002-01-29</i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=104">Leif Wickland</a></i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Adds support for vertically splitting via the command :AV</td>
+        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=384">a.vim</a></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>2.0b</b></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2001-11-29</i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=49">Mike Sharpe</a></i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Added support for Ada95 extensions
<br>minor bug fixed too.</td>
+        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=381">a.vim</a></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>2.0a</b></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2001-11-27</i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=49">Mike Sharpe</a></i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">bug fix. handle the cases were the is no alternate file.</td>
+        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=380">a.vim</a></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>2.0</b></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2001-11-27</i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=49">Mike Sharpe</a></i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Complete rewrite. Now the supported extensions are configurable instead of being part of the code.
<br>Notes on how to configure are in the comments in the file. Expect bugs, please be brave. Will fix reported issue quickly.</td>
+        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=379">a.vim</a></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.4</b></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2001-11-27</i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=49">Mike Sharpe</a></i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Added support for .hpp/.HPP files. </td>
+        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=334">a.vim</a></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.3</b></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2001-11-10</i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=49">Mike Sharpe</a></i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Take care of some issues with case-sensitivity of the extension on windows platforms.</td>
+        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=333">a.vim</a></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.2</b></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2001-11-10</i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=49">Mike Sharpe</a></i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Minor changes to cater for &quot;files&quot; which are in vim buffers but not on disk (yet).</td>
+        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=163">a.vim</a></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.1</b></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2001-09-12</i></td>
     <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
     <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=104">Leif Wickland</a></i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Adds support for vertically splitting via the command :AV</td>
-        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=384">a.vim</a></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>2.0b</b></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2001-11-29</i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=49">Mike Sharpe</a></i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Added support for Ada95 extensions
<br>minor bug fixed too.</td>
-        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=381">a.vim</a></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>2.0a</b></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2001-11-27</i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=49">Mike Sharpe</a></i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">bug fix. handle the cases were the is no alternate file.</td>
-        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=380">a.vim</a></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>2.0</b></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2001-11-27</i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=49">Mike Sharpe</a></i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Complete rewrite. Now the supported extensions are configurable instead of being part of the code.
<br>Notes on how to configure are in the comments in the file. Expect bugs, please be brave. Will fix reported issue quickly.</td>
-        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=379">a.vim</a></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.4</b></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2001-11-27</i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=49">Mike Sharpe</a></i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Added support for .hpp/.HPP files. </td>
-        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=334">a.vim</a></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.3</b></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2001-11-10</i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=49">Mike Sharpe</a></i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Take care of some issues with case-sensitivity of the extension on windows platforms.</td>
-        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=333">a.vim</a></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.2</b></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2001-11-10</i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=49">Mike Sharpe</a></i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Minor changes to cater for &quot;files&quot; which are in vim buffers but not on disk (yet).</td>
-        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=163">a.vim</a></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">This is a plugin-ized version of 1.1 for vim 5.7</td>
+        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=129">a.vim</a></td>
     <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.1</b></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2001-09-12</i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=104">Leif Wickland</a></i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">This is a plugin-ized version of 1.1 for vim 5.7</td>
-        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=129">a.vim</a></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.1</b></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2001-08-22</i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2001-08-22</i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>5.7</td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=49">Mike Sharpe</a></i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Added copyright information.
<br>Support .cc, .cxx, .C extensions for C++ too.
+        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=44">a.vim</a></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.0</b></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2001-07-09</i></td>
     <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>5.7</td>
     <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=49">Mike Sharpe</a></i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Added copyright information.
<br>Support .cc, .cxx, .C extensions for C++ too.
-        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=44">a.vim</a></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.0</b></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2001-07-09</i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>5.7</td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=49">Mike Sharpe</a></i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Corrected vim version. The script works with 5.7, but should work with 6.0 too. </td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Corrected vim version. The script works with 5.7, but should work with 6.0 too. </td>
 <!-- finish off the framework -->
@@ -424,11 +448,27 @@
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Modified: trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/html/plugin_bufexplorer.vim.html
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-vim/trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/html/plugin_bufexplorer.vim.html?rev=743&op=diff
--- trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/html/plugin_bufexplorer.vim.html (original)
+++ trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/html/plugin_bufexplorer.vim.html Tue Aug 22 18:24:29 2006
@@ -153,8 +153,8 @@
   <td class="lightbg"><b>&nbsp;script karma&nbsp;</b></td>
-    Rating <b>904/318</b>,
-    Downloaded by 14603  </td>
+    Rating <b>1294/434</b>,
+    Downloaded by 21407  </td>
@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@
 <tr><td class="prompt">description</td></tr>
-<tr><td>BufExplorer is a plugin which allows you to easily switch from one buffer to another without having to know the buffer's number.&nbsp;&nbsp;Use \be to open BufExplorer or \bs to open it in a split window.&nbsp;&nbsp;There is also mouse support.&nbsp;&nbsp;Once BufExplorer is open, use '?' for help and 'q' or &lt;esc&gt; to quit.&nbsp;&nbsp;This plugin can also be found at <a target="_blank" href="http://lanzarotta.tripod.com/vim.html">http://lanzarotta.tripod.com/vim.html</A>.
<br>NOTE: Version 6.3.0 and above will ONLY work with 6.3 and above of Vim.</td></tr>
+<tr><td>With bufexplorer, you can quickly switch between buffers by using '\be' to open the explorer or '\bs' to open the explorer in a split horizontal window or \bv to open the explorer in a split vertical window. These are the default values, but these can be changed to what ever you would like. Once the explorer is open you can perform various operations on the buffers. You can sort (by MRU (default), buffer number, buffer name, or full file path) in forward or reverse order. You can delete buffers. You as see toggle the full directory paths on your buffers. You can select a buffer to open by using the keyboard to select the buffer or by double-clicking the mouse on the selected buffer. You can even open the selected buffer in a new window is you would like. If you need help while in the explorer press the '?' key. And finally to quit the explorer, press the &lt;esc&gt; key...
<br>If you would like more detailed information, please take a look at the supplied documentation.
<br>NOTE: Version 6.3.0 and above will ONLY work with 6.3 and above of Vim.</td></tr>
 <tr><td class="prompt">install details</td></tr>
 <tr><td>Simply unzip bufexplorer.zip into a directory in your 'runtimepath', usually ~/.vim or c:\vimfiles, and restart Vim. This zip file contains plugin\bufexplorer.vim and doc\bufexplorer.txt.&nbsp;&nbsp;See ':help add-local-help' on how to add bufexplorer.txt to vim's help system.
<br>NOTE: Version 6.3.0 and above will ONLY work with 6.3 and above of Vim.</td></tr>
@@ -204,236 +204,308 @@
     <th valign="top">release notes</th>
-        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=4072">bufexplorer.zip</a></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>7.0.2</b></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2005-03-25</i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=97">jeff lanzarotta</a></i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Thanks to Thomas Arendsen Hein for finding a problem when a user has the default help turned off and then brought up the explorer. An E493 would be displayed.
-        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=3994">bufexplorer.zip</a></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>7.0.1</b></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2005-03-10</i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=97">jeff lanzarotta</a></i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Thanks to Erwin Waterlander for finding a couple problems. The first problem allowed a modified buffer to be deleted.&nbsp;&nbsp;Opps! The second problem occured when several files were opened, BufExplorer was started, the current buffer was deleted using the 'd' option, and then BufExplorer was exited. The deleted buffer was still visible while it is not in the buffers list. Opps again!</td>
-        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=3932">bufexplorer.zip</a></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>7.0.0</b></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2005-02-28</i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=97">jeff lanzarotta</a></i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Thanks to Shankar R. for suggesting to add the ability to set the fixed width (g:bufExplorerSplitVertSize) of a new window when opening bufexplorer vertically and fixed height (g:bufExplorerSplitHorzSize) of a new window when opening bufexplorer horizontally. By default, the windows are normally split to use half the existing width or height.</td>
-        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=3262">bufexplorer.zip</a></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>6.3.0</b></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2004-07-23</i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=97">jeff lanzarotta</a></i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Added keepjumps so that the jumps list would not get clutered with bufexplorer related stuff.</td>
-        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=2937">bufexplorer.zip</a></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>6.2.3</b></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2004-04-15</i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=97">jeff lanzarotta</a></i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Thanks to Jay Logan for finding&nbsp;&nbsp;a bug in the vertical split postion of the code. When selecting that the window was to be split vertically by doing a '\bv', from then on, all splits, i.e. '\bs', were split vertically, even though g:bufExplorerSplitType was not set to 'v'.</td>
-        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=2652">bufexplorer.zip</a></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>6.2.2</b></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2004-01-09</i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=97">jeff lanzarotta</a></i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Thanks to Patrik Modesto for adding a small improvement. For some reason his bufexplorer window was always showing up folded. He added 'setlocal nofoldenable' and it was fixed. If you are having the same problem, this version is for you...
-        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=2383">bufexplorer.zip</a></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>6.2.1</b></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2003-10-09</i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=97">jeff lanzarotta</a></i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Thanks goes out to Takashi Matsuo for added the 'fullPath' sorting logic and option.</td>
-        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=2075">bufexplorer.zip</a></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>6.2.0</b></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2003-06-13</i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=97">jeff lanzarotta</a></i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Thanks goes out to Simon Johann-Günter for spotting and fixing a problem in that the last search pattern is overriden by the search pattern for blank lines.</td>
-        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=1968">bufexplorer.zip</a></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>6.1.6</b></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2003-05-05</i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=97">jeff lanzarotta</a></i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Thanks to Artem Chuprina for finding a pesky bug that has been around for sometime now. The &lt;esc&gt; key mapping was causing the buffer explored to close prematurely when vim was run in an xterm. The &lt;esc&gt; key mapping is now removed.</td>
-        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=1948">bufexplorer.zip</a></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>6.1.5</b></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2003-04-28</i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=97">jeff lanzarotta</a></i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Thanks to Khorev Sergey. Added option to show default help or not.</td>
-        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=1822">bufexplorer.zip</a></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>6.1.4</b></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2003-03-18</i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=97">jeff lanzarotta</a></i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Thanks goes out to Valery Kondakoff for suggesting the addition of setlocal nonumber and foldcolumn=0. This allows for line numbering and folding to be turned off temporarily while in the explorer.</td>
-        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=1799">bufexplorer.zip</a></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>6.1.3</b></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2003-03-11</i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=97">jeff lanzarotta</a></i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Added the ability to force the newly split window to be temporarily vertical, which was suggested by Thomas Glanzmann. Added folding. Did some code cleanup.</td>
-        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=1376">bufexplorer.zip</a></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>6.1.2</b></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2002-11-05</i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=97">jeff lanzarotta</a></i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Now pressing the &lt;esc&gt; key will quit, just like 'q'. Added folds to hide winmanager configuration. If anyone had the 'C' option in their cpoptions they would receive a E10 error on startup of BufExplorer. cpo is now saved, updated and restored. Thanks to Charles E Campbell, Jr. Attempted to make sure there can only be one BufExplorer window open at a time.</td>
-        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=724">bufexplorer.zip</a></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>6.1.1</b></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2002-03-28</i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=97">jeff lanzarotta</a></i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Thanks to Brian D. Goodwin for adding toupper to FileNameCmp. This way buffers sorted by name will be in the correct order regardless of case.
-        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=684">bufexplorer.zip</a></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>6.0.16</b></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2002-03-14</i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=97">jeff lanzarotta</a></i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Thanks to Andre Pang for the original patch/idea to get bufexplorer to work in insertmode/modeless mode (evim). Added Initialize and Cleanup autocommands to handle commands that need to be performed when starting or leaving bufexplorer.
-        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=617">bufexplorer.zip</a></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>6.0.15</b></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2002-02-20</i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=97">jeff lanzarotta</a></i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Srinath Avadhanulax added a patch for winmanager.vim.</td>
-        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=614">bufexplorer.zip</a></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>6.0.14</b></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2002-02-19</i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=97">jeff lanzarotta</a></i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Fix a yew more bug that I thought I already had fixed. Thanks to Eric Bloodworth for adding 'Open Mode/Edit in Place'. Added vertical splitting.</td>
-        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=553">bufexplorer.zip</a></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>6.0.13</b></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2002-02-05</i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=97">jeff lanzarotta</a></i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Thanks to Charles E Campbell, Jr. for pointing out some embarrassing typos that I had in the documentation. I guess I need to run the spell checker more :o)</td>
-        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=543">bufexplorer.zip</a></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>6.0.12</b></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2002-02-04</i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=97">jeff lanzarotta</a></i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Thanks to Madoka Machitani, for the tip on adding the augroup command around the MRUList autocommands.</td>
-        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=513">bufexplorer.zip</a></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>6.0.11</b></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2002-01-26</i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=97">jeff lanzarotta</a></i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Fixed bug report by Xiangjiang Ma. '&quot;=' was being added to the search history which messed up hlsearch.
-        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=472">bufexplorer.zip</a></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>6.0.10</b></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2002-01-14</i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=97">jeff lanzarotta</a></i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Added the necessary hooks so that the winmanager.vim script could more easily integrate with this script. Now the winmanager.vim script should not have to have it's own version of bufexplorer.vim.
<br>Tried to improve performance.
<br>Remember to look at 'help: add-local-help' on how to add the help file into the vim help system.</td>
-        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=427">bufexplorer.zip</a></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>6.0.9</b></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2001-12-17</i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=97">jeff lanzarotta</a></i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Now you can sort the buffer list by most recently used (MRU). Please note that this is now a .zip file. Please unzip in your vimfiles, ~/.vim or whatever directory you store your vim stuff in. This file contains \plugin\bufexplorer.vim and \doc\bufexplorer.txt. To add the nifty help to vim look under ':help add-local-help' for more information.</td>
-        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=393">bufexplorer.zip</a></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>6.0.8</b></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2001-12-03</i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=97">jeff lanzarotta</a></i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Was not resetting the showcmd command correctly.
<br>Added nifty help file.</td>
-        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=360">bufexplorer.zip</a></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>6.0.7</b></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2001-11-19</i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=97">jeff lanzarotta</a></i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Thanks to Brett Carlane for some great enhancements. Some are added, some are not, yet. Added highlighting of current and alternate filenames. Added spliting of path/filename toggle. Reworked ShowBuffers(). Changed my email address.
-        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=154">bufexplorer.zip</a></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>6.0.6</b></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2001-09-05</i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=97">jeff lanzarotta</a></i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Fixed problem with the SortListing() function failing when there was only one buffer to display.
-        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=93">bufexplorer.zip</a></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>6.0.5</b></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2001-08-10</i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=97">jeff lanzarotta</a></i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Fixed problems reported by David Pascoe, in that you where unable to hit 'd' on a buffer that belonged to a files that nolonger existed and that the 'yank' buffer was being overridden by the help text when the bufexplorer was opened.</td>
-        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=77">bufexplorer.zip</a></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>6.0.4</b></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2001-07-31</i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=97">jeff lanzarotta</a></i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Thanks to Charles Campbell for making this plugin more plugin *compliant*, adding default keymappings of &lt;Leader&gt;be and &lt;Leader&gt;bs as well as fixing the 'w:sortDirLabel not being defined' bug.
-        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=72">bufexplorer.zip</a></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>6.0.3</b></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2001-07-30</i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=97">jeff lanzarotta</a></i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Added ability to sort buffers by 'buffer number' or 'name' in forward and reverse order.</td>
-        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=60">bufexplorer.zip</a></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>6.0.2</b></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2001-07-25</i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=97">jeff lanzarotta</a></i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Initial upload</td>
+        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=5409">bufexplorer.zip</a></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>7.0.11</b></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2006-03-10</i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=97">jeff lanzarotta</a></i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Fixed a couple of highlighting bugs, reported by David Eggum. He also changed passive voice to active on a couple of warning messages.</td>
+        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=5353">bufexplorer.zip</a></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>7.0.10</b></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2006-03-02</i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=97">jeff lanzarotta</a></i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Fixed bug report by Xiangjiang Ma. If the 'ssl' option is set, the slash character used when displaying the path was incorrect. Thanks Xiangjiang!
+        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=5337">bufexplorer.zip</a></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>7.0.9</b></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2006-02-28</i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=97">jeff lanzarotta</a></i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Martin Grenfell found and eliminated an annoying bug in the bufexplorer/winmanager integration. The bug was were an annoying message would be displayed when a window was split or a new file was opened in a new window. Thanks Martin!</td>
+        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=4993">bufexplorer.zip</a></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>7.0.8</b></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2006-01-18</i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=97">jeff lanzarotta</a></i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Thanks to Mike Li for catching a bug in the WinManager integration. The bug was related to the incorrect displaying of the buffer explorer's window title.</td>
+        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=4904">bufexplorer.zip</a></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>7.0.7</b></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2005-12-19</i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=97">jeff lanzarotta</a></i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Thanks to Jeremy Cowgar for adding a new enhancement. This enhancement allows the user to press 'S', that is capital S, which will open the buffer under the cursor in a newly created split window.</td>
+        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=4775">bufexplorer.zip</a></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>7.0.6</b></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2005-11-18</i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=97">jeff lanzarotta</a></i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Thanks to Larry Zhang for finding a bug in the &quot;split&quot; buffer code. If you force set g:bufExplorerSplitType='v' in your vimrc, and if you tried to do a \bs to split the bufexplorer window, it would always split horizontal, not vertical. He also found that I had a typeo in that the variable g:bufExplorerSplitVertSize was all lower case in the documentation which was incorrect.</td>
+        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=4680">bufexplorer.zip</a></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>7.0.5</b></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2005-10-18</i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=97">jeff lanzarotta</a></i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Thanks to Mun Johl for pointing out a bug that if a buffer was modified, the '+' was not showing up correctly.</td>
+        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=4645">bufexplorer.zip</a></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>7.0.4</b></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2005-10-03</i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=97">jeff lanzarotta</a></i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Fixed a problem discovered first by Xiangjiang Ma. Well since I've been using vim 7.0 and not 6.3, I started using a function (getftype) that is not in 6.3. So for backward compatibility, I conditionaly use this function now.&nbsp;&nbsp;Thus, the g:bufExplorerShowDirectories feature is only available when using vim 7.0 and above.</td>
+        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=4636">bufexplorer.zip</a></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>7.0.3</b></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2005-09-30</i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=97">jeff lanzarotta</a></i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Thanks to Erwin Waterlander for finding a problem when the last buffer was deleted. This issue got me to rewrite the buffer display logic (which I've wanted to do for sometime now).
<br>Also great thanks to Dave Eggum for coming up with idea for g:bufExplorerShowDirectories. Directories usually show up in the list from using a command like &quot;:e .&quot;, this controls how those are displayed.</td>
+        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=4072">bufexplorer.zip</a></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>7.0.2</b></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2005-03-25</i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=97">jeff lanzarotta</a></i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Thanks to Thomas Arendsen Hein for finding a problem when a user has the default help turned off and then brought up the explorer. An E493 would be displayed.
+        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=3994">bufexplorer.zip</a></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>7.0.1</b></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2005-03-10</i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=97">jeff lanzarotta</a></i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Thanks to Erwin Waterlander for finding a couple problems. The first problem allowed a modified buffer to be deleted.&nbsp;&nbsp;Opps! The second problem occured when several files were opened, BufExplorer was started, the current buffer was deleted using the 'd' option, and then BufExplorer was exited. The deleted buffer was still visible while it is not in the buffers list. Opps again!</td>
+        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=3932">bufexplorer.zip</a></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>7.0.0</b></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2005-02-28</i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=97">jeff lanzarotta</a></i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Thanks to Shankar R. for suggesting to add the ability to set the fixed width (g:bufExplorerSplitVertSize) of a new window when opening bufexplorer vertically and fixed height (g:bufExplorerSplitHorzSize) of a new window when opening bufexplorer horizontally. By default, the windows are normally split to use half the existing width or height.</td>
+        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=3262">bufexplorer.zip</a></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>6.3.0</b></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2004-07-23</i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=97">jeff lanzarotta</a></i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Added keepjumps so that the jumps list would not get clutered with bufexplorer related stuff.</td>
+        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=2937">bufexplorer.zip</a></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>6.2.3</b></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2004-04-15</i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=97">jeff lanzarotta</a></i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Thanks to Jay Logan for finding&nbsp;&nbsp;a bug in the vertical split postion of the code. When selecting that the window was to be split vertically by doing a '\bv', from then on, all splits, i.e. '\bs', were split vertically, even though g:bufExplorerSplitType was not set to 'v'.</td>
+        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=2652">bufexplorer.zip</a></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>6.2.2</b></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2004-01-09</i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=97">jeff lanzarotta</a></i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Thanks to Patrik Modesto for adding a small improvement. For some reason his bufexplorer window was always showing up folded. He added 'setlocal nofoldenable' and it was fixed. If you are having the same problem, this version is for you...
+        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=2383">bufexplorer.zip</a></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>6.2.1</b></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2003-10-09</i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=97">jeff lanzarotta</a></i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Thanks goes out to Takashi Matsuo for added the 'fullPath' sorting logic and option.</td>
+        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=2075">bufexplorer.zip</a></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>6.2.0</b></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2003-06-13</i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=97">jeff lanzarotta</a></i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Thanks goes out to Simon Johann-Günter for spotting and fixing a problem in that the last search pattern is overriden by the search pattern for blank lines.</td>
+        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=1968">bufexplorer.zip</a></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>6.1.6</b></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2003-05-05</i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=97">jeff lanzarotta</a></i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Thanks to Artem Chuprina for finding a pesky bug that has been around for sometime now. The &lt;esc&gt; key mapping was causing the buffer explored to close prematurely when vim was run in an xterm. The &lt;esc&gt; key mapping is now removed.</td>
+        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=1948">bufexplorer.zip</a></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>6.1.5</b></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2003-04-28</i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=97">jeff lanzarotta</a></i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Thanks to Khorev Sergey. Added option to show default help or not.</td>
+        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=1822">bufexplorer.zip</a></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>6.1.4</b></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2003-03-18</i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=97">jeff lanzarotta</a></i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Thanks goes out to Valery Kondakoff for suggesting the addition of setlocal nonumber and foldcolumn=0. This allows for line numbering and folding to be turned off temporarily while in the explorer.</td>
+        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=1799">bufexplorer.zip</a></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>6.1.3</b></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2003-03-11</i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=97">jeff lanzarotta</a></i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Added the ability to force the newly split window to be temporarily vertical, which was suggested by Thomas Glanzmann. Added folding. Did some code cleanup.</td>
+        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=1376">bufexplorer.zip</a></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>6.1.2</b></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2002-11-05</i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=97">jeff lanzarotta</a></i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Now pressing the &lt;esc&gt; key will quit, just like 'q'. Added folds to hide winmanager configuration. If anyone had the 'C' option in their cpoptions they would receive a E10 error on startup of BufExplorer. cpo is now saved, updated and restored. Thanks to Charles E Campbell, Jr. Attempted to make sure there can only be one BufExplorer window open at a time.</td>
+        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=724">bufexplorer.zip</a></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>6.1.1</b></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2002-03-28</i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=97">jeff lanzarotta</a></i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Thanks to Brian D. Goodwin for adding toupper to FileNameCmp. This way buffers sorted by name will be in the correct order regardless of case.
+        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=684">bufexplorer.zip</a></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>6.0.16</b></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2002-03-14</i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=97">jeff lanzarotta</a></i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Thanks to Andre Pang for the original patch/idea to get bufexplorer to work in insertmode/modeless mode (evim). Added Initialize and Cleanup autocommands to handle commands that need to be performed when starting or leaving bufexplorer.
+        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=617">bufexplorer.zip</a></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>6.0.15</b></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2002-02-20</i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=97">jeff lanzarotta</a></i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Srinath Avadhanulax added a patch for winmanager.vim.</td>
+        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=614">bufexplorer.zip</a></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>6.0.14</b></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2002-02-19</i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=97">jeff lanzarotta</a></i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Fix a yew more bug that I thought I already had fixed. Thanks to Eric Bloodworth for adding 'Open Mode/Edit in Place'. Added vertical splitting.</td>
+        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=553">bufexplorer.zip</a></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>6.0.13</b></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2002-02-05</i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=97">jeff lanzarotta</a></i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Thanks to Charles E Campbell, Jr. for pointing out some embarrassing typos that I had in the documentation. I guess I need to run the spell checker more :o)</td>
+        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=543">bufexplorer.zip</a></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>6.0.12</b></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2002-02-04</i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=97">jeff lanzarotta</a></i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Thanks to Madoka Machitani, for the tip on adding the augroup command around the MRUList autocommands.</td>
+        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=513">bufexplorer.zip</a></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>6.0.11</b></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2002-01-26</i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=97">jeff lanzarotta</a></i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Fixed bug report by Xiangjiang Ma. '&quot;=' was being added to the search history which messed up hlsearch.
+        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=472">bufexplorer.zip</a></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>6.0.10</b></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2002-01-14</i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=97">jeff lanzarotta</a></i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Added the necessary hooks so that the winmanager.vim script could more easily integrate with this script. Now the winmanager.vim script should not have to have it's own version of bufexplorer.vim.
<br>Tried to improve performance.
<br>Remember to look at 'help: add-local-help' on how to add the help file into the vim help system.</td>
+        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=427">bufexplorer.zip</a></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>6.0.9</b></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2001-12-17</i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=97">jeff lanzarotta</a></i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Now you can sort the buffer list by most recently used (MRU). Please note that this is now a .zip file. Please unzip in your vimfiles, ~/.vim or whatever directory you store your vim stuff in. This file contains \plugin\bufexplorer.vim and \doc\bufexplorer.txt. To add the nifty help to vim look under ':help add-local-help' for more information.</td>
+        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=393">bufexplorer.zip</a></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>6.0.8</b></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2001-12-03</i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=97">jeff lanzarotta</a></i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Was not resetting the showcmd command correctly.
<br>Added nifty help file.</td>
+        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=360">bufexplorer.zip</a></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>6.0.7</b></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2001-11-19</i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=97">jeff lanzarotta</a></i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Thanks to Brett Carlane for some great enhancements. Some are added, some are not, yet. Added highlighting of current and alternate filenames. Added spliting of path/filename toggle. Reworked ShowBuffers(). Changed my email address.
+        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=154">bufexplorer.zip</a></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>6.0.6</b></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2001-09-05</i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=97">jeff lanzarotta</a></i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Fixed problem with the SortListing() function failing when there was only one buffer to display.
+        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=93">bufexplorer.zip</a></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>6.0.5</b></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2001-08-10</i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=97">jeff lanzarotta</a></i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Fixed problems reported by David Pascoe, in that you where unable to hit 'd' on a buffer that belonged to a files that nolonger existed and that the 'yank' buffer was being overridden by the help text when the bufexplorer was opened.</td>
+        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=77">bufexplorer.zip</a></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>6.0.4</b></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2001-07-31</i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=97">jeff lanzarotta</a></i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Thanks to Charles Campbell for making this plugin more plugin *compliant*, adding default keymappings of &lt;Leader&gt;be and &lt;Leader&gt;bs as well as fixing the 'w:sortDirLabel not being defined' bug.
+        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=72">bufexplorer.zip</a></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>6.0.3</b></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2001-07-30</i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=97">jeff lanzarotta</a></i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Added ability to sort buffers by 'buffer number' or 'name' in forward and reverse order.</td>
+        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=60">bufexplorer.zip</a></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>6.0.2</b></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2001-07-25</i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=97">jeff lanzarotta</a></i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Initial upload</td>
 <!-- finish off the framework -->
@@ -464,11 +536,27 @@
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Modified: trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/html/plugin_calendar.vim.html
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-vim/trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/html/plugin_calendar.vim.html?rev=743&op=diff
--- trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/html/plugin_calendar.vim.html (original)
+++ trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/html/plugin_calendar.vim.html Tue Aug 22 18:24:29 2006
@@ -153,8 +153,8 @@
   <td class="lightbg"><b>&nbsp;script karma&nbsp;</b></td>
-    Rating <b>822/333</b>,
-    Downloaded by 10554  </td>
+    Rating <b>984/397</b>,
+    Downloaded by 14419  </td>
@@ -204,12 +204,20 @@
     <th valign="top">release notes</th>
-        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=3599">calendar.vim</a></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.4</b></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2004-11-03</i></td>
+        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=4984">calendar.vim</a></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.4a</b></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2006-01-16</i></td>
     <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
     <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=103">Yasuhiro Matsumoto</a></i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">This is an upgrade for Calendar.vim. this include 2 bug fixs and 1 improvement.</td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">This is an upgrade for calendar.vim. this include some bug fix and calendar_today action.
+        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=3599">calendar.vim</a></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.4</b></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2004-11-03</i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=103">Yasuhiro Matsumoto</a></i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">This is an upgrade for Calendar.vim. this include 2 bug fixs and 1 improvement.</td>
 <!-- finish off the framework -->
@@ -240,11 +248,27 @@
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Modified: trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/html/plugin_cvsmenu.vim.html
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-vim/trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/html/plugin_cvsmenu.vim.html?rev=743&op=diff
--- trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/html/plugin_cvsmenu.vim.html (original)
+++ trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/html/plugin_cvsmenu.vim.html Tue Aug 22 18:24:29 2006
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
   <link rel="Stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/css/style.css" >
-  <title>cvsmenu.vim - Re-release (2005) of Mr Thorsten Maerz's CVS menu : vim online</title>
+  <title>cvsmenu.vim (updated) - CVS(NT) integration script (Script #58 continued in 2005) : vim online</title>
   <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
   <meta name="KEYWORDS" content="Vim, Vi IMproved, text editor, home, documentation, tips, scripts, news">
   <link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href="/images/vim_shortcut.ico">
@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@
           <td valign="top">
-<span class="txth1">cvsmenu.vim : Re-release (2005) of Mr Thorsten Maerz's CVS menu</span> 
+<span class="txth1">cvsmenu.vim (updated) : CVS(NT) integration script (Script #58 continued in 2005)</span> 
@@ -153,8 +153,8 @@
   <td class="lightbg"><b>&nbsp;script karma&nbsp;</b></td>
-    Rating <b>29/8</b>,
-    Downloaded by 213  </td>
+    Rating <b>71/23</b>,
+    Downloaded by 1094  </td>
@@ -167,10 +167,10 @@
 <tr><td class="prompt">description</td></tr>
-<tr><td>Supports most cvs commands and adds some extended functions, e.g.:
<br>- Query update (like WinCVS/gCVS)
<br>- Local Status (offline: displays status and version info)
<br>- Clickable/sorted output : easily open conflicting files, etc.
<br>Works on single files as well as on whole directories, when called from fileexplorer. Includes highlighting / mappings to navigate through cvs output or show conflicts.
<br>The menu is displayed in GUI versions of Vim. However, it is useful even in text-only Vim. --- You may choose to use `wildmenu', or you can use key sequences similar to the hot keys in menu. E.g. `alt-c, i' is used to commit with the GUI menu; so `,ci' could be used in text-mode Vim to commit. The leader key, currently `,', can be easily modified in the script.
<br>This is the re-release of Mr Thorsten Maerz's original script, which was last updated in 2002. It includes several bug fixes, and corrected the CVS root so that update inside Vim works again. The latest revision of the cvsmenu script can also be found in the SourceForge CVS:
<br>:pserver:anonymous at cvs.sf.net:/cvsroot/ezytools/VimTools/cvsmenu.vim
<br>This is the link to the original release for reference:
<br><a target="_blank" href="http://vim.sourceforge.net/scripts/script.php?script_id=58">http://vim.sourceforge.net/scripts/script.php?script_id=58</A></td></tr>
+<tr><td>Supports most cvs commands and adds some extended functions. It also works with CVSNT quite well and has some support for multiple encodings. Part of the top-level menus are as follows:
<br>- Info
<br>- Setting (switches and update)
<br>- Keyword
<br>- Directory (directory operations)
<br>- Extra (operations on a specific revision, etc.)
<br>- Diff (in the split-window style of Vim)
<br>- Annotate
<br>- History
<br>- Log
<br>- Status
<br>- Local status (offline: displays status and version info)
<br>- Check out
<br>- Query update (like WinCVS/gCVS)
<br>- Update (conflicts will be highlighted)
<br>- Add
<br>- Commit
<br>The output can be sorted and is often clickable: it is easy to open conflicting files, etc. It works on single files as well as on whole directories, when called from fileexplorer. It also includes highlighting / mappings to navigate through cvs output or show conflicts.
<br>The menu is displayed in GUI versions of Vim. However, it is useful even in text-only Vim. --- You may choose to use `wildmenu', or you can use key sequences similar to the hot keys in menu. E.g. `alt-c, i' is used to commit with the GUI menu; so `,ci' could be used in text-mode Vim to commit. The leader key, currently `,', can be easily modified in the script.
<br>This is the re-release of Mr Thorsten Maerz's original script, which was last updated in 2002. It now includes many bug fixes and enhancements. The latest revision of the cvsmenu script can also be found in the SourceForge CVS:
<br>:pserver:anonymous at ezytools.cvs.sf.net:/cvsroot/ezytools/VimTools/cvsmenu.vim
<br>This is the link to the original release for reference:
<br><a target="_blank" href="http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=58">http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=58</A></td></tr>
 <tr><td class="prompt">install details</td></tr>
-<tr><td>Copy to the Vim plugin directory: generally ~/.vim/plugin in UNIXs, and $VIM\vimfiles\plugin (or $HOME\vimfiles\plugin) in Windows.
<br>Use &quot;CVS/Settings/Install/Install updates&quot; to checkout and install latest script and documentation.</td></tr>
+<tr><td>Copy to the Vim plugin directory: generally ~/.vim/plugin in UNIXs, and $VIM\vimfiles\plugin (or $HOME\vimfiles\plugin) in Windows.
<br>Choose `CVS &gt; Settings &gt; Install &gt; Install updates' in the menu, or the shortcut `,cgii', to checkout and install the latest script and documentation.</td></tr>
@@ -204,44 +204,132 @@
     <th valign="top">release notes</th>
-        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=4184">cvsmenu.vim</a></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.102</b></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2005-04-19</i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=6184">Yongwei Wu</a></i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Make menu commands like &quot;CVS - Directory - Update&quot; work in insert mode.</td>
-        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=4175">cvsmenu.vim</a></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.100</b></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2005-04-17</i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=6184">Yongwei Wu</a></i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Do not reload-after-commit after a directory commit (to avoid an error).
<br>Fix CVSInstallAsPlugin and CVSInstallAsHelp so that the plugin and its help are installed to where the script is currently installed.</td>
-        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=4121">cvsmenu.vim</a></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.97</b></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2005-04-04</i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=6184">Yongwei Wu</a></i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Fix the broken key mapping. Now it is possible to use key sequences similar to the menu hot keys. E.g. `alt-c, i' is used to commit when the GUI menu exists; so `,ci' could be used in text-mode Vim to commit.</td>
-        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=4089">cvsmenu.vim</a></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.96</b></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2005-03-28</i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=6184">Yongwei Wu</a></i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Make sure the special characters &quot;&&quot;, &quot;&lt;&quot;, &quot;&gt;&quot;, &quot;|&quot;, and &quot;^&quot; are handled correctly if shell is cmd.exe and shellxquote is \&quot; (there will be miscellaneous gotchas if the shell is command.com or shellxquote is empty).
<br>Change the prefixing spaces in menu items to appending spaces to make wildmenu users happier (when wim includes longest).</td>
-        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=4058">cvsmenu.vim</a></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.94</b></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2005-03-22</i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=6184">Yongwei Wu</a></i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Initial upload</td>
+        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=6082">cvsmenu.vim</a></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.124</b></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2006-08-20</i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=6184">Yongwei Wu</a></i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Map `q' to quickly close the buffer opened by cvs annotate and cvs log.</td>
+        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=5734">cvsmenu.vim</a></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.123</b></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2006-05-21</i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=6184">Yongwei Wu</a></i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Update broken links and make self-update work again.</td>
+        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=5687">cvsmenu.vim</a></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.122</b></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2006-05-13</i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=6184">Yongwei Wu</a></i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Update CVS info due to the SourceForge site change to make updating itself continue to work.</td>
+        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=4770">cvsmenu.vim</a></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.121</b></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2005-11-16</i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=6184">Yongwei Wu</a></i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">- Use extracted cvs command (w/o `-q' etc.) to match with CVSdontconvertfor; - Ensure correct message escaping on Windows when shell=cmd.exe (regardless of shellxquote); - Documentation is updated to reflect my changes: be sure to use `CVS - Settings - Install - Install updates' (or `Download updates' followed by `Install buffer as help' on the help file buffer) to get it.</td>
+        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=4725">cvsmenu.vim</a></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.118</b></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2005-11-09</i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=6184">Yongwei Wu</a></i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">- Deal with &quot;`&quot; correctly under Unix;
<br>- Make no-reload-prompt trick work when the committed file is not in the current directory.</td>
+        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=4713">cvsmenu.vim</a></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.116</b></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2005-11-01</i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=6184">Yongwei Wu</a></i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">- Do not allow to commit if the current file has not a name;
<br>- Fix a bug when executing `:w file' on an unsaved named buffer.</td>
+        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=4673">cvsmenu.vim</a></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.114</b></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2005-10-14</i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=6184">Yongwei Wu</a></i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">- Work around a problem that unedit of CVSNT may prompt to revert changes;
<br>- Allow the ouput encoding of cvs be different from the Vim encoding (e.g., to make Chinese in annotate and the error message of CVSNT display correctly, one may now use `let CVScvsoutputencoding=&quot;gbk&quot;' in .vimrc).</td>
+        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=4612">cvsmenu.vim</a></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.112</b></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2005-09-22</i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=6184">Yongwei Wu</a></i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">- Rename CVSaddspaceafterannotate to CVSspacesinannotate;
<br>- Display two missing parameters in CVS - Info;
<br>- Avoid the reload prompt after commit;
<br>- Do not allow to commit if the current buffer is modified.</td>
+        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=4414">cvsmenu.vim</a></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.109</b></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2005-07-07</i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=6184">Yongwei Wu</a></i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Fix problems with CVS annotation highlighting.</td>
+        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=4351">cvsmenu.vim</a></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.107</b></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2005-06-08</i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=6184">Yongwei Wu</a></i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">- Allow space adjustment of output of &quot;CVS - Annotate&quot;&nbsp;&nbsp;(assign a positive value to g:CVSaddspaceafterannotate) so that files that use TABs can align better.
<br>- Output of &quot;CVS - Annotate&quot; is now highlighted.</td>
+        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=4207">cvsmenu.vim</a></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.104</b></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2005-04-28</i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=6184">Yongwei Wu</a></i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">- Do not remap keys for new buffers output by cvs annotate, history, and log.
<br>- Correct the help message for output buffer.</td>
+        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=4184">cvsmenu.vim</a></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.102</b></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2005-04-19</i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=6184">Yongwei Wu</a></i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Make menu commands like &quot;CVS - Directory - Update&quot; work in insert mode.</td>
+        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=4175">cvsmenu.vim</a></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.100</b></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2005-04-17</i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=6184">Yongwei Wu</a></i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Do not reload-after-commit after a directory commit (to avoid an error).
<br>Fix CVSInstallAsPlugin and CVSInstallAsHelp so that the plugin and its help are installed to where the script is currently installed.</td>
+        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=4121">cvsmenu.vim</a></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.97</b></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2005-04-04</i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=6184">Yongwei Wu</a></i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Fix the broken key mapping. Now it is possible to use key sequences similar to the menu hot keys. E.g. `alt-c, i' is used to commit when the GUI menu exists; so `,ci' could be used in text-mode Vim to commit.</td>
+        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=4089">cvsmenu.vim</a></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.96</b></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2005-03-28</i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=6184">Yongwei Wu</a></i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Make sure the special characters &quot;&&quot;, &quot;&lt;&quot;, &quot;&gt;&quot;, &quot;|&quot;, and &quot;^&quot; are handled correctly if shell is cmd.exe and shellxquote is \&quot; (there will be miscellaneous gotchas if the shell is command.com or shellxquote is empty).
<br>Change the prefixing spaces in menu items to appending spaces to make wildmenu users happier (when wim includes longest).</td>
+        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=4058">cvsmenu.vim</a></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.94</b></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2005-03-22</i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=6184">Yongwei Wu</a></i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Initial upload</td>
 <!-- finish off the framework -->
@@ -272,11 +360,27 @@
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@@ -153,8 +153,8 @@
   <td class="lightbg"><b>&nbsp;script karma&nbsp;</b></td>
-    Rating <b>145/51</b>,
-    Downloaded by 1173  </td>
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   <td class="lightbg"><b>&nbsp;script karma&nbsp;</b></td>
-    Rating <b>1207/366</b>,
-    Downloaded by 9817  </td>
+    Rating <b>1898/584</b>,
+    Downloaded by 17067  </td>
@@ -195,235 +195,3 @@
 <table cellspacing="2" cellpadding="4" border="0" width="100%">
-<tr class='tableheader'>
-        <th valign="top">package</th>
-    <th valign="top">script version</th>
-    <th valign="top">date</th>
-    <th valign="top">Vim version</th>
-    <th valign="top">user</th>
-    <th valign="top">release notes</th>
-        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=3640">minibufexpl.vim</a></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>6.3.2</b></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2004-11-18</i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=385">bindu wavell</a></i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">For some reason there was still a call to StopExplorer with 2 params. Many thanks to Jason Mills for reporting this!
-        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=3195">minibufexpl.vim</a></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>6.3.1</b></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2004-06-30</i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=385">bindu wavell</a></i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Added g:miniBufExplForceSyntaxEnable option for folks that are experiencing the vim bug where buffers show up without highlighting when another buffer has been closed, quit, wiped or deleted. This resolves all known issues with buffers loosing their highlighting. If you find a case that is not resolved, please report it :)
<br>Folded source so that it's easier to navigate</td>
-        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=3179">minibufexpl.vim</a></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>6.3.0</b></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2004-06-24</i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=385">bindu wavell</a></i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">FEATURE RELEASE:
<br>o Added optional single click to select buffers in the MBE window
<br>o MBE is no longer included in :ls output
<br>o Added the ability to have your tabs show up in a vertical window
<br>o Autosize vertical explorer window
<br>NOTE: Folks who use the single click feature in TagList should wait to use the MBE single click feature until the next release of TagList (~2 weeks) which includes a patch to allow both explorers to utilize single click.
<br>o g:miniBufExplMaxHeight was renamed g:miniBufExplMaxSize 
<br>o g:miniBufExplMinHeight was renamed g:miniBufExplMinSize 
<br>The old settings are backwards compatible if you don't use the new settings. The old settings are depreciated.
-        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=3103">minibufexpl.vim</a></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>6.2.8</b></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2004-06-07</i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=385">bindu wavell</a></i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Added an option to stop MBE from targeting non-modifiable buffers when switching buffers. Those of you who use buffer explorers like taglist, project, etc and would like MBE to try not to place selected buffers into explorer windows will like this one :) To get this working download the latest version of minibufexpl.vim and put &quot;let g:miniBufExplModSelTarget = 1&quot; into your .vimrc. This is not a 100% guarantee, but it does a good job of trying to avoice explorer windows. Thanks to A.W. Law for the inspiration for this.
-        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=3056">minibufexpl.vim</a></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>6.2.7</b></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2004-05-24</i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=385">bindu wavell</a></i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Very minor bug fix for people who want to set loaded_minibufexplorer in their .vimrc in order to stop MBE from loading. 99.99% of users do not need this update. Thanks to bash for finding this.
-        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=1951">minibufexpl.vim</a></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>6.2.6</b></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2003-04-30</i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=385">bindu wavell</a></i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Very minor update: Moved history to end of source file. Updated highlighting documentation. Created global commands MBEbn and MBEbp that can be used in mappings if folks want to cycle buffers while skipping non-eligible buffers.</td>
-        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=1914">minibufexpl.vim</a></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>6.2.5</b></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2003-04-13</i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=385">bindu wavell</a></i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Added a ToggleExplorer option and updated the documentation.</td>
-        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=1877">minibufexpl.vim</a></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>6.2.4</b></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2003-03-30</i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=385">bindu wavell</a></i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">MiniBufExplorer is now compatible with :set hidden.</td>
-        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=1858">minibufexpl.vim</a></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>6.2.3</b></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2003-03-26</i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=385">bindu wavell</a></i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Added an optional feature to cause tabs to wrap. i.e. you should never get a tab name split across two lines (there is a potential issue if you have filenames with spaces, but otherwise this works.)</td>
-        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=1853">minibufexpl.vim</a></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>6.2.2</b></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2003-03-25</i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=385">bindu wavell</a></i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Changed the way the g:miniBufExplorerMoreThanOne
<br>global is handled. You can set this to the number
<br>of eligible buffers you want to be loaded before
<br>the MBE window is loaded. Setting it to 0 causes
<br>the MBE window to be opened even if there are no
<br>buffers. Setting it to 4 causes the window to stay
<br>closed until the 4th eligible buffer is loaded.
<br>Added a MinHeight option. This is nice if you want
<br>the MBE window to always take the same amount of
<br>space. For example set MaxHeight and MinHeight to 2
<br>and set MoreThanOne to 0 and you will always have
<br>a 2 row (plus the ruler :) MBE window.
<br>I now setlocal foldcomun=0 and nonumber in the MBE 
<br>window. This is for those of you that like to have
<br>these options turned on locally. I'm assuming noone
<br>outthere wants foldcolumns and line numbers in the
<br>MBE window? :)
<br>Fixed a bug where an empty MBE window was taking half
<br>of the screen (partly why the MinHeight option was 
-        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=1841">minibufexpl.vim</a></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>6.2.1</b></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2003-03-21</i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=385">bindu wavell</a></i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">If MBE is the only window (because of :bd for example) and there are still eligible buffers then one of them will be displayed.
<br>The &lt;Leader&gt;mbe mapping now highlights the buffer from the current window.
<br>The delete ('d') binding in the MBE window now restors the cursor position, which can help if you want to delete several buffers in a row that are not at the beginning of the buffer list.
<br>Added a new key binding ('p') in the MBE window to switch to the previous window (last edit window)</td>
-        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=1834">minibufexpl.vim</a></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>6.2.0</b></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2003-03-20</i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=385">bindu wavell</a></i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Major overhaul of autocommand and list updating code, we now have much better handling of :bd (which is the most requested feature.) As well as resolving other issues where the buffer list would not be updated automatically. The old version tried to trap specific events, this one just updates frequently, but it keeps track and only changes the screen if there has been a change.
<br>Added g:miniBufExplMaxHeight variable so you can keep the -MiniBufExplorer- window small when you have lots of buffers (or buffers with long names :)
<br>Improvement to internal syntax highlighting code I renamed the syntax group names. Anyone who has figured out how to use them already shouldn't have any trouble with the new Nameing :)
<br>Added debug mode 3 which writes to a global variable this is fast and doesn't mess with the buffer/window lists.</td>
-        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=1810">minibufexpl.vim</a></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>6.1.0</b></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2003-03-14</i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=385">bindu wavell</a></i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">&lt;Leader&gt;mbc was failing because I was calling one of my own functions with the wrong number of args. Thanks to Gerry Patterson and others for finding this!
-        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=1219">minibufexpl.vim</a></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>6.0.9</b></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2002-09-17</i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=385">bindu wavell</a></i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Double clicking tabs was overwriting the clipboard register on MS Windows but not elsewhere... go figure :). This has now been fixed. Thanks to Shoeb Bhinderwala for reporting this one.</td>
-        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=1084">minibufexpl.vim</a></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>6.0.8</b></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2002-08-06</i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=385">bindu wavell</a></i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Apparently some VIM builds are having a hard time with line continuation in scripts so the few that were here have been removed.
<br>Updated debugging code so that debug output is put into a buffer which can then be written to disk or emailed to me when someone is having a major issue. Can also write directly to a file (VERY SLOWLY) on UNIX or Win32 (not 95 or 98 at the moment) or use VIM's echo function to display the output to the screen.
<br>Several people have had issues when the hidden option is turned on. So I have put in several checks to make sure folks know this if they try to use MBE with the option set.</td>
-        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=551">minibufexpl.vim</a></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>6.0.7</b></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2002-02-04</i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=385">bindu wavell</a></i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Major update to how MBE handles buffer deletes. Now deletes are handled through an autocmd so you can now use :bd to delete buffers and the UI keeps in sync. Also made the MBE window go away when there is only one eligible buffer left to edit.</td>
-        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=515">minibufexpl.vim</a></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>6.0.6</b></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2002-01-28</i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=385">bindu wavell</a></i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Fixed register overwrite bug found by Sébastien Pierre. The @&quot; register was being overwritten with the selected buffer name when switching buffers, the @&quot; register is now preserved.</td>
-        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=505">minibufexpl.vim</a></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>6.0.5</b></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2002-01-22</i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=385">bindu wavell</a></i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Added more optional fancy window/buffer navigation:
<br>You can turn on the ability to use control and the arrow keys to move between windows.
<br>You can turn on the ability to use &lt;C-TAB&gt; and &lt;C-S-TAB&gt; to open the next and previous (respectively) buffer in the current window.
<br>You can turn on the ability to use &lt;C-TAB&gt; and &lt;C-S-TAB&gt; to switch windows (forward and backwards respectively.)
<br>Fixed an issue with window sizing when we run out of buffers.</td>
-        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=431">minibufexpl.vim</a></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>6.0.4</b></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2001-12-19</i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=385">bindu wavell</a></i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">After reading 'Tip #173: Switch between splits very fast (for multi-file editing)' I decided to optionally add control+direction [hjkl] mappings to switch between windows. If you want to enable this feature just put 'let g:miniBufExplMapWindowNav=1&quot; into your .vimrc.</td>
-        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=430">minibufexpl.vim</a></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>6.0.3</b></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2001-12-19</i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=385">bindu wavell</a></i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Our buffername [MiniBufExplorer] was being treated as a regular expression in some instances and matching several single character file names. Since escaping the '[' and ']' doesn't work on the windows version of vim 6.0 yet, I renamed the buffer -MiniBufExplorer-. This appears to have resolved the issue.</td>
-        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=400">minibufexpl.vim</a></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>6.0.2</b></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2001-12-04</i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=385">bindu wavell</a></i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">2 Changes requested by Suresh Govindachar
<br>Added SplitToEdge option and set it on by default
<br>Added tab and shift-tab mappings in [MBE] window</td>
-        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=390">minibufexpl.vim</a></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>6.0.0</b></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2001-12-01</i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=385">bindu wavell</a></i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Initial upload</td>
-<!-- finish off the framework -->
-          </td>
-        </tr>
-      </table>
-    </td>
-  </tr>
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Modified: trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/html/plugin_taglist.vim.html
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-vim/trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/html/plugin_taglist.vim.html?rev=743&op=diff
--- trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/html/plugin_taglist.vim.html (original)
+++ trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/html/plugin_taglist.vim.html Tue Aug 22 18:24:29 2006
@@ -153,8 +153,8 @@
   <td class="lightbg"><b>&nbsp;script karma&nbsp;</b></td>
-    Rating <b>3018/932</b>,
-    Downloaded by 24918  </td>
+    Rating <b>3895/1204</b>,
+    Downloaded by 38918  </td>
@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@
 <tr><td>The &quot;Tag List&quot; plugin is a source code browser plugin for Vim and
<br>provides an overview of the structure of source code files and allows
<br>you to efficiently browse through source code files for different
<br>programming languages.&nbsp;&nbsp;You can visit the taglist plugin home page for
<br>more information:
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a target="_blank" href="http://www.geocities.com/yegappan/taglist">http://www.geocities.com/yegappan/taglist</A>
<br>You can subscribe to the taglist mailing list to post your questions
<br>or suggestions for improvement or to report bugs. Visit the following
<br>page for subscribing to the mailing list:
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a target="_blank" href="http://groups.yahoo.com/group/taglist/">http://groups.yahoo.com/group/taglist/</A>
<br>For more information about using this plugin, after installing the
<br>taglist plugin, use the &quot;:help taglist&quot; command.</td></tr>
 <tr><td class="prompt">install details</td></tr>
-<tr><td>1. Download the taglist.zip file and unzip the files to the $HOME/.vim or the
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;$HOME/vimfiles or the $VIM/vimfiles directory. After this step, you should
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;have the following two files (the directory structure should be preserved):
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; plugin/taglist.vim - main taglist plugin file
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; doc/taglist.txt&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;- documentation (help) file
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp; Refer to the |add-plugin|, |add-global-plugin| and |runtimepath| Vim
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp; help pages for more details about installing Vim plugins.
<br>2. Change to the $HOME/.vim/doc or $HOME/vimfiles/doc or $VIM/doc/vimfiles
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;directory, start Vim and run the &quot;:helptags .&quot; command to process the
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;taglist help file. Without this step, you cannot jump to the taglist help
<br>3. If the exuberant ctags utility is not present in your PATH, then set the
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tlist_Ctags_Cmd variable to point to the location of the exuberant ctags
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;utility (not to the directory) in the .vimrc file.
<br>4. If you are running a terminal/console version of Vim and the terminal
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;doesn't support changing the window width then set the
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;'Tlist_Inc_Winwidth' variable to 0 in the .vimrc file.
<br>5. Restart Vim.
<br>6. You can now use the &quot;:Tlist&quot; command to open/close the taglist
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;window. You can use the &quot;:help taglist&quot; command to get more information
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;about using the taglist plugin.
+<tr><td>1. Download the taglist.zip file and unzip the files to the $HOME/.vim or the
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;$HOME/vimfiles or the $VIM/vimfiles directory. After this step, you should
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;have the following two files (the directory structure should be preserved):
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; plugin/taglist.vim - main taglist plugin file
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; doc/taglist.txt&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;- documentation (help) file
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp; Refer to the |add-plugin|, |add-global-plugin| and |runtimepath| Vim
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp; help pages for more details about installing Vim plugins.
<br>2. Change to the $HOME/.vim/doc or $HOME/vimfiles/doc or $VIM/doc/vimfiles
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;directory, start Vim and run the &quot;:helptags .&quot; command to process the
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;taglist help file. Without this step, you cannot jump to the taglist help
<br>3. If the exuberant ctags utility is not present in your PATH, then set the
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tlist_Ctags_Cmd variable to point to the location of the exuberant ctags
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;utility (not to the directory) in the .vimrc file.
<br>4. If you are running a terminal/console version of Vim and the terminal
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;doesn't support changing the window width then set the
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;'Tlist_Inc_Winwidth' variable to 0 in the .vimrc file.
<br>5. Restart Vim.
<br>6. You can now use the &quot;:TlistToggle&quot; command to open/close the taglist
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;window. You can use the &quot;:help taglist&quot; command to get more information
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;about using the taglist plugin.
@@ -204,84 +204,108 @@
     <th valign="top">release notes</th>
-        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=4124">taglist_40b1.zip</a></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>4.0b1</b></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2005-04-05</i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=244">Yegappan Lakshmanan</a></i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Added support for optionally displaying the tags in the drop-down/popup menu. Performance enhancments, various bug fixes and debug support.</td>
-        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=3340">taglist.zip</a></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>3.4</b></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2004-08-16</i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=244">Yegappan Lakshmanan</a></i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">1. Introduced a new option 'Tlist_Show_One_File&quot; to display the tags for only the current buffer in the taglist window.
<br>2. Support for not displaying the tags for a user-deleted file in the taglist window.
<br>3. Fix for sharing the mouse single click map with other plugins</td>
-        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=3091">taglist.zip</a></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>3.3</b></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2004-06-01</i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=244">Yegappan Lakshmanan</a></i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">1. If Tlist_Ctags_Cmd variable is not set, on startup, check for the
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp; presence of exuberant-ctags or ctags or tags in the PATH and set
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp; Tlist_Ctags_Cmd variable accordingly. If none of the executable is
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp; found, then the taglist plugin will not be not loaded.
<br>2. Added a new configuration variable Tlist_Enable_Fold_Column to
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp; enable or disable fold columns in the taglist window.
<br>3. Added support for setting the taglist application name used by the
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp; winmanager plugin and the cream package.
<br>4. Two new key mappings ([[ and ]]) are added to the taglist window to
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp; move between files.
<br>5. When a file is modified, the taglist window will be automatically
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp; updated (after going to some other window or buffer and then coming
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp; to the modified buffer).
<br>6. Made the Tlist_Update_File_Tags() function as a global function.
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp; This function can be used to add or update the tags for a new file.
<br>7. Updated the Tlist_Get_Tag_Prototype_By_Line() and the 
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp; Tlist_Get_Tagname_By_Line() functions to get the tag name and tag
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp; prototype for the specified line in a file.
-        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=2978">taglist.zip</a></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>3.2</b></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2004-04-25</i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=244">Yegappan Lakshmanan</a></i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Added support for closing the tags tree for inactive files, removing the tags tree for deleted buffers, processing the tags when the taglist window is not opened, disabling the automatic highlighting of the current tag, displaying name of the current tag.</td>
-        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=2444">taglist.zip</a></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>3.1</b></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2003-11-02</i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=244">Yegappan Lakshmanan</a></i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Added support for saving and restoring taglist sessions. Separated the taglist documentation into a separate file in Vim help format.</td>
-        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=2353">taglist.vim</a></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>3.0</b></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2003-09-24</i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=244">Yegappan Lakshmanan</a></i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Added support for displaying tags defined in multiple files.</td>
-        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=2334">taglist.vim</a></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>2.8</b></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2003-09-14</i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=244">Yegappan Lakshmanan</a></i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Added information about the taglist mailing list.</td>
-        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=2250">taglist.vim</a></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>2.7</b></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2003-08-21</i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=244">Yegappan Lakshmanan</a></i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">1. Added TlistUpdate command to update the taglist window.
<br>2. Made the taglist highlight groups user configurable.
<br>3. Fixed a problem in the taglist integration with the winmanager plugin</td>
-        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=2054">taglist.vim</a></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>2.6</b></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2003-06-09</i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=244">Yegappan Lakshmanan</a></i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">1. Added support for previewing a tag.
<br>2. Added the TlistClose command to close the taglist window
<br>3. Added the Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow option to close the taglist window if only that window is open.</td>
-        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=1941">taglist.vim</a></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>2.5</b></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2003-04-25</i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=244">Yegappan Lakshmanan</a></i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Added support for highlighting the tag scope. Added support for displaying namespaces in C++ files. Updated the comments.</td>
+        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=5548">taglist_40b4.zip</a></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>4.0b4</b></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2006-04-12</i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=244">Yegappan Lakshmanan</a></i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Fixes:
<br>1. When 'Tlist_Show_One_File' is set, after few files are opened,
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp; unable to select tags from the taglist window.
<br>2. When the taglist plugin is stored in a directory with space characters
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp; in the name, the autoloading of taglist plugin fails.
<br>New features:
<br>1. Support for moving cursor to the taglist window when using the
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp; &quot;:TlistToggle&quot; command.
<br>2. When all the tags in a file are of the same type, in the taglist
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp; menu, don't display the tag type.
<br>3. Changed the '?' help key to 'F1' in the taglist window.
<br>4. Set the filetype for the taglist buffer to 'taglist'
<br>5. In Vim7, set the 'winfixwidth' option for the taglist window.
<br>6. When jumping between files using the ]] or &lt;Tab&gt; and [[ or &lt;Backspace&gt;
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp; keys, wrap around at the first and last file.
+        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=4924">taglist_40b3.zip</a></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>4.0b3</b></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2005-12-28</i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=244">Yegappan Lakshmanan</a></i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">The following changes are made in this version:
<br>1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time.
<br>2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp; ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command.
<br>3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window.
<br>4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command.
<br>5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp; when a file is selected.
<br>6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp; edited files.
<br>7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp; taglist.
<br>8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp; highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer.
<br>9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp; the taglist with the files from the session file.
<br>10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;taglist window.
<br>11. When &lt;Space&gt; is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;taglist window, display information about the number of tags.
<br>12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window.
<br>13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers.
<br>14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands.
<br>15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;window to edit the file.
<br>16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer.
<br>17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled,
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem.
<br>18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer
+        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=4455">taglist_40b2.zip</a></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>4.0b2</b></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2005-08-01</i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=244">Yegappan Lakshmanan</a></i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">1. Added the TlistAddFiles command to add multiple files to the taglist window without opening them.
<br>2. Maintain the taglist window width and height across Vim window layout changes.
<br>3. Restore the Vim window location after the taglist window is closed.
<br>4. Use a simpler regular expression for parsing tags output.
<br>5. When a closed fold is selected in the taglist window, open the fold and jump to the file.
<br>6. When the Tlist_Auto_Open variable is set, open the taglist window only when a supported type of file is opened.
<br>7. When displaying tags for a single file, center the current tag line when opening a file.
<br>8. When jumping to a tag, add the previous location to the jump list.
<br>9. Fixed a problem with recording timestamps in the debug messages on MS-Windows.
<br>10. Set the ' mark when jumping to a selected tag.
+        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=4124">taglist_40b1.zip</a></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>4.0b1</b></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2005-04-05</i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=244">Yegappan Lakshmanan</a></i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Added support for optionally displaying the tags in the drop-down/popup menu. Performance enhancments, various bug fixes and debug support.</td>
+        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=3340">taglist.zip</a></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>3.4</b></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2004-08-16</i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=244">Yegappan Lakshmanan</a></i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">1. Introduced a new option 'Tlist_Show_One_File&quot; to display the tags for only the current buffer in the taglist window.
<br>2. Support for not displaying the tags for a user-deleted file in the taglist window.
<br>3. Fix for sharing the mouse single click map with other plugins</td>
+        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=3091">taglist.zip</a></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>3.3</b></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2004-06-01</i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=244">Yegappan Lakshmanan</a></i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">1. If Tlist_Ctags_Cmd variable is not set, on startup, check for the
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp; presence of exuberant-ctags or ctags or tags in the PATH and set
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp; Tlist_Ctags_Cmd variable accordingly. If none of the executable is
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp; found, then the taglist plugin will not be not loaded.
<br>2. Added a new configuration variable Tlist_Enable_Fold_Column to
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp; enable or disable fold columns in the taglist window.
<br>3. Added support for setting the taglist application name used by the
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp; winmanager plugin and the cream package.
<br>4. Two new key mappings ([[ and ]]) are added to the taglist window to
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp; move between files.
<br>5. When a file is modified, the taglist window will be automatically
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp; updated (after going to some other window or buffer and then coming
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp; to the modified buffer).
<br>6. Made the Tlist_Update_File_Tags() function as a global function.
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp; This function can be used to add or update the tags for a new file.
<br>7. Updated the Tlist_Get_Tag_Prototype_By_Line() and the 
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp; Tlist_Get_Tagname_By_Line() functions to get the tag name and tag
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp; prototype for the specified line in a file.
+        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=2978">taglist.zip</a></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>3.2</b></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2004-04-25</i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=244">Yegappan Lakshmanan</a></i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Added support for closing the tags tree for inactive files, removing the tags tree for deleted buffers, processing the tags when the taglist window is not opened, disabling the automatic highlighting of the current tag, displaying name of the current tag.</td>
+        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=2444">taglist.zip</a></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>3.1</b></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2003-11-02</i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=244">Yegappan Lakshmanan</a></i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Added support for saving and restoring taglist sessions. Separated the taglist documentation into a separate file in Vim help format.</td>
+        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=2353">taglist.vim</a></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>3.0</b></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2003-09-24</i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=244">Yegappan Lakshmanan</a></i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Added support for displaying tags defined in multiple files.</td>
+        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=2334">taglist.vim</a></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>2.8</b></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2003-09-14</i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=244">Yegappan Lakshmanan</a></i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Added information about the taglist mailing list.</td>
+        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=2250">taglist.vim</a></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>2.7</b></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2003-08-21</i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=244">Yegappan Lakshmanan</a></i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">1. Added TlistUpdate command to update the taglist window.
<br>2. Made the taglist highlight groups user configurable.
<br>3. Fixed a problem in the taglist integration with the winmanager plugin</td>
+        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=2054">taglist.vim</a></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>2.6</b></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2003-06-09</i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=244">Yegappan Lakshmanan</a></i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">1. Added support for previewing a tag.
<br>2. Added the TlistClose command to close the taglist window
<br>3. Added the Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow option to close the taglist window if only that window is open.</td>
+        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=1941">taglist.vim</a></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>2.5</b></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2003-04-25</i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=244">Yegappan Lakshmanan</a></i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Added support for highlighting the tag scope. Added support for displaying namespaces in C++ files. Updated the comments.</td>
 <!-- finish off the framework -->
@@ -312,11 +336,27 @@
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-    Rating <b>126/39</b>,
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+<span class="txth1">vcscommand.vim : CVS/SVN integration plugin</span> 
+<!-- karma table -->
+<table cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" border="1" bordercolor="#000066">
+  <td class="lightbg"><b>&nbsp;script karma&nbsp;</b></td>
+  <td>
+    Rating <b>916/305</b>,
+    Downloaded by 12566  </td>
+<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
+<tr><td class="prompt">created by</td></tr>
+<tr><td><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=241">Bob Hiestand</a></td></tr>
+<tr><td class="prompt">script type</td></tr>
+<tr><td class="prompt">description</td></tr>
+<tr><td>VIM 7 plugin useful for manipulating files controlled by CVS or SVN within VIM, including committing changes and performings diffs using the vimdiff system.&nbsp;&nbsp;Keywords:&nbsp;&nbsp;cvs CVS cvscommand subversion SVN</td></tr>
+<tr><td class="prompt">install details</td></tr>
+<tr><td>If you are upgrading from the cvscommand.vim script, remove the cvscommand.vim plugin and the cvscommand.txt help file from your system before installing this version.&nbsp;&nbsp;Also, read the CHANGES.txt file to learn about changes since cvscommand.vim.
<br>For Vim 7:
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;Unzip the installation file.
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;Move the vcscommand.vim, vcscvs.vim, and vcssvn.vim scripts into your plugin directory.
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;Move the vcscommand.txt file into your doc directory and use the ':helptags' command to add it to your help directory (:help add-local-help).
<br>Optionally, you can move the syntax scripts into your syntax directory to get syntax highlighting of annotate result buffers.
<br>For vim 6.x:
<br>Use a previous version of the script (1.76 of cvscommand.zip).&nbsp;&nbsp;This only supports CVS.</td></tr>
+<!-- rating table -->
+<form name="rating">
+<input type="hidden" name="script_id" value="90">
+<table cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" border="1" bordercolor="#000066">
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+  <td valign="middle">
+    <input type="radio" name="rating" value="life_changing">Life Changing
+    <input type="radio" name="rating" value="helpful">Helpful
+    <input type="radio" name="rating" value="unfulfilling">Unfulfilling&nbsp;
+    <input type="submit" value="rate">
+  </td>
+<span class="txth2">script versions</span> (<a href="add_script_version.php?script_id=90">upload new version</a>)
+Click on the package to download.
+<table cellspacing="2" cellpadding="4" border="0" width="100%">
+<tr class='tableheader'>
+        <th valign="top">package</th>
+    <th valign="top">script version</th>
+    <th valign="top">date</th>
+    <th valign="top">Vim version</th>
+    <th valign="top">user</th>
+    <th valign="top">release notes</th>
+        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=6070">vcscommand.zip</a></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>Beta8</b></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2006-08-14</i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>7.0</td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=241">Bob Hiestand</a></i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Changed behavior of plugin within Explorer/netrw -style directory buffers.&nbsp;&nbsp;Commands within such a buffer now act as though invoked on that directory, and so affect all files (and subdirectories), regardless of where the cursor is within the directory buffer.</td>
+        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=6055">vcscommand.zip</a></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>Beta5</b></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2006-08-09</i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>7.0</td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=241">Bob Hiestand</a></i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Corrected shortcut help text in commit message buffer.</td>
+        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=6054">vcscommand.zip</a></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>Beta4</b></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2006-08-09</i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>7.0</td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=241">Bob Hiestand</a></i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Changed default mappings back to those from cvscommand (starting with
<br>'&lt;Leader&gt;c' instead of '&lt;Leader&gt;v'.&nbsp;&nbsp;This is to avoid conflict with existing plugins using the '&lt;Leader&gt;v' prefix.&nbsp;&nbsp;Please note that the mappings can still be overridden by the user using &lt;Plug&gt; mappings.&nbsp;&nbsp;Please consult the documentation for more information.
<br>Removed special characters other than parentheses from output buffer names.&nbsp;&nbsp;This is to address buffer name problems on Windows.
+        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=6040">vcscommand.zip</a></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>Beta3</b></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2006-08-04</i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>7.0</td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=241">Bob Hiestand</a></i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Initial public release of vcscommand (based on cvscommand) to integrate subversion (SVN) and utilize VIM 7.0 features.</td>
+        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=5302">cvscommand.zip</a></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.76</b></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2006-02-22</i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=241">Bob Hiestand</a></i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Added optional direct specification of log message on :CVSCommit command (to avoid using the log message buffer).&nbsp;&nbsp;Usage:
<br>:CVSCommit &lt;log message text here&gt;</td>
+        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=5208">cvscommand.zip</a></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.75</b></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2006-02-13</i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=241">Bob Hiestand</a></i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Forced file changed check whenever the original CVS file could have changed, even in split window environments (per Luca Gerli).</td>
+        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=5069">cvscommand.zip</a></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.74</b></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2006-02-06</i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=241">Bob Hiestand</a></i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">* Added ability to use CVSCommand functions / hotkeys on directory listing buffers, specifically the file explorer.
<br>* CVSAnnotate:&nbsp;&nbsp;Previously, if CVSAnnotate was invoked on a CVSAnnotate buffer, the new annotate buffer would go to the version just prior to the one on the current line.&nbsp;&nbsp;Now, the new buffer uses the version on the current line.&nbsp;&nbsp;To obtain the old behavior, set CVSCommandAnnotateParent to a non-zero value.&nbsp;&nbsp;The header lines resulting from the cvs annotate command are now trimmed.&nbsp;&nbsp;No attempt is made to jump to the 'correct' line in a CVSAnnotate buffer, as it is unlikely to be the correct line anyway.
+        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=4999">cvscommand.zip</a></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.73</b></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2006-01-23</i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=241">Bob Hiestand</a></i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Fixed typo in sample map in documentation per Luca Gerli.</td>
+        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=4987">cvscommand.zip</a></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.72</b></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2006-01-17</i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=241">Bob Hiestand</a></i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Moved version check to after the loaded_cvscommand check.</td>
+        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=4798">cvscommand.zip</a></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.71</b></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2005-11-22</i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=241">Bob Hiestand</a></i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Restored CVSVimDiffFinish user autocommand which executes after a CVSVimDiff
<br>(in order to allow customization of window placement, etc).
+        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=4728">cvscommand.zip</a></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.70</b></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2005-11-10</i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=241">Bob Hiestand</a></i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Fixes bug that resulted in working directory change.
<br>Displays warning to user and will not load if running on VIM earlier than 6.2.</td>
+        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=4403">cvscommand.zip</a></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.68</b></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2005-06-30</i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=241">Bob Hiestand</a></i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Fixed bug with autochdir and CVSCommit.
<br>(Repackaged from previous upload, which had new script in wrong place and old script in right place).du</td>
+        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=3491">cvscommand.zip</a></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.67</b></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2004-09-27</i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=241">Bob Hiestand</a></i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Corrected b:CVSRepository variable for CVSAdd'd files.&nbsp;&nbsp;This will fix status line display for these files, if the default (cvs) status line is used.</td>
+        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=3450">cvscommand.zip</a></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.66</b></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2004-09-14</i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=241">Bob Hiestand</a></i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Changed maintainer email address.</td>
+        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=3294">cvscommand.zip</a></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.65</b></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2004-08-02</i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=241">Bob Hiestand</a></i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Added instructions for integrating with SSH.
<br>Added CVSCommandCVSExec option to specify cvs executable path.
<br>Added CVSBufferSetup user event.
+        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=3018">cvscommand.zip</a></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.64</b></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2004-05-12</i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=241">Bob Hiestand</a></i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Delete folds created by vimdiff mode in CVSVimDiff if the original window used manual folds, when it is restored.
<br>Always set scrollbind in the result window of a CVSVimDiff in order to combat the effects of splitting windows resetting scrollbind.&nbsp;&nbsp;Please let me know if this causes anyone trouble.</td>
+        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=2126">cvscommand.zip</a></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.63</b></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2003-07-03</i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=241">Bob Hiestand</a></i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Bugfix release.&nbsp;&nbsp;Buffers start with 1, not 0.&nbsp;&nbsp;Switch to the original buffer first before destorying CVS buffers in
<br>CVSGotoOriginal! in order to preserve window layout.
+        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=2123">cvscommand.zip</a></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.62</b></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2003-07-02</i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=241">Bob Hiestand</a></i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Added b:CVSRepository as a standard variable if buffer setup is enabled.
<br>Changed sample status line to display the repository version number if it differs from
<br>the working version number.
<br>Added recursive annotation functionality.
<br>Silenced text puts to set up the CVSCommit buffer.
<br>Added CVSVimDiffFinish event for window placement customization.
<br>Implemented the remove-all-CVS-buffers aspect of CVSGotoOriginal! in a slightly
<br>more sane way.
<br>Added 'foldenable' to the list of restored options for
+        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=1949">cvscommand.zip</a></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.54</b></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2003-04-28</i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=241">Bob Hiestand</a></i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Added recognition of numerical tags for use as sticky tags.</td>
+        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=1929">cvscommand.zip</a></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.52</b></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2003-04-18</i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=241">Bob Hiestand</a></i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Added the CVSGotoOriginal[!] command and mappings (&lt;Leader&gt;cg and &lt;Leader&gt; cG for with and without '!', respectively).&nbsp;&nbsp;This command jumps to the source buffer if the current buffer is a CVS output buffer.&nbsp;&nbsp;The '!' also closes all CVS output buffer for the given source buffer.</td>
+<!-- finish off the framework -->
+          </td>
+        </tr>
+      </table>
+    </td>
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Modified: trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/html/plugin_vimspell.vim.html
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-vim/trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/html/plugin_vimspell.vim.html?rev=743&op=diff
--- trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/html/plugin_vimspell.vim.html (original)
+++ trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/html/plugin_vimspell.vim.html Tue Aug 22 18:24:29 2006
@@ -153,8 +153,8 @@
   <td class="lightbg"><b>&nbsp;script karma&nbsp;</b></td>
-    Rating <b>1299/446</b>,
-    Downloaded by 12704  </td>
+    Rating <b>1764/604</b>,
+    Downloaded by 19845  </td>
@@ -204,244 +204,252 @@
     <th valign="top">release notes</th>
-        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=3744">vimspell.vim</a></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.95</b></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2005-01-04</i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=1196">Mathieu Clabaut</a></i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">- Correcting spell errors when typechecking lines with ` inside.
<br>- Apply patch from Olaf Conradi to manage the cases when mapping already 
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;exists for &lt;Space&gt;, '.' and so one in insert mode.
<br>- Correction to use the new aspell command line interface
<br>- workaround inoremap preventing abbreviations expensions in vim 6.3 (however, 
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;there are still some unwanted behaviour).
<br>- Better language recognition for mail filetypes.
<br>- Include some longstanding patches from Alex Efros. (Use of \k instead of \w 
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;in regexp, and better usage of language specific iskeyword.)
<br>- Take csh into account. Addition of 'spell_shell' variable and associated 
<br>- Correction of line quoting bug which appeared in tex/latex file (bug 
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;reported by Yann&nbsp;&nbsp;Golanski).
<br>- Add Hugo Hass patch : spell_guess_max_lines
<br>- Addition of filetype &quot;text&quot; and &quot;&quot; to spell_markup_ft option.
<br>- Add some FAQ documentation, improve the documentation about spell_markup_ft
-        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=2966">vimspell.vim</a></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.84</b></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2004-04-22</i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=1196">Mathieu Clabaut</a></i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Add mail to the default content of 'spell_markup_ft' variable (errors where not highlighted anymore during mail composition).</td>
-        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=2962">vimspell.vim</a></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.83</b></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2004-04-21</i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=1196">Mathieu Clabaut</a></i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Bug correction - highlighting inside cluster was badly set, depending on when SpellSetupBuffer was called<br>Addition fo auto jump option (jump to next error after correction).<br>Correction of a bug where cursor was jumping when on the last line of a file.<br>Correction of html file highlightings.<br>Correction of spell_guess_language_ft usage (wasn't taken into account).<br>Performance issue : check of @Spell cluster existence in syntax highlightings was removed, and replaced by heuristic and manula configuration. see spell_markup_ft variable.<br><br>Many thanks to&nbsp;&nbsp;Paul Jolly, Tomas Hoger, Michaeljohn Clement, Hugo Haas and Markus Braun. </td>
-        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=2957">vimspell.vim</a></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.78</b></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2004-04-20</i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=1196">Mathieu Clabaut</a></i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">- Add a language auto-detection function.<br>- Corrects a bug which causes delays during buffer switching (function SpellTuneCommentSyntax).<br>- Correction for bug wich prevents use of alternatives number 10 and 20<br>- Use of alternatives usable even when spellchecking is not automatically done<br>- Samm optimization to improve buffer switching latency.</td>
-        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=2953">vimspell.vim</a></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.73</b></td>
+        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=4580">vimspell.vim</a></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.100</b></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2005-09-14</i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=1196">Mathieu Clabaut</a></i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">- UTF-8 bug workaroud (hack from Huidae Cho),
<br>- Ability to type 01 to 09 to select one of the first 9 alternatives (patch
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;from M.Sureshkumar),
<br>- Suppression of some debugging output,
<br>- Some corrections to better work under windows and notably, addition of&nbsp;&nbsp; default shell handlling for windows thanks to Wojciech Pietron.
<br>- Silent some warnings.
+        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=3744">vimspell.vim</a></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.95</b></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2005-01-04</i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=1196">Mathieu Clabaut</a></i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">- Correcting spell errors when typechecking lines with ` inside.
<br>- Apply patch from Olaf Conradi to manage the cases when mapping already 
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;exists for &lt;Space&gt;, '.' and so one in insert mode.
<br>- Correction to use the new aspell command line interface
<br>- workaround inoremap preventing abbreviations expensions in vim 6.3 (however, 
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;there are still some unwanted behaviour).
<br>- Better language recognition for mail filetypes.
<br>- Include some longstanding patches from Alex Efros. (Use of \k instead of \w 
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;in regexp, and better usage of language specific iskeyword.)
<br>- Take csh into account. Addition of 'spell_shell' variable and associated 
<br>- Correction of line quoting bug which appeared in tex/latex file (bug 
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;reported by Yann&nbsp;&nbsp;Golanski).
<br>- Add Hugo Hass patch : spell_guess_max_lines
<br>- Addition of filetype &quot;text&quot; and &quot;&quot; to spell_markup_ft option.
<br>- Add some FAQ documentation, improve the documentation about spell_markup_ft
+        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=2966">vimspell.vim</a></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.84</b></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2004-04-22</i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=1196">Mathieu Clabaut</a></i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Add mail to the default content of 'spell_markup_ft' variable (errors where not highlighted anymore during mail composition).</td>
+        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=2962">vimspell.vim</a></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.83</b></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2004-04-21</i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=1196">Mathieu Clabaut</a></i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Bug correction - highlighting inside cluster was badly set, depending on when SpellSetupBuffer was called<br>Addition fo auto jump option (jump to next error after correction).<br>Correction of a bug where cursor was jumping when on the last line of a file.<br>Correction of html file highlightings.<br>Correction of spell_guess_language_ft usage (wasn't taken into account).<br>Performance issue : check of @Spell cluster existence in syntax highlightings was removed, and replaced by heuristic and manula configuration. see spell_markup_ft variable.<br><br>Many thanks to&nbsp;&nbsp;Paul Jolly, Tomas Hoger, Michaeljohn Clement, Hugo Haas and Markus Braun. </td>
+        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=2957">vimspell.vim</a></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.78</b></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2004-04-20</i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=1196">Mathieu Clabaut</a></i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">- Add a language auto-detection function.<br>- Corrects a bug which causes delays during buffer switching (function SpellTuneCommentSyntax).<br>- Correction for bug wich prevents use of alternatives number 10 and 20<br>- Use of alternatives usable even when spellchecking is not automatically done<br>- Samm optimization to improve buffer switching latency.</td>
+        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=2953">vimspell.vim</a></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.73</b></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2004-04-19</i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=1196">Mathieu Clabaut</a></i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">- at most 20 alternatives are now proposed (was 10)<br>- 'r'eplace choice was remove (was broken, and of no much use).</td>
+        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=2951">vimspell.vim</a></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.72</b></td>
     <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2004-04-19</i></td>
     <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
     <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=1196">Mathieu Clabaut</a></i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">- at most 20 alternatives are now proposed (was 10)<br>- 'r'eplace choice was remove (was broken, and of no much use).</td>
-        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=2951">vimspell.vim</a></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.72</b></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2004-04-19</i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=1196">Mathieu Clabaut</a></i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">- Correction of a performance issue (syntax match was continuously append, which slow down vim after some times).<br>- Correction of a bug, which cause unwanted behavior when the user hit another key than those proposed to correct spell errors.</td>
-        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=2496">vimspell.vim</a></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.70</b></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2003-11-19</i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=1196">Mathieu Clabaut</a></i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">- Spell checking in insert mode does not break undo stack anymore, thanks to<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;Hari Krishna Dara.<br>- Jumping to next error now works, even if some text is not spellchecked<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;(like comments).<br>- Bug with /si and aspell corrected<br>- Use @Spell cluster to spell specific region according to the highlighting<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;definitions (Idea from vim at vim.org discussion and from engspchk.vim. Thanks<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;to Mr.Campbell)<br>- Suppress menu bug, when changing language by calling directly<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;:SpellChangeLanguage.<br>- Some minor documentation improvement.<br></td>
-        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=2312">vimspell.vim</a></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.68</b></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2003-09-08</i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=1196">Mathieu Clabaut</a></i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">- Remove &quot;silent&quot; keyword which (for some unknown reason) prevent mapping to<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;replaceword (1,2,..) to be removed,<br>- Bug workaround to prevent coma to be added to 'iskeyword' option (thanks to<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;Mark Waggoner)<br>- Bug correction when line contained \,<br>- Bad filetype recognition bug correction,<br>- SpellCheckLine correction. Spell checked was not done after each word,<br>- aunmenu warning correction...<br>- more menus,<br>- more bugs to be corrected :(<br></td>
-        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=2201">vimspell.vim</a></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">- Correction of a performance issue (syntax match was continuously append, which slow down vim after some times).<br>- Correction of a bug, which cause unwanted behavior when the user hit another key than those proposed to correct spell errors.</td>
+        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=2496">vimspell.vim</a></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.70</b></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2003-11-19</i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=1196">Mathieu Clabaut</a></i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">- Spell checking in insert mode does not break undo stack anymore, thanks to<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;Hari Krishna Dara.<br>- Jumping to next error now works, even if some text is not spellchecked<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;(like comments).<br>- Bug with /si and aspell corrected<br>- Use @Spell cluster to spell specific region according to the highlighting<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;definitions (Idea from vim at vim.org discussion and from engspchk.vim. Thanks<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;to Mr.Campbell)<br>- Suppress menu bug, when changing language by calling directly<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;:SpellChangeLanguage.<br>- Some minor documentation improvement.<br></td>
+        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=2312">vimspell.vim</a></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.68</b></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2003-09-08</i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=1196">Mathieu Clabaut</a></i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">- Remove &quot;silent&quot; keyword which (for some unknown reason) prevent mapping to<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;replaceword (1,2,..) to be removed,<br>- Bug workaround to prevent coma to be added to 'iskeyword' option (thanks to<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;Mark Waggoner)<br>- Bug correction when line contained \,<br>- Bad filetype recognition bug correction,<br>- SpellCheckLine correction. Spell checked was not done after each word,<br>- aunmenu warning correction...<br>- more menus,<br>- more bugs to be corrected :(<br></td>
+        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=2201">vimspell.vim</a></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.67</b></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2003-08-04</i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=1196">Mathieu Clabaut</a></i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">previous upload failed...</td>
+        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=2199">vimspell.vim</a></td>
     <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.67</b></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2003-08-04</i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=1196">Mathieu Clabaut</a></i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">previous upload failed...</td>
-        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=2199">vimspell.vim</a></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.67</b></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2003-08-03</i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=1196">Mathieu Clabaut</a></i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">New function: popup menu with &lt;RightMouse&gt; to select alternative.<br>Make spell_filter option working.<br>Ensure usage of /bin/sh instead of [t]csh variants (problem with double<br>quotes).<br>Include Sandra schrödter patch for SpellCaseAccept problem.<br>Add a map to '.' as a hook to spell check current line in insert mode.<br>Documentation update.<br>Cleaning of help autoinstallation functions (Guo Peng Wen).<br></td>
-        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=2190">vimspell.vim</a></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.64</b></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2003-07-28</i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=1196">Mathieu Clabaut</a></i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">- Include patch of Philippe Sum to make vimspell work with windows (untested).<br>- Disable hlsearch when doing &lt;leader&gt;sp and &lt;leader&gt;sn.<br>- Save and restore backspace option when spell_insert_mode is set.<br>- Do not check current window if spell_auto_enable is not set or set to 0.<br>- In insert mode, do not check current line when no new words were inserted (fastest operation when typing several spaces).<br>- Correct bug where error highlighting vanished when reentering a buffer already checked (as a result, less computation are done when switching).<br>Add Markus Braun patch to remove SpellProposeAlternatives mapping when hitting ESC key.<br></td>
-        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=2176">vimspell.vim</a></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.61</b></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2003-08-03</i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=1196">Mathieu Clabaut</a></i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">New function: popup menu with &lt;RightMouse&gt; to select alternative.<br>Make spell_filter option working.<br>Ensure usage of /bin/sh instead of [t]csh variants (problem with double<br>quotes).<br>Include Sandra schrödter patch for SpellCaseAccept problem.<br>Add a map to '.' as a hook to spell check current line in insert mode.<br>Documentation update.<br>Cleaning of help autoinstallation functions (Guo Peng Wen).<br></td>
+        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=2190">vimspell.vim</a></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.64</b></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2003-07-28</i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=1196">Mathieu Clabaut</a></i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">- Include patch of Philippe Sum to make vimspell work with windows (untested).<br>- Disable hlsearch when doing &lt;leader&gt;sp and &lt;leader&gt;sn.<br>- Save and restore backspace option when spell_insert_mode is set.<br>- Do not check current window if spell_auto_enable is not set or set to 0.<br>- In insert mode, do not check current line when no new words were inserted (fastest operation when typing several spaces).<br>- Correct bug where error highlighting vanished when reentering a buffer already checked (as a result, less computation are done when switching).<br>Add Markus Braun patch to remove SpellProposeAlternatives mapping when hitting ESC key.<br></td>
+        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=2176">vimspell.vim</a></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.61</b></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2003-07-21</i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=1196">Mathieu Clabaut</a></i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Include Guopeng Wen to <br> - fix error in SpellCheckLanguage when there is no menu.<br> - fix SpellSetupBuffer behaviuor when autocommand are enables.<br></td>
+        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=2174">vimspell.vim</a></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.60</b></td>
     <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2003-07-21</i></td>
     <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
     <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=1196">Mathieu Clabaut</a></i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Include Guopeng Wen to <br> - fix error in SpellCheckLanguage when there is no menu.<br> - fix SpellSetupBuffer behaviuor when autocommand are enables.<br></td>
-        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=2174">vimspell.vim</a></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.60</b></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2003-07-21</i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=1196">Mathieu Clabaut</a></i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Some escaping bug corrections.<br>Documentation updated.<br>Escape Space in filename.<br>Cursor position restoring in SpellCheckWindow.<br>Iskeyword is now set globally. <br>LoadIsKeyword function is suppress. SpellSaveIskeyword is only call when setting up buffer.<br>Inclusion of Guopeng Wen&nbsp;&nbsp;patch to minimize overhead<br>of vimspell use when no menu are used and when no autospell is done.<br>Add faq about minimizing vimspell overhead.<br>Inclusion of Markus Braun patch:<br>- s:SpellSetupBuffer() call s:SpellSetSpellchecker() only when it was not called before<br>- Right calculation of the window top and bottom position, even if fold are&nbsp;&nbsp;present (idea from Mark Hillebrand, who used this in his FirstWinLine() and&nbsp;&nbsp;LastWinLine())<br>Verify that mapleader is defined before being used.<br>Add language and filetype dependant 'iskeyword' options...<br>Minor menu enhancment.<br>Bug ands todolist update.<br></td>
-        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=1969">vimspell.vim</a></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.49</b></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2003-05-06</i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=1196">Mathieu Clabaut</a></i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Bug correction: SpellCheckLine didn't work when the line contained quotes.</td>
-        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=1967">vimspell.vim</a></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.48</b></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2003-05-05</i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=1196">Mathieu Clabaut</a></i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">&nbsp;&nbsp;- Experimental on the fly spell checking in insert mode. Thanks to Mikolaj Machowski<br>&nbsp;&nbsp; (new options spell_insert_mode).<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;- Addition of &quot;none&quot; and &quot;all&quot; token for the spell_auto_type<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;variable.<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;- FAQ section in documentation.<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;- Beginning of a solution for auto help installation bug (the help<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;file was not installed when vimspell was not in a user writeable<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;directory. Thanks to Peter Kaagman<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;- Some documentation addition and correction.<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;- Some code cleaning and ordering.<br></td>
-        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=1818">vimspell.vim</a></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.46</b></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2003-03-17</i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=1196">Mathieu Clabaut</a></i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Apply patches from Markus Braun (many thanks to him):<br> - removed the need of sed, sort, awk external tools<br> - removed the spell_fly_error variables<br> - fixed small bug when proposing alternatives.<br>Fix small bug when manually calling SpellSetLanguage. Kindly reported by JF L.<br>Remove highlighting when changing language or spell checker.<br>Minor cosmetic changes.<br>Add Markus Braun Patch which display spell check stats.<br>Do not load vimspell when 'compatible' is set.<br>Small bug when unletting undefined variable.<br>Language menu initialization is now correct.<br>Update TODO list.</td>
-        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=1782">vimspell.vim</a></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.40</b></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2003-03-06</i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=1196">Mathieu Clabaut</a></i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">New feature : auto-installation of vimspell help file <br>Documentation correction and polishing (it now follows the help format).<br>Add &lt;Leader&gt;sA map for SpellAutoDisable<br>Rework of vimspell option documentation.<br>Correct Spellexit function.<br>&lt;Leader&gt;sq now call SpellAutoDisable instead of SpellExit.<br>SpellChecker is call in auto mode when window loose focus.<br></td>
-        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=1604">vimspell.vim</a></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.33</b></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2003-01-06</i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=1196">Mathieu Clabaut</a></i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Add preliminary support of spell errors highlighting in comments.<br>Correct nasty bug, which causes lost of data when auto spell check was<br>selected and the number of lines of the text was less than the window height.<br>Correct bug when serching for next or previous errors.<br>Cursor position is now restored after a spell check.<br>Thanks to Markus Braun &lt;Markus.Braun at krawel.de&gt; and Igor Goldenberg<br>&lt;igold at igold.pp.ru&gt;.</td>
-        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=1552">vimspell.vim</a></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.30</b></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2002-12-16</i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=1196">Mathieu Clabaut</a></i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Add parameters to tune vimspell menu position.<br>Correct bug, which prevents user defined spell_language_list to be used.<br>Correct a bug, which reactivate auto-spell when entering a buffer, even if it<br>was previously disable.<br></td>
-        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=1546">vimspell.vim</a></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.28</b></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Some escaping bug corrections.<br>Documentation updated.<br>Escape Space in filename.<br>Cursor position restoring in SpellCheckWindow.<br>Iskeyword is now set globally. <br>LoadIsKeyword function is suppress. SpellSaveIskeyword is only call when setting up buffer.<br>Inclusion of Guopeng Wen&nbsp;&nbsp;patch to minimize overhead<br>of vimspell use when no menu are used and when no autospell is done.<br>Add faq about minimizing vimspell overhead.<br>Inclusion of Markus Braun patch:<br>- s:SpellSetupBuffer() call s:SpellSetSpellchecker() only when it was not called before<br>- Right calculation of the window top and bottom position, even if fold are&nbsp;&nbsp;present (idea from Mark Hillebrand, who used this in his FirstWinLine() and&nbsp;&nbsp;LastWinLine())<br>Verify that mapleader is defined before being used.<br>Add language and filetype dependant 'iskeyword' options...<br>Minor menu enhancment.<br>Bug ands todolist update.<br></td>
+        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=1969">vimspell.vim</a></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.49</b></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2003-05-06</i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=1196">Mathieu Clabaut</a></i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Bug correction: SpellCheckLine didn't work when the line contained quotes.</td>
+        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=1967">vimspell.vim</a></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.48</b></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2003-05-05</i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=1196">Mathieu Clabaut</a></i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">&nbsp;&nbsp;- Experimental on the fly spell checking in insert mode. Thanks to Mikolaj Machowski<br>&nbsp;&nbsp; (new options spell_insert_mode).<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;- Addition of &quot;none&quot; and &quot;all&quot; token for the spell_auto_type<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;variable.<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;- FAQ section in documentation.<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;- Beginning of a solution for auto help installation bug (the help<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;file was not installed when vimspell was not in a user writeable<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;directory. Thanks to Peter Kaagman<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;- Some documentation addition and correction.<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;- Some code cleaning and ordering.<br></td>
+        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=1818">vimspell.vim</a></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.46</b></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2003-03-17</i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=1196">Mathieu Clabaut</a></i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Apply patches from Markus Braun (many thanks to him):<br> - removed the need of sed, sort, awk external tools<br> - removed the spell_fly_error variables<br> - fixed small bug when proposing alternatives.<br>Fix small bug when manually calling SpellSetLanguage. Kindly reported by JF L.<br>Remove highlighting when changing language or spell checker.<br>Minor cosmetic changes.<br>Add Markus Braun Patch which display spell check stats.<br>Do not load vimspell when 'compatible' is set.<br>Small bug when unletting undefined variable.<br>Language menu initialization is now correct.<br>Update TODO list.</td>
+        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=1782">vimspell.vim</a></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.40</b></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2003-03-06</i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=1196">Mathieu Clabaut</a></i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">New feature : auto-installation of vimspell help file <br>Documentation correction and polishing (it now follows the help format).<br>Add &lt;Leader&gt;sA map for SpellAutoDisable<br>Rework of vimspell option documentation.<br>Correct Spellexit function.<br>&lt;Leader&gt;sq now call SpellAutoDisable instead of SpellExit.<br>SpellChecker is call in auto mode when window loose focus.<br></td>
+        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=1604">vimspell.vim</a></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.33</b></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2003-01-06</i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=1196">Mathieu Clabaut</a></i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Add preliminary support of spell errors highlighting in comments.<br>Correct nasty bug, which causes lost of data when auto spell check was<br>selected and the number of lines of the text was less than the window height.<br>Correct bug when serching for next or previous errors.<br>Cursor position is now restored after a spell check.<br>Thanks to Markus Braun &lt;Markus.Braun at krawel.de&gt; and Igor Goldenberg<br>&lt;igold at igold.pp.ru&gt;.</td>
+        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=1552">vimspell.vim</a></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.30</b></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2002-12-16</i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=1196">Mathieu Clabaut</a></i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Add parameters to tune vimspell menu position.<br>Correct bug, which prevents user defined spell_language_list to be used.<br>Correct a bug, which reactivate auto-spell when entering a buffer, even if it<br>was previously disable.<br></td>
+        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=1546">vimspell.vim</a></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.28</b></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2002-12-11</i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=1196">Mathieu Clabaut</a></i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Small patch to 'spell_auto_type' usage (all buffer with no filetype were spell<br>checked by default).<br>Add credits.</td>
+        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=1545">vimspell.vim</a></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.26</b></td>
     <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2002-12-11</i></td>
     <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
     <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=1196">Mathieu Clabaut</a></i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Small patch to 'spell_auto_type' usage (all buffer with no filetype were spell<br>checked by default).<br>Add credits.</td>
-        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=1545">vimspell.vim</a></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.26</b></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Correct spell_auto_type behaviour. There was a bug which made AutoSpell enable for all file types.</td>
+        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=1544">vimspell.vim</a></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.25</b></td>
     <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2002-12-11</i></td>
     <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
     <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=1196">Mathieu Clabaut</a></i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Correct spell_auto_type behaviour. There was a bug which made AutoSpell enable for all file types.</td>
-        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=1544">vimspell.vim</a></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.25</b></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2002-12-11</i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=1196">Mathieu Clabaut</a></i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Correct bug with aspell (add word to local dictionary didn't work), kindly reported by Andrew McCarthy &lt;andrewmc-vim at celt.dias.ie&gt; and Alberto Ornaghi &lt;alor at sikurezza.org&gt;</td>
-        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=1542">vimspell.vim</a></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.23</b></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2002-12-10</i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=1196">Mathieu Clabaut</a></i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Add (requested) documentation about setting up on-the-fly spell check,<br>add spell_auto_type and spell_no_readonly variables to tune when on-the-fly<br>spell checking is done.<br>Still on bug about highlighting (see TODO list in documentation section), if someone wants to tackle it....</td>
-        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=1538">vimspell.vim</a></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.22</b></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2002-12-09</i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=1196">Mathieu Clabaut</a></i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Bug correction : Spellcheck on the fly for the visible window now preserve<br>informations from previous global spellcheck (&lt;Leader&gt;ss).<br>Dictionnaries are rescan whenever the spellchecker is changed.</td>
-        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=1525">vimspell.vim</a></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.20</b></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2002-12-02</i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=1196">Mathieu Clabaut</a></i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Documentation and minor modifications.<br>Add&nbsp;&nbsp;filetype and spell checker dependant options (support by default tex,html,sgml, and nroff or email modes).<br>English corrections.<br>Make several variables bufferwise (language, spell_executable,...)<br>Add functions and menu to change spellchecker<br>Correct bugs.<br>Add a better dictionaries detection for aspell.<br></td>
-        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=1496">vimspell.vim</a></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.17</b></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Correct bug with aspell (add word to local dictionary didn't work), kindly reported by Andrew McCarthy &lt;andrewmc-vim at celt.dias.ie&gt; and Alberto Ornaghi &lt;alor at sikurezza.org&gt;</td>
+        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=1542">vimspell.vim</a></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.23</b></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2002-12-10</i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=1196">Mathieu Clabaut</a></i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Add (requested) documentation about setting up on-the-fly spell check,<br>add spell_auto_type and spell_no_readonly variables to tune when on-the-fly<br>spell checking is done.<br>Still on bug about highlighting (see TODO list in documentation section), if someone wants to tackle it....</td>
+        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=1538">vimspell.vim</a></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.22</b></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2002-12-09</i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=1196">Mathieu Clabaut</a></i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Bug correction : Spellcheck on the fly for the visible window now preserve<br>informations from previous global spellcheck (&lt;Leader&gt;ss).<br>Dictionnaries are rescan whenever the spellchecker is changed.</td>
+        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=1525">vimspell.vim</a></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.20</b></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2002-12-02</i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=1196">Mathieu Clabaut</a></i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Documentation and minor modifications.<br>Add&nbsp;&nbsp;filetype and spell checker dependant options (support by default tex,html,sgml, and nroff or email modes).<br>English corrections.<br>Make several variables bufferwise (language, spell_executable,...)<br>Add functions and menu to change spellchecker<br>Correct bugs.<br>Add a better dictionaries detection for aspell.<br></td>
+        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=1496">vimspell.vim</a></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.17</b></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2002-11-27</i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=1196">Mathieu Clabaut</a></i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Correct a bug when applying suggestion on a word at the beginning of the buffer.<br>Thanks to Markus Braun.</td>
+        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=1494">vimspell.vim</a></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.16</b></td>
     <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2002-11-27</i></td>
     <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
     <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=1196">Mathieu Clabaut</a></i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Correct a bug when applying suggestion on a word at the beginning of the buffer.<br>Thanks to Markus Braun.</td>
-        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=1494">vimspell.vim</a></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.16</b></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2002-11-27</i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=1196">Mathieu Clabaut</a></i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Add credits,<br>Use update instead of write,<br>Replace &lt;ESC&gt; default mapping by &lt;Leader&gt;<br>Correct nasty bug (SpellIgnore)<br>Improve menus.<br>Improve dictionnaries auto-detection.</td>
-        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=1463">vimspell.vim</a></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.14</b></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2002-11-25</i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=1196">Mathieu Clabaut</a></i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Much more parametrization (see documentation at the beginning of the script).<br>Use aspell or ispell.<br>Use as many language as available. Auto detect availables dictionnaries.<br>More functionnal menu.<br>Bug correction.</td>
-        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=1382">vimspell.vim</a></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.13</b></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2002-11-07</i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=1196">Mathieu Clabaut</a></i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Comments and a bit of documentation.<br>Some cleaning.<br><br>need some more parametrization and cleaning.</td>
-        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=1350">vimspell.vim</a></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.12</b></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2002-10-30</i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=1196">Mathieu Clabaut</a></i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Initial upload</td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Add credits,<br>Use update instead of write,<br>Replace &lt;ESC&gt; default mapping by &lt;Leader&gt;<br>Correct nasty bug (SpellIgnore)<br>Improve menus.<br>Improve dictionnaries auto-detection.</td>
+        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=1463">vimspell.vim</a></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.14</b></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2002-11-25</i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=1196">Mathieu Clabaut</a></i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Much more parametrization (see documentation at the beginning of the script).<br>Use aspell or ispell.<br>Use as many language as available. Auto detect availables dictionnaries.<br>More functionnal menu.<br>Bug correction.</td>
+        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=1382">vimspell.vim</a></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.13</b></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2002-11-07</i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=1196">Mathieu Clabaut</a></i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Comments and a bit of documentation.<br>Some cleaning.<br><br>need some more parametrization and cleaning.</td>
+        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=1350">vimspell.vim</a></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.12</b></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2002-10-30</i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=1196">Mathieu Clabaut</a></i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Initial upload</td>
 <!-- finish off the framework -->
@@ -472,11 +480,27 @@
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Modified: trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/html/plugin_whatdomain.vim.html
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-vim/trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/html/plugin_whatdomain.vim.html?rev=743&op=diff
--- trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/html/plugin_whatdomain.vim.html (original)
+++ trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/html/plugin_whatdomain.vim.html Tue Aug 22 18:24:29 2006
@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@
   <td class="lightbg"><b>&nbsp;script karma&nbsp;</b></td>
     Rating <b>0/4</b>,
-    Downloaded by 278  </td>
+    Downloaded by 326  </td>
@@ -248,11 +248,27 @@
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Modified: trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/html/plugin_winmanager.vim.html
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-vim/trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/html/plugin_winmanager.vim.html?rev=743&op=diff
--- trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/html/plugin_winmanager.vim.html (original)
+++ trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/html/plugin_winmanager.vim.html Tue Aug 22 18:24:29 2006
@@ -153,8 +153,8 @@
   <td class="lightbg"><b>&nbsp;script karma&nbsp;</b></td>
-    Rating <b>545/185</b>,
-    Downloaded by 9816  </td>
+    Rating <b>627/210</b>,
+    Downloaded by 13150  </td>
@@ -264,11 +264,27 @@
       <a href="http://groups.yahoo.com/group/vim">the archive</a>.
       Help Bram <a href="http://iccf-holland.org/">help Uganda</a>.
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Modified: trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/html/syntax_CVSAnnotate.vim.html
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-vim/trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/html/syntax_CVSAnnotate.vim.html?rev=743&op=diff
--- trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/html/syntax_CVSAnnotate.vim.html (original)
+++ trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/html/syntax_CVSAnnotate.vim.html Tue Aug 22 18:24:29 2006
@@ -154,14 +154,14 @@
   <td class="lightbg"><b>&nbsp;script karma&nbsp;</b></td>
     Rating <b>0/2</b>,
-    Downloaded by 499  </td>
+    Downloaded by 607  </td>
 <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
 <tr><td class="prompt">created by</td></tr>
-<tr><td><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=241">Robert Hiestand</a></td></tr>
+<tr><td><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=241">Bob Hiestand</a></td></tr>
 <tr><td class="prompt">script type</td></tr>
@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@
     <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.3</b></td>
     <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2002-09-04</i></td>
     <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=241">Robert Hiestand</a></i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=241">Bob Hiestand</a></i></td>
     <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Initial upload</td>
@@ -240,11 +240,27 @@
       <a href="http://groups.yahoo.com/group/vim">the archive</a>.
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     <td><img src="/images/spacer.gif" width="5" height="1" alt=""></td>

Modified: trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/plugin/AlignMaps.vim
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-vim/trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/plugin/AlignMaps.vim?rev=743&op=diff
--- trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/plugin/AlignMaps.vim (original)
+++ trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/plugin/AlignMaps.vim Tue Aug 22 18:24:29 2006
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 " AlignMaps:   Alignment maps based upon <Align.vim>
 " Maintainer:  Dr. Charles E. Campbell, Jr. <Charles.Campbell at gsfc.nasa.gov>
-" Date:        Nov 21, 2005
-" Version:     33
+" Date:        Feb 23, 2006
+" Version:     34c	ASTRO-ONLY
 " NOTE: the code herein needs vim 6.0 or later
 "                       needs <Align.vim> v6 or later
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
 if exists("g:loaded_alignmaps") || &cp
-let g:loaded_alignmaps = "v33"
+let g:loaded_alignmaps = "v34c"
 let s:keepcpo          = &cpo
 set cpo&vim
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
    " set up fencepost blank lines
    put =''
    norm! mz'a
-   put! = ''
+   put! =''
    norm! my
    let s:alignmaps_zline      = line("'z")
    exe "'y,'zs/@/\177/ge"
@@ -80,9 +80,9 @@
   " change some settings to align-standard values
   set nogd
   set ch=2
-  call AlignPush()
+  AlignPush
   norm! 'zk
-"  call Dret("WrapperStart : alignmaps_wrapcnt=".s:alignmaps_wrapcnt." my=".line("'y")." mz=".line("'z"))
+"  call Dret("AlignWrapperStart : alignmaps_wrapcnt=".s:alignmaps_wrapcnt." my=".line("'y")." mz=".line("'z"))
 " ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -96,13 +96,13 @@
 " ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 " AlignWrapperEnd:	{{{1
 fun! AlignWrapperEnd()
-"  call Dfunc("WrapperEnd() alignmaps_wrapcnt=".s:alignmaps_wrapcnt." my=".line("'y")." mz=".line("'z"))
+"  call Dfunc("AlignWrapperEnd() alignmaps_wrapcnt=".s:alignmaps_wrapcnt." my=".line("'y")." mz=".line("'z"))
   " remove trailing white space introduced by whatever in the modification zone
   " restore AlignCtrl settings
-  call AlignPop()
+  AlignPop
   let s:alignmaps_wrapcnt= s:alignmaps_wrapcnt - 1
   if s:alignmaps_wrapcnt <= 0
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@
    unlet s:alignmaps_posn
-"  call Dret("WrapperEnd : alignmaps_wrapcnt=".s:alignmaps_wrapcnt." my=".line("'y")." mz=".line("'z"))
+"  call Dret("AlignWrapperEnd : alignmaps_wrapcnt=".s:alignmaps_wrapcnt." my=".line("'y")." mz=".line("'z"))
 " ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -195,13 +195,14 @@
 map <silent> <Leader>t;   <SID>WS:AlignCtrl mIp0P0=l ;<CR>:'a,.Align<CR>:.,'zs/ \( *\);/;\1/ge<CR><SID>WE
 map <silent> <Leader>t<   <SID>WS:AlignCtrl mIp0P0=l <<CR>:'a,.Align<CR><SID>WE
 map <silent> <Leader>t=   <SID>WS:'a,'zs/\s\+\([*/+\-%<Bar>&\~^]\==\)/ \1/e<CR>:'a,'zs@ \+\([*/+\-%<Bar>&\~^]\)=@\1=@ge<CR>:'a,'zs/==/``/ge<CR>:'a,'zs/!=/!`/ge<CR>'zk:AlignCtrl mIp1P1=l =<CR>:AlignCtrl g =<CR>:'a,'z-1Align<CR>:'a,'z-1s@\([*/+\-%<Bar>&\~^!=]\)\( \+\)=@\2\1=@ge<CR>:'a,'z-1s/\( \+\);/;\1/ge<CR>:'a,'z-1v/^\s*\/[*/]/s/\/[*/]/@&@/e<CR>:'a,'z-1v/^\s*\/[*/]/s/\*\//@&/e<CR>'zk<Leader>t@:'y,'zs/^\(\s*\) @/\1/e<CR>:'a,'z-1s/`/=/ge<CR>:'y,'zs/ @//eg<CR><SID>WE
+map <silent> <Leader>w=   <SID>WS:'a,'zg/=/s/\s\+\([*/+\-%<Bar>&\~^]\==\)/ \1/e<CR>:'a,'zg/=/s@ \+\([*/+\-%<Bar>&\~^]\)=@\1=@ge<CR>:'a,'zg/=/s/==/``/ge<CR>:'a,'zg/=/s/!=/!`/ge<CR>'zk:AlignCtrl mWp1P1=l =<CR>:AlignCtrl g =<CR>:'a,'z-1g/=/Align<CR>:'a,'z-1g/=/s@\([*/+\-%<Bar>&\~^!=]\)\( \+\)=@\2\1=@ge<CR>:'a,'z-1g/=/s/\( \+\);/;\1/ge<CR>:'a,'z-1v/^\s*\/[*/]/s/\/[*/]/@&@/e<CR>:'a,'z-1v/^\s*\/[*/]/s/\*\//@&/e<CR>'zk<Leader>t@:'y,'zs/^\(\s*\) @/\1/e<CR>:'a,'z-1g/=/s/`/=/ge<CR>:'y,'zg/=/s/ @//eg<CR><SID>WE
 map <silent> <Leader>t?   <SID>WS:AlignCtrl mIp0P0=l ?<CR>:'a,.Align<CR>:.,'zs/ \( *\);/;\1/ge<CR><SID>WE
 map <silent> <Leader>t~   <SID>WS:AlignCtrl mIp0P0=l ~<CR>:'a,.Align<CR>:'y,'zs/ \( *\);/;\1/ge<CR><SID>WE
 map <silent> <Leader>m=   <SID>WS:'a,'zs/\s\+\([*/+\-%<Bar>&\~^]\==\)/ \1/e<CR>:'a,'zs@ \+\([*/+\-%<Bar>&\~^]\)=@\1=@ge<CR>:'a,'zs/==/``/ge<CR>:'a,'zs/!=/!`/ge<CR>'zk:AlignCtrl mIp1P1=l =<CR>:AlignCtrl g =<CR>:'a,'z-1Align<CR>:'a,'z-1s@\([*/+\-%<Bar>&\~^!=]\)\( \+\)=@\2\1=@ge<CR>:'a,'z-1s/\( \+\);/;\1/ge<CR>:'a,'z-s/%\ze[^=]/ @%@ /e<CR>'zk<Leader>t@:'y,'zs/^\(\s*\) @/\1/e<CR>:'a,'z-1s/`/=/ge<CR>:'y,'zs/ @//eg<CR><SID>WE
 map <silent> <Leader>tab  <SID>WS:'a,.s/^\(\t*\)\(.*\)/\=submatch(1).escape(substitute(submatch(2),'\t','@','g'),'\')/<CR>:AlignCtrl mI=l @<CR>:'a,.Align<CR>:'y+1,'z-1s/@/ /g<CR><SID>WE
 map <silent> <Leader>tml  <SID>WS:AlignCtrl mWp1P0=l \\\@<!\\\s*$<CR>:'a,.Align<CR><SID>WE
 map <silent> <Leader>tsp  <SID>WS:'a,.s/^\(\s*\)\(.*\)/\=submatch(1).escape(substitute(submatch(2),'\s\+','@','g'),'\')/<CR>:AlignCtrl mI=lp0P0 @<CR>:'a,.Align<CR>:'y+1,'z-1s/@/ /g<CR><SID>WE
-map <silent> <Leader>tsq  <SID>WS:'a,.ReplaceQuotedSpaces<CR>:'a,.s/^\(\s*\)\(.*\)/\=submatch(1).substitute(submatch(2),'\s\+','@','g')/<CR>:AlignCtrl mIp0P0=l @<CR>:'a,.Align<CR>:'y+1,'z-1s/[%@]/ /g<CR><SID>WE
+map <silent> <Leader>tsq  <SID>WS:'a,.AlignReplaceQuotedSpaces<CR>:'a,.s/^\(\s*\)\(.*\)/\=submatch(1).substitute(submatch(2),'\s\+','@','g')/<CR>:AlignCtrl mIp0P0=l @<CR>:'a,.Align<CR>:'y+1,'z-1s/[%@]/ /g<CR><SID>WE
 map <silent> <Leader>tt   <SID>WS:AlignCtrl mIp1P1=l \\\@<!& \\\\<CR>:'a,.Align<CR><SID>WE
 " ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -404,7 +405,9 @@
   let xkeep   = @x
   let curline = getline(".")
 "  call Decho("curline<".curline.">")
-  let @x=substitute(curline,'^\(\s*[a-zA-Z_ \t]\+\)\s\+[(*]*\h.*$','\1','')
+  " Get the type.  I'm assuming one type per line (ie.  int x; double y;   on one line will not be handled properly)
+  let @x=substitute(curline,'^\(\s*[a-zA-Z_ \t][a-zA-Z0-9_ \t]*\)\s\+[(*]*\h.*$','\1','')
 "  call Decho("@x<". at x.">")
   " transform line

Added: trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/plugin/AlignPlugin.vim
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-vim/trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/plugin/AlignPlugin.vim?rev=743&op=file
--- trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/plugin/AlignPlugin.vim (added)
+++ trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/plugin/AlignPlugin.vim Tue Aug 22 18:24:29 2006
@@ -1,0 +1,115 @@
+" AlignPlugin: tool to align multiple fields based on one or more separators
+"   Author:		Charles E. Campbell, Jr.
+"   Date:		Feb 23, 2006
+"   Version:	29e	ASTRO-ONLY
+" GetLatestVimScripts: 294 1 :AutoInstall: Align.vim
+" GetLatestVimScripts: 1066 1 cecutil.vim
+" Copyright:    Copyright (C) 1999-2005 Charles E. Campbell, Jr. {{{1
+"               Permission is hereby granted to use and distribute this code,
+"               with or without modifications, provided that this copyright
+"               notice is copied with it. Like anything else that's free,
+"               Align.vim is provided *as is* and comes with no warranty
+"               of any kind, either expressed or implied. By using this
+"               plugin, you agree that in no event will the copyright
+"               holder be liable for any damages resulting from the use
+"               of this software.
+"   Usage: Functions {{{1
+"   AlignCtrl(style,..list..)
+"        "default" : Sets AlignCtrl to its default values and clears stack
+"                    AlignCtrl "Ilp1P1=<" '='
+"         Separators
+"              "=" : all alignment demarcation patterns (separators) are
+"                    equivalent and simultaneously active.  The list of
+"                    separators is composed of such patterns
+"                    (regular expressions, actually).
+"              "C" : cycle through alignment demarcation patterns
+"              "<" : separators aligned to left   if of differing lengths
+"              ">" : separators aligned to right  if of differing lengths
+"              "|" : separators aligned to center if of differing lengths
+"         Alignment/Justification
+"              "l" : left justify  (no list needed)
+"              "r" : right justify (no list needed)
+"              "c" : center        (no list needed)
+"                    Justification styles are cylic: ie. "lcr" would
+"                    mean first field is left-justifed,
+"                        second field is centered,
+"                        third  field is right-justified,
+"                        fourth field is left-justified, etc.
+"              "-" : skip this separator+ws+field
+"              "+" : repeat last alignment/justification indefinitely
+"              ":" : no more alignment/justifcation
+"         Map Support
+"              "m" : next call to Align will AlignPop at end.
+"                    AlignCtrl will AlignPush first.
+"         Padding
+"              "p" : current argument supplies pre-field-padding parameter;
+"                    ie. that many blanks will be applied before
+"                    the field separator. ex. call AlignCtrl("p2").
+"                    Can have 0-9 spaces.  Will be cycled through.
+"              "P" : current argument supplies post-field-padding parameter;
+"                    ie. that many blanks will be applied after
+"                    the field separator. ex. call AlignCtrl("P3")
+"                    Can have 0-9 spaces.  Will be cycled through.
+"         Initial White Space
+"              "I" : preserve first line's leading whitespace and re-use
+"                    subsequently
+"              "W" : preserve leading whitespace on every line
+"              "w" : don't preserve leading whitespace
+"         Selection Patterns
+"              "g" : restrict alignment to pattern
+"              "v" : restrict alignment to not-pattern
+"              If no arguments are supplied, AlignCtrl() will list
+"              current settings.
+"   [range]Align(..list..)
+"              Takes a range and performs the specified alignment on the
+"              text.  The range may be :line1,line2 etc, or visually selected.
+"              The list is a list of patterns; the current s:AlignCtrl
+"              will be used ('=' or 'C').
+"   Usage: Commands	{{{1
+"   AlignCtrl                : lists current alignment settings
+"   AlignCtrl style ..list.. : set alignment separators
+"   AlignCtrl {gv} pattern   : apply alignment only to lines which match (g)
+"                              or don't match (v) the given pattern
+"   [range]Align ..list..    : applies Align() over the specified range
+"                              The range may be specified via
+"                              visual-selection as well as the usual
+"                              [range] specification.  The ..list..
+"                              is a list of alignment separators.
+" Romans 1:16,17a : For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is {{{1
+" the power of God for salvation for everyone who believes; for the Jew first,
+" and also for the Greek.  For in it is revealed God's righteousness from
+" faith to faith.
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" Load Once: {{{1
+if exists("g:loaded_align") || &cp
+ finish
+let s:keepcpo= &cpo
+set cpo&vim
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" Public Interface: {{{1
+com! -range -nargs=* Align <line1>,<line2>call Align#Align(<f-args>)
+com! -range -nargs=0 AlignReplaceQuotedSpaces <line1>,<line2>call Align#AlignReplaceQuotedSpaces()
+com!        -nargs=* AlignCtrl call Align#AlignCtrl(<f-args>)
+com!        -nargs=0 AlignPush call Align#AlignPush()
+com!        -nargs=0 AlignPop  call Align#AlignPop()
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+"  Restore: {{{1
+let &cpo= s:keepcpo
+unlet s:keepcpo
+" vim: ts=4 fdm=marker

Modified: trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/plugin/a.vim
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-vim/trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/plugin/a.vim?rev=743&op=diff
--- trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/plugin/a.vim (original)
+++ trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/plugin/a.vim Tue Aug 22 18:24:29 2006
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-" Copyright (c) 1998-2004
+" Copyright (c) 1998-2006
 " Michael Sharpe <feline at irendi.com>
 " We grant permission to use, copy modify, distribute, and sell this
@@ -12,10 +12,6 @@
 " Directory & regex enhancements added by Bindu Wavell who is well known on
 " vim.sf.net
-" TODO: a) :AN command "next alternate"
-"       b) Priorities for search paths
-"       c) <leader>A on a #include line should go to that header
 " Do not load a.vim if is has already been loaded.
 if exists("loaded_alternateFile")
@@ -30,6 +26,10 @@
 "      let g:alternateExtensions_{'aspx.cs'} = "aspx"
+" This variable will be increased when an extension with greater number of dots
+" is added by the AddAlternateExtensionMapping call.
+let s:maxDotsInExtension = 0
 " Function : AddAlternateExtensionMapping (PRIVATE)
 " Purpose  : simple helper function to add the default alternate extension
 "            mappings.
@@ -50,6 +50,11 @@
    silent! echo g:alternateExtensions_{a:extension}
    if (v:errmsg != "")
       let g:alternateExtensions_{a:extension} = a:alternates
+   endif
+   let dotsNumber = strlen(substitute(a:extension, "[^.]", "", "g"))
+   if s:maxDotsInExtension < dotsNumber
+     let s:maxDotsInExtension = dotsNumber
@@ -204,7 +209,7 @@
 " Returns  : An expanded filename if found, the empty string otherwise
 " Author   : Michael Sharpe (feline at irendi.com)
 " History  : inline code written by Bindu Wavell originally
-function! <SID>FindFileInSearchPath(filename, pathList, relPathBase)
+function! <SID>FindFileInSearchPath(fileName, pathList, relPathBase)
    let filepath = ""
    let m = 1
    let pathListLen = strlen(a:pathList)
@@ -213,7 +218,7 @@
          let pathSpec = <SID>GetNthItemFromList(a:pathList, m) 
          if (pathSpec != "")
             let path = <SID>ExpandAlternatePath(pathSpec, a:relPathBase)
-            let fullname = path . "/" . a:filename
+            let fullname = path . "/" . a:fileName
             let foundMatch = <SID>BufferOrFileExists(fullname)
             if (foundMatch)
                let filepath = fullname
@@ -324,36 +329,20 @@
 "            variables echo the curly brace variable and look for an error 
 "            message.
 function! DetermineExtension(path) 
-  let extension = fnamemodify(a:path,":t:e")
-  let v:errmsg = ""
-  silent! echo g:alternateExtensions_{extension}
-  if (v:errmsg != "")
-     let extension = fnamemodify(a:path,":t:e:e")
-     let v:errmsg = ""
-     silent! echo g:alternateExtensions_{extension}
-     if (v:errmsg != "")
-        let extension = fnamemodify(a:path,":t:e:e:e")
-        let v:errmsg = ""
-        silent! echo g:alternateExtensions_{extension}
-        if (v:errmsg != "")
-           let extension = fnamemodify(a:path,":t:e:e:e:e")
-           let v:errmsg = ""
-           silent! echo g:alternateExtensions_{extension}
-           if (v:errmsg != "")
-              let extension = fnamemodify(a:path,":t:e:e:e:e:e")
-              let v:errmsg = ""
-              silent! echo g:alternateExtensions_{extension}
-              if (v:errmsg != "")
-                 let extension = ""
-              endif
-           endif
-        endif
-     endif
-  endif 
-  return extension
-"source $HOME/vimscripts/plugin/Decho.vim
+  let mods = ":t"
+  let i = 0
+  while i <= s:maxDotsInExtension
+    let mods = mods . ":e"
+    let extension = fnamemodify(a:path, mods)
+    let v:errmsg = ""
+    silent! echo g:alternateExtensions_{extension}
+    if (v:errmsg == "")
+      return extension
+    endif
+    let i = i + 1
+  endwhile
+  return ""
 " Function : AlternateFile (PUBLIC)
 " Purpose  : Opens a new buffer by looking at the extension of the current
@@ -373,21 +362,14 @@
   let baseName    = substitute(expand("%:t"), "\." . extension . '$', "", "")
   let currentPath = expand("%:p:h")
-"Decho "extension=".extension
-"Decho "baseName=".baseName
-"Decho "currentPath=".currentPath
   if (a:0 != 0)
      let newFullname = currentPath . "/" .  baseName . "." . a:1
-     call <SID>FindOrCreateBuffer(newFullname, a:splitWindow)
+     call <SID>FindOrCreateBuffer(newFullname, a:splitWindow, 0)
      let allfiles = ""
      if (extension != "")
         let allfiles1 = EnumerateFilesByExtension(currentPath, baseName, extension)
         let allfiles2 = EnumerateFilesByExtensionInPath(baseName, extension, g:alternateSearchPath, currentPath)
-"Decho "allfiles1=".allfiles1
-"Decho "allfiles2=".allfiles2
         if (allfiles1 != "")
            if (allfiles2 != "")
@@ -421,17 +403,86 @@
         if (bestScore == 0 && g:alternateNoDefaultAlternate == 1)
            echo "No existing alternate available"
-           call <SID>FindOrCreateBuffer(bestFile, a:splitWindow)
+           call <SID>FindOrCreateBuffer(bestFile, a:splitWindow, 1)
+           let b:AlternateAllFiles = allfiles
         echo "No alternate file/buffer available"
+   endif
+"function! <SID>PrintList(theList) 
+"   let n = 1
+"   let oneFile = <SID>GetNthItemFromList(a:theList, n)
+"   while (oneFile != "")
+"      Decho "list[".n."]=".oneFile
+"      let n = n + 1
+"      let oneFile = <SID>GetNthItemFromList(a:theList, n)
+"   endwhile
+" Function : NextAlternate (PUBLIC)
+" Purpose  : Used to cycle through any other alternate file which existed on
+"            the search path.
+" Args     : bang (IN) - used to implement the AN vs AN! functionality
+" Returns  : nothing
+" Author   : Michael Sharpe <feline at irendi.com>
+function! NextAlternate(bang)
+   if (exists('b:AlternateAllFiles'))
+      let currentFile = expand("%")
+      let n = 1
+      let onefile = <SID>GetNthItemFromList(b:AlternateAllFiles, n)
+      while (onefile != "" && !<SID>EqualFilePaths(fnamemodify(onefile,":p"), fnamemodify(currentFile,":p")))
+         let n = n + 1
+         let onefile = <SID>GetNthItemFromList(b:AlternateAllFiles, n)
+      endwhile
+      if (onefile != "")
+         let stop = n
+         let n = n + 1
+         let foundAlternate = 0
+         let nextAlternate = ""
+         while (n != stop)
+            let nextAlternate = <SID>GetNthItemFromList(b:AlternateAllFiles, n)
+            if (nextAlternate == "")
+               let n = 1
+               continue
+            endif
+            let n = n + 1
+            if (<SID>EqualFilePaths(fnamemodify(nextAlternate, ":p"), fnamemodify(currentFile, ":p")))
+                continue
+            endif
+            if (filereadable(nextAlternate))
+                " on cygwin filereadable("foo.H") returns true if "foo.h" exists
+               if (has("unix") && $WINDIR != "" && fnamemodify(nextAlternate, ":p") ==? fnamemodify(currentFile, ":p")) 
+                  continue
+               endif
+               let foundAlternate = 1
+               break
+            endif
+         endwhile
+         if (foundAlternate == 1)
+            let s:AlternateAllFiles = b:AlternateAllFiles
+            "silent! execute ":e".a:bang." " . nextAlternate
+            call <SID>FindOrCreateBuffer(nextAlternate, "n".a:bang, 0)
+            let b:AlternateAllFiles = s:AlternateAllFiles
+         else 
+            echo "Only this alternate file exists"
+         endif
+      else 
+         echo "Could not find current file in alternates list"
+      endif
+   else 
+      echo "No other alternate files exist"
 comm! -nargs=? -bang A call AlternateFile("n<bang>", <f-args>)
 comm! -nargs=? -bang AS call AlternateFile("h<bang>", <f-args>)
 comm! -nargs=? -bang AV call AlternateFile("v<bang>", <f-args>)
+comm! -nargs=? -bang AT call AlternateFile("t<bang>", <f-args>)
+comm! -nargs=? -bang AN call NextAlternate("<bang>")
 " Function : BufferOrFileExists (PRIVATE)
 " Purpose  : determines if a buffer or a readable file exists
@@ -442,17 +493,34 @@
 "            filename and not the path.
 function! <SID>BufferOrFileExists(fileName)
    let result = 0
-   let bufName = fnamemodify(a:fileName,":t")
-   let memBufName = bufname(bufName)
-   if (memBufName != "")
-      let memBufBasename = fnamemodify(memBufName, ":t")
-      if (bufName == memBufBasename)
-         let result = 2
+   let lastBuffer = bufnr("$")
+   let i = 1
+   while i <= lastBuffer
+     if <SID>EqualFilePaths(expand("#".i.":p"), a:fileName)
+       let result = 2
+       break
+     endif
+     let i = i + 1
+   endwhile
+   if (!result) 
+      let bufName = fnamemodify(a:fileName,":t")
+      let memBufName = bufname(bufName)
+      if (memBufName != "")
+         let memBufBasename = fnamemodify(memBufName, ":t")
+         if (bufName == memBufBasename)
+            let result = 2
+         endif
+      if (!result)
+         let result  = bufexists(bufName) || bufexists(a:fileName) || filereadable(a:fileName)
+      endif
    if (!result)
-      let result  = bufexists(bufName) || bufexists(a:fileName) || filereadable(a:fileName)
+      let result = filereadable(a:fileName)
    return result
@@ -465,7 +533,9 @@
 "            not exist, it creates it.
 " Args     : filename (IN) -- the name of the file
 "            doSplit (IN) -- indicates whether the window should be split
-"                            ("v", "h", "n", "v!", "h!", "n!") 
+"                            ("v", "h", "n", "v!", "h!", "n!", "t", "t!") 
+"            findSimilar (IN) -- indicate weather existing buffers should be
+"                                prefered
 " Returns  : nothing
 " Author   : Michael Sharpe <feline at irendi.com>
 " History  : + bufname() was not working very well with the possibly strange
@@ -475,49 +545,100 @@
 "            Allow ! to be applied to buffer/split/editing commands for more
 "            vim/vi like consistency
 "            + implemented fix from Matt Perry
-function! <SID>FindOrCreateBuffer(filename, doSplit)
+function! <SID>FindOrCreateBuffer(fileName, doSplit, findSimilar)
   " Check to see if the buffer is already open before re-opening it.
-  let bufName = bufname(a:filename)
-  let bufFilename = fnamemodify(a:filename,":t")
-  if (bufName == "")
-     let bufName = bufname(bufFilename)
-  endif
-  if (bufName != "")
-     let tail = fnamemodify(bufName, ":t")
-     if (tail != bufFilename)
-        let bufName = ""
+  let FILENAME = a:fileName
+  let bufNr = -1
+  let lastBuffer = bufnr("$")
+  let i = 1
+  if (a:findSimilar) 
+     while i <= lastBuffer
+       if <SID>EqualFilePaths(expand("#".i.":p"), a:fileName)
+         let bufNr = i
+         break
+       endif
+       let i = i + 1
+     endwhile
+     if (bufNr == -1)
+        let bufName = bufname(a:fileName)
+        let bufFilename = fnamemodify(a:fileName,":t")
+        if (bufName == "")
+           let bufName = bufname(bufFilename)
+        endif
+        if (bufName != "")
+           let tail = fnamemodify(bufName, ":t")
+           if (tail != bufFilename)
+              let bufName = ""
+           endif
+        endif
+        if (bufName != "")
+           let bufNr = bufnr(bufName)
+           let FILENAME = bufName
+        endif
   let splitType = a:doSplit[0]
   let bang = a:doSplit[1]
-  if (bufName == "")
+  if (bufNr == -1)
      " Buffer did not exist....create it
      let v:errmsg=""
      if (splitType == "h")
-        silent! execute ":split".bang." " . a:filename
+        silent! execute ":split".bang." " . FILENAME
      elseif (splitType == "v")
-        silent! execute ":vsplit".bang." " . a:filename
+        silent! execute ":vsplit".bang." " . FILENAME
+     elseif (splitType == "t")
+        silent! execute ":tab split".bang." " . FILENAME
-        silent! execute ":e".bang." " . a:filename
+        silent! execute ":e".bang." " . FILENAME
      if (v:errmsg != "")
         echo v:errmsg
+     " Find the correct tab corresponding to the existing buffer
+     let tabNr = -1
+     " iterate tab pages
+     for i in range(tabpagenr('$'))
+        " get the list of buffers in the tab
+        let tabList =  tabpagebuflist(i + 1)
+        let idx = 0
+        " iterate each buffer in the list
+        while idx < len(tabList)
+           " if it matches the buffer we are looking for...
+           if (tabList[idx] == bufNr)
+              " ... save the number
+              let tabNr = i + 1
+              break
+           endif
+           let idx = idx + 1
+        endwhile
+        if (tabNr != -1)
+           break
+        endif
+     endfor
+     " switch the the tab containing the buffer
+     if (tabNr != -1)
+        execute "tabn ".tabNr
+     endif
      " Buffer was already open......check to see if it is in a window
-     let bufWindow = bufwinnr(bufName)
+     let bufWindow = bufwinnr(bufNr)
      if (bufWindow == -1) 
         " Buffer was not in a window so open one
         let v:errmsg=""
         if (splitType == "h")
-           silent! execute ":sbuffer".bang." " . bufName
+           silent! execute ":sbuffer".bang." " . FILENAME
         elseif (splitType == "v")
-           silent! execute ":vert sbuffer " . bufName
+           silent! execute ":vert sbuffer " . FILENAME
+        elseif (splitType == "t")
+           silent! execute ":tab sbuffer " . FILENAME
-           silent! execute ":buffer".bang." " . bufName
+           silent! execute ":buffer".bang." " . FILENAME
         if (v:errmsg != "")
            echo v:errmsg
@@ -529,11 +650,13 @@
            " something wierd happened...open the buffer
            let v:errmsg=""
            if (splitType == "h")
-              silent! execute ":split".bang." " . bufName
+              silent! execute ":split".bang." " . FILENAME
            elseif (splitType == "v")
-              silent! execute ":vsplit".bang." " . bufName
+              silent! execute ":vsplit".bang." " . FILENAME
+           elseif (splitType == "t")
+              silent! execute ":tab split".bang." " . FILENAME
-              silent! execute ":e".bang." " . bufName
+              silent! execute ":e".bang." " . FILENAME
            if (v:errmsg != "")
               echo v:errmsg
@@ -542,3 +665,21 @@
+" Function : EqualFilePaths (PRIVATE)
+" Purpose  : Compares two paths. Do simple string comparison anywhere but on
+"            Windows. On Windows take into account that file paths could differ
+"            in usage of separators and the fact that case does not metter.
+"            "c:\WINDOWS" is the same path as "c:/windows". has("win32unix") Vim
+"            version does not count as one having Windows path rules.
+" Args     : path1 (IN) -- first path
+"            path2 (IN) -- second path
+" Returns  : 1 if path1 is equal to path2, 0 otherwise.
+" Author   : Ilya Bobir <ilya at po4ta.com>
+function! <SID>EqualFilePaths(path1, path2)
+  if has("win16") || has("win32") || has("win64") || has("win95")
+    return substitute(a:path1, "\/", "\\", "g") ==? substitute(a:path2, "\/", "\\", "g")
+  else
+    return a:path1 == a:path2
+  endif

Modified: trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/plugin/bufexplorer.vim
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-vim/trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/plugin/bufexplorer.vim?rev=743&op=diff
--- trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/plugin/bufexplorer.vim (original)
+++ trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/plugin/bufexplorer.vim Tue Aug 22 18:24:29 2006
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-"    Copyright: Copyright (C) 2001-2005 Jeff Lanzarotta
+"    Copyright: Copyright (C) 2001-2006 Jeff Lanzarotta
 "               Permission is hereby granted to use and distribute this code,
 "               with or without modifications, provided that this copyright
 "               notice is copied with it. Like anything else that's free,
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 " Name Of File: bufexplorer.vim
 "  Description: Buffer Explorer Vim Plugin
 "   Maintainer: Jeff Lanzarotta (delux256-vim at yahoo dot com)
-" Last Changed: Friday, 18 November 2005
+" Last Changed: Monday, 10 March 2006
 "      Version: See g:loaded_bufexplorer for version number.
 "        Usage: Normally, this file should reside in the plugins
 "               directory and be automatically sourced. If not, you must
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
 " Version number.
-let g:loaded_bufexplorer = "7.0.6"
+let g:loaded_bufexplorer = "7.0.11"
 " Setup the global MRUList.
 let g:MRUList = ","
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@
 let s:hideNames = "\\[[^\\]]*\\]"
 " Winmanager Integration {{{
-let g:BufExplorer_title = "[Buf List]"
+let g:BufExplorer_title = "\[Buf\ List\]"
 if !exists("g:bufExplorerResize")
   let g:bufExplorerResize = 1
@@ -254,7 +254,8 @@
   if <SID>DoAnyMoreBuffersExist() == 0
-    echohl WarningMsg | echo "Sorry, there are no more buffers to be explored"
+    echohl WarningMsg | echo "Sorry, there are no more buffers to explore"
+    echohl none
@@ -328,6 +329,7 @@
   nnoremap <buffer> <silent> ? :call <SID>ToggleHelp()<cr>
   nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <2-leftmouse> :call <SID>SelectBuffer(0)<cr>
   nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <cr> :call <SID>SelectBuffer(0)<cr>
+  nnoremap <buffer> <silent> S :call <SID>SelectBuffer(1)<cr>
   nnoremap <buffer> <silent> d :call <SID>DeleteBuffer()<cr>
   if s:bufExplorerSplitWindow == 1
@@ -405,6 +407,7 @@
     let header = "\" Buffer Explorer (".g:loaded_bufexplorer.")\n"
     let header = header."\" --------------------------\n"
     let header = header."\" <enter> or Mouse-Double-Click : open buffer under cursor\n"
+    let header = header."\" S : open buffer under cursor in new split window\n"
     let header = header."\" d : delete buffer\n"
     if s:bufExplorerSplitWindow == 1
@@ -445,7 +448,7 @@
   let header = header."\"=\n"
-  silent! put! =header
+  silent! put! = header
 " BuildBufferList {{{1
@@ -548,7 +551,8 @@
           let separator = ""
           if pathName !~ '[/\\]$'
-            if has("win32") || has("win95") || has("win64") || has("win16")
+            " Check if we are using shellslash or not?
+            if (&ssl == 0) && (has("msdos") || has("os2") || has("win16") || has("win32"))
               let separator = "\\"
               let separator = "/"
@@ -582,7 +586,7 @@
     let _lineNbr = line(".") + 1
-  put = fileNames
+  silent! put = fileNames
   call <SID>SortListing()
@@ -617,7 +621,13 @@
       exe "silent! b! " . s:curBufNbr
-    exe "b! " . _bufNbr
+    " If we are doing a 'normal' SelectBuffer, 0 was passed in. If '1'
+    " is passed in, the user has choosen to do a 'Split Select'.
+    if a:1 != 1
+      exe "b! " . _bufNbr
+    else
+      exe "silent! ".g:bufExplorerSplitType."sb "._bufNbr
+    endif
     call <SID>MRUPush()
@@ -686,6 +696,7 @@
       exe "silent b! ".s:curBufNbr
     catch /^Vim(\a\+):E86:/
       echohl WarningMsg | echo "Current buffer was deleted, please select a buffer to switch to"
+      echohl none

Modified: trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/plugin/calendar.vim
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-vim/trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/plugin/calendar.vim?rev=743&op=diff
--- trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/plugin/calendar.vim (original)
+++ trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/plugin/calendar.vim Tue Aug 22 18:24:29 2006
@@ -2,9 +2,11 @@
 " What Is This: Calendar
 " File: calendar.vim
 " Author: Yasuhiro Matsumoto <mattn_jp at hotmail.com>
-" Last Change: Thu, 04 Nov 2004
-" Version: 1.4
+" Last Change: Tue, 17 Jan 2006
+" Version: 1.4a
 " Thanks:
+"     Noel Henson         : today action
+"     Per Winkvist        : bug report
 "     Peter Findeisen     : bug fix
 "     Chip Campbell       : gave a hint for 1.3z
 "     PAN Shizhu          : gave a hint for 1.3y
@@ -29,7 +31,7 @@
 "     Ray                 : bug fix
 "     Ralf.Schandl        : gave a hint for 1.3
 "     Bhaskar Karambelkar : bug fix
-"     Suresh Govindachar  : gave a hint for 1.2
+"     Suresh Govindachar  : gave a hint for 1.2, bug fix
 "     Michael Geddes      : bug fix
 "     Leif Wickland       : bug fix
 " Usage:
@@ -47,6 +49,11 @@
 "     <Leader>ch
 "       show horizontal calendar ...
 " ChangeLog:
+"     1.4a : bug fix, week numbenr was broken on 2005.
+"            added calendar_today action.
+"            bug fix, about wrapscan.
+"            bug fix, about today mark.
+"            bug fix, about today navigation.
 "     1.4  : bug fix, and one improvement.
 "            bug 1:
 "              when marking the current date, there is not distinguished e.g. between
@@ -263,13 +270,20 @@
 "       endfunction
 "       let calendar_sign = 'MyCalSign'
+"     *if you want to hook calender when pressing 'today',
+"       add this to your .vimrc:
+"       function MyCalToday()
+"       endfunction
+"       let calendar_today = 'MyCalToday'
 "     *if you want to get the version of this.
 "       type below.
 "       :echo calendar_version
 " GetLatestVimScripts: 52 1 :AutoInstall: calendar.vim
-let g:calendar_version = "1.4"
+let g:calendar_version = "1.4a"
 if &compatible
@@ -367,6 +381,9 @@
       exec substitute(maparg('<s-right>', 'n'), '<CR>', '', '')
     elseif navi == s:GetToken(g:calendar_navi_label, ',', 2)
       call Calendar(b:CalendarDir)
+      if exists('g:calendar_today')
+        exe "call " . g:calendar_today . "()"
+      endif
       let navi = ''
@@ -375,13 +392,13 @@
         silent execute "normal! gg/\*\<cr>"
-	    setlocal ws
+        setlocal ws
         if curl < line('$')/2
           silent execute "normal! gg0/".navi."\<cr>"
           silent execute "normal! G0/".navi."\<cr>"
-	    setlocal nows
+        setlocal nows
@@ -631,7 +648,7 @@
       let vcolumn = vcolumn + 5
-      if vyear % 4 == 0 && vmnth >= 3
+      if ((vyear % 4 == 0 && vmnth >= 3) || (vyear-1) % 4 == 0)
         let viweek = viweek + 1
@@ -903,8 +920,8 @@
     " make title
     if (!exists('s:bufautocommandsset'))
-      auto BufEnter *Calendar let b:sav_titlestring = &titlestring | let &titlestring = '%{strftime("%c")}'
-      auto BufLeave *Calendar let &titlestring = b:sav_titlestring
+      auto BufEnter *Calendar let b:sav_titlestring = &titlestring | let &titlestring = '%{strftime("%c")}' | let b:sav_wrapscan = &wrapscan
+      auto BufLeave *Calendar let &titlestring = b:sav_titlestring | let &wrapscan = b:sav_wrapscan
       let s:bufautocommandsset=1
@@ -927,10 +944,10 @@
     setlocal bufhidden=delete
     setlocal nonumber
     setlocal nowrap
-    setlocal nowrapscan
     setlocal norightleft
     setlocal foldcolumn=0
     setlocal modifiable
+    set nowrapscan
     let b:Calendar='Calendar'
     " is this a vertical (0) or a horizontal (1) split?
@@ -941,17 +958,17 @@
   " navi
   if exists('g:calendar_navi')
     let navi_label = '<'
-		\.s:GetToken(g:calendar_navi_label, ',', 1).' '
-		\.s:GetToken(g:calendar_navi_label, ',', 2).' '
-		\.s:GetToken(g:calendar_navi_label, ',', 3).'>'
+        \.s:GetToken(g:calendar_navi_label, ',', 1).' '
+        \.s:GetToken(g:calendar_navi_label, ',', 2).' '
+        \.s:GetToken(g:calendar_navi_label, ',', 3).'>'
     if dir
       let navcol = vcolumn + (vcolumn-strlen(navi_label)+2)/2
       let navcol = (vcolumn-strlen(navi_label)+2)/2
-	if navcol < 3
-	  let navcol = 3
-	endif
+    if navcol < 3
+      let navcol = 3
+    endif
     if g:calendar_navi == 'top'
       execute "normal gg".navcol."i "
@@ -1199,11 +1216,11 @@
-hi def link CalNavi	Search
-hi def link CalSaturday	Statement
-hi def link CalSunday	Type
-hi def link CalRuler	StatusLine
-hi def link CalWeeknm	Comment
-hi def link CalToday	Directory
-hi def link CalHeader	Special
-hi def link CalMemo	Identifier
+hi def link CalNavi     Search
+hi def link CalSaturday Statement
+hi def link CalSunday   Type
+hi def link CalRuler    StatusLine
+hi def link CalWeeknm   Comment
+hi def link CalToday    Directory
+hi def link CalHeader   Special
+hi def link CalMemo     Identifier

Modified: trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/plugin/cecutil.vim
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-vim/trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/plugin/cecutil.vim?rev=743&op=diff
--- trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/plugin/cecutil.vim (original)
+++ trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/plugin/cecutil.vim Tue Aug 22 18:24:29 2006
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
 " cecutil.vim : save/restore window position
 "               save/restore mark position
+"               save/restore selected user maps
 "  Author:	Charles E. Campbell, Jr.
-"  Version:	7
-"  Date:	Apr 13, 2005
+"  Version:	15e	ASTRO-ONLY
+"  Date:	Apr 10, 2006
 "  Saving Restoring Destroying Marks: {{{1
 "       call SaveMark(markname)       let savemark= SaveMark(markname)
@@ -18,15 +19,19 @@
 "       commands: SWP RWP
 " GetLatestVimScripts: 1066 1 :AutoInstall: cecutil.vim
-" usual multi-load preventive {{{1
+" You believe that God is one. You do well. The demons also {{{1
+" believe, and shudder. But do you want to know, vain man, that
+" faith apart from works is dead?  (James 2:19,20 WEB)
+" Load Once: {{{1
 if &cp || exists("g:loaded_cecutil")
-let g:loaded_cecutil = "v7"
+let g:loaded_cecutil = "v15e"
 let s:keepcpo        = &cpo
 set cpo&vim
 " -----------------------
 "  Public Interface: {{{1
@@ -43,48 +48,71 @@
 nmap <silent> <Plug>RestoreWinPosn	:call RestoreWinPosn()<CR>
 " Command Interface: {{{2
-com -bar -nargs=? SWP	call SaveWinPosn(<args>)
-com -bar -nargs=? RWP	call RestoreWinPosn(<args>)
-com -bar -nargs=1 SM	call SaveMark(<args>)
-com -bar -nargs=1 RM	call RestoreMark(<args>)
-com -bar -nargs=1 DM	call DestroyMark(<args>)
+com -bar -nargs=0 SWP	call SaveWinPosn()
+com -bar -nargs=0 RWP	call RestoreWinPosn()
+com -bar -nargs=1 SM	call SaveMark(<q-args>)
+com -bar -nargs=1 RM	call RestoreMark(<q-args>)
+com -bar -nargs=1 DM	call DestroyMark(<q-args>)
+if v:version < 630
+ let s:modifier= "sil "
+ let s:modifier= "sil keepj "
 " ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 " SaveWinPosn: {{{1
 "    let winposn= SaveWinPosn()  will save window position in winposn variable
-"    call SaveWinPosn()          will save window position in b:winposn{b:iwinposn}
+"    call SaveWinPosn()          will save window position in b:cecutil_winposn{b:cecutil_iwinposn}
 "    let winposn= SaveWinPosn(0) will *only* save window position in winposn variable (no stacking done)
 fun! SaveWinPosn(...)
 "  call Dfunc("SaveWinPosn() a:0=".a:0)
+  if line(".") == 1 && getline(1) == ""
+"   call Dfunc("SaveWinPosn : empty buffer")
+   return ""
+  endif
+  let so_keep   = &so
+  let siso_keep = &siso
+  let ss_keep   = &ss
+  set so=0 siso=0 ss=0
   let swline    = line(".")
   let swcol     = col(".")
   let swwline   = winline() - 1
   let swwcol    = virtcol(".") - wincol()
   let savedposn = "call GoWinbufnr(".winbufnr(0).")|silent ".swline
-  let savedposn = savedposn."|silent norm! 0z\<cr>"
+  let savedposn = savedposn."|".s:modifier."norm! 0z\<cr>"
   if swwline > 0
-   let savedposn= savedposn.":silent norm! ".swwline."\<c-y>\<cr>"
-  endif
-  let savedposn = savedposn.":silent call cursor(".swline.",".swcol.")\<cr>"
-"  let savedposn = savedposn.":silent! norm! zO\<cr>"
+   let savedposn= savedposn.":".s:modifier."norm! ".swwline."\<c-y>\<cr>"
+  endif
   if swwcol > 0
-   let savedposn= savedposn.":silent norm! ".swwcol."zl\<cr>"
-  endif
+   let savedposn= savedposn.":".s:modifier."norm! 0".swwcol."zl\<cr>"
+  endif
+  let savedposn = savedposn.":".s:modifier."call cursor(".swline.",".swcol.")\<cr>"
   " save window position in
-  " b:winposn_{iwinposn} (stack)
-  " only if SaveWinPosn() not used
+  " b:cecutil_winposn_{iwinposn} (stack)
+  " only when SaveWinPosn() is used
   if a:0 == 0
-   if !exists("b:iwinposn")
-   	let b:iwinposn= 1
+   if !exists("b:cecutil_iwinposn")
+   	let b:cecutil_iwinposn= 1
-   	let b:iwinposn= b:iwinposn + 1
-   endif
-   let b:winposn{b:iwinposn}= savedposn
-  endif
-"  call Dret("SaveWinPosn : b:winposn{".b:iwinposn."}[".b:winposn{b:iwinposn}."]")
+   	let b:cecutil_iwinposn= b:cecutil_iwinposn + 1
+   endif
+"   call Decho("saving posn to SWP stack")
+   let b:cecutil_winposn{b:cecutil_iwinposn}= savedposn
+  endif
+  let &so   = so_keep
+  let &siso = siso_keep
+  let &ss   = ss_keep
+"  if exists("b:cecutil_iwinposn")	 " Decho
+"   call Decho("b:cecutil_winpos{".b:cecutil_iwinposn."}[".b:cecutil_winposn{b:cecutil_iwinposn}."]")
+"  else                      " Decho
+"   call Decho("b:cecutil_iwinposn doesn't exist")
+"  endif                     " Decho
+"  call Dret("SaveWinPosn [".savedposn."]")
   return savedposn
@@ -92,27 +120,37 @@
 " RestoreWinPosn: {{{1
 fun! RestoreWinPosn(...)
 "  call Dfunc("RestoreWinPosn() a:0=".a:0)
-  if a:0 == 0
-   " use saved window position in b:winposn{b:iwinposn} if it exists
-   if exists("b:iwinposn") && exists("b:winposn{b:iwinposn}")
-"   	call Decho("using stack b:winposn{".b:iwinposn."}<".b:winposn{b:iwinposn}.">")
+"  call Decho("getline(1)<".getline(1).">")
+"  call Decho("line(.)=".line("."))
+  if line(".") == 1 && getline(1) == ""
+"   call Dfunc("RestoreWinPosn : empty buffer")
+   return ""
+  endif
+  let so_keep   = &so
+  let siso_keep = &siso
+  let ss_keep   = &ss
+  set so=0 siso=0 ss=0
+  if a:0 == 0 || a:1 == ""
+   " use saved window position in b:cecutil_winposn{b:cecutil_iwinposn} if it exists
+   if exists("b:cecutil_iwinposn") && exists("b:cecutil_winposn{b:cecutil_iwinposn}")
+"   	call Decho("using stack b:cecutil_winposn{".b:cecutil_iwinposn."}<".b:cecutil_winposn{b:cecutil_iwinposn}.">")
-     exe "silent! ".b:winposn{b:iwinposn}
+     exe "silent! ".b:cecutil_winposn{b:cecutil_iwinposn}
 	catch /^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:E749/
 	 " ignore empty buffer error messages
     " normally drop top-of-stack by one
     " but while new top-of-stack doesn't exist
     " drop top-of-stack index by one again
-	if b:iwinposn >= 1
-	 unlet b:winposn{b:iwinposn}
-	 let b:iwinposn= b:iwinposn - 1
-	 while b:iwinposn >= 1 && !exists("b:winposn{b:iwinposn}")
-	  let b:iwinposn= b:iwinposn - 1
+	if b:cecutil_iwinposn >= 1
+	 unlet b:cecutil_winposn{b:cecutil_iwinposn}
+	 let b:cecutil_iwinposn= b:cecutil_iwinposn - 1
+	 while b:cecutil_iwinposn >= 1 && !exists("b:cecutil_winposn{b:cecutil_iwinposn}")
+	  let b:cecutil_iwinposn= b:cecutil_iwinposn - 1
-	 if b:iwinposn < 1
-	  unlet b:iwinposn
+	 if b:cecutil_iwinposn < 1
+	  unlet b:cecutil_iwinposn
@@ -125,15 +163,15 @@
 "   call Decho("using input a:1<".a:1.">")
    " use window position passed to this function
    exe "silent ".a:1
-   " remove a:1 pattern from b:winposn{b:iwinposn} stack
-   if exists("b:iwinposn")
-    let jwinposn= b:iwinposn
+   " remove a:1 pattern from b:cecutil_winposn{b:cecutil_iwinposn} stack
+   if exists("b:cecutil_iwinposn")
+    let jwinposn= b:cecutil_iwinposn
     while jwinposn >= 1                     " search for a:1 in iwinposn..1
-        if exists("b:winposn{jwinposn}")    " if it exists
-         if a:1 == b:winposn{jwinposn}      " and the pattern matches
-       unlet b:winposn{jwinposn}            " unlet it
-       if jwinposn == b:iwinposn            " if at top-of-stack
-        let b:iwinposn= b:iwinposn - 1      " drop stacktop by one
+        if exists("b:cecutil_winposn{jwinposn}")    " if it exists
+         if a:1 == b:cecutil_winposn{jwinposn}      " and the pattern matches
+       unlet b:cecutil_winposn{jwinposn}            " unlet it
+       if jwinposn == b:cecutil_iwinposn            " if at top-of-stack
+        let b:cecutil_iwinposn= b:cecutil_iwinposn - 1      " drop stacktop by one
@@ -149,6 +187,10 @@
   elseif virtcol(".") < virtcol("$")
    silent norm! lh
+  let &so   = so_keep
+  let &siso = siso_keep
+  let &ss   = ss_keep
 "  call Dret("RestoreWinPosn")
@@ -189,7 +231,7 @@
   if 1 <= line("'".markname) && line("'".markname) <= line("$")
    let winposn               = SaveWinPosn(0)
-   exe "keepjumps silent norm! `".markname
+   exe s:modifier."norm! `".markname
    let savemark              = SaveWinPosn(0)
    let g:savemark_{markname} = savemark
    let savemark              = markname.savemark
@@ -251,7 +293,13 @@
 " DestroyMark: {{{1
 "   call DestroyMark("a")  -- destroys mark
 fun! DestroyMark(markname)
-"  call Dfunc("markname<".a:markname.">)")
+"  call Dfunc("DestroyMark(markname<".a:markname.">)")
+  " save options and set to standard values
+  let reportkeep= &report
+  let lzkeep    = &lz
+  set lz report=10000
   let markname= strpart(a:markname,0,1)
   if markname !~ '\a'
    " handles 'a -> a styles
@@ -259,8 +307,6 @@
 "  call Decho("markname=".markname)
-  let lzkeep  = &lz
-  set lz
   let curmod  = &mod
   let winposn = SaveWinPosn(0)
@@ -270,31 +316,149 @@
   put! =lineone
   let &mod    = curmod
   call RestoreWinPosn(winposn)
+  " restore options to user settings
+  let &report = reportkeep
   let &lz     = lzkeep
 "  call Dret("DestroyMark")
-"" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-"" ListWinPosn:
-"fun! ListWinPosn()
-"  if !exists("b:iwinposn")
-"   call Decho("LWP: iwinposn doesn't exist")
-"   return
-"  endif
-"  let jwinposn= b:iwinposn
-"  while jwinposn >= 1
-"   if exists("b:winposn{jwinposn}")
-"    call Decho("winposn{".jwinposn."}<".b:winposn{jwinposn}.">")
-"   else
-"    call Decho("winposn{".jwinposn."} -- doesn't exist")
-"   endif
-"   let jwinposn= jwinposn - 1
-"  endwhile
-"com! -nargs=0 LWP	call ListWinPosn()
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" ListWinPosn:
+"fun! ListWinPosn()                                                        " Decho 
+"  if !exists("b:cecutil_iwinposn") || b:cecutil_iwinposn == 0             " Decho 
+"   call Decho("nothing on SWP stack")                                     " Decho
+"  else                                                                    " Decho
+"   let jwinposn= b:cecutil_iwinposn                                       " Decho 
+"   while jwinposn >= 1                                                    " Decho 
+"    if exists("b:cecutil_winposn{jwinposn}")                              " Decho 
+"     call Decho("winposn{".jwinposn."}<".b:cecutil_winposn{jwinposn}.">") " Decho 
+"    else                                                                  " Decho 
+"     call Decho("winposn{".jwinposn."} -- doesn't exist")                 " Decho 
+"    endif                                                                 " Decho 
+"    let jwinposn= jwinposn - 1                                            " Decho 
+"   endwhile                                                               " Decho 
+"  endif                                                                   " Decho
+"endfun                                                                    " Decho 
+"com! -nargs=0 LWP	call ListWinPosn()                                    " Decho 
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" SaveUserMaps: this function sets up a script-variable (s:restoremap) {{{1
+"          which can be used to restore user maps later with
+"          call RestoreUserMaps()
+"          mapmode - see :help maparg for its list
+"                    ex. "n" = Normal
+"                    If the first letter is u, then unmapping will be done
+"                    ex. "un" = Normal + unmapping
+"          mapchx  - "<something>" handled as a single map item.
+"                    ex. "<left>"
+"                  - "string" a string of single letters which are actually
+"                    multiple two-letter maps (using the maplead:
+"                    maplead . each_character_in_string)
+"                    ex. maplead="\" and mapchx="abc" saves mappings for
+"                        \a, \b, and \c
+"                    Of course, if maplead is "", then for mapchx="abc",
+"                    mappings for a, b, and c are saved.
+"                  - :something  handled as a single map item, w/o the ":"
+"                    ex.  mapchx= ":abc" will save a mapping for "abc"
+"          suffix  - a string unique to your plugin
+"                    ex.  suffix= "DrawIt"
+fun! SaveUserMaps(mapmode,maplead,mapchx,suffix)
+"  call Dfunc("SaveUserMaps(mapmode<".a:mapmode."> maplead<".a:maplead."> mapchx<".a:mapchx."> suffix<".a:suffix.">)")
+  if !exists("s:restoremap_{a:suffix}")
+   " initialize restoremap_suffix to null string
+   let s:restoremap_{a:suffix}= ""
+  endif
+  " set up dounmap: if 1, then save and unmap  (a:mapmode leads with a "u")
+  "                 if 0, save only
+  if a:mapmode =~ '^u'
+   let dounmap= 1
+   let mapmode= strpart(a:mapmode,1)
+  else
+   let dounmap= 0
+   let mapmode= a:mapmode
+  endif
+  " save single map :...something...
+  if strpart(a:mapchx,0,1) == ':'
+   let amap= strpart(a:mapchx,1)
+   if amap == "|" || amap == "\<c-v>"
+    let amap= "\<c-v>".amap
+   endif
+   let s:restoremap_{a:suffix} = s:restoremap_{a:suffix}."|:silent! ".mapmode."unmap ".amap
+   if maparg(amap,mapmode) != ""
+    let maprhs= substitute(maparg(amap,mapmode),'|','<bar>','ge')
+"	let maprhs= substitute(maprhs,'"<CR>',"\<cr>",'ge')
+   	let s:restoremap_{a:suffix} = s:restoremap_{a:suffix}."|:".mapmode."map ".amap." ".maprhs
+   endif
+   if dounmap
+    exe "silent! ".mapmode."unmap ".amap
+   endif
+  " save single map <something>
+  elseif strpart(a:mapchx,0,1) == '<'
+   let amap       = a:mapchx
+   if amap == "|" || amap == "\<c-v>"
+    let amap= "\<c-v>".amap
+   endif
+   let s:restoremap_{a:suffix} = s:restoremap_{a:suffix}."|silent! ".mapmode."unmap ".amap
+   if maparg(a:mapchx,mapmode) != ""
+    let maprhs= substitute(maparg(amap,mapmode),'|','<bar>','ge')
+"	let maprhs= substitute(maprhs,'"<CR>',"\<cr>",'ge')
+   	let s:restoremap_{a:suffix} = s:restoremap_{a:suffix}."|".mapmode."map ".amap." ".maprhs
+   endif
+   if dounmap
+    exe "silent! ".mapmode."unmap ".amap
+   endif
+  " save multiple maps
+  else
+   let i= 1
+   while i <= strlen(a:mapchx)
+    let amap= a:maplead.strpart(a:mapchx,i-1,1)
+	if amap == "|" || amap == "\<c-v>"
+	 let amap= "\<c-v>".amap
+	endif
+    let s:restoremap_{a:suffix} = s:restoremap_{a:suffix}."|silent! ".mapmode."unmap ".amap
+    if maparg(amap,mapmode) != ""
+     let maprhs= substitute(maparg(amap,mapmode),'|','<bar>','ge')
+"	 let maprhs= substitute(maprhs,'"<CR>',"\<cr>",'ge')
+   	 let s:restoremap_{a:suffix} = s:restoremap_{a:suffix}."|".mapmode."map ".amap." ".maprhs
+    endif
+	if dounmap
+     exe "silent! ".mapmode."unmap ".amap
+	endif
+    let i= i + 1
+   endwhile
+  endif
+"  call Dret("SaveUserMaps : restoremap_".a:suffix.": ".s:restoremap_{a:suffix})
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" RestoreUserMaps: {{{1
+"   Used to restore user maps saved by SaveUserMaps()
+fun! RestoreUserMaps(suffix)
+"  call Dfunc("RestoreUserMaps(suffix<".a:suffix.">)")
+  if exists("s:restoremap_{a:suffix}")
+   let s:restoremap_{a:suffix}= substitute(s:restoremap_{a:suffix},'|\s*$','','e')
+   if s:restoremap_{a:suffix} != ""
+"   	call Decho("exe ".s:restoremap_{a:suffix})
+    exe "silent! s:restoremap_{a:suffix}"
+   endif
+   unlet s:restoremap_{a:suffix}
+  endif
+"  call Dret("RestoreUserMaps")
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+"  Restore: {{{1
 let &cpo= s:keepcpo
 unlet s:keepcpo
-" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+"  Modelines: {{{1
 " vim: ts=4 fdm=marker

Modified: trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/plugin/cvsmenu.vim
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-vim/trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/plugin/cvsmenu.vim?rev=743&op=diff
--- trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/plugin/cvsmenu.vim (original)
+++ trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/plugin/cvsmenu.vim Tue Aug 22 18:24:29 2006
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 " CVSmenu.vim : Vim menu for using CVS			vim:tw=0:sw=2:ts=8
 " Author : Thorsten Maerz <info at netztorte.de>		vim600:fdm=marker
-" Maintainer : Wu Yongwei <adah at sh163.net>
-" $Revision: 1.121 $
-" $Date: 2005/11/16 08:00:40 $
+" Maintainer : Wu Yongwei <wuyongwei at gmail.com>
+" $Revision: 1.124 $
+" $Date: 2006/08/20 08:51:37 $
 " License : LGPL
 " Tested with Vim 6.0
@@ -102,8 +102,8 @@
 let s:script_path=expand('<sfile>:p:h')	" location of this script
 let s:script_name=expand('<sfile>:p:t')	" should be 'cvsmenu.vim'
 let s:CVSentries='CVS'.s:sep.'Entries'	" location of 'CVS/Entries' file
-let s:cvsmenuhttp="http://cvs.sf.net/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/~checkout~/ezytools/VimTools/"
-let s:cvsmenucvs=":pserver:anonymous at cvs.sf.net:/cvsroot/ezytools"
+let s:cvsmenuhttp="http://ezytools.cvs.sourceforge.net/ezytools/VimTools/"
+let s:cvsmenucvs=":pserver:anonymous at ezytools.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/ezytools"
 let s:CVSdontupdatemapping = 0		" don't CVSUpdateMapping (internal!)
 let s:CVSupdatequeryonly = 0		" update -n (internal!)
 let s:CVSorgtitle = &titlestring	" backup of original title
@@ -336,7 +336,7 @@
   let zbak=@z
   let @z = ''
-    \."\n\"CVSmenu $Revision: 1.121 $"
+    \."\n\"CVSmenu $Revision: 1.124 $"
     \."\n\"Current directory : ".expand('%:p:h')
     \."\n\"Current Root : ".root
     \."\n\"Current Repository : ".repository
@@ -367,7 +367,7 @@
     \."\n\" Change above values to your needs."
     \."\n\" To execute a line, put the cursor on it and press <shift-cr> or doubleclick."
-    \."\n\" Site: http://ezytools.sf.net/VimTools"
+    \."\n\" Site: http://ezytools.cvs.sourceforge.net/ezytools/VimTools/"
   normal "zP
   let @z=zbak
   normal dd
@@ -1055,6 +1055,7 @@
   wincmd _
   call CVSRestoreOpts()
+  silent! nmap <unique> <buffer> q :bwipeout<cr>
 function! CVSstatus()
@@ -1093,6 +1094,7 @@
   let s:CVSdontupdatemapping = 1
   call CVSDoCommand('log'.rev)
   call CVSRestoreOpts()
+  silent! nmap <unique> <buffer> q :bwipeout<cr>
 function! CVSlog_dir()
@@ -1917,9 +1919,9 @@
       \ . "call CVSGet('vim/README.txt', ':pserver:anonymous at cvs.vim.org:/cvsroot/vim', 'io', '')\n\n"
       \ . "\" manual cvsmenu update (-> CVS.Settings.Install buffer as...)\n"
       \ . "\" login, get latest version of cvsmenu.vim\n"
-      \ . "call CVSGet('VimTools/cvsmenu.vim',':pserver:anonymous at cvs.sf.net:/cvsroot/ezytools','i','')\n"
+      \ . "call CVSGet('VimTools/cvsmenu.vim',':pserver:anonymous at ezytools.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/ezytools','i','')\n"
       \ . "\" get latest cvsmenu.txt, logout\n"
-      \ . "call CVSGet('VimTools/cvsmenu.vim',':pserver:anonymous at cvs.sf.net:/cvsroot/ezytools','o','')\n\n"
+      \ . "call CVSGet('VimTools/cvsmenu.vim',':pserver:anonymous at ezytools.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/ezytools','o','')\n\n"
       \ . "\" Get some help on this\n"
       \ . "help CVSFunctions"
     "exec ':cd '.s:localvim

Modified: trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/plugin/taglist.vim
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-vim/trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/plugin/taglist.vim?rev=743&op=diff
--- trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/plugin/taglist.vim (original)
+++ trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/plugin/taglist.vim Tue Aug 22 18:24:29 2006
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 " File: taglist.vim
 " Author: Yegappan Lakshmanan (yegappan AT yahoo DOT com)
-" Version: 4.0 Beta 2
-" Last Modified: July 21, 2005
+" Version: 4.0 Beta 4
+" Last Modified: April 12, 2006
 " The "Tag List" plugin is a source code browser plugin for Vim and provides
 " an overview of the structure of the programming language files and allows
@@ -42,164 +42,302 @@
 "    terminal doesn't support changing the window width then set the
 "    'Tlist_Inc_Winwidth' variable to 0 in the .vimrc file.
 " 5. Restart Vim.
-" 6. You can now use the ":Tlist" command to open/close the taglist
+" 6. You can now use the ":TlistToggle" command to open/close the taglist
 "    window. You can use the ":help taglist" command to get more
 "    information about using the taglist plugin.
 " ****************** Do not modify after this line ************************
-if exists('loaded_taglist')
-    finish
-let loaded_taglist='yes'
 " Line continuation used here
 let s:cpo_save = &cpo
 set cpo&vim
-" The taglist plugin requires the built-in Vim system() function. If this
-" function is not available, then don't load the plugin.
-if !exists('*system')
-    echomsg 'Taglist: Vim system() built-in function is not available. ' .
-                \ 'Plugin is not loaded.'
+if !exists('loaded_taglist')
+    " First time loading the taglist plugin
+    "
+    " To speed up the loading of Vim, the taglist plugin uses autoload
+    " mechanism to load the taglist functions.
+    " Only define the configuration variables, user commands and some
+    " auto-commands and finish sourcing the file
+    " The taglist plugin requires the built-in Vim system() function. If this
+    " function is not available, then don't load the plugin.
+    if !exists('*system')
+        echomsg 'Taglist: Vim system() built-in function is not available. ' .
+                    \ 'Plugin is not loaded.'
+        let loaded_taglist = 'no'
+        let &cpo = s:cpo_save
+        finish
+    endif
+    " Location of the exuberant ctags tool
+    if !exists('Tlist_Ctags_Cmd')
+        if executable('exuberant-ctags')
+            let Tlist_Ctags_Cmd = 'exuberant-ctags'
+        elseif executable('ctags')
+            let Tlist_Ctags_Cmd = 'ctags'
+        elseif executable('ctags.exe')
+            let Tlist_Ctags_Cmd = 'ctags.exe'
+        elseif executable('tags')
+            let Tlist_Ctags_Cmd = 'tags'
+        else
+            echomsg 'Taglist: Exuberant ctags (http://ctags.sf.net) ' .
+                        \ 'not found in PATH. Plugin is not loaded.'
+            " Skip loading the plugin
+            let loaded_taglist = 'no'
+            let &cpo = s:cpo_save
+            finish
+        endif
+    endif
+    " Automatically open the taglist window on Vim startup
+    if !exists('Tlist_Auto_Open')
+        let Tlist_Auto_Open = 0
+    endif
+    " When the taglist window is toggle opened, move the cursor to the
+    " taglist window
+    if !exists('Tlist_GainFocus_On_ToggleOpen')
+        let Tlist_GainFocus_On_ToggleOpen = 0
+    endif
+    " Process files even when the taglist window is not open
+    if !exists('Tlist_Process_File_Always')
+        let Tlist_Process_File_Always = 0
+    endif
+    if !exists('Tlist_Show_Menu')
+        let Tlist_Show_Menu = 0
+    endif
+    " Tag listing sort type - 'name' or 'order'
+    if !exists('Tlist_Sort_Type')
+        let Tlist_Sort_Type = 'order'
+    endif
+    " Tag listing window split (horizontal/vertical) control
+    if !exists('Tlist_Use_Horiz_Window')
+        let Tlist_Use_Horiz_Window = 0
+    endif
+    " Open the vertically split taglist window on the left or on the right
+    " side.  This setting is relevant only if Tlist_Use_Horiz_Window is set to
+    " zero (i.e.  only for vertically split windows)
+    if !exists('Tlist_Use_Right_Window')
+        let Tlist_Use_Right_Window = 0
+    endif
+    " Increase Vim window width to display vertically split taglist window.
+    " For MS-Windows version of Vim running in a MS-DOS window, this must be
+    " set to 0 otherwise the system may hang due to a Vim limitation.
+    if !exists('Tlist_Inc_Winwidth')
+        if (has('win16') || has('win95')) && !has('gui_running')
+            let Tlist_Inc_Winwidth = 0
+        else
+            let Tlist_Inc_Winwidth = 1
+        endif
+    endif
+    " Vertically split taglist window width setting
+    if !exists('Tlist_WinWidth')
+        let Tlist_WinWidth = 30
+    endif
+    " Horizontally split taglist window height setting
+    if !exists('Tlist_WinHeight')
+        let Tlist_WinHeight = 10
+    endif
+    " Display tag prototypes or tag names in the taglist window
+    if !exists('Tlist_Display_Prototype')
+        let Tlist_Display_Prototype = 0
+    endif
+    " Display tag scopes in the taglist window
+    if !exists('Tlist_Display_Tag_Scope')
+        let Tlist_Display_Tag_Scope = 1
+    endif
+    " Use single left mouse click to jump to a tag. By default this is disabled.
+    " Only double click using the mouse will be processed.
+    if !exists('Tlist_Use_SingleClick')
+        let Tlist_Use_SingleClick = 0
+    endif
+    " Control whether additional help is displayed as part of the taglist or
+    " not.  Also, controls whether empty lines are used to separate the tag
+    " tree.
+    if !exists('Tlist_Compact_Format')
+        let Tlist_Compact_Format = 0
+    endif
+    " Exit Vim if only the taglist window is currently open. By default, this is
+    " set to zero.
+    if !exists('Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow')
+        let Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow = 0
+    endif
+    " Automatically close the folds for the non-active files in the taglist
+    " window
+    if !exists('Tlist_File_Fold_Auto_Close')
+        let Tlist_File_Fold_Auto_Close = 0
+    endif
+    " Close the taglist window when a tag is selected
+    if !exists('Tlist_Close_On_Select')
+        let Tlist_Close_On_Select = 0
+    endif
+    " Automatically update the taglist window to display tags for newly
+    " edited files
+    if !exists('Tlist_Auto_Update')
+        let Tlist_Auto_Update = 1
+    endif
+    " Automatically highlight the current tag
+    if !exists('Tlist_Auto_Highlight_Tag')
+        let Tlist_Auto_Highlight_Tag = 1
+    endif
+    " Automatically highlight the current tag on entering a buffer
+    if !exists('Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter')
+        let Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter = 1
+    endif
+    " Enable fold column to display the folding for the tag tree
+    if !exists('Tlist_Enable_Fold_Column')
+        let Tlist_Enable_Fold_Column = 1
+    endif
+    " Display the tags for only one file in the taglist window
+    if !exists('Tlist_Show_One_File')
+        let Tlist_Show_One_File = 0
+    endif
+    if !exists('Tlist_Max_Submenu_Items')
+        let Tlist_Max_Submenu_Items = 20
+    endif
+    if !exists('Tlist_Max_Tag_Length')
+        let Tlist_Max_Tag_Length = 10
+    endif
+    " Do not change the name of the taglist title variable. The winmanager
+    " plugin relies on this name to determine the title for the taglist
+    " plugin.
+    let TagList_title = "__Tag_List__"
+    " Taglist debug messages
+    let s:tlist_msg = ''
+    " Define the taglist autocommand to automatically open the taglist window
+    " on Vim startup
+    if g:Tlist_Auto_Open
+        autocmd VimEnter * nested call s:Tlist_Window_Check_Auto_Open()
+    endif
+    " Refresh the taglist
+    if g:Tlist_Process_File_Always
+        autocmd BufEnter * call s:Tlist_Refresh()
+    endif
+    if g:Tlist_Show_Menu
+        autocmd GUIEnter * call s:Tlist_Menu_Init()
+    endif
+    " When the taglist buffer is created when loading a Vim session file,
+    " the taglist buffer needs to be initialized. The BufFilePost event
+    " is used to handle this case.
+    autocmd BufFilePost __Tag_List__ call s:Tlist_Vim_Session_Load()
+    " Define the user commands to manage the taglist window
+    command! -nargs=0 TlistToggle call s:Tlist_Window_Toggle()
+    command! -nargs=0 TlistOpen call s:Tlist_Window_Open()
+    " For backwards compatiblity define the Tlist command
+    command! -nargs=0 Tlist TlistToggle
+    command! -nargs=+ -complete=file TlistAddFiles
+                \  call s:Tlist_Add_Files(<f-args>)
+    command! -nargs=+ -complete=dir TlistAddFilesRecursive
+                \ call s:Tlist_Add_Files_Recursive(<f-args>)
+    command! -nargs=0 TlistClose call s:Tlist_Window_Close()
+    command! -nargs=0 TlistUpdate call s:Tlist_Update_Current_File()
+    command! -nargs=0 TlistHighlightTag call s:Tlist_Window_Highlight_Tag(
+                        \ fnamemodify(bufname('%'), ':p'), line('.'), 2, 1)
+    " For backwards compatiblity define the TlistSync command
+    command! -nargs=0 TlistSync TlistHighlightTag
+    command! -nargs=* -complete=buffer TlistShowPrototype
+                \ echo Tlist_Get_Tag_Prototype_By_Line(<f-args>)
+    command! -nargs=* -complete=buffer TlistShowTag
+                \ echo Tlist_Get_Tagname_By_Line(<f-args>)
+    command! -nargs=* -complete=file TlistSessionLoad
+                \ call s:Tlist_Session_Load(<q-args>)
+    command! -nargs=* -complete=file TlistSessionSave
+                \ call s:Tlist_Session_Save(<q-args>)
+    command! TlistLock let Tlist_Auto_Update=0
+    command! TlistUnlock let Tlist_Auto_Update=1
+    " Commands for enabling/disabling debug and to display debug messages
+    command! -nargs=? -complete=file TlistDebug
+                \ call s:Tlist_Debug_Enable(<q-args>)
+    command! -nargs=0 TlistUndebug  call s:Tlist_Debug_Disable()
+    command! -nargs=0 TlistMessages echo s:tlist_msg
+    " Define autocommands to autoload the taglist plugin when needed.
+    " Trick to get the current script ID
+    map <SID>xx <SID>xx
+    let s:sid = substitute(maparg('<SID>xx'), '<SNR>\(\d\+_\)xx$', '\1', '')
+    unmap <SID>xx
+    exe 'autocmd FuncUndefined *' . s:sid . 'Tlist_* source ' .
+                \ escape(expand('<sfile>'), ' ')
+    exe 'autocmd FuncUndefined *' . s:sid . 'Tlist_Window_* source ' .
+                \ escape(expand('<sfile>'), ' ')
+    exe 'autocmd FuncUndefined *' . s:sid . 'Tlist_Menu_* source ' .
+                \ escape(expand('<sfile>'), ' ')
+    exe 'autocmd FuncUndefined Tlist_* source ' .
+                \ escape(expand('<sfile>'), ' ')
+    exe 'autocmd FuncUndefined TagList_* source ' .
+                \ escape(expand('<sfile>'), ' ')
+    unlet! s:sid
+    let loaded_taglist = 'fast_load_done'
+    " restore 'cpo'
     let &cpo = s:cpo_save
-" Location of the exuberant ctags tool
-if !exists('Tlist_Ctags_Cmd')
-    if executable('exuberant-ctags')
-        let Tlist_Ctags_Cmd = 'exuberant-ctags'
-    elseif executable('ctags')
-        let Tlist_Ctags_Cmd = 'ctags'
-    elseif executable('ctags.exe')
-        let Tlist_Ctags_Cmd = 'ctags.exe'
-    elseif executable('tags')
-        let Tlist_Ctags_Cmd = 'tags'
-    else
-        echomsg 'Taglist: Exuberant ctags (http://ctags.sf.net) ' .
-		    \ 'not found in PATH. Plugin is not loaded.'
-        " Skip loading the plugin
-        let &cpo = s:cpo_save
-        finish
-    endif
+if loaded_taglist != 'fast_load_done'
+    " restore 'cpo'
+    let &cpo = s:cpo_save
+    finish
 " Taglist plugin functionality is available
 let loaded_taglist = 'available'
-" Tag listing sort type - 'name' or 'order'
-if !exists('Tlist_Sort_Type')
-    let Tlist_Sort_Type = 'order'
-" Tag listing window split (horizontal/vertical) control
-if !exists('Tlist_Use_Horiz_Window')
-    let Tlist_Use_Horiz_Window = 0
-" Open the vertically split taglist window on the left or on the right side.
-" This setting is relevant only if Tlist_Use_Horiz_Window is set to zero (i.e.
-" only for vertically split windows)
-if !exists('Tlist_Use_Right_Window')
-    let Tlist_Use_Right_Window = 0
-" Increase Vim window width to display vertically split taglist window.  For
-" MS-Windows version of Vim running in a MS-DOS window, this must be set to 0
-" otherwise the system may hang due to a Vim limitation.
-if !exists('Tlist_Inc_Winwidth')
-    if (has('win16') || has('win95')) && !has('gui_running')
-        let Tlist_Inc_Winwidth = 0
-    else
-        let Tlist_Inc_Winwidth = 1
-    endif
-" Vertically split taglist window width setting
-if !exists('Tlist_WinWidth')
-    let Tlist_WinWidth = 30
-" Horizontally split taglist window height setting
-if !exists('Tlist_WinHeight')
-    let Tlist_WinHeight = 10
-" Automatically open the taglist window on Vim startup
-if !exists('Tlist_Auto_Open')
-    let Tlist_Auto_Open = 0
-" Display tag prototypes or tag names in the taglist window
-if !exists('Tlist_Display_Prototype')
-    let Tlist_Display_Prototype = 0
-" Display tag scopes in the taglist window
-if !exists('Tlist_Display_Tag_Scope')
-    let Tlist_Display_Tag_Scope = 1
-" Use single left mouse click to jump to a tag. By default this is disabled.
-" Only double click using the mouse will be processed.
-if !exists('Tlist_Use_SingleClick')
-    let Tlist_Use_SingleClick = 0
-" Control whether additional help is displayed as part of the taglist or not.
-" Also, controls whether empty lines are used to separate the tag tree.
-if !exists('Tlist_Compact_Format')
-    let Tlist_Compact_Format = 0
-" Exit Vim if only the taglist window is currently open. By default, this is
-" set to zero.
-if !exists('Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow')
-    let Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow = 0
-" Automatically close the folds for the non-active files in the taglist window
-if !exists('Tlist_File_Fold_Auto_Close')
-    let Tlist_File_Fold_Auto_Close = 0
-" Automatically highlight the current tag
-if !exists('Tlist_Auto_Highlight_Tag')
-    let Tlist_Auto_Highlight_Tag = 1
-" Process files even when the taglist window is not open
-if !exists('Tlist_Process_File_Always')
-    let Tlist_Process_File_Always = 0
-" Enable fold column to display the folding for the tag tree
-if !exists('Tlist_Enable_Fold_Column')
-    let Tlist_Enable_Fold_Column = 1
-" Display the tags for only one file in the taglist window
-if !exists('Tlist_Show_One_File')
-    let Tlist_Show_One_File = 0
-if !exists('Tlist_Show_Menu')
-    let Tlist_Show_Menu = 0
-if !exists('Tlist_Max_Submenu_Items')
-    let Tlist_Max_Submenu_Items = 20
-if !exists('Tlist_Max_Tag_Length')
-    let Tlist_Max_Tag_Length = 10
 "------------------- end of user configurable options --------------------
-" Initialize the taglist plugin local variables for the supported file types
-" and tag types
+" Default language specific settings for supported file types and tag types
+" Variable name format:
+"       s:tlist_def_{vim_ftype}_settings
+" vim_ftype - Filetype detected by Vim
+" Value format:
+"       <ctags_ftype>;<flag>:<name>;<flag>:<name>;...
+" ctags_ftype - File type supported by exuberant ctags
+" flag        - Flag supported by exuberant ctags to generate a tag type
+" name        - Name of the tag type used in the taglist window to display the
+"               tags of this type
 " assembly language
 let s:tlist_def_asm_settings = 'asm;d:define;l:label;m:macro;t:type'
@@ -221,8 +359,8 @@
                            \ 'v:variable;f:function'
 " c++ language
-let s:tlist_def_cpp_settings = 'c++;v:variable;d:macro;t:typedef;c:class;' .
-                             \ 'n:namespace;g:enum;s:struct;u:union;f:function'
+let s:tlist_def_cpp_settings = 'c++;n:namespace;v:variable;d:macro;t:typedef;' .
+                             \ 'c:class;g:enum;s:struct;u:union;f:function'
 " c# language
 let s:tlist_def_cs_settings = 'c#;d:macro;t:typedef;n:namespace;c:class;' .
@@ -333,7 +471,9 @@
 let s:tlist_winsize_chgd = 0
 " Taglist window is maximized or not
 let s:tlist_win_maximized = 0
-" Number of files displayed in the taglist window
+" Name of files in the taglist
+let s:tlist_file_names=''
+" Number of files in the taglist
 let s:tlist_file_count = 0
 " Number of filetypes supported by taglist
 let s:tlist_ftype_count = 0
@@ -343,12 +483,10 @@
 let s:tlist_brief_help = 1
 " List of files removed on user request
 let s:tlist_removed_flist = ""
+" Index of current file displayed in the taglist window
 let s:tlist_cur_file_idx = -1
 " Taglist menu is empty or not
 let s:tlist_menu_empty = 1
-" Do not change the name of the taglist title variable. The winmanager plugin
-" relies on this name to determine the title for the taglist plugin.
-let TagList_title = "__Tag_List__"
 " An autocommand is used to refresh the taglist window when entering any
 " buffer. We don't want to refresh the taglist window if we are entering the
@@ -357,8 +495,8 @@
 " and cleared appropriately.
 let s:Tlist_Skip_Refresh = 0
-" Tlist_Display_Help()
-function! s:Tlist_Display_Help()
+" Tlist_Window_Display_Help()
+function! s:Tlist_Window_Display_Help()
     if s:tlist_app_name == "winmanager"
         " To handle a bug in the winmanager plugin, add a space at the
         " last line
@@ -367,7 +505,7 @@
     if s:tlist_brief_help
         " Add the brief help
-        call append(0, '" Press ? to display help text')
+        call append(0, '" Press <F1> to display help text')
         " Add the extensive help
         call append(0, '" <enter> : Jump to tag definition')
@@ -385,14 +523,14 @@
         call append(12, '" [[ : Move to the start of previous file')
         call append(13, '" ]] : Move to the start of next file')
         call append(14, '" q : Close the taglist window')
-        call append(15, '" ? : Remove help text')
-    endif
-" Tlist_Toggle_Help_Text()
+        call append(15, '" <F1> : Remove help text')
+    endif
+" Tlist_Window_Toggle_Help_Text()
 " Toggle taglist plugin help text between the full version and the brief
 " version
-function! s:Tlist_Toggle_Help_Text()
+function! s:Tlist_Window_Toggle_Help_Text()
     if g:Tlist_Compact_Format
         " In compact display mode, do not display help
@@ -421,7 +559,7 @@
         exe '1,' . brief_help_size . ' delete _'
         " Adjust the start/end line numbers for the files
-        call s:Tlist_Update_Line_Offsets(0, 1, full_help_size - brief_help_size)
+        call s:Tlist_Window_Update_Line_Offsets(0, 1, full_help_size - brief_help_size)
         let s:tlist_brief_help = 1
@@ -429,10 +567,10 @@
         exe '1,' . full_help_size . ' delete _'
         " Adjust the start/end line numbers for the files
-        call s:Tlist_Update_Line_Offsets(0, 0, full_help_size - brief_help_size)
-    endif
-    call s:Tlist_Display_Help()
+        call s:Tlist_Window_Update_Line_Offsets(0, 0, full_help_size - brief_help_size)
+    endif
+    call s:Tlist_Window_Display_Help()
     " Restore the report option
     let &report = old_report
@@ -441,25 +579,58 @@
 " Taglist debug support
-let s:tlist_msg = ''
 let s:tlist_debug = 0
-" Commands for enabling/disabling debug and to display debug messages
-command! -nargs=0 TlistDebug let s:tlist_debug = 1
-command! -nargs=0 TlistUndebug let s:tlist_debug = 0
-command! -nargs=0 TlistMessages echo s:tlist_msg
+" File for storing the debug messages
+let s:tlist_debug_file = ''
+" Tlist_Debug_Enable
+" Enable logging of taglist debug messages.
+function! s:Tlist_Debug_Enable(...)
+    let s:tlist_debug = 1
+    " Check whether a valid file name is supplied.
+    if a:1 != ''
+        let s:tlist_debug_file = fnamemodify(a:1, ':p')
+        " Empty the log file
+        exe 'redir! > ' . s:tlist_debug_file
+        redir END
+        " Check whether the log file is present/created
+        if !filewritable(s:tlist_debug_file)
+            call s:Tlist_Warning_Msg('Taglist: Unable to create log file '
+                        \ . s:tlist_debug_file)
+            let s:tlist_debug_file = ''
+        endif
+    endif
+" Tlist_Debug_Disable
+" Disable logging of taglist debug messages.
+function! s:Tlist_Debug_Disable(...)
+    let s:tlist_debug = 0
+    let s:tlist_debug_file = ''
 " Tlist_Log_Msg
 " Log the supplied debug message along with the time
 function! s:Tlist_Log_Msg(msg)
     if s:tlist_debug
-        " Retain only the last 3000 characters
-        let len = strlen(s:tlist_msg)
-        if len > 3000
-            let s:tlist_msg = strpart(s:tlist_msg, len - 3000)
-        endif
-        let s:tlist_msg = s:tlist_msg . strftime('%H:%M:%S') . ': ' . 
-                    \ a:msg . "\n"
+        if s:tlist_debug_file != ''
+            exe 'redir >> ' . s:tlist_debug_file
+            silent echon strftime('%H:%M:%S') . ': ' . a:msg . "\n"
+            redir END
+        else
+            " Log the message into a variable
+            " Retain only the last 3000 characters
+            let len = strlen(s:tlist_msg)
+            if len > 3000
+                let s:tlist_msg = strpart(s:tlist_msg, len - 3000)
+            endif
+            let s:tlist_msg = s:tlist_msg . strftime('%H:%M:%S') . ': ' . 
+                        \ a:msg . "\n"
+        endif
@@ -471,38 +642,112 @@
     echohl None
+" Last returned file index for file name lookup.
+" Used to speed up file lookup
+let s:tlist_file_name_idx_cache = -1
 " Tlist_Get_File_Index()
 " Return the index of the specified filename
 function! s:Tlist_Get_File_Index(fname)
-    let i = 0
-    " Do a linear search
-    while i < s:tlist_file_count
-        if s:tlist_{i}_filename == a:fname
-            return i
-        endif
-        let i = i + 1
-    endwhile
-    return -1
-" Tlist_Get_File_Index_By_Linenum()
+    if s:tlist_file_count == 0
+        return -1
+    endif
+    " If the new filename is same as the last accessed filename, then
+    " return that index
+    if s:tlist_file_name_idx_cache != -1 &&
+                \ s:tlist_file_name_idx_cache < s:tlist_file_count
+        if s:tlist_{s:tlist_file_name_idx_cache}_filename == a:fname
+            " Same as the last accessed file
+            return s:tlist_file_name_idx_cache
+        endif
+    endif
+    " First, check whether the filename is present
+    let s_fname = a:fname . "\n"
+    let i = stridx(s:tlist_file_names, s_fname)
+    if i == -1
+        let s:tlist_file_name_idx_cache = -1
+        return -1
+    endif
+    " Second, compute the file name index
+    let nl_txt = substitute(strpart(s:tlist_file_names, 0, i), "[^\n]", '', 'g')
+    let s:tlist_file_name_idx_cache = strlen(nl_txt)
+    return s:tlist_file_name_idx_cache
+" Last returned file index for line number lookup.
+" Used to speed up file lookup
+let s:tlist_file_lnum_idx_cache = -1
+" Tlist_Window_Get_File_Index_By_Linenum()
 " Return the index of the filename present in the specified line number
 " Line number refers to the line number in the taglist window
-function! s:Tlist_Get_File_Index_By_Linenum(lnum)
-    call s:Tlist_Log_Msg('Tlist_Get_File_Index_By_Linenum (' . a:lnum . ')')
-    let i = 0
-    " TODO: Convert this to a binary search
-    while i < s:tlist_file_count
-        if a:lnum >= s:tlist_{i}_start && a:lnum <= s:tlist_{i}_end
-            return i
-        endif
-        let i = i + 1
-    endwhile
-    return -1
+function! s:Tlist_Window_Get_File_Index_By_Linenum(lnum)
+    call s:Tlist_Log_Msg('Tlist_Window_Get_File_Index_By_Linenum (' . a:lnum . ')')
+    " First try to see whether the new line number is within the range
+    " of the last returned file
+    if s:tlist_file_lnum_idx_cache != -1 &&
+                \ s:tlist_file_lnum_idx_cache < s:tlist_file_count
+        if a:lnum >= s:tlist_{s:tlist_file_lnum_idx_cache}_start &&
+                    \ a:lnum <= s:tlist_{s:tlist_file_lnum_idx_cache}_end
+            return s:tlist_file_lnum_idx_cache
+        endif
+    endif
+    let fidx = -1
+    if g:Tlist_Show_One_File
+        " Displaying only one file in the taglist window. Check whether
+        " the line is within the tags displayed for that file
+        if s:tlist_cur_file_idx != -1
+            if a:lnum >= s:tlist_{s:tlist_cur_file_idx}_start
+                        \ && a:lnum <= s:tlist_{s:tlist_cur_file_idx}_end
+                let fidx = s:tlist_cur_file_idx
+            endif
+        endif
+    else
+        " Do a binary search in the taglist
+        let left = 0
+        let right = s:tlist_file_count - 1
+        while left < right
+            let mid = (left + right) / 2
+            if a:lnum >= s:tlist_{mid}_start && a:lnum <= s:tlist_{mid}_end
+                let s:tlist_file_lnum_idx_cache = mid
+                return mid
+            endif
+            if a:lnum < s:tlist_{mid}_start
+                let right = mid - 1
+            else
+                let left = mid + 1
+            endif
+        endwhile
+        if left >= 0 && left < s:tlist_file_count
+                    \ && a:lnum >= s:tlist_{left}_start
+                    \ && a:lnum <= s:tlist_{left}_end
+            let fidx = left
+        endif
+    endif
+    let s:tlist_file_lnum_idx_cache = fidx
+    return fidx
+" Tlist_Exe_Cmd_No_Acmds
+" Execute the specified Ex command after disabling autocommands
+function! s:Tlist_Exe_Cmd_No_Acmds(cmd)
+    let old_eventignore = &eventignore
+    set eventignore=all
+    exe a:cmd
+    let &eventignore = old_eventignore
 " Tlist_Skip_File()
@@ -664,6 +909,56 @@
     let s:tlist_ftype_count = s:tlist_ftype_count + 1
     return 1
+" Tlist_Get_Filetype
+" Determine the filetype for the specified file
+function! s:Tlist_Get_Filetype(fname)
+    " Ignore the filetype autocommands
+    let old_eventignore = &eventignore
+    set eventignore=FileType
+    " Save the 'filetype', as this will be changed temporarily
+    let old_filetype = &filetype
+    " Run the filetypedetect group of autocommands to determine
+    " the filetype
+    exe 'doautocmd filetypedetect BufRead ' . a:fname
+    " Save the detected filetype
+    let ftype = &filetype
+    " Restore the previous state
+    let &filetype = old_filetype
+    let &eventignore = old_eventignore
+    return ftype
+" Tlist_Get_Buffer_Filetype
+" Get the filetype for the specified buffer
+function! s:Tlist_Get_Buffer_Filetype(bnum)
+    if bufloaded(a:bnum)
+        " For loaded buffers, the 'filetype' is already determined
+        return getbufvar(a:bnum, '&filetype')
+    endif
+    " For unloaded buffers, if the 'filetype' option is set, return it
+    let ftype = getbufvar(a:bnum, '&filetype')
+    if ftype != ''
+        return ftype
+    endif
+    " Skip non-existent buffers
+    if !bufexists(a:bnum)
+        return ''
+    endif
+    " For buffers whose filetype is not yet determined, try to determine
+    " the filetype
+    let bname = bufname(a:bnum)
+    return s:Tlist_Get_Filetype(bname)
 " Tlist_Discard_TagInfo
@@ -689,14 +984,14 @@
     let s:tlist_{a:fidx}_tag_count = 0
-    " Discard information about tags groups by their type
+    " Discard information about tag type groups
     let i = 1
     while i <= s:tlist_{ftype}_count
         let ttype = s:tlist_{ftype}_{i}_name
         if s:tlist_{a:fidx}_{ttype} != ''
             let fidx_ttype = 's:tlist_' . a:fidx . '_' . ttype
             let {fidx_ttype} = ''
-            let {fidx_ttype}_start = 0
+            let {fidx_ttype}_offset = 0
             let cnt = {fidx_ttype}_count
             let {fidx_ttype}_count = 0
             let j = 1
@@ -712,10 +1007,10 @@
     let s:tlist_{a:fidx}_menu_cmd = ''
-" Tlist_Update_Line_Offsets
+" Tlist_Window_Update_Line_Offsets
 " Update the line offsets for tags for files starting from start_idx
 " and displayed in the taglist window by the specified offset
-function! s:Tlist_Update_Line_Offsets(start_idx, increment, offset)
+function! s:Tlist_Window_Update_Line_Offsets(start_idx, increment, offset)
     let i = a:start_idx
     while i < s:tlist_file_count
@@ -746,7 +1041,7 @@
     while i <= s:tlist_{ftype}_count
         let ttype = s:tlist_{ftype}_{i}_name
         unlet! s:tlist_{a:fidx}_{ttype}
-        unlet! s:tlist_{a:fidx}_{ttype}_start
+        unlet! s:tlist_{a:fidx}_{ttype}_offset
         unlet! s:tlist_{a:fidx}_{ttype}_count
         let i = i + 1
@@ -763,10 +1058,10 @@
     unlet! s:tlist_{a:fidx}_menu_cmd
-" Tlist_Remove_File_From_Display
+" Tlist_Window_Remove_File_From_Display
 " Remove the specified file from display
-function! s:Tlist_Remove_File_From_Display(fidx)
-    call s:Tlist_Log_Msg('Tlist_Remove_File_From_Display (' .
+function! s:Tlist_Window_Remove_File_From_Display(fidx)
+    call s:Tlist_Log_Msg('Tlist_Window_Remove_File_From_Display (' .
                 \ s:tlist_{a:fidx}_filename . ')')
     " If the file is not visible then no need to remove it
     if !s:tlist_{a:fidx}_visible
@@ -788,7 +1083,7 @@
     " Correct the start and end line offsets for all the files following
     " this file, as the tags for this file are removed
-    call s:Tlist_Update_Line_Offsets(a:fidx + 1, 0, end - start + 1)
+    call s:Tlist_Window_Update_Line_Offsets(a:fidx + 1, 0, end - start + 1)
 " Tlist_Remove_File
@@ -798,7 +1093,7 @@
     let fidx = a:file_idx
     if fidx == -1
-        let fidx = s:Tlist_Get_File_Index_By_Linenum(line('.'))
+        let fidx = s:Tlist_Window_Get_File_Index_By_Linenum(line('.'))
         if fidx == -1
@@ -806,13 +1101,40 @@
     call s:Tlist_Log_Msg('Tlist_Remove_File (' .
                 \ s:tlist_{fidx}_filename . ', ' . a:user_request . ')')
-    call s:Tlist_Remove_File_From_Display(fidx)
+    let save_winnr = winnr()
+    let winnum = bufwinnr(g:TagList_title)
+    if winnum != -1
+        " Taglist window is open, remove the file from display
+        if save_winnr != winnum
+            let old_eventignore = &eventignore
+            set eventignore=all
+            exe winnum . 'wincmd w'
+        endif
+        call s:Tlist_Window_Remove_File_From_Display(fidx)
+        if save_winnr != winnum
+            exe save_winnr . 'wincmd w'
+            let &eventignore = old_eventignore
+        endif
+    endif
+    let fname = s:tlist_{fidx}_filename
     if a:user_request
         " As the user requested to remove the file from taglist,
         " add it to the removed list
-        call s:Tlist_Update_Remove_List(s:tlist_{fidx}_filename, 1)
-    endif
+        call s:Tlist_Update_Remove_List(fname, 1)
+    endif
+    " Remove the file name from the taglist list of filenames
+    let idx = stridx(s:tlist_file_names, fname . "\n")
+    let text_before = strpart(s:tlist_file_names, 0, idx)
+    let rem_text = strpart(s:tlist_file_names, idx)
+    let next_idx = stridx(rem_text, "\n")
+    let text_after = strpart(rem_text, next_idx + 1)
+    let s:tlist_file_names = text_before . text_after
     call s:Tlist_Discard_FileInfo(fidx)
@@ -837,7 +1159,7 @@
         while k <= s:tlist_{j}_tag_count
             let s:tlist_{j}_{k}_tag = s:tlist_{i}_{k}_tag
             let s:tlist_{j}_{k}_tag_name = s:tlist_{i}_{k}_tag_name
-            let s:tlist_{j}_{k}_tag_type = s:Tlist_Get_Tag_Type(i, k)
+            let s:tlist_{j}_{k}_tag_type = s:Tlist_Get_Tag_Type_By_Tag(i, k)
             let s:tlist_{j}_{k}_ttype_idx = s:tlist_{i}_{k}_ttype_idx
             let s:tlist_{j}_{k}_tag_proto = s:Tlist_Get_Tag_Prototype(i, k)
             let s:tlist_{j}_{k}_tag_searchpat = s:Tlist_Get_Tag_SearchPat(i, k)
@@ -851,7 +1173,7 @@
         while k <= s:tlist_{ftype}_count
             let ttype = s:tlist_{ftype}_{k}_name
             let s:tlist_{j}_{ttype} = s:tlist_{i}_{ttype}
-            let s:tlist_{j}_{ttype}_start = s:tlist_{i}_{ttype}_start
+            let s:tlist_{j}_{ttype}_offset = s:tlist_{i}_{ttype}_offset
             let s:tlist_{j}_{ttype}_count = s:tlist_{i}_{ttype}_count
             if s:tlist_{j}_{ttype} != ''
                 let l = 1
@@ -874,19 +1196,29 @@
     let s:tlist_file_count = s:tlist_file_count - 1
     if g:Tlist_Show_One_File
-        " If the tags for only one file are displayed and if we just
-        " now removed the file, then invalidate the current file idx
+        " If the tags for only one file is displayed and if we just
+        " now removed that file, then invalidate the current file idx
         if s:tlist_cur_file_idx == fidx
             let s:tlist_cur_file_idx = -1
-" Tlist_Open_Window
+" Tlist_Window_Goto_Window
+" Goto the taglist window
+function! s:Tlist_Window_Goto_Window()
+    let winnum = bufwinnr(g:TagList_title)
+    if winnum != -1
+        if winnr() != winnum
+            call s:Tlist_Exe_Cmd_No_Acmds(winnum . 'wincmd w')
+        endif
+    endif
+" Tlist_Window_Create
 " Create a new taglist window. If it is already open, jump to it
-function! s:Tlist_Open_Window()
-    call s:Tlist_Log_Msg('Tlist_Open_Window()')
+function! s:Tlist_Window_Create()
+    call s:Tlist_Log_Msg('Tlist_Window_Create()')
     " If the window is open, jump to it
     let winnum = bufwinnr(g:TagList_title)
     if winnum != -1
@@ -912,7 +1244,7 @@
         " Horizontal window height
         let win_size = g:Tlist_WinHeight
-        " Open a horizontally split window. Increase the window size, if
+        " Open a vertically split window. Increase the window size, if
         " needed, to accomodate the new window
         if g:Tlist_Inc_Winwidth &&
                     \ &columns < (80 + g:Tlist_WinWidth)
@@ -957,12 +1289,12 @@
     let s:tlist_winy = getwinposy()
     " Initialize the taglist window
-    call s:Tlist_Init_Window()
-" Tlist_Zoom_Window
+    call s:Tlist_Window_Init()
+" Tlist_Window_Zoom
 " Zoom (maximize/minimize) the taglist window
-function! s:Tlist_Zoom_Window()
+function! s:Tlist_Window_Zoom()
     if s:tlist_win_maximized
         " Restore the window back to the previous size
         if g:Tlist_Use_Horiz_Window
@@ -983,12 +1315,12 @@
-" Tlist_Check_Window_Size
+" Tlist_Window_Check_Width
 " Check the width of the taglist window. For horizontally split windows, the
 " 'winfixheight' option is used to fix the height of the window. For
 " vertically split windows, Vim doesn't support the 'winfixwidth' option. So
 " need to handle window width changes from this function.
-function! s:Tlist_Check_Window_Width()
+function! s:Tlist_Window_Check_Width()
     let tlist_winnr = bufwinnr(g:TagList_title)
     if tlist_winnr == -1
@@ -996,23 +1328,27 @@
     let width = winwidth(tlist_winnr)
     if width != g:Tlist_WinWidth
-        call s:Tlist_Log_Msg("Tlist_Check_Window_Width: Changing window " .
-                    \ "width from " . width . "to " . g:Tlist_WinWidth)
+        call s:Tlist_Log_Msg("Tlist_Window_Check_Width: Changing window " .
+                    \ "width from " . width . " to " . g:Tlist_WinWidth)
         let save_winnr = winnr()
         if save_winnr != tlist_winnr
-            exe tlist_winnr . 'wincmd w'
+            call s:Tlist_Exe_Cmd_No_Acmds(tlist_winnr . 'wincmd w')
         exe 'vert resize ' . g:Tlist_WinWidth
         if save_winnr != tlist_winnr
-            wincmd p
-        endif
-    endif
-" Tlist_Init_Window
+            call s:Tlist_Exe_Cmd_No_Acmds('wincmd p')
+        endif
+    endif
+" Tlist_Window_Init
 " Set the default options for the taglist window
-function! s:Tlist_Init_Window()
-    call s:Tlist_Log_Msg('Tlist_Init_Window()')
+function! s:Tlist_Window_Init()
+    call s:Tlist_Log_Msg('Tlist_Window_Init()')
+    " Set the taglist buffer filetype to taglist
+    setlocal filetype=taglist
     " Define taglist window element highlighting
     syntax match TagListComment '^" .*'
     syntax match TagListFileName '^[^" ].*$'
@@ -1027,41 +1363,43 @@
         if hlexists('MyTagListTagName')
             highlight link TagListTagName MyTagListTagName
-            highlight link TagListTagName Search
+            highlight default link TagListTagName Search
         " Colors to highlight comments and titles
         if hlexists('MyTagListComment')
             highlight link TagListComment MyTagListComment
             highlight clear TagListComment
-            highlight link TagListComment Comment
+            highlight default link TagListComment Comment
         if hlexists('MyTagListTitle')
             highlight link TagListTitle MyTagListTitle
             highlight clear TagListTitle
-            highlight link TagListTitle Title
+            highlight default link TagListTitle Title
         if hlexists('MyTagListFileName')
             highlight link TagListFileName MyTagListFileName
             highlight clear TagListFileName
-            highlight link TagListFileName LineNr
+            highlight default TagListFileName guibg=Grey ctermbg=darkgray
+                        \ guifg=white ctermfg=white
         if hlexists('MyTagListTagScope')
             highlight link TagListTagScope MyTagListTagScope
             highlight clear TagListTagScope
-            highlight link TagListTagScope Identifier
-        endif
-    else
-        highlight TagListTagName term=reverse cterm=reverse
+            highlight default link TagListTagScope Identifier
+        endif
+    else
+        highlight default TagListTagName term=reverse cterm=reverse
     " Folding related settings
     setlocal foldenable
     setlocal foldminlines=0
     setlocal foldmethod=manual
+    setlocal foldlevel=9999
     if g:Tlist_Enable_Fold_Column
         setlocal foldcolumn=3
@@ -1097,16 +1435,19 @@
             set winfixheight
+    if !g:Tlist_Use_Horiz_Window && v:version >= 700
+        set winfixwidth
+    endif
     " Setup the cpoptions properly for the maps to work
     let old_cpoptions = &cpoptions
     set cpoptions&vim
     " Create buffer local mappings for jumping to the tags and sorting the list
-    nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <CR> :call <SID>Tlist_Jump_To_Tag(0)<CR>
-    nnoremap <buffer> <silent> o :call <SID>Tlist_Jump_To_Tag(1)<CR>
-    nnoremap <buffer> <silent> p :call <SID>Tlist_Jump_To_Tag(2)<CR>
-    nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <2-LeftMouse> :call <SID>Tlist_Jump_To_Tag(0)<CR>
+    nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <CR> :call <SID>Tlist_Window_Jump_To_Tag(0)<CR>
+    nnoremap <buffer> <silent> o :call <SID>Tlist_Window_Jump_To_Tag(1)<CR>
+    nnoremap <buffer> <silent> p :call <SID>Tlist_Window_Jump_To_Tag(2)<CR>
+    nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <2-LeftMouse> :call <SID>Tlist_Window_Jump_To_Tag(0)<CR>
     nnoremap <buffer> <silent> s :call <SID>Tlist_Change_Sort(1, 1, '')<CR>
     nnoremap <buffer> <silent> + :silent! foldopen<CR>
     nnoremap <buffer> <silent> - :silent! foldclose<CR>
@@ -1115,25 +1456,25 @@
     nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <kPlus> :silent! foldopen<CR>
     nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <kMinus> :silent! foldclose<CR>
     nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <kMultiply> :silent! %foldopen!<CR>
-    nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <Space> :call <SID>Tlist_Show_Tag_Prototype()<CR>
-    nnoremap <buffer> <silent> u :call <SID>Tlist_Update_Window()<CR>
+    nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <Space> :call <SID>Tlist_Window_Show_Info()<CR>
+    nnoremap <buffer> <silent> u :call <SID>Tlist_Window_Update_File()<CR>
     nnoremap <buffer> <silent> d :call <SID>Tlist_Remove_File(-1, 1)<CR>
-    nnoremap <buffer> <silent> x :call <SID>Tlist_Zoom_Window()<CR>
-    nnoremap <buffer> <silent> [[ :call <SID>Tlist_Move_To_File(-1)<CR>
-    nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <BS> :call <SID>Tlist_Move_To_File(-1)<CR>
-    nnoremap <buffer> <silent> ]] :call <SID>Tlist_Move_To_File(1)<CR>
-    nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <Tab> :call <SID>Tlist_Move_To_File(1)<CR>
-    nnoremap <buffer> <silent> ? :call <SID>Tlist_Toggle_Help_Text()<CR>
+    nnoremap <buffer> <silent> x :call <SID>Tlist_Window_Zoom()<CR>
+    nnoremap <buffer> <silent> [[ :call <SID>Tlist_Window_Move_To_File(-1)<CR>
+    nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <BS> :call <SID>Tlist_Window_Move_To_File(-1)<CR>
+    nnoremap <buffer> <silent> ]] :call <SID>Tlist_Window_Move_To_File(1)<CR>
+    nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <Tab> :call <SID>Tlist_Window_Move_To_File(1)<CR>
+    nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <F1> :call <SID>Tlist_Window_Toggle_Help_Text()<CR>
     nnoremap <buffer> <silent> q :close<CR>
     " Insert mode mappings
-    inoremap <buffer> <silent> <CR>    <C-o>:call <SID>Tlist_Jump_To_Tag(0)<CR>
+    inoremap <buffer> <silent> <CR>    <C-o>:call <SID>Tlist_Window_Jump_To_Tag(0)<CR>
     " Windows needs return
-    inoremap <buffer> <silent> <Return> <C-o>:call <SID>Tlist_Jump_To_Tag(0)<CR>
-    inoremap <buffer> <silent> o        <C-o>:call <SID>Tlist_Jump_To_Tag(1)<CR>
-    inoremap <buffer> <silent> p        <C-o>:call <SID>Tlist_Jump_To_Tag(2)<CR>
+    inoremap <buffer> <silent> <Return> <C-o>:call <SID>Tlist_Window_Jump_To_Tag(0)<CR>
+    inoremap <buffer> <silent> o        <C-o>:call <SID>Tlist_Window_Jump_To_Tag(1)<CR>
+    inoremap <buffer> <silent> p        <C-o>:call <SID>Tlist_Window_Jump_To_Tag(2)<CR>
     inoremap <buffer> <silent> <2-LeftMouse> <C-o>:call
-                                            \ <SID>Tlist_Jump_To_Tag(0)<CR>
+                                            \ <SID>Tlist_Window_Jump_To_Tag(0)<CR>
     inoremap <buffer> <silent> s
                             \ <C-o>:call <SID>Tlist_Change_Sort(1, 1, '')<CR>
     inoremap <buffer> <silent> +             <C-o>:silent! foldopen<CR>
@@ -1144,62 +1485,63 @@
     inoremap <buffer> <silent> <kMinus>      <C-o>:silent! foldclose<CR>
     inoremap <buffer> <silent> <kMultiply>   <C-o>:silent! %foldopen!<CR>
     inoremap <buffer> <silent> <Space>       <C-o>:call
-                                    \ <SID>Tlist_Show_Tag_Prototype()<CR>
-    inoremap <buffer> <silent> u    <C-o>:call <SID>Tlist_Update_Window()<CR>
+                                    \ <SID>Tlist_Window_Show_Info()<CR>
+    inoremap <buffer> <silent> u
+                            \ <C-o>:call <SID>Tlist_Window_Update_File()<CR>
     inoremap <buffer> <silent> d    <C-o>:call <SID>Tlist_Remove_File(-1, 1)<CR>
-    inoremap <buffer> <silent> x    <C-o>:call <SID>Tlist_Zoom_Window()<CR>
-    inoremap <buffer> <silent> [[   <C-o>:call <SID>Tlist_Move_To_File(-1)<CR>
-    inoremap <buffer> <silent> <BS> <C-o>:call <SID>Tlist_Move_To_File(-1)<CR>
-    inoremap <buffer> <silent> ]]   <C-o>:call <SID>Tlist_Move_To_File(1)<CR>
-    inoremap <buffer> <silent> <Tab> <C-o>:call <SID>Tlist_Move_To_File(1)<CR>
-    inoremap <buffer> <silent> ?    <C-o>:call <SID>Tlist_Toggle_Help_Text()<CR>
+    inoremap <buffer> <silent> x    <C-o>:call <SID>Tlist_Window_Zoom()<CR>
+    inoremap <buffer> <silent> [[   <C-o>:call <SID>Tlist_Window_Move_To_File(-1)<CR>
+    inoremap <buffer> <silent> <BS> <C-o>:call <SID>Tlist_Window_Move_To_File(-1)<CR>
+    inoremap <buffer> <silent> ]]   <C-o>:call <SID>Tlist_Window_Move_To_File(1)<CR>
+    inoremap <buffer> <silent> <Tab> <C-o>:call <SID>Tlist_Window_Move_To_File(1)<CR>
+    inoremap <buffer> <silent> <F1>  <C-o>:call <SID>Tlist_Window_Toggle_Help_Text()<CR>
     inoremap <buffer> <silent> q    <C-o>:close<CR>
     " Map single left mouse click if the user wants this functionality
     if g:Tlist_Use_SingleClick == 1
         " Contributed by Bindu Wavell
-	" attempt to perform single click mapping, it would be much
-	" nicer if we could nnoremap <buffer> ... however vim does
-	" not fire the <buffer> <leftmouse> when you use the mouse
-	" to enter a buffer.
-	let clickmap = ':if bufname("%") =~ "__Tag_List__" <bar> ' .
-		    \ 'call <SID>Tlist_Jump_To_Tag(0) <bar> endif <CR>'
-	if maparg('<leftmouse>', 'n') == ''
-	    " no mapping for leftmouse
-	    exe ':nnoremap <silent> <leftmouse> <leftmouse>' . clickmap
-	else
-	    " we have a mapping
-	    let mapcmd = ':nnoremap <silent> <leftmouse> <leftmouse>'
-	    let mapcmd = mapcmd . substitute(substitute(
-			\ maparg('<leftmouse>', 'n'), '|', '<bar>', 'g'),
-			\ '\c^<leftmouse>', '', '')
-	    let mapcmd = mapcmd . clickmap
-	    exe mapcmd
-	endif
+        " attempt to perform single click mapping, it would be much
+        " nicer if we could nnoremap <buffer> ... however vim does
+        " not fire the <buffer> <leftmouse> when you use the mouse
+        " to enter a buffer.
+        let clickmap = ':if bufname("%") =~ "__Tag_List__" <bar> ' .
+                    \ 'call <SID>Tlist_Window_Jump_To_Tag(0) <bar> endif <CR>'
+        if maparg('<leftmouse>', 'n') == ''
+            " no mapping for leftmouse
+            exe ':nnoremap <silent> <leftmouse> <leftmouse>' . clickmap
+        else
+            " we have a mapping
+            let mapcmd = ':nnoremap <silent> <leftmouse> <leftmouse>'
+            let mapcmd = mapcmd . substitute(substitute(
+                        \ maparg('<leftmouse>', 'n'), '|', '<bar>', 'g'),
+                        \ '\c^<leftmouse>', '', '')
+            let mapcmd = mapcmd . clickmap
+            exe mapcmd
+        endif
     " Define the taglist autocommands
     augroup TagListAutoCmds
         " Display the tag prototype for the tag under the cursor.
-        autocmd CursorHold __Tag_List__ call s:Tlist_Show_Tag_Prototype()
+        autocmd CursorHold __Tag_List__ call s:Tlist_Window_Show_Info()
         " Highlight the current tag periodically
-        autocmd CursorHold * silent call s:Tlist_Highlight_Tag(
+        autocmd CursorHold * silent call s:Tlist_Window_Highlight_Tag(
                             \ fnamemodify(bufname('%'), ':p'), line('.'), 1, 0)
         " Adjust the Vim window width when taglist window is closed
         autocmd BufUnload __Tag_List__ call s:Tlist_Post_Close_Cleanup()
         " Close the fold for this buffer when it's not visible in any window
         if g:Tlist_File_Fold_Auto_Close
-            autocmd BufWinLeave * silent call s:Tlist_Update_File_Display(
-                                \ fnamemodify(expand('<afile>'), ':p'), 1)
-        endif
-        " Remove the file from the list when it's buffer is deleted
-        autocmd BufDelete * silent call s:Tlist_Update_File_Display(
-                                \ fnamemodify(expand('<afile>'), ':p'), 2)
+            autocmd BufWinLeave * silent
+                \ call s:Tlist_Window_Close_File_Fold(expand('<afile>:p'))
+        endif
         " Exit Vim itself if only the taglist window is present (optional)
         if g:Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow
-            autocmd BufEnter __Tag_List__ if winbufnr(2) == -1 | quit | endif
+            " Before quitting Vim, delete the taglist buffer so that
+            " the '0 mark is correctly set to the previous buffer.
+            autocmd BufEnter __Tag_List__ nested if winbufnr(2) == -1 | 
+                        \ bdelete | quit | endif
         if s:tlist_app_name != "winmanager" &&
                     \ !g:Tlist_Process_File_Always &&
@@ -1209,7 +1551,9 @@
         if !g:Tlist_Use_Horiz_Window
-            autocmd WinEnter * call s:Tlist_Check_Window_Width()
+            if v:version < 700
+                autocmd WinEnter * call s:Tlist_Window_Check_Width()
+            endif
     augroup end
@@ -1217,10 +1561,10 @@
     let &cpoptions = old_cpoptions
-" Tlist_Refresh_Window
+" Tlist_Window_Refresh
 " Display the tags for all the files in the taglist window
-function! s:Tlist_Refresh_Window()
-    call s:Tlist_Log_Msg('Tlist_Refresh_Window()')
+function! s:Tlist_Window_Refresh()
+    call s:Tlist_Log_Msg('Tlist_Window_Refresh()')
     " Set report option to a huge value to prevent informational messages
     " while deleting the lines
     let old_report = &report
@@ -1242,7 +1586,7 @@
     if g:Tlist_Compact_Format == 0
         " Display help in non-compact mode
-        call s:Tlist_Display_Help()
+        call s:Tlist_Window_Display_Help()
     " Mark the buffer as not modifiable
@@ -1264,16 +1608,36 @@
     " tags for the wrong file will be displayed.
     let i = 0
     while i < s:tlist_file_count
-        call s:Tlist_Explore_File(s:tlist_{i}_filename, s:tlist_{i}_filetype)
+        call s:Tlist_Window_Refresh_File(s:tlist_{i}_filename,
+                    \ s:tlist_{i}_filetype)
         let i = i + 1
-    " If Tlist_File_Fold_Auto_Close option is set, then close all the
-    " folds
+    if g:Tlist_Auto_Update
+        " Add and list the tags for all buffers in the Vim buffer list
+        let i = 1
+        let last_bufnum = bufnr('$')
+        while i <= last_bufnum
+            if buflisted(i)
+                let fname = fnamemodify(bufname(i), ':p')
+                let ftype = s:Tlist_Get_Buffer_Filetype(i)
+                " If the file doesn't support tag listing, skip it
+                if !s:Tlist_Skip_File(fname, ftype)
+                    call s:Tlist_Window_Refresh_File(fname, ftype)
+                endif
+            endif
+            let i = i + 1
+        endwhile
+    endif
+    " If Tlist_File_Fold_Auto_Close option is set, then close all the folds
     if g:Tlist_File_Fold_Auto_Close
         " Close all the folds
         silent! %foldclose
+    " Move the cursor to the top of the taglist window
+    normal! gg
 " Tlist_Post_Close_Cleanup()
@@ -1328,14 +1692,14 @@
     " Reset taglist state variables
     if s:tlist_app_name == "winmanager"
         let s:tlist_app_name = "none"
-        let s:tlist_window_initialized = 0
-    endif
-" Tlist_Explore_File()
+    endif
+    let s:tlist_window_initialized = 0
+" Tlist_Window_Refresh_File()
 " List the tags defined in the specified file in a Vim window
-function! s:Tlist_Explore_File(filename, ftype)
-    call s:Tlist_Log_Msg('Tlist_Explore_File (' . a:filename . ')')
+function! s:Tlist_Window_Refresh_File(filename, ftype)
+    call s:Tlist_Log_Msg('Tlist_Window_Refresh_File (' . a:filename . ')')
     " First check whether the file already exists
     let fidx = s:Tlist_Get_File_Index(a:filename)
     if fidx != -1
@@ -1368,7 +1732,7 @@
         " Discard and remove the tags for this file from display
         call s:Tlist_Discard_TagInfo(fidx)
-        call s:Tlist_Remove_File_From_Display(fidx)
+        call s:Tlist_Window_Remove_File_From_Display(fidx)
     " Process and generate a list of tags defined in the file
@@ -1388,7 +1752,7 @@
     if g:Tlist_Show_One_File
         " Remove the previous file
         if s:tlist_cur_file_idx != -1
-            call s:Tlist_Remove_File_From_Display(s:tlist_cur_file_idx)
+            call s:Tlist_Window_Remove_File_From_Display(s:tlist_cur_file_idx)
             let s:tlist_{s:tlist_cur_file_idx}_visible = 0
             let s:tlist_{s:tlist_cur_file_idx}_start = 0
             let s:tlist_{s:tlist_cur_file_idx}_end = 0
@@ -1449,7 +1813,7 @@
             silent! put =ttype_txt
-            let {fidx_ttype}_start = ttype_start_lnum - file_start
+            let {fidx_ttype}_offset = ttype_start_lnum - file_start
             " create a fold for this tag type
             let fold_start = ttype_start_lnum
@@ -1479,8 +1843,10 @@
     " Create a fold for the entire file
     exe s:tlist_{fidx}_start . ',' . s:tlist_{fidx}_end . 'fold'
-    exe 'silent! ' . s:tlist_{fidx}_start . ',' .
-                                    \ s:tlist_{fidx}_end . 'foldopen!'
+    if !g:Tlist_File_Fold_Auto_Close
+        exe 'silent! ' . s:tlist_{fidx}_start . ',' .
+                    \ s:tlist_{fidx}_end . 'foldopen!'
+    endif
     " Goto the starting line for this file,
     exe s:tlist_{fidx}_start
@@ -1506,7 +1872,7 @@
         let end = s:tlist_{fidx}_end + 1
-    call s:Tlist_Update_Line_Offsets(fidx + 1, 1, end - start + 1)
+    call s:Tlist_Window_Update_Line_Offsets(fidx + 1, 1, end - start + 1)
     " Now that we have updated the taglist window, update the tags
     " menu (if present)
@@ -1522,6 +1888,8 @@
     " Add new files at the end of the list
     let fidx = s:tlist_file_count
     let s:tlist_file_count = s:tlist_file_count + 1
+    " Add the new file name to the taglist list of file names
+    let s:tlist_file_names = s:tlist_file_names . a:filename . "\n"
     " Initialize the file variables
     let s:tlist_{fidx}_filename = a:filename
@@ -1540,7 +1908,7 @@
     while i <= s:tlist_{a:ftype}_count
         let ttype = s:tlist_{a:ftype}_{i}_name
         let s:tlist_{fidx}_{ttype} = ''
-        let s:tlist_{fidx}_{ttype}_start = 0
+        let s:tlist_{fidx}_{ttype}_offset = 0
         let s:tlist_{fidx}_{ttype}_count = 0
         let i = i + 1
@@ -1548,8 +1916,9 @@
     return fidx
-" Tlist_Get_Tag_Type
-function! s:Tlist_Get_Tag_Type(fidx, tidx)
+" Tlist_Get_Tag_Type_By_Tag
+" Return the tag type for the specified tag index
+function! s:Tlist_Get_Tag_Type_By_Tag(fidx, tidx)
     let ttype_var = 's:tlist_' . a:fidx . '_' . a:tidx . '_tag_type'
     " Already parsed and have the tag name
@@ -1608,7 +1977,7 @@
 " Tlist_Get_Tag_Linenum
-" Return the tag line number
+" Return the tag line number, given the tag index
 function! s:Tlist_Get_Tag_Linenum(fidx, tidx)
     let tline_var = 's:tlist_' . a:fidx . '_' . a:tidx . '_tag_linenum'
@@ -1646,14 +2015,9 @@
     " Extract the tag type
     let ttype = s:Tlist_Extract_Tagtype(a:tag_line)
-    if ttype == ''
-        " Line is not in proper tags format
-        return
-    endif
-    " make sure the tag type is supported
-    if stridx(s:ctags_flags, ttype) == -1
-        " Tag type is not supported
+    " Make sure the tag type is a valid and supported one
+    if ttype == '' || stridx(s:ctags_flags, ttype) == -1
+        " Line is not in proper tags format or Tag type is not supported
@@ -1782,7 +2146,7 @@
     " No tags for current file
     if cmd_output == ''
-        call s:Tlist_Warning_Msg('Taglist: No tags defined in ' . a:filename)
+        call s:Tlist_Log_Msg('No tags defined in ' . a:filename)
         return fidx
@@ -1833,14 +2197,10 @@
             " Extract the tag type
             let ttype = s:Tlist_Extract_Tagtype(one_line)
-            if ttype == ''
-                " Line is not in proper tags format
-                continue
-            endif
-            " make sure the tag type is supported
-            if stridx(ctags_flags, ttype) == -1
-                " Tag type is not supported
+            " Make sure the tag type is a valid and supported one
+            if ttype == '' || stridx(s:ctags_flags, ttype) == -1
+                " Line is not in proper tags format or Tag type is not
+                " supported
@@ -1901,10 +2261,10 @@
     return fidx
-" Tlist_Update_File_Tags
+" Tlist_Update_File
 " Update the tags for a file (if needed)
-function! Tlist_Update_File_Tags(filename, ftype)
-    call s:Tlist_Log_Msg('Tlist_Update_File_Tags (' . a:filename . ')')
+function! Tlist_Update_File(filename, ftype)
+    call s:Tlist_Log_Msg('Tlist_Update_File (' . a:filename . ')')
     " If the file doesn't support tag listing, skip it
     if s:Tlist_Skip_File(a:filename, a:ftype)
@@ -1952,14 +2312,26 @@
         let save_winnr = winnr()
         " Goto the taglist window
-        call s:Tlist_Open_Window()
+        call s:Tlist_Window_Goto_Window()
+        " Save the cursor position
+        let save_line = line('.')
+        let save_col = col('.')
         " Update the taglist window
-        call s:Tlist_Explore_File(fname, a:ftype)
+        call s:Tlist_Window_Refresh_File(fname, a:ftype)
+        " Restore the cursor position
+        if v:version >= 601
+            call cursor(save_line, save_col)
+        else
+            exe save_line
+            exe 'normal! ' . save_col . '|'
+        endif
         if winnr() != save_winnr
             " Go back to the original window
-            exe save_winnr . 'wincmd w'
+            call s:Tlist_Exe_Cmd_No_Acmds(save_winnr . 'wincmd w')
@@ -1969,10 +2341,10 @@
-" Tlist_Close_Window
+" Tlist_Window_Close
 " Close the taglist window
-function! s:Tlist_Close_Window()
-    call s:Tlist_Log_Msg('Tlist_Close_Window()')
+function! s:Tlist_Window_Close()
+    call s:Tlist_Log_Msg('Tlist_Window_Close()')
     " Make sure the taglist window exists
     let winnum = bufwinnr(g:TagList_title)
     if winnum == -1
@@ -2002,14 +2374,17 @@
-" Tlist_Toggle_Window()
-" Open or close a taglist window
-function! s:Tlist_Toggle_Window()
-    call s:Tlist_Log_Msg('Tlist_Toggle_Window()')
-    " If taglist window is open then close it.
+" Tlist_Window_Open
+" Open and refresh the taglist window
+function! s:Tlist_Window_Open()
+    call s:Tlist_Log_Msg('Tlist_Window_Open()')
+    " If the window is open, jump to it
     let winnum = bufwinnr(g:TagList_title)
     if winnum != -1
-        call s:Tlist_Close_Window()
+        " Jump to the existing window
+        if winnr() != winnum
+            exe winnum . 'wincmd w'
+        endif
@@ -2024,51 +2399,170 @@
     let cur_lnum = line('.')
     " Mark the current window as the desired window to open a file
-    " when a tag is selcted
+    " when a tag is selected
     let w:tlist_file_window = "yes"
     " Open the taglist window
-    call s:Tlist_Open_Window()
-    call s:Tlist_Refresh_Window()
+    call s:Tlist_Window_Create()
+    call s:Tlist_Window_Refresh()
     if g:Tlist_Show_One_File
         " Add only the current buffer and file
         " If the file doesn't support tag listing, skip it
         if !s:Tlist_Skip_File(curbuf_name, curbuf_ftype)
-            call s:Tlist_Explore_File(curbuf_name, curbuf_ftype)
-        endif
-    else
-        " Add and list the tags for all loaded buffers in the Vim buffer list
-        let i = 1
-        let last_bufnum = bufnr('$')
-        while i <= last_bufnum
-            if bufexists(i) && bufloaded(i)
-                let fname = fnamemodify(bufname(i), ':p')
-                let ftype = getbufvar(i, '&filetype')
-                " If the file doesn't support tag listing, skip it
-                if !s:Tlist_Skip_File(fname, ftype)
-                    call s:Tlist_Explore_File(fname, ftype)
-                endif
-            endif
-            let i = i + 1
-        endwhile
+            call s:Tlist_Window_Refresh_File(curbuf_name, curbuf_ftype)
+        endif
+    endif
+    if g:Tlist_File_Fold_Auto_Close
+        " Open the fold for the current file, as all the folds in
+        " the taglist window are closed
+        let fidx = s:Tlist_Get_File_Index(curbuf_name)
+        if fidx != -1
+            exe "silent! " . s:tlist_{fidx}_start . "," .
+                        \ s:tlist_{fidx}_end . "foldopen!"
+        endif
     " Highlight the current tag
-    call s:Tlist_Highlight_Tag(curbuf_name, cur_lnum, 1, 1)
-    " Go back to the original window
-    let prev_Tlist_Skip_Refresh = s:Tlist_Skip_Refresh
-    let s:Tlist_Skip_Refresh = 1
-    wincmd p
-    let s:Tlist_Skip_Refresh = prev_Tlist_Skip_Refresh
+    call s:Tlist_Window_Highlight_Tag(curbuf_name, cur_lnum, 1, 1)
+" Tlist_Window_Toggle()
+" Open or close a taglist window
+function! s:Tlist_Window_Toggle()
+    call s:Tlist_Log_Msg('Tlist_Window_Toggle()')
+    " If taglist window is open then close it.
+    let winnum = bufwinnr(g:TagList_title)
+    if winnum != -1
+        call s:Tlist_Window_Close()
+        return
+    endif
+    call s:Tlist_Window_Open()
+    " Go back to the original window, if Tlist_GainFocus_On_ToggleOpen is not
+    " set
+    if !g:Tlist_GainFocus_On_ToggleOpen
+        call s:Tlist_Exe_Cmd_No_Acmds('wincmd p')
+    endif
     " Update the taglist menu
     if g:Tlist_Show_Menu
         call s:Tlist_Menu_Update_File(0)
+" Tlist_Process_Filelist
+" Process multiple files. Each filename is separated by "\n"
+" Returns the number of processed files
+function! s:Tlist_Process_Filelist(file_names)
+    let flist = a:file_names
+    " Enable lazy screen updates
+    let old_lazyredraw = &lazyredraw
+    set lazyredraw
+    " Keep track of the number of processed files
+    let fcnt = 0
+    " Process one file at a time
+    while flist != ''
+        let nl_idx = stridx(flist, "\n")
+        let one_file = strpart(flist, 0, nl_idx)
+        " Remove the filename from the list
+        let flist = strpart(flist, nl_idx + 1)
+        if one_file == ''
+            continue
+        endif
+        " Skip directories
+        if isdirectory(one_file)
+            continue
+        endif
+        let ftype = s:Tlist_Get_Filetype(one_file)
+        echon "\r                                                              "
+        echon "\rProcessing tags for " . fnamemodify(one_file, ':p:t')
+        let fcnt = fcnt + 1
+        call Tlist_Update_File(one_file, ftype)
+    endwhile
+    " Clear the displayed informational messages
+    echon "\r                                                            "
+    " Restore the previous state
+    let &lazyredraw = old_lazyredraw
+    return fcnt
+" Tlist_Process_Dir
+" Process the files in a directory matching the specified pattern
+function! s:Tlist_Process_Dir(dir_name, pat)
+    let flist = glob(a:dir_name . '/' . a:pat) . "\n"
+    let fcnt = s:Tlist_Process_Filelist(flist)
+    let len = strlen(a:dir_name)
+    if a:dir_name[len - 1] == '\' || a:dir_name[len - 1] == '/'
+        let glob_expr = a:dir_name . '*'
+    else
+        let glob_expr = a:dir_name . '/*'
+    endif
+    let all_files = glob(glob_expr) . "\n"
+    while all_files != ''
+        let nl_idx = stridx(all_files, "\n")
+        let one_file = strpart(all_files, 0, nl_idx)
+        let all_files = strpart(all_files, nl_idx + 1)
+        if one_file == ''
+            continue
+        endif
+        " Skip non-directory names
+        if !isdirectory(one_file)
+            continue
+        endif
+        echon "\r                                                              "
+        echon "\rProcessing files in directory " . fnamemodify(one_file, ':t')
+        let fcnt = fcnt + s:Tlist_Process_Dir(one_file, a:pat)
+    endwhile
+    return fcnt
+" Tlist_Add_Files_Recursive
+" Add files recursively from a directory
+function! s:Tlist_Add_Files_Recursive(dir, ...)
+    let dir_name = fnamemodify(a:dir, ':p')
+    if !isdirectory(dir_name)
+        call s:Tlist_Warning_Msg('Error: ' . dir_name . ' is not a directory')
+        return
+    endif
+    if a:0 == 1
+        " User specified file pattern
+        let pat = a:1
+    else
+        " Default file pattern
+        let pat = '*'
+    endif
+    echon "\r                                                              "
+    echon "\rProcessing files in directory " . fnamemodify(dir_name, ':t')
+    let fcnt = s:Tlist_Process_Dir(dir_name, pat)
+    echon "\rAdded " . fcnt . " files to the taglist"
 " Tlist_Add_Files
@@ -2088,42 +2582,8 @@
-    let flist = flist . "\n"
-    " Enable lazy screen updates
-    let old_lazyredraw = &lazyredraw
-    set lazyredraw
-    " Ignore the filetype autocommands
-    let old_eventignore = &eventignore
-    set eventignore=FileType
-    " Save the 'filetype', as this will be changed temporarily
-    let old_filetype = &filetype
-    " Process one file at a time
-    while flist != ''
-        let one_file = strpart(flist, 0, stridx(flist, "\n"))
-        let flist = strpart(flist, stridx(flist, "\n") + 1)
-        " Run the filetypedetect group of autocommands to determine
-        " the filetype for one_file
-        exe 'doautocmd filetypedetect BufRead ' . one_file
-        echon "\r                                        "
-        echon "\rProcessing tags for " . fnamemodify(one_file, ':p:t')
-        silent call Tlist_Update_File_Tags(one_file, &filetype)
-    endwhile
-    " Clear the displayed informational messages
-    echon "\r                                                            "
-    " Restore the previous state
-    let &filetype = old_filetype
-    let &eventignore = old_eventignore
-    let &lazyredraw = old_lazyredraw
+    let fcnt = s:Tlist_Process_Filelist(flist)
+    echon "\rAdded " . fcnt . " files to the taglist"
 " Tlist_Extract_Tagtype
@@ -2204,6 +2664,11 @@
         if s:Tlist_User_Removed_File(filename)
+        " If the taglist should not be auto updated, then return
+        if !g:Tlist_Auto_Update
+            return
+        endif
     let cur_lnum = line('.')
@@ -2218,7 +2683,7 @@
             let s:tlist_{fidx}_valid = 0
             " Update the taglist and the window
-            call Tlist_Update_File_Tags(filename, ftype)
+            call Tlist_Update_File(filename, ftype)
             " Store the new file modification time
             let s:tlist_{fidx}_mtime = mtime
@@ -2227,38 +2692,42 @@
     " Update the taglist window
     if tlist_win != -1
-        if g:Tlist_Show_One_File && s:tlist_cur_file_idx != fidx
-            " If displaying tags for only one file in the taglist
-            " window and about to display the tags for a new file,
-            " then center the current tag line for the new file
-            let center_tag_line = 1
-        else
-            let center_tag_line = 0
-        endif
         " Disable screen updates
         let old_lazyredraw = &lazyredraw
         set nolazyredraw
         " Save the current window number
-        let cur_winnr = winnr()
+        let save_winnr = winnr()
         " Goto the taglist window
-        call s:Tlist_Open_Window()
-        if !g:Tlist_Auto_Highlight_Tag
+        call s:Tlist_Window_Goto_Window()
+        if !g:Tlist_Auto_Highlight_Tag || !g:Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter
             " Save the cursor position
             let save_line = line('.')
             let save_col = col('.')
         " Update the taglist window
-        call s:Tlist_Explore_File(filename, ftype)
-        " Highlight the current tag
-        call s:Tlist_Highlight_Tag(filename, cur_lnum, 1, center_tag_line)
-        if !g:Tlist_Auto_Highlight_Tag
+        call s:Tlist_Window_Refresh_File(filename, ftype)
+        " Open the fold for the file
+        exe "silent! " . s:tlist_{fidx}_start . "," .
+                    \ s:tlist_{fidx}_end . "foldopen!"
+        if g:Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter && g:Tlist_Auto_Highlight_Tag
+            if g:Tlist_Show_One_File && s:tlist_cur_file_idx != fidx
+                " If displaying tags for only one file in the taglist
+                " window and about to display the tags for a new file,
+                " then center the current tag line for the new file
+                let center_tag_line = 1
+            else
+                let center_tag_line = 0
+            endif
+            " Highlight the current tag
+            call s:Tlist_Window_Highlight_Tag(filename, cur_lnum, 1, center_tag_line)
+        else
             " Restore the cursor position
             if v:version >= 601
                 call cursor(save_line, save_col)
@@ -2268,9 +2737,9 @@
-        if s:tlist_app_name != "winmanager"
-            " Jump back to the original window
-            exe cur_winnr . 'wincmd w'
+        " Jump back to the original window
+        if save_winnr != winnr()
+            call s:Tlist_Exe_Cmd_No_Acmds(save_winnr . 'wincmd w')
         " Restore screen updates
@@ -2293,7 +2762,7 @@
     call s:Tlist_Log_Msg('Tlist_Change_Sort (caller = ' . a:caller .
             \ ', action = ' . a:action . ', sort_type = ' . a:sort_type . ')')
     if a:caller == 1
-        let fidx = s:Tlist_Get_File_Index_By_Linenum(line('.'))
+        let fidx = s:Tlist_Window_Get_File_Index_By_Linenum(line('.'))
         if fidx == -1
@@ -2327,7 +2796,7 @@
         " Save the current line for later restoration
         let curline = '\V\^' . getline('.') . '\$'
-        call s:Tlist_Explore_File(s:tlist_{fidx}_filename,
+        call s:Tlist_Window_Refresh_File(s:tlist_{fidx}_filename,
                     \   s:tlist_{fidx}_filetype)
         " Go back to the cursor line before the tag list is sorted
@@ -2341,14 +2810,14 @@
-" Tlist_Update_Tags()
+" Tlist_Update_Current_File()
 " Update taglist for the current buffer by regenerating the tag list
 " Contributed by WEN Guopeng.
-function! s:Tlist_Update_Tags()
-    call s:Tlist_Log_Msg('Tlist_Update_Tags()')
+function! s:Tlist_Update_Current_File()
+    call s:Tlist_Log_Msg('Tlist_Update_Current_File()')
     if winnr() == bufwinnr(g:TagList_title)
         " In the taglist window. Update the current file
-        call s:Tlist_Update_Window()
+        call s:Tlist_Window_Update_File()
         " Not in the taglist window. Update the current buffer
         let filename = fnamemodify(bufname('%'), ':p')
@@ -2356,15 +2825,15 @@
         if fidx != -1
             let s:tlist_{fidx}_valid = 0
-        call Tlist_Update_File_Tags(filename, &filetype)
-    endif
-" Tlist_Update_Window()
-" Update the window by regenerating the tag list
-function! s:Tlist_Update_Window()
-    call s:Tlist_Log_Msg('Tlist_Update_Window()')
-    let fidx = s:Tlist_Get_File_Index_By_Linenum(line('.'))
+        call Tlist_Update_File(filename, &filetype)
+    endif
+" Tlist_Window_Update_File()
+" Update the tags displayed in the taglist window
+function! s:Tlist_Window_Update_File()
+    call s:Tlist_Log_Msg('Tlist_Window_Update_File()')
+    let fidx = s:Tlist_Window_Get_File_Index_By_Linenum(line('.'))
     if fidx == -1
@@ -2378,15 +2847,16 @@
     let s:tlist_{fidx}_valid = 0
     " Update the taglist window
-    call s:Tlist_Explore_File(s:tlist_{fidx}_filename, s:tlist_{fidx}_filetype)
+    call s:Tlist_Window_Refresh_File(s:tlist_{fidx}_filename,
+                \ s:tlist_{fidx}_filetype)
     " Go back to the tag line before the list is updated
     call search(curline, 'w')
-" Tlist_Get_Tag_Index()
-" Return the tag index for the specified line
-function! s:Tlist_Get_Tag_Index(fidx, lnum)
+" Tlist_Window_Get_Tag_Type_By_Linenum()
+" Return the tag type index for the specified line in the taglist window
+function! s:Tlist_Window_Get_Tag_Type_By_Linenum(fidx, lnum)
     let ftype = s:tlist_{a:fidx}_filetype
     " Determine to which tag type the current line number belongs to using the
@@ -2394,7 +2864,8 @@
     let i = 1
     while i <= s:tlist_{ftype}_count
         let ttype = s:tlist_{ftype}_{i}_name
-        let start_lnum = s:tlist_{a:fidx}_start + s:tlist_{a:fidx}_{ttype}_start
+        let start_lnum =
+                    \ s:tlist_{a:fidx}_start + s:tlist_{a:fidx}_{ttype}_offset
         let end =  start_lnum + s:tlist_{a:fidx}_{ttype}_count
         if a:lnum >= start_lnum && a:lnum <= end
@@ -2404,11 +2875,25 @@
     " Current line doesn't belong to any of the displayed tag types
     if i > s:tlist_{ftype}_count
+        return ''
+    endif
+    return ttype
+" Tlist_Window_Get_Tag_Index()
+" Return the tag index for the specified line in the taglist window
+function! s:Tlist_Window_Get_Tag_Index(fidx, lnum)
+    let ttype = s:Tlist_Window_Get_Tag_Type_By_Linenum(a:fidx, a:lnum)
+    " Current line doesn't belong to any of the displayed tag types
+    if ttype == ''
         return 0
     " Compute the index into the displayed tags for the tag type
-    let tidx = a:lnum - start_lnum
+    let ttype_lnum = s:tlist_{a:fidx}_start + s:tlist_{a:fidx}_{ttype}_offset
+    let tidx = a:lnum - ttype_lnum
     if tidx == 0
         return 0
@@ -2417,69 +2902,27 @@
     return s:tlist_{a:fidx}_{ttype}_{tidx}
-" Tlist_Highlight_Tagline
-" Higlight the current tagline
-function! s:Tlist_Highlight_Tagline()
+" Tlist_Window_Highlight_Line
+" Highlight the current line
+function! s:Tlist_Window_Highlight_Line()
     " Clear previously selected name
     match none
-    " Highlight the current selected name
+    " Highlight the current line
     if g:Tlist_Display_Prototype == 0
-        exe 'match TagListTagName /\%' . line('.') . 'l\s\+\zs.*/'
-    else
-        exe 'match TagListTagName /\%' . line('.') . 'l.*/'
-    endif
-" Tlist_Jump_To_Tag()
-" Jump to the location of the current tag
-" win_ctrl == 0 - Reuse the existing file window
-" win_ctrl == 1 - Open a new window
-" win_ctrl == 2 - Preview the tag
-function! s:Tlist_Jump_To_Tag(win_ctrl)
-    call s:Tlist_Log_Msg('Tlist_Jump_To_Tag()')
-    " Do not process comment lines and empty lines
-    let curline = getline('.')
-    if curline =~ '^\s*$' || curline[0] == '"'
-        return
-    endif
-    " If inside a closed fold, then use the first line of the fold
-    " and jump to the file.
-    let lnum = foldclosed('.')
-    if lnum == -1
-        " Jump to the selected tag or file
-        let lnum = line('.')
-    else
-        " Open the closed fold
-        .foldopen!
-    endif
-    let fidx = s:Tlist_Get_File_Index_By_Linenum(lnum)
-    if fidx == -1
-        return
-    endif
-    " Get the tag output for the current tag
-    let tidx = s:Tlist_Get_Tag_Index(fidx, lnum)
-    if tidx != 0
-        let tagpat = s:Tlist_Get_Tag_SearchPat(fidx, tidx)
-        " Highlight the tagline
-        call s:Tlist_Highlight_Tagline()
-    else
-        " Selected a line which is not a tag name. Just edit the file
-        let tagpat = ''
-    endif
-    call s:Tlist_Open_File(a:win_ctrl, s:tlist_{fidx}_filename, tagpat)
-" Tlist_Open_File
+        let pat = '/\%' . line('.') . 'l\s\+\zs.*/'
+    else
+        let pat = '/\%' . line('.') . 'l.*/'
+    endif
+    exe 'match TagListTagName ' . pat
+" Tlist_Window_Open_File
 " Open the specified file in either a new window or an existing window
 " and place the cursor at the specified tag pattern
-function! s:Tlist_Open_File(win_ctrl, filename, tagpat)
-    call s:Tlist_Log_Msg('Tlist_Open_File (' . a:filename . ')')
+function! s:Tlist_Window_Open_File(win_ctrl, filename, tagpat)
+    call s:Tlist_Log_Msg('Tlist_Window_Open_File (' . a:filename . ')')
     let prev_Tlist_Skip_Refresh = s:Tlist_Skip_Refresh
     let s:Tlist_Skip_Refresh = 1
@@ -2487,6 +2930,7 @@
         " Let the winmanager edit the file
         call WinManagerFileEdit(a:filename, a:win_ctrl)
     " Goto the window containing the file.  If the window is not there, open a
     " new window
     let winnum = bufwinnr(a:filename)
@@ -2496,16 +2940,19 @@
         let first_usable_win = 0
         let i = 1
-        while winbufnr(i) != -1
+        let bnum = winbufnr(i)
+        while bnum != -1
             if getwinvar(i, 'tlist_file_window') == 'yes'
                 let fwin_num = i
-            if first_usable_win == 0 && bufname(winbufnr(i)) != g:TagList_title
-                " First non-taglist window
+            if first_usable_win == 0 && bufname(bnum) != g:TagList_title &&
+                        \ getbufvar(bnum, '&buftype') == ''
+                " First non-taglist and a non-plugin window
                 let first_usable_win = i
             let i = i + 1
+            let bnum = winbufnr(i)
         " If a previously used window is not found, then use the first
@@ -2523,27 +2970,37 @@
             if a:win_ctrl == 1
-            exe "edit " . a:filename
+            exe "edit " . escape(a:filename, ' ')
             " Open a new window
             if g:Tlist_Use_Horiz_Window
-                exe 'leftabove split #' . bufnr(a:filename)
-                " Go to the taglist window to change the window size to the user
-                " configured value
-                wincmd p
-                exe 'resize ' . g:Tlist_WinHeight
-                " Go back to the file window
-                wincmd p
+                exe 'leftabove split ' . escape(a:filename, ' ')
-                " Open the file in a window and skip refreshing the taglist
-                " window
-                exe 'rightbelow vertical split #' . bufnr(a:filename)
-                " Go to the taglist window to change the window size to the user
-                " configured value
-                wincmd p
-                exe 'vertical resize ' . g:Tlist_WinWidth
-                " Go back to the file window
-                wincmd p
+                if winbufnr(2) == -1
+                    " Only the taglist window is present
+                    if g:Tlist_Use_Right_Window
+                        exe 'leftabove vertical split ' .
+                                    \ escape(a:filename, ' ')
+                    else
+                        exe 'rightbelow vertical split ' .
+                                    \ escape(a:filename, ' ')
+                    endif
+                    " Go to the taglist window to change the window size to
+                    " the user configured value
+                    call s:Tlist_Exe_Cmd_No_Acmds('wincmd p')
+                    if g:Tlist_Use_Horiz_Window
+                        exe 'resize ' . g:Tlist_WinHeight
+                    else
+                        exe 'vertical resize ' . g:Tlist_WinWidth
+                    endif
+                    " Go back to the file window
+                    call s:Tlist_Exe_Cmd_No_Acmds('wincmd p')
+                else
+                    " A plugin or help window is also present
+                    wincmd w
+                    exe 'leftabove split ' . escape(a:filename, ' ')
+                endif
         " Mark the window, so that it can be reused.
@@ -2565,14 +3022,14 @@
         " jump back using the ' and ` marks.
         mark '
         silent call search(a:tagpat, 'w')
-    endif
-    " Bring the line to the middle of the window
-    normal! z.
-    " If the line is inside a fold, open the fold
-    if foldclosed('.') != -1
-        .foldopen
+        " Bring the line to the middle of the window
+        normal! z.
+        " If the line is inside a fold, open the fold
+        if foldclosed('.') != -1
+            .foldopen
+        endif
     " If the user selects to preview the tag then jump back to the
@@ -2581,30 +3038,82 @@
         " Go back to the taglist window
         let winnum = bufwinnr(g:TagList_title)
         exe winnum . 'wincmd w'
+    else
+        " If the user has selected to close the taglist window, when a
+        " tag is selected, close the taglist  window
+        if g:Tlist_Close_On_Select
+            call s:Tlist_Window_Goto_Window()
+            close
+            " Go back to the window displaying the selected file
+            let wnum = bufwinnr(a:filename)
+            if wnum != -1 && wnum != winnr()
+                call s:Tlist_Exe_Cmd_No_Acmds(wnum . 'wincmd w')
+            endif
+        endif
     let s:Tlist_Skip_Refresh = prev_Tlist_Skip_Refresh
-" Tlist_Show_Tag_Prototype()
-" Display the prototype of the tag under the cursor
-function! s:Tlist_Show_Tag_Prototype()
-    call s:Tlist_Log_Msg('Tlist_Show_Tag_Prototype()')
-    " If we already display prototype in the tag window, no need to
-    " display it in the status line
-    if g:Tlist_Display_Prototype
-        return
-    endif
-    " Clear the previously displayed line
-    echo
+" Tlist_Window_Jump_To_Tag()
+" Jump to the location of the current tag
+" win_ctrl == 0 - Reuse the existing file window
+" win_ctrl == 1 - Open a new window
+" win_ctrl == 2 - Preview the tag
+function! s:Tlist_Window_Jump_To_Tag(win_ctrl)
+    call s:Tlist_Log_Msg('Tlist_Window_Jump_To_Tag()')
     " Do not process comment lines and empty lines
     let curline = getline('.')
     if curline =~ '^\s*$' || curline[0] == '"'
+    " If inside a closed fold, then use the first line of the fold
+    " and jump to the file.
+    let lnum = foldclosed('.')
+    if lnum == -1
+        " Jump to the selected tag or file
+        let lnum = line('.')
+    else
+        " Open the closed fold
+        .foldopen!
+    endif
+    let fidx = s:Tlist_Window_Get_File_Index_By_Linenum(lnum)
+    if fidx == -1
+        return
+    endif
+    " Get the tag output for the current tag
+    let tidx = s:Tlist_Window_Get_Tag_Index(fidx, lnum)
+    if tidx != 0
+        let tagpat = s:Tlist_Get_Tag_SearchPat(fidx, tidx)
+        " Highlight the tagline
+        call s:Tlist_Window_Highlight_Line()
+    else
+        " Selected a line which is not a tag name. Just edit the file
+        let tagpat = ''
+    endif
+    call s:Tlist_Window_Open_File(a:win_ctrl, s:tlist_{fidx}_filename, tagpat)
+" Tlist_Window_Show_Info()
+" Display information about the entry under the cursor
+function! s:Tlist_Window_Show_Info()
+    call s:Tlist_Log_Msg('Tlist_Window_Show_Info()')
+    " Clear the previously displayed line
+    echo
+    " Do not process comment lines and empty lines
+    let curline = getline('.')
+    if curline =~ '^\s*$' || curline[0] == '"'
+        return
+    endif
     " If inside a fold, then don't display the prototype
     if foldclosed('.') != -1
@@ -2613,14 +3122,45 @@
     let lnum = line('.')
     " Get the file index
-    let fidx = s:Tlist_Get_File_Index_By_Linenum(lnum)
+    let fidx = s:Tlist_Window_Get_File_Index_By_Linenum(lnum)
     if fidx == -1
+    if lnum == s:tlist_{fidx}_start
+        " Cursor is on a file name
+        let fname = s:tlist_{fidx}_filename
+        if strlen(fname) > 50
+            let fname = fnamemodify(fname, ':t')
+        endif
+        echo fname . ', Filetype=' . s:tlist_{fidx}_filetype .
+                    \  ', Tag count=' . s:tlist_{fidx}_tag_count
+        return
+    endif
     " Get the tag output line for the current tag
-    let tidx = s:Tlist_Get_Tag_Index(fidx, lnum)
+    let tidx = s:Tlist_Window_Get_Tag_Index(fidx, lnum)
     if tidx == 0
+        " Cursor is on a tag type
+        let ttype = s:Tlist_Window_Get_Tag_Type_By_Linenum(fidx, lnum)
+        if ttype == ''
+            return
+        endif
+        let ttype_name = ''
+        let ftype = s:tlist_{fidx}_filetype
+        let i = 1
+        while i <= s:tlist_{ftype}_count
+            if ttype == s:tlist_{ftype}_{i}_name
+                let ttype_name = s:tlist_{ftype}_{i}_fullname
+                break
+            endif
+            let i = i + 1
+        endwhile
+        echo 'Tag type=' . ttype_name .
+                    \ ', Tag count=' . s:tlist_{fidx}_{ttype}_count
@@ -2696,12 +3236,12 @@
     return left
-" Tlist_Highlight_Tag()
+" Tlist_Window_Highlight_Tag()
 " Highlight the current tag
 " cntx == 1, Called by the taglist plugin itself
-" cntx == 2, Forced by the user through the TlistSync command
+" cntx == 2, Forced by the user through the TlistHighlightTag command
 " center = 1, move the tag line to the center of the taglist window
-function! s:Tlist_Highlight_Tag(filename, cur_lnum, cntx, center)
+function! s:Tlist_Window_Highlight_Tag(filename, cur_lnum, cntx, center)
     " Highlight the current tag only if the user configured the
     " taglist plugin to do so or if the user explictly invoked the
     " command to highlight the current tag.
@@ -2725,15 +3265,16 @@
+    " If the file is currently not displayed in the taglist window, then retrn
+    if !s:tlist_{fidx}_visible
+        return
+    endif
     " If there are no tags for this file, then no need to proceed further
     if s:tlist_{fidx}_tag_count == 0
-    " If part of winmanager then disable winmanager autocommands
-    if s:tlist_app_name == "winmanager"
-        call WinManagerSuspendAUs()
-    endif
     " Ignore all autocommands
     let old_ei = &eventignore
     set eventignore=all
@@ -2774,13 +3315,7 @@
         call winline()
         if !in_taglist_window
-            let prev_Tlist_Skip_Refresh = s:Tlist_Skip_Refresh
-            let s:Tlist_Skip_Refresh = 1
             exe org_winnr . 'wincmd w'
-            let s:Tlist_Skip_Refresh = prev_Tlist_Skip_Refresh
-        endif
-        if s:tlist_app_name == "winmanager"
-            call WinManagerResumeAUs()
         " Restore the autocommands
@@ -2789,11 +3324,11 @@
     " Extract the tag type
-    let ttype = s:Tlist_Get_Tag_Type(fidx, tidx)
+    let ttype = s:Tlist_Get_Tag_Type_By_Tag(fidx, tidx)
     " Compute the line number
     " Start of file + Start of tag type + offset
-    let lnum = s:tlist_{fidx}_start + s:tlist_{fidx}_{ttype}_start +
+    let lnum = s:tlist_{fidx}_start + s:tlist_{fidx}_{ttype}_offset +
                 \ s:tlist_{fidx}_{tidx}_ttype_idx
     " Goto the line containing the tag
@@ -2815,18 +3350,11 @@
     " Highlight the tag name
-    call s:Tlist_Highlight_Tagline()
+    call s:Tlist_Window_Highlight_Line()
     " Go back to the original window
     if !in_taglist_window
-        let prev_Tlist_Skip_Refresh = s:Tlist_Skip_Refresh
-        let s:Tlist_Skip_Refresh = 1
         exe org_winnr . 'wincmd w'
-        let s:Tlist_Skip_Refresh = prev_Tlist_Skip_Refresh
-    endif
-    if s:tlist_app_name == "winmanager"
-        call WinManagerResumeAUs()
     " Restore the autocommands
@@ -2933,12 +3461,12 @@
     return s:tlist_{fidx}_{tidx}_tag_name
-" Tlist_Move_To_File
+" Tlist_Window_Move_To_File
 " Move the cursor to the beginning of the current file or the next file
 " or the previous file in the taglist window
 " dir == -1, move to start of current or previous function
 " dir == 1, move to start of next function
-function! s:Tlist_Move_To_File(dir)
+function! s:Tlist_Window_Move_To_File(dir)
     if foldlevel('.') == 0
         " Cursor is on a non-folded line (it is not in any of the files)
         " Move it to a folded line
@@ -2952,7 +3480,7 @@
-    let fidx = s:Tlist_Get_File_Index_By_Linenum(line('.'))
+    let fidx = s:Tlist_Window_Get_File_Index_By_Linenum(line('.'))
     if fidx == -1
@@ -2966,24 +3494,25 @@
-        if fidx == 0
-            " At the first file, can't move to previous file
-            return
-        endif
-        " Otherwise, move to the beginning of the previous file
-        let fidx = fidx - 1
+        if fidx != 0
+            " Move to the beginning of the previous file
+            let fidx = fidx - 1
+        else
+            " Cursor is at the first file, wrap around to the last file
+            let fidx = s:tlist_file_count - 1
+        endif
         exe s:tlist_{fidx}_start
+        " Move to the beginning of the next file
         let fidx = fidx + 1
-        if fidx == s:tlist_file_count
-            " At the last file, can't move to the next file
-            return
-        endif
-        " Otherwise, move to the beginning of the next file
+        if fidx >= s:tlist_file_count
+            " Cursor is at the last file, wrap around to the first file
+            let fidx = 0
+        endif
         if s:tlist_{fidx}_start != 0
             exe s:tlist_{fidx}_start
@@ -3012,9 +3541,6 @@
     if bufname('%') !~ g:TagList_title
         let w:tlist_file_window = "yes"
-    " Open the taglist window
-    call s:Tlist_Open_Window()
     " Source the session file
     exe 'source ' . sessionfile
@@ -3085,7 +3611,7 @@
             if exists('g:tlist_' . i . '_' . ttype)
                 let s:tlist_{fidx}_{ttype} = g:tlist_{i}_{ttype}
                 unlet! g:tlist_{i}_{ttype}
-                let s:tlist_{fidx}_{ttype}_start = 0
+                let s:tlist_{fidx}_{ttype}_offset = 0
                 let s:tlist_{fidx}_{ttype}_count = g:tlist_{i}_{ttype}_count
                 unlet! g:tlist_{i}_{ttype}_count
@@ -3097,7 +3623,7 @@
                 let s:tlist_{fidx}_{ttype} = ''
-                let s:tlist_{fidx}_{ttype}_start = 0
+                let s:tlist_{fidx}_{ttype}_offset = 0
                 let s:tlist_{fidx}_{ttype}_count = 0
@@ -3107,17 +3633,22 @@
         let i = i + 1
-    " Initialize the taglist window
-    call s:Tlist_Refresh_Window()
-    " Go back to the original window
-    let prev_Tlist_Skip_Refresh = s:Tlist_Skip_Refresh
-    let s:Tlist_Skip_Refresh = 1
-    wincmd p
-    let s:Tlist_Skip_Refresh = prev_Tlist_Skip_Refresh
-    " Highlight the current tag
-    call s:Tlist_Highlight_Tag(fnamemodify(bufname('%'), ':p'), line('.'), 1, 1)
+    " If the taglist window is open, then update it
+    let winnum = bufwinnr(g:TagList_title)
+    if winnum != -1
+        let save_winnr = winnr()
+        " Goto the taglist window
+        call s:Tlist_Window_Goto_Window()
+        " Refresh the taglist window
+        call s:Tlist_Window_Refresh()
+        " Go back to the original window
+        if save_winnr != winnr()
+            call s:Tlist_Exe_Cmd_No_Acmds('wincmd p')
+        endif
+    endif
 " Tlist_Session_Save
@@ -3210,13 +3741,35 @@
     let &verbose = old_verbose
-" Tlist_Update_File_Display
-" Update a file displayed in the taglist window.
-" action == 1, Close the fold for the file
-" action == 2, Remove the file from the taglist window
-function! s:Tlist_Update_File_Display(filename, action)
-    call s:Tlist_Log_Msg('Tlist_Update_File_Display (' . a:filename .
-                \ ', action = ' . a:action . ')')
+" Tlist_Buffer_Removed
+" A buffer is removed from the Vim buffer list. Remove the tags defined
+" for that file
+function! s:Tlist_Buffer_Removed(filename)
+    call s:Tlist_Log_Msg('Tlist_Buffer_Removed (' . a:filename .  ')')
+    " Make sure a valid filename is supplied
+    if a:filename == ''
+        return
+    endif
+    " Get tag list index of the specified file
+    let fidx = s:Tlist_Get_File_Index(a:filename)
+    if fidx == -1
+        " File not present in the taglist
+        return
+    endif
+    " Remove the file from the list
+    call s:Tlist_Remove_File(fidx, 0)
+" When a buffer is deleted, remove the file from the taglist
+autocmd BufDelete * silent call s:Tlist_Buffer_Removed(expand('<afile>:p'))
+" Tlist_Window_Close_File_Fold
+" Close the fold for the specified file
+function! s:Tlist_Window_Close_File_Fold(filename)
+    call s:Tlist_Log_Msg('Tlist_Window_Close_File_Fold (' . a:filename . ')')
     " Make sure a valid filename is supplied
     if a:filename == ''
@@ -3246,39 +3799,31 @@
     " Go to the taglist window
     if !in_taglist_window
-        exe winnum . 'wincmd w'
+        call s:Tlist_Exe_Cmd_No_Acmds(winnum . 'wincmd w')
     " Save the cursor position
     let save_lnum = line('.')
     " Perform the requested action on the file
-    if a:action == 1 && g:Tlist_File_Fold_Auto_Close
-        " Close the fold for the file
-        exe "silent! " . s:tlist_{fidx}_start . "," .
-                    \ s:tlist_{fidx}_end . "foldclose"
-    elseif a:action == 2
-        " Remove the file from the list
-        call s:Tlist_Remove_File(fidx, 0)
-    endif
+    " Close the fold for the file
+    exe "silent! " . s:tlist_{fidx}_start . "," .
+                \ s:tlist_{fidx}_end . "foldclose"
     " Move the cursor to the original location
     exe save_lnum
     " Go back to the original window
     if !in_taglist_window
-        let prev_Tlist_Skip_Refresh = s:Tlist_Skip_Refresh
-        let s:Tlist_Skip_Refresh = 1
-        exe org_winnr . 'wincmd w'
-        let s:Tlist_Skip_Refresh = prev_Tlist_Skip_Refresh
-    endif
-" Tlist_Auto_Open_Check
+        call s:Tlist_Exe_Cmd_No_Acmds(org_winnr . 'wincmd w')
+    endif
+" Tlist_Window_Check_Auto_Open
 " Open the taglist window automatically on Vim startup.
 " Open the window only when files present in any of the Vim windows support
 " tags.
-function! s:Tlist_Check_Auto_Open ()
+function! s:Tlist_Window_Check_Auto_Open()
     let open = 0
     let i = 1
@@ -3294,56 +3839,29 @@
     if open
-        call s:Tlist_Toggle_Window()
-    endif
-" Define the taglist autocommand to automatically open the taglist window on
-" Vim startup
-if g:Tlist_Auto_Open
-    autocmd VimEnter * nested call s:Tlist_Check_Auto_Open()
-" Refresh the taglist
-if g:Tlist_Process_File_Always
-    autocmd BufEnter * call s:Tlist_Refresh()
-" Define the user commands to manage the taglist window
-command! -nargs=0 Tlist call s:Tlist_Toggle_Window()
-command! -nargs=+ -complete=file TlistAddFiles call s:Tlist_Add_Files(<f-args>)
-command! -nargs=0 TlistClose call s:Tlist_Close_Window()
-command! -nargs=0 TlistUpdate call s:Tlist_Update_Tags()
-command! -nargs=0 TlistSync call s:Tlist_Highlight_Tag(
-                            \ fnamemodify(bufname('%'), ':p'), line('.'), 2, 1)
-command! -nargs=* -complete=buffer TlistShowPrototype
-            \ echo Tlist_Get_Tag_Prototype_By_Line(<f-args>)
-command! -nargs=* -complete=buffer TlistShowTag
-            \ echo Tlist_Get_Tagname_By_Line(<f-args>)
-command! -nargs=* -complete=file TlistSessionLoad
-            \ call s:Tlist_Session_Load(<q-args>)
-command! -nargs=* -complete=file TlistSessionSave
-            \ call s:Tlist_Session_Save(<q-args>)
-function! s:Tlist_Add_Base_Menu()
+        call s:Tlist_Window_Toggle()
+    endif
+function! s:Tlist_Menu_Add_Base_Menu()
     call s:Tlist_Log_Msg('Adding the base menu')
     " Add the menu
-    amenu <silent> T&ags.Refresh\ menu :call <SID>Tlist_Menu_Refresh()<CR>
-    amenu <silent> T&ags.Sort\ menu\ by.Name
+    anoremenu <silent> T&ags.Refresh\ menu :call <SID>Tlist_Menu_Refresh()<CR>
+    anoremenu <silent> T&ags.Sort\ menu\ by.Name
                         \ :call <SID>Tlist_Change_Sort(2, 2, 'name')<CR>
-    amenu <silent> T&ags.Sort\ menu\ by.Order
+    anoremenu <silent> T&ags.Sort\ menu\ by.Order
                 \       :call <SID>Tlist_Change_Sort(2, 2, 'order')<CR>
-    amenu T&ags.-SEP1-           :
+    anoremenu T&ags.-SEP1-           :
     if &mousemodel =~ 'popup'
-        amenu <silent> PopUp.T&ags.Refresh\ menu
+        anoremenu <silent> PopUp.T&ags.Refresh\ menu
                     \ :call <SID>Tlist_Menu_Refresh()<CR>
-        amenu <silent> PopUp.T&ags.Sort\ menu\ by.Name
+        anoremenu <silent> PopUp.T&ags.Sort\ menu\ by.Name
                   \ :call <SID>Tlist_Change_Sort(2, 2, 'name')<CR>
-        amenu <silent> PopUp.T&ags.Sort\ menu\ by.Order
+        anoremenu <silent> PopUp.T&ags.Sort\ menu\ by.Order
                   \ :call <SID>Tlist_Change_Sort(2, 2, 'order')<CR>
-        amenu PopUp.T&ags.-SEP1-           :
+        anoremenu PopUp.T&ags.-SEP1-           :
@@ -3352,14 +3870,20 @@
 " Tlist_Menu_Get_Tag_Type_Cmd
 " Get the menu command for the specified tag type
-function! s:Tlist_Menu_Get_Tag_Type_Cmd(fidx, ftype, ttype_idx)
+" fidx - File type index
+" ftype - File Type
+" add_ttype_name - To add or not to add the tag type name to the menu entries
+" ttype_idx - Tag type index
+function! s:Tlist_Menu_Get_Tag_Type_Cmd(fidx, ftype, add_ttype_name, ttype_idx)
     " Curly brace variable name optimization
     let ftype_ttype_idx = a:ftype . '_' . a:ttype_idx
     let ttype = s:tlist_{ftype_ttype_idx}_name
-    " If the tag type name contains space characters, escape it. This
-    " will be used to create the menu entries.
-    let ttype_fullname = escape(s:tlist_{ftype_ttype_idx}_fullname, ' ')
+    if a:add_ttype_name
+        " If the tag type name contains space characters, escape it. This
+        " will be used to create the menu entries.
+        let ttype_fullname = escape(s:tlist_{ftype_ttype_idx}_fullname, ' ')
+    endif
     " Curly brace variable name optimization
     let fidx_ttype = a:fidx . '_' . ttype
@@ -3397,9 +3921,11 @@
             let last_tag = strpart(last_tag, 0, g:Tlist_Max_Tag_Length)
             " Form the menu command prefix
-            let m_prefix = 'anoremenu <silent> T\&ags.' .
-                    \ ttype_fullname . '.' .
-                    \ first_tag . '\.\.\.' . last_tag . '.'
+            let m_prefix = 'anoremenu <silent> T\&ags.'
+            if a:add_ttype_name
+                let m_prefix = m_prefix . ttype_fullname . '.'
+            endif
+            let m_prefix = m_prefix . first_tag . '\.\.\.' . last_tag . '.'
             " Character prefix used to number the menu items (hotkey)
             let m_prefix_idx = 0
@@ -3422,7 +3948,10 @@
         " Character prefix used to number the menu items (hotkey)
         let m_prefix_idx = 0
-        let m_prefix = 'anoremenu <silent> T\&ags.' . ttype_fullname . '.'
+        let m_prefix = 'anoremenu <silent> T\&ags.'
+        if a:add_ttype_name
+            let m_prefix = m_prefix . ttype_fullname . '.'
+        endif
         let j = 1
         while j <= tcnt
             let tidx = s:tlist_{fidx_ttype}_{j}
@@ -3525,10 +4054,23 @@
     let cmd = ''
+    " Determine whether the tag type name needs to be added to the menu
+    " If more than one tag type is present in the taglisting for a file,
+    " then the tag type name needs to be present
+    let add_ttype_name = -1
+    let i = 1
+    while i <= s:tlist_{ftype}_count && add_ttype_name < 1
+        let ttype = s:tlist_{ftype}_{i}_name
+        if s:tlist_{fidx}_{ttype}_count
+            let add_ttype_name = add_ttype_name + 1
+        endif
+        let i = i + 1
+    endwhile
     " Process the tags by the tag type and get the menu command
     let i = 1
     while i <= s:tlist_{ftype}_count
-        let mcmd = s:Tlist_Menu_Get_Tag_Type_Cmd(fidx, ftype, i)
+        let mcmd = s:Tlist_Menu_Get_Tag_Type_Cmd(fidx, ftype, add_ttype_name, i)
         if mcmd != ''
             let cmd = cmd . mcmd
@@ -3558,14 +4100,18 @@
         silent! unmenu PopUp.T&ags
-    call s:Tlist_Add_Base_Menu()
+    " Add a dummy menu item to retain teared off menu
+    noremenu T&ags.Dummy l
     silent! unmenu! T&ags
     if &mousemodel =~ 'popup'
         silent! unmenu! PopUp.T&ags
-    call s:Tlist_Add_Base_Menu()
+    call s:Tlist_Menu_Add_Base_Menu()
+    " Remove the dummy menu item
+    unmenu T&ags.Dummy
     let s:tlist_menu_empty = 1
@@ -3581,7 +4127,7 @@
     " Update the taglist, menu and window
-    call s:Tlist_Update_Tags()
+    call s:Tlist_Update_Current_File()
 " Tlist_Menu_Jump_To_Tag
@@ -3615,7 +4161,7 @@
 " Tlist_Menu_Init
 " Initialize the taglist menu
 function! s:Tlist_Menu_Init()
-    call s:Tlist_Add_Base_Menu()
+    call s:Tlist_Menu_Add_Base_Menu()
     " Automatically add the tags defined in the current file to the menu
     augroup TagListMenuCmds
@@ -3630,9 +4176,18 @@
     call s:Tlist_Menu_Update_File(0)
-if g:Tlist_Show_Menu
-    autocmd GUIEnter * call s:Tlist_Menu_Init()
+" Tlist_Vim_Session_Load
+" Initialize the taglist window/buffer, which is created when loading
+" a Vim session file.
+function! s:Tlist_Vim_Session_Load()
+    call s:Tlist_Log_Msg('Tlist_Vim_Session_Load')
+    " Initialize the taglist window
+    call s:Tlist_Window_Init()
+    " Refresh the taglist window
+    call s:Tlist_Window_Refresh()
 " Tlist_Set_App
 " Set the name of the external plugin/application to which taglist
@@ -3666,15 +4221,15 @@
     " Initialize the taglist window, if it is not already initialized
     if !exists('s:tlist_window_initialized') || !s:tlist_window_initialized
-        call s:Tlist_Init_Window()
-        call s:Tlist_Refresh_Window()
+        call s:Tlist_Window_Init()
+        call s:Tlist_Window_Refresh()
         let s:tlist_window_initialized = 1
     " Update the taglist window
     if bufnum != -1
-        if !s:Tlist_Skip_File(filename, ftype)
-            call s:Tlist_Explore_File(filename, ftype)
+        if !s:Tlist_Skip_File(filename, ftype) && g:Tlist_Auto_Update
+            call s:Tlist_Window_Refresh_File(filename, ftype)

Added: trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/plugin/vcscommand.vim
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-vim/trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/plugin/vcscommand.vim?rev=743&op=file
--- trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/plugin/vcscommand.vim (added)
+++ trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/plugin/vcscommand.vim Tue Aug 22 18:24:29 2006
@@ -1,0 +1,1045 @@
+" vim600: set foldmethod=marker:
+" Vim plugin to assist in working with files under control of CVS or SVN.
+" Last Change:
+" Version:       VCS development
+" Maintainer:    Bob Hiestand <bob.hiestand at gmail.com>
+" License:       This file is placed in the public domain.
+" Section: Documentation {{{1
+" Provides functions to invoke various source control commands on the current
+" file (either the current buffer, or, in the case of an directory buffer, the
+" directory and all subdirectories associated with the current buffer).  The
+" output of the commands is captured in a new scratch window.
+" This plugin needs additional extension plugins, each  specific to a source
+" control system, to function.  Those plugins should be placed in a
+" subdirectory of the standard plugin directory named 'vcscommand'.  Several
+" options include the name of the version control system in the option name.
+" Such options use the placeholder text '{VCSType}', which would be replaced
+" in actual usage with 'CVS' or 'SVN', for instance.
+" Command documentation {{{2
+" VCSAdd           Adds the current file to source control.
+" VCSAnnotate      Displays the current file with each line annotated with the
+"                  version in which it was most recently changed.  If an
+"                  argument is given, the argument is used as a revision
+"                  number to display.  If not given an argument, it uses the
+"                  most recent version of the file on the current branch.
+"                  Additionally, if the current buffer is a VCSAnnotate buffer
+"                  already, the version number on the current line is used.
+" VCSCommit[!]     Commits changes to the current file to source control.
+"                  If called with arguments, the arguments are the log message.
+"                  If '!' is used, an empty log message is committed.
+"                  If called with no arguments, this is a two-step command.
+"                  The first step opens a buffer to accept a log message.
+"                  When that buffer is written, it is automatically closed and
+"                  the file is committed using the information from that log
+"                  message.  The commit can be abandoned if the log message
+"                  buffer is deleted or wiped before being written.
+" VCSDiff          With no arguments, this displays the differences between
+"                  the current file and its parent version under source
+"                  control in a new scratch buffer.
+"                  With one argument, the diff is performed on the
+"                  current file against the specified revision.
+"                  With two arguments, the diff is performed between the
+"                  specified revisions of the current file.
+"                  This command uses the 'VCSCommand{VCSType}DiffOpt' variable
+"                  to specify diff options.  If that variable does not exist,
+"                  a plugin-specific default is used.  If you wish to have no
+"                  options, then set it to the empty string.
+" VCSGotoOriginal  Jumps to the source buffer if the current buffer is a VCS
+"                  scratch buffer.  If VCSGotoOriginal[!] is used, remove all
+"                  VCS scratch buffers associated with the original file.
+" VCSLock          Locks the current file in order to prevent other users from
+"                  concurrently modifying it.  The exact semantics of this
+"                  command depend on the underlying VCS.
+" VCSLog           Displays the version history of the current file in a new
+"                  scratch buffer.
+" VCSRevert        Replaces the modified version of the current file with the
+"                  most recent version from the repository.
+" VCSReview        Displays a particular version of the current file in a new
+"                  scratch buffer.  If no argument is given, the most recent
+"                  version of the file on the current branch is retrieved.
+" VCSStatus        Displays versioning information about the current file in a
+"                  new scratch buffer.
+" VCSUnlock        Unlocks the current file in order to allow other users from
+"                  concurrently modifying it.  The exact semantics of this
+"                  command depend on the underlying VCS.
+" VCSUpdate        Updates the current file with any relevant changes from the
+"                  repository.
+" VCSVimDiff       Uses vimdiff to display differences between versions of the
+"                  current file.
+"                  If no revision is specified, the most recent version of the
+"                  file on the current branch is used.  With one argument,
+"                  that argument is used as the revision as above.  With two
+"                  arguments, the differences between the two revisions is
+"                  displayed using vimdiff.
+"                  With either zero or one argument, the original buffer is
+"                  used to perform the vimdiff.  When the scratch buffer is
+"                  closed, the original buffer will be returned to normal
+"                  mode.
+"                  Once vimdiff mode is started using the above methods,
+"                  additional vimdiff buffers may be added by passing a single
+"                  version argument to the command.  There may be up to 4
+"                  vimdiff buffers total.
+"                  Using the 2-argument form of the command resets the vimdiff
+"                  to only those 2 versions.  Additionally, invoking the
+"                  command on a different file will close the previous vimdiff
+"                  buffers.
+" Mapping documentation: {{{2
+" By default, a mapping is defined for each command.  User-provided mappings
+" can be used instead by mapping to <Plug>CommandName, for instance:
+" nmap ,ca <Plug>VCSAdd
+" The default mappings are as follow:
+"   <Leader>ca VCSAdd
+"   <Leader>cn VCSAnnotate
+"   <Leader>cc VCSCommit
+"   <Leader>cd VCSDiff
+"   <Leader>cg VCSGotoOriginal
+"   <Leader>cG VCSGotoOriginal!
+"   <Leader>cl VCSLog
+"   <Leader>cL VCSLock
+"   <Leader>cr VCSReview
+"   <Leader>cs VCSStatus
+"   <Leader>cu VCSUpdate
+"   <Leader>cU VCSUnlock
+"   <Leader>cv VCSVimDiff
+" Options documentation: {{{2
+" Several variables are checked by the script to determine behavior as follow:
+" VCSCommandCommitOnWrite
+"   This variable, if set to a non-zero value, causes the pending commit to
+"   take place immediately as soon as the log message buffer is written.  If
+"   set to zero, only the VCSCommit mapping will cause the pending commit to
+"   occur.  If not set, it defaults to 1.
+" VCSCommandDeleteOnHide
+"   This variable, if set to a non-zero value, causes the temporary VCS result
+"   buffers to automatically delete themselves when hidden.
+" VCSCommand{VCSType}DiffOpt
+"   This variable, if set, determines the options passed to the diff command
+"   of the underlying VCS.  Each VCS plugin defines a default value.
+" VCSCommandDiffSplit
+"   This variable overrides the VCSCommandSplit variable, but only for buffers
+"   created with VCSVimDiff.
+" VCSCommandEdit
+"   This variable controls whether to split the current window to display a
+"   scratch buffer ('split'), or to display it in the current buffer ('edit').
+"   If not set, it defaults to 'split'.
+" VCSCommandEnableBufferSetup
+"   This variable, if set to a non-zero value, activates VCS buffer management
+"   mode.  This mode means that the buffer variable 'VCSRevision' is set if
+"   the file is VCS-controlled.  This is useful for displaying version
+"   information in the status bar.  Additional options may be set by
+"   individual VCS plugins.
+" VCSCommandSplit
+"   This variable controls the orientation of the various window splits that
+"   may occur (such as with VCSVimDiff, when using a VCS command on a VCS
+"   command buffer, or when the 'VCSCommandEdit' variable is set to 'split'.
+"   If set to 'horizontal', the resulting windows will be on stacked on top of
+"   one another.  If set to 'vertical', the resulting windows will be
+"   side-by-side.  If not set, it defaults to 'horizontal' for all but
+"   VCSVimDiff windows.
+" Event documentation {{{2
+"   For additional customization, VCSCommand.vim uses User event autocommand
+"   hooks.  Each event is in the VCSCommand group, and different patterns
+"   match the various hooks.
+"   For instance, the following could be added to the vimrc to provide a 'q'
+"   mapping to quit a VCS scratch buffer:
+"   augroup VCSCommand
+"     au VCSCommand User VCSBufferCreated silent! nmap <unique> <buffer> q :bwipeout<cr> 
+"   augroup END
+"   The following hooks are available:
+"   VCSBufferCreated           This event is fired just after a VCS command
+"                              output buffer is created.  It is executed
+"                              within the context of the new buffer.
+"   VCSBufferSetup             This event is fired just after VCS buffer setup
+"                              occurs, if enabled.
+"   VCSLoadExtensions          This event is fired just before the
+"                              VCSPluginFinish event.  It is intended to be
+"                              used only by VCS extensions to register
+"                              themselves with VCSCommand if they are sourced
+"                              first.
+"   VCSPluginInit              This event is fired when the VCSCommand plugin
+"                              first loads.
+"   VCSPluginFinish            This event is fired just after the VCSCommand
+"                              plugin loads.
+"   VCSVimDiffFinish           This event is fired just after the VCSVimDiff
+"                              command executes to allow customization of,
+"                              for instance, window placement and focus.
+" Section: Plugin header {{{1
+" loaded_VCSCommand is set to 1 when the initialization begins, and 2 when it
+" completes.  This allows various actions to only be taken by functions after
+" system initialization.
+if exists('loaded_VCSCommand')
+   finish
+let loaded_VCSCommand = 1
+if v:version < 700
+  echohl WarningMsg|echomsg 'VCSCommand requires at least VIM 7.0'|echohl None
+  finish
+" Section: Event group setup {{{1
+augroup VCSCommand
+augroup END
+augroup VCSCommandCommit
+augroup END
+" Section: Plugin initialization {{{1
+silent do VCSCommand User VCSPluginInit
+" Section: Script variable initialization {{{1
+let s:plugins = {}
+let s:pluginFiles = []
+let s:extendedMappings = {}
+let s:optionOverrides = {}
+let s:isEditFileRunning = 0
+unlet! s:vimDiffRestoreCmd
+unlet! s:vimDiffSourceBuffer
+unlet! s:vimDiffScratchList
+" Section: Utility functions {{{1
+" Function: s:ExecuteExtensionMapping(mapping) {{{2
+" Invokes the appropriate extension mapping depending on the type of the
+" current buffer.
+function! s:ExecuteExtensionMapping(mapping)
+  let buffer = bufnr('%')
+  let vcsType = VCSCommandGetVCSType(buffer)
+  if !has_key(s:extendedMappings, vcsType)
+    throw 'Unknown VCS type:  ' . vcsType
+  endif
+  if !has_key(s:extendedMappings[vcsType], a:mapping)
+    throw 'This extended mapping is not defined for ' . vcsType
+  endif
+  silent execute 'normal' ':' .  s:extendedMappings[vcsType][a:mapping] . "\<CR>"
+" Function: s:ExecuteVCSCommand(command, buffer, argList) {{{2
+" Calls the indicated plugin-specific VCS command on the indicated buffer.
+" Returns: buffer number of resulting output scratch buffer, or -1 if an error
+" occurs.
+function! s:ExecuteVCSCommand(command, buffer, argList)
+  try
+    let vcsType = VCSCommandGetVCSType(a:buffer)
+    if !has_key(s:plugins, vcsType)
+      throw 'Unknown VCS type:  ' . vcsType
+    endif
+    let functionMap = s:plugins[vcsType]
+    if !has_key(functionMap, a:command)
+      throw 'Command ''' . a:command . ''' not implemented for ' . vcsType
+    endif
+    return functionMap[a:command](a:argList)
+  catch
+    echohl WarningMsg|echomsg v:exception|echohl None
+    return -1
+  endtry
+" Function: s:CreateCommandBuffer(cmd, cmdName, originalBuffer, statusText) {{{2
+" Creates a new scratch buffer and captures the output from execution of the
+" given command.  The name of the scratch buffer is returned.
+function! s:CreateCommandBuffer(cmd, cmdName, originalBuffer, statusText)
+  let output = system(a:cmd)
+  " HACK:  if line endings in the repository have been corrupted, the output
+  " of the command will be confused.
+  let output = substitute(output, "\r", '', 'g')
+  " HACK:  CVS diff command does not return proper error codes
+  if v:shell_error && (a:cmdName != 'diff' || getbufvar(a:originalBuffer, 'VCSCommandVCSType') != 'CVS')
+    if strlen(output) == 0
+      throw 'Version control command failed'
+    else
+      let output = substitute(output, '\n', '  ', 'g')
+      throw 'Version control command failed:  ' . output
+    endif
+  endif
+  if strlen(output) == 0
+    " Handle case of no output.  In this case, it is important to check the
+    " file status, especially since cvs edit/unedit may change the attributes
+    " of the file with no visible output.
+    checktime
+    return 0
+  endif
+  call s:EditFile(a:cmdName, a:originalBuffer, a:statusText)
+  silent 0put=output
+  " The last command left a blank line at the end of the buffer.  If the
+  " last line is folded (a side effect of the 'put') then the attempt to
+  " remove the blank line will kill the last fold.
+  "
+  " This could be fixed by explicitly detecting whether the last line is
+  " within a fold, but I prefer to simply unfold the result buffer altogether.
+  if has('folding')
+    normal zR
+  endif
+  $d
+  1
+  " Define the environment and execute user-defined hooks.
+  silent do VCSCommand User VCSBufferCreated
+  return bufnr('%')
+" Function: s:EditFile(command, originalBuffer, statusText) {{{2
+" Creates a new buffer of the given name and associates it with the given
+" original buffer.
+function! s:EditFile(command, originalBuffer, statusText)
+  let fileName=bufname(a:originalBuffer)
+  let vcsType = getbufvar(a:originalBuffer, 'VCSCommandVCSType')
+  let bufferName = vcsType . ' ' . a:command
+  if strlen(a:statusText) > 0
+    let bufferName .= ' ' . a:statusText
+  endif
+  let bufferName .= ' ' . fileName
+  let counter = 0
+  let versionedBufferName = bufferName
+  while buflisted(versionedBufferName)
+    let counter += 1
+    let versionedBufferName = bufferName . ' (' . counter . ')'
+  endwhile
+  " Protect against useless buffer set-up
+  let s:isEditFileRunning += 1
+  try
+    let editCommand = VCSCommandGetOption('VCSCommandEdit', 'split')
+    if editCommand == 'split'
+      if VCSCommandGetOption('VCSCommandSplit', 'horizontal') == 'horizontal'
+        rightbelow split
+      else
+        vert rightbelow split
+      endif
+    endif
+    edit `=versionedBufferName`
+    let b:VCSCommandCommand = a:command
+    let b:VCSCommandOriginalBuffer = a:originalBuffer
+    let b:VCSCommandSourceFile = fileName
+    let b:VCSCommandVCSType = vcsType
+    set buftype=nofile
+    set noswapfile
+    set filetype=
+    if a:statusText != ''
+      let b:VCSCommandStatusText = a:statusText
+    endif
+    if VCSCommandGetOption('VCSCommandDeleteOnHide', 0)
+      set bufhidden=delete
+    endif
+  finally
+    let s:isEditFileRunning -= 1
+  endtry
+" Function: s:SetupBuffer() {{{2
+" Attempts to set the b:VCSCommandBufferInfo variable
+function! s:SetupBuffer()
+  if (exists('b:VCSCommandBufferSetup') && b:VCSCommandBufferSetup)
+    " This buffer is already set up.
+    return
+  endif
+  if strlen(&buftype) > 0 || !filereadable(@%)
+    " No special status for special buffers.
+    return
+  endif
+  if !VCSCommandGetOption('VCSCommandEnableBufferSetup', 0) || s:isEditFileRunning > 0
+    unlet! b:VCSCommandBufferSetup
+    return
+  endif
+  try
+    let vcsType = VCSCommandGetVCSType(bufnr('%'))
+    let b:VCSCommandBufferInfo =  s:plugins[vcsType].GetBufferInfo()
+    silent do VCSCommand User VCSBufferSetup
+  catch /No suitable plugin/
+    " This is not a VCS-controlled file.
+    let b:VCSCommandBufferInfo = []
+  endtry
+  let b:VCSCommandBufferSetup=1
+" Function: s:MarkOrigBufferForSetup(buffer) {{{2
+" Resets the buffer setup state of the original buffer for a given VCS scratch
+" buffer.
+" Returns:  The VCS buffer number in a passthrough mode.
+function! s:MarkOrigBufferForSetup(buffer)
+  checktime
+  if a:buffer > 0 
+    let origBuffer = VCSCommandGetOriginalBuffer(a:buffer)
+    " This should never not work, but I'm paranoid
+    if origBuffer != a:buffer
+      call setbufvar(origBuffer, 'VCSCommandBufferSetup', 0)
+    endif
+  endif
+  return a:buffer
+" Function: s:OverrideOption(option, [value]) {{{2
+" Provides a temporary override for the given VCS option.  If no value is
+" passed, the override is disabled.
+function! s:OverrideOption(option, ...)
+  if a:0 == 0
+    call remove(s:optionOverrides[a:option], -1)
+  else
+    if !has_key(s:optionOverrides, a:option)
+      let s:optionOverrides[a:option] = []
+    endif
+    call add(s:optionOverrides[a:option], a:1)
+  endif
+" Function: s:WipeoutCommandBuffers() {{{2
+" Clears all current VCS output buffers of the specified type for a given source.
+function! s:WipeoutCommandBuffers(originalBuffer, VCSCommand)
+  let buffer = 1
+  while buffer <= bufnr('$')
+    if getbufvar(buffer, 'VCSCommandOriginalBuffer') == a:originalBuffer
+      if getbufvar(buffer, 'VCSCommandCommand') == a:VCSCommand
+        execute 'bw' buffer
+      endif
+    endif
+    let buffer = buffer + 1
+  endwhile
+function! s:VimDiffRestore(vimDiffBuff)
+  let s:isEditFileRunning += 1
+  try
+    if exists('s:vimDiffSourceBuffer')
+      if a:vimDiffBuff == s:vimDiffSourceBuffer
+        " Original file is being removed.
+        unlet! s:vimDiffSourceBuffer
+        unlet! s:vimDiffRestoreCmd
+        unlet! s:vimDiffScratchList
+      else
+        let index = index(s:vimDiffScratchList, a:vimDiffBuff)
+        if index >= 0
+          call remove(s:vimDiffScratchList, index)
+          if len(s:vimDiffScratchList) == 0
+            if exists('s:vimDiffRestoreCmd')
+              " All scratch buffers are gone, reset the original.
+              " Only restore if the source buffer is still in Diff mode
+              let sourceWinNR=bufwinnr(s:vimDiffSourceBuffer)
+              if sourceWinNR != -1
+                " The buffer is visible in at least one window
+                let currentWinNR = winnr()
+                while winbufnr(sourceWinNR) != -1
+                  if winbufnr(sourceWinNR) == s:vimDiffSourceBuffer
+                    execute sourceWinNR . 'wincmd w'
+                    if getwinvar(0, '&diff')
+                      execute s:vimDiffRestoreCmd
+                    endif
+                  endif
+                  let sourceWinNR = sourceWinNR + 1
+                endwhile
+                execute currentWinNR . 'wincmd w'
+              else
+                " The buffer is hidden.  It must be visible in order to set the
+                " diff option.
+                let currentBufNR = bufnr('')
+                execute 'hide buffer' s:vimDiffSourceBuffer
+                if getwinvar(0, '&diff')
+                  execute s:vimDiffRestoreCmd
+                endif
+                execute 'hide buffer' currentBufNR
+              endif
+              unlet s:vimDiffRestoreCmd
+            endif 
+            " All buffers are gone.
+            unlet s:vimDiffSourceBuffer
+            unlet s:vimDiffScratchList
+          endif
+        endif
+      endif
+    endif
+  finally
+    let s:isEditFileRunning -= 1
+  endtry
+" Section: Generic VCS command functions {{{1
+" Function: s:VCSCommit() {{{2
+function! s:VCSCommit(bang, message)
+  let vcsType = VCSCommandGetVCSType(bufnr('%'))
+  if !has_key(s:plugins, vcsType)
+    throw 'Unknown VCS type:  ' . vcsType
+  endif
+  let originalBuffer = VCSCommandGetOriginalBuffer(bufnr('%'))
+  " Handle the commit message being specified.  If a message is supplied, it
+  " is used; if bang is supplied, an empty message is used; otherwise, the
+  " user is provided a buffer from which to edit the commit message.
+  if strlen(a:message) > 0 || a:bang == '!'
+    return s:VCSFinishCommit([a:message], originalBuffer)
+  endif
+  call s:EditFile('commit log', originalBuffer, '')
+  set ft=vcscommit
+  " Create a commit mapping.
+  nnoremap <silent> <buffer> <Plug>VCSCommit :call <SID>VCSFinishCommitWithBuffer()<CR>
+  silent 0put ='VCS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------'
+  silent put ='VCS: Please enter log message.  Lines beginning with ''VCS:'' are removed automatically.'
+  silent put ='VCS: To finish the commit, Type <leader>cc (or your own <Plug>VCSCommit mapping)'
+  if VCSCommandGetOption('VCSCommandCommitOnWrite', 1) == 1
+    set buftype=acwrite
+    au VCSCommandCommit BufWriteCmd <buffer> call s:VCSFinishCommitWithBuffer()
+    silent put ='VCS: or write this buffer'
+  endif
+  silent put ='VCS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------'
+  $
+  set nomodified
+" Function: s:VCSFinishCommitWithBuffer() {{{2
+" Wrapper for s:VCSFinishCommit which is called only from a commit log buffer
+" which removes all lines starting with 'VCS:'.
+function! s:VCSFinishCommitWithBuffer()
+  set nomodified
+  let currentBuffer = bufnr('%') 
+  let logMessageList = getbufline('%', 1, '$')
+  call filter(logMessageList, 'v:val !~ ''^\s*VCS:''')
+  let resultBuffer = s:VCSFinishCommit(logMessageList, b:VCSCommandOriginalBuffer)
+  if resultBuffer >= 0
+    execute 'bw' currentBuffer
+  endif
+  return resultBuffer
+" Function: s:VCSFinishCommit(logMessageList, originalBuffer) {{{2
+function! s:VCSFinishCommit(logMessageList, originalBuffer)
+  let shellSlashBak = &shellslash
+  try
+    set shellslash
+    let messageFileName = tempname()
+    call writefile(a:logMessageList, messageFileName)
+    try
+      let resultBuffer = s:ExecuteVCSCommand('Commit', a:originalBuffer, [messageFileName])
+      if resultBuffer < 0
+        return resultBuffer
+      endif
+      return s:MarkOrigBufferForSetup(resultBuffer)
+    finally
+      call delete(messageFileName)
+    endtry
+  finally
+    let &shellslash = shellSlashBak
+  endtry
+" Function: s:VCSGotoOriginal(bang) {{{2
+function! s:VCSGotoOriginal(bang)
+  let originalBuffer = VCSCommandGetOriginalBuffer(bufnr('%'))
+  if originalBuffer > 0
+    let origWinNR = bufwinnr(originalBuffer)
+    if origWinNR == -1
+      execute 'buffer' originalBuffer
+    else
+      execute origWinNR . 'wincmd w'
+    endif
+    if a:bang == '!'
+      let buffnr = 1
+      let buffmaxnr = bufnr('$')
+      while buffnr <= buffmaxnr
+        if getbufvar(buffnr, 'VCSCommandOriginalBuffer') == originalBuffer
+          execute 'bw' buffnr
+        endif
+        let buffnr = buffnr + 1
+      endwhile
+    endif
+  endif
+" Function: s:VCSVimDiff(...) {{{2
+function! s:VCSVimDiff(...)
+  let vcsType = VCSCommandGetVCSType(bufnr('%'))
+  if !has_key(s:plugins, vcsType)
+    throw 'Unknown VCS type:  ' . vcsType
+  endif
+  let originalBuffer = VCSCommandGetOriginalBuffer(bufnr('%'))
+  let s:isEditFileRunning = s:isEditFileRunning + 1
+  try
+    " If there's already a VimDiff'ed window, restore it.
+    " There may only be one VCSVimDiff original window at a time.
+    if exists('s:vimDiffSourceBuffer') && s:vimDiffSourceBuffer != originalBuffer
+      " Clear the existing vimdiff setup by removing the result buffers.
+      call s:WipeoutCommandBuffers(s:vimDiffSourceBuffer, 'vimdiff')
+    endif
+    " Split and diff
+    if(a:0 == 2)
+      " Reset the vimdiff system, as 2 explicit versions were provided.
+      if exists('s:vimDiffSourceBuffer')
+        call s:WipeoutCommandBuffers(s:vimDiffSourceBuffer, 'vimdiff')
+      endif
+      let resultBuffer = s:plugins[vcsType].Review([a:1])
+      if resultBuffer < 0
+        echomsg 'Can''t open revision ' . a:1
+        return resultBuffer
+      endif
+      let b:VCSCommandCommand = 'vimdiff'
+      diffthis
+      let s:vimDiffScratchList = [resultBuffer]
+      " If no split method is defined, cheat, and set it to vertical.
+      try
+        call s:OverrideOption('VCSCommandSplit', VCSCommandGetOption('VCSCommandDiffSplit', VCSCommandGetOption('VCSCommandSplit', 'vertical')))
+        let resultBuffer=s:plugins[vcsType].Review([a:2])
+      finally
+        call s:OverrideOption('VCSCommandSplit')
+      endtry
+      if resultBuffer < 0
+        echomsg 'Can''t open revision ' . a:1
+        return resultBuffer
+      endif
+      let b:VCSCommandCommand = 'vimdiff'
+      diffthis
+      let s:vimDiffScratchList += [resultBuffer]
+    else
+      " Add new buffer
+      call s:OverrideOption('VCSCommandEdit', 'split')
+      try
+        " Force splitting behavior, otherwise why use vimdiff?
+        call s:OverrideOption('VCSCommandSplit', VCSCommandGetOption('VCSCommandDiffSplit', VCSCommandGetOption('VCSCommandSplit', 'vertical')))
+        try
+          if(a:0 == 0)
+            let resultBuffer=s:plugins[vcsType].Review([])
+          else
+            let resultBuffer=s:plugins[vcsType].Review([a:1])
+          endif
+        finally
+          call s:OverrideOption('VCSCommandSplit')
+        endtry
+      finally
+        call s:OverrideOption('VCSCommandEdit')
+      endtry
+      if resultBuffer < 0
+        echomsg 'Can''t open current revision'
+        return resultBuffer
+      endif
+      let b:VCSCommandCommand = 'vimdiff'
+      diffthis
+      if !exists('s:vimDiffSourceBuffer')
+        " New instance of vimdiff.
+        let s:vimDiffScratchList = [resultBuffer]
+        " This could have been invoked on a VCS result buffer, not the
+        " original buffer.
+        wincmd W
+        execute 'buffer' originalBuffer
+        " Store info for later original buffer restore
+        let s:vimDiffRestoreCmd = 
+              \    'call setbufvar('.originalBuffer.', ''&diff'', '.getbufvar(originalBuffer, '&diff').')'
+              \ . '|call setbufvar('.originalBuffer.', ''&foldcolumn'', '.getbufvar(originalBuffer, '&foldcolumn').')'
+              \ . '|call setbufvar('.originalBuffer.', ''&foldenable'', '.getbufvar(originalBuffer, '&foldenable').')'
+              \ . '|call setbufvar('.originalBuffer.', ''&foldmethod'', '''.getbufvar(originalBuffer, '&foldmethod').''')'
+              \ . '|call setbufvar('.originalBuffer.', ''&scrollbind'', '.getbufvar(originalBuffer, '&scrollbind').')'
+              \ . '|call setbufvar('.originalBuffer.', ''&wrap'', '.getbufvar(originalBuffer, '&wrap').')'
+              \ . '|if &foldmethod==''manual''|execute ''normal zE''|endif'
+        diffthis
+        wincmd w
+      else
+        " Adding a window to an existing vimdiff
+        let s:vimDiffScratchList += [resultBuffer]
+      endif
+    endif
+    let s:vimDiffSourceBuffer = originalBuffer
+    " Avoid executing the modeline in the current buffer after the autocommand.
+    let currentBuffer = bufnr('%')
+    let saveModeline = getbufvar(currentBuffer, '&modeline')
+    try
+      call setbufvar(currentBuffer, '&modeline', 0)
+      silent do VCSCommand User VCSVimDiffFinish
+    finally
+      call setbufvar(currentBuffer, '&modeline', saveModeline)
+    endtry
+    return resultBuffer
+  finally
+    let s:isEditFileRunning = s:isEditFileRunning - 1
+  endtry
+" Section: Public functions {{{1
+" Function: VCSCommandGetVCSType(buffer) {{{2
+" Sets the b:VCSCommandVCSType variable in the current buffer to the
+" appropriate source control system name.
+function! VCSCommandGetVCSType(buffer)
+  let vcsType = getbufvar(a:buffer, 'VCSCommandVCSType')
+  if strlen(vcsType) > 0
+    return vcsType
+  endif
+  for vcsType in keys(s:plugins)
+    if s:plugins[vcsType].Identify(a:buffer)
+      call setbufvar(a:buffer, 'VCSCommandVCSType', vcsType)
+      return vcsType
+    endif
+  endfor
+  throw 'No suitable plugin'
+" Function: VCSCommandChangeToCurrentFileDir() {{{2
+" Go to the directory in which the given file is located.
+function! VCSCommandChangeToCurrentFileDir(fileName)
+  let oldCwd=getcwd()
+  let newCwd=fnamemodify(resolve(a:fileName), ':p:h')
+  if strlen(newCwd) > 0
+    execute 'cd' escape(newCwd, ' ')
+  endif
+  return oldCwd
+" Function: VCSCommandGetOriginalBuffer(vcsBuffer) {{{2
+" Attempts to locate the original file to which VCS operations were applied
+" for a given buffer.
+function! VCSCommandGetOriginalBuffer(vcsBuffer)
+  let origBuffer = getbufvar(a:vcsBuffer, 'VCSCommandOriginalBuffer')
+  if origBuffer
+    if bufexists(origBuffer)
+      return origBuffer
+    else
+      " Original buffer no longer exists.
+      throw 'Original buffer for this VCS buffer no longer exists.'
+    endif
+  else
+    " No original buffer
+    return a:vcsBuffer
+  endif
+" Function: VCSCommandRegisterModule(name, file, commandMap) {{{2
+" Allows VCS modules to register themselves.
+function! VCSCommandRegisterModule(name, file, commandMap, mappingMap)
+  let s:plugins[a:name] = a:commandMap
+  call add(s:pluginFiles, a:file)
+  let s:extendedMappings[a:name] = a:mappingMap
+  if(!empty(a:mappingMap))
+    for mapname in keys(a:mappingMap)
+      execute 'noremap <silent> <Leader>' . mapname ':call <SID>ExecuteExtensionMapping(''' . mapname . ''')<CR>'
+    endfor
+  endif
+" Function: VCSCommandDoCommand(cmd, cmdName, statusText) {{{2
+" General skeleton for VCS function execution.
+" Returns: name of the new command buffer containing the command results
+function! VCSCommandDoCommand(cmd, cmdName, statusText)
+  let originalBuffer = VCSCommandGetOriginalBuffer(bufnr('%'))
+  if originalBuffer == -1 
+    throw 'Original buffer no longer exists, aborting.'
+  endif
+  let fileName=bufname(originalBuffer)
+  " Work with netrw or other systems where a directory listing is displayed in
+  " a buffer.
+  if isdirectory(fileName)
+    let realFileName = '.'
+  else
+    let realFileName = fnamemodify(resolve(fileName), ':t')
+  endif
+  let oldCwd=VCSCommandChangeToCurrentFileDir(fileName)
+  try
+    let fullCmd = a:cmd . ' "' . realFileName . '"'
+    let resultBuffer=s:CreateCommandBuffer(fullCmd, a:cmdName, originalBuffer, a:statusText)
+    return resultBuffer
+  finally
+    execute 'cd' escape(oldCwd, ' ')
+  endtry
+" Function: VCSCommandGetOption(name, default) {{{2
+" Grab a user-specified option to override the default provided.  Options are
+" searched in the window, buffer, then global spaces.
+function! VCSCommandGetOption(name, default)
+  if has_key(s:optionOverrides, a:name) && len(s:optionOverrides[a:name]) > 0
+    return s:optionOverrides[a:name][-1]
+  elseif exists('w:' . a:name)
+    return w:{a:name}
+  elseif exists('b:' . a:name)
+    return b:{a:name}
+  elseif exists('g:' . a:name)
+    return g:{a:name}
+  else
+    return a:default
+  endif
+" Function: VCSCommandGetRevision() {{{2
+" Global function for retrieving the current buffer's revision number.
+" Returns: Revision number or an empty string if an error occurs.
+function! VCSCommandGetRevision()
+  if !exists('b:VCSCommandBufferInfo')
+    let b:VCSCommandBufferInfo =  s:plugins[VCSCommandGetVCSType(bufnr('%'))].GetBufferInfo()
+  endif
+  if len(b:VCSCommandBufferInfo) > 0
+    return b:VCSCommandBufferInfo[0]
+  else
+    return ''
+  endif
+" Function: VCSCommandDisableBufferSetup() {{{2
+" Global function for deactivating the buffer autovariables.
+function! VCSCommandDisableBufferSetup()
+  let g:VCSCommandEnableBufferSetup = 0
+  silent! augroup! VCSCommandPlugin
+" Function: VCSCommandEnableBufferSetup() {{{2
+" Global function for activating the buffer autovariables.
+function! VCSCommandEnableBufferSetup()
+  let g:VCSCommandEnableBufferSetup = 1
+  augroup VCSCommandPlugin
+    au!
+    au BufEnter * call s:SetupBuffer()
+  augroup END
+  " Only auto-load if the plugin is fully loaded.  This gives other plugins a
+  " chance to run.
+  if g:loaded_VCSCommand == 2
+    call s:SetupBuffer()
+  endif
+" Function: VCSCommandGetStatusLine() {{{2
+" Default (sample) status line entry for VCS-controlled files.  This is only
+" useful if VCS-managed buffer mode is on (see the VCSCommandEnableBufferSetup
+" variable for how to do this).
+function! VCSCommandGetStatusLine()
+  if exists('b:VCSCommandCommand')
+    " This is a result buffer.  Return nothing because the buffer name
+    " contains information already.
+    return ''
+  endif
+  if exists('b:VCSCommandVCSType')
+        \ && exists('g:VCSCommandEnableBufferSetup')
+        \ && g:VCSCommandEnableBufferSetup
+        \ && exists('b:VCSCommandBufferInfo')
+    return '[' . join(extend([b:VCSCommandVCSType], b:VCSCommandBufferInfo), ' ') . ']'
+  else
+    return ''
+  endif
+" Section: Command definitions {{{1
+" Section: Primary commands {{{2
+com! -nargs=0 VCSAdd call s:MarkOrigBufferForSetup(s:ExecuteVCSCommand('Add', bufnr('%'), []))
+com! -nargs=? VCSAnnotate call s:ExecuteVCSCommand('Annotate', bufnr('%'), [<f-args>])
+com! -nargs=? -bang VCSCommit call s:VCSCommit(<q-bang>, <q-args>)
+com! -nargs=* VCSDiff call s:ExecuteVCSCommand('Diff', bufnr('%'), [<f-args>])
+com! -nargs=0 -bang VCSGotoOriginal call s:VCSGotoOriginal(<q-bang>)
+com! -nargs=0 VCSLock call s:MarkOrigBufferForSetup(s:ExecuteVCSCommand('Lock', bufnr('%'), []))
+com! -nargs=? VCSLog call s:ExecuteVCSCommand('Log', bufnr('%'), [<f-args>])
+com! -nargs=0 VCSRevert call s:MarkOrigBufferForSetup(s:ExecuteVCSCommand('Revert', bufnr('%'), []))
+com! -nargs=? VCSReview call s:ExecuteVCSCommand('Review', bufnr('%'), [<f-args>])
+com! -nargs=0 VCSStatus call s:ExecuteVCSCommand('Status', bufnr('%'), [])
+com! -nargs=0 VCSUnlock call s:MarkOrigBufferForSetup(s:ExecuteVCSCommand('Unlock', bufnr('%'), []))
+com! -nargs=0 VCSUpdate call s:MarkOrigBufferForSetup(s:ExecuteVCSCommand('Update', bufnr('%'), []))
+com! -nargs=* VCSVimDiff call s:VCSVimDiff(<f-args>)
+" Section: VCS buffer management commands {{{2
+com! VCSCommandDisableBufferSetup call VCSCommandDisableBufferSetup()
+com! VCSCommandEnableBufferSetup call VCSCommandEnableBufferSetup()
+" Allow reloading VCSCommand.vim
+com! VCSReload let savedPluginFiles = s:pluginFiles|aunmenu Plugin.VCS|unlet! g:loaded_VCSCommand|runtime plugin/vcscommand.vim|for file in savedPluginFiles|execute 'source' file|endfor
+" Section: Plugin command mappings {{{1
+nnoremap <silent> <Plug>VCSAdd :VCSAdd<CR>
+nnoremap <silent> <Plug>VCSAnnotate :VCSAnnotate<CR>
+nnoremap <silent> <Plug>VCSCommit :VCSCommit<CR>
+nnoremap <silent> <Plug>VCSDiff :VCSDiff<CR>
+nnoremap <silent> <Plug>VCSGotoOriginal :VCSGotoOriginal<CR>
+nnoremap <silent> <Plug>VCSClearAndGotoOriginal :VCSGotoOriginal!<CR>
+nnoremap <silent> <Plug>VCSLock :VCSLock<CR>
+nnoremap <silent> <Plug>VCSLog :VCSLog<CR>
+nnoremap <silent> <Plug>VCSRevert :VCSRevert<CR>
+nnoremap <silent> <Plug>VCSReview :VCSReview<CR>
+nnoremap <silent> <Plug>VCSStatus :VCSStatus<CR>
+nnoremap <silent> <Plug>VCSUnlock :VCSUnlock<CR>
+nnoremap <silent> <Plug>VCSUpdate :VCSUpdate<CR>
+nnoremap <silent> <Plug>VCSVimDiff :VCSVimDiff<CR>
+" Section: Default mappings {{{1
+if !hasmapto('<Plug>VCSAdd')
+  nmap <unique> <Leader>ca <Plug>VCSAdd
+if !hasmapto('<Plug>VCSAnnotate')
+  nmap <unique> <Leader>cn <Plug>VCSAnnotate
+if !hasmapto('<Plug>VCSClearAndGotoOriginal')
+  nmap <unique> <Leader>cG <Plug>VCSClearAndGotoOriginal
+if !hasmapto('<Plug>VCSCommit')
+  nmap <unique> <Leader>cc <Plug>VCSCommit
+if !hasmapto('<Plug>VCSDiff')
+  nmap <unique> <Leader>cd <Plug>VCSDiff
+if !hasmapto('<Plug>VCSGotoOriginal')
+  nmap <unique> <Leader>cg <Plug>VCSGotoOriginal
+if !hasmapto('<Plug>VCSLock')
+  nmap <unique> <Leader>cL <Plug>VCSLock
+if !hasmapto('<Plug>VCSLog')
+  nmap <unique> <Leader>cl <Plug>VCSLog
+if !hasmapto('<Plug>VCSRevert')
+  nmap <unique> <Leader>cq <Plug>VCSRevert
+if !hasmapto('<Plug>VCSReview')
+  nmap <unique> <Leader>cr <Plug>VCSReview
+if !hasmapto('<Plug>VCSStatus')
+  nmap <unique> <Leader>cs <Plug>VCSStatus
+if !hasmapto('<Plug>VCSUnlock')
+  nmap <unique> <Leader>cU <Plug>VCSUnlock
+if !hasmapto('<Plug>VCSUpdate')
+  nmap <unique> <Leader>cu <Plug>VCSUpdate
+if !hasmapto('<Plug>VCSVimDiff')
+  nmap <unique> <Leader>cv <Plug>VCSVimDiff
+" Section: Menu items {{{1
+amenu <silent> &Plugin.VCS.&Add        <Plug>VCSAdd
+amenu <silent> &Plugin.VCS.A&nnotate   <Plug>VCSAnnotate
+amenu <silent> &Plugin.VCS.&Commit     <Plug>VCSCommit
+amenu <silent> &Plugin.VCS.&Diff       <Plug>VCSDiff
+amenu <silent> &Plugin.VCS.&Log        <Plug>VCSLog
+amenu <silent> &Plugin.VCS.Revert      <Plug>VCSRevert
+amenu <silent> &Plugin.VCS.&Review     <Plug>VCSReview
+amenu <silent> &Plugin.VCS.&Status     <Plug>VCSStatus
+amenu <silent> &Plugin.VCS.&Update     <Plug>VCSUpdate
+amenu <silent> &Plugin.VCS.&VimDiff    <Plug>VCSVimDiff
+" Section: Autocommands to restore vimdiff state {{{1
+augroup VimDiffRestore
+  au!
+  au BufUnload * call s:VimDiffRestore(str2nr(expand('<abuf>')))
+augroup END
+" Section: Optional activation of buffer management {{{1
+if VCSCommandGetOption('VCSCommandEnableBufferSetup', 0)
+  call VCSCommandEnableBufferSetup()
+" Section: Plugin completion {{{1
+let loaded_VCSCommand=2
+" Load delayed extension plugin registration.
+silent do VCSCommand User VCSLoadExtensions
+au! VCSCommand User VCSLoadExtensions
+silent do VCSCommand User VCSPluginFinish

Added: trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/plugin/vcscvs.vim
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-vim/trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/plugin/vcscvs.vim?rev=743&op=file
--- trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/plugin/vcscvs.vim (added)
+++ trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/plugin/vcscvs.vim Tue Aug 22 18:24:29 2006
@@ -1,0 +1,362 @@
+" vim600: set foldmethod=marker:
+" CVS extension for VCSCommand.
+" Last Change:
+" Version:       VCS development
+" Maintainer:    Bob Hiestand <bob.hiestand at gmail.com>
+" License:       This file is placed in the public domain.
+" Section: Documentation {{{1
+" Command documentation {{{2
+" The following commands only apply to files under CVS source control.
+" CVSEdit          Performs "cvs edit" on the current file.
+" CVSEditors       Performs "cvs editors" on the current file.
+" CVSUnedit        Performs "cvs unedit" on the current file.
+" CVSWatch         Takes an argument which must be one of [on|off|add|remove].
+"                  Performs "cvs watch" with the given argument on the current
+"                  file.
+" CVSWatchers      Performs "cvs watchers" on the current file.
+" CVSWatchAdd      Alias for "CVSWatch add"
+" CVSWatchOn       Alias for "CVSWatch on"
+" CVSWatchOff      Alias for "CVSWatch off"
+" CVSWatchRemove   Alias for "CVSWatch remove"
+" Mapping documentation: {{{2
+" By default, a mapping is defined for each command.  User-provided mappings
+" can be used instead by mapping to <Plug>CommandName, for instance:
+" nnoremap ,ce <Plug>CVSEdit
+" The default mappings are as follow:
+"   <Leader>ce CVSEdit
+"   <Leader>ci CVSEditors
+"   <Leader>ct CVSUnedit
+"   <Leader>cwv CVSWatchers
+"   <Leader>cwa CVSWatchAdd
+"   <Leader>cwn CVSWatchOn
+"   <Leader>cwf CVSWatchOff
+"   <Leader>cwr CVSWatchRemove
+" Options documentation: {{{2
+" VCSCommandCVSExec
+"   This variable specifies the CVS executable.  If not set, it defaults to
+"   'cvs' executed from the user's executable path.
+" VCSCommandCVSDiffOpt
+"   This variable, if set, determines the options passed to the cvs diff
+"   command.  If not set, it defaults to 'u'.
+if v:version < 700
+  finish
+" Section: Variable initialization {{{1
+let s:cvsFunctions = {}
+" Section: Utility functions {{{1
+" Function: s:DoCommand(cmd, cmdName, statusText) {{{2
+" Wrapper to VCSCommandDoCommand to add the name of the CVS executable to the
+" command argument.
+function! s:DoCommand(cmd, cmdName, statusText)
+  try
+    if VCSCommandGetVCSType(expand('%')) == 'CVS'
+      let fullCmd = VCSCommandGetOption('VCSCommandCVSExec', 'cvs') . ' ' . a:cmd
+      return VCSCommandDoCommand(fullCmd, a:cmdName, a:statusText)
+    else
+      throw 'No suitable plugin'
+    endif
+  catch /No suitable plugin/
+    echohl WarningMsg|echomsg 'Cannot apply CVS commands to this file.'|echohl None
+  endtry
+" Section: VCS function implementations {{{1
+" Function: s:cvsFunctions.Identify(buffer) {{{2
+function! s:cvsFunctions.Identify(buffer)
+  let fileName = resolve(bufname(a:buffer))
+  if isdirectory(fileName)
+    let directory = fileName
+  else
+    let directory = fnamemodify(fileName, ':h')
+  endif
+  if strlen(directory) > 0
+    let CVSRoot = directory . '/CVS/Root'
+  else
+    let CVSRoot = 'CVS/Root'
+  endif
+  if filereadable(CVSRoot)
+    return 1
+  else
+    return 0
+  endif
+" Function: s:cvsFunctions.Add() {{{2
+function! s:cvsFunctions.Add(argList)
+  return s:DoCommand('add', 'add', '')
+" Function: s:cvsFunctions.Annotate(argList) {{{2
+function! s:cvsFunctions.Annotate(argList)
+  if len(a:argList) == 0
+    if &filetype == 'CVSAnnotate'
+      " This is a CVSAnnotate buffer.  Perform annotation of the version
+      " indicated by the current line.
+      let revision = matchstr(getline('.'),'\v%(^[0-9.]+)')
+    else
+      let revision=VCSCommandGetRevision()
+      if revision == ''
+        throw 'Unable to obtain version information.'
+      elseif revision == 'Unknown'
+        throw 'File not under source control'
+      elseif revision == 'New'
+        throw 'No annotatation available for new file.'
+      endif
+    endif
+  else
+    let revision=a:argList[0]
+  endif
+  if revision == 'New'
+    throw 'No annotatation available for new file.'
+  endif
+  let resultBuffer=s:DoCommand('-q annotate -r ' . revision, 'annotate', revision) 
+  if resultBuffer > 0
+    set filetype=CVSAnnotate
+    " Remove header lines from standard error
+    silent v/^\d\+\%(\.\d\+\)\+/d
+  endif
+  return resultBuffer
+" Function: s:cvsFunctions.Commit(argList) {{{2
+function! s:cvsFunctions.Commit(argList)
+  let resultBuffer = s:DoCommand('commit -F "' . a:argList[0] . '"', 'commit', '')
+  if resultBuffer == 0
+    echomsg 'No commit needed.'
+  endif
+  return resultBuffer
+" Function: s:cvsFunctions.Diff(argList) {{{2
+function! s:cvsFunctions.Diff(argList)
+  if len(a:argList) == 1
+    let revOptions = '-r ' . a:argList[0]
+    let caption = '(' . a:argList[0] . ' : current)'
+  elseif len(a:argList) == 2
+    let revOptions = '-r ' . a:argList[0] . ' -r ' . a:argList[1]
+    let caption = '(' . a:argList[0] . ' : ' . a:argList[1] . ')'
+  else
+    let revOptions = ''
+    let caption = ''
+  endif
+  let cvsdiffopt=VCSCommandGetOption('VCSCommandCVSDiffOpt', 'u')
+  if cvsdiffopt == ''
+    let diffoptionstring=''
+  else
+    let diffoptionstring=' -' . cvsdiffopt . ' '
+  endif
+  let resultBuffer = s:DoCommand('diff ' . diffoptionstring . revOptions , 'diff', caption)
+  if resultBuffer > 0
+    set filetype=diff
+  else
+    echomsg 'No differences found'
+  endif
+  return resultBuffer
+" Function: s:cvsFunctions.GetBufferInfo() {{{2
+" Provides version control details for the current file.  Current version
+" number and current repository version number are required to be returned by
+" the vcscommand plugin.  This CVS extension adds branch name to the return
+" list as well.
+" Returns: List of results:  [revision, repository, branch]
+function! s:cvsFunctions.GetBufferInfo()
+  let originalBuffer = VCSCommandGetOriginalBuffer(bufnr('%'))
+  let fileName = bufname(originalBuffer)
+  let realFileName = fnamemodify(resolve(fileName), ':t')
+  if !filereadable(fileName)
+    return ['Unknown']
+  endif
+  let oldCwd=VCSCommandChangeToCurrentFileDir(fileName)
+  try
+    let statusText=system(VCSCommandGetOption('VCSCommandCVSExec', 'cvs') . ' status "' . realFileName . '"')
+    if(v:shell_error)
+      return []
+    endif
+    let revision=substitute(statusText, '^\_.*Working revision:\s*\(\d\+\%(\.\d\+\)\+\|New file!\)\_.*$', '\1', '')
+    " We can still be in a CVS-controlled directory without this being a CVS
+    " file
+    if match(revision, '^New file!$') >= 0 
+      let revision='New'
+    elseif match(revision, '^\d\+\.\d\+\%(\.\d\+\.\d\+\)*$') <0
+      return ['Unknown']
+    endif
+    let branch=substitute(statusText, '^\_.*Sticky Tag:\s\+\(\d\+\%(\.\d\+\)\+\|\a[A-Za-z0-9-_]*\|(none)\).*$', '\1', '')
+    let repository=substitute(statusText, '^\_.*Repository revision:\s*\(\d\+\%(\.\d\+\)\+\|New file!\|No revision control file\)\_.*$', '\1', '')
+    let repository=substitute(repository, '^New file!\|No revision control file$', 'New', '')
+    return [revision, repository, branch]
+  finally
+    execute 'cd' escape(oldCwd, ' ')
+  endtry
+" Function: s:cvsFunctions.Log() {{{2
+function! s:cvsFunctions.Log(argList)
+  if len(a:argList) == 0
+    let versionOption = ''
+    let caption = ''
+  else
+    let versionOption=' -r' . a:argList[0]
+    let caption = a:argList[0]
+  endif
+  let resultBuffer=s:DoCommand('log' . versionOption, 'log', caption)
+  if resultBuffer > 0
+    set filetype=rcslog
+  endif
+  return resultBuffer
+" Function: s:cvsFunctions.Revert(argList) {{{2
+function! s:cvsFunctions.Revert(argList)
+  return s:DoCommand('update -C', 'revert', '')
+" Function: s:cvsFunctions.Review(argList) {{{2
+function! s:cvsFunctions.Review(argList)
+  if len(a:argList) == 0
+    let versiontag = '(current)'
+    let versionOption = ''
+  else
+    let versiontag = a:argList[0]
+    let versionOption = ' -r ' . versiontag . ' '
+  endif
+  let resultBuffer = s:DoCommand('-q update -p' . versionOption, 'review', versiontag)
+  if resultBuffer > 0
+    let &filetype=getbufvar(b:VCSCommandOriginalBuffer, '&filetype')
+  endif
+  return resultBuffer
+" Function: s:cvsFunctions.Status(argList) {{{2
+function! s:cvsFunctions.Status(argList)
+  return s:DoCommand('status', 'status', '')
+" Function: s:cvsFunctions.Update(argList) {{{2
+function! s:cvsFunctions.Update(argList)
+  return s:DoCommand('update', 'update', '')
+" Section: CVS-specific functions {{{1
+" Function: s:CVSEdit() {{{2
+function! s:CVSEdit()
+  return s:DoCommand('edit', 'cvsedit', '')
+" Function: s:CVSEditors() {{{2
+function! s:CVSEditors()
+  return s:DoCommand('editors', 'cvseditors', '')
+" Function: s:CVSUnedit() {{{2
+function! s:CVSUnedit()
+  return s:DoCommand('unedit', 'cvsunedit', '')
+" Function: s:CVSWatch(onoff) {{{2
+function! s:CVSWatch(onoff)
+  if a:onoff !~ '^\c\%(on\|off\|add\|remove\)$'
+    echoerr 'Argument to CVSWatch must be one of [on|off|add|remove]'
+    return -1
+  end
+  return s:DoCommand('watch ' . tolower(a:onoff), 'cvswatch', '')
+" Function: s:CVSWatchers() {{{2
+function! s:CVSWatchers()
+  return s:DoCommand('watchers', 'cvswatchers', '')
+" Section: Command definitions {{{1
+" Section: Primary commands {{{2
+com! CVSEdit call s:CVSEdit()
+com! CVSEditors call s:CVSEditors()
+com! CVSUnedit call s:CVSUnedit()
+com! -nargs=1 CVSWatch call s:CVSWatch(<f-args>)
+com! CVSWatchAdd call s:CVSWatch('add')
+com! CVSWatchOn call s:CVSWatch('on')
+com! CVSWatchOff call s:CVSWatch('off')
+com! CVSWatchRemove call s:CVSWatch('remove')
+com! CVSWatchers call s:CVSWatchers()
+" Section: Plugin command mappings {{{1
+let s:cvsExtensionMappings = {}
+let mappingInfo = [
+      \['CVSEdit', 'CVSEdit', 'ce'],
+      \['CVSEditors', 'CVSEditors', 'ci'],
+      \['CVSUnedit', 'CVSUnedit', 'ct'],
+      \['CVSWatchers', 'CVSWatchers', 'cwv'],
+      \['CVSWatchAdd', 'CVSWatch add', 'cwa'],
+      \['CVSWatchOff', 'CVSWatch off', 'cwf'],
+      \['CVSWatchOn', 'CVSWatch on', 'cwn'],
+      \['CVSWatchRemove', 'CVSWatch remove', 'cwr']
+      \]
+for [pluginName, commandText, shortCut] in mappingInfo
+  execute 'nnoremap <silent> <Plug>' . pluginName . ' :' . commandText . '<CR>'
+  if !hasmapto('<Plug>' . pluginName)
+    let s:cvsExtensionMappings[shortCut] = commandText
+  endif
+" Section: Menu items {{{1
+silent! aunmenu Plugin.VCS.CVS
+amenu <silent> &Plugin.VCS.CVS.&Edit       <Plug>CVSEdit
+amenu <silent> &Plugin.VCS.CVS.Ed&itors    <Plug>CVSEditors
+amenu <silent> &Plugin.VCS.CVS.Unedi&t     <Plug>CVSUnedit
+amenu <silent> &Plugin.VCS.CVS.&Watchers   <Plug>CVSWatchers
+amenu <silent> &Plugin.VCS.CVS.WatchAdd    <Plug>CVSWatchAdd
+amenu <silent> &Plugin.VCS.CVS.WatchOn     <Plug>CVSWatchOn
+amenu <silent> &Plugin.VCS.CVS.WatchOff    <Plug>CVSWatchOff
+amenu <silent> &Plugin.VCS.CVS.WatchRemove <Plug>CVSWatchRemove
+" Section: Plugin Registration {{{1
+" If the vcscommand.vim plugin hasn't loaded, delay registration until it
+" loads.
+if exists('g:loaded_VCSCommand')
+  call VCSCommandRegisterModule('CVS', expand('<sfile>'), s:cvsFunctions, s:cvsExtensionMappings)
+  augroup VCSCommand
+    au User VCSLoadExtensions call VCSCommandRegisterModule('CVS', expand('<sfile>'), s:cvsFunctions, s:cvsExtensionMappings)
+  augroup END

Added: trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/plugin/vcssvn.vim
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-vim/trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/plugin/vcssvn.vim?rev=743&op=file
--- trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/plugin/vcssvn.vim (added)
+++ trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/plugin/vcssvn.vim Tue Aug 22 18:24:29 2006
@@ -1,0 +1,274 @@
+" vim600: set foldmethod=marker:
+" SVN extension for VCSCommand.
+" Last Change:
+" Version:       VCS development
+" Maintainer:    Bob Hiestand <bob.hiestand at gmail.com>
+" License:       This file is placed in the public domain.
+" Section: Documentation {{{1
+" Command documentation {{{2
+" The following command only applies to files under SVN source control.
+" SVNInfo          Performs "svn info" on the current file.
+" Mapping documentation: {{{2
+" By default, a mapping is defined for each command.  User-provided mappings
+" can be used instead by mapping to <Plug>CommandName, for instance:
+" nnoremap ,si <Plug>SVNInfo
+" The default mappings are as follow:
+"   <Leader>si SVNInfo
+" Options documentation: {{{2
+" VCSCommandSVNExec
+"   This variable specifies the SVN executable.  If not set, it defaults to
+"   'svn' executed from the user's executable path.
+if v:version < 700
+  finish
+" Section: Variable initialization {{{1
+let s:svnFunctions = {}
+" Section: Utility functions {{{1
+" Function: s:DoCommand(cmd, cmdName, statusText) {{{2
+" Wrapper to VCSCommandDoCommand to add the name of the SVN executable to the
+" command argument.
+function! s:DoCommand(cmd, cmdName, statusText)
+  try
+    if VCSCommandGetVCSType(expand('%')) == 'SVN'
+      let fullCmd = VCSCommandGetOption('VCSCommandSVNExec', 'svn') . ' ' . a:cmd
+      return VCSCommandDoCommand(fullCmd, a:cmdName, a:statusText)
+    else
+      throw 'No suitable plugin'
+    endif
+  catch /No suitable plugin/
+    echohl WarningMsg|echomsg 'Cannot apply SVN commands to this file.'|echohl None
+  endtry
+" Section: VCS function implementations {{{1
+" Function: s:svnFunctions.Identify(buffer) {{{2
+function! s:svnFunctions.Identify(buffer)
+  let fileName = resolve(bufname(a:buffer))
+  if isdirectory(fileName)
+    let directory = fileName
+  else
+    let directory = fnamemodify(fileName, ':h')
+  endif
+  if strlen(directory) > 0
+    let svnDir = directory . '/.svn'
+  else
+    let svnDir = '.svn'
+  endif
+  if isdirectory(svnDir)
+    return 1
+  else
+    return 0
+  endif
+" Function: s:svnFunctions.Add() {{{2
+function! s:svnFunctions.Add(argList)
+  return s:DoCommand('add', 'add', '')
+" Function: s:svnFunctions.Annotate(argList) {{{2
+function! s:svnFunctions.Annotate(argList)
+  if len(a:argList) == 0
+    if &filetype == 'SVNAnnotate'
+      " Perform annotation of the version indicated by the current line.
+      let revision = matchstr(getline('.'),'\v^\s+\zs\d+')
+    else
+      let revision=VCSCommandGetRevision()
+      if revision == ''
+        throw 'Unable to obtain version information.'
+      elseif revision == 'Unknown'
+        throw 'File not under source control'
+      elseif revision == 'New'
+        throw 'No annotatation available for new file.'
+      endif
+    endif
+  else
+    let revision=a:argList[0]
+  endif
+  let resultBuffer=s:DoCommand('blame -r' . revision, 'annotate', revision) 
+  if resultBuffer > 0
+    set filetype=SVNAnnotate
+  endif
+  return resultBuffer
+" Function: s:svnFunctions.Commit(argList) {{{2
+function! s:svnFunctions.Commit(argList)
+  let resultBuffer = s:DoCommand('commit -F "' . a:argList[0] . '"', 'commit', '')
+  if resultBuffer == 0
+    echomsg 'No commit needed.'
+  endif
+" Function: s:svnFunctions.Diff(argList) {{{2
+function! s:svnFunctions.Diff(argList)
+  if len(a:argList) == 1
+    let revOptions = ' -r' . a:argList[0]
+    let caption = '(' . a:argList[0] . ' : current)'
+  elseif len(a:argList) == 2
+    let revOptions = ' -r' . a:argList[0] . ':' . a:argList[1]
+    let caption = '(' . a:argList[0] . ' : ' . a:argList[1] . ')'
+  else
+    let revOptions = ''
+    let caption = ''
+  endif
+  let resultBuffer = s:DoCommand('diff' . revOptions , 'diff', caption)
+  if resultBuffer > 0
+    set filetype=diff
+  else
+    echomsg 'No differences found'
+  endif
+  return resultBuffer
+" Function: s:svnFunctions.GetBufferInfo() {{{2
+" Provides version control details for the current file.  Current version
+" number and current repository version number are required to be returned by
+" the vcscommand plugin.
+" Returns: List of results:  [revision, repository, branch]
+function! s:svnFunctions.GetBufferInfo()
+  let originalBuffer=VCSCommandGetOriginalBuffer(bufnr('%'))
+  let fileName=bufname(originalBuffer)
+  let realFileName = fnamemodify(resolve(fileName), ':t')
+  if !filereadable(fileName)
+    return ['Unknown']
+  endif
+  let oldCwd=VCSCommandChangeToCurrentFileDir(fileName)
+  try
+    let statusText=system(VCSCommandGetOption('VCSCommandSVNExec', 'svn') . ' status -vu "' . realFileName . '"')
+    if(v:shell_error)
+      return []
+    endif
+    " File not under SVN control.
+    if statusText =~ '^?'
+      return ['Unknown']
+    endif
+    let [flags, revision, repository] = matchlist(statusText, '^\(.\{8}\)\s\+\(\S\+\)\s\+\(\S\+\)\s\+\(\S\+\)\s')[1:3]
+    if revision == ''
+      " Error
+      return ['Unknown']
+    elseif flags =~ '^A'
+      return ['New', 'New']
+    else
+      return [revision, repository]
+    endif
+  finally
+    execute 'cd' escape(oldCwd, ' ')
+  endtry
+" Function: s:svnFunctions.Lock(argList) {{{2
+function! s:svnFunctions.Lock(argList)
+  return s:DoCommand('lock', 'lock', '')
+" Function: s:svnFunctions.Log() {{{2
+function! s:svnFunctions.Log(argList)
+  if len(a:argList) == 0
+    let versionOption = ''
+    let caption = ''
+  else
+    let versionOption=' -r' . a:argList[0]
+    let caption = a:argList[0]
+  endif
+  let resultBuffer=s:DoCommand('log -v' . versionOption, 'log', caption)
+  return resultBuffer
+" Function: s:svnFunctions.Revert(argList) {{{2
+function! s:svnFunctions.Revert(argList)
+  return s:DoCommand('revert', 'revert', '')
+" Function: s:svnFunctions.Review(argList) {{{2
+function! s:svnFunctions.Review(argList)
+  if len(a:argList) == 0
+    let versiontag = '(current)'
+    let versionOption = ''
+  else
+    let versiontag = a:argList[0]
+    let versionOption = ' -r ' . versiontag . ' '
+  endif
+  let resultBuffer = s:DoCommand('cat' . versionOption, 'review', versiontag)
+  if resultBuffer > 0
+    let &filetype=getbufvar(b:VCSCommandOriginalBuffer, '&filetype')
+  endif
+  return resultBuffer
+" Function: s:svnFunctions.Status(argList) {{{2
+function! s:svnFunctions.Status(argList)
+  return s:DoCommand('status -u -v', 'status', '')
+" Function: s:svnFunctions.Unlock(argList) {{{2
+function! s:svnFunctions.Unlock(argList)
+  return s:DoCommand('unlock', 'unlock', '')
+" Function: s:svnFunctions.Update(argList) {{{2
+function! s:svnFunctions.Update(argList)
+  return s:DoCommand('update', 'update', '')
+" Section: SVN-specific functions {{{1
+" Function: s:SVNInfo() {{{2
+function! s:SVNInfo()
+  return s:DoCommand('info', 'svninfo', '')
+" Section: Command definitions {{{1
+" Section: Primary commands {{{2
+com! SVNInfo call s:SVNInfo()
+" Section: Plugin command mappings {{{1
+let s:svnExtensionMappings = {}
+let mappingInfo = [['SVNInfo', 'SVNInfo', 'ci']]
+for [pluginName, commandText, shortCut] in mappingInfo
+  execute 'nnoremap <silent> <Plug>' . pluginName . ' :' . commandText . '<CR>'
+  if !hasmapto('<Plug>' . pluginName)
+    let s:svnExtensionMappings[shortCut] = commandText
+  endif
+" Section: Menu items {{{1
+amenu <silent> &Plugin.VCS.SVN.&Info       <Plug>SVNInfo
+" Section: Plugin Registration {{{1
+" If the vcscommand.vim plugin hasn't loaded, delay registration until it
+" loads.
+if exists('g:loaded_VCSCommand')
+  call VCSCommandRegisterModule('SVN', expand('<sfile>'), s:svnFunctions, s:svnExtensionMappings)
+  augroup VCSCommand
+    au User VCSLoadExtensions call VCSCommandRegisterModule('SVN', expand('<sfile>'), s:svnFunctions, s:svnExtensionMappings)
+  augroup END

Modified: trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/syntax/CVSAnnotate.vim
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-vim/trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/syntax/CVSAnnotate.vim?rev=743&op=diff
--- trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/syntax/CVSAnnotate.vim (original)
+++ trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/syntax/CVSAnnotate.vim Tue Aug 22 18:24:29 2006
@@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
-" $Id: CVSAnnotate.vim,v 1.5 2002/10/01 21:34:02 rhiestan Exp $
 " Vim syntax file
 " Language:	CVS annotate output
-" Maintainer:	Bob Hiestand <bob at hiestandfamily.org>
-" Last Change:	$Date: 2002/10/01 21:34:02 $
+" Maintainer:	Bob Hiestand <bob.hiestand at gmail.com>
+" Last Change:	2006/03/06
 " Remark:	Used by the cvscommand plugin.  Originally written by Mathieu
 " Clabaut
 if version < 600

Added: trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/syntax/SVNAnnotate.vim
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-vim/trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/syntax/SVNAnnotate.vim?rev=743&op=file
--- trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/syntax/SVNAnnotate.vim (added)
+++ trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/syntax/SVNAnnotate.vim Tue Aug 22 18:24:29 2006
@@ -1,0 +1,20 @@
+" Vim syntax file
+" Language:	SVN annotate output
+" Maintainer:	Bob Hiestand <bob.hiestand at gmail.com>
+" Last Change:	2006/05/31
+" Remark:	Used by the vcscommand plugin.
+if exists("b:current_syntax")
+  finish
+syn match svnName /\S\+/ contained
+syn match svnVer /^\s\+\d\+/ contained nextgroup=svnName skipwhite
+syn match svnHead /^\s\+\d\+\s\+\S\+/ contains=svnVer,svnName
+if !exists("did_svnannotate_syntax_inits")
+  let did_svnannotate_syntax_inits = 1
+  hi link svnName Type
+  hi link svnVer Statement
+let b:current_syntax="svnAnnotate"

Added: trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/syntax/vcscommit.vim
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-vim/trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/syntax/vcscommit.vim?rev=743&op=file
--- trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/syntax/vcscommit.vim (added)
+++ trunk/packages/vim-scripts/vim-scripts-7/syntax/vcscommit.vim Tue Aug 22 18:24:29 2006
@@ -1,0 +1,14 @@
+" Vim syntax file
+" Language:	VCS commit file
+" Maintainer:	Bob Hiestand (bob.hiestand at gmail.com)
+" URL:		http://www.zotikos.com/downloads/cvs.vim
+" TODO:  Fix URL and last change
+" Last Change:	Sat Nov 24 23:25:11 CET 2001
+if exists("b:current_syntax")
+  finish
+syntax region vcsComment start="^VCS: " end="$"
+highlight link vcsComment Comment
+let b:current_syntax = "vcscommit"

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