patches for muttrc.vim

Preben 'Peppe' Guldberg peppe at
Thu Mar 30 20:44:48 UTC 2006

Hi there.

Gary Johnson wrote:
> On 2006-03-25, Stefano Zacchiroli <zack at> wrote:
> > Attached you can find a couple of patches for the muttrc syntax support
> > of vim. They have been applied in the Debian package of vim for quite a
> > while now.

At a glance they look like updates for the developer version of mutt.
Correct? I must admit to having rejected these in the past, looking to
support the genreally released versions of programs.

Still, it looks like mutt 1.5 is getting wide spread, so perhaps I
should just include everything for both versions.

> > They just adds support for highlighting some new keywords there were not
> > formerly highlighted.

I'll check the mutt sources for other changes that falls into line with
the current syntax file.

> > Could you please consider including them in the official release of
> > muttrc.vim so that Bram can include them before the release of vim 7?

I should find time to go over this on the weekend. I'll drop you a note.

> However, I 
> have not seen any postings from Peppe lately on the Usenet, so he 
> may be in a situation where he is unable to maintain this file at 
> least for the present.

Yeah - other things have kept me off usenet and mailing lists for some
time now. I always hope to find more time for these things.

> I would like to propose that we wait a week or so for a reply from 
> Peppe.  If we have not heard from him by then, I will go ahead and 
> submit these changes.

Thanks for keeping an eye on things.

> I do not want to wait too long because, as 
> you say, we should do this before the release of Vim 7.

Is vim 7 coming already? I've lost track here.

I'll let you know the result of the weekends work,

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