r1253 - in /trunk/packages/vim-scripts: debian/changelog debian/vim-scripts.status doc/snippets_emu.txt html/index.html html/plugin_snippetsEmu.vim.html plugin/snippetsEmu.vim

jamessan at users.alioth.debian.org jamessan at users.alioth.debian.org
Sun Apr 20 14:43:52 UTC 2008

Author: jamessan
Date: Sun Apr 20 14:43:52 2008
New Revision: 1253

URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-vim/?sc=1&rev=1253
  - snippetsEmu: Emulate TextMate's snippet expansion. (Closes: #473744)


Modified: trunk/packages/vim-scripts/debian/changelog
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-vim/trunk/packages/vim-scripts/debian/changelog?rev=1253&op=diff
--- trunk/packages/vim-scripts/debian/changelog (original)
+++ trunk/packages/vim-scripts/debian/changelog Sun Apr 20 14:43:52 2008
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
       Commentify, vcscommand, calendar.
   * New addons:
     - DetectIndent: Automatically detect indent settings. (Closes: #471890)
+    - snippetsEmu: Emulate TextMate's snippet expansion. (Closes: #473744)
   * Added patches:
     - patches/disabledby-xml.dpatch:
       + Do not let loaded_xml_ftplugin since that will prevent the ftplugin

Modified: trunk/packages/vim-scripts/debian/vim-scripts.status
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-vim/trunk/packages/vim-scripts/debian/vim-scripts.status?rev=1253&op=diff
--- trunk/packages/vim-scripts/debian/vim-scripts.status (original)
+++ trunk/packages/vim-scripts/debian/vim-scripts.status Sun Apr 20 14:43:52 2008
@@ -318,7 +318,7 @@
 author_url:  http://vim.sourceforge.net/account/profile.php?user_id=9429
 email:       fromtonrouge at gmail.com
 license:     no license
-extras:	     after/ftplugin/cpp.vim, after/ftplugin/c.vim, doc/omnicppcomplete.txt, autoload/omni/cpp/includes.vim, autoload/omni/cpp/tokenizer.vim, autoload/omni/cpp/maycomplete.vim, autoload/omni/cpp/namespaces.vim, autoload/omni/cpp/settings.vim, autoload/omni/cpp/utils.vim, autoload/omni/cpp/items.vim, autoload/omni/common/debug.vim, autoload/omni/common/utils.vim
+extras:      after/ftplugin/cpp.vim, after/ftplugin/c.vim, doc/omnicppcomplete.txt, autoload/omni/cpp/includes.vim, autoload/omni/cpp/tokenizer.vim, autoload/omni/cpp/maycomplete.vim, autoload/omni/cpp/namespaces.vim, autoload/omni/cpp/settings.vim, autoload/omni/cpp/utils.vim, autoload/omni/cpp/items.vim, autoload/omni/common/debug.vim, autoload/omni/common/utils.vim
 disabledby:  let loaded_omnicppcomplete = 1
 version:     0.41
@@ -340,7 +340,7 @@
 author:      Stefano Zacchiroli
 author_url:  http://www.vim.org/account/profile.php?user_id=6957
 email:       zack at bononia.it
-license:     GNU GPL, see /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-3
+license:     GNU GPL, see /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL
 disabledby:  let loaded_lbdbq = 1
 version:     0.3
@@ -398,6 +398,18 @@
 email:       ciaran.mccreesh at googlemail.com
 license:     Vim's license [4], see below
 version:     1.0
+script_name: plugin/snippetsEmu.vim
+addon:       snippetsEmu
+description: emulate TextMate's snippet expansion
+script_url:  http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=1318
+author:      Felix Ingram
+author_url:  http://www.vim.org/account/profile.php?user_id=8005
+email:       F.ingram.lists at gmail.com
+license:     GNU GPL, see /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-2
+extras:      doc/snippets_emu.txt
+disabledby:  let loaded_snippet = 1
+version:     1.2.3

Added: trunk/packages/vim-scripts/doc/snippets_emu.txt
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-vim/trunk/packages/vim-scripts/doc/snippets_emu.txt?rev=1253&op=file
--- trunk/packages/vim-scripts/doc/snippets_emu.txt (added)
+++ trunk/packages/vim-scripts/doc/snippets_emu.txt Sun Apr 20 14:43:52 2008
@@ -1,0 +1,354 @@
+*snippets_emu.txt*  For Vim version 7.0. Last change: 2006 Dec 26
+		  VIM REFERENCE MANUAL    by Panos Laganakos and Felix Ingram
+1. SnippetsEmu Features                         |snippets_emu-features|
+        Basic Snippets                              |basic-snippet|
+        Named Tags                                  |named-tags|
+        Tag Commands                                |snippet-commands|
+        Buffer Specific Snippets                    |snip-buffer-specific|
+        Filetype Specific Snippets                  |snip-ftplugin|
+        Snippets menu                               |snip-menu|
+2. SnippetsEmu Options                          |snippets_emu-options|
+        Start and End Tags                          |snip-start-end-tags|
+        Element Delimiter                           |snip-start-end-tags|
+        Remapping the default jump key              |snip-remap-key|
+3. Detailed Explanations                        |snip-detailed-explanations|
+        Valid Tag Names                             |snip-tag-name-syntax|
+        Advanced Tag Command Examples               |snip-advanced-tag-commands|
+4. SnippetsEmu Contact Details                  |snip-contact-details|
+5. Contributors                                 |snip-contributors|
+6. SnippetsEmu Known Bugs                       |snippets_emu-bugs|
+7. Troubleshooting                              |snippets_emu-troubleshooting|
+{Vi does not have any of these features}
+SNIPPETSEMU FEATURES					*snippets_emu-features*
+SnippetsEmu attempts to emulate several of the snippets features of the OS X
+editor TextMate, in particular the variable bouncing and replacement behaviour.
+Simple usage is built up around the following functionality:
+	Basic Snippet					|basic-snippet|
+	Named Tags					|named-tags|
+	Executable Snippet				|snippet-commands|
+        Buffer Specific Snippets                        |snip-buffer-specific|
+                                                               *basic-snippet*
+                                                               *:Snippet*
+Basic Snippet ~
+A basic snippet can save you a lot of typing. Define a word trigger and on
+insertion it will be expanded to the full snippet. SnippetsEmu allows the
+user to define markers within the larger piece of text which will be used
+to place the cursor upon expansion.
+The command used to define a snippet is 'Snippet'.
+Basic Syntax: >
+	:Snippet trigger_name The cursor will be placed here: <{}> Trailing text
+In insert mode typing 'trigger_name<Tab>' will remove 'trigger_name' and
+replace it with the text: 'The cursor will be placed here:  Trailing text'.
+The cursor will be placed between the two spaces before the word 'Trailing'
+NOTE: All text should be entered on the same command line. The formatting of
+this document may mean that examples are wrapped but they should all be
+entered on a single line.
+                                                                  *named-tags*
+Named tags ~
+Instead of the simple '<{}>' tags used for cursor placement a user can define
+named tags. When the value of a named tag is changed then all other tags with
+that name will be changed to the same value.
+E.g. >
+    :Snippet trigger My name is <{forename}> <{surname}>. Call me <{forename}>.
+In insert mode typing 'trigger<Tab>' will place the cursor inside the
+'<{forename}>' tag. Whatever is entered inside the tag will replace the other
+similarly named tag at the end of the line after the user presses 'Tab'.
+If no value is entered for a named tag then the tag's name will be used
+instead. This is one way of defining default values.
+Using the above example, entering 'trigger<Tab>' and pressing 'Tab' twice
+will result in the following text: >
+    My name is forename surname. Please call me forename.
+The rules for what constitutes a valid tag name are explained below. See
+                                                            *snippet-commands*
+Tag commands ~
+Tags can contain commands. Commands can be any Vim function, including user
+defined functions.
+A common example is performing substitutions.
+E.g. >
+    :Snippet trigger My name is <{name}>.  I SAID: MY NAME IS
+    <{name:substitute(@z,'.','\u&','g')}>!
+The value entered in the <{name}> tag will be passed to the command in the
+second <{name}> tag in the @z register (any value already in @z will be
+preserved and restored). The substitute command will change the entered value
+to be in upper case. I.e. Entering 'trigger<Tab>' and typing 'Tycho<Tab>'
+will result in the following text: >
+    My name is Tycho. I SAID: MY NAME IS TYCHO!
+                                                           *snip-special-vars*
+There is a set of special variables which can be included in snippets. These
+will be replaced before the snippet's text is inserted into the buffer. The
+list of available variables is detailed below:
+ * SNIP_FILE_NAME - The current file name (from 'expand("%")')
+ * SNIP_ISO_DATE - The current date in YYYY-MM-DD format.
+                                                       *snip-snippet-commands*
+In addition to tag commands it is also possible to define commands which will
+be executed before the snippet is inserted into the buffer. These are defined
+within double backticks. 
+    :Snippet date The current date is ``strftime("%c")``
+Commands are standard Vim commands and will be 'exec'uted and the command
+output substituted into the text.
+                                                        *snip-buffer-specific*
+Buffer Specific Snippets ~
+The Snippet command defines buffer specific snippets. This is the recommended
+option when using filetype specific snippets. It is possible to define
+'global' snippets which will act across all buffers. These can be defined
+using the legacy 'Iabbr' command (note the capital 'I'). 
+E.g. >
+    Iabbr for for <{var}> in <{list}>:<CR><{}>
+                                                               *snip-ftplugin*
+The preferred practice for defining filetype specific snippets is to include 
+them in files named <filetype>_snippets.vim and for these files to be placed in the
+~/.vim/after/ftplugin directory (or vimfiles\after\ftplugin under Windows).
+When a file of a specific type is loaded so will all of the defined snippets.
+The 'after' directory is used to ensure that the plugin has been loaded. It is
+also recommended that the following is included at the top of the file: >
+    if !exists('loaded_snippet') || &cp
+        finish
+    endif
+This will stop errors being generated if the plugin has not loaded for any
+Users wishing to add their own filetype snippets should add them to a separate
+file to ensure they are not lost when upgrading the plugin. Naming the files
+<filetype>_mysnippets.vim or similar is the preferred practice.
+                                                                   *snip-menu*
+When loading the plugin will search for all files named '*_snippets.vim'.
+These will be added to the 'Snippets' menu which is available in Normal mode.
+Selecting options from the menu will source the file and hence load any
+snippets defined within it.
+                                           *creating-snippets* *CreateSnippet*
+               The CreateSnippet command allows the simple creation of
+               snippets for use within your own file. Without a range the
+               current line will be used. When passed a range then all the
+               lines in the range will be converted for use in a command.
+               Snippets created by the command will be added to a scratch
+               buffer called 'Snippets'. The current value of an empty tag
+               (snip_start_tag.snip_end_tag, '<{}>' by default) will be added
+               to the unnamed register and so can be inserted with appropriate
+               paste commands.
+                                                         *CreateBundleSnippet*
+               CreateBundleSnippet works exactly like CreateSnippet but the
+               resulting text will be suitable for including in one of the
+               included bundles. The unnamed register will include the text
+               '"st.et."' so start and end tag agnostic empty tags can be
+               included.
+SNIPPETSEMU OPTIONS                                     *snippets_emu-options*
+                                                         *snip-start-end-tags*
+Start and End Tags ~
+By default the start and end tags are set to be '<{' and '}>'. These can be
+changed by setting the following variables in vimrc: >
+    g:snip_start_tag
+    g:snip_end_tag
+They can be also changed for a specific buffer by setting the following: >
+    b:snip_start_tag
+    b:snip_end_tag
+                                                         *snip-elem-delimiter*
+Element Delimiter ~
+The value of snip_elem_delim is used to separate a tag's name and its command.
+By default it is set to ':' but can be set as above either globally or for a
+specific buffer using the following variables: >
+    g:snip_elem_delim
+    b:snip_elem_delim
+                                                              *snip-remap-key*
+Remapping the default jump key ~
+The trigger key is mapped to Tab by default. Some people may wish to remap
+this if it causes conflicts with other plugins. The key can be set in your
+<.vimrc> by setting the 'g:snippetsEmu_key' variable.
+An example
+    let g:snippetsEmu_key = "<S-Tab>"
+Snippets will now be triggered by Shift-Tab rather than just Tab. NB, this
+example may not work in all terminals as some trap Shift-Tab before it gets
+to Vim.
+DETAILED EXPLANATIONS                             *snip-detailed-explanations*
+                                                        *snip-tag-name-syntax*
+Valid Tag Names ~
+Tag names cannot contain whitespace unless they are enclosed in quotes.
+Valid Examples: >
+    <{validName}>
+    <{"valid name"}>
+    <{tagName:command}>
+    <{"Tag Name":command}>
+Invalid Examples: >
+    <{invalid name}>
+    <{Tag Name:command}>
+    <{:command}>
+                                                  *snip-advanced-tag-commands*
+Advanced Tag Command Examples ~
+Commands in tags can be as complex as desired. Readability is the main
+limitation as the command will be placed in the document before execution.
+The preferred method for defining complex commands is to hide the
+functionality in a user function.
+    function! Count(haystack, needle)
+        let counter = 0
+        let index = match(a:haystack, a:needle)
+        while index > -1
+            let counter = counter + 1
+            let index = match(a:haystack, a:needle, index+1)
+        endwhile
+        return counter
+    endfunction
+    function! PyArgList(count)
+        if a:count == 0
+            return "(,)"
+        else
+            return '('.repeat('<{}>, ', a:count).')'
+        endif
+    endfunction
+    Snippet pf print "<{s}>" % <{s:PyArgList(Count(@z, '%[^%]'))}><CR><{}>
+The above snippet will expand 'pf' to 'print "<{s}>" ...'. The user then
+enters a format string. Once the string is entered the Count and PyArgList
+functions are used to generate a number of empty tags.
+                                                            *snip-limitations*
+The above represents once of the limitations of the plugin. Due to the way
+tags are identified it is not possible to include empty tags in another tag's
+command. The only way to generate empty tags is to return them from a function
+as in the above example. For other examples see the included bundles.
+                                                                *snip-bundles*
+The included bundles are not defined in the 'preferred style'. In order to
+accommodate users who wish to redefine the default tags all snippet
+definitions are 'executed' with the 'exec' command.
+    exec "Snippet test This isn't the right way to ".st.et." define snippets"
+Executing the command allows 'st' and 'et' to be used in place of start and
+end tags. 'st' and 'et' are defined elsewhere in the bundle file.
+SNIPPETSEMU CONTACT DETAILS                             *snip-contact-details*
+To contact the author please email:
+F <dot> Ingram <dot> lists <at> gmail <dot> com
+The author welcomes corrections to this documentation, example snippets and
+bug reports.
+The plugin is also currently hosted at Google Code:
+    http://code.google.com/p/snippetsemu
+Bug reports can also be posted on the hosting site:
+    http://code.google.com/p/snippetsemu/issues/list
+                                                           *snip-contributors*
+Contributors to SnippetsEmu ~
+Ori Avtalion - Improvements to Snippet command
+Freddy Vulto - Improved behaviour
+Andy Block - Bug with commands on same line. This is why I should do better
+test suites.
+bzklrm - Removal of some normal commands
+Priit Tamboom - Sorting out left and right mappings
+Panos Laganakos - Greek translation (coming soon)
+Panos Laganakos - Python snippets
+Alex Pounds - Django snippets
+Chris Lasher - Python snippets
+knipknap - Python snippets
+James Widman - C snippets
+SNIPPETSEMU KNOWN BUGS                  		   *snippets_emu-bugs*
+Bugs are currently tracked on Google Code. Please post any you find on the
+issue tracker:
+    http://code.google.com/p/snippetsemu/issues/list
+SNIPPETSEMU TROUBLESHOOTING                     *snippets_emu-troubleshooting*
+Problem:    Bundles are not loading.
+Answer:     Ensure that you have filetype plugins turned on. Include the
+            following in your vimrc: >
+                filetype plugin on

Modified: trunk/packages/vim-scripts/html/index.html
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-vim/trunk/packages/vim-scripts/html/index.html?rev=1253&op=diff
--- trunk/packages/vim-scripts/html/index.html (original)
+++ trunk/packages/vim-scripts/html/index.html Sun Apr 20 14:43:52 2008
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
    <li><a href="plugin_lbdbq.vim.html">plugin/lbdbq.vim.html</a></li>
    <li><a href="plugin_minibufexpl.vim.html">plugin/minibufexpl.vim.html</a></li>
    <li><a href="plugin_project.vim.html">plugin/project.vim.html</a></li>
+   <li><a href="plugin_snippetsEmu.vim.html">plugin/snippetsEmu.vim.html</a></li>
    <li><a href="plugin_sokoban.vim.html">plugin/sokoban.vim.html</a></li>
    <li><a href="plugin_supertab.vim.html">plugin/supertab.vim.html</a></li>
    <li><a href="plugin_surround.vim.html">plugin/surround.vim.html</a></li>
@@ -49,7 +50,7 @@
    <li><a href="syntax_mkd.vim.html">syntax/mkd.vim.html</a></li>
-  Page generated on Tue, 08 Apr 2008 17:12:45 -0400
+  Page generated on Sun, 20 Apr 2008 10:43:03 -0400

Added: trunk/packages/vim-scripts/html/plugin_snippetsEmu.vim.html
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-vim/trunk/packages/vim-scripts/html/plugin_snippetsEmu.vim.html?rev=1253&op=file
--- trunk/packages/vim-scripts/html/plugin_snippetsEmu.vim.html (added)
+++ trunk/packages/vim-scripts/html/plugin_snippetsEmu.vim.html Sun Apr 20 14:43:52 2008
@@ -1,0 +1,504 @@
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+<span class="txth1">snippetsEmu : An attempt to emulate TextMate's snippet expansion</span> 
+<!-- karma table -->
+<table cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" border="1" bordercolor="#000066">
+  <td class="lightbg"><b>&nbsp;script karma&nbsp;</b></td>
+  <td>
+    Rating <b>1043/297</b>,
+    Downloaded by 8465  </td>
+<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
+<tr><td class="prompt">created by</td></tr>
+<tr><td><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=8005">Felix Ingram</a></td></tr>
+<tr><td class="prompt">script type</td></tr>
+<tr><td class="prompt">description</td></tr>
+<tr><td>***** IMPORTANT *****
<br>The plugin has now been split into two separate vimballs. The plugin itself and the bundles. This was done because bundles were updated a lot more often than the plugin itself.
<br>Previous users of the plugin should delete the old file when upgrading to 1.0. The name of the file changed in 0.6 and so you'll end up with two versions when unpacking the file. Remove the old version &quot;snippetEmu.vim&quot; from the plugin directory. The new version is called &quot;snippetsEmu.vim&quot;. Note the extra 's'
<br>Homepage: <a target="_blank" href="http://slipperysnippets.blogspot.com/">http://slipperysnippets.blogspot.com/</A>
<br>Issue tracker: <a target="_blank" href="http://code.google.com/p/snippetsemu/issues/list">http://code.google.com/p/snippetsemu/issues/list</A>
<br>Please email me bugs or create them in the issue tracker.
<br>This file contains some simple functions that attempt to emulate some of the behaviour of 'Snippets' from the OS X editor TextMate, in particular the variable bouncing and replacement behaviour.
<br>Install the plugin, start a new perl file (as an example) and type the following in insert mode:
<br>You'll see the text expand and the jumping in action. Try the same again but this time type a new value for 'var' once it is selected. I.e.
<br>Notice how all the 'var's are replaced with 'test'.
<br>Check out the bundles and the docs for more examples of what can be done.
<br>If you have any questions, suggestions, problems or criticisms about the plugin then please, please email me and I will do the best to help.</td></tr>
+<tr><td class="prompt">install details</td></tr>
+<tr><td>Firstly create an 'after/ftplugin' directory in your vim home (e.g. ~/.vim/after/ftplugin under unix or vimfiles/after/ftplugin under Windows). This is required as Vimball sometimes does not create it for some reason.
<br>Download the plugin vimball (and the bundle vimball if you would like the default snippets).
<br>Now open the Vimball(s) with Vim and follow the instructions (source the vimball to install everything). Vimball should create the help tags. Do a :helptags on your doc directory if it hasn't.
+<!-- rating table -->
+<form name="rating">
+<input type="hidden" name="script_id" value="1318">
+<table cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" border="1" bordercolor="#000066">
+  <td class="lightbg"><b>rate this script</b></td>
+  <td valign="middle">
+    <input type="radio" name="rating" value="life_changing">Life Changing
+    <input type="radio" name="rating" value="helpful">Helpful
+    <input type="radio" name="rating" value="unfulfilling">Unfulfilling&nbsp;
+    <input type="submit" value="rate">
+  </td>
+<span class="txth2">script versions</span> (<a href="add_script_version.php?script_id=1318">upload new version</a>)
+Click on the package to download.
+<table cellspacing="2" cellpadding="4" border="0" width="100%">
+<tr class='tableheader'>
+        <th valign="top">package</th>
+    <th valign="top">script version</th>
+    <th valign="top">date</th>
+    <th valign="top">Vim version</th>
+    <th valign="top">user</th>
+    <th valign="top">release notes</th>
+        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=8450">snippy_plugin.vba</a></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.2.3</b></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2008-03-13</i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>7.0</td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=8005">Felix Ingram</a></i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Fixed jumping bug which caused problems with tags between two named tags being missed out. (really, really uploaded new version)</td>
+        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=8443">snippy_bundles.vba</a></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.2</b></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2008-03-13</i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>7.0</td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=8005">Felix Ingram</a></i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Small fix to php bundle. 'php' trigger is now 'phpp'. Previous version could too easily cause conflicts when using the 'incl' snippet.</td>
+        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=8386">snippy_bundles.vba</a></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.1</b></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2008-03-03</i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>7.0</td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=8005">Felix Ingram</a></i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Updates to the C and HTML bundles</td>
+        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=8348">snippy_bundles.vba</a></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.0</b></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2008-02-25</i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>7.0</td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=8005">Felix Ingram</a></i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Filetype plugins for snippetsEmu</td>
+        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=8347">snippy_plugin.vba</a></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.2.2</b></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2008-02-25</i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>7.0</td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=8005">Felix Ingram</a></i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Bug fix to plugin. Annoying window jumping sorted out. Bundles are now in a separate vimball.</td>
+        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=7735">snippetsemu1.2.1.vba</a></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.2.1</b></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2007-09-30</i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>7.0</td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=8005">Felix Ingram</a></i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">VBA file now has unix fileformat, so things should be working better. Vimball has also added fold markers, which aren't backwards compatible, so I've removed them as well.</td>
+        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=7732">snippetsemu1.2.vba</a></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.2</b></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2007-09-30</i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>7.0</td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=8005">Felix Ingram</a></i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Finally released new version. Big change: No more messing with iskeyword. Other stuff - Commands with autocomplete, new commands for creating snippets, updated bundles. Be sure to read the docs to see what's available.</td>
+        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=6951">snippetsemu1_1.vba</a></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.1</b></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2007-04-05</i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>7.0</td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=8005">Felix Ingram</a></i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">New version contains several bug fixes, reverts start and end tags to more 'friendly' settings and tries to address indenting issues. Snippets must now define their own 'local' indenting. Make sure you create the after/ftplugin directories as described in the installation instructions.</td>
+        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=6561">SnippetsEmu_1.0.1.vba</a></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.0.1</b></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2006-12-29</i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>7.0</td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=8005">Felix Ingram</a></i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Even more super 1.0.1 version with Unix line endings on the Vimball so things install properly on *nix.</td>
+        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=6558">SnippetsEmu_1.0.vba</a></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.0</b></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2006-12-28</i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>7.0</td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=8005">Felix Ingram</a></i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Super new 1.0 version with many new features and improvements. New bundles also included.</td>
+        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=6477">snippetsEmu0.6.1.vba</a></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>0.6.1</b></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2006-11-28</i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>7.0</td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=8005">Felix Ingram</a></i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Quick fix changes the line endings for the VBA to UNIX which should hopefully stop some problems people are having</td>
+        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=6468">snippetsEmu0.6.vba</a></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>0.6</b></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2006-11-25</i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>7.0</td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=8005">Felix Ingram</a></i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Bugs fixes as per usual but this new version includes a set of snippets bundles for use with various filetypes. Plugin is now a VimBall so everything is in one file.</td>
+        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=6108">snippetEmu0.5.6.vim</a></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>0.5.6</b></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2006-08-29</i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>7.0</td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=8005">Felix Ingram</a></i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Fixed several bugs from the last version including random bug which prevented snippets from starting with 's'.</td>
+        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=6068">snippetEmu0.5.5.vim</a></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>0.5.5</b></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2006-08-14</i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>7.0</td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=8005">Felix Ingram</a></i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Fixed various bugs: s:search_str not being defined or being buffer specific and command tag execution not working with two tags on the same line.</td>
+        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=5987">snippetEmu0.5.4.vim</a></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>0.5.4</b></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2006-07-25</i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>7.0</td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=8005">Felix Ingram</a></i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">TextMate compatibile mode now works under linux.</td>
+        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=5944">snippetEmu0.5.3.vim</a></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>0.5.3</b></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2006-07-12</i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>7.0</td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=8005">Felix Ingram</a></i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Bug fixes. Things are a lot better behaved. Edge cases should (should) work a lot better now. Highly recommended upgrade.</td>
+        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=5916">snippetEmu0.5.2.vim</a></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>0.5.2</b></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2006-07-04</i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>7.0</td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=8005">Felix Ingram</a></i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Minor bug fix. Textmate compatible mode did not allow quotes in expansions. Fixed</td>
+        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=5912">snippetEmu0.5.1.vim</a></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>0.5.1</b></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2006-07-03</i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>7.0</td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=8005">Felix Ingram</a></i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">This new version adds some bug fixes to the last release and adds the new functionality of being able to define multicharacter start and end tags. It is now easier to define tags which work across multiple languages.</td>
+        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=5907">snippetEmu0.5.0.vim</a></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>0.5.0</b></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2006-07-01</i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>7.0</td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=8005">Felix Ingram</a></i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">This new version adds TextMate style expansions: snippets are not expanded automatically. The user must press Tab for a snippet to be expanded. Tabbing will jump between tags or insert a &lt;Tab&gt; if no tags are active. 
<br>The tag syntax has changed. Default values are not supported anymore: use the tag's name instead. Commands can now be added in the first tag and unnamed tags can include commands. 
<br>This is a test release: please send bug reports.</td>
+        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=4977">snippetEmu.vim</a></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>0.3.6</b></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2006-01-16</i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=8005">Felix Ingram</a></i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Minor bug fix.&nbsp;&nbsp;Replacement values modified by commands would be passed to future commands in their modified form, rather than with the original replacement value.</td>
+        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=4969">snippetEmu.vim</a></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>0.3.5</b></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2006-01-14</i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=8005">Felix Ingram</a></i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Fundamental change to the way the new commands feature works.&nbsp;&nbsp;The command is now 'executed' and the result placed in the variable @z.&nbsp;&nbsp;The intention is for the command to be a function call rather than a standard command.&nbsp;&nbsp;I.e. using substitute() rather than :s///.&nbsp;&nbsp;The value to be replaced is available to the function in @z (previous values of the variable are kept and restored once the command has been executed).&nbsp;&nbsp;See the updated docs for examples.</td>
+        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=4962">snippetEmu.vim</a></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>0.3.1</b></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2006-01-12</i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=8005">Felix Ingram</a></i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Bug fix - Non-greedy matching is now done on the command searching.</td>
+        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=4959">snippetEmu.vim</a></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>0.3</b></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2006-01-11</i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=8005">Felix Ingram</a></i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">New version allows commands to be included in named tags.&nbsp;&nbsp;Experimental version - does not appear to break older functionality, however.</td>
+        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=4947">snippetEmu.vim</a></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>0.2.5</b></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2006-01-05</i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=8005">Felix Ingram</a></i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Tag delimiters can now be set with autocommands to allow for different filetypes.&nbsp;&nbsp;I.e. '&lt;' and '&gt;' for programming and '@' for HTML.</td>
+        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=4946">snippetEmu.vim</a></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>0.2.4</b></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2006-01-05</i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=8005">Felix Ingram</a></i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Fixed a bug where certain tags were not recognised</td>
+        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=4940">snippetEmu.vim</a></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>0.2.3</b></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2006-01-04</i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=8005">Felix Ingram</a></i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Now works with autoindenting</td>
+        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=4480">snippetEmu.vim</a></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>0.2.2</b></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2005-08-09</i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=8005">Felix Ingram</a></i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Better behaved.&nbsp;&nbsp;Couple of bug fixes.</td>
+        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=4479">snippetEmu.vim</a></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>0.2.1</b></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2005-08-09</i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=8005">Felix Ingram</a></i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Added check for the default key combo so that the user's settings aren't clobbered.</td>
+        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=4471">snippetEmu.vim</a></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>0.2</b></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2005-08-08</i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=8005">Felix Ingram</a></i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">I've given this a full point release as it's a major rewrite.&nbsp;&nbsp;Start and end tags can now be defined and default values can also be used.</td>
+        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=4444">snippetEmu.vim</a></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>0.1</b></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2005-07-26</i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=8005">Felix Ingram</a></i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Initial upload</td>
+<!-- finish off the framework -->
+          </td>
+        </tr>
+      </table>
+    </td>
+  </tr>
+<table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" bordercolor="red">
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+  <tr><td colspan="4"><img src="/images/spacer.gif" width="1" height="5" alt=""></td></tr>
+  <tr>
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+    <td align="left" valign="top"><small>
+      If you have questions or remarks about this site, visit the
+      <a href="http://vimonline.sf.net">vimonline development</a> pages.
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Added: trunk/packages/vim-scripts/plugin/snippetsEmu.vim
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-vim/trunk/packages/vim-scripts/plugin/snippetsEmu.vim?rev=1253&op=file
--- trunk/packages/vim-scripts/plugin/snippetsEmu.vim (added)
+++ trunk/packages/vim-scripts/plugin/snippetsEmu.vim Sun Apr 20 14:43:52 2008
@@ -1,0 +1,973 @@
+"        File: snippetsEmu.vim
+"      Author: Felix Ingram
+"              ( f.ingram.lists <AT> gmail.com )
+" Description: An attempt to implement TextMate style Snippets. Features include
+"              automatic cursor placement and command execution.
+" $LastChangedDate$
+" Version:     1.1
+" $Revision$
+" This file contains some simple functions that attempt to emulate some of the 
+" behaviour of 'Snippets' from the OS X editor TextMate, in particular the
+" variable bouncing and replacement behaviour.
+" {{{ USAGE:
+" Place the file in your plugin directory.
+" Define snippets using the Snippet command.
+" Snippets are best defined in the 'after' subdirectory of your Vim home
+" directory ('~/.vim/after' on Unix). Filetype specific snippets can be defined
+" in '~/.vim/after/ftplugin/<filetype>_snippets.vim. Using the <buffer> argument will
+" By default snippets are buffer specific. To define general snippets available
+" globally use the 'Iabbr' command.
+" Example One:
+" Snippet fori for <{datum}> in <{data}>:<CR><{datum}>.<{}>
+" The above will expand to the following (indenting may differ):
+" for <{datum}> in <{data}>:
+"   <{datum}>.<{}>
+" The cursor will be placed after the first '<{' in insert mode.
+" Pressing <Tab> will 'tab' to the next place marker (<{data}>) in
+" insert mode.  Adding text between <{ and }> and then hitting <{Tab}> will
+" remove the angle brackets and replace all markers with a similar identifier.
+" Example Two:
+" With the cursor at the pipe, hitting <Tab> will replace:
+" for <{MyVariableName|datum}> in <{data}>:
+"   <{datum}>.<{}>
+" with (the pipe shows the cursor placement):
+" for MyVariableName in <{data}>:
+"   MyVariableName.<{}>
+" Enjoy.
+" For more information please see the documentation accompanying this plugin.
+" Additional Features:
+" Commands in tags. Anything after a ':' in a tag will be run with Vim's
+" 'execute' command. The value entered by the user (or the tag name if no change
+" has been made) is passed in the @z register (the original contents of the
+" register are restored once the command has been run).
+" Named Tags. Naming a tag (the <{datum}> tag in the example above) and changing
+" the value will cause all other tags with the same name to be changed to the
+" same value (as illustrated in the above example). Not changing the value and
+" hitting <Tab> will cause the tag's name to be used as the default value.
+" Test tags for pattern matching:
+" The following are examples of valid and invalid tags. Whitespace can only be
+" used in a tag name if the name is enclosed in quotes.
+" Valid tags
+" <{}>
+" <{tagName}>
+" <{tagName:command}>
+" <{"Tag Name"}>
+" <{"Tag Name":command}>
+" Invalid tags, random text
+" <{:}>
+" <{:command}>
+" <{Tag Name}>
+" <{Tag Name:command}>
+" <{"Tag Name":}>
+" <{Tag }>
+" <{OpenTag
+" Here's our magic search term (assumes '<{',':' and '}>' as our tag delimiters:
+" <{\([^[:punct:] \t]\{-}\|".\{-}"\)\(:[^}>]\{-1,}\)\?}>
+" }}}
+if v:version < 700
+  echomsg "snippetsEmu plugin requires Vim version 7 or later"
+  finish
+if globpath(&rtp, 'plugin/snippetEmu.vim') != ""
+  call confirm("It looks like you've got an old version of snippetsEmu installed. Please delete the file 'snippetEmu.vim' from the plugin directory. Note lack of 's'")
+let s:debug = 0
+let s:Disable = 0
+function! s:Debug(func, text)
+  if exists('s:debug') && s:debug == 1
+    echom "Snippy: ".a:func.": ".a:text
+  endif
+if (exists('loaded_snippet') || &cp) && !s:debug
+  finish
+"call s:Debug("","Started the plugin")
+let loaded_snippet=1
+" {{{ Set up variables
+if !exists("g:snip_start_tag")
+    let g:snip_start_tag = "<{"
+if !exists("g:snip_end_tag")
+    let g:snip_end_tag = "}>"
+if !exists("g:snip_elem_delim")
+    let g:snip_elem_delim = ":"
+if !exists("g:snippetsEmu_key")
+  let g:snippetsEmu_key = "<Tab>"
+"call s:Debug("", "Set variables")
+" }}}
+" {{{ Set up menu
+for def_file in split(globpath(&rtp, "after/ftplugin/*_snippets.vim"), '\n')
+  "call s:Debug("","Adding ".def_file." definitions to menu")
+  let snip = substitute(def_file, '.*[\\/]\(.*\)_snippets.vim', '\1', '')
+  exec "nmenu <silent> S&nippets.".snip." :source ".def_file."<CR>"
+" }}}
+" {{{ Sort out supertab
+function! s:GetSuperTabSNR()
+  let a_sav = @a
+  redir @a
+  exec "silent function"
+  redir END
+  let funclist = @a
+  let @a = a_sav
+  try
+    let func = split(split(matchstr(funclist,'.SNR.\{-}SuperTab(command)'),'\n')[-1])[1]
+    return matchlist(func, '\(.*\)S')[1]
+  catch /E684/
+  endtry
+  return ""
+function! s:SetupSupertab()
+  if !exists('s:supInstalled')
+    let s:supInstalled = 0
+  endif
+  if s:supInstalled == 1 || globpath(&rtp, 'plugin/supertab.vim') != ""
+    "call s:Debug("SetupSupertab", "Supertab installed")
+    let s:SupSNR = s:GetSuperTabSNR()
+    let s:supInstalled = 1
+    if s:SupSNR != ""
+      let s:done_remap = 1
+    else
+      let s:done_remap = 0
+    endif
+  endif
+call s:SetupSupertab()
+" }}}
+" {{{ Map Jumper to the default key if not set already
+function! s:SnipMapKeys()
+  if (!hasmapto('<Plug>Jumper','i'))
+    if s:supInstalled == 1
+      exec 'imap '.g:snippetsEmu_key.' <Plug>Jumper'
+    else
+      exec 'imap <unique> '.g:snippetsEmu_key.' <Plug>Jumper'
+    endif
+  endif
+  if (!hasmapto( 'i<BS>'.g:snippetsEmu_key, 's'))
+    exec 'smap <unique> '.g:snippetsEmu_key.' i<BS>'.g:snippetsEmu_key
+  endif
+  imap <silent> <script> <Plug>Jumper <C-R>=<SID>Jumper()<CR>
+call s:SnipMapKeys()
+"call s:Debug("", "Mapped keys")
+" }}}
+" {{{ SetLocalTagVars()
+function! s:SetLocalTagVars()
+  if exists("b:snip_end_tag") && exists("b:snip_start_tag") && exists("b:snip_elem_delim")
+    return [b:snip_start_tag, b:snip_elem_delim, b:snip_end_tag]
+  else
+    return [g:snip_start_tag, g:snip_elem_delim, g:snip_end_tag]
+  endif
+" }}}
+" {{{ SetSearchStrings() - Set the search string. Checks for buffer dependence
+function! s:SetSearchStrings()
+  let [snip_start_tag, snip_elem_delim, snip_end_tag] = s:SetLocalTagVars()
+  let b:search_str = snip_start_tag.'\([^'.
+        \snip_start_tag.snip_end_tag.
+        \'[:punct:] \t]\{-}\|".\{-}"\)\('.
+        \snip_elem_delim.
+        \'[^'.snip_end_tag.snip_start_tag.']\{-1,}\)\?'.snip_end_tag
+  let b:search_commandVal = "[^".snip_elem_delim."]*"
+  let b:search_endVal = "[^".snip_end_tag."]*"
+" }}}
+" {{{ SetCom(text, scope) - Set command function
+function! <SID>SetCom(text, scope)
+  let text = substitute(a:text, '\c<CR>\|<Esc>\|<Tab>\|<BS>\|<Space>\|<C-r>\|<Bar>\|\"\|\\','\\&',"g")
+  if s:supInstalled == 1
+    call s:SetupSupertab()
+    call s:SnipMapKeys()
+  endif
+  let text = substitute(text, "\r$", "","")
+  let tokens = split(text, ' ')
+  call filter(tokens, 'v:val != ""')
+  if len(tokens) == 0
+    let output = join(s:ListSnippets("","","",eval(a:scope)) ,"\n")
+    if output == ""
+      echohl Title | echo "No snippets defined" | echohl None
+    else
+      echohl Title | echo "Defined snippets:" | echohl None
+      echo output
+    endif
+  " NOTE - cases such as ":Snippet if  " will intentionally(?) be parsed as a
+  " snippet named "if" with contents of " "
+  elseif len(tokens) == 1
+    let snip = s:Hash(tokens[0])
+    if exists(a:scope."trigger_".snip)
+      " FIXME - is there a better approach?
+      " echo doesn't handle ^M correctly
+      let pretty = substitute(eval(a:scope."trigger_".snip), "\r", "\n","g")
+      echo pretty
+    else
+      echohl Error | echo "Undefined snippet: ".snip | echohl None
+    endif
+  else
+    let [lhs, rhs] = [s:Hash(tokens[0]), join(tokens[1:])] 
+    call s:SetSearchStrings()
+    let g:search_str = b:search_str
+    exe "let ".a:scope."trigger_".lhs.' = "'.rhs.'"'
+  endif
+" }}}
+" {{{ RestoreSearch()
+" Checks whether more tags exist and restores hlsearch and @/ if not
+function! s:RestoreSearch()
+  if !search(b:search_str, "n")
+    if exists("b:hl_on") && b:hl_on == 1
+      setlocal hlsearch
+    endif
+    if exists("b:search_sav")
+      let @/ = b:search_sav
+    endif
+  endif
+" {{{ DeleteEmptyTag 
+function! s:DeleteEmptyTag()
+  let [snip_start_tag, snip_elem_delim, snip_end_tag] = s:SetLocalTagVars()
+  exec "normal zv".(s:StrLen(snip_start_tag) + s:StrLen(snip_end_tag))."x"
+" }}}
+" {{{ SetUpTags()
+function! s:SetUpTags()
+  let [snip_start_tag, snip_elem_delim, snip_end_tag] = s:SetLocalTagVars()
+  if (strpart(getline("."), col(".")+strlen(snip_start_tag)-1, strlen(snip_end_tag)) == snip_end_tag)
+    "call s:Debug("SetUpTags","Found an empty tag")
+    let b:tag_name = ""
+    if col(".") + s:StrLen(snip_start_tag.snip_end_tag) == s:StrLen(getline("."))
+      " We delete the empty tag here as otherwise we can't determine whether we
+      " need to send 'a' or 'A' as deleting the empty tag will sit us on the
+      " final character either way
+      call s:DeleteEmptyTag()
+      call s:RestoreSearch()
+      if col(".") == s:StrLen(getline("."))
+        return "\<Esc>a"
+      endif
+    else
+      call s:DeleteEmptyTag()
+      call s:RestoreSearch()
+      if col(".") == s:StrLen(getline("."))
+        return "\<Esc>A"
+      endif
+    endif
+    return ''
+  else
+    " Not on an empty tag so it must be a normal tag
+    let b:tag_name = s:ChopTags(matchstr(getline("."),b:search_str,col(".")-1))
+    "call s:Debug("SetUpTags","On a tag called: ".b:tag_name)
+"    Check for exclusive selection mode. If exclusive is not set then we need to
+"    move back a character.
+    if &selection == "exclusive"
+      let end_skip = ""
+    else
+      let end_skip = "\<Left>"
+    endif
+    let start_skip = repeat("\<Right>",s:StrLen(snip_start_tag)+1)
+    "call s:Debug("SetUpTags","Start skip is: ".start_skip)
+    "call s:Debug("SetUpTags","Col() is: ".col("."))
+    if col(".") == 1
+      "call s:Debug("SetUpTags","We're at the start of the line so don't need to skip the first char of start tag")
+      let start_skip = strpart(start_skip, 0, strlen(start_skip)-strlen("\<Right>"))
+      "call s:Debug("SetUpTags","Start skip is now: ".start_skip)
+    endif
+    "call s:Debug("SetUpTags","Returning: \<Esc>".start_skip."v/".snip_end_tag."\<CR>".end_skip."\<C-g>")
+    return "\<Esc>".start_skip."v/".snip_end_tag."\<CR>".end_skip."\<C-g>"
+  endif
+" }}}
+" {{{ NextHop() - Jump to the next tag if one is available
+function! <SID>NextHop()
+  let [snip_start_tag, snip_elem_delim, snip_end_tag] = s:SetLocalTagVars()
+  "call s:Debug("NextHop", "Col() is: ".col("."))
+  "call s:Debug("NextHop", "Position of next match = ".match(getline("."), b:search_str))
+  " First check to see if we have any tags on lines above the current one
+  " If the first match is after the current cursor position or not on this
+  " line...
+  if match(getline("."), b:search_str) >= col(".") || match(getline("."), b:search_str) == -1
+    " Perform a search to jump to the next tag
+    "call s:Debug("NextHop", "Seaching for a tag")
+    if search(b:search_str) != 0
+      return s:SetUpTags()
+    else
+      " there are no more matches
+      "call s:Debug("NextHop", "No more tags in the buffer")
+      " Restore hlsarch and @/
+      call s:RestoreSearch()
+      return ''
+    endif
+  else
+    " The match on the current line is on or before the cursor, so we need to
+    " move the cursor back
+    "call s:Debug("NextHop", "Moving the cursor back")
+    "call s:Debug("NextHop", "Col is: ".col("."))
+    "call s:Debug("NextHop", "Moving back to column: ".match(getline("."), b:search_str))
+    while col(".") > match(getline("."), b:search_str) + 1
+      call cursor(0,col('.')-1)
+    endwhile
+    "call s:Debug("NextHop", "Col is now: ".col("."))
+    " Now we just set up the tag as usual
+    return s:SetUpTags()
+  endif
+" }}}
+" {{{ RunCommand() - Execute commands stored in tags
+function! s:RunCommand(command, z)
+  let [snip_start_tag, snip_elem_delim, snip_end_tag] = s:SetLocalTagVars()
+  "call s:Debug("RunCommand", "RunCommand was passed this command: ".a:command." and this value: ".a:z)
+  if a:command == ''
+    return a:z
+  endif
+  " Save current value of 'z'
+  let snip_save = @z
+  let @z=a:z
+  " Call the command
+  execute 'let ret = '. a:command
+  " Replace the value
+  let @z = snip_save
+  return ret
+" }}}
+" {{{ MakeChanges() - Search the document making all the changes required
+" This function has been factored out to allow the addition of commands in tags
+function! s:MakeChanges()
+  " Make all the changes
+  " Change all the tags with the same name and no commands defined
+  let [snip_start_tag, snip_elem_delim, snip_end_tag] = s:SetLocalTagVars()
+  if b:tag_name == ""
+    "call s:Debug("MakeChanges", "Nothing to do: tag_name is empty")
+    return
+  endif
+  let tagmatch = '\V'.snip_start_tag.b:tag_name.snip_end_tag
+  "call s:Debug("MakeChanges", "Matching on this value: ".tagmatch)
+  "call s:Debug("MakeChanges", "Replacing with this value: ".s:replaceVal)
+  try
+    "call s:Debug("MakeChanges", "Running these commands: ".join(b:command_dict[b:tag_name], "', '"))
+  catch /E175/
+    "call s:Debug("MakeChanges", "Could not find this key in the dict: ".b:tag_name)
+  endtry
+  let ind = 0
+  while search(tagmatch,"w") > 0
+    try
+      let commandResult = s:RunCommand(b:command_dict[b:tag_name][0], s:replaceVal)
+    catch /E175/
+      "call s:Debug("MakeChanges", "Could not find this key in the dict: ".b:tag_name)
+    endtry
+    "call s:Debug("MakeChanges", "Got this result: ".commandResult)
+    let lines = split(substitute(getline("."), tagmatch, commandResult, ''),'\n')
+    if len(lines) > 1
+      call setline(".", lines[0])
+      call append(".", lines[1:])
+    else
+      call setline(".", lines)
+    endif
+    try
+      unlet b:command_dict[b:tag_name][0]
+    catch /E175/
+      "call s:Debug("MakeChanges", "Could not find this key in the dict: ".b:tag_name)
+    endtry
+  endwhile
+" }}}
+" {{{ ChangeVals() - Set up values for MakeChanges()
+function! s:ChangeVals(changed)
+  let [snip_start_tag, snip_elem_delim, snip_end_tag] = s:SetLocalTagVars()
+  if a:changed == 1
+    let s:CHANGED_VAL = 1
+  else
+    let s:CHANGED_VAL = 0
+  endif
+  "call s:Debug("ChangeVals", "CHANGED_VAL: ".s:CHANGED_VAL)
+  "call s:Debug("ChangeVals", "b:tag_name: ".b:tag_name)
+  let elem_match = match(s:line, snip_elem_delim, s:curCurs)
+  let tagstart = strridx(getline("."), snip_start_tag,s:curCurs)+strlen(snip_start_tag)
+  "call s:Debug("ChangeVals", "About to access b:command_dict")
+  try
+    let commandToRun = b:command_dict[b:tag_name][0]
+    "call s:Debug("ChangeVals", "Accessed command_dict")
+    "call s:Debug("ChangeVals", "Running this command: ".commandToRun)
+    unlet b:command_dict[b:tag_name][0]
+    "call s:Debug("ChangeVals", "Command list is now: ".join(b:command_dict[b:tag_name], "', '"))
+  catch /E175/
+    "call s:Debug("ChangeVals", "Could not find this key in the dict: ".b:tag_name)
+  endtry
+  let commandMatch = substitute(commandToRun, '\', '\\\\', 'g')
+    " The value has changed so we need to grab our current position back
+    " to the start of the tag
+    let replaceVal = strpart(getline("."), tagstart,s:curCurs-tagstart)
+    "call s:Debug("ChangeVals", "User entered this value: ".replaceVal)
+    let tagmatch = replaceVal
+    "call s:Debug("ChangeVals", "Col is: ".col("."))
+    call cursor(0,col('.')-s:StrLen(tagmatch))
+    "call s:Debug("ChangeVals", "Col is: ".col("."))
+  else
+    " The value hasn't changed so it's just the tag name
+    " without any quotes that are around it
+    "call s:Debug("ChangeVals", "Tag name is: ".b:tag_name)
+    let replaceVal = substitute(b:tag_name, '^"\(.*\)"$', '\1', '')
+    "call s:Debug("ChangeVals", "User did not enter a value. Replacing with this value: ".replaceVal)
+    let tagmatch = ''
+    "call s:Debug("ChangeVals", "Col is: ".col("."))
+  endif
+  let tagmatch = '\V'.snip_start_tag.tagmatch.snip_end_tag
+  "call s:Debug("ChangeVals", "Matching on this string: ".tagmatch)
+  let tagsubstitution = s:RunCommand(commandToRun, replaceVal)
+  let lines = split(substitute(getline("."), tagmatch, tagsubstitution, ""),'\n')
+  if len(lines) > 1
+    call setline(".", lines[0])
+    call append(".", lines[1:])
+  else
+    call setline(".", lines)
+  endif
+  " We use replaceVal instead of tagsubsitution as otherwise the command
+  " result will be passed to subsequent tags
+  let s:replaceVal = replaceVal
+  let line = line('.')
+  let col = col('.')
+  call s:MakeChanges()
+  call cursor(line, col)
+  unlet s:CHANGED_VAL
+" }}}
+"{{{ SID() - Get the SID for the current script
+function! s:SID()
+  return matchstr(expand('<sfile>'), '<SNR>\zs\d\+\ze_SID$')
+"{{{ CheckForInTag() - Check whether we're in a tag
+function! s:CheckForInTag()
+  let [snip_start_tag, snip_elem_delim, snip_end_tag] = s:SetLocalTagVars()
+  if snip_start_tag != snip_end_tag
+    " The tags are different so we can check to see whether the
+    " end tag comes before a start tag
+    let s:startMatch = match(s:line, '\V'.snip_start_tag, s:curCurs)
+    let s:endMatch = match(s:line, '\V'.snip_end_tag, s:curCurs)
+    if s:endMatch != -1 && ((s:endMatch < s:startMatch) || s:startMatch == -1)
+      " End has come before start so we're in a tag.
+      return 1
+    else
+      return 0
+    endif
+  else
+    " Start and end tags are the same so we need do tag counting to see
+    " whether we're in a tag.
+    let s:count = 0
+    let s:curSkip = s:curCurs
+    while match(strpart(s:line,s:curSkip),snip_start_tag) != -1 
+      if match(strpart(s:line,s:curSkip),snip_start_tag) == 0
+        let s:curSkip = s:curSkip + 1
+      else
+        let s:curSkip = s:curSkip + 1 + match(strpart(s:line,s:curSkip),snip_start_tag)
+      endif
+      let s:count = s:count + 1
+    endwhile
+    if (s:count % 2) == 1
+      " Odd number of tags implies we're inside a tag.
+      return 1
+    else
+      " We're not inside a tag.
+      return 0
+    endif
+  endif
+" {{{ SubSpecialVars(text)
+function! s:SubSpecialVars(text)
+  let text = a:text
+  let text = substitute(text, 'SNIP_FILE_NAME', expand('%'), 'g')
+  let text = substitute(text, 'SNIP_ISO_DATE', strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), 'g')
+  return text
+" }}}
+" {{{ SubCommandOutput(text)
+function! s:SubCommandOutput(text)
+  let search = '``.\{-}``'
+  let text = a:text
+  while match(text, search) != -1
+    let command_match = matchstr(text, search)
+    "call s:Debug("SubCommandOutput", "Command found: ".command_match)
+    let command = substitute(command_match, '^..\(.*\)..$', '\1', '')
+    "call s:Debug("SubCommandOutput", "Command being run: ".command)
+    exec 'let output = '.command
+    let output = escape(output, '\')
+    let text = substitute(text, '\V'.escape(command_match, '\'), output, '')
+  endwhile
+  let text = substitute(text, '\\`\\`\(.\{-}\)\\`\\`','``\1``','g')
+  return text
+" }}}
+" {{{ RemoveAndStoreCommands(text)
+function! s:RemoveAndStoreCommands(text)
+  let [snip_start_tag, snip_elem_delim, snip_end_tag] = s:SetLocalTagVars()
+  let text = a:text
+  if !exists("b:command_dict")
+    let b:command_dict = {}
+  endif
+  let tmp_command_dict = {}
+  try
+    let ind = match(text, b:search_str)
+  catch /E55: Unmatched \\)/
+    call confirm("SnippetsEmu has caught an error while performing a search. This is most likely caused by setting the start and end tags to special characters. Try setting the 'fileencoding' of the file in which you defined them to 'utf-8'.\n\nThe plugin will be disabled for the remainder of this Vim session.")
+    let s:Disable = 1
+    return ''
+  endtry
+  while ind > -1
+    "call s:Debug("RemoveAndStoreCommands", "Text is: ".text)
+    "call s:Debug("RemoveAndStoreCommands", "index is: ".ind)
+    let tag = matchstr(text, b:search_str, ind)
+    "call s:Debug("RemoveAndStoreCommands", "Tag is: ".tag)
+    let commandToRun = matchstr(tag, snip_elem_delim.".*".snip_end_tag)
+    if commandToRun != ''
+      let tag_name = strpart(tag,strlen(snip_start_tag),match(tag,snip_elem_delim)-strlen(snip_start_tag))
+      "call s:Debug("RemoveAndStoreCommands", "Got this tag: ".tag_name)
+      "call s:Debug("RemoveAndStoreCommands", "Adding this command: ".commandToRun)
+      if tag_name != ''
+        if has_key(tmp_command_dict, tag_name)
+          call add(tmp_command_dict[tag_name], strpart(commandToRun, 1, strlen(commandToRun)-strlen(snip_end_tag)-1))
+        else
+          let tmp_command_dict[tag_name] = [strpart(commandToRun, 1, strlen(commandToRun)-strlen(snip_end_tag)-1)]
+        endif
+      endif
+      let text = substitute(text, '\V'.escape(commandToRun,'\'), snip_end_tag,'')
+    else
+      let tag_name = s:ChopTags(tag)
+      if tag_name != ''
+        if has_key(tmp_command_dict, tag_name)
+          call add(tmp_command_dict[tag_name], '')
+        else
+          let tmp_command_dict[tag_name] = ['']
+        endif
+      endif
+    endif
+    "call s:Debug("RemoveAndStoreCommands", "".tag." found at ".ind)
+    let ind = match(text, b:search_str, ind+strlen(snip_end_tag))
+  endwhile
+  for key in keys(tmp_command_dict)
+    if has_key(b:command_dict, key)
+      for item in reverse(tmp_command_dict[key])
+        call insert(b:command_dict[key], item)
+      endfor
+    else
+      let b:command_dict[key] = tmp_command_dict[key]
+    endif
+  endfor
+  return text
+" }}}
+" {{{ ReturnKey() - Return our mapped key or Supertab key
+function! s:ReturnKey()
+  if s:supInstalled
+    "call s:Debug('ReturnKey', 'Snippy: SuperTab installed. Returning <C-n> instead of <Tab>')
+    return "\<C-R>=".s:SupSNR."SuperTab('n')\<CR>"
+  else
+    " We need this hacky line as the one below doesn't seem to work.
+    " Patches welcome
+    exe "return \"".substitute(g:snippetsEmu_key, '^<', "\\\\<","")."\""
+    "return substitute(g:snippetsEmu_key, '^<', "\\<","")
+  endif
+" }}}
+" {{{ Jumper()
+" We need to rewrite this function to reflect the new behaviour. Every jump
+" will now delete the markers so we need to allow for the following conditions
+" 1. Empty tags e.g. "<{}>".  When we land inside then we delete the tags.
+"  "<{:}>" is now an invalid tag (use "<{}>" instead) so we don't need to check for
+"  this
+" 2. Tag with variable name.  Save the variable name for the next jump.
+" 3. Tag with command. Tags no longer have default values. Everything after the
+" centre delimiter until the end tag is assumed to be a command.
+" Jumper is performed when we want to perform a jump.  If we've landed in a
+" 1. style tag then we'll be in free form text and just want to jump to the
+" next tag.  If we're in a 2. or 3. style tag then we need to look for whether
+" the value has changed and make all the replacements.   If we're in a 3.
+" style tag then we need to replace all the occurrences with their command
+" modified values.
+function! <SID>Jumper()
+  if s:Disable == 1
+    return substitute(g:snippetsEmu_key, '^<', "\\<",'')
+  endif
+  let [snip_start_tag, snip_elem_delim, snip_end_tag] = s:SetLocalTagVars()
+  " Set up some mapping in case we got called before Supertab
+  if s:supInstalled == 1 && s:done_remap != 1
+    call s:SetupSupertab()
+    call s:SnipMapKeys()
+  endif
+  if !exists('b:search_str') && exists('g:search_str')
+      let b:search_str = g:search_str
+  endif
+  if !exists('b:search_str')
+    return s:ReturnKey()
+  endif
+  let s:curCurs = col(".") - 1
+  let s:curLine = line(".")
+  let s:line = getline(".")
+  let s:replaceVal = ""
+  " First we'll check that the user hasn't just typed a snippet to expand
+  let origword = matchstr(strpart(getline("."), 0, s:curCurs), '\(^\|\s\)\S\{-}$')
+  let origword = substitute(origword, '\s', "", "")
+  "call s:Debug("Jumper", "Original word was: ".origword)
+  let word = s:Hash(origword)
+  " The following code is lifted from the imaps.vim script - Many
+  " thanks for the inspiration to add the TextMate compatibility
+  let rhs = ''
+  let found = 0
+  " Check for buffer specific expansions
+  if exists('b:trigger_'.word)
+    exe 'let rhs = b:trigger_'.word
+    let found = 1
+  elseif exists('g:trigger_'.word)
+  " also check for global definitions
+    exe 'let rhs = g:trigger_'.word
+    let found = 1
+  endif
+  if found == 0
+    " Check using keyword boundary
+    let origword = matchstr(strpart(getline("."), 0, s:curCurs), '\k\{-}$')
+    "call s:Debug("Jumper", "Original word was: ".origword)
+    let word = s:Hash(origword)
+    if exists('b:trigger_'.word)
+      exe 'let rhs = b:trigger_'.word
+    elseif exists('g:trigger_'.word)
+    " also check for global definitions
+      exe 'let rhs = g:trigger_'.word
+    endif
+  endif
+  if rhs != ''
+    " Save the value of hlsearch
+    if &hls
+      "call s:Debug("Jumper", "Hlsearch set")
+      setlocal nohlsearch
+      let b:hl_on = 1
+    else
+      "call s:Debug("Jumper", "Hlsearch not set")
+      let b:hl_on = 0
+    endif
+    " Save the last search value
+    let b:search_sav = @/
+    " Count the number of lines in the rhs
+    let move_up = ""
+    if len(split(rhs, "\<CR>")) - 1 != 0
+      let move_up = len(split(rhs, "\<CR>")) - 1
+      let move_up = move_up."\<Up>"
+    endif
+    " If this is a mapping, then erase the previous part of the map
+    " by returning a number of backspaces.
+    let bkspc = substitute(origword, '.', "\<BS>", "g")
+    "call s:Debug("Jumper", "Backspacing ".s:StrLen(origword)." characters")
+    let delEndTag = ""
+    if s:CheckForInTag()
+      "call s:Debug("Jumper", "We're doing a nested tag")
+      "call s:Debug("Jumper", "B:tag_name: ".b:tag_name)
+      if b:tag_name != ''
+        try
+          "call s:Debug("Jumper", "Commands for this tag are currently: ".join(b:command_dict[b:tag_name],"', '"))
+          "call s:Debug("Jumper", "Removing command for '".b:tag_name."'")
+          unlet b:command_dict[b:tag_name][0]
+          "call s:Debug("Jumper", "Commands for this tag are now: ".join(b:command_dict[b:tag_name],"', '"))
+        catch /E175/
+          "call s:Debug("Jumper", "Could not find this key in the dict: ".b:tag_name)
+        endtry
+      endif
+      "call s:Debug("Jumper", "Deleting start tag")
+      let bkspc = bkspc.substitute(snip_start_tag, '.', "\<BS>", "g")
+      "call s:Debug("Jumper", "Deleting end tag")
+      let delEndTag = substitute(snip_end_tag, '.', "\<Del>", "g")
+      "call s:Debug("Jumper", "Deleting ".s:StrLen(delEndTag)." characters")
+    endif
+    " We've found a mapping so we'll substitute special variables
+    let rhs = s:SubSpecialVars(rhs)
+    let rhs = s:SubCommandOutput(rhs)
+    " Now we'll chop out the commands from tags
+    let rhs = s:RemoveAndStoreCommands(rhs)
+    if s:Disable == 1
+      return substitute(g:snippetsEmu_key, '^<', "\\<",'')
+    endif
+    " Save the value of 'backspace'
+    let bs_save = &backspace
+    set backspace=indent,eol,start
+    return bkspc.delEndTag.rhs."\<Esc>".move_up."^:set backspace=".bs_save."\<CR>a\<C-r>=<SNR>".s:SID()."_NextHop()\<CR>"
+  else
+    " No definition so let's check to see whether we're in a tag
+    if s:CheckForInTag()
+      "call s:Debug("Jumper", "No mapping and we're in a tag")
+      " We're in a tag so we need to do processing
+      if strpart(s:line, s:curCurs - strlen(snip_start_tag), strlen(snip_start_tag)) == snip_start_tag
+        "call s:Debug("Jumper", "Value not changed")
+        call s:ChangeVals(0)
+      else
+        "call s:Debug("Jumper", "Value changed")
+        call s:ChangeVals(1)
+      endif
+      return "\<C-r>=<SNR>".s:SID()."_NextHop()\<CR>"
+    else
+      " We're not in a tag so we'll see whether there are more tags
+      if search(b:search_str, "n")
+        " More tags so let's perform nexthop
+        let s:replaceVal = ""
+        return "\<C-r>=<SNR>".s:SID()."_NextHop()\<CR>"
+      else
+        " No more tags so let's return a Tab after restoring hlsearch and @/
+        call s:RestoreSearch()
+        if exists("b:command_dict")
+          unlet b:command_dict
+        endif
+        return s:ReturnKey()
+      endif
+    endif
+  endif
+" }}}
+"{{{ ListSnippets() - Return a list of snippets - used for command completion
+function! s:ListSnippets(ArgLead, CmdLine, CursorPos, scope)
+  " Only allow completion for the second argument
+  " TODO
+    return sort(map(map(filter(keys(a:scope), 'v:val =~ "^trigger_'.a:ArgLead.'"'), 'v:val[8:]'), 's:UnHash(v:val)'))
+function! s:ListBufferSnippets(ArgLead, CmdLine, CursorPos)
+  return s:ListSnippets(a:ArgLead, a:CmdLine, a:CursorPos, b:)
+function! s:ListGlobalSnippets(ArgLead, CmdLine, CursorPos)
+  return s:ListSnippets(a:ArgLead, a:CmdLine, a:CursorPos, g:)
+" }}}
+" {{{ DelSnippet() - Delete a snippet
+function! s:DelSnippet(snippet, scope)
+  if a:snippet != ""
+    try
+      exec "unlet ".a:scope."trigger_".s:Hash(a:snippet)
+    catch /E108: No such variable:/
+      echom "Snippet '".a:snippet."' does not exist."
+    endtry
+  endif
+" }}}
+" {{{ Set up the 'Iabbr' and 'Snippet' commands
+"command! -nargs=+ Iabbr execute s:SetCom(<q-args>)
+"command! -nargs=+ Snippet execute s:SetCom("<buffer> ".<q-args>)
+command! -complete=customlist,s:ListGlobalSnippets -nargs=*
+         \ Iabbr call <SID>SetCom(<q-args>, "g:")
+command! -complete=customlist,s:ListBufferSnippets -nargs=*
+         \ Snippet call <SID>SetCom(<q-args>, "b:")
+command! -range CreateSnippet <line1>,<line2>call s:CreateSnippet()
+command! -range CreateBundleSnippet <line1>,<line2>call s:CreateBundleSnippet()
+command! -complete=customlist,s:ListBufferSnippets -nargs=*
+      \ DelSnippet call <SID>DelSnippet(<q-args>, "b:")
+command! -complete=customlist,s:ListGlobalSnippets -nargs=*
+      \ DelIabbr call <SID>DelSnippet(<q-args>, "g:")
+" {{{ Utility functions
+" This function will convert the selected range into a snippet
+function! s:CreateSnippet() range
+  let [snip_start_tag, snip_elem_delim, snip_end_tag] = s:SetLocalTagVars()
+  let snip = ""
+  if &expandtab
+      let tabs = indent(a:firstline)/&shiftwidth
+      let tabstr = repeat(' ',&shiftwidth)
+  else
+      let tabs = indent(a:firstline)/&tabstop
+      let tabstr = '\t'
+  endif
+  let tab_text = repeat(tabstr,tabs)
+  for i in range(a:firstline, a:lastline)
+    "First chop off the indent
+    let text = substitute(getline(i),tab_text,'','')
+    "Now replace 'tabs' with <Tab>s
+    let text = substitute(text, tabstr, '<Tab>','g')
+    "And trim the newlines
+    let text = substitute(text, "\r", '','g')
+    let snip = snip.text.'<CR>'
+  endfor
+  let tag = snip_start_tag.snip_end_tag
+  let split_sav = &swb
+  set swb=useopen
+  if bufexists("Snippets")
+    belowright sb Snippets
+  else
+    belowright sp Snippets
+  endif
+  resize 8
+  setlocal buftype=nofile
+  setlocal bufhidden=hide
+  setlocal noswapfile
+  let @"=tag
+  exe 'set swb='.split_sav
+  let trig = inputdialog("Please enter the trigger word for your snippet: ", "My_snippet")
+  if trig == ""
+    let trig = "YOUR_SNIPPET_NAME_HERE"
+  endif
+  call append("$", "Snippet ".trig." ".snip)
+  if getline(1) == ""
+    1 delete _
+  endif
+  call cursor(line('$'),1)
+" This function will convert the selected range into a snippet suitable for
+" including in a bundle.
+function! s:CreateBundleSnippet() range
+  let [snip_start_tag, snip_elem_delim, snip_end_tag] = s:SetLocalTagVars()
+  let snip = ""
+  if &expandtab
+      let tabs = indent(a:firstline)/&shiftwidth
+      let tabstr = repeat(' ',&shiftwidth)
+  else
+      let tabs = indent(a:firstline)/&tabstop
+      let tabstr = '\t'
+  endif
+  let tab_text = repeat(tabstr,tabs)
+  for i in range(a:firstline, a:lastline)
+    let text = substitute(getline(i),tab_text,'','')
+    let text = substitute(text, tabstr, '<Tab>','g')
+    let text = substitute(text, "\r$", '','g')
+    let text = substitute(text, '"', '\\"','g')
+    let text = substitute(text, '|', '<Bar>','g')
+    let snip = snip.text.'<CR>'
+  endfor
+  let tag = '".st.et."'
+  let split_sav = &swb
+  set swb=useopen
+  if bufexists("Snippets")
+    belowright sb Snippets
+  else
+    belowright sp Snippets
+  endif
+  resize 8
+  setlocal buftype=nofile
+  setlocal bufhidden=hide
+  setlocal noswapfile
+  let @"=tag
+  exe 'set swb='.split_sav
+  let trig = inputdialog("Please enter the trigger word for your snippet: ", "My_snippet")
+  if trig == ""
+    let trig = "YOUR_SNIPPET_NAME_HERE"
+  endif
+  call append("$", 'exe "Snippet '.trig." ".snip.'"')
+  if getline(1) == ""
+    1 delete _
+  endif
+  call cursor(line('$'),1)
+" This function will just return what's passed to it unless a change has been
+" made
+fun! D(text)
+  if exists('s:CHANGED_VAL') && s:CHANGED_VAL == 1
+    return @z
+  else
+    return a:text
+  endif
+" s:Hash allows the use of special characters in snippets
+" This function is lifted straight from the imaps.vim plugin. Please let me know
+" if this is against licensing.
+function! s:Hash(text)
+	return substitute(a:text, '\([^[:alnum:]]\)',
+				\ '\="_".char2nr(submatch(1))."_"', 'g')
+" s:UnHash allows the use of special characters in snippets
+" This function is lifted straight from the imaps.vim plugin. Please let me know
+" if this is against licensing.
+function! s:UnHash(text)
+	return substitute(a:text, '_\(\d\+\)_',
+				\ '\=nr2char(submatch(1))', 'g')
+" This function chops tags from any text passed to it
+function! s:ChopTags(text)
+  let text = a:text
+  "call s:Debug("ChopTags", "ChopTags was passed this text: ".text)
+  let [snip_start_tag, snip_elem_delim, snip_end_tag] = s:SetLocalTagVars()
+  let text = strpart(text, strlen(snip_start_tag))
+  let text = strpart(text, 0, strlen(text)-strlen(snip_end_tag))
+  "call s:Debug("ChopTags", "ChopTags is returning this text: ".text)
+  return text
+" This function ensures we measure string lengths correctly
+function! s:StrLen(str)
+  "call s:Debug("StrLen", "StrLen returned: ".strlen(substitute(a:str, '.', 'x', 'g'))." based on this text: ".a:str)
+  return strlen(substitute(a:str, '.', 'x', 'g'))
+" }}}
+" vim: set tw=80 sw=2 sts=2 et foldmethod=marker :

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