[SCM] Vim packaging branch, debian, updated. upstream/7.1.285-251-g8cd4a09

James Vega jamessan at debian.org
Mon Jul 14 05:35:40 UTC 2008

The following commit has been merged in the debian branch:
commit a1798086a71894c964663faf18f551413978e312
Merge: f2625c3e10e099866370b48706d7398a062db391 d777c34db572c2064ff658e12696b8657445f33a
Author: James Vega <jamessan at debian.org>
Date:   Mon Jul 14 01:21:58 2008 -0400

    Merge branch 'upstream-runtime' into debian

diff --combined src/Makefile
index fb8c3f3,69f091b..2c5c06a
--- a/src/Makefile
+++ b/src/Makefile
@@@ -310,6 -310,8 +310,8 @@@ CClink = $(CC
  #CONF_ARGS = --exec-prefix=/usr
  #CONF_ARGS = --with-vim-name=vim7 --with-ex-name=ex7 --with-view-name=view7
  #CONF_ARGS = --with-global-runtime=/etc/vim
+ #CONF_ARGS = --with-local-dir=/usr/share
+ #CONF_ARGS = --without-local-dir
  # Use this one if you distribute a modified version of Vim.
  #CONF_ARGS = --with-modified-by="John Doe"
@@@ -899,7 -901,7 +901,7 @@@ MAN1DIR = /man
  ### Vim version (adjusted by a script)
  ### Location of Vim files (should not need to be changed, and  {{{1
  ### some things might not work when they are changed!)
@@@ -1742,7 -1744,7 +1744,7 @@@ test check
  	-if test -n "$(MAKEMO)" -a -f $(PODIR)/Makefile; then \
  		cd $(PODIR); $(MAKE) -f Makefile check VIM=../$(VIMTARGET); \
- 	-if test $(VIMTARGET) != vim -a ! -e vim; then \
+ 	-if test $(VIMTARGET) != vim -a ! -r vim; then \
  		ln -s $(VIMTARGET) vim; \
  	cd testdir; $(MAKE) -f Makefile $(GUI_TESTTARGET) VIMPROG=../$(VIMTARGET) $(GUI_TESTARG)
@@@ -1777,6 -1779,7 +1779,6 @@@ installvimbin: $(VIMTARGET) $(DESTDIR)$
  	  rm -f $(DEST_BIN)/$(VIMNAME).rm; \
  # may create a link to the new executable from /usr/bin/vi
@@@ -1911,6 -1914,7 +1913,6 @@@ installtools: $(TOOLS) $(DESTDIR)$(exec
  	  rm -f $(DEST_BIN)/xxd.rm; \
 -	$(STRIP) $(DEST_BIN)/xxd$(EXEEXT)
  	chmod $(BINMOD) $(DEST_BIN)/xxd$(EXEEXT)
  	-$(SHELL) ./installman.sh xxd $(DEST_MAN) "" $(INSTALLMANARGS)
diff --combined src/po/zh_TW.UTF-8.po
index 24dc604,a046816..ff150b1
--- a/src/po/zh_TW.UTF-8.po
+++ b/src/po/zh_TW.UTF-8.po
@@@ -7,6 -7,8 +7,6 @@@
  # FIRST RELEASE Thu Jun 14 14:24:17 CST 2001
  # MAINTAINER: Debian VIM Maintainers <pkg-vim-maintainers at lists.alioth.debian.org>
 -# Last update: $LastChangedDate: 2006-04-16 22:06:40 -0400 (dom, 16 apr 2006) $
  # XXX This file is in need of a new maintainer, Debian VIM Maintainers maintain
  #     it only because patches have been submitted for it by Debian users and the
  #     former maintainer was MIA (Missing In Action), taking over its
@@@ -1372,7 -1374,7 +1372,7 @@@ msgstr "E203: Autocommand 刪除或釋æ
  msgid "E204: Autocommand changed number of lines in unexpected way"
  msgstr "E204: Autocommand 意外地改變了行號"
- msgid "NetBeans dissallows writes of unmodified buffers"
+ msgid "NetBeans disallows writes of unmodified buffers"
  msgstr "NetBeans 不能寫出未修改的緩衝區"
  msgid "Partial writes disallowed for NetBeans buffers"
@@@ -4526,14 -4528,14 +4526,14 @@@ msgstr "E440: 找不到要 undo 的行 
  #. Only MS VC 4.1 and earlier can do Win32s
  msgid ""
- "MS-Windows 16/32 bit GUI version"
+ "MS-Windows 16/32-bit GUI version"
  msgstr ""
  "MS-Windows 16/32 Bit 圖型界面版本"
  msgid ""
- "MS-Windows 32 bit GUI version"
+ "MS-Windows 32-bit GUI version"
  msgstr ""
  "MS-Windows 32 Bit 圖型界面版本"
@@@ -4546,28 -4548,28 +4546,28 @@@ msgstr "支援 OLE
  msgid ""
- "MS-Windows 32 bit console version"
+ "MS-Windows 32-bit console version"
  msgstr ""
  "MS-Windows 32 Bit console 版本"
  msgid ""
- "MS-Windows 16 bit version"
+ "MS-Windows 16-bit version"
  msgstr ""
  "MS-Windows 32 Bit console 版本"
  msgid ""
- "32 bit MS-DOS version"
+ "32-bit MS-DOS version"
  msgstr ""
  "32 Bit MS-DOS 版本"
  msgid ""
- "16 bit MS-DOS version"
+ "16-bit MS-DOS version"
  msgstr ""
  "16 Bit MS-DOS 版本"

Vim packaging

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